Badlands - Script

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BADLANDS by ~ Terrence Malick ~ fee ; / a c FINAL VERSION: Dialogue and : Continuity BURBANK, CA\ STORY LIBRARY ; Copyright 1972/73 : by Terrence Malick Rep: Mike Medavoy Registered IFA Writers Guild ¢ g255 Sunset Boulevard America # Los Angeles, California EDRCOM jetting her as she talxs on VOICE OVER. HOLLY (v.0.) My mother died of pneumonia when Iwas just a kid. My father had kept their wedding cake in the freezer for ten whole years. After the fun to the yaraman @ tried to act cheerful, gut he could never be consoled oy the little stranger he found in hi nouse. Then, one day, hoo begin a new ii?e away from scene of all his memories, us from Texas to Ft, Dupre Dakota. LD on FULL SHOT of bedroom. DISSOL EXT. ALLEYS AND STREETS - SERIES OF ANGLES - DAWi! The streets and alleys of Ft, Dupree at dawn. On sound we EEAR the clucking of DOVES. A t Details of the mechanisms at the bar the truck ANGLE XIT CARRUTHERS, beside 2 dead dog. He inspects back at fis friend and co-worker, his forties. truck ap the hero, a 25-year-old garbageman, 2 Looks xt a 2 dollar to eat re] S o ot g a 6 e e 3 a o a ct o » o ct 6 3 bangs cn the driver's door. Hey, Woody. Gt: JOODY waves nim off. Sit shrugs to Cato. aT Woody wouldn't give ae 2 cigarette. (pause) iver notice he don't talk zuca? Cato agrees with this. They make no regard for the sleep of the ne: ExT, STREET y, whispering some rhyme to he in the middle of an empty street. HOLLY (v.0.) Little did I realize that what began in the alleys and back ways of this quiet town would end i the Badlands of Montana. EXT. ALLEY is = tries to sell 2 gassing 2Ui 2 cair of shoes. 2UM Nan, they wouldn't fit. at How do you know? You 2 them on yet. BUM Neb. Gimme a dollar for them... Cato gicks thea upg and looks at then. CLOSE ON TRASE Cal wit is culling through 2 trash can, looking for valu reading other people's mail, etc. KIT (o.¢.) s lady don't ever pay a .. She's gonna get in trout if’she doesn't watch out. Cato, ignoring him, picks up 2 megazi the grass, ‘aen the CAMERA r off his apron. ne that 4 surns to Kit, se has peed KIT I throwed enough trash for today, Cato.... I'll see you in the morning. He slaps Cato on the back and wa. mouldy loaf of treed at Ais back. rn caro xT What do you mean? Ze throws the Loaf back at Cato. EXT. ALLEYS Kit walks through the deserted alleys of the sleeping tov as the MAIN TITLES APPEAR. valances 2 stolen a0p on fis finger; he stomps 4 can and looks eround to ses anyone hes spotted him at this, As the CREDITS end Holly in front of her house, ling 4 crosses the street and introduces 2 oy xr Iwas just messing arcund over there, thought I'd come over and say hello to you. (smiling) I'LL try anything once, (pause) What's your name? T said mine. HOLLY, KP lly, you want to teke What for? aT Well, I got some stuff to say. Guess I'm sind of lucky that wey. Most people don't have anything on their minds, do they? lly eyes him suspiciously. EXT. STREET ney walk down the middle of Ss offar, ar Oh, incidentally, my 1 Carruthers. Sounds 2 much like "druthers," doesn! EOLLT It's okay. at Well, nobody asked ae 5 thought, They just hung lly br: she (o.0.) xIT » I don't mind getting up early, so I got a job throwing garbage... I'm not in love with the stuff, okay. In the distance we hear Bolly!s FATHER calling ner. She eases off, HOLLY That's ay father. T got to run. aT Hey, wait a minute. When em T going to see you again? Holly isntt sure how to reply. HOLLY Well, I mow what ay daddy's going to say. (o.c.) What? HOLLY be honest? aT HOLLY Well, that I shouldn't 5¢ seen with anybody that collects garbage. KIT (0.c,) ‘LL sey that? ROLLY Yeah. (o.c.) Now what's he know about garcege, auh? HOLLY Nothing. There you go. HOLLY Well, I mean there's wants to kmow about it... I've got to run. She waves goodbye and runs off. Kit waves back. EXT. LLY'S BACK YARD ily walks into the back yard, whe: 1f-painted signs lean against the FATHER Who was that? HOLLY Just some doy. throws some paint off his brush onto the ground. HOLLY Is that going to ill the gress? flicks his brush teesingiy at her feet. a chair, giggling HOLLY You got some on my feet. FATHER nattd ae want? Just wented to mow if we needed any yardwork done... = said ao, and for him not to bother us. You ever held another job 3 sh for the City. CLERK You lost that cne? (CONTINUED) TECUED Wouldn't be her CLE: What kind of work ¢ you'd be qualified at I can't think of anything at the moment... I'd like you to write me out a slip, though, proving I came down here. CLARK Well, I think we could find you something... working cattle over at the gens. Kit sighs. aT Well, whet the hell. Just hove there's a breeze. The Clers gives him 2 slip of oeper. EXT, FRONT PORCH OF HOLLY'S HOUSE HOLLY (v.0.) He was handsomer than anybody I'd ever met. He looked jus like James Dean. She walks out the front dcor. ar HOLLY worid. xT HOLLZ (CONTINUES } HOLLY OT (0.0.) How do you say "Quit ay job" Spenish? HOLLY Something si trabajo. Kit offers her a cigarette, which she declines. aT Yeah, well, I'm going to work as a cowboy now... Or thinking ebcut it. It's a routine, like anything. that do you think? HOLLY I dents snow. He pulls himself up Well, at on me about wearing these so: any more. She watches him intently. This makes at You want to go for a ride? HOLL got homevor's. Well, T (0.0) Bring it along. Bis rwardness surprises her. EXT. DOWNTOWN STREET iN FT. DUPREE They ere walking through the downtown eres paper dag that someone has discerded on thi Somebody dropped = sidewalk. “a he appeers nervous about Ea Everybody did that, toun'd be a mess... He greets 2 passing stranger ar You're @ redhead. HOLLY I know. at Anybody ever call you "Red"? HOLLY Yeah, but I don't like it, aT Why not? HOLLY Just don't... I've got a headache. xIT Yeah? He steers ber toward his car, 2 customized gets in, he asks her: lercury. even more by his behavior. He takes out a note pad. ar What's that? VISITOR Well, I'd like to leave a message, iz that's okay. mar Sure. The Visitor jots something down and hands the note to it, xT You have to excuse me now. I have to go back inside. Bye, Kit closes the door. INT, STATRWELL Kit hides the Visitor's note in a vase and bounds up the ‘oe stairs to the first landing. mtr We're out of here, Tex. (CONTINUED) a ce CONTINUED: He turns back down the stairs. (n 2 rack at the bottom he finds a hat and coat, He takes them with him. INT COVERED ROOM Kit walks into the room where he left the Rich Man and pis maid. He now carries a bag of groceries under his arm, ar Hi, whatcha doing? RICH MAN dust thinking. maT Good a way to kill time as any... She okay? He points to the Meid with his pistol. RICH MAN Yes. anid Listen, ahe..We're going to take the Cadillac for a while. How'd that be? RICH MAN Fine. = Don't worry, I won't let her drive. He means Holly, Esud (continuing) Oh, and here's a list of everything we borrowed. Car's on there, too. He gives the list to the Rich Man and signals the Yaid to accompany them out. mr Okay, mam, let's go...come on. INT, HALLWAY Kit points the Rich Man and his Maid into a closet. (CONTINUED) 48, CONTINUED: xt You're my friend, aren't you? RICH MAN Yes. rar Okay, no monkey business, then. He locks the door of the closet once they are inside, starts off, then remembers something, takes a handker- chief out of his pocket and wipes his fingerprints off the door handle. xT Groceries. With this reminder he collects his bag of groceries ani heads down the hall. EXT, FRONT FORCE Kit and Holly come out the front door, Holly wears 2 shawl over her head as a disguise. Kit wears the outfit he took off the Rich Man's coat rack. He carries his groceries, rifle and a silver trophy he stole from somewhere in the house. mr ‘That guy could sell that list I gave him as a sample of my handwriting. Holly starts. orf. qr (continuing) Hey, why're you always walking ahead of me? EOLLY Well, why you always walting behind me? Eit grabs the seat of her pants. HOLL Don't mr Anybody ever done that to you before? f oC (CONTINUED) CONTINUED: HOLLY Mo. mar Positive? HOLLY Yes. mar Guess there's no way I'll ever ‘mow,. For sure. They round a corner into the garden. EXT. BACKYARD ‘They wal down the lawn toward the garage. We HEAR the TICKING OF SPRINKLERS off camera.

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