Whistleblower Program: File A Form TCR

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File a Form tCr

to become a whistleblower, you must complete and submit

a Form tCr either electronically, by mail or by facsimile.
to submit a Form tCr electronically, visit www.cftc.gov, and
click on the File a tip or Complaint button on the right-hand
side of the page. use the first link under the description of
the whistleblower Program.


to submit a Form tCr by mail or facsimile, print a Form tCr

from the whistleblower Program page on www.cftc.gov, and
send it to the address or fax number below.

The Commodity Futures Trading

Commission (CFTC) is the
federal government agency
that regulates the commodity
futures, commodity options,
and swaps trading markets.
As part of that responsibility,
the CFTC has instituted a
Whistleblower Program.

Commodity Futures trading Commission

Whistleblower Office
1155 21st Street, NW
Washington, DC 20581
Fax: 202.418.5975
866.366.2382 (Consumer Hotline)

Commodity Futures trading Commission

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