You Chose The Cross

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Lost in Wonder (You Chose the Cross) Words and Music by cms) dere MARTYN LAYZELL Keboard > te é @ the and LYou chose the cross wth oe 2 breath Gon) boosea the cords of sin l= mess Gui Eb2 (Em?) © . a SS per = fect life, the per = fect death You chose the cross. broke the ch of my ds = grace! You hose the cross. Bb FA, Bb @ «ry @ oS = —_ A crown of thorns You wore for us, and = Up Wom the grave vie "to. =~ 00s You Gm7 Eb2 (En?) @ . crowned us with eter = mal You chose the cross.- rose) @ pain so glo > = aust You hose the cross. Copyigt ©2002 Thankyou Mise (PRS) (adm yrlduide by EMI CMG Pblisting ‘Sells the Uc and Europe wish aby ki ‘Allmuhisresensa Usd y pamision CCL Sogo @ o (an) an) —_— And though Your soul was = yer-wheclmed with pain, — = The “sor row that Sur-raind ed You—~ was mine, — Fas Fr bp cm Bb/D as) © GE (ami) Gp) = be = l= ent to death, You 0 = yer = My wil ut Yours be! done," You Fus F Bb | | e | Gm Eb2 un = fail 1am for Fe = stored. Bb ° @ Ey) :

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