Rolemaster - Arms Law (2st Edition)

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First Edition
Product: Arms Law (2st Edition, 1st &
2nd Printing)
Stock #: AL 1100
Producer: Iron Crown Enterprises (ICE)
Designers: Coleman Charlton, Pete
Fenlon, Kurt Fischer and Bruce Shelley.
Release date: 1982
Category: Rolemaster System
Format: Shrink wrapped set containing
the Arms Law rules (Saddle-stapled
softcover booklet ANSI A, 12 pages),
Charts for 30 weapons (15 heavy loose
sheets ANSI A of blue-grey paper,
double sided), Maneuver Chart and
Critical Strike Tables (Four heavy
individual sheets on tan paper ANSI A,
double sided). A second printing came
with a colored slip cover sheet.
Comments: This is the second edition (or rather the second printing) of RM Arms Law,
which had the same monochrone cover as in the first edition/printing but in black and white
inking instead, reducing the number of printed pages of the rules text from 24 to 10 written in
a smaller font size to fit the same information as in the first printing, plus some more. Very
little of the original contents has been reedited or amended for this later edition, other than
streamling the volume. However, there has been one section added at the end (section 9)
which describes mounted attacks, pole arms options, thrown weapons and missiles, two
weapon combinations, bow preparation time, as well as notes on changes and conversion rules
for AD&D. The previous eight sections frn the first printing contain an Introduction,
Definitions, and the Tactical Combat Sequence which breaks down the 10 second round into
nine phases. The fourth section covers Defense, including armor types, shields, defensive
bonus and parry, while fifth sections covers attacks, such as weapon combinations and
offensive bonuses. The sixth section covers combat resolution, including swing and missile
attacks, involving the instructions on how to use attack charts and critical strikes tables, while
the seventh covers movement, maneuvers and orientation. The eight section comprises all of
the attack charts and critical tables, etc. This second edition soon came in a second printing
(making it the third actural printing in total) having its shrink wrapping bound together with a
color slip covering; the only difference between the prints was that the maneuver chart had its

earlier hand written type font changed into a type scripted. Arms Law was also soon to be
released together with the new Claw Law rules book in a boxed set that same year.

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