Feb 27 2016 Bulletin

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The Great Controversy and the Early

Memory Text: When they saw the courage of Peter and John and
realized that they were unschooled, ordinary men,
they were astonished and they took note that these
men had been with Jesus" (Acts 4:13, NIV).

1. Business Meeting Tonight! Church family, your
presence is required at 6:00 pm as we
close the Sabbath together, and well get
right into business at 6:30. We have a
very important evangelistic conversation
to conduct, so well see you all tonight!

Superintendent: Elder Cameron Munro

Praise & WorshipTeam 2
Hymn of Praise......Sing them over again to me. #287
Congregational Prayer......Simone Biggs
Today praying for: New Jersey Conference, Grandparents,
Revival and Thanksgiving
Next week: Ohio Conference, Pastoral Family, Women, Members

who worship alone Sheldon Bailey

Childrens Story............Elder Bob Reeve

Offering.....Ontario Advance...............Edwin Onyango
Scripture..............Romans 8:11....Rico Gultom
Special Music..Alisha Sealy

Elder Bob Reeve

Today is the Day!
Hymn of Consecration..A Shelter in the time of Storm......#538
Benediction...Elder Clara Baptiste

Sunset Today: 6:10 p.m. Next Friday: 6:17 p.m.

Next Weeks Offering Local Budget
Please send all bulletin related information by WEDNESDAY
9:00 p.m. to [email protected]

2. Pathfinders Club meeting tomorrow

morning at 10 am.
3. Wednesday evening study is for you!
Last week we had an exciting look at
Acts 2. This Wednesday, its Acts 3: The
early Christians begin a pattern of
4. Youth Bible Study Group for youth
ages 15 - 25+ continues every at
Thursday 7 pm @ 785 Nadine
Avenue (Ferreiras home).
5. Bible Study Group for Earliteens ages
11-14 is open Tuesdays at 7 pm. Teens
will continue using Amazing Facts
curriculum Most Important Questions.
Please call George Perez for further information.

6. The ABC Bookmobile is scheduled to be in London

Thursday, March 10th between 8-9 pm. Please call
1800-765-6955 to place your order two days in
7. Yes it's here again on March 12th
Youth and Young Adults day of prayer
and fasting. The theme "How to Live
Pure in an impure World. Please come and
give your support, be richly blessed and be
closer drawn to God. The Kingsway College
Choir will be presenting a concert to close the
Sabbath, and they will share supper with us.
Please bring a meal to share. More details will

8. Disaster Preparedness and

Food Handlers Permit Training
will be taking place at our
church, date to be announced. If
interested, please speak to Teresa Ferreira for
more details.
9. Church Parking Lot: Please be considerate
and leave all designated parking spaces for
parents with young families, or those with
mobility issues.
10. Mens Ministry meeting Sunday, February
28th at 8:30am. Please bring breakfast items
to share.
11. Outreach to the homeless continues
Sunday, February 28th. Volunteers,
please remember to be at 696 Dundas
Street Ark Aid Christian Mission at 6:15
pm. Parking is available behind the building. Dinner
begins at 7 pm with a 15 minute devotional time, and
ends at 8 pm, followed by a cleanup. Those interested
in volunteering please speak to Teresa Ferreira.
Donations of pasta and sauce is needed!
12. If you are age 55, or have friends who are over 55
and would like to join our Golden Age Club for
a Potluck Supper on Sunday, February 28th at 5:30
PM and an evening of table games in our Church
Hall. Bring your folding card table and a table game.
Please talk to Don Topper or any members of the
Senior's Ministry for more information.
13. Dr. Neil Nedleys Program Depression The Way
Out - Presented by the Living Truth Seventh Day
Adventist Company using rental space at the
Oakridge Presbyterian Church, 970 Oxford Street
West, London, ON. The program continues at 7:00
to 9:00 PM - March 1st, March 8th, March 15th,
March 22nd, March 29th, April 5th and April 7th.
Contact Kathy or Gord Rayner at 519-4726066/519-857-5575 or email:
[email protected]

.Communication Form
In order for us to serve you better, please complete this
Communication Form, detach and give it to the Pastor or
place it in the Offering Plate.
Name: _________________________________________
Phone: _________________________________________
Address: _______________________________________
Email: _________________________________________

Is ill at home
Requests Visitation
I want to be baptized
Seeks transfer of membership
Is in ____________________ Hospital
Is interested in Bible Studies
Has a Prayer Request
Other: _______________________________________
Birthday Wishes for February-March 5
Feb 2 Lo Richards
Feb 3 Moses Onyango
Feb 7 Alex Golovenko
Feb 8 Paula FerreiraGaspar
Feb 8 Dawn Williams

Feb 11 Randy Stevens

Feb 13 Grace San Diego
Feb 14 Gary Carter
Feb 16 Nadia Golovenko
Feb 17 Stephanie Roemer

Feb 22 Sri A. Halim

Feb 24 Michael Olawoore
Feb 25 Esther Stephen
Feb 26 Alison McKay
Mar 4 Clara Baptiste

Thought for the Day

True reverence for God is inspired by sense of his infinite
greatness and a realization of his presence. With this sense
of the Unseen, every heart should be deeply impressed. The
hour and place of prayer are sacred, because God is
there. And as reverence is manifested in attitude and
demeanour, the feeling that inspires it will be deepened. Holy
and reverend is His name, the psalmist declares. Psalm
111:9. Angels, when they speak that name, veil their
faces. With what reverence then, should we, who are fallen
and sinful, take it upon our lips!
--- E.G. White - Prophets and Kings, pg48

In a personal God: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Hebrews
In Jesus Christ as the Son of God and as our Saviour.
John 1:1-3,14
In the new birth through the acceptance of the Gospel.
John 3:1-7
That the Bible is the inspired Word of God. 2 Timothy
In the literal second coming of Jesus Christ. John 14:1-3;
Matthew 24:30
That man is mortal by nature. Job 4:17; 1 Timothy 4:15,16
That death is an unconscious state. Ecclesiastes 9:5; John
There will be resurrection of the righteous dead at the
second coming of Jesus Christ. 1 Thessalonians 4:16,17
That the wicked will not burn eternally but will be burned up.
Malachi 4:1-3
That righteousness comes by faith not by works. Romans
4:3-5; Ephesians 2:8
Saturday, the seventh day of the week, is designated by
God for holy use. Christians keep it as a sign of obedience,
loyalty, and love for God. Exodus 20:8-11; John 14:15
That the original seventh day Sabbath has never been
changed by divine authority and that all Christians are under
obligation to keep it holy. Luke 23:54-56
That the ten commandments are the standard of
righteousness by which all will be judged. James 2:10-12;
Exodus 20:3-17
In the support of the Gospel through tithes and offerings.
Leviticus 27:30,32; Malachi 3:6-11
In baptism by immersion. Romans 6:3-5
In abstaining from unhealthy practices such as the use of
tobacco, alcoholic beverages, unclean foods etc. Leviticus
11:1-24; Proverbs 23:29-32; 1 Corinthians 3:16,17


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