Eleanor Roosevelt Biography 1

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Some of the key takeaways from Eleanor Roosevelt's biography are that she overcame a difficult childhood to become a strong advocate for social reform programs and helping the less fortunate. She was also deeply committed to her duties and responsibilities to others.

Eleanor Roosevelt's childhood experiences with loneliness, loss and feeling different shaped her deep empathy for others suffering hardships. These experiences likely motivated her lifelong commitment to helping the disadvantaged and championing social reform programs.

As First Lady, Eleanor Roosevelt advocated for and helped implement many New Deal programs proposed by her husband Franklin Roosevelt including Social Security, public works projects, minimum wage and others. She was also a strong voice for women's rights and racial equality.

Before Reading

Eleanor Roosevelt

Video link at

Biography by William Jay Jacobs

What is your

DUTY to others?
RI 1 Cite textual evidence to
support analysis of what the text
says explicitly. RI 3 Analyze the
interactions between individuals,
events, and ideas in a text.
RI 5 Analyze the structure an
author uses to organize a text.

There are probably times when you wish you didnt owe anything
to anyone. However, like most people, you have responsibilities to
many different people. Family members, teachers, classmates, and
the teams and other groups you belong to all need you in one way or
another. In Eleanor Roosevelt, youll learn how a famous first ladys
commitment to her duties changed history.
QUICKWRITE Make a list of your duties to others. Which
of these do you think will most influence the adult you will
become? Explore that question in a journal entry, considering
career possibilities and other life choices you will be making.


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Meet the Author

text analysis: biography
A biography is the story of a persons life told by another
person, a biographer. Biographers often reveal their personal
opinions of their subject. However, they also balance their
opinions with facts and details that
provide information about the persons life
reveal important aspects of his or her personality
show us what others thought of the person
explain the importance of his or her life and work
As you read Eleanor Roosevelt, think about the purpose
and characteristics of a biography about a historical figure.

reading skill: identify chronological order

A biography usually presents events in chronological order, or
the order in which they happened. Words and phrases such as
then, next, within 18 months, meanwhile, by spring, and the first
few years may signal the order of events in this type of work.
A timeline can help you to summarize events or actions
by presenting the important details of a written work at a
glance. As you read Eleanor Roosevelt, keep track of the
order of events on a timeline like the one shown.
Eleanor is 6.

October 11, 1884

Roosevelt is born.

Elliott and
Hall are born.

Eleanors father
enters sanitarium.

vocabulary in context
These headlines describe important moments in
Eleanor Roosevelts life. Use context clues to figure out
the meaning of each boldfaced word.

Woman from Prominent Family Leads by Example

First Lady Is Compassionate Toward Others
Impoverished Families Going Hungry in America
Migrant Workers Search for Jobs
Roosevelt Feels Grave Obligation to Help
Women Dominate at Home-Front Meeting
Wavering Members Convinced to Support War Effort
Country Brooding at Death of President

William Jay Jacobs


The Biographer As an author who

wrote more than 30 biographies,
William Jay Jacobs said that he was
able to reach a very special audience:
young people searching for models. . . .
A Strong Role Model Jacobs admired
Eleanor Roosevelt for her strength
of character. He noted, The more I
learned about Eleanor Roosevelt, the
more I saw her as a woman of courage.
She turned her pain to strength.

background to the
Hard Times Eleanor Roosevelt was
rst lady of the United States from
1933 to 1945. Her husband, Franklin
D. Roosevelt, took ofce during
the Great Depression, a worldwide
economic crisis that lasted through
most of the 1930s. Millions of
Americans were unemployed,
penniless, and suffering.
Help on the Way To encourage
recovery, the Roosevelt administration
introduced programssuch as Social
Security and a minimum wagethat
still provide relief today. Many of the
First Ladys ideas were incorporated
into her husbands New Deal programs.

Go to thinkcentral.

Complete the activities in your Reader/Writer Notebook.


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William Jay Jacobs



leanor Roosevelt was the wife of President Franklin Delano

Roosevelt. But Eleanor was much more than just a presidents
wife, an echo of her husbands career.
Sad and lonely as a child, Eleanor was called Granny by her
mother because of her seriousness. People teased her about her looks
and called her the ugly duckling.. . .
Yet despite all of the disappointments, the bitterness, the misery she
experienced, Eleanor Roosevelt refused to give up. Instead she turned
her unhappiness and pain to strength. She devoted her life to helping
others. Today she is remembered as one of Americas greatest women. a
Eleanor was born in a fine townhouse in Manhattan. Her family
also owned an elegant mansion along the Hudson River, where they
spent weekends and summers. As a child Eleanor went to fashionable
parties. A servant took care of her and taught her to speak French.
Her mother, the beautiful Anna Hall Roosevelt, wore magnificent jewels
and fine clothing. Her father, Elliott Roosevelt, had his own hunting
lodge and liked to sail and to play tennis and polo. Elliott, who loved
Eleanor dearly, was the younger brother of Theodore Roosevelt, who
in 1901 became president of the United States. The Roosevelt family,
one of Americas oldest, wealthiest families, was respected and admired.


What can you infer about

Eleanor Roosevelt from
this 1957 photograph
taken at her home?

Why might Jacobs have
chosen to begin with
an overview of Mrs.
Roosevelts life?

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To the outside world it might have seemed that Eleanor had everything
that any child could wanteverything that could make her happy. But
she was not happy. Instead her childhood was very sad.
Almost from the day of her birth, October 11, 1884, people noticed
that she was an unattractive child. As she grew older, she could not help
but notice her mothers extraordinary beauty, as well as the beauty of her
aunts and cousins. Eleanor was plain looking, ordinary, even, as some
called her, homely. For a time she had to wear a bulky brace on her back
to straighten her crooked spine. b
When Eleanor was born, her parents had wanted a boy. They were
scarcely able to hide their disappointment. Later, with the arrival of two
boys, Elliott and Hall, Eleanor watched her mother hold the boys on her
lap and lovingly stroke their hair, while for Eleanor there seemed only
coolness, distance.
Feeling unwanted, Eleanor became shy and withdrawn. She also
developed many fears. She was afraid of the dark, afraid of animals, afraid
of other children, afraid of being scolded, afraid of strangers, afraid that
people would not like her. She was a frightened, lonely little girl.
The one joy in the early years of her life was her father, who always
seemed to care for her, love her. He used to dance with her, to pick her
up and throw her into the air while she laughed and laughed. He called
her little golden hair or darling little Nell.
Then, when she was six, her father left. An alcoholic, he went to live
in a sanitarium1 in Virginia in an attempt to deal with his drinking
problem. Eleanor missed him greatly.
Next her mother became ill with painful headaches. Sometimes for
hours at a time Eleanor would sit holding her mothers head in her lap
and stroking her forehead. Nothing else seemed to relieve the pain. At
those times Eleanor often remembered how her mother had teased her
about her looks and called her Granny. But even at the age of seven
Eleanor was glad to be helping someone, glad to be neededand noticed.
The next year, when Eleanor was eight, her mother, the beautiful
Anna, died. Afterward her brother Elliott suddenly caught diphtheria2
and he, too, died. Eleanor and her baby brother, Hall, were taken to live
with their grandmother in Manhattan.
A few months later another tragedy struck. Elliott Roosevelt, Eleanors
father, also died. Within eighteen months Eleanor had lost her mother,
a brother, and her dear father. c

Jacobs begins his
use of chronological
order with Eleanors
birth date. Start adding
events to your timeline.

Reread lines 5258.
What words and phrases
in these paragraphs
help you understand the
order of events and the
passage of time?

1. sanitarium (sBnQG-trPC-Em): an institution for the care of people with a specific disease or with other
health problems.
2. diphtheria (dGf-thrPC-E): a serious infectious disease.


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Eleanor Roosevelt with her father, Elliott Roosevelt


For the rest of her life Eleanor carried with her the letters that her
father had written to her from the sanitarium. In them he had told her
to be brave, to become well educated, and to grow up into a woman
he could be proud of, a woman who helped people who were suffering.
Only ten years old when her father died, Eleanor decided even then
to live the kind of life he had describeda life that would have made
him proud of her. d



ew things in life came easily for Eleanor, but the first few years after
her fathers death proved exceptionally hard. Grandmother Halls
dark and gloomy townhouse had no place for children to play. The family
ate meals in silence. Every morning Eleanor and Hall were expected to
take cold baths for their health. Eleanor had to work at better posture
by walking with her arms behind her back, clamped over a walking stick.
Instead of making new friends, Eleanor often sat alone in her room
and read. For many months after her fathers death she pretended that
he was still alive. She made him the hero of stories she wrote for school.
Sometimes, alone and unhappy, she just cried.
Some of her few moments of happiness came from visiting her uncle,
Theodore Roosevelt, in Oyster Bay, Long Island. A visit with Uncle Ted meant
playing games and romping outdoors with the many Roosevelt children.
Once Uncle Ted threw her into the water to teach her how to swim,
but when she started to sink, he had to rescue her. Often he would read

RI 3

In a biography, the story
of a persons life, the
biographer includes
facts and details that
reveal important
aspects of a subjects
personality. Often, a
biographer gives details
about a subjects early
life to show the major
forces that shaped
what the person would
become. Reread lines
5965. According to
Jacobs, how did Eleanors
father influence her
goals and values?

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to the children old Norse3 tales and poetry. It was

at Sagamore Hill, Uncle Teds home, that Eleanor
first learned how much fun it could be to read
books aloud.
For most of the time Eleanors life was grim.
Although her parents had left plenty of money for
her upbringing, she had only two dresses to wear
to school. Once she spilled ink on one of them, and
since the other was in the wash, she had to wear the
dress with large ink stains on it to school the next
day. It was not that Grandmother Hall was stingy.
Rather, she was old and often confused. Nor did
she show much warmth or love for Eleanor and
her brother. Usually she just neglected them.




ust before Eleanor turned fifteen,

Grandmother Hall decided to send her to
boarding school in England. The school she chose
was Allenswood, a private academy for girls located
on the outskirts of London.
It was at Allenswood that Eleanor, still thinking
of herself as an ugly duckling, first dared to
believe that one day she might be able to become
a swan.
At Allenswood she worked to toughen herself
physically. Every day she did exercises in the morning and took a
cold shower. Although she did not like competitive team sports, as
a matter of self-discipline she tried out for field hockey. Not only did
she make the team but, because she played so hard, also won the respect
of her teammates.
They called her by her family nickname, Totty, and showed their
affection for her by putting books and flowers in her room, as was the
custom at Allenswood. Never before had she experienced the pleasure
of having schoolmates actually admire her rather than tease her.
At Allenswood, too, she began to look after her health. She finally
broke the habit of chewing her fingernails. She learned to eat nutritious
foods, to get plenty of sleep, and to take a brisk walk every morning,
no matter how miserable the weather.
Under the guidance of the schools headmistress, Mademoiselle
Souvestre (or Sou), she learned to ask searching questions and think
for herself instead of just giving back on tests what teachers had said.

What mood does this

photograph of a teenage
Eleanor Roosevelt

3. Norse (nrs): coming from ancient Scandinavia, the area that is now Norway, Sweden, and Denmark.


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She also learned to speak French fluently, a skill she polished by traveling
in France, living for a time with a French family. Mademoiselle Souvestre
arranged for her to have a new red dress. Wearing it, after all of the old,
worn dresses Grandmother Hall had given her, made her feel very proud.
Eleanor was growing up, and the joy of young womanhood had begun
to transform her personality.
In 1902, nearly eighteen years old, she left Allenswood, not returning for
her fourth year there. Grandmother Hall insisted that, instead, she must be
introduced to society as a debutanteto go to dances and parties and begin
to take her place in the social world with other wealthy young women.
Away from Allenswood, Eleanors old uncertainty about her looks came
back again. She saw herself as too tall, too thin, too plain. She worried
about her buckteeth, which she thought made her look horselike. The
old teasing began again, especially on the part of Uncle Teds daughter,
Princess Alice Roosevelt, who seemed to take pleasure in making
Eleanor feel uncomfortable.
Eleanor, as always, did as she was told. She went to all of the parties
and dances. But she also began working with poor children at the
Rivington Street Settlement House4 on New Yorks Lower East Side.
She taught the girls gymnastic exercises. She took children to museums
and to musical performances. She tried to get the parents interested
in politics in order to get better schools and cleaner, safer streets. e

Language Coach
Etymology The
history of a word is
its etymology. Many
words we commonly
use include affixes, or
word parts that are
attached either to the
beginning (prefix) or
end (suffix) of base
words to create new
words. These affixes
often come from older
languages. The AngloSaxon suffix -hood
means state, quality,
or group. Reread lines
125126, which include
the word womanhood.
In your own words,
tell what you think
womanhood means.

Reread lines 131142.

Note that Jacobs
chooses details that
reveal various aspects
of Eleanors personality.
What are some of
her strengths and



eanwhile Eleanors life reached a turning point. She fell in love!

The young man was her fifth cousin, Franklin Delano Roosevelt.
Eleanor and Franklin had known each other since childhood. Franklin
recalled how once he had carried her piggyback in the nursery. When she
was fourteen, he had danced with her at a party. Then, shortly after her
return from Allenswood, they had met by chance on a train. They talked
and almost at once realized how much they liked each other.
For a time they met secretly. Then they attended parties together.
Franklintall, strong, handsomesaw her as a person he could trust.
He knew that she would not try to dominate him. f
But did he really love her? Would he always? She wrote to him, quoting
a poem she knew: Unless you can swear, For life, for death! . . . Oh,
never call it loving!
Franklin promised that his love was indeed for life, and Eleanor
agreed to marry him. It was the autumn of 1903. He was twenty-one.
She was nineteen.
On March 17, 1905, Eleanor and Franklin were married. Uncle Ted,
by then president of the United States, was there to give the bride away.


Reread lines 143152.
What words and phrases
help you understand
the order in which
Eleanor and Franklins
relationship progressed?
dominate (dJmPE-nAtQ)
v. to have control over

4. settlement house: a place in a poor, neglected neighborhood where services are provided for residents.

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It was sometimes said that the dynamic, energetic Theodore Roosevelt

had to be the bride at every wedding and the corpse at every funeral.
And it was certainly true that day. Wherever the president went, the
guests followed at his heels.
Before long Eleanor and Franklin found themselves standing all alone,
deserted. Franklin seemed annoyed, but Eleanor didnt mind. She had
found the ceremony deeply moving. And she stood next to her husband
in a glow of idealismvery serious, very grave, very much in love.
In May 1906 the couples first child was born. During the next nine years
Eleanor gave birth to five more babies, one of whom died in infancy. Still
timid, shy, afraid of making mistakes, she found herself so busy that there
was little time to think of her own drawbacks.
Still, looking back later on the early years of her marriage, Eleanor knew
that she should have been a stronger person, especially in the handling of
Franklins mother, or, as they both called her, Mamm. Too often Mamm
made the decisions about such things as where they would live, how
their home would be furnished, how the children would be disciplined.
Eleanor and Franklin let her pay for things they could not affordextra
servants, vacations, doctor bills, clothing. She offered, and they accepted.

grave (grAv) adj. solemn

and dignified

efore long, trouble developed in the relationship between Eleanor

and Franklin. Serious, shy, easily embarrassed, Eleanor could not
share Franklins interests in golf and tennis. He enjoyed light talk and
flirting with women. She could not be lighthearted. So she stayed on
the sidelines. Instead of losing her temper, she bottled up her anger and
did not talk to him at all. As he used to say, she clammed up. Her
silence only made things worse, because it puzzled him. Faced with her
coldness, her brooding silence, he only grew angrier and more distant.
Meanwhile Franklins career in politics advanced rapidly. In 1910 he
was elected to the New York State Senate. In 1913 President Wilson
appointed him Assistant Secretary of the Navya powerful position
in the national government, which required the Roosevelts to move
to Washington, D.C. g
In 1917 the United States entered World War I as an active combatant.
Like many socially prominent women, Eleanor threw herself into the war
effort. Sometimes she worked fifteen and sixteen hours a day. She made
sandwiches for soldiers passing through the nations capital. She knitted
sweaters. She used Franklins influence to get the Red Cross to build a
recreation room for soldiers who had been shell-shocked5 in combat. . . .
In 1920 the Democratic Party chose Franklin as its candidate for
vice-president of the United States. Even though the Republicans won

brooding (brLPdGng)
adj. full of worry;
troubled brood v.

The word meanwhile
indicates that
something else
happened at the same
time. In what ways are
the early years of their
marriage different for
Eleanor and Franklin?
(prJmPE-nEnt) adj.
well-known; widely

5. shell-shocked: affected with a nervous or mental disorder resulting from the strain of battle.


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the election, Roosevelt became a well-known figure in national politics.

All the time, Eleanor stood by his side, smiling, doing what was expected
of her as a candidates wife.
She did what was expectedand much morein the summer of 1921
when disaster struck the Roosevelt family. While on vacation Franklin
suddenly fell ill with infantile paralysispoliothe horrible disease that
each year used to kill or cripple thousands of children, and many adults
as well. When Franklin became a victim of polio, nobody knew what
caused the disease or how to cure it.
Franklin lived, but the lower part of his body remained paralyzed.
For the rest of his life he never again had the use of his legs. He had
to be lifted and carried from place to place. He had to wear heavy steel
braces from his waist to the heels of his shoes.
His mother, as well as many of his advisers, urged him to give up
politics, to live the life of a country gentleman on the Roosevelt estate
at Hyde Park, New York. This time, Eleanor, calm and strong, stood up
for her ideas. She argued that he should not be treated like a sick person,
tucked away in the country, inactive, just waiting for death to come.
Franklin agreed. Slowly he recovered his health. His energy returned.
In 1928 he was elected governor of New York. Then, just four years later,
he was elected president of the United States. h

Why was Franklins
illness a turning point
for Eleanor?

President Franklin Delano Roosevelt and First Lady Eleanor Roosevelt, April 17, 1938

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By visiting places such as this school for underprivileged boys, Eleanor Roosevelt
raised public awareness of social problems.



Meanwhile Eleanor had changed. To keep Franklin in the public eye

while he was recovering, she had gotten involved in politics herself. It was,
she thought, her duty. From childhood she had been taught to do the
thing that has to be done, the way it has to be done, when it has to be done.
With the help of Franklins adviser Louis Howe, she made fundraising speeches for the Democratic Party all around New York State.
She helped in the work of the League of Women Voters, the Consumers
League, and the Foreign Policy Association. After becoming interested
in the problems of working women, she gave time to the Womens Trade
Union League (WTUL).6
It was through the WTUL that she met a group of remarkable women
women doing exciting work that made a difference in the world. They
taught Eleanor about life in the slums. They awakened her hopes that
something could be done to improve the condition of the poor. She dropped
out of the fashionable society of her wealthy friends and joined the world
of reformsocial change.
For hours at a time Eleanor and her reformer friends talked with
Franklin. They showed him the need for new laws: laws to get children
out of the factories and into schools; laws to cut down the long hours
that women worked; laws to get fair wages for all workers.

Language Coach
Idioms An idiom
is a phrase that has
a meaning that is
different from that of
its individual words.
The phrase in the public
eye means frequently
seen in public and in
the media. With that
meaning in mind, why
do you think Eleanors
actions were so

6. Womens Trade Union League: an organization founded in 1903 to promote laws to protect
the rights of women working in factories and to help establish labor unions for women.


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y the time that Franklin was sworn in as president, the nation

was facing its deepest depression. One out of every four Americans
was out of work, out of hope. At mealtimes people stood in lines in front
of soup kitchens for something to eat. Mrs. Roosevelt herself knew of
once-prosperous families who found themselves reduced to eating stale
bread from thrift shops or traveling to parts of town where they were not
known to beg for money from house to house.
Eleanor worked in the charity kitchens, ladling out soup. She visited
slums. She crisscrossed the country learning about the suffering of coal
miners, shipyard workers, migrant farm workers, students, housewives
Americans caught up in the paralysis of the Great Depression. Since
Franklin himself remained crippled, she became his eyes and ears, informing
him of what the American people were really thinking and feeling.
Eleanor also was the presidents conscience, personally urging on him
some of the most compassionate, forward-looking laws of his presidency,
including, for example, the National Youth Administration (NYA), which
provided money to allow impoverished young people to stay in school.
She lectured widely, wrote a regularly syndicated7 newspaper column,
My Day, and spoke frequently on the radio. She fought for equal pay
for women in industry. Like no other First Lady up to that time, she
became a link between the president and the American public.
Above all she fought against racial and religious prejudice. When Eleanor
learned that the DAR (Daughters of the American Revolution) would
not allow the great black singer Marian Anderson to perform in their
auditorium in Washington, D.C., she resigned from the organization. Then
she arranged to have Miss Anderson sing in front of the Lincoln Memorial.
Similarly, when she entered a hall where, as often happened in those
days, blacks and whites were seated in separate sections, she made it
a point to sit with the blacks. Her example marked an important step
in making the rights of blacks a matter of national priority.
On December 7, 1941, Japanese forces launched a surprise attack
on the American naval base at Pearl Harbor, Hawaii, as well as on other
American installations in the Pacific. The United States entered World
War II, fighting not only against Japan but against the brutal dictators
who then controlled Germany and Italy.
Eleanor helped the Red Cross raise money. She gave blood, sold war
bonds. But she also did the unexpected. In 1943, for example, she visited
barracks and hospitals on islands throughout the South Pacific. When
she visited a hospital, she stopped at every bed. To each soldier she said
something special, something that a mother might say. Often, after she
left, even battle-hardened men had tears in their eyes. Admiral Nimitz,

migrant (mFPgrEnt) adj.

moving from place
to place

(kEm-pBshPE-nGt) adj.
wanting to help those
who suffer
(Gm-pJvPEr-Gsht) adj.
very poor impoverish v.


At the Lincoln
Memorial, Marian
Anderson performed
in front of 75,000
people. Later, in 1943,
Anderson performed at
Constitution Hall, where
she had been denied the
opportunity to sing.

7. syndicated (sGnPdG-kAtQGd): sold to many newspapers for publication.

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who originally thought such visits would be a nuisance, became one

of her strongest admirers. Nobody else, he said, had done so much
to help raise the spirits of the men. i
By spring 1945 the end of the war in Europe seemed near. Then,
on April 12, a phone call brought Eleanor the news that Franklin
Roosevelt, who had gone to Warm Springs, Georgia, for a rest, was dead.
As Eleanor later declared, I think that sometimes I acted as his
290 conscience. I urged him to take the harder path when he would have
preferred the easier way. In that sense, I acted on occasion as a spur,
even though the spurring was not always wanted or welcome.
Of course, said Eleanor, I loved him, and I miss him.
After Franklins funeral, every day that Eleanor was home at Hyde Park,
without fail, she placed flowers on his grave. Then she would stand very
still beside him there.
With Franklin dead, Eleanor Roosevelt might have dropped out
of the public eye, might have been remembered in the history books only
as a footnote to the presidents program of social reforms. Instead she
300 found new strengths within herself, new ways to live a useful, interesting
lifeand to help others. Now, moreover, her successes were her own,
not the result of being the presidents wife. j

n December 1945 President Harry S. Truman invited her to be one

of the American delegates going to London to begin the work of the
United Nations. Eleanor hesitated, but the president insisted. He said
that the nation needed her; it was her duty. After that, Eleanor agreed.
In the beginning some of her fellow delegates from the United States
considered her unqualified for the position, but after seeing her in action,
they changed their minds.
It was Eleanor Roosevelt who, almost single-handedly, pushed through
the United Nations General Assembly a resolution giving refugees from
World War II the right not to return to their native lands if they did not
wish to. The Russians angrily objected, but Eleanors reasoning convinced
wavering delegates. In a passionate speech defending the rights of the
refugees she declared, We [must] consider first the rights of man and
what makes men more freenot governments, but man!
Next Mrs. Roosevelt helped draft the United Nations Declaration
of Human Rights. The Soviets wanted the declaration to list the duties
people owed to their countries. Again Eleanor insisted that the United
320 Nations should stand for individual freedomthe rights of people
to free speech, freedom of religion, and such human needs as health care
and education. In December 1948, with the Soviet Union and its allies
refusing to vote, the Declaration of Human Rights won approval of the
UN General Assembly by a vote of forty-eight to zero.

What does Admiral
Nimitzs change in
attitude suggest about
the quality of the First
Ladys work?

Reread lines 297302.
What words and phrases
does Jacobs use that
give important details
about Eleanor?

wavering (wAPvEr-Gng)
adj. hesitating between
two choices waver v.

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As a delegate to the United Nations, Eleanor Roosevelt

defended peoples rights and freedoms.




Even after retiring from her post at the UN, Mrs. Roosevelt continued
to travel. In places around the world she dined with presidents and kings.
But she also visited tenement slums8 in Bombay, India; factories in
Yugoslavia; farms in Lebanon and Israel. k
Everywhere she met people who were eager to greet her. Although
as a child she had been brought up to be formal and distant, she had grown
to feel at ease with people. They wanted to touch her, to hug her, to kiss her.
Eleanors doctor had been telling her to slow down, but that was hard
for her. She continued to write her newspaper column, My Day, and
to appear on television. She still began working at seven-thirty in the
morning and often continued until well past midnight. Not only did she
write and speak, she taught retarded children and raised money for health
care of the poor.
As author Clare Boothe Luce put it, Mrs. Roosevelt has done more
good deeds on a bigger scale for a longer time than any woman who
ever appeared on our public scene. No woman has ever so comforted the
distressed or so distressed the comfortable.
Gradually, however, she was forced to withdraw from some of her
activities, to spend more time at home.
On November 7, 1962, at the age of seventy-eight, Eleanor died
in her sleep. She was buried in the rose garden at Hyde Park, alongside
her husband.
Adlai Stevenson, the American ambassador to the United Nations,
remembered her as the First Lady of the World, as the personmale or
femalemost effective in working for the cause of human rights. As Stevenson
declared, She would rather light a candle than curse the darkness. l
And perhaps, in sum, that is what the struggle for human rights
is all about. 

Reread lines
303328. Note the
accomplishments that
Mrs. Roosevelt achieved
after her husbands
death. What words
and phrases help you
figure out the order
of the events?

Reread lines 338350.
Why might Jacobs quote
two famous people and
their thoughts about
Mrs. Roosevelt in these
last paragraphs?

8. tenement (tDnPE-mEnt) slums: parts of a city where poor people live in crowded, shabby buildings.

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After Reading

1. Recall Tell how Eleanor felt about herself as a young girl.
2. Summarize What are some examples of ways Mrs. Roosevelt helped society?
3. Clarify How did Mrs. Roosevelt act as her husbands eyes and ears when
he was president?

RI 1 Cite textual evidence to

support analysis of what the text
says explicitly. RI 3 Analyze the
interactions between individuals,
events, and ideas in a text.
RI 5 Analyze the structure an
author uses to organize a text.

Text Analysis
4. Examine Chronological Order Review the timeline you made. What period
do you think contains the most important events in Eleanor Roosevelts life?
5. Make Inferences Reread the quotation by Clare Boothe Luce in lines 338
341. Who were the comfortable people, and how did Mrs. Roosevelt
distress them?
6. Analyze Cause and Effect
How do you think Eleanors
childhood affected the choices
she made later in life? Create
a chart to show the effects of
these experiences, or causes.
Some causes will have more
than one effect.

Eleanors father told
her to help people
who were suffering.

She worked
with poor


Eleanor was teased

and made fun of.

7. Make Judgments Adlai Stevenson referred to Mrs. Roosevelt as the First

Lady of the World. Do you agree with this statement? Explain.
8. Evaluate Biography Review the bulleted list at the top of page 785. In your
opinion, did Jacobs achieve his purpose as a biographer? Provide examples
from the text that support your opinion.

Extension and Challenge


SOCIAL STUDIES CONNECTION In addition to arranging for Marian

Anderson to sing at the Lincoln Memorial, Mrs. Roosevelt supported
civil rights in other ways. Research to find two more examples of how the
First Lady promoted womens rights or racial equality.

What is your DUTY to others?

On page 794, Jacobs writes that Eleanor Roosevelt was taught to do the
thing that has to be done, the way it has to be done, when it has to be
done. Think about how this view had an impact on her life. Then reread
the journal entry you wrote for page 784. Compare your generations
attitude toward duty to Eleanor Roosevelts attitude.


unit 7: biogr aphy and autobiogr aphy

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Vocabulary in Context
vocabulary practice
Note the letter of the item you might associate with each boldfaced word.
1. prominent: (a) an unexplored cave, (b) a well-known lawyer,
(c) a narrow valley
2. brooding: (a) an unhappy person, (b) a late-model car, (c) a small garden
3. migrant: (a) a successful business, (b) a bad headache, (c) a traveling worker
4. grave: (a) a loud party, (b) a serious illness, (c) a reunion between
two brothers
5. impoverished: (a) a brick sidewalk, (b) a large grocery store, (c) a poor family
6. wavering: (a) a nosy neighbor, (b) a tough decision, (c) the beginning
of winter
7. dominate: (a) a poorly planned event, (b) an undefeated team,
(c) a serious drought
8. compassionate: (a) two children playing, (b) an angry crowd, (c) a kind nurse




migra nt


academic vocabulary in writing






In a paragraph, link Eleanor Roosevelts childhood traits to those she

displayed as an adult. Try to use one or more of the Academic Vocabulary
words in your paragraph.

vocabulary strategy: words with anglo-saxon roots

Many word parts we use today come from the Anglo-Saxon language, an
early form of English called Old English. For example, the word forecast is
made up of the Anglo-Saxon word fore-, which means in front,
before, ahead of time, and cast, which means to throw or
calculate. To understand the meaning of words with cast, you
can often use context clues and your knowledge of the roots
PRACTICE Choose a word from the web that best completes each
sentence. Use context clues or, if necessary, a dictionary.

L 4b Use common gradeappropriate roots as clues to the

meaning of a word.



1. After losing the big game, the

team left the field.

2. The reality-show contestant felt like a
when she was eliminated
from the competition.
3. Because of the weather
, we looked forward to a snow day.
4. On the deserted island, the
had no contact with anyone.
5. In order to hear the concert, you must download the

Go to thinkcentral.com.

eleanor roosevelt

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