Packer Memo
Packer Memo
Packer Memo
Interested Parties
Paid for by Our Principles PAC and not authorized by any candidate or candidates committee.
1) There is no Silver Bullet. Running ads on a single issue wont stop Donald
Trump. Rather, its the cumulative effect of highlighting his positions on:
Government-sponsored, universal health care.
A $5.4 trillion dollar tax increase he outlined in his book, The America We
Deserve recognized by independent analysts as the single biggest tax
increase in American history.
Open hypocrisy on his signature issue of illegal immigration, including a
blatant flip-flop on the issue within weeks of his announcement and past use
of illegal immigrants to help build his hotels.
Support for partial-birth abortion, fervent praise for Planned Parenthood,
and past pro-choice positions.
Strong financial support for Democrats and glowing comments about Hillary
Clinton, Nancy Pelosi, and others.
A lack of support for the Second Amendment and a position that puts him
more in line with President Obama than primary voting Republicans.
Use of eminent domain for personal profit.
Support for the trillion-dollar Obama stimulus & bailout of big banks and big
The Attorney General of New York accused him of defrauding innocent
victims through the now-defunct Trump University.
Repeated bankruptcies, bailouts, and other business failings.
Shallow and incoherent comments about serious issues relating to foreign
policy and Americas role on the world stage.
This is NOT the ideology of a conservative Republican candidate working to win the
nomination of the conservative Republican Party. His beliefs are rooted in a
conservatism of convenience in which he ignores his long history of supporting
every liberal position over his entire adult life, and now purports to be conservative
because it suits his needs. He is also not a candidate who can unite the Party or the
country behind him, given his ideology and history of derogatory comments about
women and non-white voters.
2) We Must Allow Voters to Draw their Own Conclusions. Our research shows,
overwhelmingly, that putting out information, in his own words, and then asking
voters a few questions such as How much do you really know about Donald Trump?
Can we Trust him? is the most effective route to highlighting his conservatism of
convenience and moving voters to other candidates. Telling voters Donald Trump is
a liar, a fraud, a liberal is counterproductive. They will shut down and discount
other accurate and valuable information.
3) The terrain is about to become more favorable. Thanks to closed primaries in
upcoming states, we are moving to 14 states with 597 delegates at stake where only
Republicans can vote in the month of March. These contests dont allow
Independents and non-affiliated voters to participate. As we saw in Iowa, efforts
like the one we describe above are more effective in GOP-only primaries.
Paid for by Our Principles PAC and not authorized by any candidate or candidates committee.
Take Iowa for example. On January 21, when OPP opened its doors, Donald Trump
was at 29 percent in the Real Clear Politics polling average. OPP spent over $1
million on four television ads, which were supplemented with radio. We dropped six
pieces of mail to micro-targeted universes of people who were considering Trump
totaling 350,000 printed pieces. Our efforts culminated in a voter guide and
statewide newspaper buy the day before the Iowa caucuses. We saw his negatives
slowly rise and his positives drop. He ended up garnering 24 percent of the vote,
which was enough to deprive him of victory. When this playbook is followed,
4) Success Requires Significant Resources Behind These Messages. To date,
OPP has spent more than $3.5 million. In Iowa, voters who decided on a candidate
late in the process broke heavily against Donald Trump. In fact, only 14 percent of
late-deciding voters cast their ballot in his favor, according to exit polls. We saw the
same effect beginning to occur in South Carolina, where Trumps support dropped
by anywhere from 5 10 points, and only 17 percent of late deciders broke his way.
Unfortunately, we didnt have the time or resources to be as aggressive as we were
in Iowa. Despite leading in the polls, much of his support is soft and our efforts have
started to have an impact on Donald Trumps image.
With so much at stake in this election, there is no doubt that more is needed to
expose Donald Trumps convenient conservatism. The next President will have to
deal with a $20 trillion debt, the appointment of several Supreme Court justices, a
shaky economy, a government-run health care system that is failing the American
people and our veterans, and great dangers from foreign threats. It is critical that
the GOP candidate present a strong contrast with Hillary Clinton on policy, in order
to unite our Party and the country and beat her in a general election. Its time for all
efforts aimed at exposing Donald Trump to follow the same strategy. If all of us join
forces in a concerted effort to expose his record and his rhetoric, it is possible to
stop him. If not, we will have the nominee we deserve.
Paid for by Our Principles PAC and not authorized by any candidate or candidates committee.