Ex Lesson Document Camera
Ex Lesson Document Camera
Ex Lesson Document Camera
1. Know and apply grade-level phonics and word analysis skills in decoding
a. Distinguish long and short vowels when reading regularly spelled
one-syllable words.
b. Identify words with inconsistent but common spelling-sound
c. Recognize and read grade-appropriate irregularly spelled words.
Content Elaborations The National Reading Panel advocates systematic
phonics instruction as part of a balanced program of reading teaching. Phonics,
along with other strategies, is used for Word Recognition. Reading is the act of
recognizing words and then understanding the individual and collective
meanings of those words, with the ultimate goal being to get to the meaning of
the text. Phonics makes decoding an integral part of the reading and writing
In the next grade band, students show their ability to decode all letter-sound
correspondences, use affixes appropriately and sound out unfamiliar multisyllable words using that knowledge.
Grade 2
Key Ideas and Details
Document camera
Spelling list
Homework-iPad, computer
Spelling is a key component to many things in learning, such as reading, and
language skills. We will go over spelling words as a class. Then we will have
blocks under the document camera. The children will sit around the projector.
The children will be able to see all the letters from the spelling words on the
document camera. The children then have to look at the letters and make a
word whoever says a word first gets to come up and make that word on the
document camera.
1. Read over spelling words, make sure to have enough letters to make all
the words.
2.Show all the letters on the projector, from the spelling words using the document
3. Call attention to different vowel sounds.
4. Ask and answer questions about what words are on the board and if the letters
make words or not.
5. Recount spelling words for that week.
6. Describe how each word can be used in a sentence, as a class.
7. Complete homework.
8. Give spelling test the next day over the words we discussed.
9. If all correct move children to challenge list, if not make them retake the test at
the end of the week.
10. Write spelling/challenge words in shaving cream for practice.
Students can complete the two levels and the next day show to me for the ho
homework points.