Untitled Extract Pages
Untitled Extract Pages
Untitled Extract Pages
In this chapter, you finalized the Excavation Manager. You added the Design
Manager form, which allowed you to manage your designs, create, search, edit,
and delete. Throughout this chapter, you added new functionality to the design
manager until you finalized it. You learned how to call an existing tool and use it
to draw on the map to create an excavation. You learned how to generate a design
report and, finally, you managed to search and open existing designs that you had
already saved. This way you have enabled Yharnam construction engineers to create
multiple designs on top of the ArcGIS platform and compare the cost of executing
each one to select optimum option.
This is the end of this book, but it is only the beginning of great, potential
applications that you will develop using the skill set you acquired during
the course of this journey.
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