An important figure in the Christian faith, Jesus Christ, was born a Jew but
founded the new religion. He was born over 2,000 years ago, and at age 30,
started his ministry. He taught about Gods laws, the love that God has, and
His kingdom. The first 4 books of the New Testament (the Gospels) tell of
various miracles he performed, such as walking on water, healing the sick,
raising the dead, calming a storm and giving a blind man sight. Although
many people followed his teachings, others mistrusted him such as the
Romans and Jews. The Jews thought he was a religious lawbreaker and the
Romans suspected that he was plotting rebellion. Because of this, he was
sentenced to death by crucifixion (being nailed or tied to a wooden cross).
Three days later, people reported that his tomb was open and his body was
missing. This was the resurrection of Jesus.
Holy Sites
One of the most important sites in Jerusalem is the Church of the Holy
Sepulcher. This is important because it is where Jesus was said to have been
crucified and then buried. Since Jesus was the founder of the faith, it is easy
to see why this is important to many Christians. Another important site is the
Pool of Bethesda because it is where Jesus was said to have healed the sick.
This showed his (and God's) power and made many believe that he was
indeed, the son of God.
The Bible
The Bible is made up of two parts: the Old Testament and the New
Testament. The Old Testament is the part that Jews also believe in. The New
Testament however, is the most important (and second) part of the Bible. It
tells of Jesus' life, death, resurrection and birth.
Christians believe that if they are faithful and forgiving, then they will be
granted everlasting life in heaven, after they die. They also believe that one
day Jesus Christ will return and judge the actions of mankind. Beliefs such as
these and the Trinity of God (God the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit) are
told in statements of beliefs, or creeds. An example of a creed is the
Apostles Creed.
Major Holidays
There are many major Christian holidays, like Christmas, Lent and Easter,
just to name a few. Christmas celebrates the birth of Jesus Christ and
Christians thank God for sending his son, the savior, into the world. Lent is
the 40 days leading up to Easter and when Christians fast, think about their
lifestyles and pray. It remembers the 40 days in the desert that Jesus spent
preparing his ministry. Easter celebrates the day that Jesus was resurrected,
after being crucified.