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PowerMILL 7 Training Course

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The Basics of Milling













1. Introduction


1. Introduction
PowerMILL is a stand-alone machining package, which can quickly create gouge free cutter
paths on imported component data. PowerMILL supports Wireframe, Triangle, Surface,
and Solid models created by other Delcam products or from neutral formats such as IGES. If
the relevant PS-Exchange translators are purchased PowerMILL will directly import data
created by the majority of non-Delcam packages.

PowerMILL Environment
Doubleclick on the PowerMILL icon.

Graphics Area

Explorer area

Pull Down menus are located across the top of the PowerMILL window. By placing the
mouse over the menu and clicking with the left mouse key, this will open up the relevant sub
menu. Further selection can be done by moving the cursor along
a right arrow ( )

The Main toolbar is as shown on the following page. Each icon has a specific function and
by holding the cursor over it, an appropriate description (or ToolTips) is displayed.

Issue PMILL 7

1. Introduction


On the right hand side of the screen is the Viewing toolbar. By selecting one of the icons a
different view of the model and global transform is displayed in the central or graphics area.
View along the X-axis
View along the -Y axis
View along the Z-axis
View along the -X axis
View along the Y-axis
View along the-Z axis
Isometric View 1
Isometric View 2
Isometric View 3
Isometric View 4
Resize to fit
Zoom In
Zoom Out
Zoom to Box

Last View

Plain Shade and access to other shading options


Shade options from left to right:Thickness - Machining Mode - Default Thickness - Default Machining Mode - Draft Angle Minimum Radius - Multicolour - Plain

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1. Introduction


Mouse buttons
Each of the three mouse buttons perform a different dynamic operation in PowerMILL.

Mouse button 1: Picking and selecting

This button is used for selecting items off the pull down menus,
options within forms, and entities in the graphics area.

Mouse button 2: Dynamics

Zooming in and out: - Hold down the CTRL key and mouse
button 2. Move the mouse up and down to zoom in and out.
Pan around the model: -Hold down the SHIFT key with mouse
button 2. Move the mouse in the required direction.
Zoom Box - hold down the Ctrl and shift key, drag a box around
the area to zoom into using the middle mouse button.
Rotate mode: Hold down mouse button 2 and move the mouse,
and the rotation is centered about the trackerball.
View Spinning- Dynamically rotate the view and quickly
release the mouse. The faster the mouse the faster it will spin.
This feature is switched off by default.

Select Tools -> Options, select the View tab

and tick the option Spin View.

Mouse button 3: Special Menus & PowerMILL Explorer Options

When this button is pressed it brings up a local menu relating to
whatever the mouse is over, such as a named item in the
PowerMILL Explorer or a physical entity in the graphics area. If
nothing specific is selected the View menu appears.

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1. Introduction


Example 1
For the first exercise an existing model will be imported and used to illustrate some of the
basic visual display options.

Select File -> Import Model.

The open examples form
appears and the large icon eg
provides access to an area
within the PowerMILL
product software tree where
sample models are stored.
The icons marked 1 and 2
can be customised by the
user to locate areas where
data for live jobs are stored.

Click on the eg icon.

Select the phone.dgk modeland then click on Open.

The phone model is displayed as a wireframe viewed down the

Z-axis. Only part of the model is visible, as it is too large to fit in
the current view. To display the whole model the Resize to fit
icon in the Viewing toolbar is selected.

In the Viewing toolbar, select the Resize to fit icon.

The view of the model is scaled to the full screen.

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1. Introduction


Select the ISO 1 icon.

You can now see the entire model quite

clearly in an isometric wireframe view.
To see it shaded you need to select the
shaded wire option.

Select the Shaded Model icon.

This displays the shading on top of the

wire. To remove the wire view and show
the model as shaded only, then click on
the pressed in wire button.

Select the Wire Model icon.

By pressing the wire icon again, the

wireframe is hidden showing the model
only in shaded.

Click on the Shaded Model icon and then click on the wire view icon.
Try the other Viewing iconsand observethe results.

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1. Introduction


Sometimes it is useful to be able to see inside a model. In order to do this, the model can be
made translucent.

Select the Shaded Model icon.

Right Click over the Model and select Translucency fromthe menu

Enter the percentage translucency you require

(0 percent = opaque, 100 percent = transparent)

The model is displayed in translucent shaded mode allowing the user to see internal details

To return to normalshadingset the translucency to Zero.

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1. Introduction


PowerMILL Panes
On the left hand side of the screen above the Explorer are the PowerMILL panes.

These are used extensively to help organise your machining. The

standard format pane is denoted by the PowerMILL symbol and
contains the explorer tree categorised into NC Programs,Toolpaths,
Tools, Boundaries, Patterns, Feature Sets, Workplanes, etc.

The second pane is the HTML browser used for viewing HTML files or Help files and the
third pane opens the PowerMILL Recycle Bin.

Select File -> Delete All.

PowerMILL Help
PowerMILL comes complete with it's own On-Line Help which is accessed via the help

Select Help -> What's New.

An summary of all the new functionality available in the current version of PowerMILL is
loaded into the html pane.

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1. Introduction


Select Help -> Contents

Another extremely useful feature is the Context sensitive Help available on all forms.

Select the Feedrate icon fromthe top toolbar to

bring up the Feedrate formbelow

Select the Questionmarkat the top of the form

The cursor will be displayed with a question mark next to it.

Click on any of the white areason the form.

Help on that specific form or topic will be displayed

Select File Close Project.


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2. Machining Set Up


2. Machining Set up
Preparation before creating toolpaths
The following list is a summary of basic setting up procedures required before the toolpaths
are created.
It is important to spend a little time gathering as much information as possible about the
model before actually applying toolpaths.
PowerMILL has some unique tools that allow parts of the model to be measured whether it
is a gap or an internal radius.
Various shading methods can also be used to get a quick idea visually of the minimum radius
and draft angles.
An imported model might be in an unsuitable orientation for machining in which case
PowerMILL allows the user to change the coordinate system as required.
Some of these methods will be used within the following chapter.
The following list could be used as a check list for setting up any job within PowerMILL
and generally represent the basics that should be followed before applying any toolpaths.
Note:- Items 8 9 &10 below can be redefined retrospectively on an existing toolpath.
1. Loading a model into PowerMILL.
2. Viewing the model
3. Orientating the model around an Active Workplane where required.
4. Gather information on the model i.e. Minimum radius / Draft angles.
5. Measure the model.
6. Material block definition.
7. Cutting tool definition.
8. Feed rate and Spindle Speed Settings.
9. Rapid Move Heights.
10. Tool Start and End Point.
11. Save the Project.

1. Loading a Model into PowerMILL

A selection of sample model files are supplied and installed with PowerMILL and these are
retrieved from a default directory called Examples.
The usual method of importing a model into PowerMILL is by selecting File > Import
Model from the top pulldown menus.

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2. Machining Set up


Select File ->Examples.

A variety of different types of Model

format can be Imported into PowerMILL.
These can easily be discriminated on the
form using the filter Files of type to widen
or narrow the choice for file extension.

Click on the file name speaker_core.dgk and then Open.

Select View from top (Z)

followedby Resize to fit
Viewing toolbar to the right of the graphicsarea.


The model will be displayed (as shown) in the PowerMILL

graphics area looking down the Z-axis with X aligned from left to
right and Y from bottom to top.
In most cases the X dimension of a machine tool table will be
greater than Y in which case the longer side of the component may
be in excess of the travel limits in Y.
If this is the case it will be necessary to align the component with
the longest side along X to ensure that it can be positioned within
the travel limits.

2. Viewing the Model

Although the model is displayed it is a good idea to look at it from all angles to fully
understand its size and features.

Select an isometric ISO 1 view.

Although it is possible to rotate the actual component
this is not the generally the most effective approach.
An additional moveable datum (Workplane) will be
created and rotated through 90 Degrees to effectively
create the condition that the longer side of the component
is parallel with the front of the machine.
The original coordinate set-up can then easily be reactivated for tasks such as checking dimensions.


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2. Machining Set Up


3. Orientate the Model using a Workplane.

The model needs to be rotated to leave the longest lower front edge of the model aligned to
the front of the machine tool i.e. along the X-axis.
Note. It is best practise to create a Workplane (moveable datum) and Rotate it about the

Right click over Workplanes in the PowerMILL Explorer and select

Create Workplane.

Workplanes are alternative or additional component datums

that can be moved and/or orientated within the global
environment. They are frequently used in 3 Axis machining and
are an essential item in the application of 3plus2 and
machining strategies.

The Workplane creation and editing form will appear.

For easy identification it is recommended to appropriately rename any entity created in the

In the aboveformmodify the Name to Datum.

In the aboveformset the Active Workplane to Datum.

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2. Machining Set up


The next step will be to rotate the new Active Workplane to indirectly re-orientate the
Note:- It is also possible (but not generally good practise in the long term) to Rotate and/or
move the actual model relative to the active coordinate system.

Enter Angle 90.0 beforeselectingthe Rotate - Around Z icon.

Accept the form.

Select a View from top (Z) and observethe effect of the rotated, Active
Workplane producinga moresuitablemachiningpositionfor the model.
It will not always be necessary to create and rotate or move a Workplane after import into
PowerMILL. It depends on the original, orientation of the model when exported from the
CAD software.
Information regarding the model dimensions in relation to the world datum (Transform) or
(if present), an Active Workplane can be obtained.


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2. Machining Set Up


In the explorer Right click over Models and select Properties.

The values in this form can be copied (Ctrl C) and then pasted (Ctrl V) into other forms.
The Workplane is moved up in the Z plane so that it is situated at the maximum height of
the model.
The form shows that the current maximum Z value is 115.47048mm. It will be necessary to
move the Workplane by 115.47048 to position it at the maximum height of the model.

Highlight the Maximum Z value (115.47048) by swipingover it with the left

mousebuttonand press Ctrl C on the keyboardto Copy the valueto the
Eject the Model Properties formby clicking X in the top right corner.

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2. Machining Set up


In the explorer Right Click over the Workplane named(Datum) to access

the local pull downmenu.

Select Edit - Workplane to open the form(aboveright) and use Crtl V to

paste the previouslystoredvalue(115.47048) into the Distance box before
selectingthe Relative Position - Along Z icon.
Accept the form.
Select a Y- view.

The Workplane is now in position on the

top of the model.

4. Minimum Radius and Draft Angle shading views.

Visual checks can be made quickly with the use of two shading options found in the views
menu on the right hand side of the screen.
It is useful to know before generating tools and toolpaths what the minimum radius is on the
model and also whether there are any undercuts or draft angles.

Openthe Shading Toolbar by clickingthe small arrowas shownabove.

Select the Minimum Radius Shade icon on the toolbar.


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2. Machining Set Up


Any internal radii that are smaller than the specified Minimum Tool Radius will be shaded
RED. The settings are located in the explorer - Model pull down menu in Drawing
Examine the model to identify areas that are inaccessible to the specified radius (shaded

The two internal radii can be seen shaded red visually identifying that they will not be
machined to their correct size if the default value tool was used.

The specified Minimum Tool Radius can be modified to suit in the Drawing Options area
within the Models menu in the explorer.

In the explorer Right click over Models and select Drawing Options.

Changethe Minimum Tool Radius valueto 5.

The shading on some parts of the model has changed from Red to Green signifying that from
a finishing viewpoint these local areas are fully accessible to a Dia 10 Ball Nose cutter.

Changethe Minimum Tool Radius value to 2.

All of the red areas have now disappeared which suggests that the maximum tool size
guaranteed to access all areas of the component would be a Dia 4 Ball Nose cutter.

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2. Machining Set up


The model can also be visually inspected for the size of draft angles and undercuts.

Select the Draft Angle Shade icon on the shadingtoolbar.

The model is shaded in three different colours, red, green and yellow.
The red areas represent angles equal to or less than the current Draft Angle specified in the
Drawing Options form (default is 0).
The green areas represent angles above the current Warning Angle specified in the Drawing
Options form (default is 5).
The yellow areas represent the areas between the current Draft Angle and Warning Angle.
On this particular model the yellow areas represent angles between 0 and 5 degrees.

To checkfor undercutschangethe Draft Angle to -0.2 and the Warning

Angle to 0.2.
All of the red areas have disappeared and all that remain are green and yellow. If any red
areas remain then these would indicate an undercut situation greater than -0.2 degrees.
The yellow areas indicate on or near vertical faces because the difference between the Draft
and Warning Angles is so small.

Accept the Drawing Options form

again to turn off the shading.

Select the Draft Angle Shade icon

Makesure the Wireframe
modelis displayedin Wireframeonly.

icon fromthe View toolbar is on so the

5. Measuring the model.

The user may require dimensional information relating to certain features on the model. A
measuring tool is provided in PowerMILL that allows the user to snap in the graphics area to
obtain dimensions based on points lines and arcs.
Before any such measurements can be taken the PowerMILL, Snap Filter will need to be

Fromthe top Pull Down menusselect Tools > Snap Filter and use the left
mousekey to untick - Anywhere.

If Anywhere is unticked then measurements can be only be

snapped onto the remaining ticked entities and not in free space.


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2. Machining Set Up


Zoom into the area shownby the arrowbelow.


The gap at the bottom of the slot will be measured to determine its size and depth.

Fromthe Main toolbar select the Measure model icon.

The Model Measurement for appears defaulted to Line. An Anchor Point is required to
commence measuring.

The PowerMILL Calculator formwill openin Line measurementmode.

Usingthe left mousebuttondrag a windowaround(or snap) point 1 shown
belowto displaythe XYZcoordinatesin the form.
Drag a window around (or snap) point 1.

The Anchor Point is now selected and is

represented by a small circle.
The x, y and z values seen in the above form are
relative to the Active Workplane 'Datum'.

Draga windowaround(or snap) point 2 to obtain the final 'point to point'

A temporary line appears connecting the two points, and the information relating to the line is
displayed in the form.

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2. Machining Set up


Minimum Radius is measured via the Circle tab combined with snapping three points on the

Select the Circle tab on the Model Measurement formand zoominto the
area shownbelow.

Select three points alongthe arc either by dragginga small window

around,or snappingonto eachone as shownbelow.

A temporary circle will appear after the third point is selected as shown.


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2. Machining Set Up


The Circle measurement form will display details

of the arc as shown.

Close the Model Measurement formand select an ISO 1 view.

6. Material Block definition.

The Block usually starts out as the initial material size prior to machining the component. It
is often created with more specific dimensions to provide a more localised limit for individual
machining strategies. There are also other methods available for a more complex definition of
the area in which a machining strategy operates.

Click on the Block icon

on the top toolbar

The Block form appears allowing the user to define the

Block size either to the default, Max/Min Limits or by
manually entering the minimum and maximum X, Y and
Z values (or a combination of both).
The Block size is automatically set to the model
dimensions by clicking the Calculate button with
Max/Min Limits set. Individual values can be edited or
locked (greyed out) as required in addition to being
calculated to include an offset by entering a suitable value
in the box marked Expansion.

Click on the Calculate button.

Click on Accept.
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2. Machining Set up


The Block is displayed

shaded by default. This
can be shown as solid,
partially transparent, or
as a blue wireframe, as
controlled by the
Opacity slider on the
Block form.

The Block can be turned off graphically by selecting the block icon
View toolbar on the right

from the

7.Cutting Tool definition

The Tool definition forms are accessed from the icons in the Tool toolbar located to the
bottom left corner of the graphics area.

Click on the down arrow to displayall of the Create Tool icons.

All of the tool types appear as icons.

Placing the cursor over an icon will open a small box containing a description of the
tool type (Tool tips).

Select the Create a Tip Radiused tool icon.


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2. Machining Set Up


The Tip Radius Tool form

opens into which the
required tool data is entered.
When the diameter is entered
the tool length automatically
defaults to five times the
diameter, and this can be
changed if not desirable.
It is a good idea to input a
suitable Name for the tool.
This tool for example with a
diameter of 50 a length of
100 and a tip radius of 6
could be called D50T6.
The specified Tool Number
can be output in the NC
program. If the machine has
a tool changer it will
represent the carousel

Shank and Holder definition will be covered later in the course during the chapter on
Collision Checking.

Enter a Diameter of 50 a Tip Radius of 6 and modify the Length to 100.

Enter D50T6 in the box marked Name.
Click on Close.

The tool is now displayed on the screen and also appears as an entity in the Tools section of
the explorer. Note: If the mouse is positioned over the tool in the explorer a Tooltips
window will open displaying details of the tool definition.

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2. Machining Set up


Any future changes to the tool are initiated through the explorer.
To undraw the tool click the yellow light bulb icon. To
deactivate the tool right click anywhere on the tool data in the
explorer and click the name Activate (the tick will disappear).
Selecting the Parameters option will open the tool definition

The tool can be seen either in wireframe or shaded in the graphics window.

Right click over the tool in the Explorer and select Shaded.

8. Feedrate and Spindle speed settings

The speed and feed rate settings need to be defined.

Click on the Feed rates icon

on the Main toolbar.

The Feed Rates form opens enabling the user to enter

appropriate feeds and speed for the machining strategy.
Cutting Feed Rate and Spindle Speed can be stored within the
Tool definition and input by clicking the box Load From
Active Tool.
The value for the Plunge feed rate is controlleddefined as a
proportion of the Cutting feed rate controlled by changing the
value in Tools - Options - Toolpath -Tools - Plunge Factor 0.1 (default). If the Autoload box is ticked the Feed Rates
form will update automatically when a Tool is activated.

Leavethe settingsas default and click Accept.


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2. Machining Set Up


9. Rapid move heights

Safe heights in Z must be set at which the tool can travel at rapid feed rates without
contacting the component or work holding devices.

Safe Z
Start Z


Safe Z is the height to which the tool will retract for rapid moves across the work. Start Z is
the height to which the tool will descend, at rapid feed rate prior to applying the plunge feed

Click on the Rapid Move Heights icon.

In the resultant formselect the Reset to Safe Height button.
Click on Accept.

The same principle can also be defined incrementally to

enable safe rapid moves, locally within the component.
In the section of the form labelled Incremental
Heights, in addition to Absolute, two additional
options are available Plunge and Skim.
Plunge will enable the rapid feed rate to continue to a
specified distance above the full plunge depth before
the plunge feed rate cuts in.
Skim will operate in a similar way to Plunge but with
the addition of applying rapid horizontal moves, at a
specified distance above the highest point across the
component to the next plunge position.

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2. Machining Set up


10. Tool Start and End Point.

This is a safe position for the tool to move to before and after each tool change or machining
operation. Depending on the type of machine tool it may be the actual tool change position.

Click on the Tool Start and End Point icon.

The tool Start and End Point form appears in which the user
full control in defining a safe position for the tool to start from
following a tool change or previous toolpath.
By default the tool position is set automatically at the Block
Centre Safe. A more specific position can be defined by
selecting a different option in the Method area on the form
(First Point, First Point Safe, and Absolute).
The tool End Point is also defined from this form
independently from the Start Point.

Select Start Point and in the Method area set Use to Absolute.
Set the co-ordinatesas X0, Y0 and Z 50.
Click on Accept.

The tool is now located at the new Start

Point above the active workplane.
Setting up is now complete and
PowerMILL is ready to start generating

11. Projects
A Project is a folder used for maintaining a permanent copy of the data created in the
PowerMILL explorer. This could include data such as Toolpaths, Tools, Workplanes, and
other entities related to the machining strategies. The project will also retain the activation
status of each entity when saved. The Model is also stored in the Project.
The commands for the project are accessed through the File pull down menu and it is good
policy to initially Save Project as early as possible during programming and then at suitable,
regular intervals.
When initially saving a Project the user has to decide on a suitable directory location on the


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2. Machining Set Up


Select File -> Save Project.

In the formlocate the folder C:\temp (or if it does not exist with C open
select the create New Folder tab and renameit as temp).

Once C:\temp is accessed,enter the name, Speaker_Core in File name

and then select Save.
To update the stored Project apply Save Project as and when required. To create an
additional copy, use Save Project As (This will require a new File name).
The use of Projects to store component data, machining data, and associated settings is
essential to enable the user to return and modify an existing machining process. In many

Issue PMILL 7


2. Machining Set up


cases an existing Project can be used as the start of a new one, using the existing settings as
the basis for the creation of new or recycled toolpaths on a different component.

Project data is stored in a folder that is identifiable by a PowerMILL icon.

How the Project appears in Windows Explorer.


Issue PMILL 7

3. 3DArea Clearance


3. 3D Area Clearance
The main strategies for roughing a 3D component Model are called 3D Area Clearance.
These provide a choice of 2D material removal methods, which progressively machine the
area (Slice), up to the component contour, down a sequence of user-defined Z Heights.
There is also a similar group of strategies, 2.5D Area Clearance for use, exclusively with
PowerMILL 2.5D Feature machining (covered on the final day of the course).

Sometimes known as Waterline Roughing the cutter steps down to a specified Z Height and
fully clears an area (Slice) before stepping down to the next Z Height to repeat the process.

For some components a secondary Area Clearance strategy is applied using the Rest
Machining options in conjunction with a smaller roughing tool. This will locally remove
pockets of excess material inaccessible to the original Tool Reference Toolpath or Stock
Model. This will reduce the degree of tool overload and provide a more consistent material
removal rate for any subsequent Finishing operations.
If the original material is in the form of a casting or fabrication then it may not be necessary
to apply any Area Clearance machining but to go directly for a semi-Finishing strategy.

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3. 3D Area Clearance


Suitable values are required to control the accuracy and amount of excess material to be left
on a component by a toolpath. The parameters used for this purpose are preset and are called
Thickness and Tolerance.

Thickness is the amount of

extra material specified to
remain on the work-piece after
machining. This can be applied
generally (as shown), or
independently as separate
Radial and Axial values within
the machining options.
It is also possible to assign
additional Thickness values to
groups of Surfaces on the
actual model.

Coarse Tolerance

Fine Tolerance

Tolerance controls the accuracy to which the cutter path follows the shape of the work-piece.
For roughing a Coarse tolerance can be used but for finishing a Fine tolerance must be used.
Note where the Thickness value is greater than 0 it should always be more than the
tolerance value


Issue PMILL 7

3. 3DArea Clearance


Raster Area Clear example

Activate the D50t6 tool in the explorer.
Fromthe Main toolbar select the Toolpath
Strategies icon.
Select 3D Area Clearance Tab.

Select the option Raster AreaClear Model to openthe followingform.

Enter the NameD50T6_A1.

Set Stepover to 20.

Set Stepdown to 10.

Keepingall other valuesas default,

Apply the form.
After the processingis complete
Cancel the form.

As soon as the Raster AreaClear Model form is opened an

unprocessed Toolpath appears in the Explorer (the default
name has been changed to D50T6_A1).
The Toolpath icon can now be double-clicked to Activate and
de-activate the toolpath.
The + symbol can be clicked to open a full record of the data used to create the toolpath.

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3. 3D Area Clearance


The dotted red lines represent Rapid moves and the light blue lines are the Plunge feed
moves. The Plunge moves at present are longer than necessary resulting in time wasted by
the tool feeding down in free space where most of the move could be Rapid.
The existing toolpath will now be Recycled with new settings to improve the efficiency of
Rapid movements across the component.

Right mouseclick over the Toolpath icon in the explorer to openthe local
pull downmenu.

Note the toolpath can also be activated or

deactivated from the Activate switch in the
pulldown menu.

Select Settings to reopenthe Raster AreaClear Model form.

Select the 'Recycletoolpath' icon (shownarrowedbelow).


Issue PMILL 7

3. 3DArea Clearance


fromthe main toolbar

Select the Rapid Moves Height icon
Select the Skim optionand changethe Safe Z to 5 and Start Z to 3 as

Accept the aboveformand then click Apply in the Raster AreaClear

Model formand onceprocessingis completeclick Cancel to closethe
The tool will now plunge locally (pale blue move) from the defined Incremental - Start Z
above each slice and rapid across the roughed areas by the Incremental - Safe Z (purple

The toolpath has been recycled with the Skim option set in the Rapid Move Heights form
and now uses Incremental Safe Z and Start Z values (Note; In practice more than one change
can be implemented when Recycling or Copying a toolpath).
This time a Copy of the above toolpath will be created using the Area Filter options to
remove the single pass tooltracks which are stepping down each of the four corners.

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3. 3D Area Clearance


Select Settings to reopenthe Raster AreaClear Model form.

Select the 'Copytoolpath' icon (shownarrowedbelow).

In the formlocate the Area Filter section(lowerleft corner) and input the
settingsas shownbelow(Note Filter Only Enclosed Areas is unticked).

All tooltracks spanning a distance less than the

Tool Diameter (TDU) will be filtered out and not
appear in the final Toolpath.
The effect of unticking Filter Only Enclosed
Areas means that the areas of toolpath outside the
Block will be included in the filtering process.

Apply the Raster AreaClear Model formand onceprocessingis

completeclick Cancel to closethe form.

The default Raster Area

Clear strategy steps across
the model with parallel
tooltracks. The remaining
edges around the model,
contour are then removed
by a single profiling pass.

A new toolpath called D50T6_A1_1 is created with the corner machining filtered out.


Issue PMILL 7

3. 3DArea Clearance


Simulating the toolpath

ViewMill provides a 3D graphical simulation that allows toolpaths to be checked before they
are machined. ViewMill has it's own separate toolbar that can be accessed from the ViewMill
button on the Main toolbar. There are currently 2 different versions of ViewMILL the
intention being that the original will be phased out once the new version is fully developed.
For the time being there is no real benefit from using the new version for 3-Axis applications.
Below is an example using the original Viewmill and in the following example on p39 the
new version is applied.

Select the (Original Version) ViewMill icon locatedtowardsthe

right in the Main Toolbar at the top of the screen.

The simulation toolbar appears.

Select ISO 1 viewof the modeland scale it to be as large as possible.

Select the ViewMill toggle icon.

This toggles the display to the Viewmill environment

and generates a shaded block.

Select the Shaded Tool icon.

With the tool shaded, it is clear where the tool datum

position is. The speed of the simulation is reduced if the
tool is shaded.

Select the Start/Restart icon.

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3. 3D Area Clearance


The toolpath is simulated displaying the material

removal from the defined block of material.
Click the Shaded Tool icon again to switch it off which
in turn will speed up the simulation.

The complete machined block.

Select the ViewMill toggle icon to return to the PowerMILL session.

The above ViewMILL session will not be cancelled but temporarily put into the background
so that any subsequent toolpaths can be simulated as a continuation from the above.

Fromthe Main toolbar select File.

Save Project to updatethe storeddata.
The Speaker_Core Project has now been updated to include
The 3D Area Clearance toolpaths.

Fromthe Main toolbar select File

Delete All.

Fromthe Main toolbar select Tools - Reset Forms.

This restores all default PowerMILL settings in the forms without having
to exit and re-enter.


Issue PMILL 7

3. 3DArea Clearance


Offset Area Clear example

Import the model WingMirrorDie.dgk from PowerMILL_Data\models.

Createa Tip Radiused tool of Dia 40 tiprad 6 and Name d40t6.

Fromthe Main toolbar openthe Block formand Calculate a material
Block to the full modeldimensions.
Reset the Rapid Move Heights and set the Incremental movesto Skim.
In the Start Point formset the Start Point to Block Centre Safe and the
End Point to Last Point Safe.

Fromthe Main toolbar select the Toolpath Strategies icon

Select the option Offset AreaClear Model to openthe followingform.

Issue PMILL 7


3. 3D Area Clearance


Enter Name D40T6_D1.

Select Ramping.
Select Ramping Options
Max. Zig Angle 4,
Follow Circle, and
Circle Diameter 0.6
As shownbelow.

Input Type- All

Input or modify the data as shownin the sectionsarrowedaboveand click
Apply to createthe Offset Area Clear toolpathshownbelow.

The Offset Area Clear

strategy using Type All
follows both the contours
of both the Model and
Block then gradually
Offsets into the remaining
material at each Z Height.


Issue PMILL 7

3. 3DArea Clearance


RMBon the toolpathand select

Attach Active Tool to Start to bring up
the Simulationtoolbar
The toolpath simulation toolbar will open.

Select the (NewVersion) ViewMill toggle icon.

Pressthe Play buttonto start the simulation.

The simulation of the toolpath will start with tool displayed.

Click the Display buttonto bring up Simulation info form

Select the Shiny option

Select Never to undrawthe tool

(This will speedup the simulation)

Close the form

Pressthe Play buttonagain on the Simulationtoolbar

Issue PMILL 7


3. 3D Area Clearance


The finished result indicates that the

current tool geometry is not suitable
to fully access some features
(arrowed) on the model.
As a result a further Area
Clearance strategy is required using
a smaller tool to continue locally
into the remaining areas.
This technique is known as Rest

Select the ViewMill toggle icon to return to the PowerMILL.

Rest Machining
Rest Machining is localised removal of the remaining material inaccessible to previous
toolpaths. The 3D Area Clearance forms contain options to apply Rest Machining either
based directly on a previously defined Reference Toolpath or a Stock Model.
The following examples illustrate Rest Machining firstly using a Reference Toolpath and
secondly by using the Stock Model.
The Stock Model represents the un-machined stock at any point in the machining process. It
is applied by first creating a Stock Model entity by applying a Block, followed by various
toolpaths. After each update, the stock model adjusts itself to show the un-machined material
remaining on the block.

Rest Machining using a Reference Toolpath

Createa Tip Radiused tool of Dia 16, tiprad 3 and name d16t3.
RMBover the Toolpathicon in the explorer.

Select Settings to reopenthe Offset

AreaClear Model form.

Select the 'Copy toolpath' icon.

Note; all associated items originally used to create the
toolpath will be activated.


Issue PMILL 7

3. 3DArea Clearance


Activate the new tool, d16t3.

Enter a new name D16T3_D1.

The options arrowed control the Rest

Machining limits by comparison with
the previously defined toolpath

Set Type to Model (This generates

offset tooltracks, based solely on the
Model contours).

Untick Area Filter.

Input or modify the data as shownarrowedaboveand click Apply to

createthe new Offset Area Clear toolpathshownon the followingpage.
Cancel the form.

Issue PMILL 7


3. 3D Area Clearance


RMBover the Toolpathicon in the explorer.

Select Attach Active Tool to Start.
Select the ViewMill toggle icon accessthe existing ViewMILL session.

Click the Switch on Display buttonto bring up Simulation info form

Select the Rainbow option.

Close formand pressplay on the ViewMill simulationtoolbar.

The ViewMILL simulation

shows this next toolpath
shaded in a different colour
where it has machined in
areas the previous toolpath
did not cover
The Reference Toolpath
finished to rough out
material closer to the
component form.
This will reduce the risk of
excessive wear or damage to
tools used for the subsequent
finishing operations.

Select the ViewMill toggle icon to return to PowerMILL


Issue PMILL 7

3. 3DArea Clearance


Rest Machining using a Stock Model

An alternative method of Rest Machining is the use of a Stock Model instead of a
Reference Toolpath. One of the benefits of using a Stock Model is that the remaining
material can be visualised and registered along with the associated toolpaths.
The following example will demonstrate the creation of a Stock Model up to the end of the
toolpath D40T6_D1 at which point it will be displayed as the Rest Material. The Rest
Machining toolpath D16T3_D1 will then be used as the basis for creating a new toolpath but
this time using the Stock Model.

In the explorer, Activate the toolpath D40T6_D1.

In the PowerMILL explorer right mouseclick Stock Models to open the

local menuand select Create.

In the PowerMILL explorer right mouseclick the newly created Stock

Model icon and fromthe local menuselect Apply - Active Toolpath

Issue PMILL 7


3. 3D Area Clearance


Fromthe samemenuselect Calculate to createthe Stock Model as


Fromthe samemenuagain select Show Rest Material to displaythe

Stock Model as shownbelow.


Issue PMILL 7

3. 3DArea Clearance


Fromthe samemenuagain select Drawing Options - Shaded to display

the Stock Model as shownbelow.

In the explorer Activate the toolpath D16T3_D1.

Right click the toolpathicon and fromthe local menuselect Settings to
reopenthe Offset AreaClear Model form.
Select the 'Copy toolpath' icon (shownarrowedbelow).

In the formlocate the Rest Machining section(lowerright corner) and

changethe settingsto use Stock Model - 1 as shownbelow.

Click Apply to createan alternative(moreefficient) Rest Machining

toolpathnamed D16T3_D1_1.
Cancel the Offset Area Clearance Formto reveal the followingtoolpath.

Issue PMILL 7


3. 3D Area Clearance


Although the Stock Model has been

used to define the area to be machined
the new toolpath is not automatically
added to the Stock Model. This is
carried out as a secondary operation if
required by the user.

Right click over the active toolpath, D16T3_D1_1 in the explorer and
select Add to - Stock Model.

It is also possible to Right Click on the named, Stock

Model in the explorer and select Apply - Active
toolpath Last. At this stage the Stock Model will
disappear from the screen.

Right click over the named, Stock Model in the explorer and select
Calculate to createthe updated Stock Model as shownbelow.


Issue PMILL 7

3. 3DArea Clearance


Fromthe Main toolbar select File - Save Project and savethe Project as
C:\temp\Wing_Mirror_Die. (SeeChapter2 for full details of method)
In the explorer Right click over Toolpaths and select Delete All fromthe
local menu.
Use the samemethodto Delete All - Models and Stock Models (Do not
Apply to the Tools sectionin the explorer).
Fromthe Main pulldownmenusselect
Tools - Reset Forms.
This restores all default settings in the forms without having to exit and re-enter.
Note: The above items deleted from the explorer can at this stage be recovered as they have
been transferred to the PowerMILL Recycle Bin. If File - Delete All is applied from the
main pulldown menus all entities by-pass the Recycle Bin and as a result cannot be

Left mouseclick on the Entity Recycler paneto openthe Recycle Bin.

Right mouseclick over an entity in the Recycle Bin to viewthe local menu
optionsto Recover or permanently Delete an item.
Recover a Toolpath fromthe Recycle Bin and checkthat it has been
reinstatedin the Toolpaths sectionof the PowerMILL explorer.
Returnto the PowerMILL explorer and if necessary,apply Delete All
separatelyagain on Toolpaths, Models and Stock Models. (Do not Apply
to the Tools sectionin the explorer).

Offset Area Clearance - Type Model

This variant of the Offset Area Clearance is designed for High Speed machining. It provides
a very consistent material removal rate at the expense of an increased number of rapid moves
across the component (This is accepted practice in High Speed applications). This strategy if
applied correctly will dramatically help to minimise wear to both the tooling and machine.
The strategy is based on the profile around the component at each Z Height being continually
offset up to the material Block.

Import the model Handle.dgk locatedin PowerMILL_Data\models.

In the explorer - Activate the Dia 16 tiprad 3 tool d16t3.

Issue PMILL 7


3. 3D Area Clearance


Fromthe Main toolbar openthe Block formand Calculate a material

Block to the full modeldimensions. Lock the Z max and Z min values,
enter an Expansion value of 10 and Calculate again.
In Rapid move heights, click Reset to Safe Heights, and in Incremental
Heights set the Rapid Move Type to Skim.
In the Start Point formset both the Start Point and End Point to Block
Centre Safe.
Fromthe Main toolbar select the Toolpath Strategies icon.
From 3D Area Clearance select the option Offset AreaClear Model to
openthe followingform.
Enter data in the formsexactly as shownbelow.
The Stepdown is to be definedmanuallyas a single level fromthe Area
Clearance Z Heights Form
(If Z Heights already
exist, Delete themby clickingthe red cross locatedto the lower right of
the form).

Select Type as Model.

Input Definedby Value 3.0 and select Calculate (After selecting Delete All
existing Z Heights).


Issue PMILL 7

3. 3DArea Clearance


Checkthe data as shownpreviouslyand click Apply then Cancel.

Note: Shown with leads

and links undrawn.

Select an Iso 1 viewas shownand right click over the toolpathicon in the
PowerMILL explorer to open the local menu.
Select Animate - Medium and observethe animationof the toolpath
(select the Esc key to stop the animation).

The tool will continuously climb mill, starting

each tool track a distance from the material
block to allow for acceleration to optimum Feed
Rate. Each pass will maintain a very consistent
material removal rate. The only negative side to
the strategy is the occasional sudden changes of
direction along the tool tracks. This can be
improved using advanced settings to
progressively straighten tooltracks as they offset
further away from the Component form. A
specified deviation from the nominal stepover
will be required to allow this.

Right mouseclick over the Toolpathicon in the explorer to openthe local

pull downmenu.
Select Settings to reopenthe Offset AreaClear Model form.
Select the 'Copy toolpath' icon (shownarrowedbelow).

Issue PMILL 7


3. 3D Area Clearance


With the Offset Area Clearance formopen again, tick the Smoothing
Allowance optionleavingthe slider valueas default (25%).
Click Apply to createa newtoolpath d16t3_hsm1_1 with the improved

Compare the 2 3D Offset Area Clearance (Type - Model) toolpaths noting the progressive
straightening of tool tracks on the second strategy (25% smoothing applied).

Fromthe Main toolbar select File - Delete All to delete all data fromthe
current project
Fromthe Main toolbar select Tools
Reset Forms

This restores all default PowerMILL settings in the forms without having to exit and re-enter.


Issue PMILL 7

3. 3DArea Clearance


General information on Area Clearance Machining

The following is reference information for the many different options contained in the Area
Clearance form. This can also be found by using Help.

Clicking the Thickness button on the Area Clearance forms opens the Axial Thickness box
allowing the user to set separate values for Radial and Axial thickness. This faclity is also
available on the finishing forms.

Restrict Tool Overload

With Restrict Tool Overload ticked as the tool reaches an
specified overload situation PowerMILL automatically inputs
a trochoidal path to eliminate full width cuts. This will occur
in corners, narrow channels, slots, etc and the degree of
movement is controlled with the slider as a percentage value in
the form.

Z Heights
If Stepdown is set to Manual on The Area Clearance form, there are five ways of generating
Z Heights; Number, Stepdown, Value, Intermediate and Flat.
Number - divides the block equally into the defined number of Z Heights, the lowest of
which will be at the bottom of the block.
Stepdown - creates a Z Height at the base of the block and then steps up a defined Height in
Z. The setting Maintain Constant Stepdown causes the distance between all levels to
remain constant and will modify the stepdown to create evenly spaced levels as near to the
specified value as possible.

Issue PMILL 7


3. 3D Area Clearance


Value - creates a single Z Height at the defined value. You can specify as many Z Heights as
is required, but when using Value you must do so one at a time.
Flat - Identifies flat areas of the model and creates a Z height (+ thickness) at these values.
Intermediate - adds the specified number of Z Heights between existing Z Heights.
Appending Z Heights
Z Heights can be also be used from saved Area Clearance Toolpaths. When a toolpath is
activated the Append button becomes active.

A profile can be performed at each level to remove steps that will be left by the cutter Before,
During, or After a Raster - Area Clearance strategy. Additional profile passes can be
applied when machining either on either Every Z, or the Last Z level with Offset, Profile or
Raster strategies. Note: Offset and Profile strategies inherently follow the component

This determines when the profile pass takes place during machining. There are 4 options
None - No profiling pass is performed
Before - PowerMILL will perform the profiling first and then the raster path.
During - As the raster path is generated it will find profile paths as it goes.
After - PowerMILL performs the profile pass last.

Cut Direction
This determines the direction of the tool. Choosing a single direction will more than likely
lead to more lifts generated.
Any - this allows the cutter to travel in both directions allowing it to climb mill and
conventional mill.
Climb - this will force the cutter to only travel in one direction so that it is always
climb milling.
Conventional - this will force the cutter to only travel in one direction so that it is
always conventionally milling.

Final Profiling Pass

This option is held in the profiling area of the main area clearance toolbar and allows the user
to make an additional, final profiling pass to further reduce tool wear.

Allow tool outside block

The Allow tool outside block tick box is located in the Expert Area Clearance form,
which is opened by selecting the tab midway down the right hand side of the main form.
This enables the first pass of an Offset or Raster pass to be performed to the specified
Stepover, rather than the full radius of the tool.


Issue PMILL 7

3. 3DArea Clearance


This provides a way to lead down onto a tooltrack where it is impossible to approach from
outside the Block at the full machining depth (eg within a pocket).
Ramp Length
Zig angle
Zag angle

The Zig angle is the angle of descent along the machining direction as the tool ramps into the
material. There are 3 different types of ramp move following the geometry of the Toolpath, a
Circle, or a Line. If the length of the Zig angle is limited to a finite distance a ramp move in
the opposite direction, Zag angle can be applied.
The Ramp Length is defined as 'Tool Diameter Units' (TDU). For example, with a 10mm
diameter tool, A Ramp Length of 2 TDU's would equal 20mm. Normally the Ramp Length
should be greater than the tool diameter to allow swarf to clear from beneath the tool.
Zag Angle
If a finite ramp length has been specified, then PowerMILL will insert Zag moves. The
default setting for Zag angle has the Independent flag set - which means the angle, is
defined manually. The default angle is 0 degrees. When unset, it will be the same value as the
Zig angle.
If Approach Outside is set, and where it is practical for it to operate without gouging it will
take priority over Ramping.
If the defined geometry for a Ramp move is such that it would cause a gouge then it will be
replaced by a Plunge move.

Issue PMILL 7


3. 3D Area Clearance


Machining Flats
The area clearance strategies in PowerMILL have an option that allows the user to control the
way in which flat areas of the model are rough machined. These are found on the area
clearance form under Machine Flats.

Import the model PowerMILL_Data\Models\Flats.dgk

Createa 12mmdiameter End Mill tool and nameit EM12
Calculate the Block
Set the Rapid Move Heights and check Start/End Point is set to default;
Start Point - Block Centre Safe and End Point - Last Point Safe.

Fromthe Toolpath Strategies form, select Offset Area Clearance.

Fill in the formexactly as below.


Issue PMILL 7

3. 3DArea Clearance


Apply and then Cancel the form

It can be seen that with Machine Flats - Off the toolpath has ignored the flat surfaces of the
model. It has maintained a constant Stepdown value and completely performed area
clearance across the material Block at each Z Height.

Makea copy of the toolpath.

Changethe Machine Flats optionto LEVEL (This is the default).
Changethe name to Flats Level.
Apply and then Cancel the form.

The area clearance toolpath now removes material from the flat surfaces leaving just 1.1mm
this is equal to the thickness plus the tolerance set in the form. Where new slices have been
added, the toolpath clears all the way to the edge of the block.

Issue PMILL 7


3. 3D Area Clearance


Makea Copy of the toolpath.

Changethe Machine Flats optionto AREA.
Changethe Name to Flats Area.
Apply and then Cancel the form.

The toolpath now clears the flats as before but only extends to the edge of the component flat
area. This provides a shorter toolpath than using the Level option.

It is also possible to machine just the flat areas. This allows the user to rough the part first
using Machine Flats set to OFF and then clear the flats in a second operation.

Makea copy of the toolpath.

Openthe Expert part of the formby pressingthe arrowat the right.
Select Flat fromthe Slices optionspulldown.


Issue PMILL 7

3. 3DArea Clearance


Calculate the slices.

Apply and Cancel the form.

The area clearance has now machined only the flat areas, the stepdown has been ignored
The cutter avoids the holes resulting in a fragmented toolpath requiring many lifts. The area
clearance can be made to ignore the holes if required.

Makea copy of the toolpath.

Openthe Expert part of the formby pressingthe arrowat the right.
Tick the box next to Ignore Holes.

The Threshold in TDU (tool diameter units) tells PowerMILL what size of holes to ignore.
With the tool EM12 selected and the Threshold set to 2, PowerMILL will ignore any hole
less than 24mm in diameter.

Apply and Cancel the form.

Issue PMILL 7


3. 3D Area Clearance


The cutter now passes over the top of the holes without lifting giving a smoother toolpath. It
should be noted that the flats at the bottom of the holes are still machined.

If the amount of material left on the flats is large then several passes can be made to reduce
the tool loading during the area clearance.

Makea copy of the toolpath.

Openthe Expert part of the form.
Select Multiple Cuts.
Fill in the remainingoptionsas

As the Flats are being machined using several passes it is a good opportunity to finish them to
size on the depth (Axial thickness 0) but still leave 1mm on the sides (Radial thickness 1).

Click the Thickness icon to activate Axial Thickness (0).


Issue PMILL 7

3. 3DArea Clearance


Apply and Cancel the Area Clearance form.

Three passes are made at each flat area, the final one with a 1mm depth of cut that cuts to size
in the Axial direction and leaves 1mm stock on in the Radial direction.

It should be noted that by default, the PowerMILL - 3D Area Clearance strategies will only
detect completely flat surfaces. If a model contains surfaces that are almost flat then they will
not be recognised unless the Flat Tolerance is set with a suitable, higher value. This option is
found on the expert page of the 3D Area Clearance form.

Issue PMILL 7


3. 3D Area Clearance



Issue PMILL 7

4. Raster, Radial, Spiral and Pattern Strategies


4. Raster, Radial, Spiral, and

Pattern Finishing Strategies.
This chapter will cover Finishing strategies created by the downward projection of a
Pattern, which include four types, Raster, Radial, Spiral and Pattern.
PowerMILL generates toolpaths by projecting a pre-defined strategy down the Z-axis onto
the model. The standardised geometry for Raster, Radial, and Spiral are generated by
entering values into the Finishing Form. The resultant Pattern can be displayed by selecting
Preview before executing the command by selecting Apply. The Pattern option requires a
user-defined geometric form (active Pattern), which is projected down Z onto the model as a
A Preview of the four pattern strategies are shown, looking down the Z.



Pattern (User Defined)

Issue PMILL 7


4. Raster, Radial, Spiral and Pattern Strategies


Raster Example
Delete All and Reset forms and from File > Examples select the model
Calculatethe Block and definea Dia 12 Ball Nose tool named bn12.

The model and tool are displayed..

Select the Rapid Move Heights icon

formclick Reset to safe heights then Accept.

Select the Start and End Point icon


fromthe top toolbar and in the

fromthe top toolbar then

Note that the default settings are Start Point - Block Centre
Safe and End Point - Last Point Safe.


Issue PMILL 7


4. Raster, Radial, Spiral and Pattern Strategies

Select the Toolpath Strategies icon fromthe

top toolbar.

Select the Raster Finishing icon then OK.

Namethe toolpath
Enter the Tolerance
as 0.02 and
Thickness as 0.
Enter Ordering - Two
The default tolerance of 0.1
will give a fairly coarse
surface finish. For a finer
finish a lower value such as
0.02 is used. A thickness of 0
will machine the material to
size, within the tolerance.

Select a tool Stepover

of 1mm.

Apply and Cancel the


Issue PMILL 7


4. Raster, Radial, Spiral and Pattern Strategies


On closer inspection the toolpath

contains sharp changes in

Selecting the Arc Fit option in the form can eliminate these.

Right click over toolpath Raster_basic in the explorerand select Settings

fromthe availablemenu.
Select the Copy Toolpath icon fromthe form.

Renamethe toolpath Raster_arcfit.

Checkthe box Arc Fit and changethe Arc

Radius to 0.1.
The Arc Radius (0.1) is multiplied by the tool diameter
(12mm) to give a final radius of 1.2mm.
This option is particularly good for HSM (High Speed

Press Apply and Cancel.

Zoominto the samearea as previousto see the changes.

Before Arc Fit


After Arc Fit

Issue PMILL 7

4. Raster, Radial, Spiral and Pattern Strategies


Where the toolpath is stepping over it is lifting up to the Safe Z height each time. This is
wasting time putting in these unnecessary lifts. To make the toolpath more efficient the
Leads and Links can be altered.

Select the Leads and Links icon fromthe top toolbar.

Select the Links tab on the form.

Changethe Short links to

Circular Arc

Changethe Long and Safe links

to Skim.

Apply Links and Accept the form.

Most of the lifts have been eliminated hence saving time and a
circular arc has joined the links between adjacent toolpath

The next stage is to Animate the latest, Active toolpath, Raster_arc fit.

To Animate the toolpath,

right click over the toolpathicon in
the explorer area, movedownto
Animate and select the required

Issue PMILL 7


4. Raster, Radial, Spiral and Pattern Strategies


When the Animation - Start is selected a new toolbar will appear at the top of the screen.
This is the Simulation toolbar.

When the Animation has finished it will be observed that the tool remains at the end of the
last retract move. To send the tool back to the Start Point either press the Home key on the
keyboard or select the Go to beginning button on the Animation toolbar.

To see how a certain part of the toolpath runs in more detail it is possible to attach the tool to
an area and use the Left/Right Arrow keys on the keyboard to make the tool move
backwards or forwards along the toolpath.

Positionthe cursor whererequiredand right click on top of the toolpath.

Select Attach Active


Use the Left and Right

arrowkeys to movethe
tool forwardsand

Tip: - Go to Help and in the Index

area type Attach. You can then
display more info on 'Attach
Active Tool'

Experimentwith someof the other optionsavailableon the Animation



Issue PMILL 7

4. Raster, Radial, Spiral and Pattern Strategies


Radial Machining
Select the Toolpath Strategies icon fromthe top toolbar.
Fromthe formselect the Radial Finishing icon then OK.

Namethe toolpath

Make Radius End 45.

Make Angle Start -60
and End 240.
Set Stepover to 2 and
Two Way Joined Up

Set the viewto look downthe Z directionand select Preview.

The route of the toolpath is shown with the Stepover being

angular as determined by the radial pattern.

Apply and Cancel the form.

Issue PMILL 7


4. Raster, Radial, Spiral and Pattern Strategies


The toolpath follows the previewed radial pattern.

Animate the toolpath.

Centre Point
The Centre Point defines the origin of the radial pattern. By default the pattern is initially
centred at the zero coordinates. This can be redefined if required to user-defined values or
alternatively be centred to the middle of the block by clicking the Reset to Block Centre

Start and End Radius

These parameters determine the dimensions of the pattern and the direction of the first pass:
First pass

End rad


First pass

End rad

Start angle and end angle

These parameters perform two functions: The first defines the portion of the circular area to
be machined, and the second determines whether the tool tracks are generated in a clockwise
or anticlockwise direction. Angles are measured anti-clockwise from the positive X-axis.

Start angle (120) > end angle (0) - tool tracks generate clockwise.
Start angle (0) < end angle (120) - tool tracks generate anticlockwise.


Issue PMILL 7

4. Raster, Radial, Spiral and Pattern Strategies


Tool travels anti-clockwise

Tool travels clockwise

End angle
= 120

Start angle = 0

angle = 120

End angle = 0

The Stepover is the angle between consecutive passes. Note: - that further away from the
centre point, the coarser the finish due to the passes becoming further apart.

Join Up
The tool tracks can be unidirectional or bi-directional depending on the setting of the Join Up
flag. This is illustrated below:
Ends of passes linked

Ends of passes unlinked

Join Up flag set

Join Up flag unset

Radial Exercise
Generatea Radial toolpathcalled Radial_1, usingthe tool bn12,
Tolerance of 0.01 and Thickness of 0.5. Set the Centre Point at X 6.5 Y
26. Select a Start Angle of 0, End Angle of 360, Start Radius of 0, End
Radius of 12 with a Stepover of 1.

The toolpath is generated in a small area.

Animatethe toolpath.

Issue PMILL 7


4. Raster, Radial, Spiral and Pattern Strategies


Spiral Machining
Select the Toolpath Strategies icon fromthe top toolbar.
Fromthe formselect the Spiral Finishing icon then OK.

Namethe toolpath
Set the Thickness to
0 and Stepover to
Enter a Centre Point
of X 8 Y 26, set Start
Radius to 10, End
Radius to 0 and
Direction as

A spiral toolpath is a
continuous one, where there
are no links between adjacent
toolpath tracks.

Set the viewto look downthe Z directionand select Preview.

The preview toolpath is displayed over an area of the


Apply and Cancel the form.

The spiral toolpath is produced.


Issue PMILL 7


4. Raster, Radial, Spiral and Pattern Strategies

Pattern Machining
This technique requires a user defined Pattern for projection onto the model as a toolpath.
This option can be used for applications such as scribe lines, lettering, and non-standard tool
strategies. A Pattern is created either from within PowerMILL or as imported Wireframe

Delete All and Reset forms and from File > Examples select the model

The component is circular as a result of which the Block - Z Minimum and Z Maximum
will be developed as a Circular billet.

Select the Block icon fromthe top toolbar.

Select Defined by - Cylinder.

The Radius is worked out automatically when the

Calculate button is clicked

Select Calculate.

To providemorestockon the base Modify

the Min Z valueto -1, Lock the value, and

The Block can be displayedas wireframeor of variable Opacity up to

solid, dependingon the positionof the Opacity slider switch.

Issue PMILL 7


4. Raster, Radial, Spiral and Pattern Strategies


Before the Pattern finishing strategy is created, a preliminary Area Clear strategy is
required to remove the bulk of the material, leaving 0.5mm, followed by a Semi Finishing
Strategy leaving 0.2mm prior to the final Finishing.
The object of this Pattern exercise is to consolidate some of the training covered earlier as
well as allowing the user to simulate the Pattern strategy at the correct stage in the overall
machining process.

Definea Tip Radiused tool with Diameter 10, Tip Radius 1 called D10T1
and makethis Tool Number 1.
Definea Ball Nose tool with Diameter 6 called BN6 and makethis Tool
Number 2.
Activate the D10T1 Tip Radius tool.

In the Rapid move heights

select Reset to Safe Heights.
Calculatean Offset AreaClear Model toolpathusingthe following
parameters: Name - RoughOp1, Tolerance 0.1, Thickness 0.5, Stepover
5.0, Stepdown 1.0, and Cut Direction Climb.

Simulate the toolpathin Viewmill to

give a result similar to as shownleft.
Activate the BN6 Ball Nose tool.
Calculatea Spiral Finishing toolpath
usingthe followingparameters:
Name - SemiFinishOp1, Tolerance
0.02, Thickness 0.2, Stepover 1.0,
Centre Point X 0 Y 0, Radius - Start
62.0 and End 0.0, and Direction


Issue PMILL 7


4. Raster, Radial, Spiral and Pattern Strategies

Simulate this newtoolpathin Viewmill.

Right click over the Semi Finish toolpathin the explorer and select

Fromthe formselect the copy icon.

Enter a new Name - Finish, changethe Thickness to 0.0 and Stepover to
0.5 then Apply and Close the form.

Simulate the final toolpathin

Viewmill to give this result.
A Pattern finishing strategy will be now
applied to machine the text, Engraved into the

A suitable, pre-defined Pattern will be imported for use with the strategy.

Right click the Pattern icon in the explorer and

select Toolbar.
When Toolbar is selected off the Pattern menu it loads a new
toolbar into PowerMILL. The toolbar contains icons to create an
empty Pattern and load different types of entities into that empty
The toolbar can be removed from the screen by clicking the small
x at the right.

Select the Create pattern icon.

Click on the Insert file into active pattern icon.

Issue PMILL 7


4. Raster, Radial, Spiral and Pattern Strategies


Select the eg button.

Doubleclick the Patterns folder
and then select Engrave.dgk.
Select Open.

The Pattern is made up of 2D flat geometry and lies at the bottom of

the block. This will be dropped onto the model in 3D form while
creating a single pass toolpath with a negative Thickness value.

Definea Ball Nose tool

with Diameter 1 called
BN1 and makethis
Tool Number 3.
Select a Pattern
Finishing strategy.
Enter the Name EngraveOp1.
Enter the Tolerance as
0.02 and Thickness as
Select Pattern 1 (if not
With Automatic set the pattern
will be Dropped / Projected
onto the model.

Select Apply then

Cancel the form.

By entering a negative


Issue PMILL 7


4. Raster, Radial, Spiral and Pattern Strategies

Thickness the tool will machine into the previously finished surface. This is frequently used
for engraving, or to achieve a spark gap when machining part of a component as an electrode.

Openthe Leads and Links form

and Apply the Short, Long and
Safe Links to Skim.

The Pattern has been de-activated to enable a

better visualisation of the toolpath.

Animate the toolpathand simulateit in Viewmill.

The ViewMill block has been painted so that the

final Pattern toolpath appears more pronounced
during the simulation.

Save the Project as Pattern Machining in C:\Temp.

Pattern Exercise
The same imported Pattern will be used to engrave text into a telephone handset.

Right Click Models on the Explorer and Select Delete All.

Use File - Examples and load the model phone.dgk.
Deactivate Toolpath EngraveOp1.
Reset the Block, Rapid Move Heights and the Tool Start Point.
Generatea Pattern Finishing toolpath leavingall valuesas before.

Issue PMILL 7


4. Raster, Radial, Spiral and Pattern Strategies

The Pattern, 'Engrave' used earlier has been re-used on this model. If the pattern is in the
wrong position, it can be moved using the options on the Pattern - right click menu.


Issue PMILL 7


5. 3D Offset and Constant Z


5. 3D Offset and Constant Z

In this chapter 3D Offset and Constant Z finishing strategies will be applied to a model that
consists of a combination of flat and steep areas plus a pocket with vertical walls.
3D Offset Machining defines the tool Stepover relative to the 3D surface shape providing
consistency over both flat areas and steep sidewalls. In this exercise applying this toolpath to
the complete model without using Boundaries would not be recommended. Although this
toolpath maintains a constant Stepover there is nothing to prevent the tool plunging with a
full width cut into the deep pocket area.
Boundaries used correctly will limit the 3D Offset toolpath to the flatter areas leaving the
remaining steep areas to be machined using the Constant Z strategy.

Delete All and Reset forms and Import the model

This model is a good example where it is
a better option to use more than one
finishing strategy. 3D Offset and
Constant Z strategies will be used and
they will be they will be kept separate by
being limited to a Boundary.
Before finishing can take place an Area
Clearance toolpath will be created to
remove the bulk of the material.

Calculate the Block to componentsize, in Rapid Move Heights apply

Reset to Safe Heights, and use Block Centre Safe for both the Start and
End Point.
Definea Tipped Radius tool with Diameter 25 and Tip Radius 3 called
Calculatean Offset Areaclear Model toolpathcalled RoughOp1 using a
Thickness 0.5, Stepover 10 and Stepdown 3.
Simulate the toolpathin Viewmill.

The Viewmill simulation should look

something similar to this.

Issue PMILL 7


5. 3D Offset and Constant Z


Definea Ball Nose tool with Diameter 10 called BN10.

We are now in a position to define the Boundary. Certain types of Boundary are calculated
based on the Active tool.
The Tolerance and Thickness values in the Boundary forms are important and normally
reflect the same Tolerance and Thickness values with the subsequent toolpaths applied to

Right click on the Boundaries icon in the

explorer and select
Create Boundary -> Shallow.

Input the Name - ShallowBN10.

Input a Tolerance 0.02.

Tick the Use Axial Thickness box and enter a

Radial Thickness 0.5 and an Axial
Thickness 0.


Issue PMILL 7

5. 3D Offset and Constant Z


A Shallow Boundary defines segments from areas on the

model that are defined by an Upper and Lower threshold
angle. It is therefore specifically suited to steep walled and
shallow surface machining techniques.

With Radial Thickness set to 0.5 the stock thickness left

on the sidewalls from the roughing will not be machined at
this stage.

Makesure that the correct tool is Active, in

this case BN10.

Apply and Accept the form.

With the model and toolpaths undrawn the Boundary should look something like this. It is
made up of numerous segments each one dividing the model into steep and shallow areas.
Any of which can be selected and individually deleted at any time (only before being
assigned to a toolpath).

Select the Toolpath Strategies icon fromthe top of the screen.

Issue PMILL 7


5. 3D Offset and Constant Z


Select a 3D Offset Finishing strategyfromthe formthen OK.

Enter the Name 3D Offset BN10.

Select Direction
- Climb.
Enter a
Tolerance 0.02.
Enter a
Thickness 0.
Notice that the newly
created, Active
Boundary is
automatically selected for
use. If a different
Boundary is required it
can be selected from the
pull down menu.

Select the Leads

and Links icon
and set the Lead
In to None, Links
- Short and
Long Links to
Apply and Cancel the form.
The toolpath is calculated following the
contours of the Boundary segments and is
produced only on the shallow areas of the
Further improvements can be made to this
toolpath with respect to the Links between
toolpath tracks. At the moment they are all
at Safe Z.

Select the Leads and Links icon fromthe top of the screen.


Issue PMILL 7

5. 3D Offset and Constant Z


Select the Links tab and changethe Short Links to On Surface, the
Long and Safe Links to Skim.
Apply and Accept the form.

The toolpath has now is now more

efficient with the rapid moves at
skim height and the short links
being forced onto the surface.

Simulate the 3D Offset toolpathin Viewmill.

Right click over toolpath 3DOffsetBN10 in the explorer and select
Settings fromthe pull downmenu.
Select the Copy icon on the form.
Renamethe toolpathas
Tick the box Spiral.
Leaveall other valuesthe samethen
Apply and Cancel the form.

The Spiral option is ideal for

HSM (High Speed Machining)
applications where ideally
toolpaths should be as continuous
as possible with the minimum
sudden changes direction. Leads
and Links are greatly reduced
using this method.

Issue PMILL 7


5. 3D Offset and Constant Z


Constant Z machining
Constant Z machining projects each tool track horizontally onto the component at fixed
heights defined by the Stepdown.

As the component surface becomes shallow the actual tool step over increases until it
becomes non-existent on flat areas.
It is possible within the Constant Z finishing form to apply a variable stepdown by applying
a Cusp tolerance in conjunction with a max and min stepdown. While this will generally
provide a more consistant stepover relative to the angle of the model it will not help at all for
very shallow or flat areas.

Select the Toolpath Strategies icon fromthe top toolbar.

Select the Constant Z

Finishing strategy.


Issue PMILL 7

5. 3D Offset and Constant Z


Enter a Name
Set a Stepdown of 1.
Enter the Tolerance as 0.02

Set the direction to Climb.

Set the Trimming to Keep

Apply then Cancel.

By using the Boundary Trimming option Keep

Outside, the toolpath is correctly limited to the steep
areas of the model.

If the Boundary had not been used the toolpath would have
looked something like this.
It can be seen that the parts of the toolpath on the shallow
areas have an excessive Stepover.

Issue PMILL 7


5. 3D Offset and Constant Z


To further improve the new toolpath the Leads and Links will be modified.

Select the Leads and Links

icon at the top of the screen.

Select the Lead In tab and change

the 1 Choice to Horizontal Arc
Left, Angle 90.0 and Radius 2.0.
Click the button Copy to Lead Out.

Select the Links tab and change

the Short, Long and Safe to
Apply and Accept the form.

The tool now leads in and out of the toolpath with a

horizontal arc.
If the tool lifts it will only lift by the skim distance
taken from the first page of the Leads and Links
form (Z Heights tab).
The Rapid moves at skim height are purple in colour
while the plunge moves are light blue.


Issue PMILL 7

5. 3D Offset and Constant Z


Simulate the toolpathin Viewmill.

Other Constant Z Options

Corner Correction to control whether changes of toolpath direction are Arc fitted,
Sharpened or unchanged (None).
The Pocket Machining option if ticked will allow independent machining of local features
such as pockets completely from top to bottom. If unticked the whole area of the component
will be machined at each separate stepdown height.

Optimised Constant Z Machining

This strategy is a mixture of Constant Z and 3D Offset machining. Where the model is steep,
Constant Z is used and for other areas, 3D offset is used.
Closed Offsets if ticked will cause the 3D Offset areas of the machining to be ordered to
occur from outside to inside. The reverse applies if Closed Offsets is unticked.

Deactivate the Shallow boundary, ShallowBN10 in the explorer.

Select the Toolpath Strategies icon fromthe top of the screen.
Select Optimised Constant Z fromthe Finishing strategyform.

Issue PMILL 7


5. 3D Offset and Constant Z


Enter Name OptConZBN10.

Select Closed

Set the Direction to

Input a Stepover
valueof 1.
Makesure no
boundary is
Enter the
Tolerance as 0.02.

Reset the Lead In

and Lead Out to

Apply and Cancel.

Note the consistent Stepover between tool

tracks across the whole component.

Optimized Constant Z has performed well

in this example but it does take longer to
calculate. Sometimes it is better to use
Boundaries with a combination of 3D
Offset and Constant Z.


Issue PMILL 7

5. 3D Offset and Constant Z


Select the Leads and Links icon fromthe top of the screento bring up the
formand select the Links tab.

Changethe Short links

to On Surface.
Changethe Long and
Safe links to Skim.

Apply and Accept the


Both the Constant Z and 3D Offset parts of the toolpath currently use a 1mm Stepover. By
ticking the box Use Separate Offset Stepover it is possible to apply a different, larger
Stepover value to the shallow areas created with the 3D Offset strategy used in this hybrid

Issue PMILL 7


5. 3D Offset and Constant Z


Interleaved Constant Z
This is a form of Optimised Constant Z finishing with additional options which include a user
defined Threshold Angle between the Constant Z and 3D Offset areas of the toolpath as well
the option to specify an Overlap value between them.

Select Interleaved Constant Z fromthe Finishing strategiesform.

Enter data exactly as shownin the followingillustration.
Enter Name as
Input a Threshold
Angle value as 25.
Input an Offset
Overlap valueof 2.

Apply and Accept the


The Threshold Angle and Overlap are specified by the user.


Issue PMILL 7

5. 3D Offset and Constant Z


Introduction to NC Programs.
At this stage we will start looking at post processing a single toolpath from the explorer as an
introduction to outputting NC Programs. NC Programs will be covered in more detail later in
the course.

All of the toolpaths that have been created in this chapter

should appear in the explorer like this.
This introduction will concentrate purely on the output of
one single toolpath - Rough Op1.

Right click over toolpath Rough Op1 in the explorer.

Select the Create Individual NC Programs


An NC Program is created called Rough Op1 and contains the


Right click over the NC Programand select Settings.

Issue PMILL 7


5. 3D Offset and Constant Z


The path to where the program will be

Before post processing can occur the
required option file (*.opt) must be

Select the folder icon to open

up the Select Machine
Option Filename form.

Select the Heid400.opt and

then Open.
Select Write at the bottomof the NC Program form.
Closedownthe subsequentform, whichconfirmsthe output using.
The contents of the NC Program can be viewed by double clicking on it in the
C:\ NC Programs folder and view it in WordPad.


Issue PMILL 7

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