Gang Awareness Guide

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The document discusses gang awareness and prevention strategies in New Jersey. It provides information on common gang identifiers, warning signs of gang involvement, and recommendations for parents.

Some warning signs discussed include changes in behavior, grades dropping, spending time with new friends, calls from unknown people, and possession of unexplained money or jewelry.

Common identifiers mentioned include tattoos, clothing colors, hand signs, phrases, and graffiti representing different gangs like Ñeta and MS-13.

Gang Awareness Guide




The New Jersey Juvenile Justice Commission (JJC) understands
that gangs and gang related activities impact every community in
our State. The JJC works with schools, community organizations
and other law enforcement agencies to combat juvenile street
gangs and help young people succeed.

The JJC has responded with a comprehensive program that

addresses youth gangs at all levels. With funding from the NJ
Department of Education, the JJC has developed a cutting-edge
education curriculum, entitled Phoenix, that corresponds with the NJ
Core Curriculum Standards.

This course can be tailored for youth in secure and residential

programs, as well as county-operated detention centers and
community-based programs. The workbook-based lessons
provide structure and support, and clearly identify the progress
of participants. The most important goal of the curriculum is
developing self-efficacy skills, thereby allowing juveniles to
understand how to react to risky situations, and to think through
their actions and responses to avoid future gang involvement.

To expand its reach, the JJC is forming partnerships with

communities to train others in the Phoenix curriculum. The JJC
is also coordinating with the county offices of probation, as well as
the police departments, to build a “safety net” of resources for
youth in the community.

Experienced JJC staff are available to conduct workshops.

One-day training sessions can be adapted to meet an audience’s
specific needs and information level. It can also be expanded to
provide more in depth training.

For more information, please contact a member of the

JJC’s Gang Management Unit:
1001 Spruce Street, Suite 202 • P.O. Box 107 • Trenton, NJ 08625-0107
Telephone: (609) 341-3468 • Fax: (609) 943-4611

Gang Awareness Guide

Gang members communicate in many dif- members spot gang activity in their fami-
ferent ways. Speech is the most obvious; lies, schools and communities. The pages
however, gang members also make use of that follow provide you with vivid descrip-
nonverbal methods of exchanging thoughts. tions that you can use to identify gang ac-
Graffiti, hand signs, colors, and tattoos are tivity. If you spot any of these signs, there
indicators of gang affiliation. are professionals available to help you.
Gang members have their own language,
which contains phrases, hand signs, tattoos,
markings and graffiti. These often overlap.
As a parent, you may not recognize them
There are approximately 2,300 gang members
right away. The items listed as Identifiers in
under the age of 15 in New Jersey. Children
this booklet include types of clothing young
as young as second and third grade have
people might wear, tattoos and other mark-
known gang affiliations. In fact, 46 percent of
ings. The items listed as Phrases are expres-
gang-related incidents occur on school property.
sions young people might say to each other
or write on their school notebooks. As a par-
ent, you should familiarize yourself with
them, so that you will be alert to them.
Street gangs are targeting young people at Why do kids join
an earlier and earlier age. It is critical that
you be able to recognize the signs of gang gangs?
involvement. This booklet is designed to Each case is individual, but some reasons
help parents, teachers, and community include:
Security, protection and a sense of
Lack of family, community, or youth
support system (too much unsupervised
Sense of status or respect
Living in a gang infested community or
having family members in a gang
Low self-esteem
Financial opportunities (i.e. profits
from drug distribution and other illegal
Peer pressure
Thrill seeking
Media glorifying violence

Evaluate • Educate • Eliminate 3

Originally from Los Angeles, the Bloods are
one of the largest associations of street gangs
in the United States. These extremely vio-
lent and aggressive street gangs, referred to
as sets, have adopted a common gang phi-
losophy. Members use violence to protect
and expand their drug distribution. The sets
share a comprehensive philosophy, ex-
pressed in an oath, a prayer, a song, a motto, blood identifiers
a concept of war, and 31 common rules in- Colors red, black, brown and pink
cluding an Initiation, where a new member B’s up ( K
B ), C’s Down ( C
must withstand 31 seconds of beating or MOB = Member of Bloods
sexual relations. Dog paws made up of three dots
CK Crip Killa
031 / 021
Red, black, brown or pink bandanas
and wave caps

blood phrases
Blatt Blatt
Greetings: “What dat red be like?”
Refered to each other as dogs
DAMU = Brother/Blood
DAMUETTE = Sister Bloodettes Ruby Red
Blood Love
What’s popping?

Gang Awareness Guide

Evaluate • Educate • Eliminate 5

Originally from Los Angeles, the Crips are
an organization of aggressive and brutal
gang members who are heavily involved in
the drug trade. Throughout the 1980’s and
1990’s the Crips developed intricate net-
works and a respected reputation with other
gangs across America. Crip gangs are well
established across the United States.

crips identifiers
Colors blue, gray, orange and purple
6 Pointed Star of David
K ), B’s down ( B )
C’s up ( C
Blue, gray, orange or purple bandanas
or wave caps
Crip Walks
B’s crossed out

crips phrases
BK Blood Killa
Loc (Love only crips)
Slobs (Derogatory Bloods)
C’s Up Cuzz
What’s Crackalacking?
Refer each other as cousins

Gang Awareness Guide

Evaluate • Educate • Eliminate 7

latin kings
Originally from Chicago, the Latin Kings are
extremely violent and a well organized gang.
The gang is active in New York, New Jersey
and Pennsylvania. Its main source of income
is from the distribution of drugs and robbery.

latin kings identifiers

Colors black and gold
3 or 5 pointed crowns
Eyebrows cut to form five points
Pittsburgh sports team apparel
Yellow and black bandanas, beads
or wave caps
latin kings phrases
Pee Wee King (for those under18)
ADR Amor de rey (Love of the king)
360 whole, complete and unbreakable

Gang Awareness Guide

Evaluate • Educate • Eliminate 9

Ñeta orignated in the prisions of Puerto Rico
Association for
and is an extremely violent gang. The group
was formed to address prisoners’ rights the Rights of
issues in the Puerto Rican prison system. the Incarcerated
In the United States, Ñeta chapters exist in-
side and outside of prison.

ñeta Identifiers
The colors black, red, white and blue
The term 150%
Tattoo with the numbers 1.50
Depicting shackles and handcuffs

ñeta phrases

Gang Awareness Guide

Evaluate • Educate • Eliminate 11

ms 13
Originating in Los Angeles, MS 13 is one of
the most violent street gangs in the United
States. Members smuggle and distribute La Mara Salvatrucha
illicit drugs and are extremely violent. MS X3 • MS 13

ms 13 identifiers
Heavily tattooed
Typical latin gang tattoos
“Heavy Metal” tattoos
Blue and black bandanas

ms 13 phrases
“La Mara” stands for Gangs
“Salva” stands for Salvadorian
“Trucha” stands for “look out”
EME ESE stands for MS

Gang Awareness Guide

Evaluate • Educate • Eliminate 13

! General Admits membership
Change of behavior or
Warning Signs defiant behavior
Grades drop/truancy
New “friends”
Calls from unknown people
Unexplained money and jewelry
Obsession with certain colors and
sports teams apparel
Flashing signs
Graffiti on books and walls
Nicknames and street names
Evidence of drug abuse

What can parents do Develop open and frequent

communication with your children.
to prevent their Encourage children to become
children from involved in athletics and other
health-oriented activities for a
joining a gang? sense of belonging.
Monitor/limit children’s exposure
to violence contained in television,
music, and video games.
Cultivate respect for others’
property and pride in community.
Know who your children are
spending time with.
Don’t let children stay out late or
spend a lot of time unsupervised in
the street.
Become involved in your child’s
education and in your community.

Gang Awareness Guide


Evaluate • Educate • Eliminate 15

NJ Office of the Attorney General
Juvenile Justice Commission
Gang Management Unit

This Gang Awareness Guide is supported through funding under the

Federal Safe and Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act,
provided by the New Jersey Department of Education.

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