5elessonplan Robyntalley
5elessonplan Robyntalley
5elessonplan Robyntalley
Teacher Candidates:
Grade Level:
Robyn Talley/ Co-teacher
Heat Capacity
Title of Lesson: (Phrase as a driving question)
How does the heat capacity of water effect the ocean?
ESS2.D: Weather and Climate (Hands-On 9)
o The ocean exerts a major influence on weather and climate by absorbing energy from the sun, releasing
it over time, and globally redistributing it through ocean currents. (MS-ESS2-6)
Learner Outcomes: (Worded for clarity, these must all be evaluated for achievement) Students
will be able to:
SWBAT describe how the heat capacity of water influences the ocean.
SWBAT explain how the ocean effects weather and climate.
Evidence of Mastery:
Check for understanding of students as we discuss observations and
conclusions after the activity.
Completion of Voice Thread Discussion
Process Skills: (Skills are you introducing or reinforcing: ex: observation and measuring)
Recording Data
Lesson Summary and Justification: (Summary gives detailed information about what
students are doing. Justification why is this lesson being taught)
Students will be using air, water, and sand filled balloons to observe the heat
capacity of water. First students will determine groups and gather materials.
Students will begin activity with balloon 1, placing the balloon filled with air 1 inch
over a flame and record observations. Once the balloon pops, students will record
time and repeat this process with the other two balloons.
This lesson is being taught to show the specific heat capacity of water. This is
important because of the effect that the ocean holds on both climate and weather.
The understanding of this comes from a class discussion about, for example, the
heating of a pool as summer begins. How does the temperature of the water relate
to the weather and the climate. Some parts of the world cant sustain a simple
pool. Similarly to some parts of the world where the ocean is too cold for
swimming, etc.
Engage: Get the students interested in the topic and provide a direction for the
Teacher Will: Ask the students to think about what happens in the summer
to a pool, and ask the students why they dont get in the pool during the
winter. Prompt students to think about how far into summer if takes for a
pool to warm up enough for comfortable swimming. (While it warms up
outside in April, we usually cant swim until the middle of May.)
Explore: A hands-on activity for the students to explore the topic.
Teacher Will:
Instruct students to take out their science
Air in balloon 1
cup of water in balloon 2
cup of sand (bottom/first layer)/ cup of
water (top/second layer) in balloon 3
Set up Balloon Stand
Light Candle
Put balloon 1 on top
Co-Teaching Strategy/Differentiation
One teacher will give direct instruction, the second instructor will walk
around and check for understanding, along with helping struggling students.
Explain: In this section the following three things occur: (1) students share what they
discovered in Exploration, (2) through questions teacher guides students to discover
concepts and introduces vocabulary, and (3) at end of Explain teacher states exactly
what students should have learned from lesson.
Teacher Will:
What are some observations made
Students Will:
Student responses could be:
The balloon without water popped
The water collected the heat
instead of the rubber balloon
Students will respond to instructors
Students will fill out the conclusion
portion of their sheet.
Co-Teaching Strategy/Differentiation
Instructor can have the students participate in a think-pair-share and
monitor students answers, and clarify for complete understanding.
How will students take the learning from Explore and Explain and apply it to a new circumstance or
explore a particular aspect of this learning at a deep level?
What will be the student activity?
Teacher Will:
Instruct students to open
Show students how to get to
This is a specific heat capacity
online activity.
Students Will:
Students will open and log into
Pay close attention to finding website
and learning how to navigate
Ask questions when needed
Complete data table and graph in
science notebook.
When finished with online activity,
data table, and graphing, complete the
exit ticket.
Co-Teaching Strategy/Differentiation
Co-teacher can help struggling students and keep students on task (not
visiting other webpages)
Instructor can allow students to work together or alone- based on
preference- but each student needs to complete their own data table and
graph in their science notebooks.
How will students have an opportunity to summarize the big concepts they learned (separate from the
How will all students demonstrate mastery of the learner outcomes? (This should be referenced in
Evidence of Mastery earlier in LP.)
Teacher Will:
Students Will:
Instruct students to open Voice
Open Voice Thread Discussion
Thread Discussion
INDIVIDUALLY post responses to
Instruct students to individually post discussion
responses and respond to at least 1 Respond to 1 peers post
other peers response.
Monitor students during this
evaluation-this needs to be an
individual assessment.
References Used:
Balloon 1 (Air)
Time (min/sec)
Balloon Popped
Balloon 2
Balloon 3