Miscellaneous
Miscellaneous
Miscellaneous
I.
Power
and
Supervision
(Sections
and
143;
902-A)
Section
108.
Board
of
trustees.
Trustees
of
educational
institutions
organized
as
non-stock
corporations
shall
not
be
less
than
five
(5)
nor
more
than
fifteen
(15):
Provided,
however,
That
the
number
of
trustees
shall
be
in
multiples
of
five
(5).
Unless
otherwise
provided
in
the
articles
of
incorporation
on
the
by-
laws,
the
board
of
trustees
of
incorporated
schools,
colleges,
or
other
institutions
of
learning
shall,
as
soon
as
organized,
so
classify
themselves
that
the
term
of
office
of
one-fifth
(1/5)
of
their
number
shall
expire
every
year.
Trustees
thereafter
elected
to
fill
vacancies,
occurring
before
the
expiration
of
a
particular
term,
shall
hold
office
only
for
the
unexpired
period.
Trustees
elected
thereafter
to
fill
vacancies
caused
by
expiration
of
term
shall
hold
office
for
five
(5)
years.
majority
of
the
trustees
shall
constitute
a
quorum
for
the
transaction
of
business.
The
powers
and
authority
of
trustees
shall
be
defined
in
the
by-laws.
For
institutions
organized
as
stock
corporations,
the
number
and
term
of
directors
shall
be
governed
by
the
provisions
on
stock
corporations.
(169a)
Section
143.
Rule-making
power
of
the
Securities
and
Exchange
Commission.
The
Securities
and
Exchange
Commission
shall
have
the
power
and
authority
to
implement
the
provisions
of
this
Code,
and
to
promulgate
rules
and
regulations
reasonably
necessary
to
enable
it
to
perform
its
duties
hereunder,
particularly
in
the
prevention
of
fraud
and
abuses
on
the
part
of
the
controlling
stockholders,
members,
directors,
trustees
or
officers.
(n)
Special
Corporations
(Section
4)
Section
4.
Corporations
created
by
special
laws
or
charters.
Corporations
created
by
special
laws
or
charters
shall
be
governed
primarily
by
the
provisions
of
the
special
law
or
charter
creating
them
or
applicable
to
them,
supplemented
by
the
provisions
of
this
Code,
insofar
as
they
are
applicable.
New
Requirements
on
Existing
Corporations
(Section
148).
Section
148.
Applicability
to
existing
corporations.
All
corporations
lawfully
existing
and
doing
business
in
the
Philippines
on
the
date
of
the
effectivity
of
this
Code
and
heretofore
authorized,
licensed
or
registered
by
the
Securities
and
Exchange
Commission,
shall
be
deemed
to
have
been
authorized,
licensed
or
registered
under
the
provisions
of
this
Code,
subject
to
the
terms
and
conditions
of
its
license,
and
shall
be
governed
by
the
provisions
hereof:
Provided,
That
if
any
such
corporation
is
affected
by
the
new
requirements
of
this
Code,
said
corporation
shall,
unless
otherwise
herein
provided,
be
given
a
period
of
not
more
than
two
(2)
years
from
the
effectivity
of
this
Code
within
which
to
comply
with
the
same.
(n)
3,
2014)
3,
2014)