Ultrawalk To Kick Off Fourth Year of IBA Survey: May-July 2009
Ultrawalk To Kick Off Fourth Year of IBA Survey: May-July 2009
Ultrawalk To Kick Off Fourth Year of IBA Survey: May-July 2009
Audubon Society
May-July 2009
Royalton and Berea, then hit the AllPurpose Trail adjacent to Valley Parkway enroute to the marina in Lakewood.
Second, we want to raise funds to
support the IBA project. We are doing this by seeking pledges for the
miles we walk from our friends, relatives, and co-workers. I am also conducting speaking engagements this
spring to local community service organizations, such as Kiwanis clubs.
There, I am soliciting both pledges
and donations. We will use the funds
we raise to help pay the salary of our
IBA Coordinator, Diane Sigler.
Look for us on May 23. Better yet,
join us! If you want to walk with us,
either 31 miles or five miles, contact
one of our board members, whose
names and numbers are listed elsewhere in this newsletter.
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Volunteer Opportunities
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Contact Us
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Field Trips
Sunday, May 31, 20098:00 AM...River Styx Park, Medina
Join us as we travel to River
Styx Medina County Park to
find warblers and more.
Dan Bertsch will be our leader.
Directions from Cleveland:
Take I-71 south to exit 218,
Route 18. Turn right, or west,
toward Medina. You will see a
large Goodwill sign on the left.
Turn left at River Styx Road
and remain on River Styx
Road. River Styx Park is a
short distance further, on the
right, in a dip in the road. If
you come to Blake Road, you
have gone too far.
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Field Trips
Saturday, July 18...9:00 AM...Ottawa National Wildlife Refuge
For our field trip we will meet at the brand new
Ottawa Visitor Center. We will drive 7 miles
through areas of the refuge which are usually
closed. At various spots we will stop to see
shorebirds, raptors, waterfowl and a variety of
other birds in a habitat reflective of the historic
Great Black Swamp. ONWR is about 90 miles
from Cleveland. If you would like to share a ride,
call Penny OConnor (216) 676-4859
E-mail: [email protected]
From Cleveland. Take Rt. 2 west past Sandusky and
Port Clinton. Ottawa NWR is about 40-45 miles west
of Sandusky. The entrance to Ottawa NWR is 2
miles west of Magee Marsh. Both refuges are on the
North side of Rt. 2.
Alternative route:
Take the Ohio Turnpike I-80 west to Rt 250 north.
Take Rt 250 north to Rt. 2. Take Rt. 2 west to Ottawa NWR.
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All WCAS programs are free and open to the public. Our monthly programs are held the first Tuesday of each
month, September through May, at Rocky River Nature Center, 24000 Valley Parkway, North Olmsted, Ohio.
For a map and directions see www.wcasohio.org.
To get to Royalview Picnic:From I-71, take Rt 82 east to Valley Pkwy. Turn right (or South) on
Valley Pkwy. Then turn right on Royalview Lane. Drive all the way to the end of Royalview Lane.
We will meet in the Picnic Pavilion.
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Volunteer Opportunities
Weeders in the Wild
Join Terri Martincic, leader of WCAS Weeders in the Wild, and other invasive plant warriors as they
return our green spaces to a more native Ohio state. Please join them in the following events.
Other weeding opportunity:
May 2, 2009, Saturday, 10:00 am - 2:00 pm
Sponsored by Cleveland Museum of Natural History
Medina Sanctuary
Along the west branch of the Rocky River,
Registration required, Call 216-231-4600 x3214
August 8, 2009, Saturday, 1:00 pm - 3:00 pm
Weeders in the Wild
South Chagrin Arboretum, Cleveland Metroparks
The fourth Annual Cranberry liberation pull. Join us
as we remove the invasive Buckthorn that is trying
to crowd out the native Cranberry.
Take 480 east to 422 (near 271). Quickly exit at
Miles Road. Turn right (east) onto Miles. Go past
Look About Lodge, turn right (south) on Sulphur
Springs Drive. Turn right on Hawthorn and a quick
left onto Arbor Lane. The Arboretum parking lot is
on the left.
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A small, daring free-tailed bat made one giant leap for bat kind last month while clinging to the exter-
nal fuel tank of the space shuttle Discovery -- and holding on for dear life even after
liftoff. It's highly unlikely that the bat made it into space -- since the shuttle accelerates from zero to 100 miles per hour in 10 seconds after takeoff -- but in the photo of
Discovery clearing the launch tower, the tiny creature is definitely visible on the side
of the tank. Though the flight was probably fatal, the bat has made history and will
live on in legend.
Unfortunately, even as we mourn the loss of the first "space bat," bats across the
Northeast are experiencing an even scarier and not-at-all-entertaining demise thanks to the mysterious, deadly, and rapidly spreading bat disease known as white-nose syndrome. The Center is working
to protect bats from all threats in the face of the devastating sickness, which just last month was confirmed to have spread to West Virginia.
Contact Us
Tom Romito, 216-741-2352
Nancy Howell, 440-891-1710
Newsletter Editor
Kit Birch, 440-238-0153
Mary Anne Romito, 216-741-2352
Conservation Chair
Terri Martincic, 440-243-4536
Directors at Large
Liz Clingman, 440-234-7784
Penny O Connor
Kathleen Tiburzi
Ohio Birds Movements Reveal Global Warming Threat, Says New Report
Species Wintering Farther North Show Need for Policy Change
The northward and inland movement of North
American Birds, confirmed by thousands of citizen-observations, provides new and powerful
evidence that global warming is having a serious
impact on natural systems, according to new
analyses by Audubon scientists. The findings
signal the need for dramatic policy changes to
combat pervasive ecological disruption.
The report is a call to arms for birders everywhere. As the atmosphere for change permeates
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