Quiz 1 Solutions

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February 7, 2013

One way of getting a general feeling for what a differential equation is up to is to look at the sign and
magnitude of the derivative at different points for different values of x. Use this idea for the dynamics

= x(t)3 .
Which one of the plots below (where t is on the x-axis and x(t) is on the y-axis) was generated by
this system?

We see that in all options, the state x start at 10, i.e., x(0) = 10. But, x = x3 means that the derivative
has to be negative 103 at the beginning, i.e., x has to be decreasing. And, as x decreases, x3 decreases
as well, i.e., the derivative is going to remain negative (for positive x) but get smaller and smaller in
magnitude, the smaller x gets. As such, the only plot that fits this bill is:











One way of modeling epidemics is to describe how the fraction of infected individuals evolves over time.
Let I be that fraction, with the model being
I = I(1 I) I.
Here, the constants and are the infection and recovery rates, respectively.
What are the possible equilibrium points to this system (values for I when the fraction of infected
individuals is not changing)?

An equlibrium point is a point where the system does not change. In other words, we need I = 0. This
means that
0 = I(1 I) I = I((1 I) ),
from which we see that I = 0 is one solution. The other solution is given by
(1 I) = 0 1 I =

I = 1 = ( )/.

As such, the answer is I = 0 and I = ( )/.

If someone gives you a possible solution to a differential equation, the way to check if this is indeed a
solution is by taking the required number of derivatives and seeing if the proposed solution does in fact
satisfy the differential equation.
(t) = 2 x(t).
Which of the following options is not a possible solution to this equation?

We have to check the different options:
x = cos(t):
x = sin(t) x
= 2 cos(t) = 2 x,
i.e., this is a solution.
x = 0:
x = 0 x
= 0 = 2 0 = 0,
i.e., this is a solution.
x = et :
x = et x = 2 et 6= 2 x,
i.e., this is not a solution.
x = sin(t):
x = cos(t) x
= 2 sin(t) = 2 x,

i.e., this is a solution.

x = sin(t) cos(t):
x = 2 cos(t) + sin(t) x = 3 sin(t) + 2 cos(t) = 2 x,
i.e., this is a solution.
So, the only non-solution is et .

We saw that the model of a cruise-controller could be given by
x =

u x,

where u is the input, x is the speed of the car, and c, m, are constant parameters.
If there was no wind resistance in the cruise-control model ( = 0), what would the steady-state
values be for the velocity x when using a pure D-regulator, i.e., when u = k e = k(r x)
= k x (since r
is constant)?

Plugging in the values gives that


which no longer is a differential equation but an algebraic equation with solution x = 0. this would mean
that somehow, magically, x = 0 right away which is clearly physically impossible. But, allowing for this
to even be a possibility means that x never changes i.e., x(t) = x(0) for all values of t, i.e., it is impossible
to say what x() is without knowing the initial conditions. (Really, the whole equation is somewhat
suspect to start with since we are setting the velocity to be a function of the velocity which makes sense
in discrete time where thenew velocity can be a function of the old velocity, but certainly not in
continuous time where the velocity at time t is somehow supposed to be a function of the velocity at time
t?...) So, the answer is: Impossible to say!
x =

Let a discrete-time system be given by
xk+1 = max{0, 5 xk }.
If this system starts at x0 = 10, what happens to the state of the system?

At the first step, we get
x1 = max{0, 5 10} = max{0, 5} = 0.
At the next step we get
x2 = max{0, 5 0} = max{0, 5} = 5.

Iterating in this way yields

x3 = max{0, 5 5} = max{0, 0} = 0
x4 = max{0, 5 0} = max{0, 5} = 5
As such, this discrete-time system keeps switching between 0 and 5.

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