Course Objectives & Outcomes Undergraduate Program in Mechanical Engineering (ME) School of Engineering, College of Science & Engineering

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Course Objectives & Outcomes

Undergraduate Program in Mechanical Engineering (ME)

School of Engineering, College of Science & Engineering
Department: Mechanical Engineering
Course Number: ME 3320
Course Name: Kinematics and Dynamics of Machinery

Objective 1) Develop an ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, science, and engineering

1) Be proficient in the use of mathematical methods to analyze the forces and motion of complex
systems of linkages, gears and cams.
Assignments that demonstrate accomplishment of this outcome:
1) Mean final exam test scores equivalent or above 75%
Objective 2) To develop an ability to design a system, component, or process to meet desired needs within
realistic constraints.
1. Be able to design linkage, cam and gear mechanisms for a given motion or a given input/output
motion or force relationship.
Assignments that demonstrate accomplishment of this outcome:
1) Mean final exam test scores equivalent or above 75%

Objective 3) To develop an ability to identify, formulate, and solve engineering problems.

1) Be able to analyze the motion and the dynamical forces acting on mechanical systems composed of
linkages, gears and cams.
Assignments that demonstrate accomplishment of this outcome:
1) Mean final exam test scores equivalent or above 75%
Objective 4) To develop an ability to use the techniques, skills, and modern engineering tools necessary
for engineering practice.
1) Be proficient in the use of software for symbolic calculations.
Assignments that demonstrate accomplishment of this outcome:
1) Mean homework scores equivalent or above 75%

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