Elcan DayNight Hunter Manual
Elcan DayNight Hunter Manual
Elcan DayNight Hunter Manual
Owner's Manual
DigitalHunter'" Riflescopes
Digital Hunter Riflescope <Model DHl)
DigitalHunter Day Night Riflescope (Model DHD
.. ~ialTechnologift
Introduction . l
D~riplion .._...... .. .._.._. ...4
3 Rif1escopt'~lup.--. . _.. .6
Sighting-In........ . 18
ImageC.. pturcandDisplay... . 21
Retidl' Crl.'alion and Loading... . 23
8 RalliSlir Dala Table Creation and I.oading.... . 24
9 FileTransferl'nxf'ss 25
10 Mainlenan~
11 Opt>r..lional R«ommendalions_ __._.._.._.. .._ ..28
12 Troubleshootins ..nd Repair __.._.. .._.._.._ .._.._.. -31
W....nmly ..nd Rl'p..ir _.._.. .34
c."""""" llO".lO
.......... "''''I''''"
u.l.... '·Opo<.IT..-... ~'''''.tIotN>.".,''.,j
_ , _ . " ' ' ' '..t.,,... c... j'M¥.llot\...I _
DroJot·Ii'........ l)ov'o;..".,ItIoo~".nI"'*"lorI- ..
•. ltldltlool.lljc".,H.-... I)o.N;~ .. ~'lI'.... "~.t.,.,, _"'c J"'<>Y
Congratul;llions on your purchase of an ELCAN DigilalHuJller'''' riflescope, the world's
fin;1 diSllal riflrs£opt'~ Your purchas.l" of this revoluliollMY product indicates th"t yOIl wanl
more from your rifk'SC0f'<' than just controlling the impact point of your bullet. Reinventing
the rifll-scope, ELeAN combined advanced ll'chnologi,><; origi""lly develop.....:! for the
milit"ry, i.e., rifle-mounted digital pnlQ:!Ssing and electro-optics, \vilh state-of-the-art opto-
mechanic,ll engine.:oring. The result is an exciting new (<ltegory of rifle'<C{}pes known as
digit'll riflesropes. Thl' Digit<l]Hunlt'r product line currently indudes L>igitalHunter (mood
1)111) and Digital/lunler DayNight (model DHDN).
Fxpt.>ct exciting perfomlance from your new DigitalJ-lunter riflescope - it will enhance your
hunting or shooting experience in the field and on the rilnge. \Vith Digit"IHunter, you can
both be more successful ;n ~hooting activities and ~hare those successes via digital video
and ~till photography with friends and family
l1ll' following figure IdentWe. DigitalHunler's key fealures. l1l.e nly Filler on \too:ll'l
Dig,talHulltcr IDH!) is ,In
optrornc d{'Vice combming hIgh qU<llity, US lIloll1ut,,, I t"" !)HD;>., is not ~hown in thfo figun"
cooled optics wilh digital pR)o(TSSlOg and digital \'isibk> ....,\'oOl' electronic!> In " ru~:,,1
hou..in); d('oiignt'd to withst.. nd Iypicdl hunting em-ironmellb. Dri'-en b)-- ,)fl(' of tht" II" ,
powl'rful digilal<"gnal proc~.... d,-ailable on the markl'llodilY. DigitdlHunter
• C"p1ur{'O, ",ideo and shll "naSt'S aUlorJldli<:i1l1y and maflllitily
• UM'S" typK:<l1 SO (ilrd widdy us..'d by digit,,' c.~m('r,lS
• Displ,,)'~ c..plured vidoo and still images immcdi.llely on ;In on-bo.:Hd d,,,-'\' ""'W
• I\llows filt'S tn ~ copied 10 or from thl' SDcard via a USIl ('.,ble (no! incl,,,I''lt)
• En.. bllSdigit,11ballistico>lllp.'Il....ltiol1 ..tust>r.... nh'r('O .,mgt'S
• l'mvid''Silronstilni large c,.;it pupil (12mm)
• Offers Olll' of ,he brooodcst nl<lgllific<lhOn ranges '1\'aH"bl.. in riflesropt-'S (2."ix It> 11> 0;,,)
• Penmts ~wilchingamongfourdiffell."J'lt M>cks at thfo tOllch of a bullon
• Enable-.Io.lding of user-ereated CUSlom I"et>cles th,~t can bl' any roIor or conhgur"t"lIl
Digitalliunter DayNight (Modf'I'DHDN) is similar 10 DHI wilh the additiorl of an ,1\11\\'
night-vi!;iorI mode. DigitalHUllll'r Da)Nighl is a day/nighl digital rifJe5copl'. The d.....Ii"ht
mode provides the <arne f',,('elk'nt lInagery for targeting during thfo day as Model Dt II Ttl('
2.1 SpKifinlions
acli\'!' nlght-yision mode d~pla)~ bl.lock and white images of objl'<ts ill night Without ll:<lilf;
blinding spotlights, expensi\'e inlage inlensifil'r or infrall.'<l riflescope;. The aclL\l' nll;hl r... ""meler Value
l'islon n\<Xk requires Ihe usc of a commonlr .",,,il,,bk' Mar infrMOO illumln.llor (not
MasniflCatio,m 2.5xloI6.5x
included). DigitalHunter UlyNighl also pro\'ides relll,lrkablc low-light pl'rfoml.llll..'I' ,lIld,~
" luwer-eosl, high-rl'SOlution ,,1t'::Tll"llYl' to i'n;;Ige intensifier or infrMed riflcscopt.'S DbplaYl,(1 H)Vat 100 r..rds 364 f\'Ct (2.5x); 5.8 feet (16.5x)
OperiltingTimc >4 hourSilt7T~(25'C)
I'<lWerSoIHCI.' 4AAlithiumb"ttcril'S
hit I'upil Di"mC't.::r 12nlil1imcters
Dlopler Adjl1.~llTlent t6dioplers
11.7'; inches (without ere guardj
()pO:'r,l\Lng Temperalu", -4 10INF(-20 t049C)
IS H" for 10 Sl"COOds at QVGA resoluliorl
s.."Cure digital card
~ialIT«hnologiM ELCAN.
3.2 Physie.lOlControls
A quick setup procedure .IS ,n,lil.lble on the handy ",(erenet:' card at the !Mek \>1 th,
manual. We n'(ummend that you first read !he detaiWd 'octup ~ppbed in thl>. sectlllofl The physical controls <Ire li:;ted ""low and shown in the following figurt'·
3.1 Power
• Direct VIeW lJIspldy On/Off
R... mou' Ihl' batll'ry dCO.'S>o awer on the
left ~jd(' of the riflescope by po..hing
• Shutler
down on the l.,tch ,md pulling the COH" • Menu
off Ensure that the Q-ring on the acrt.'S6 • Magnific..tion Incrt'ilS("/Decrease
COI'O" ~.. not damaged as it ddecllllc 0-
• R.,nge [ncreil!K'/Decn'''se
ring on the lice..."".. cowr could .. lIow
wa!l'r MId dl'bris to enler the biltl('ry • Rl'tideSt:looion
compartment r".."lting in ~rious .Di"playUrighhll'SS
damage to tl1<' electronics (l\'ulc 1) • COlltrastConlrol
Install four AA l..iih.il!m balterit's (Null' 2)
in lhl' oo1tt'ryoomparlnwnt. takingCilre
that thl.' po5ili\'l' and negali,·f' {'od.. of
the bitUl'rit'S are orientoo per the
If 110 VAC power is a,-ailable. an
AC/OC plM"('r adapl('r (Notl' 3) C<ln be
~. The 3d.1pwr plugs inlo the
POWel( port filed in the Inpull
Output Ports romp..utmeol on the right
..ide of the scope under thca<:ctS6oo\'er.
I. If O-ring b nicked or otherwL'i(' unsuitable. contact us (as in Section I I) lur ,I
2 Lithium AA b"ltl'ri{'S al"t' strongly rL'alllunl'nded due tu "ignific,lntly 10111ll'r b,ll1l'ry iiI"
andlnwl!rweight :Ul Power On/Off
3. Power adapter specs: 12VOCat5(XlmA, l.7mm)(4.7Smll1plug..alld.o:nk.l:po"ltl\'t' In ro turn Ihe riO'-""OO!X' on. PI\"SS and hold the 1\.'Cl bullon on the keypad for approximat,'ly
e'Hllply with FCC interference specif'iCittions the power <ldapter you use mu."t ('mrlll\ 1 ",,'«,"d, The e)'l.'plece d,splay turns on wtthrn 3 ",-'Cand" in the ""lilt' mode and "I."thngs
shielding u..ing ferrite ""aeb;. Set- our .....ebsite for infom\iltion on po",'t'r adal't.·,.., prt.""t'nt at power down. 1 he Direct View Display turns on during pow.. r~up. displaying the
nll'l'lingthosl-speciflC..tion.<; DlgltalHunter logo and then hum oU ,lUI'( fl f('W <erond<; to ffiOSeO'C hallrry power To
tum It bad: on, pn..... the square bullon on tn.. right of Ihe keypad (Sre Section 3.2.4.) The
"""pe is now ~y I\I~, Mounting and "ighting-in a.... d~ in Sections 4 and 5 of
NOIf': Anv menu can"" ent.. red and mudifiL'<.I "" de"ired and t'Xih,.'d at any
pomt. Yuu do not h......e to go through th.. enlin' 5l'lup procrourc. Sirnply chilnge
Ltlw de"rcd <;cl!mg and ~xit to act;\'ate the new sdting.
~~iaITKhnologleJ; ELCAN.
< --Optic&lTedmolog,es
ICUl\Sh.ghlightL>d highhghled T (targt't) to right of
highlighted ~icle ,,00 "",gnificahon irons in ttw.- figull' bdo...· indicate the Zoom/Rt""•. It· MagniflCiltionioron
SO!tling The Dit«t VIeW Display will ..1so display ...·hich SHOOTIXG setting IN- riO"-":' ' Chang...s Chang...s bro Range
is in. The riflc,;,eope Coin be u-wd for targeting in any of the lhrol' 5e'Itings. The o........,:n ·1\
m.lgniflCation (1\010.'1)
irons are deo;cribed in the following figure (loom)
le/Itobe51Ol'*lon Image Of Video Baner,L.ife
Changl'Srelic.... Chan~L'Yepi«e
Toggk><i the ,lutomatioc
andT (Now 2)
Note I ~Ze~ rangew ... u... range whert." you !loki the rl'tocle "n u... desired buUI"l.rnpacl romt
SO Card Mode Indicalor
and ll"l thl.' nf"-"lCOp<'oomp<>nsate for lhe 1ral"Clory of the bullet.
Note 2: N (lIorm..I) IS usa:! in mo5t OUldoor slhldtl.... 'S "'llh n()l"mal(;onlrasl 'iO'1\L'i and l>
rec:ommend,"(l for rn051 ~HU,lllQlls. For a small, bright Ml');el wllh d",k background, u"'" T <'a",el)
3.2.3 h.lCllS
M'''llI.jlly locus the retidl' ,\Ild display icon~ (or YOlir ,·ision by n,tating th" diopler focus
rinK loc,'kd on Ih" "ey!.''' !.'lld of the rif1l.'SCope. M"llually focus the target illl"!:>" by rot"ti"g
"lghl'''l1-ln. unage focuschilngessholiid be rl1mimal.
3_24 Direct View Display On/Off
1'1't"'.... the <;quare button on th... right of the keypad to tum the Di....'C1 View Display on and
off U".· thl!> d~pla\' for menu rtaviS"tion and to VM.'W IllIages and video capturOO by the
Di~itdlllunh'rrifKscopl' on the 50 c.. rd Turnmg this display off COIlSl'rn_"S battery hfe The
l),n'(1 V..._ Dbplav turrn. on 'II inilial power up. bUI lums off aft...r approximillely
) ",-,,-,_I,,'oCOllSl'rw b.llter}" life its normalsetling is OFF.
'2'i Shutter l~bnuallmag... or Video Capture} Bullon
1',,_ tilt· round Shutt... r button on the back of the keyp;od to manuall) acti\ate the image
captul't' of either a "lngll' fitill inldg... or " \idoo 5eqUl'nct". depl"nding on the capture
Mode "'11m.: (Image or Video). ThO! $hutt.., bUllon ilL-o H ilnns• DigitalHunt... r when the
nfl•....:op.· I.. ...,' to ARMED. (s...... 5l'<:tion Another fUllCtion of the Shuttl.-'r button is
It> ~.Illl.d und..... n.od ,-ideo capture whi.... it is OOC\llTlng. Th... is dorn' by pre«sing Ih... ShUll",
Import.. nl: Pres.s the Menu button once 10 ~witch bctween the two IIlO:>t common bun"n wh,1e the Video iron is rOO.
SHOOTIr-.:G <;('tlings; Zoom/Reticleand Rangc!Brlghtnes5. To obtain the Contr...sl Conlrol
SClling. pn'SS and huld thl' Menu button while W'1IChUl6 thl.' DiIl.'Ct View Display unllithe
words TARGETING MODE appear.
~~icaITechoolog;eS ELCAN.
.. ~icalTechnolog;es
3.2.6 Menu Butto" Navigat" betw,'('n the thll'e nlenus using the -+ or +- button. The name of the activilted
US{' the Menu button to Il<l\'igiltc through the DigitalHunter fllnCliort~., Press il one... ~Sil1l:k nl{'nu is highlighted in fl'<l. To select pilr<"'lt..ters in a menu, usc the i or ! button. TIlt;
dick) 10 switch between the two ml".;l common SHOOTING Sdltngs. To obl,lIll the selected pilrameter has a red arrow to the right oi its title. The ClJfll'nt parilmeter selling is
Conlrilsl Control selling, prl'SS and hold the Menu button while watching the Din'Ct Vicw highlighted in i/;reen. Within theactivntcd menu, youc;m se]('Ct iI pMticularS<'ttingby
Display until the TARGETING MODE "'ppcMS, Quickly press it twice (double click) I" pressing the-+or+-bulton until the desired settingappeilrs. Then presseithertheior!
enler the Me"" mode. A single dick of the Menu bullol1 exits the Menu moo ... bullon to go to ilnother p<lmmcler or single click the Menu button to sa,,~ the selling and
3.2.7 Zoom exit the Menu Illode.
When the sc0p<' is in the Zoom/Reticle s:etting, the t or j. bullon ~c1ivatcs the zoom III
incTCmental steps from the Jowl'S1 magnificatIon to the highest. The mCr<.'nlcntal steps;He In('Ccssaryat
Note: You can s.::t up, th~ menus in any order and change them as often
any tIme
If no Uallislic Data T<lble h<ls lx'Cn l""ded, <lny zero nmge ""luI' (in increments of 10) can be
Boresight for It><lded. For this reason. we recommend that you complete the Ballistic Data (see next
mode, the user Ciln perform confi/;uralion Range Units subsection) ;;<.,tting step bl'foTl' setting th", Zero Range
Ea<:h table contain:- minute of ... nglt· (MOA) correction value" 011 the \"ariou>. ran~ ..... \"('1.1
sek-ctl't'l whm creating the tabk> AftI'!" yOllIo.ld four Bill1isllC" Dilla Table'< 10 lhl' n~ J.l.23 Quallt.V
(XctK)ll8). they can b@ <:ckrtoo at the Balli!;tic Data S("Iting for 1m- reticles n."!>Kll."ll1 In tht The Quality ~lection Soe'ls the resolulion of the captured. image. The higher the qualit)'
rifk-.;cope Whm wlt>ctt'd. the nfk"<'Opl' I.l'i4'S these t."lb ...... 10 mablt' you 10 II"" dm'CIl" III fl, "l'1Ktt'd. lhe larger the resulting file:;. which means thai fewt'r images or \'ideo segnwnt'j
IIIlmJtJ ""I"'" pornt at the spt"Cir)( rang.. you l'nlerro "llhl,> lime of the shot. Can be ...1.\'<'(1 10 the SO card. All ,ideo segments art' 10 seoonds long. Qutrlrt)l ,,(f«ts IItt
If no BaIlI..~11C 0.'101 T"bles hilt'\' beffi lo.xIed, or if you Willli to use the nnt'SCop<' ",thout rMUllOf1 of 11K st'S"rnrls. not llIn, Inrgth Quality also impiICls lhe lime rl'quired to Siwe the
vidro 10 Ihe SO Qlrd TIle higher the Quality Soe'lling, the IllO'l'C lime' required to lii\ .... the
.my b"UlSllCrorrectioro, st>lect None
dala 10 lhe SO Qlrd The Image or Video icon on the eyepiC'CC' display blinks In red wh.le A.Jjl,-"'!rrmr lhe imagery data b being sa\"l>d. During thi~ limt', lht' rin(";C()pl' can be US<"d as a sighling
Adjust from l('lls lhesoopc which ,mhal field point to use when pcrfonning the ~igh\lIlg"n devlcC', but image capture and keypad conlrol a~ disabled. When Ihe Image or Video ,con
adjustn'cnt. The two choi~ arc Default Zero (which is the (<!ntcr of the field of ... ilOW) and un tht' eyepil'Ct' dbpl.ly i~ a steady gret'n, lmast' capture and kt'yp.1.d wiltrol all' a\·ailabl.,
Lalit Zero Set (the last position ,11 which Ihe zero point W,IS S<'t), Use Default Zero wht'll 13.2.4 R"(ord R~lldf
the seopi'" is initially mounted ,)11 it rifle. After initial sighhng-in, the Last Zero Set ,<,tt'll!:
"hould be uS<.>d when making final incremental adjustment~. Record Reticle sct~ tht' rifk'SCope to rt"Cord imagery with (YES) or without (NO) lhe
rehc1e The fl·tic1e will stiU be "isibl., on the d;"play. but will nol be vi"ible On the illlagl'S
3.316 lksmlld/usl"...,,1 orvidl.'\J
Begin AdjuSlment star'" the SIghting-in itdjustment pnx("OS described in Section 5 .L1.2.5 AlltoCol'tllrr
3.3.2 IMAGE M""u There are three setting choices for Auto Capture: ON, ARMED, or OFF. Auto Capture ON
The IMAGE menu sets up photographIC p<lrametcn.. To enter the IMAGE lTll'flll from th..• enables an imagt' or ,·idro sequel"lCt' 10 be captured upon firing of the fireann. Images 0"
SHOOTING mode, double did. the Menu bulton, and then pres5 the -+ button ()I'IC(' "ideo can alwa)"! be captured manually in citl\(>r the ON or OFF 'ot'tti.ng b)' pl"l'S.'Sing the
Shutler billion.
tilt· Shulter button ona> and the soI>d gll'{'n Video or Image icon will appl'i1r in the Il~r
'-----------' Idt "ol'Cl1t>n of lhe eyepIeCe display. EilCh II1'1.1ge or \ideo Qlpture in this '<elting TIXIulres
sa"ed to the so Citrd. The -5 Sol'Ihng provides 5 SC'COIlds of video bo,>fort' the shot and 5 rfl"'~,"g lhe Shutter bulton to ann prior to the shot. If unde.ifl'tl inlilge capture ocruf', it
secomb of \ ideo after lhe shol. Other scleclion'i include (4 seconds before imd 6 St.'C'On<.I.. (an lit' c,u'lC\:l~'-'d wh,k-the Image or Video icon is rro by pTl'S5ing the Shutler button. The
after),-3,and-2. ~""ll......,..'<.1 fill'S can bt.> deleted on the Review Images scll'{'n.
e::::...-OpticilITKtmoIogies ELCAN.
ICII .. s:..Qptic.lITeclmologies
Sighting-Ill (or zeroing) it D1gilalHuntl'r riflesrop(> IS tsSffihally t~ SillTIC.' pn.)(I"'~ ,,~
~ighhng-'" .. COIlWIltional;;oopt". E'xct'pl that no m«h.anioll Adjustments "I"€' requlwtl 1\11
ad;uslJ11t'Ilts ar.. dectronic. WI' rerornmend that tho! ~ghting-U1 pTlXl.'SS be t'.. ecul('ll ,II ,t
rifk> r"nge U5ing esLl.blished gun safely practia's. A slabk> rillt' """ will msuw oplllllum
accuracy and efrKiency. Set dl'!olrOO ITI.lgnification before !e.lvIO& the SHOOTING mod.'
5.1 Sighting-In Process
For Tint'" WhHl' vil'Wing th., b!)n' l~ ronvenil>nt, \l~ the following rrllC!$'> to roJulo\h 0,10)\11
Ihe tifll.'S(of"\' \0 the rifle by \'bually centering the I<lrget 10 the rin... bon'. trn-n i1dlll"'1l1\ Ih,
rifleo,;a)p<' cro,;,ohillrs to the center of lht' tiHgCt. For rilk'S where viewing the bllr.' " 1101
From Ihe SHOOTING mode, enter the Ml'nu 'iiiiiitl[ii!wiEJ:iiilli~
mode by double-<Iicking the M.'nu b"lIon. The fl
menu b di~pl<1yed in the eyepiece ~nd on the
Dirt.oct Vic.... Displ<1y. Navigate through each
par<1lTl('tcr and chOOM' the desired St'lting:
• Bornighl lor - Sed:ion 3.311 - Select
dcsirOO r~hcle (Rell. Ret2. Ret3. Ret4)
• Range Units - Section 3-J 12 - So.-Ied the
de<u·«t umb (Yards or ....t.r.).
• Ballistic Data - Section 3.314 - Sclccl one '-_--'_....:... -'
of thc IMllistic D.ltil T"blcs you cn.'i1t«t and I0o<I«1 for your nne <1n.! (.Htr~I)o:. I'erfonn Ihe rough alignrm'nt either by atli,dling a boll' sropt' to t~ nn~ or- by l'i'l1lO\'ing
combinatIon (Table1, Table2. Table3. or Table4) or None. SceSection 9 for lId"iI I'll thl.' bolt and looking down the barrel. Cl.'ntel" Ihe n·t;d~ on the lilrgl'l by pll"5Sing the 1.!.
creillmgBallisticD<1t"Tilblcs ...... or ..... billion. When the Il'ticle is roughly ct'11ten:d on the l.orgel, rt'lllove Ihl.' bore scopt'
or repla«> tIll' bolt Pn'piln' to ""f~ly fi .... th,.. rifle
• Z.ro Range Section<-'Ct Ihe r<1nge itt .... hich you want to zero ttle r,ll., If 0\
B.111btic D,lt" Table is 5l'1.'C1.'£1, the rinescopc will only ~Ilow the r<lllbl' v"I"., h' h. U"lI1g a St.'CI.Jr(· n'"I, ~hool a thl1"t'--round group "t the target "t the zero range distanCl' you
o yards (or meters) or Ihe ""llIc !\t't when thc table WilS cre"tl"d. (Be b "lIWlf\ wltll sl'l,><:I.'(t Wh,l,.. ""ltmg up the SCOPE menu. When ready 1<1 Jllakc l'I,'viltion adjustmenls,
OyardSl'nables any table tob<- ..elected. If a n011-().yard range isenh'rcd, (Hlly t"l,I, pro.", the t or J. button tu "'O\'l;~ the impact point of the bullet in elevatiun in increments of
with th~1 v"lll'" of >,eTO rangl' Ciln bolo "",lectcd.) Ensure th"t the valu.....1:1 fllr Z.ro 02 MOA. For ""ilmple, if the impa<:1 point of the bullet needs tn mow up 0.8 MOA, Ihen
R.nge l:; tl", range set whl'fllhe lable was created. If a diHert'fl1 7.erO range i.. <l.... II'n1 rr....s the t bullon (our tilrn.'S. A7imuth adjustmenls are similar lbing Ihe ..... or ..... bUItOl"'''
you muSI create a new lable. See Section 8 fordetails in creating Ballistic [MI,l T"h!t: The Direct View Display is espt.ocially OOIwcnient to observe as th_ adjustnlL'1lts are ..,,"\de
~T«lmoIogies ELCAN.
Whm buJIcts are hItting on I>lcgl't, )'01,1 'lre read) to compll.'tt' the sighting-in pr~. 1\1
thi" lime. pr.-ss th{' Menu bullon once 6 IMAGE CAPTURE A DDISPLAY
The ZERO CURRENT POSITION prompt "PP(';Us with a YES, NO, or CANCEL <,election One of the mosl valuable optiOf1$ DigilalHunll'r provides is the abilily 10 captur.. images.
po!i>oibk Use the -+ or +- buHons \<.1 highlight the dto:;irtod rcsponse Both automalic and m<1llUal modes arc a\'ailable You C1In rt'v;cw thl' images inlln.,'tlialely
in tIll' field, and latvr downk..~d them to your computer for further vicwing and sharing
• YES ~I{>cls the (ldjush.od position as the ~\'ro JXlin! for the dj~plolyed r('tiele. with fri('nds and ri>llIily. An addiliUnl\1 b.""dit i~ the video outpul rcat1Jn.', which enables
• NO l"l:!lains tht, "dJu~ted po5itKm for Ihilt reticle for h.>mporary LL"'" (for uilmpl.. to ('nler cuntinuous \id('() to be viewed in rcal time on an l'~lcm,,1 vid.'o display or projl.'dor and 10
a temporary windage ofrsct). To TefllO\'C tht' temporary OffS('IS, go b.lck through th., be c"plunod on "n c~ternal video recorder. lbl' "huntl'r's view H of your cntil"{' hlUlI c"n
SCOPE menu and o;ek-d LAST ZERO SET ,,"'" roler BOl'••ight Adjust mode and now 1:>0.' caplured and nVIilYl>d using common Vidl'O equipnll'nl. Shoohng and hunter
retum theoffsoets to 0.0. "<I1('ly traimng can be gn-at.ly enhanced. by using till' ...."l·timp ,-ideo gefl('rall-'d by
Dig,taIHunler, which can be projo.'Ctl'<! or displilyPd
• CANCEL delet('§ the adjusted position and r~ts 1tM.- reticle po6ltion 10 the 1.1~1
7l.'m<;f!t. 6.1 I\.bnu.. landAutom.olkCaplur~ "i~~.ijii(:KIii.i~
rn.....~ th(' Menu bullon once 10 accept the ll.'Spon~ To m.mu.lIly '''plun' "till images or a "idro dip, ,..
Tlw ZERO FOR ALL RETICLES prompt "PIX'ilrl>. If you wilnl all four rt'lkk~ to 1),1\'(' thl' ~tl~;~~~;~~~i;~ll~::~j~~;l~I~~a;r~7i~~ Mode Image _
5<11\1e I.em point, sell"Ct YES; othl'r.... iSt! ~k'(t NO, Press the Menu bullon Ol1ce The scupc Shulll'r button, The Digil<lIHuntcr C<lpturl'S Video Start ~
returns to the ..... J1lC SIt<X>T1NC modl' the rifle"cop<' was in when thc M.'nu button \\,,"
imtiallydoublcc1ickt'd ~'::~~::;;1l . 71;:PI~i~ Sti~ i~~~~lor :a=~ie-c~~ ~:: Reticle HI - ~
Atlhi:; point, the riflescupe is Slghlt'd in and r('itdy for use, If further adjustmmls of Il'n) wlll'n tht' fill'dml is fired, ~I the Auto Capture
a .... ll'qurred, ....p""1 the Zl'rolng pnxeo>s but .....1ect LAST ZERO SET mthe. th"n DEFAULT -.ellml; to ON as dl'\iCribOO in Section, To Auto capture
f=~:~;:t~~.::~e~~:%,es ~~~l:;i;r:~~ '-_Rev_ie_w_Im_ag-'-es ---'
ZERO for til.<' Adjust from p;trillft('ter_ Then mm-e t~ Il"liele in azimuth or el<','al;":,n
I)iK,l,llllunler has an <K!ditiomd feature which
t\lm~ uff the aulo capture lno:l... llnlil the hunter Harrn:;N Ihe rinescope ThIS mode ~
I,nuwll ,'~ "ARMED" and is dt'S(ribt.'<! in Section, If und('Sirt'd image caplur{' occur'S,
,t I'.ll' 110,' t,ltlcel('\l while Ih{' Image or Video icon i~ fl.,shing by prt'ssing th(> Shullerbutton.
Nutt· tlMt thl' Image or Video icon displa)'oo in the upper left of Ihl' l'yepi('(;(" d ..~play will
tum 1'<'(1 ,1l1.lllash whill' IllI' imagery d;ll<l i" bl'ing ....1 \00 10 Ihl' SO C1Ird. During this Iimt',
thl' 011.·...... '1'1(' can 1:>0.- l.JI>('(\ OlS " "ighling de\°ice-, but "ddilional im.1g... captu.... or le)'p"d
u,"lml ,~.h....,bled until the "",,-ing process complele<;, Wlll'n the Image or Video iron on
:~·lt~.i~.7~:~:~~~~:~~~=i=~';~;~I;~~~r --~--_
1.1ll I...., l.lllU·.....l whIle till' Image or Video io:on is fl.bhillg by
I'''' '1Il~ the 'ihuller buUon HoldS"..
6,2 Viewing Imagery on the Direci View Display
I" l'u'W ,m,l!;l'" s;w\'(l on Ihl' SO card, double dick Ihl' Menu
bllllun ,m,1 na,i!:.lte to') the IMAGE menu, thl'fl down to Ih...
~:~~,I:'::=~~~';;·t;;:~n~l~I~"P~y:~~l~~~t1~~;: ~=====!
,hi' I'r, thl' Shutler button. I'I"l"SS the Shuttl'r bullon Olgain
111 h ·to· b. I, t<l~I']II"\i\gl'S.
....s-Optic.aITKlwloIogies ELCAN.
lmagt"li or vidt'OS an" not dL"playoo in I~ eyepiece display fOJ" s.:ofety A."a."OIlS. Abo. the
images ,md ,-ideo will only be displayed when (he rifJescope j" poinll"d up Tlw n~g" 10 7 RETICLE CREATION AND lOADING
the right will appe-af In the Dill'Ct View [)i"play if imagery IS being \,'cwoo and tho:· four "l.lndard 'l>tocles rome wilh lho.' DigitaLHunter rifkosoope. C\bIOm n..'hcll's can be
tiflo.~ IS not pointed up Cn'Oltl'tl using commonly i,,"a,labl(' graphlC'l SOftwiln' lhat crl'(ltes bilmaps, or "Oftwiln' tool"
NiI\"~illt' through the imillle or video file;, U~II1~ 11M> -+ or ..... bullons. lbe still image fil.",
loc(ltl'(l on thl' .... U:x1~T pageOll ou.wl"bsill,' in Iht' &tu:lt WodShop""pagl'. 5ct'Section 1.2
are named DHIXXXX, where the DJ.1l tcpll.'Sl'nts Digll.\lllunter Imilge-. ilnd XXX\ 7.1 Relicleo..fin;lion
rcprL.....nt" sequent;,,] nllmlx-r-; assignffi by the rillescope. The video files arc n.mll~d
The relicll' irll<lgl's for DigitalHunler arc 64-0 x 480 bitll1~p ir11(lges. They Me dr~wn on ~
[)HVXXXX. Pressing the f button aelivall'" video replay. P~ssing the t blltton durin);
uniform bilckground of blilck (RGIl=O,O,O), white (RGB=256.256,256) or gray
video replay pam.._'S the video; prrssing the i bUllon "gain C\Jl1tinUeIi pl"y of the \',dl'O
fl{GU 128.128.128), TIlt' rifk'SCope ""flwilre tilkl"S the b.lckgrowld color (must be black..
;,egl1lcnl. Toggling lx>twt'<'n \'ideo and imagt' T('view is acroll1pli~hlxl by a single dick of the
whit., or griW) or the slnglt' pixel in thc upper left hand corner of Ihe illl.lg", olnd renders
Shutter hulton. n .... filt'S can be delet.>d off the SO card by prlSSing the J, bullon Singlo" 111.11 mlor tran"par('nt o'er the d~~play fidd when thl' n..'ticle is merged with tlw Cilnlcril
dick the Ml'I1U buttOll to return to the 51-lOOTING mode,
VIlil'O Anv otlwr oolor drawn in lhe- reticle image wtll show as iln (werlay 10 the GU11t'ra
6.3 Viewing IlJYgery on .. Computero. Oigi~llm.ge Viewer ,"ico tn thl' "COpl" displa)'. Thl' rehcle file'i llll1»t bl' w1COffipres.'iE'd. 8-bil color
20\(> roll', bitmar--
To ,'iew ~onted irn<tgeo; and "ideo on your computt"r or olher digil.l! lrn<tgC ,',cwt"r,
downkwl lhe imagerv file.-< <;.1"00 10 the SO Cilrd to your compute. "'a one of the fil..' To A'nlO\'(' the reticlt' pattern from the- display, tlelt'll' one or more reticles using the
tr;msfer Pl'\lU'SSl'S dl"'!iCriml in Section 9. Vi('W them dS you would any standard digildl SCOPE menu TIw iron... will still (lppear, buttllere will be no reticle.
photugr"ph or video fill' 7.2 R..ticlel();lding
6,4 Viewing Real-Time Video On an uternal OispJ.y
Thl' 1)'git(lIHunler will hold four different reticle ml~. These m~'S must be n,lmed
Remuvc thl' Input/OutPul COll'piHtmcll1 cuyer (item 3 on page 2) and pl\lg ;n a video '{I'tlcll'lbmp, Keliclo.'2.bmp, Rctic1t'3.bmp or Rcticll4.bmp. lJitmap files with other name Mt'
cable wilh ,1 "mini video" cul1lu'Cloron one end int" the VIO[O port. Plug the olher l'nd of Ignur('d. Tr(lrlsfcr rt'licll' files to Ihe 5D card root din..'Clory from your PC (l~ dt'SCribNl in
thl' vidl"O cable into an el'lcm(ll video display or projl'Clor to view Digitall-luntl'r reaHime .......·tltln q Disconnect the USB mblt' (if \I~), power Ihl' DigitillHunternff amlth"n b.lck on
vidCQ. The video fom",t choicl's an' I\'TSC (for North American video oulput) arid PAL (for 1010..(\ Ihe new n..'ticlt' 10 Digililll'lunter's operolting S)'l>tl'ln The file willtllen be eraSl.'t1
EUropt.'.lI1 \·ideooutput), You musl S('1cct lhe ,'idwoutpul format roch 1mit' "Ideo outpul is In"'l 11M' SD Cilrd olnd thl' exisllllg n..'1iclt' me in DigitalHuntl'r's operating systcrn will be
desired Ea.ch lim(' o.glldlHunll'r is powcroo up, Video Oulput sl<lys off to ron$l'Tn> powl'r U\"rwnltt"n To be ~u.(' tMI tl>l' n'tidl' ftles you loaded aA' theA', r"liwigate 10 tht"
To romply with FCC intl'rfl'll"1"Ia' !ipl"Cifocatlons the video cable you US(' must employ I''''nli Rl"Iock- ,,"..lllng of IhI' SHOOllNG Jl'><Xko and >erollthrough the ",licIl' ....k'Ctions.
shielding IIsing ft>rrite ~ So!e our webs.!te for "ideo cables Illl'Cting lhose ~pecirlGltlORS
e::-...OptiulTechnologies ELCAN.
.. ~ialTKhnologies
NOh" SOllie v('rsion~ of W;ndow~ XI' H()Jlle VeJ"'ion autOlllati<:a[Jy A USB cable,s fl'()Wn'd in this configuration (nol indudro). To comply with K:C
iljlpl'nd an e:<tell'IOn un the filename. If you have difficulty loading ,lltl>rf"....>nCt' spt..'Cifications, the USIl cable yOIl u"" lflll:>t ('nlploy shidding using ferntt'
n.,lli~tic Data Tabl"" to DigitalHunteT, ensure thallhe file n.amed~
bt'a{l~ See our wc~ite for USB Clble<; rTlCt'hng thOSt" specification~. A USB mini conn('('tor
not han- an addilional -t:<l- add«:! to it lS Il.'tlllirro on Ihl' Digit.,IHulltt'r end of Ihe USB cable; a standard sizt' USB conne<:tor I~
u.~ually r<:'<Iuired on the computer l'TId o( the USB Clble. DigitalHunt/1r must be on when the
C.....n.'C'I filename formal Tablel,ixl USB cablt.> l~ «IIlIl<:'C1l'ti Connect the cable first to your PC:, Ilwn 10 DigitalHunter 11k' PC
lnrorrect fi~mc fOl'lll<1t Tab.... I."'U:d autO'"l"t"COJ;nizl"S DigltalHunlt'r ,tS a removable disk dri\'e 11k' eyepit"ct> display will go
tj II Tran.~fer Filt:-, to o.gitalHulltl'r From PC:
Using &Ihstic o.,la Tabies k't~ you rlact' IN> reticle elLactly on tN> de,:irro poUlt of 'lllf'o'Cl
at tN> Sol.'lected range Sclt.'rt tho.- deSIred t..b .... number in the SCOPE menu per Secllon 3-3.1. ru lran.~t.>r fik... 'relicle filcs and !M1lt-lic data table filt"s) to DigltalHunler's oper..tmg
sight-ln tlw rine at the range the lable is Sol.'t up for, then enler the ~nge/8rightness ~,~tem. ""I'e tllt· file 10 the SD<:ard root dll't'ClOry in the ""me way you would sa\'e any filt.>
SHOOTING mode per Section .. nd select the dcs,red shoo"ng "m!,;e You <:all now IIlt'n (lL-.,;onn,'CI tilt.' USB <:ablt", and power Digit"II-1unter off and b.tck on 10 load Ihe IlC'W
hold thcCl.'ntl'rof the retidee:<aClly on Ihe desirro bullet ,mp.'ct point at that rang", Some hit> tv Digit"lI-lunter's operating syslt'm. Tht" t"xisting filt' il\ the operating system will bl'
"tuning- of Ih" balli~tic table Illay be rl'quir<.'d foroplimum a«:urdcy, If you dctermm/1lhal U\'l'rwr,th'n lilt' filt, on the 5D cani will then bt' moved 10 a deleh.- directory 10 ;>void
the ballisticdilt-d t"bll' ne«'~ 10 bl,> "tlll1l'(\", ~imply open the file with a COmlll.)n tl'lLl l><:litor rd,~"tltlg ('I"ry hill" 11ll' rincscopc is powel\'d on.
on your pc, make the adjustlllenlS, !><lve the file u~illg the file names ~pecified ,Ibove, and " 12 I r,"I~f\'r hll'~ hom DigitalHuntl'r to PC
I" tr,lIl~fl'r fill"" (rum DigitalHunter (vidl'U or image fill'S), click on the Il.'Ill0t(, drive
lIl'ig,I"IlI"nkr <.,1) (,.....t) and navij.;"te to th,> IMAGES folder, then mpy Ihe video (al'i) and
11Il,lgt' III'g) Illl'~ to your PC File-. can bl' ropit:-d and delNed using typical PC fill'
Ir.U\~I,·r IIlt·tll<"'~
24 M"",.rk"~''"'''''',~,~"rr;,mmMw~r
11 OPERATIONAL RECOMMENDATIONS 1111111ut,'S, When you move the riflescope or prt!SS one of its bulluns, it will, within I
During the development ilnd te'iting of DigitalHunler, we discovered several pri\cticc~ that S''<:l'''lt r..t1lm tuthe saml' mode it was in when it entered power-save mod,'
will help yOli gel the most from your DibilillHunter. Those practicE'S ilrc descrilx-d in If y"U Me moving while h'lIlting, you "li'y use the manual power-save mode. PfL'SS any
this~tion. bull"n (t'~cept the power on button or Dir~'Ct View Displ"y power on) to return the
11.1 Optimum Impart VideoCaplure nfl,,,copc «) II 51-lOOTING mode
To optimize the caplure of bullet impact on video captured by DigitalHunter, employ wide 11,5 Customi>:illS B"lIislic Data Tables
fidd" of vicw, low rl'U>il firearms. rt'Coil control, and proper follow-through. Wide fields of fhe sophisticated ballistic software suppli~<{t with DigitalHunter gener"t,'S Ballistic Data
view (low Illilgnifications) enable beller (,'pturt' of the bullet imp"ct than llilrroW fields of lables in simple text format. Thl' t"bk'S aT<.' <>s "ccurate as the inputs you enter. If, after
,-iew (high magnification). We r'i.'commcnd using the lowesl magnifi<;iltion that adl"1ua1c1y ~h{lutingyol1rriflelllthedista"cesspl'cifiedinthetable,yo\lfindthat increas&1accuracy is
di"plays the intended target. Video Cilph'rro ill Jx to 5x will capture more impacb th"n f1('t'd~>d. the table can bl' modifi~>d u~ing a common text editor on your PC. First. detl'rmine
vidl'ocilpturl'<:lathighcrm"gnificalions.J<eepingthetargetassmall as possible in the field the MOA adjustment n('('ded at the desired distance (range). Tilt'n open thc file on your
of view will help capture theill1pad cvmputer "nd modify the MOA values on the corresponding range row in the table. $il\'t'
We abo recommend using the lowest r~'<:t>iling firearm that will adequately perform the tht' ftlt' back to your Digit"IHunter per Section 9.1.1. This enablC'S predse. Cllstomi7..-cJ
task at hand to k('('p the impact within the field "fview. You may want to use sonw type of ballbtic Wl11pensation over many dist"nces
r~'<:oil control such "s a Ix-nch re<:;t. v-grooved rille ~st. shooting sticks, etc 1 1.6 Usillg DigitamuIller DayNight (Model DHDN) al Night
Naturally. your rifle will move due to "'coil just after the shot. Proper follow-through The active nil)ht vision (Low Light) mude uf Modc! DJ-IDN enables cxceptional viewing at
(keeping the rifle trained on thet.uget well after the bullet has left t hebarrel)willhelph't'p Il'ght allct improved low light p<'rformance. It displays black-<>nd-white imagC'S of objects at
the target within the field of ,·iew. By returning the riflescope field of view to the targct as night without the Ile,>d fur blinding spotlights. To see in the dMk, the "ctive night visiun
quickly as possible "fter a shot, much valll<1bl~' inforn,,~tion can be learned ,1bout IIw nhllh- requm:s the use of a commonly av"ilable near infrar~,<:1 illuminalor (not included).
effectivity of the shot on thM tMget when the video or image is replayed on the Direct View An In!<.'Tnet ....."reh for near infrared flashlight illuminators will yidd TTlultiple
Display. The value of a good solid rC'St that contains aLimuth and elevation recoil moti"n IIh,"uf"cturers. Some models will TTlount to firearms via I'katinny rail mounts. By
cannotbeO\'erstfL'SSI'd 11l0untlll"a ball,'ryOpl'rated near infrared flashlight illullliniltOfso.'Curely to your firearm.
Consider capturing still imag~'S insh.'ad of video if large calilx-r rifles are being lIS<-'<I if \,",, cre"ll' an excellent varmint night hunting weapon Systl'l11 Mud"l DHON also provides
retide placement at the time of firing pin strike is desired 1'\1'\'1[,0111 lllwli"hl perform"na' "nd is <l lower-C()SI, hiKh-resollition a!lernati"e to image
IIlt'·"~lfll'r ..r infrared riflesco]X'S
11.2 ImageQualitySelting
O,Kl' " Ile,~r ;nfr",~>d flashlight is securely mounted "nd aligned to your firearm, rcmove
We r~'U>rnmend that Qu"lity Ix- set on M,>d (medium) to optimize bdw('('n good imagery
till' d,ly lilt,'r from the objedive end {If the rifk-scope ilnd store it in a safe pl"ce. Switch the
fi'SOlution, e-maiL~ble file sizes, and quick processing time
Color Balance to Low Light (paragraph A l11es,.~ge will briefly appl'M on the
11.3 Batteries "VI'!,""\!' dl'l'I,ly noting th"t low-light calibration is occurring. Once the scenc image
Lithium batteries are fL'<:Olmnended. Each hunting day should start with a fresh set of n"'l'pI'" ...,tllrIlOnll1l'llearinfrarediliumin"tortofullyiHuminate the sc,'nl'
lithium batteries with a spMe set available as required. The uscr should take advantage of
the power-save (Section function as much "s possible to preserve baltery life C'''l~ult tIll' hunting I"ws in your lomlity to ensure compliancc,
We also recommend that the batteri~'S be removed from the battery compartment if the 1'~f'I-'<:i,llJy while
hunting"t night. Typically game hunting is
rifl~'SO)pe is going to be idle for more than a few d"ys. I\,ltllilowed at night (usually defll1ed as 30 minutt'S after 'U1lset
lhmllgh 30 11linutes b<:fore sunrise). Some states also limit
11.4 Puwer-S"veFun(tiun
Using both <luto and manu"l power-save [unctions can significantly increase the life of
your batteriC'S. Depending on how long you leave the Digit<>IHunter in power-save. you l "n'ult ,lilY o!,erational instnlCtions "nd Silfety nuks provided
can (h<>nge balleries l('SSoften. w,th Ill'M infrar~>d illuminators to ensure proper use.
If you MC still-hunting. the Auto PowerSave On fe"ture is most usefuL Just ensure your N, ,II Illlo,u. d III"n\lIl,IIO'" Me produced 111 LED and Ifl(andesccnt versluns. The LED
riflesc"pe is completely still and it will go into power-save mOOt' automatically "fter I II I"I'~ "", gl'nl'r,llly 1110'" efficient and sllM!!er. The 850 nm models will produce a d~'t'p
red lighl din\ly \'isibll' to humans and Hwbible to red-grt.'t:n blind lllammals (coyoll'S, fer,ll
hogs. etc.). The90W nm illumin,llul' ar<' Invisible to humans
Tum down the e)'epiece brightnl'$l< (p.lragraph 3.2.9) during night operation to pll"iCrH'
youreyes'naluralnight\'iMUll 1 Unit won't turn on. Unit Replace the balleri... pt.'r St.'CIion 3.1. If the s;.m(>
turns off During power--on ,,-'SuIt occurs with new ballerie", n'1ll0\'(' the
11.1 Using Digit.lllllunter D.llyNightDuring Low Light ffwilightl
cyd." iI ",,">:;age appeilrs battenl.'S and U>l' an AC/DC power adapter per
Model DltDN's removable day filter ellilbles refT\ilrk.lbk-' low·lighl perfonrumce Simply 1 re;lding Looking for file. Section J.1.1f proper function then r""ulls, contact us
remove the d.,y filter during tirrK'!l of ell"treme low light and operate the scope in thl' low U,lltl'ry life icon is red, pl"r the pl't)Q~ outlined In St.'CIion 13.1 1 to h,we the
Light <:olor !Mlanet' mode. Thl' dispbYlod black-Md-white imagery will not be as eKiKt n,...hll1g. or shows no baN. unit repaired
without till' dar filll'r, oowl.,\·er mol'(' light will be!il'l'n by the sc~, dispbying more dc-'t,lll
2 Ualll'ry life is Ieo<s than Ensure fully chargl'<i, lithium b.ltleri..", are in~talled
lal," in the e\yning and earlier in the morning. When light conditions ll'CO\'er, sUlll'ly
.. hou!' Alkaline and nick...1met.ll hydride OOllCne-s will not
repbce the day filter and put tlK' scope bilel in Daylight mode for rolor display. N"ar
1a.,1 for four hours of coolinUOll~ non-J7O""er s.we
infrall.'d iIlumin.ltors al'(' I100t requ,red for twihght low-light use.
opel1llion. Employ the power-".we function "'-' much
_ _ _ _--t"~'-'_=ib~.'.C(""'SeeSedion333.s.)
J Uallil>hccompetlSiltionisnot Refer tn 5ectioon'l 1.5.
...$-.Opt~Tedmologies ELCAN.
10 In RevM!w (mag('$, only sliD
1Il1<lgt5 are ilvaiLobl('; videos
To toggle Iwt.....t"mshll image l\'~·iew .. nd ,'Ideo
replay. pl'e'l:S the Shutt;:-, bullon.
I U I NQn.W.lrr.lnly RlI'p.lirs
II ...." ""Mr,mtv n'l"ll,"" are Tl"'Juirf'd, do not rl'tum lhe rifJe.cope to your dl'aler. On tlw
can"befound " ..1,,, I ~"I""'" I'<'Sl' wllhlll t'-Wgr (our on-lin!.-' USl'r.. group) on our websIte IS an elllail
h,,~ ,·nlltl.... t I'Noll'" -"1I1'/>orl, Click on Ihal hnk. fill in the Tl"'Jue<;tf'd infomliltion and dick
11 hnmediilll'lyafterashvtor The keypad is disabled "nd unll.'SpoIlSl\C while ~I NI) hI ,lbtllil ,In IU.IA (Rl'lumed Mat...rial AuthoTl~<lllonJ tr"eking nlllllb<or v;" return
n1<lnuaIShutlerblluonpn'SS, IlllilljCry isbl'ingso1vcd 10 lhe SD card. The
"IIl,lIl rtwn ~hlp It I<' riflesc:ope baek to uS in Ihe original r...lail box to th... address w ....
the kl'yp.ld is 1II1rl""pon.~ive Image or Video ;COIl un the l'Yl'pil>('l' di~pl,ly will
I'nl~hk Ind"d.. " "'flY of ttll' original s.1Il'S rl'Cl'ipt wilh thl' rl'turn...xt unit. We r"'-'C<>Imm'nd
flash indicilting imagery is bt'ing saved totheSD
It1ol1 Ih.- ('WIll'r 1II~"rt· ,my ~hipm('nt. ~incl' ELCAN Optical Technolngil's will accepl no
Cilrd. When the icunSIOps flashing,lhe leypad r"~l""",blllt\, fllr h"'~ ordam,agl' in Iral1~il
II (AN WIll ,-\',Il",IIl' ttl(' rcpilir;; IlN..:loo, and pro\'idl' a quotalion for tlleC<lo>t oflhe rt.'pilir
12. Udttl'riesilredifrK':ultloload To handk- the mroil extl\'rT1CS of larger caliber rines,
{h"" ,ntlr .. ppm\,.l ito rt'Cl'in-d 1'I1ong with a crooll card ltulhoriT.alion, we Will rt'pilir your
OOltt"ryrontainment is ~rily light A lip lor !hj(II.• lllunlt'rand rl'lum It to you promptly.
u--rting b.1tteric!< IS 10 r.....t load both of the
ll'am1O!i1 lMlterie>. !':...xt.1o.Ki the lon"'itro balle')' in !1.r"".urMltl.Jn-pa',"",,«,Ihl-followingscction.
noll ooUl'ry reo..;w"l str.lp lSbehind the battery.
ughtly pulilhe strap until tIM> positive (front) end of
the forwilrd battery is "ngled tow"rds the ~Illoval
contact spring. allowing l'a~ier insertion of the last
13 Dirt.-'CIViewDi~plilydlX'Sn'l To oonserw baUcril."', tht Dirt.-'CI Vicw I)isplay i~
S\"y on at power-up dl!l>ignt-d to come on briefly at power-up, then to
lurn off until i\ is Specified conunanded 10 tum on
via lhe !>qUill"(' button 00 tlw forward fight of the
keypad. (See Section 3.2.)
14. Thl'erepie<:edisplayshows ThIS is a normal LCD artifact, which will gradually
f("lTUl.ilnlsoftlw\ienuaftera dis<tpp<'ar afler iI fl."" moments.
15. The cyepiece display hilS Thill is a IlOrmill LCD 'lrtibet, which will gra<lually
~tructurein ililftcrprolong.....:1 d,So'pfll!i1r aftcr a few lTh,lmcnls. Prt'\'ent thi~ by
nposuretobrightlilo;ht blocking light from entermg the eye guard.
(cull\ing in ffOlll the eye end)
16. Undesired ill\ilgc~or\'idoois Employ the ARMED setting (or Aulo Caplure
c"ptured. (Section Also, while undesirt-d \'id..."O is
Ix>ing!liwed to theSDeard thl' Video icon will be
flashing on the erepie('t' dispkly. Pll.'S~ng tlw
Shutler button whilt- the Video iron lS flMhillg will
32 "~,.. ',rl'''');I'''I''',~''I~"...ro..Irl,,,I:('
replaC't'menl is commercially impractical. then ELCAN Optical Technologll:'s may, ,11 OI.c1l1lmer
its sole discretion, I'l'fund the purchasE' price, Elloctronic components aR' warranled for
one (1) year from the d.1te 01 imhal retail purchase., Any CO\"ered defect of which ELCAN ....111. ""'It,lrlL. 1.11.... or pron~ do not allow the ell:duslOll or Iimilalion of in.plied
Optical Technok>g)es is gi\"t'n wrillen notice as providffi below within one (I) year \'\ lto,."l" ". lhi: hnllt.lhon of Ulcidcntal or oonsequenl.<aJ damages so the abo\'e
ilnd ten (10) days will bc remedied by ELCAN Oplical Tl'duIolog;c.. I , ,1'1,,,. ,'1,,1 ,·\.Iu IL'~ may bc limlloo in theu appliCilhnn 10 you_ When implied
withoulch.arge WM' ",.. 11101\ I..,t to.,. I'..doded in their entirety, they will bc limited to tlw dur<1lion of
111(, ,11'1,1.. ,1>10.' wrltkn w.orr,ml\· rhlS watranly gIves )·ou SpL'ClflC Il'gal rights; you may
ThIS W<lITilllly IS grilnloo by Ittytheon Cotnp.1ny, by and through ELCAN Optical
Technologies, 1601 N. I'lano Ro;,d, Rich,udson. TX 75081. This warranly, effective
h 0" "tl",r flJo:hh tlMt may \ary depo:nding on 1oc<11 law. Your statutury righb arc
October 31, 2lX15, supercedcs all previuus warranly ~lalClllcnls
GOllomlng Law
1111 11111111" \\I,orr.lI1l~' ~h,llI be j;UWnl.'<l by the [;ows of thl' Slate of Tuas U.S,A., ,Ill(! by
1!l II" "I Ih,- llllh"d "I,ll,.... "\e1udlng thetT connicb of !;ows principles, The Uniled
ot ( ,·n\. nt~"l "n ("nlr3Ch fur IIw Inll'mational Sale of Goods is herl'by I'xcludl'd
Illlb'IOIUo1\ tr'''ll.ll'rl"".t~>IItothL~Limlled \_"_IT_'"-'.', ---'
M,~I,·IN"'lIh,·r SeriillNumbl'r _
Il"h'l.fl'm,h,,,," l'urchilSt>l'rice" _
H,'I.III'·(~"'rl"l'1 Add",'"
Hd.lIl,·(.I',.. \"I('ud,'
Optional Information
AgI" M;ll... /Fcmale: _
l'IIflIM''ItY''ul'l.'ll <lrrL'Cl'lv,>(\asgift_
IVtudl Ihn',' k,'lur.", i"f1U('ilCl'(1 your buy d.'Cision the 1ll000t?
1I"II!,tk,,"1l1....·n... 'I'un Autovidl'OcaptUf\'
AI'h"IIl.lI>"I"I'!llr,' Illlilgerydownlood
Iwld ~WII\tMhj,' rl't,\It'~ Customi7.ilbl(' ~1;c1e<i
ELCAN Optical Technologies
1601 N. Plano Ad
R~hardSOf1, TX 75081