Normal ICP Is The Pressure Exerted by The Following Three Components CSF, Blood, Brain

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1. Normal ICP is the pressure exerted by the following three components

Blood, Brain, Bone
CSF, Blood, Brain
CSF, Blood, Bone
CSF, Brain, Bone
2. Normal ICP (in mm of Hg) ranges from

0- 15

3- 18

6- 21

9- 24

3. A rise in Intracranial Pressure will compromise

Cerebral Perfusion Pressure

Mean Arterial Pressure

Systolic Pressure

Diastolic Pressure

4. Cerebral Perfusion Pressure is equal to

Mean Arterial Pressure Intra Cranial Pressure
Mean Arterial Pressure + Intra Cranial Pressure
Mean Arterial Pressure X Intra Cranial Pressure
Mean Arterial Pressure / Intra Cranial Pressure
5. Normal Cerebral Perfusion Pressure (in mm of Hg) is in the range of

50 - 80

70 - 100

90 120

110 140

6. Cerebral Vasodilatation is caused by

DecreasedPaO2 and Decreased Pa CO2

Decreased PaO2 and Increased Pa CO2
Increased PaO2 and Increased Pa CO2
Increased PaO2 and Decreased Pa CO2
7. Interruption of Blood Brain Barrier is characteristic of the following type of brain edema
8. Periventricular diffusion of CSF is characteristic of the following type of brain edema
9. Intracellular swelling of neurons is characteristic of the following type of brain edema
10. Which of the following is an early indication of Increased Intracranial Pressure?

Dilated pupil

No pupillary reaction



11. Which is the best position for a patient to maintain optimum intracranial pressure?
Extreme hip flexion
Lateral flexion of neck
Neutral position of the head
Trendelenburg position

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