Wedding Form
Wedding Form
Wedding Form
Please print or type. Fill out fully, giving proper names of participants, not nick-names. In giving names of all persons please underline the name the person uses and give the
full names of the bride and bridegroom. The deadline for announcements is 5 p.m., Monday. Announcements with fewer than 175 words are free and will be edited to fit the
format. Those more than 175 words require a fee, which varies based on length.
If not submitted in person, this completed form should be mailed to Milestones, c/o Customer Service Department, The News Leader, 11 N. Central Ave, Staunton VA 24401.
Wedding director:
Reception given by whom, where:
Hostesses names:
Wedding trip destination and permanent address upon return:
Daytime phone:
Miss A Day. Miss A Lot!
October 2010