Pulp Adventures
Pulp Adventures
Pulp Adventures
This chapter helps you construct daring Adventurer
of The Roaring 20s!! As always, it helps to begin with
an idea of who or what your character is rather than
jumping right into the knacks and powers.
1) Character Concept
Pulp heroes often had unusual powers and abilities
granted to them as a result of a strange experience
or an eccentric background. A stint in the Far East
gave weird powers of the mind and body to the more
mystically oriented. Having been orphaned and
raised by animals in the jungles, deserts and polar
regions of the world conferred to certain heroes
amazing abilities in strength, agility and athletic
prowess. Or a strange gadget or device invented by
the hero may be the source of their unique powers
and weird talents. These powers were much milder
in comparison to the extravagances typical of the
long-underwear superheroes of golden-age comics,
and made pulp heroes even more believable for this
If you have knacks, how did they develop? Or is it
the mastery of arcane magic or high-tech gadgets
that gives your adventurer her powers? If you
have superpowers, how did your character get his
powers? Was she the victim of a horrible accident?
An experiment from the Great War gone horribly
wrong? What sort of knacks or powers does your
adventurer have? A westernized Indian yogi? A
gadgeteer with a rocket-pack for flying and a death
ray pistol? A wealthy philanthropist with hope for a
new and better tomorrow?
Why did your character become an adventurer? Is he
a pilot from the Great War who feels restless in this
time of peace and prosperity? The concerned child
or sibling of an evil genius intent on conquering the
world? An daredevil archaeologist driven to acquire
rare and sacred objects for the sole purpose of
research and preservation? Or is he a disillusioned
policeman by day, death-dealing masked vigilante by
Less fantastic, but still unique background abilities
and skills for pulp heroes of more traditional
whodunits and spy-smashing stories should
be encouraged. For example, a hero with an
encyclopedic memory coming from growing up in
a household with a set of these as the only reading
material will find this renaissance knowledge handy
time and time again; for even more entertainment,
Volume S could have been missing, providing
strange gaps in this characters knowledge. A
stint in the Great War will provide familiarity with
weapons, combat techniques, and even how to handle
airplanes and potato peelers for a character with
this type of background. Time spent in the police
station, as a rookie cop, news hound or even as a
custodian can provide in-depth knowledge of police
procedures, the city, underworld contacts, and even
how to fix a leaky faucet. Having at an early age
running away to join the circus and working there
can give useful knowledge of acrobatics, disguise
2) Race
Characters in Savage Adventure! can be Humans
or Something Else. Humans are described below.
Other races-undead, constructs, or hyper-intelligent
talking apes are also possible, but youll create
those with knacks, super and psychic powers-for
literally thousands of combinations! (Talk to the
3) Traits
Your character starts with a d4 in each of his five
Attributes: Agility, Smarts, Spirit, Strength, and
Vigor. You then have 5 points to distribute among
them as you choose. Raising an attribute costs 1
point, and you may not raise an attribute above d12.
You also have 15 points to buy your skills. Raising
a skill by a die type costs 1 point as long as its no
higher than the attribute its linked to. It costs 2
points per die type to raise a skill over its linked
All skills from the Savage Worlds rulebook are
allowed in Adventure!.
Note: If you plan on being a super-being, check out
the new Arcane Background (Daredevil, Mesmerist,
or Superhuman) Edge. It gives super-types the
ability to increase their attributes, traits, and Edges
out of super- Power Points. You can ignore the usual
restrictions about not buying traits over a d12 when
using Power Points.
4) Hindrances
Hindrances allow you to define the weaknesses of
your character, and in turn give you more points
with which to build him or her. You may take up to
two Minor Hindrances (worth 1 point each) and one
Major Hindrance (worth 2 points).
For 2 Points you can:
-Raise an Attribute by one die type.
-Choose an Edge.
For 1 Point you can:
-Gain another Skill point (max d12).
- Gain an additional $1000.
Power Points
Characters with Arcane Background (Super Powers/
Knacks/Psychic Powers) can also use their Power
Points to further increase their attributes or take
new Edges. See page for details.
5) Gear
Your character starts with $1000 to spend on gear.
A list of some common items carried by adventurers
can be found on page .
6) Secondary Statistics
Now that youve finished raising your basic Traits
through Power Points and advances, its time to
determine your secondary statistics:
Charisma is a measure of your characters
likeability, and is added to Persuasion and
Streetwise rolls. Your Charisma modifier is +0
unless changed by Edges, Hindrances or Powers.
Pace is equal to 6, unless changed by Edges,
Hindrances or Powers.
Parry is equal to 2 plus half your Fighting.
Toughness is equal to 2 plus half your Vigor.
7) Final Touches
Now you can fill in your characters details. How
did she get into this business? What keeps him
motivated when it comes to getting into trouble?
What are his goals? Who does he hate? What major
changes would he like to see come about in the
Allergy (Major/Minor)
Your character suffers an aversion to a common
condition or substance, such as water, fire, cold,
sunlight, etc. Exposure to that substance (generally
within 1 of it) inflicts a -4 penalty to all your
characters trait rolls as a Minor Hindrance. As a
Major Hindrance, all of your characters Psychic or
Super powers-including traits derived from themare actually negated until 4d10 rounds after the
substance is removed or shielded somehow. Only
characters with psychic or superpowers can take
this Hindrance.
New Hindrances
Below are a few new Hindrances for Adventure!
Alien Form (Major)
Your character is completely inhuman in appearance
- a dog, gorilla, and so on. He suffers -4 to Charisma,
and his physiology a bit harder for Regular Joes
to figure out (unless the medic happens to be a
Veterinarian...). Healing rolls made to help your
character are made at -2. The numerous roleplaying
instances should also be a major challenge as wellyou cant get into restaurants, cant wear a flak
jacket, cant fit into a car, and so on, as defined by
your odd shape. Your characters form may grant
you special perks, but these must be bought as
powers. If a talking gorilla wants to be able to swing
from tree to tree, for example, youll have to take the
Swinging power. In other words, if your character
doesnt have a power, his form doesnt grant it to
him for free, no matter how you describe it.
Dependent (Major)
It may not be an intrepid reporter or a loyal butler,
but your character has some person to which he
is completely devoted, and will do anything to
protect. This may be his wife or girlfriend, one of his
children, or even a pet or servant. The Dependent is
a Novice Rank character, and while scrappy in her
own right, just isnt up to par with the Ubiquitous
Dragon and his Tong legions, or Baron Halcyons
Underearth Armies. For whatever reason, this
doesnt stop the dependent from getting involvedfrequently and often. She constantly requires
saving, reveals team secrets, or otherwise causes
your character no end of grief. Of course, every
now and then, the friend might just save the your
adventurers life as well, but such instances should
be rare. If the Dependent ever dies, your character
is heartbroken and grief-stricken for the rest of
the campaign. He receives only one benny at the
beginning of each game session (but Luck and other
bonuses apply normally). Relief comes only after
ultimate revenge. He cannot simply slay or arrest
the minion who murdered his girl, he must arrest/
kill the minions boss as well and only after making
them pay. Only then is the benny restriction lifted
and the Hindrance bought off.
Disability (Minor/Major)
Disabilities can include any number of physical
or mental conditions that in some way effect how
your character behaves or is perceived. Minor
disabilities might include speech impediments,
skin conditions, or learning disabilities such as
dyslexia. Major disabilities include lack of mobility
(paraplegic or quadriplegic), birth defects, or major
mental disorders not covered by other Hindrances.
Powers that compensate for these disabilities should
downgrade or negate the disability as appropriate.
Distinctive Appearance (Minor)
Your villains appearance is somewhat different from
others of his race (a blue skinned human, literally
faceless, a talking gorilla, etc), and is relatively
easy to spot, even when out of costume. This makes
the villain easier for the aliens to track down and
pick out of a crowd and can even cause troublesome
social problems even amongst his own people. The
appearance must be present in and out of costume
to count as a Hindranceall masked vigillantes are
distinctive in costume.
Gimmick (Major)
Your character must change clothes, get angry,
drink blood, summon mystical energy, imbibe a pill
or potion, or otherwise perform some unseemly
task to access his powers-all his powers. Whatever
the case, the character can be prevented from using
his powers if he cannot enact his gimmick. The
character cannot use any of his powers (or Edges or
Traits bought with Power Points) without it.
Two Characters: If your character transforms into
a completely different person, both characters
should be made separately, with the normal person
created as a normal Novice character. Advances
gained through play may be added to either form,
but not both.
New Edges
The following new Edges are available to heroes of
Background Edges
Heartless (Minor)
The character isnt necessarily Bloodthirsty (though
she might be), but she is willing to commit murder
to further her own goals. She doesnt take glee in
killing but doesnt let it stand in her way either.
Power Negation (Major)
Exposure to a certain substance or condition
robs your character of his powers or makes them
ineffective. In addition, your character suffers
a -4 penalty to all Trait rolls made while under
the substances effects. The substance should
be relatively uncommon or expensive, such as
gold, holy ground, or lightning storms. Very rare
substances(chunks of your aliens home planet,
lotus flowers)are possible as well, but word of your
weakness is out there and can be easily appropriated
by certain enemies if needed.
Servitor (Major)
Your character is the servant of a greater entity that
grants him his power. While your character may
have his own plans, he ultimately serves his masters
agenda, whatever that may be. This must be fleshed
out before the game begins, so that the Game Master
can devise the masters plans and what his minions
role in it may be. Regardless, the master cannot
be defied. If it is, it unleashes its full power upon
the defiant lackey in an attempt to show its other
minions what happens to those who are disloyal.
Setting Rules
The following setting rules are in effect for
Arcane Background (Daredevil, Mesmerist or
In Adventure!, all player characters start the game
with one of the Arcane Background Edges available
(Daredevil, Mesmerist, or Superhuman ) for free!
(This is in addition to any edges you recieve due to
race...) If you want to play a character without this
free Edge, you get another free Edge of your choice
instead (and good luck-youll need it!)
The concept of powerful blows making assailants fly
through windows, over tables and into bottomless
pits is a staple of the pulp genre. A successful hit by
a character with a Strength of d12 or greater causes
the foe to fly backwards 1d4, plus an additional
1d4 per raise on the attack roll. Only kinetic
damage causes knockback of course-poison gas,
Universal Powers
Inspired Attribute (1/Step)
Trappings: Uncanny reflexes (Agility), advanced
half-alien brain
(Smarts), religious
background (Spirit) gorilla (Strength), huge (Vigor).
This power increases your characters attributes,
and usually reflects some sort of supernatural
enhancement. Each 2 Power Points spent increases
an attribute one step. Daredevils can increase Spirit
and any one other, Mesmerists Smarts and any one
other, and Superhumans Vigor and any one other.
A d12 becomes a d12+1, and so on. Maximum any
stat can be raised to is d12+5. (Note that derived
statistics, like Toughness, round down, so that a
d12+1 Vigor produces a Toughness of 6.)
Requires Activation (-1): The increase in attributes
must be activated. This is a free action, but it isnt
the characters normal state (i.e., he doesnt
eat, sleep, and walk about in public with increased
attributes). Subtract -1 from the total paid for
Summonable (+2): You can summon your minion to
you via a magical portal,
etc. They will arrive within 1d4 rounds of
summoning. This modifier must be purchased for
each summoned minion.
Daredevil Powers
Barnstormer [5]A biplane will never make it
through that gap? Well, lets just see what this baby
will do! You were born with a stick in one hand and
a throttle in the other. You are virtually unassailable
in any aircraft. You can overcome any damage to
the craft short of its total destruction, assuming
Load Limit
Max Weight
1.5 tons
2.5 tons
Threat Awareness (2)Look out; hes about to Whack! - ha! There; never mind. Whether its
an instinctive feel for body language, or uncanny
precognition, you know when someone is about
to launch an attack just in time to throw the first
punch yourself! Be careful, though; I knew she was
going to shoot me isnt the best defense against
charges of unprovoked murder. The character gains
the edge Danger Sense. If the character already has
Danger Sense, the character loses the 2 Notice
penalty associated with that edge.
Parting Words
Well, thats it. This is what I used to run my own Adventure!-Style pulp game. The
only thing which I never really dealt with here was the Adventure! games dramatic editing
system. To my way of thinking, thats what bennies are for anyway, right? Have fun, and if
you havent already done it, run right out and get the following books:
ADVENTURE! the pulp-prg - This is the best pulp game made yet! I just havent liked the
systems it was coupled with. Now that Ive got it jiving with Savage Worlds, the world is a
better place! The background and fluff in this book are amazing! Warren Ellis has even done
an ADVENTURE! story! If you want to crank up the timeline and play in ADVENTUREs
slightly post-modern future, pick up a copy of the Aberrant rpg, and its suppliments.
Savage Worlds core book - Best system ever! Period. The new book is in pdf format and the
original can still be found here and there. Go to Great White Games or Pinnacles websites to
get this game!
Neccissary Evil - The first Savage Worlds Super hero (?) setting and what theyve done is
great! If you want to link Neccissary Evil up with Adventure! instead of Aberrant, you can
DO it! It works great! Maybe even have PCs stumble across evidence of the Atlanteans!
Everything Ive done here is appropriated from other sources, so dont think that any of this
is original material. Everything here is essentially Neccissary Evil set into an ADVENTURE!
framework, with bits of Brian Misiazseks excellent
INTRODUCTION TO THE PULPS essay thrown in for good measure.
To view Brains essay, go to fantasylibrary.com and look for something
called Pulp Avengers. Its awsome!
Nothing in this book is my work with the exception of
the translation of ADVENTURE! to Savage world, by way of
Neccissary Evil. So, pretty please ....dont sue me.
I hope you all enjoy gaming in the pulp of the 20s and 30s
as much as I do!