SAMPLE Faith - Keri Folmar - Cruciform Press

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A Bible Study on James for Women

Keri Folmar
Cruciform Press | February 2014

To my grandmother, Ruth Elizabeth Oates,

a steadfast woman of faith characterized by joy.
Keri Folmar

2014 by Keri Folmar. All Rights Reserved | [email protected]

Keri Folmar encourages us to read Gods Word carefully, to understand clearly, and to apply prayerfully. This study helps us hear James call to
true faith in Jesus Christa faith that works. With simple clarity, Keri guides
us not only in studying James but also in learning to study the Bible.
Kathleen Nielson*
It is hard to imagine a better inductive Bible study tool than this one. So
many study tools wander from the biblical text, but Keri Folmars study on
James concentrates on what James himself says. Also, the message of James
for our everyday lives is constantly emphasized. I recommend this book for
both individual and group study, for it will enable you to grow in your faith.
Diane Schreiner*
This study through the Book of James encourages us to have an active
faith that works itself out in love. I appreciate the way Keri consistently
challenges us to apply Gods Word to our own hearts, and also to our relationships in the body of Christ. This is a great study to do on your own or in
partnership with someone who is not yet a Christian, or with someone who
struggles with assurance or expresses a desire to have a vibrant life of faith and
service to Christ. Kristie Anyabwile*
What a harvest of righteousness is enjoyed by those who dig deep into
the book of James! We all need the wisdom that comes down from above,
and this Bible study on James is a true guide. Keri skillfully created this rich
resourceand not only that, she put the tools in your hands so you can study
Gods word for yourself. Gather your friends to study with you, and enjoy
the harvest together! Gloria Furman*
This book came to me during a deep trial, forcing me to read the book
of James and wrestle with Keris questions. Keri longs for Christ and her
writing bears witness to this. This study is convicting, in the best of ways.
When her penetrating questions pierce the heart, Keri doesnt lead the reader
to a stagnating self-pity or worldly grief over sins. A faithful teacher of the
Scriptures she prods the reader to a godly sorrow and a deeper faith in Jesus. I
respect Keri greatly, especially for tackling the book of James. Her theology
is sound and her wisdom rings through. I highly recommend this book for
either personal study or for groups. Luma Simms*
* See endorser bios at page 4.

Table of Contents


Week 1 James 1:11115

Faith during Trials
Week 2 James 1:121827

Faith when Tempted
Week 3 James 1:192741

Faith in Action
Week 4 James 2:11355

Faithful Love
Week 5 James 2:142665

Faith that Works
Week 6 James 3:11879

Faith-filled Speech
Week 7 Jamess 4:11291

Faith in Relationship
Week 8 James 4:135:6103

Faithful Living
Week 9 James 5:712113

Faith in Suffering
Week 10 James 5:1320125

Faithful Prayer
More books from Cruciform Press138

Endorser Bios
Kathleen Nielson is author of the Living Word Bible Studies; Director
of Womens Initiatives, The Gospel Coalition; and wife of Niel,
who served as President of Covenant College from 2002 to 2012.
Diane Schreiner, wife of professor, author, and pastor Tom Schreiner
and mother of four grown children, has led womens Bible studies
for more than 20 years.
Kristie Anyabwile holds a history degree from NC State University.
Her husband, Thabiti, serves as Senior Pastor of First Baptist
Church, Grand Cayman, and as a Council Member for The
Gospel Coalition.
Gloria Furman is a pastors wife in the Middle East and author of
Glimpses of Grace and Treasuring Christ When Your Hands Are
Luma Simms is the author of Gospel Amnesia: Forgetting the
Goodness of the News and Counterfeit Me (forthcoming)
Also from Keri Folmar
Joy!A Bible Study on Philippians for Women
Both these studies are available:
In bulk discount pricing for as few as 6 copies
In printable PDF format for $5.45
Through our ebook licensing program (6 pricing levels)
Learn more at
(See the back pages of this book for more great titles from Cruciform Press.)

Faith: A Bible Study on James for Women | Print / PDF ISBN: 978-1-936760-85-5
Cover Photo: Ruth Elizabeth Folmar
Published by Cruciform Press, Adelphi, Maryland. Copyright 2014 by Keri Folmar. All rights reserved.
Unless otherwise indicated, all Scripture quotations are taken from: The Holy Bible: English Standard
Version, Copyright 2001 by Crossway Bibles, a division of Good News Publishers. Used by permission.
All rights reserved. Italics or bold text within Scripture quotations indicates emphasis added.


s we begin this study of James letter, we should think through

why we are studying the Bible. Why not read some other book?
Or why not just get together with some other ladies and chat?
Well, have you heard the story about the kindergarten teacher
who had her class paint pictures of anything they chose? One little girl
was working very intently on her painting. After observing the girl
for a moment, the teacher asked, What are you painting? The girl
answered, Its a picture of God. Amused, the teacher informed her,
No one knows what God looks like. Without looking up from her
painting, the little girl responded, They will in a minute!
This might be a cute example of a precocious child, but many
people paint pictures in their own minds of how God looks and acts.
They know God to be a certain way because they want him to be
that way.
However, the one true God is transcendent. He is beyond our
capacity to know. First Timothy 6:16 describes God, Who alone has
immortality, who dwells in unapproachable light, whom no one has
ever seen or can see. God existed before time. He is the creator, and
we are his creatures. He cannot be approached by sinful man.
How can we know this God if we cannot approach him? He has
to approach us. The only way to truly know God is for him to reveal
himself to us. He reveals his existence and power in creation. (See
Psalm 19 and Romans 1:18-21.) However, if we want to truly know
this God of surpassing worth in a personal way, it must be through
his Word.
And God wants us, his creatures, to know him. Jeremiah 9:23-24
Thus says the Lord: Let not the wise man boast in his wisdom, let not the
mighty man boast in his might, let not the rich man boast in his riches, but
let him who boasts boast in this, that he understands and knows me, that I
am the Lord who practices steadfast love, justice, and righteousness in the

Do you boast in understanding and knowing the Lord? Do you

want to know this God who practices love, justice, and righteousness
in the earth? He wants you to understand and know him. He is ready
to speak to you every morning when you wake up, throughout the
day, and before you go to bed. You have only to open his Word.
A well-known catechism says, The chief end of man is to glorify
God and enjoy him forever. That is what we were created forto
truly know and enjoy the God of the universe. Jeremiah the prophet
cried out: Your words were found, and I ate them, and your words
became to me a joy and the delight of my heart (Jeremiah 15:16).
A great saint, C.H. Spurgeon, said:
Believer! There is enough in the Bible for you to live upon forever. If you
should outnumber the years of Methuselah, there would be no need for a
fresh revelation; if you should live until Christ should return to the earth,
there would be no necessity for the addition of a single word; if you should
go down as deep as Jonah, or even descend as David said he did, into the
depths of hell, still there would be enough in the Bible to comfort you
without a supplementary sentence. [ref]

This is why we study the Bible: it is Gods revelation of himself to

us. We need to know who God truly is and guard against painting our
own picture of him. God has revealed himself to us, not in paintings,
but through his Son by the words of Scripture. God the creator
has spoken, and we his creation should listen to his words as lifesustaining truth and joyfully obey them.
This Bible study workbook is to assist you in studying James
letter in an inductive way. Inductive study is reading the passage in
context and asking questions of the text with the purpose of deriving
the meaning and significance from the text itself. We really do this
automatically every day when we read. When we study the Bible
inductively we are after the authors original intent, i.e., what the
author meant when he wrote the passage. In this workbook you will
figure out the meaning by answering a series of questions about the
text, paying close attention to the words and context of the passage.
The theme of James letter is possessing real faith or having a faith


that works. Saturate your study in prayer that your life would be
changed as you are challenged, exhorted, and encouraged by James to
show your faith by your works.

How to Do Inductive Bible Study

Step 1 Begin with prayer. Open my eyes, that I may behold
wondrous things out of your law (Psalm 119:18).
Step 2 Read the text.
Step 3 Observation. The goal of this step is to figure out what
the text is saying. This is where you ask questions like:
Who? When? Where? What? These questions should be
answered from the very words of the text. Ask yourself
if this passage reminds you of any other passages in
Scripture. Write down any questions that arise in your
Step 4 Interpretation. The goal of this step is to figure out
what the text meant to the original hearers. This most
important step is often skipped, but a lack of correct
interpretation leads to incorrect application. We cannot
understand what God is saying to us if we dont first
understand what he was saying to his original audience
and why he was saying it.
Your job in interpretation is to figure out the main
point of the passage and understand the arguments that
support the main point. Your interpretation should flow
out of your observations, so keep asking yourself, Can I
support this interpretation based on my observations?
Here are some questions to ask yourself as you


How does the surrounding context of the passage

shed light on its meaning?
Why did the author include this particular passage in
his book?
Do other passages of Scripture fill out my

Is my interpretation consistent with my overall

observations, or is it too dependent on a few details?
How does this passage fit within the Bibles teaching
as a whole? (The context of any passage is ultimately
the Bible as a whole.)
What is the main point of the passage?
Can I summarize the passage in a few sentences?
If an Old Testament passage: how does this passage
relate to Christ and his work on the cross?

Step 5 Application. Prayerfully apply the passage to your own

life. The application should flow from the main point of
the text.
Here are some questions to ask yourself in order to
apply the text:

Did I learn something new about God, his ways, his

character, his plans, and his priorities? If so, how
should I be living in light of this truth?
Do I need to change my beliefs based on this passage,
or is a truth reinforced?
Is there a behavior I need to adopt or stop?
Does this passage have implications for the way I
should relate to the church?
Does this passage have implications for the way I
relate to or speak to my non-Christian friends?
How should I pray based on this passage?
Should I be praising God for something in this
Do I see a sin for which I need to repent?
Is there an encouragement or promise on which I
need to dwell?


In Summary
Luke 24:4447 says,
Then [Jesus] said to them, These are my words that I spoke to you while
I was still with you, that everything written about me in the Law of Moses
and the Prophets and the Psalms must be fulfilled. Then he opened their
minds to understand the Scriptures, and said to them, Thus it is written,
that the Christ should suffer and on the third day rise from the dead, and
that repentance and forgiveness of sins should be proclaimed in his name to
all nations, beginning from Jerusalem.

This is why we study the Bible: so that we can know Christ,

repent, be forgiven, and proclaim him to the nations. We must keep
Jesus in mind when we study Scripture. Adrienne Lawrence writes,
God has one overarching redemptive planto glorify himself by
creating and redeeming a people for himself through Christ. Christ is
at the center of Gods plan. All of Scripture in some way speaks to that
plan. Keep this in mind as you are doing your study of Scripture.
[Note: This How to has been adapted from Adrienne
Lawrences pamphlet on Inductive Bible Study.]


Note s
The first day of this inductive study will be an overview of James.
On the following days you will study smaller segments of the letter
and answer observation, interpretation, and application questions.
The questions were written based on language from the English
Standard Version of the Bible. However, you are welcome to use any
reliable translation to do the study.
To assist you in recognizing the different types of questions asked,
the questions are set out with icons as indicated below.



Look closely in order to figure out what the

text is saying. Get answers directly from the
text, using the words of Scripture.
Whats the true north for this verse? Figure
out what the text meant to the original hearers
by determining the authors intended meaning.
Apply the passage to your own heart and
life, concentrating on the authors intended
meaning that you have already determined.

Because Scripture interprets Scripture, many of the questions

cite passages in addition to the one you are studying in James. If the
question says, Read you will need to read the additional verses
cited to answer the question. If the question says, See the verses
help you answer the question but are not necessary. See also
signals you to read the verses if you would like to study the answer to
the question further.
You only need your Bible to do this study of James, and in fact
I highly recommend first answering the questions directly from
your Bible before looking at any other materials. That said, it may be
helpful for you to confirm your answers, especially if you are leading
others in a group study. To check your answers or for further study,
The Message of James, by J. Alec Motyer, is excellent. For helpful
overviews of the passages, Kent Hughes has published a series of
sermons called, James: Faith That Works.
For more general help in knowing how to study the Bible, I


highly recommend Bible Study: Following the Ways of the Word, by

Kathleen Buswell Nielson and Dig Deeper! Tools to Unearth the
Bibles Treasure, by Nigel Beynon and Andrew Sach. Bible study
teachers and students who want a closer look at New Testament
theology that will also encourage your heart can read Thomas
Schreiners, Magnifying God in Christ: A Summary of New Testament

Note s for Leaders

This Bible study can be done by individuals alone, but the best
context for Bible study is the local church. When small groups of
women gather together to study the Scriptures, it promotes unity and
ignites spiritual growth within the church.
The study was designed for ladies to complete five days of
homework and then come together to discuss their answers in a
small group. The goal of gathering in small groups is to promote
discussion among ladies to sharpen one another by making sure
all understand the meaning of the text and can apply it to their
lives. As ladies discuss, their eyes may be opened to applications of
the text they didnt see while doing the individual study. Believers
will encourage one another in their knowledge of the gospel, and
unbelievers will hear the gospel clearly explained. As a result, ladies
will learn from one another and come away from group Bible study
with a deeper understanding of the text and a better knowledge of
how to read the Bible on their own in their private times of study and
If you are leading a small group, you will have some extra
homework to do. First, know what Bible study is and is not. Bible
study is not primarily a place to meet felt needs, eat good food and
chat, receive counseling, or have a free-for-all discussion. All of these
things tend to happen in a ladies Bible study, but they should not take
over the focus. Bible study is digging into the Scriptures to get the
true meaning of the text and applying it to lives that change as a result.
Second, make sure you know the main points of the text before
leading discussion by carefully studying the passage and checking
yourself using a good commentary, like one of those listed above. You


may also find a Bible dictionary and concordance helpful. Second

Timothy 3:16-17 says, All Scripture is breathed out by God and
profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training
in righteousness, that the man [or woman] of God may be complete,
equipped for every good work. Scripture is powerful. That power
comes through truth. Scripture is not like a magical incantation where
you mouth some words and see the effect. Instead, we must know
what the text of Scripture means before we apply it and see its work
of transformation in our lives. Your job as a discussion leader is not
to directly teach, nor to simply facilitate discussion, but rather to lead
ladies in finding the meaning of the text and help them see how it is
profitable and can make them complete, equipped for every good
Third, pray. Pray for the ladies in your group during the week
while you prepare. Pray as you start your small group study, asking
the Holy Spirit to illuminate the Scripture to your minds and apply
it to your hearts. And encourage ladies to pray based on what they
studied at the end of your small group time. Ask the Holy Spirit to
use his sword, the Word of God, in the lives of your ladies.
Fourth, draw ladies out and keep your discussion organized.
Choose what you determine are the most important questions
from the study guide, focusing the bulk of your discussion on the
interpretation and application questions. Ask a question, but dont
answer it! Be comfortable with long pauses, or rephrase questions
you think the group didnt understand. Not answering the questions
yourself may be a bit awkward at first, but it will promote discussion
in the end because your ladies will know they have to do the
answering. Feel free to affirm good answers or sum up after ladies
have had time to discuss. This gives clarity to the discussion. However,
dont feel the need to fill in every detail and nuance you gleaned from
your personal study. Your goal is to get your group talking.
Fifth, keep your focus on the Scriptures. The Holy Spirit uses
Gods Word to change ladies hearts. Dont be afraid of wrong
answers. Gently use them to clarify and teach by directing attention
back to the Scriptures for the right answers. If ladies go off on
unhelpful tangents, direct them back to the question and address the


tangent later one on one or with reading material. However, if the

tangent is on a vital question that goes to the gospel, take time to
talk about it. These are God-given opportunities.
Sixth, be sure you focus on the gospel. In your prep time,
ask yourself what the text has to do with the gospel and look for
opportunities to ask questions to bring out the gospel. Hopefully,
your church members will invite unbelievers to your study who
will hear the glorious good news. But even if your group is made
up of all believers, we never get beyond our need to be reminded of
Christ crucified and what that means for our lives.
Lastly, enjoy studying the Scriptures with your ladies. Your
love and passion for the Word of God will be contagious, and you
will have the great joy of watching your ladies catch it and rejoice
in the Word with you.



Jame s Letter to the Twelve Tribe s in the

James was the half-brother of Jesus and a pillar of the Jerusalem
church. He became known as James the Just for his faithfulness to
the law, love for the saints, and constancy in prayer. James wrote
his letter, most likely sometime in the mid to late 40s and, according
to tradition, was killed by scribes and Pharisees for his refusal to
denounce Christ in 62 A.D.
James letter is written with a pastors heart. The Jerusalem church
was dispersed after the stoning of Stephen, and they scattered as
far as Phoenicia, Cyprus, and Antioch. They were Jewish believers
living in the Gentile world, trying to rebuild their lives in the midst of
temptation, difficulty, and persecution.
James is a book about having true faitha faith that works. It is
from a pastor to his beloved brothers and sisters, urging them to live
out their faith, even while the world, the devil, and their own flesh
give them much trouble. James is an eminently practical letter to
encourage us to live out our faith in the God who sent his Son, Jesus,
to die that we might be brought forth to truly live for him.

And this I do boldly and confidently say, that true holiness is a great
reality. It is something in a man that can be seen, and known, and marked,
and felt by all around him. It is light: if it exists, it will show itself. It is salt:
if it exists, its savour will be perceived. It is a precious ointment: if it exists,
its presence cannot be hid.
J.C. Ryle, Holiness (Mulberry, IN: Sovereign Grace Publishers) p 25

James 1:1-11
Day 1

Week 1
Faith dur in g T r ials

Begin your study each day praying for the Lord to give you
wisdom to understand the purpose for trials in our lives so you can
rejoice in what he will do in and through them.
Read through James 1-5.
Write down any themes or observations that stand out to you.

Are any subjects repeated?

Is there an overall tone to the book of James?

Jot down any questions you have at this initial reading.



Day 2

Observation: Figure out what the text is saying. Get the answer
from the words of Scripture.
Interpretation: Figure out the meaning of the text. What did the
writer intend to convey?
Application: Prayerfully apply the passage to your own life. The
application should flow from the main point of the text.
Read James 1:1.
1. Who wrote this letter?

2. How does James describe himself?

3. Who was James? Read Acts 12:17; 21:18 and Galatians 1:19.

4. Why do you think James describes himself as a servant of God

and of the Lord Jesus Christ instead of as Jesus brother and an
apostle who is the leader of the church in Jerusalem?

5. What lesson can we learn from James humility as we relate to

each other in the church?


Week 1

6. To whom is James writing his letter?

7. Who are the twelve tribes?

8. What does the Dispersion refer to? See Acts 8:1 and 11:19.

9. In your own words, who do you think James letter was

written for?

10. What would people who are dispersed be going through?

11. Does James letter apply to non-Jewish Christians today? See

Galatians 3:28-29.



12. Think about your life. In what ways do you feel like a part of a
people who have been dispersed?

13. Read Jeremiah 31:10-14 and Revelation 21:22-27. How do

these passages give you hope as you begin your study of James?

Day 3
Read James 1:2-4.
1. What does James call the people to whom he is writing?

2. What makes one a brother or sister of James?

3. How does James tell his readers to respond to trials?

4. What kind of trials should believers respond to with joy?


Week 1

5. List some of the various kinds of trials a believer may meet


6. What is Gods purpose for trials in the believers life?

7. What does it mean that God tests your faith through these

8. What do trials produce in a believers life?

9. What is steadfastness?

10. What is the effect of steadfastness?



11. What does Christs death and resurrection have to do with

having joy in trials?

12. Putting this together, why should believers respond to trials

with joy?

13. What are some trials you are currently undergoing?

14. How can you have joy in the midst of these trials?


Week 1

Day 4
Read James 1:2-8.
James 1:5-8
1. What does James tell believers to do if they lack wisdom?

2. What will God give to the believers who ask for wisdom, and
how will God give it?

3. What does this tell you about God?

4. What is wisdom from God? (What does asking for wisdom

have to do with previous verses?)

5. How is the believer to ask for wisdom?

6. What is the doubting person like?



7. What does it mean for a person to be like a wave of the sea?

8. What should the man who doubts expect from the Lord?

9. What is the man who doubts (see v 8)?

10. What does it mean for the doubter to be double-minded and


11. How is this section of Scripture related to what you studied

yesterday in verses 2-4?

12. Putting all this together, what does it mean to ask for wisdom
in faith without doubting?


Week 1

13. Look back at the trials you listed yesterday. Do you believe
God is in control even of these difficulties in your life? Do you
believe he has sent them into your life for his good purposes? If
so, then pray about these things asking God for his wisdom in
them and for joy through them.

Day 5
Read James 1:2-11.
James 1:9-11
1. What are the two types of brothers James addresses in verses 9
and 10?

2. What is the lowly brother to boast in?

3. In what way has the lowly brother been exalted? See Galatians
3:28-29. Can you back up your answer with any other passages
in the Bible?

4. What is the rich brother to boast in?



5. What does verse 11 have to do with the rich man boasting in his

6. What does it mean for the rich man to boast in his humiliation?
See Philippians 3:2-11.

7. What does James intend for both poor and rich believers to
boast in? See Galatians 6:14.

8. In what way can you boast in your:

Exaltation in Christ


Humiliation in Christ

Week 1

9. How does this boasting affect your level of joy in trials?

End this week praying that it would bring you great joy to boast only
in Christ in every circumstance.




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A Bible Study on Philippians for Women

by Keri Folmar
One of the few truly inductive Bible studies
intended for use by women.
Learn more at

This study points the way into the biblical text, offering a clear and effective guide in
studying Pauls letter to the Philippian church. Keri Folmar encourages her readers
first and foremost to listen well to Gods inspired Word.
Kathleen Nielson, author of theLiving Word Bible Studies;
Director of Womens Initiatives, The Gospel Coalition
Keris Bible study will not only bring the truths of Philippians to bear upon your life,
but will also train you up for better, more effective study of any book of the Bible
with her consistent use of the three questions needed in all good Bible study: Observation, Interpretation, and Application.
Connie Dever, author ofThe Praise Factorychildrens ministry curriculum
and wife of Pastor Mark Dever, President of 9 Marks Ministries
Keri lets the Scriptures do the talking! No cleverly invented stories, ancillary anecdotes,
or emotional manipulation here. Keri takes us deeper into the text, deeper into the
heart of Paul, deeper into the mind of Christ, and deeper into our own hearts as we
pursue Christ for joy in all things. There are rich treasures to discover as we unfold the
truth that our joy ultimately comes from glorifying God in every sphere and circumstance of life. I highly commend this study for your pursuit of joy.
Kristie Anyabwileis a graduate of NC State University and wife of Thabiti, a
Gospel Coalition Council Member
Keri Folmar is convinced that God is God-centered and that for the sake of our joy, we
should be, too. This inductive study will increase your joy in a loving God who is sovereign over all things. I highly recommend that you embark on this study with some
other ladies. Then you can all watch in amazement at how God gives you contentment in him as he shows you the surpassing worth of knowing Christ Jesus as Lord.
Gloria Furman is a pastors wife in the Middle East, a Crossway author, and
editor for the Domestic Kingdom blog.

Available March, 2014

Learn more at

Foreword by Pastor Byron Yawn

1. Redefining the Godly Woman
2. Exposing the Stepford Wives of Evangelicalism
3. Will the Real Evildoer Please Stand Up?
4. Sin Management
5. Standing Firm
6. A Powerfully Mundane Life
7. Keeping Your Eyes on Christ in the Storm
8. Friendship and the Fear of Man (Or Woman)
9. The Truth about Women and Men
10. Abiding in Humility

Christ in the Chaos

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by Kimm Crandall
Stop comparing yourself to others.
Stop striving to meet false expectations.
Stop thinking your performance dictates your
Instead, look to the gospel for rest, joy,
sufficiency, identity, and motivation.
Learn more at
Although Kimm Crandalls message would revive any soul longing for the breath of
the gospel of grace, I am especially eager to recommend this book to that heart who
strives to know God and to make him known to the little ones who call her Momma.
Kimm is a candid and gracious fellow sojourner, faithfully pointing to Gods immeasurable steadfast love and grace in the midst of our mess.
Lauren Chandler, wife of Matt Chandler (pastor of The Village Church),
mother of three, writer, singer, and speaker
What an amazingly wild and wise, disruptive and delighting, freeing and focusing
book. Kimms book is for every parent willing to take the stewardship of children
and the riches of the gospel seriously. This is one of the most helpful and encouraging books on parenting Ive read in the past twenty years. Kimm writes as a
multi-child mom and a grace-saturated woman who understands the exhausting
demands of good parenting and the inexhaustible supply of Gods grace. This will be
a book you will want to give to parents, to-be parents, and grandparents.
Scotty Smith, author; Founding Pastor, Christ Community Church
Kimm Crandall has discovered that chaos can be the perfect context in which to
experience Gods liberating grace. She is a wise, practical, gospel-drenched guide for
anyone navigating through the wearisome terrain of parenting.
Tullian Tchividjian, author; Pastor, Coral Ridge Presbyterian Church
Kimm gives us the truth of free grace that unshackles us from trying to be Mom of
the Year, and shows us how the gospel changes motherhood from drudgery to joy.
I pray each mom who finds this book becomes more aware of how Christs love for
her changes everything about her.
Jessica Thompson, coauthor of Give them Grace

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A Womans Guide to Conquering Chaos

by Staci Eastin
You dont need more rules, the latest technique,
or a new gadget.
This book will show you a different, better way.
A way grounded in the grace of God.
Learn more at
Staci Eastin packs a gracious punch, full of insights about our disorganized hearts
and lives, immediately followed by the balm of gospel-shaped hopes. This book is
ideal for accountability partners and small groups.
Carolyn McCulley, blogger, filmmaker, author ofRadical Womahoodand
Did I Kiss Marriage Goodbye?
Unless we understand the spiritual dimension of productivity, our techniques will
ultimately backfire. Find that dimension here. Encouraging and uplifting rather than
guilt-driven, this book can help women who want to be more organized but know
that adding a new method is not enough.
Matt Perman, former Director of Strategy at Desiring God, blogger, author of
the forthcoming , Whats Best Next: How the Gospel Transforms the Way You
Get Things Done
Organizing a home can be an insurmountable challenge for a woman. The Organized Heart makes a unique connection between idols of the heart and the ability
to run a well-managed home. This is not a how-to. Eastin looks at sin as the root
problem of disorganization. She offers a fresh new approach and one I recommend,
especially to those of us who have tried all the other self-help models and failed.
Aileen Challies, Mom of three; wife of blogger, author, and pastor Tim Challies
Undoubtedly the first and most important book any Christian woman who wants to
start living a disciplined and organized life should read.
This is a powerful book that is far from the ordinary how to organizing fare.
Melissa Nixon Jackson
This is a book that I cant recommend highly enough. Samantha Muthia,


Men and Women Clothed in the Gospel

by R W Glenn, Tim Challies
Modesty is about freedom,
not rules.
What you say or do or wear is not really the point.
The point is your heart.
True modesty flows from a solid grasp of the
Learn more at
It is so refreshing to have a book on modesty that is a useful resource and not a
legalistic, culture-bound list that leaves you a bit paranoid and guilty. No, this book is
different. Its counsel on modesty is not rooted in rules, but in the grace of the gospel
of Jesus Christ. That grace alone is able to get at the heart of the problem of modesty,
which is the heart. In a culture where immodesty is the accepted norm, Glenn and
Challies have given us help that every Christian desperately needs.
Paul Tripp, pastor, conference speaker, and author
How short is too short? How tight is too tight? Glenn and Challies dont say. But they
do provide a thoughtful framework to help us come to a grace-based, gospel-grounded understanding of modesty that extends beyond mere clothing. They uphold a
vision for modesty thats both beautiful and desirable and not only for gals, but for
guys too! This book is a great tool to help you wrestle with the practical question of
what and what not to wear.
Mary A. Kassian, Author, Girls Gone Wise
The authors of Modest break new ground in their treatment of this difficult subject.
It is a healthy antidote to the prevailing views, which tend toward either legalism or
antinomianism, by grounding the whole subject in the gospel. I heartily recommend
this book.
Jerry Bridges, Author, The Pursuit of Holiness
As a Christian who lives in a diverse global city, I need this book. Every day I make decisions regarding modesty as well as commit unintentional cultural faux pas. What
does the gospel have to say about these things? I need the love of Christ to shape
how I think about modesty in all of life. The authors discuss how a biblical perspective on modesty goes to the depths of the human heart, applying the life-giving good
news of the gospel. Modest is wonderfully edifying, encouraging, and practical.
Gloria Furman, Author, Glimpses of Grace

Who Am I?

Identity in Christ
by Jerry Bridges
Jerry Bridges unpacks Scripture to give the
Christian eight clear, simple, interlocking answers
to one of the most essential questions of life.
Also available as an audiobook read by
Alistair Begg
Learn more at

Jerry Bridges gift for simple but deep spiritual communication is fully displayed in
this warm-hearted, biblical spelling out of the Christians true identity in Christ.
J. I. Packer, Theological Editor, ESV Study Bible; author,
Knowing God, A Quest for Godliness, Concise Theology
I know of no one better prepared than Jerry Bridges to write Who Am I? He is a man
who knows who he is in Christ and he helps us to see succinctly and clearly who we
are to be. Thank you for another gift to the Church of your wisdom and insight in this
R.C. Sproul , founder, chairman, president, Ligonier Ministries; executive editor,
Tabletalk magazine; general editor, The Reformation Study Bible
Who Am I? answers one of the most pressing questions of our time in clear gospel
categories straight from the Bible. This little book is a great resource to ground new
believers and remind all of us of what God has made us through faith in Jesus.
Thank the Lord for Jerry Bridges, who continues to provide the warm, clear, and
biblically balanced teaching that has made him so beloved to this generation of
Richard D. Phillips, Senior Minister, Second Presbyterian Church, Greenville, SC
1. I Am a Creature
2. I Am in Christ
3. I Am Justified
4. I Am an Adopted Son of God
5. I Am a New Creation
6. I Am a Saint
7. I Am a Servant of Jesus Christ
8. I Am Not Yet Perfect

Intentional Parenting

Family Discipleship by Design

by Tad Thompson
The Big Picture and a Simple Plan Thats What
You Need to Do Family Discipleship Well
This book will allow you to take all the sermons, teachings, and exhortations you have received on the topic
of family discipleship, make sense of it, and put it to use.
Learn more at

As parents, we know God has given us the responsibility to train our children in his
ways. But many parents dont know where or how to start. Tad has done us all a favor
by identifying seven key categories of biblical teaching we can utilize in teaching our
children godly truth and principles. This easy-to-follow plan will help any parent put
the truth of Gods Word into their childrens hearts.
Kevin Ezell, President, North American Mission Board, Southern Baptist
Convention; father of six
Dr. Tad Thompsons Intentional Parenting is a practical page-turner that encourages
fathers to engage the hearts of their families with truth and grace. In an age when
truth is either ignored or despised, it is refreshing to see a book written for ordinary
fathers who want their families to be sanctified by the truth. Thompson writes with a
grace which reminds us that parenting flows from the sweet mercies of Christ.
Joel Beeke, President, Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary
Need an introductory text to the topic of discipling children? Here is a clear, simple
book on family discipleship, centered on the gospel rather than human successes or
external behaviors.
Timothy Paul Jones, Ph.D., Professor of Discipleship and Family Ministry at
The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary and author of Family Ministry
Field Guide, Perspectives on Family Ministry, and Trained in the Fear of
God: Family Ministry in Biblical, Theological, and Practical Perspective
Tad Thompson knows about the needs of todays families. This approach is creative,
thoroughly biblical, and is a must read for any parent who desires for the children to
love God with all their heart, with all their soul, and with all their might. This is a great
strategy for anyone who is looking for a way to pull their family together around
Gods Word.
Blake Gideon, Senior Pastor, First Baptist Church, Inola, Oklahoma

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