Five Themes of Geography Video: Diy 4 Watch: Read
Five Themes of Geography Video: Diy 4 Watch: Read
Five Themes of Geography Video: Diy 4 Watch: Read
Five Themes of Geography video
Five Themes of Geography- text
Weve learned a countrys economy is affected by many outside and inside indicators.
The 5 themes of geography also greatly affect a countrys citizens.
Instructions: Use the developing country you researched during the economy unit.
Answer these question either in the space provided or on a separate sheet of paper.
Each answer should be about one paragraph long!
Your Developing COUNTRY: ____________________________________________
How do the
physical features
affect the country?
A place is an area that is defined by everything in it. All places have features
that give them personality and distinguish them from other places.
If you refer to your school as a place, then that place would include walls,
windows, gym, cafeteria, classrooms, people, clothing, books, maps, mops,
brooms, hallways, mice (if you have them) and everything else in the school,
including the languages spoken.
How does
movement in and
out of this country
affect its citizens?
Movement refers to the way people, products, information and ideas move from
one place to another. This can be local such as how did you get to school today,
or it can be global such as how did humans get to North America?