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The Information Guide

By: Daniel Glasroth, AJ Heft, Josh Tamir, Ido


What is Considered Hacking?

Hacking involves when people attempt to get into someones technology
such as a website or computer. This primarily concerns unauthorized
remote computer access through a medium such as the internet.

Types of Hackers
Black hats- Black-hat hackers are the type of hacker the popular
media seems to focus on. Black-hat hackers violate computer
security for personal gain(such as stealing credit card numbers) or
for maliciousness.

White hats- White-hat hackers are the opposite of the black-hat

hackers. theyre the ethical hackers, experts in compromising
computer security systems who use their abilities for good,ethical,
and legal purposes rather than bad.

Types of Hackers Part 2

Grey hats- A gray-hat hacker
falls somewhere between a
black hat and a white hat.A
gray hat doesnt work for their
own personal gain or to cause
carnage, but they may
technically commit crimes and
do arguably unethical things.

How It's Done

Hacking is done by finding a weakness or a vulnerability in a system and using it
to exploit the system. The most common types of hacks are brute force attacks
and DDOS attacks.
DDos attacks are one of the most common ways hackers use to hack
websites. A DDos attack is when hackers send many url requests to a
server in a short period of time. When this is done, the server is flooded
and cant handle all the requests, so the server goes offline.

How its done part 2

Brute force attacks are the simplest way to gain access to
a site, it tries usernames and passwords until it gets one
right. This type of attack is sometimes very successful
because many people use usernames such as admin and
passwords such as 123456, which is very easy to hack.

Why people hack

The most common reasons people hack computers, companies, websites, systems, and other
-Hacking for fun: Some people hack in order to have fun or to show off
-Hacking to get money: Some people make money by hacking banks and companies
-Hacking to steal information: Some people hack large companies or corporations to steal
information from them, such as secrets and customers private info.
-Hacking to cause chaos: Some people hack large companies or websites because they get
enjoyment from seeing the chaos they cause.
-Hacking for good: Many hacking groups such as Anonymous have recently targeted ISIS and
ISIS supporters

Direct Effects of Hacking

Hacking results in large financial losses for companies and people

Information can be stolen by hacking into an email, computer, wifi

network etc.

Damages the reputation of companies that are hacked.

Indirect Effects of Hacking

By hacking, hackers force people and society to have to do things that
they wouldnt have to do otherwise.
People need to spend additional money to get virus protection to avoid getting
Inconveniences people.
Hacking slows down the advancement of new, web based technology (e.g.online
banking, shopping).

How to Reduce The Chance of Being Hacked

There are many ways to decrease your chances of being hacked. Some
example include:
Be cautious when opening suspicious e-mails
Check link locations
If you won something in an online contest, research online to make
sure it isnt a scam

How to Reduce The Chance of Being Hacked

Use two-factor authentication
Use complicated passwords
Dont share personal data through public wi-fi
Be 100% sure when you open attachments

A Recent News Story...

On new year's eve (of the year 2015), a hacking group by the name of New World
Hacking launched a DDOS attack against BBCs website. New World Hacking said
it was just testing its capability before they attacked ISIS, and that they didnt
mean to take down the website for so long.
New World Hacking took down BBCs website by DDOSing them, and they sent
over 600GBPS (GigaBytes Per Second) of traffic to the website, which caused the
servers to overload.

Statistics Related to

Our Opinion
In our opinion, hacking is a bad crime because it violates the privacy
of people and companies
Most people are unaware that they can be hacked, leaving them more
vulnerable to cyber attacks.
We believe hackers break the law, and should be charged as such.

See video

http://www.citationmachine.net/apa/cite-a-website (its a citation generator)
Morse, S. (n.d.). The negative effects of Hacking. Retrieved December 16, 2015, from
Risen, T. (2014, June 9). Study: Hackers Cost More Than $445 Billion Annually. Retrieved December 16, 2015, from
Weissman, C. (2015, April 1). 7 easy ways to avoid being hacked. Retrieved December 17, 2015, from
Rosenblatt, S., & Cipriani, J. (2015, June 15). Two-factor authentication: What you need to know (FAQ) - CNET. Retrieved December 17, 2015,
from http://www.cnet.com/news/two-factor-authentication-what-you-need-to-know-faq/
Strohmeyer, R. (2013, August 12). Hackers put a bull's-eye on small business. Retrieved December 17, 2015, from
Top Ten Hacking Countries: Red Alert. (2013, April 23). Retrieved December 17, 2015, from
Sauter, M., & Frohlich, T. (2015, May 6). Companies With the Best (and Worst) Reputations. Retrieved December 25, 2015, from

Nicholas, J. (2015, September 24). Report: Cybercrime costs the world $US465 billion annually. Retrieved
December 25, 2015, from
Dearden, L. (2016, January 2). BBC website down: New World Hacking claims cyber attack was just to 'test capabilities'
before taking on Isis. Retrieved January 3, 2016, from

Thanks For Watching!!!!!

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