Lion King Script Gwa
Lion King Script Gwa
Lion King Script Gwa
Spring 2016
ZAZU: Im here to announce that King Mufasa is on his way. And youd
better have a good excuse for missing the ceremony this morning.
SCAR: (tossing the mouse aside) Now look, Zazu. Youve made me lose my
ZAZU: Youll lose more than that when the King gets through with you. Hes
as mad as a hippo who swallowed a hornets nest!
Mufasa enters, unseen by Scar.
SCAR: (with sarcasm) Ooooooo. I quiver with fear.
MUFASA: (scolding) Scar!
SCAR: Why if it isnt my big brother, descending from on high to mingle
with the commoners.
MUFASA: Sarabi and I didnt see you at the presentation of Simba. Is
anything wrong?
SCAR: (insincere) That was today? Oh, I feel simply awfulMust have
slipped my mind.
ZAZU: Yes, well as slippery as your mind isas the Kings brother, you
should have been first in line.
SCAR: I was first in line until the little hairball was born.
MUFASA: That hairball is my son and your future king!
SCAR: (sarcastic) I shall practice my curtsy. (Turns to walk away).
MUFASA: Dont turn your back on me, Scar!
SCAR: (turns back around quickly) Oh, no, Mufasa. Perhaps YOU shouldnt
turn your back on me.
MUFASA: Is that a challenge?
SCAR: (fakely sweet) A challenge? Oh, I wouldnt dream of it. (Serious) As
far as brains go, I got the lions share. But when it comes to strength,
Im afraid I got the shallow end of the gene pool.
Scar Exits.
ZAZU: Theres one in every family, sire. Two in mine actually. And they
always manage to ruin special occasions.
As they walk:
MUFASA: What am I going to do with him?
ZAZU: Hed make a very handsome rug!
Zazu exits. Mufasa lies down to sleep. Sarabi comes on stage to join him.
Lights dim.
Mufasa and Simba walk around stage towards Pride Rock. Sarabi exits.
Mufasa and Simba climb Pride Rock.
MUFASA: (gesturing) Simba, look. Everything the light touches is our
SIMBA: (in awe) Wow!
MUFASA: A kings time as ruler rises and falls like the sun. One day the
sun will set on my time here and will rise with you as the new king.
SIMBA: You mean all this will be mine?
MUFASA: Everything.
SIMBA: (in awe) Everything the light touches. (scans to see whats in the
light) What about that shadowy place?
MUFASA: Thats beyond our borders. You must never go there Simba.
SIMBA: But I thought a king can do whatever he wants.
MUFASA: Theres a lot more to being king than getting your way all the
SIMBA: (wide eyed) Theres more??
MUFASA: Well Simba(animals leap in front of them, some are grazing to
the side) Everything you see exists together in a delicate balance. As king,
you need to understand that balance and respect all creatures. From the
crawling ant to the leaping antelope.
SIMBA: But dad, dont we eat antelope?
MUFASA: Yes Simba, but let me explain. We are all part of a cycle. A circle
of life. We all need each other to survive.
As Simba considers this, Zazu flies in.
ZAZU: Good morning, Sire!
MUFASA: Good morning, Zazu.
SCAR: Yes. Well, forgive me for not leaping for joy. Bad back, you know.
(turns his back on Simba)
SIMBA: Hey, Uncle Scar, when Im king, whatll that make you?
SCAR: A monkeys uncle.
SIMBA: (laughing) Youre so weird.
SCAR: You have no idea. (pause) So, your father showed you the whole
kingdom, did he?
SIMBA: Everything!
SCAR: He didnt show you whats beyond that rise at the northern border?
SIMBA: Well, no. (disappointed) He said I couldnt go there.
SCAR: And hes absolutely right. Its far too dangerous. Only the bravest of
lions go there.
SIMBA: (defensive) Well, Im brave. Whats out there?
SCAR: Im sorry Simba, I just cant tell you.
SIMBA: Why not?
SCAR: (putting his paw on Simbas head) Simba, Simba. Im only looking
out for the well-being of my favorite nephew.
SIMBA: (removing Scars hand) Yeah right. Im your only nephew.
SCAR: All the more reason for me to be protective. An elephant graveyard
is no place for a young prince. (glances at Simba to make sure he heard.
Simba looks shocked) Oops.
SIMBA: An elephant what? (awed) Whoa!
SCAR: Oh dear. Ive said too much. I suppose youd have found out sooner
or later. You being so clever and all. Just do me one favor. Promise me
youll never visit that dreadful place.
SIMBA: (dishonestly) No problem.
SCAR: Thats a good lad. You run along now and have fun. (Scar pushes
Simba toward off-stage). And remember: Its our little secret!
Both Exit
SIMBA: Forget it. We dont have to get married if we dont want to. (turns
to Nala) Deal?
NALA: Deal!
ZAZU: Sorry to burst your bubble, but you two turtle doves have no choice.
Its a tradition.
SIMBA: Well, when Im king, thatll be the first thing to go.
ZAZU: Not so long as Im around!
SIMBA: In that case, youre fired.
ZAZU: Nice try. But only the king can do that.
NALA: Well, hes the future king.
SIMBA: So you have to do what I tell you.
ZAZU: Not yet I dont you puny puff. And with an attitude like that, Im
afraid you will be a pretty pathetic king, indeed!
SIMBA: Not the way I see it!
I Just Cant Wait to Be King
By end of song, jungle animals separate the two lion cubs from Zazu and
lion cubs sneak off stage
ZAZU: (looking around for the lion cubs) Simba? Nala?
ZAZU: Its Mister Banana-beak to you. (sternly) Right now we are all in very
real danger.
SIMBA: (with bravado) Danger? Ha! I walk on the wild side. I laugh in the
face of danger! Ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha!
From behind the elephant skull, the laughter is echoed by hyenas.
ED/SHENZI/BANZAI: Hee-hee-hee-hee
Simba and Nala are suddenly afraid and cling to each other. The hyenas
slink out of the skulls eyes. They start to circle the cubs.
SHENZI: Well, well, well, Banzai. What have we got here?
BANZAI: (toying with them) HmmmI dont know Shenzi. What do you
think Ed?
ED: Hee-hee-hee
BANZAI: Just what I was thinkin. A trio of trespassers who dont belong
ZAZU: And quite by accident, let me assure you. A simple navigational
error. We were just leaving.
Zazu tries to lead the cubs away.
SHENZI: (blocking their way) Whoa-whoawait, wait, wait. We aint been
properly introduced.
ZAZU: I, madam, am the kings majordomo.
SHENZI: Whoo-weee! A Major Dumbo!
BANZAI: (circling Simba) And that would make you
SIMBA: (puffed up) The future king.
BANZAI/SHENZI: (mocking Simba) Oooooo.oooooo.king!
SHENZI: Then I guess we have to give you the royal treatment!
SIMBA: (trying to be brave but unsure) Puh. You cant do anything to me.
ZAZU: Ertechnically, they can. We are on their land.
SIMBA: (to Zazu) But they sneak onto our land all the time! (to hyenas) My
dad told me about you. Youre nothing but slobbering, mangy, stupid
ZAZU: (whispering to Simba) Ix-nay on the oopid-stay.
BANZAI: Hey! Who you callin oopid-stay?
ZAZU: Oh, my-my-my. Look at the sun. Time to go! (again, he tries to lead
the cubs away)
The hyenas block the way, then begin circling again, licking their chops
SHENZI: Whats the hurry? Wed love you to stick around for dinner.
BANZAI: Yeah. We could have whatevers lion around. (amused) Get it?
Lion around! Hee-hee-hee!
ED: Hee-hee-hee-hee-hee-hee.
BANZAI: Oh man! I dont know when the last time was I had lion cubs for
Banzai grabs Simbas tail. Ed goes to bite it, but Simba slaps him away
SHENZI: (pushing them off of Simba) Wait-wait-wait! Im having the lion
The hyenas start to argue amongst themselves, giving the lion cubs and
Zazu the chance to slip away.
BANZAI: You will not. You can have the bird.
Ed has now noticed the exit and frantically tries to get Banzai and Shenzis
SHENZI: Dont you give me the bird!
BANZAI: Alright, alright. Well split the bird. But I get the wings.
SHENZI: Oh sure, and I get stuck with the beak.
ED: (acting out the departure of the others) Uh-uh-uh-uh-uh-uh
BANZAI: Okay! Well split the bill too.
ED: (now in Shenzis face) Uh-uh-uh-uh-uh-uh
BANZAI: (finally noticing that the others are leaving) Hey! Did we order
this dinner to go?
SHENZI: No, why?
BANZAI: Cause there it goes!
Ed looks exasperated because he has been trying to tell them this all along.
The hyenas start to chase their dinner. Nala and Simba escape but Zazu is
NALA: Did we lose em?
SIMBA: (looking around) Wheres Zazu?
On the other side of the stage, the hyenas are toying with Zazu and
BANZAI: So little birdie. Want to hippity-hop all the way to the birdie
ZAZU: (panicking) Oh, no! Not the birdie boiler! Aaaahhh!
SHENZI: Bye-Bye birdie!
All three hyenas laugh and pull on Zazu in three directions
SIMBA: (running back towards the hyenas and trying to sound threatening)
Why dont you pick on somebody your own size?!
SHENZI: Great idea! (she starts approaching Simba licking her lips)
Ed nods yes and the other two shake their heads at him
MUFASA: (fed up with this- roars) Enough!
BANZAI: Toodles!
The hyenas run off. Mufasa turns to Simba.
MUFASA: You deliberately disobeyed me!
SIMBA: Dad, ImIm sorry.
MUFASA: (clearly angry and disappointed) lets go home.
Mufasa leads the way with Zazu behind him. Simba follows with his head
hanging. Nala is with him.
NALA: (whispering) I thought you were brave.
All walk off stage.
SHENZI: Look at you guys! No wonder were dangling at the bottom of the
food chain.
BANZAI: Oh, man. I hate dangling.
SHENZI: Yeah. If it werent for those lions, wed be running this place!
BANZAI: Man, I hate lions.
SHENZI: Theyre pushy.
BANZAI: And hairy.
SHENZI: And stinky.
BANZAI: And, man, are they.
The three hyenas laugh
Scar enters the scene but the hyenas do not notice.
SCAR: Oh, surely not all lions are that bad.
The hyenas freeze, afraid of who might be behind them. When they realize
its Scar, they breathe sighs of relief.
BANZAI: Oh, Scar. Its just you.
SHENZI: Yeah, we were afraid it was someone important.
SCAR: (coldly) I see.
BANZAI: You know, like Mufasa.
SCAR: Uh-huh.
BANZAI: Now that guy has power!
SHENZI: Tell me about it. I just hear that name and I shudder.
BANZAI: Mufasa.
herd of wildebeests grazing in the grass. As the hyenas talk, Simba, climbs
down off of the rock.
SHENZI: No! We have to wait for the signal from Scar.
BANZAI: But Im so hungry!
SHENZI: (pointing off stage) Look! There he is!
Banzai and Ed look.
SHENZI: (springing into action) Thats the signal! Go!
The hyenas run towards the wildebeests, causing them to start running,
creating a stampede. They are running right towards Simba, who cant get
back on the rock fast enough, so he runs to a tree.
From the other side of the stage, Zazu, who is with Mufasa, notices the
wildebeests start to move.
ZAZU: Look Sire, the herd is on the move.
MUFASA: (looking) Thats odd.
Scar emerges calling out to Mufasa, pretending (convincingly) to be
SCAR: Mufasa! Quick! Stampede! Simbas down there!
MUFASA: (alert and alarmed) Simba?
ZAZU: Ill fly ahead, Sire!
Mufasa has already run off so he doesnt see that Scar steps on Zazus tail
feathers, not allowing him to fly ahead. Simba can now be heard calling for
help. He is clinging to a tree branch.
SIMBA: Help! Someone help me!
Mufasa bounds in, running towards the tree
The hyenas run off stage, Scar exits. The hyenas re-enter, winded from
running. They take a break, clutching their sides and breathing heavily.
SHENZI: We lost him!
BANZAI: What dwe do? Scar will be furious!
Ed laughs
BANZAI: Its not funny, Ed. Imagine what hell do to us when he finds out
we lost Simba.
Banzai and Ed look at each other with grimaces
SHENZI: Ifyou mean if he finds out.
BANZAI: (with an evil grin) Yeah.if
The three hyenas start laughing hysterically
TIMON: (jumping back) Jeez! Its a lion! (Timon jumps behind Pumbaa for
PUMBAA: Aw, Timonits just a little lion. Look at him. Hes so cute. And
all alone. Can we keep him?
TIMON: Pumbaa, are you nuts? Youre talking about a lion! Lions eat guys
like us!
PUMBAA: Aw, we cant turn our backs on him.
TIMON: Wanna bet? Whos the brains in this pair?
PUMBAA: (stumped) Uhhhhh.
TIMON: My point exactly! (Timon gets closer to Simba and points at the
body parts hes talking about.) Just look at him. (Lifts an eyelid) Shifty little
eyes (lifts his lip to reveal his teeth) Sharp fangs.(lifts a paw) Claws!
Hes a carnivore!
PUMBAA: Oh, come on, Timon.
TIMON: Read. My. Lips. Car-nee-vorrrr!
PUMBAA: But hes so little.
TIMON: Hes going to get bigger!
PUMBAA: Yeah, but maybe hell be our friend.
TIMON: Thats the stupidest thing Ive ever heard. The things that come
out of your mouth. (Thinks for a second and has a brilliant idea) Hey! Ive
got it! What if hes our friend? You know, having a lion around might not be
such a bad idea!
PUMBAA: So, were keepin him?
TIMON: Of course! Try to keep up, Pumbaa.
Simbas eyes start to flutter open. He wakes up and groggily looks around
to take in his surroundings. Timon and Pumbaa are staring at him.
TIMON: You okay, kid?
PUMBAA: Uh-huh!
Hakuna Matata
TIMON: Well kid, ya with us?
SIMBA: I guess so.
TIMON: (gesturing to their surroundings) Then welcome to our humble
SIMBA: You live here?
TIMON: We live anywhere we want.
PUMBAA: Yup. Home is where your rump rests. (Pause) Gee. Im hungry.
SIMBA: Im so hungry I could eat a whole zebra!
TIMON: Were fresh out of zebra.
SIMBA: Any antelope?
TIMON: Nuh-uh.
SIMBA: Hippo?
TIMON: No, no. Listen kid. If youre gonna live with us, youre gonna have
to eat like us.
SIMBA: Like what?
TIMON: Grubs!
SIMBA: Grubs?
TIMON: Yeah, you know. Bugs, insects, slimy crawly things.
Simba makes a disgusted face, as if he cant believe that they eat bugs.
PUMBAA: Taste like chicken!
Pumbaa hands Simba a bug.
When the play starts again, Simba has grown-up. He is still asleep in the
same place, but now alone.
TIMON: (narrating the lions struggle behind a bush) Hes got her! Oh, no.
Shes got him! Wow! Check out that move. Hes movin like a champ.
Ohhhh.thats gotta hurt. Get her! (To Pumbaa) See, I told you hed come
in handy!
The lions continue to struggle until they are out in front of the bush. Nala
pins Simba to the ground, just like she did when they were young.
SIMBA: (looking questioningly, then realizing its Nala) Nala??
Nala is surprised, wondering how this lion knows who she is.
SIMBA: Its me- Simba!
NALA: (unsure) Simba? (she inspects him, then realizes its actually him)
Simba! How did you? What did you? Where? How are you here?
SIMBA: (unsure how to explain) UhhhIts great to see ya!
NALA: Its great to see you too!
Timon and Pumbaa are now confused and Timon cautiously approaches the
TIMON: Whats going on here?
The lions seem to not have heard him.
SIMBA: What are you doing here?
NALA: What do you meant what am I doing here? What are you doing
SIMBA: I live here!
TIMON: (now eager to be heard) Hey! Whats going on here?
SIMBA: (now noticing Timon and Pumbaa) Timon, this is Nala. Shes my
best friend.
TIMON: (incensed) Friend? Friend??
TIMON: Its not gravel. Its grovel. And hes NOT the king. (to Simba) Are
NALA: Simba!
SIMBA: No, Im not the king. Maybe I was going to be. But that was a long
time ago. Before(he stops himself from finishing this sentence). Look.
Things change. Im finished with all of that. I dont want to talk about it.
TIMON: Let me get this straight. Youre the kingand you never told us?
SIMBA: (quoting Timon back to himself) Remember, Timon, put your past
behind you.
TIMON: Well, this is different!
SIMBA: Look, Im still the same guy.
TIMON: But with power!
SIMBA: Stop it. I am not the king.
PUMBAA: I think you are.
TIMON: (realizing what this means for him) And youre our friend!
NALA: (to Timon and Pumbaa) Could you guys excuse us for a few minutes?
TIMON: Hey, whatever you have to say, you can say in front of us. Right,
SIMBA: Maybe youd better go.
Timon throw his arms up and stomps off stage with Pumbaa following, but
they stay and watch the interaction between the two lions.
SIMBA: (watches them walk away, then to Nala) Timon and Pumbaayoull
learn to love em. (He looks back to Nala, she is looking sad) What? What
is it?
NALA: Its like youre back from the dead. You dont know how much this
could mean to everyonewhat it means to me. (She turns away and buries
her head to hide her tears)
SIMBA: Hey, (moving closer to comfort her) its okay.
NALA: (turning back to Simba) Ive really missed you.
SIMBA: Ive missed you too. (They look at each other)
Timon and Pumbaa are still watching but further on stage now.
TIMON: I tell ya, Pumbaa. This stinks.
PUMBAA: Oh. Sorry.
TIMON: Not you. Them! Him. Her. Alooooone.
PUMBAA: Whats wrong with that?
Can You Feel the Love Tonight
SIMBA: Isnt this place great? Nala, youre gonna love it here.
NALA: Well, yes, it is beautiful(pause) But I dont understand something.
Youve been alive all this time. Why did you come back to Pride Rock?
SIMBA: (avoiding the real reason) Well, I just needed to get out on my
ownlive my own life. And I did. And its great!
NALA: Weve really needed you at home.
SIMBA: No one needs me.
NALA: Yes we do. Youre the king.
SIMBA: Nala, weve been through this. Im not the king. Scar is.
NALA: Simba, he let the hyenas take over the Pride lands.
SIMBA: (surprised) What?
SIMBA: (getting angry) Listen! You think you can just show up and tell me
how to live my life? You dont know what Ive been through. (Simba turns to
NALA: (also getting angry) Then tell me!
Simba continues to storm off until far enough away from Nala. Nala storms
off in the other direction, off stage.
RAFIKI: Nope! Wrong again. Hes alive! Ill show him to you. Follow old
Rafiki. He knows the way.
Rafiki keeps walking. Simba hesitates to follow.
RAFIKI: Hurry up! Dont dawdle! Mufasas waiting. (he starts to sing
again) Asante Sana. Squash Banana. We We Nugu. Mi Mi Apana.
They arrive at a pool of water.
RAFIKI: (motioning Simba over) Look down there.
SIMBA: (leaning over to peer into the pool, seeing his reflection) Thats not
my father. (he turns to Rafiki) Thats just my reflection.
RAFIKI: No.(pointing to the pool of water) Look harder.
Simba looks back into the pool.
RAFIKI: You see, he lives in you!
We hear Mufasas voice, though we cant see him. Simba looks startled,
wondering where the voice is coming from.
MUFASA: Simba.
SIMBA: Fa-father??
MUFASA: Simba, have you forgotten me?
SIMBA: (continuing to look around) No! How could I?
MUFASA: You have forgotten who you are. So you have forgotten me.
Simba hangs his head.
MUFASA: Look inside yourself, Simba. You are more than what you have
become. You must take your place in the circle of life.
SIMBA: How can I go back? Im not who I used to be.
MUFASA: Remember who you are. You are my son. You are the one true
king. (the voice starts to fade) Remember who you are.
SIMBA: (realizing the voice is getting fainter) No! Dont leave me! Please!
MUFASA: (voice very faint now) Remember
SIMBA: Father! (Simba looks around for the source of the voice, til he is off
Scene 14: Simba, Nala, Pumbaa, Scar, Zazu, Shenzi, Banzai, Ed, Sarabi,
Simba enters. He sees that his home is destroyed.
SIMBA: What has he done? What have I dont?
Nala enters behind him. Simba sees her.
SIMBA: Nala?
NALA: Simba
Simba is happy to see her but he is also sad at what he sees.
SIMBA: This isnt going to be easy.
Pumbaa and Timon laugh nervously. Simba and Nala sneak by without the
hyenas noticing. The hyenas begin to circle around Timon and Pumbaa,
who are still laughing nervously and beginning to clutch each other.
ZAZU: (singing) Nobody knows the trouble Ive seen. Nobody knows my
SCAR: Oh Zazu, lighten up. Sing something with a little bounce in it!
ZAZU: (without much bounce) Its a small word after all, its a small world
afSCAR: No! Anything but that!
ZAZU: I would never have had to do this for Mufasa.
Scar turns angrily, startling Zazu.
SCAR: What?!
ZAZU: (meekly) Nothing.
SCAR: (livid) You know the law! Never, ever mention that name in my
presence again! I am the king!
ZAZU: Yes sire. You are the king.
Scar calms down a bit. Shenzi, Banzai, and Ed run in.
SHENZI: Hey boss!
BANZAI: We got a bone to pick with you.
SCAR: (aloof) Oh? What is it?
SHENZI: (chummy) Scar, you know we love you, and youre the kingliest of
kings. But theres one teensie problem. Its dinner time and weve run out
of entrees!
BANZAI: (clearly not understanding what Shenzi said) Yeah. And theres no
food either.
SHENZI: (rolling her eyes at Banzai, then turning back to Scar) Well, how
about it?
SCAR: Im the king, not the cook!
BANZAI: (more to himself than anyone else) And I thought things were bad
under Mufasa.
SCAR: (irate) What did you say?
BANZAI: I said, Muf-
Shenzi shoves him
BANZAI: I said, que pasa!
SCAR: Good.
SHENZI: Yeah, but were still hungry.
SCAR: Its the lionesses job to do the hunting.
BANZAI: But they wont go.
SHENZI: But you can make them. Youre the big cheese.
BANZAI: Whos got cheese?
Meanwhile, Timon and Pumbaa are still being circled by other hyenas.
TIMON: Okay, my buddy. I say its time we turn into FAST FOOD!
They run off, pursued by the hyenas.
SCAR: Sa-raaaa-biiii!!!
Sarabi enters.
SARABI: Yes, Scar?
SCAR: Where is your hunting party? Theyre not doing their job.
SARABI: Scar, there is no food. The herds have moved on.