Rise of Fascism Counterclaim

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How could fascism be beneficial to society? | Why does an argumentative essay need a counterclaim?

| What is included in an effective


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A (ask a

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E (explain

How could fascism be beneficial to society? | Why does an argumentative essay need a counterclaim? | What is included in an effective



Fascism is a type of governance where the government controls politics, social
behavior and economy. Under a fascist political system, the individual rights of the
people are greatly minimized, with the nation being glorified. Citizens are supposed
to only work for the government and it is a system that promotes dictatorship.

How could fascism be beneficial to society? | Why does an argumentative essay need a counterclaim? | What is included in an effective

Claim: Fascism is a system of government that hurts society.

1. Introduce the Opposing Argument
The writer summarizes the opposition's viewpoint openly and honestly.
Ways writers can begin:
It is often argued that...
It is true that...
Opposing views claim...

2. Acknowledge parts of the opposition that are valid

How could fascism be beneficial to society? | Why does an argumentative essay need a counterclaim? | What is included in an effective

You must acknowledge that some of the opposition's claims may be valid
to show that you are fair and that youve done your research. Include
evidence here.
Ways writers can begin:
Of course,
One cannot deny that...

Powerful and continuing expressions of

From the prominent displays of flags and decoration to the
abundant lapel pins, the fervor to show patriotic
nationalism, both on the part of the regime itself and of
citizens caught up in its frenzy, was always obvious.
Catchy slogans, pride in the military, and demands for
unity were common themes in expressing this

How could fascism be beneficial to society? | Why does an argumentative essay need a counterclaim? | What is included in an effective

nationalism. It was usually coupled with a suspicion of

things foreign that often bordered on xenophobia (intense
or irrational dislike or fear of people from other countries.)
Enhances security
The military plays a vital role in a fascist system since it is
required for protecting national security as well as fighting
enemies. Most of the nations resources are given to the
military in spite of domestic problems and policies.
Fascism gives more significance to the state in contrast to
the citizens rights and thus military productivity is a vital
state interest. This leads to a better military, thereby
increasing security.
Disdain for the importance of human rights
The regimes themselves viewed human rights as of little
value and a hindrance to realizing the objectives of the
ruling elite. Through clever use of propaganda, the
population was brought to accept these human rights
abuses by disregarding, even demonizing, those being
targeted. When abuse was egregious (outstandingly bad),
the tactic was to use secrecy, denial, and deception.
Promotes patriotism
Fascism is essentially concerned with the protection of
national agendas. Individual rights normally take second
place, while national policies are given first priority. Since
patriotic symbols, flags and slogans can be seen
everywhere, fascism encourages patriotism. The citizens
will thereby be united so as to eliminate any perceived
threat to the state.
Limits media
Sometimes media are credited with reporting biased news
that causes conflicts amongst the population. In the

How could fascism be beneficial to society? | Why does an argumentative essay need a counterclaim? | What is included in an effective

fascist system, the government has great control over

mass media. There are very strict polices placed on media
and the government typically does not desire to showcase
its conflicts and problems on an international or national
forum. This promotes peace in the society.
Disdain and suppression of intellectuals and the
Intellectuals and the inherent freedom of ideas and
expression associated with them were hated by these
regimes. Intellectual and academic freedom were
considered rebellious to national security and the patriotic
ideal. Universities were tightly controlled; politically
unreliable faculty were harassed or eliminated.
Unorthodox ideas or expressions of dissent were strongly
attacked, silenced, or crushed. To these regimes, art and
literature should serve the national interest or they had no
right to exist.
Economic growth
Since fascism involves total authority of the nation with
control of major parts of commerce, it can boost economic
growth. A better economy benefits the citizens through
enhancing their living standards.
Obsession with crime and punishment
Most of these regimes maintained harsh systems of
criminal justice with huge prison populations. The police
were often glorified and had almost unchecked power,
leading to rampant abuse. Normal and political crime
were often merged into trumped-up criminal charges and
sometimes used against political opponents of the regime.
Fear, and hatred, of criminals or traitors was often
promoted among the population as an excuse for more
police power.

How could fascism be beneficial to society? | Why does an argumentative essay need a counterclaim? | What is included in an effective

Fraudulent elections
Elections in the form of surveys or public opinion polls
were usually bogus. When actual elections with
candidates were held, they would usually be warped by
the powerful elite to get the desired result. Common
methods included maintaining control of the election
machinery, intimidating and excluding opposition voters.
Rampant sexism
Beyond the simple fact that the political elite and the
national culture were male-dominated, these regimes
inevitably viewed women as second-class citizens. They
were adamantly anti-abortion and also homophobic.
These attitudes were usually codified in strict laws that
enjoyed strong support by the orthodox religion of the
country, thus giving the regime support for its abuses.

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