hanging from
ng the small holding@--vsH0aw
Wc ila pled he pound fundaion ef the woge
‘The mon) spon which ha Rup Chand wor anid
by Gir Hegtnd So.
Then, at the time of Bhadan Pal, the son of Kajz
Rattan Pal, Altmash, the Sultan of Delhi, invaded their
country with overwhelming force and completely
defeated them. After this, many Rajput tribes, rather
than submit to Mughal rule, left their homes and
hearths and migrated 1 other parts of india.
Baghan Pal joined the coalition of Rajput tribes
‘who opposed Altmash and was involved in several
bottles whence he was slain and his son Pun Pal
observing that many of his allies were leaving the
Country alse migrated with his family and a band of
followers to south western Punjab, where Mughal rule
‘was not yet firmly established. His moves met with
opposition from the Virk tribe near the river Ravi,
0 he kept moving further south and settled down
in the neighbouthood of Bkatinda, at the present site
‘of Kalfarani. He fortified the place and with this as
Sironghold, took advantage of weaknesses ofthe loca
Governor of Bhatinda to appropriate the lands around
Kaljharan. n the course ofa few years, he establishes
an independent principality of his own.
The family remained in peaceful possession ofthis
principality for some generations On the death of Raja
Pun Pal, his son Ganesh Pal became the Raja. Excep
for a few hostile engagements with some neighbours,
there was litle fighting as was the situation with his
son Bia, content with consolidating their influence
inthe territory adjacent to Kalan, devoting theic
time 10 agriculture. Thence onwards, the line had
an uneventful existence forfour or five generations.
Raja Sultan, sixth in descent from Reja Bij Pal, had
to contend with a confederation of his neighbours
and his son, Raja Tula, had some trouble with the
Govermor st Bhatinda. Vicissitudes of fortune beset
‘Fula and by the time his son Sada assumed charge
such oftheir teritory was lost.
Events with far-reaching consequences occurred
during the lifetime of Sidhu, son of Sada. Sidhu married
Bibi Sut, the dauthter of Bhai Aagal, 2 devoted ciscipie
‘ofthe fours Guru, Guru Ramdas Sahib, Teas not long
before Bibi Sut, herself a devout follower ofthe Gura
prevailed upon her husband to meet the sixth Gurs,
Hargobind Sahib, After Sidhu had the Guru's audience
at Darol, 50 overwhelmed was he by twachings of the
Guru he abandoned his former mode of worship art
embraced Sikhism, This change of religion was cause
of much frtion and unpleasantness in the family who,
like most Rajputs of those days, worshipped Sakhi
Sarwar. Finding the situation in Kalharani ever more
irksome, Sidhu finally resolved to separate himself
from the clan, Accompanied by hs wife and some of
his immediate followers, he migrated eastwands and
settled atthe place called Tuklani
In 1614, a son was born to Sidhw and Suti, The
couple tock him to Guru Hargobind Sabib, the sith
Guru, forthe num Garan, or naming ceremony. The
Guru was muck pleased with the handsome child and
named him Rup Chand,“Tae sae jot tree stands atthe site even td
Se commemorate the besing ofthe Gunton both
5d son, Gurdwara Jand Suhib) has been
“eere Considering the Cur's gts a 00 sacred
Tee own use, with deep reverence Sidhu and
‘Cand placed the sword and fees upon heir
nd le the horse with a rope to thelr ome
“aru was greatly touched by heir devetion
spect He Bene them with the prophesy that
SES hcoult be more potent tan the ora ad
ey ned never se he weapon, but Keep in
Sor the Gus cescendan were hese Very
m hat hal Rup Chand presented to Gurk
“oh she Tenth Gur in 70931 Dw
‘now preserved a Gurdwara Mata Sundar
Dathl Some four miles from the place the
Ta the frundstion ofa village honouring his
‘ith, samned after the young Rep Chand,
kh, 1687 Bikram, or 163) AD and
Tia Sidhu Sad his 9m o move fo that place
en il pd ito te ron by he Gra
asthe fsundaton (aban of he vile,
sat ihe site of what Bhat Rupa.
Bhai Sidhu, Rup Chand continued in his
‘an service to the Guru ané to fh. fn
sh of August 163, Guru Hargobind Sahib,
wars again vied hal Rua and waved
ree mnt, The Gs in cognition of his
sonoured Tap Chand with the te of Bal
rather = and pit hi In chargeaf spit
the new Mafwa region end the county
Serer Sati
Rp Chand was the second such respected
‘Baba Buddha ji who served the house of
‘om 1806 to 1631. A Gurdwara presently
smacks the pice the Guru stayed during his ist. The
amily has err siace hud the privilege of being called
the Brake family, the hea ofthe family known as
Bra Sahib.
The Guru appointed Dhai Rup Chand as his
apostate inthe region of Malwa. The ceremony for his
‘oinunent the respecte positon of propaga of
the Sibh faith was performed at Bh Rupe. The cot
‘on which Rup Chad was made to sit BY the Guru
for this anointment is preserved by his descendents
af Bhai Rapa. The Guru mandated Bhai Rup Chind
to maistain a free kitchen (nga) to feed the needy
td symbolically gave him a long serving spoon
(iarctba) to begin the lagar, He was also given the
rexporsibilty of spreading Sikh’ inthe world, for
chic he eas presented witha double: edged sword
Uthonds) as token of authorty. This could very well
ave been the fit enunciation of the concert of "Dea?
and Teg, hay elements of practiced Sikh. Both these
tia ae preserved wit reverence by his descendants
22 Bagean in Sangrur cst ofthe Punjab
Bhai Rup Chand and his youngest son, Dharam
CChand, accompanied Sri Gur Tegh Bahadur Sahib
to Patna, From there, Dharam Chand accompanied
the ninth Gru on his extend mission tothe Eas in
‘Assam while Rup Chand stayed in Pata inservice of
the fanly, during whch ine x Gura Gobind Sahib
was born
Iwas in 1654that the seventh Guru, Guru Har al,
‘sited Bhai Rup Chand. Two young children named
Rama and Triloka, sons of one Phul were presented
to the Sikh Guru as needy children, they were
blessed by the Guru and grew into prosperity, Their
pre Bo Rup Chon athe ger at Bh! Rip, SG Hein Sani 1635,kage oot ety rs Harti Si Bo Rap
progeny flourished and in the course of time,
ey were to become the Maharajas of Patiala,
2 and Jind, the Phulkian States, Holding
Bhai Rup Chand in high regard for his benign
fact and grateful for their induction to the Sikh
faith the Phuikian families maintained close and.
reverential relationship towards the descendants
of Bhai Rup Chand and pre
red to have all thei
religious ceremonies, such as coronations and
weddings conducted by hie descendants, who
were heads of the family t Bagrian. This tradition
has continued.
Bhai Rup Chand spent his entire life in
propagating the mission of the Sikh Gurus and
serving common people. Amongst the Sikhs, his
stalus remained extremely venerable, His service
and piety was given high regard by the Garus
Bhai Rup Chand had the supreme privilege and
honour fo conduct the auptal ceremosy (Anand
Karaj) of the Tenth Master, Sri Guru Gobind
Singh Sahib with Mata Jito j at Guru Ke-Lahore
near Anandpur Sahib in 1677. His descendants,
‘who continue living in the village of Bhai Rupa,
possess a large serving spoon made of copper,
which is said to have been wsed while preparing
that days langar by Bhat Rup Chand
The wood-burni
first charity kitchen (len
fireplace. where the
of this family was
tetabished fn times of the sith Curu, till exists
in the village, this site being less chan a hundred
yards from the Gurdwara here the sixth Gur
Stayed for about three months while at Bhai Rupa
Brought up as a member of the Guru's own, Bhat
Rup Chand was given the honour of being one
of the
pall bearers who ear
he Sixth Guru at Kiratpur in the
After leaving Anandpur in 171
following the battle of Chamkaur and whe
Guru Gobind Singh Sahib, reached Kangar
ly Malwa in early 1706, he stayed ata place
called Dina. Here, Bhai Rup Chand made
him offerings of money and war materia
and also presented the swond given by th
ith Gar which was to be kept in trust
for later Guru. Bhat Rup Chand and his
seren sons were formally baptised (Amrit
Sanskar) at the sacred hands of the tenth
Guru. Bhai Rup Chand then offered two
a He Ra Soeand Bhai Dharam Singh, t
bre in personal service of the
Guru. Bhat Dharam Singh
the Sikh faith with a sword
horty given to propagate
the Skh way of life amongst
the people of Malwa. Thi
word is teverently kept at
Bagrian by his descendent
Bhai Rup Chand were called
‘pon ky Caryl accompa
him on his journey to the
royal epistle to this effect
= kept at Bhai Rupa, Two
pete Gar Ram Dave Sites, Bhat Dharae
Do by hn eater went onthe ourney
immensely pleased with ther
lvotion nd service but ata place called Machosinghan in Rast
ted them to return home fo caery an the mission of the Gur
ter the brothers came back and presented themselves before Bhai
Fup Siagh, be admonished them and qeould not allow them to stay
ess they produce! some proof tat they had not deserted the Gur
a his time of need. The brothers then went ack and reunited wilt
the Guru in the Deecas, a tong way south. The Guru was surprised
and touched by Bhai Rup Chand’s devotion and their own love and
book, which he always carried in his waist sling. and small bind
(sword) along with the Guru's karcha and the double-edged sword
(Ohands). These aticles remain in Bagrian, Aer the Guew's pestng
away a¢ Nander in Novernber 1708, Bhai Oharstm Singh returned to te
unjab and informed his father about the sad urn of events ns
Bhat Kup Singh (Chand) soon passed away, atthe ge of 95 In 10%,
he vilage where he was cremated is now known a5 Bhsi ke Semadh
movil tothe Ba
k ity of carying om the traditin of Bhai Rup Chan
passed on to Bhai Dharam Singh, who as religous ksder commanded
1 pectamonget the Sikhs. He was called upon by Basda Beha
the legendary Sikh leader to ein his forest fight the oppressive rule
Sirhind in 1714. Bhat Dharam Singh, along with hie brother Bh
Karam Singh led the Sikhs of Malwa in the cecisive battle that took
[pace a Chappar Cheri near the present day Chandigarh, The Mughs
Governor was killed in battle, te establishment of the Nawab of Sirhind
so Cin Cait Sigh Sab aig Wert Khan belng destroyed Bhai D
tha Rip Chon tree men ond, 10 Bhai Rupa. Most Sikh lenders ofthis ime, wh
sheen Canflct, soon carved out terntories as feldoms which laBevin
(eft ih Sgn by CansTph Bohr
‘Scho Bro Rup Chand Chander by St Gar
‘Harbin Soh ta Bho up Cand Se Soi en
by SG Gobind Sangh Sais ha Doro Singh,
shape of Misis during the second balf of
the 18 Century, becoming the nucleus of
‘various Sikh states in Eastern Punjab. Bhai
Dharam Singh hawever took no testory
‘whatsoever, annexed no lané but went
‘back to propagating the Curu’s ways, true
toh father’s tadition,
In 1717 Dharam Singh's son Dayal
Singh shifted his residence from Bhai
ups village and founded a new village
Known as Dayalpara Bhaika some 4
kilometres away (now in Bhatinda
district), Rest of the family continues
to live in Bhai Rupa, but over the years
some moved out and settled in various
villages of Malwa. However, wherever
they moved, the Bhaikas maintained the
tradition of langar. Bhai Dayal Singh took
the sacred relics given by the Gurus to
Bhai Rup Chand with him and started
another langar at Dayalpura, continuing the family tradition as per
wishes ofthe Sixth Guru, Ths langar continues to be run today by
his descendants,
(Of Bhai Dyal Singh's sons. Bhai Guddar Singh was the best
known, particularly remembered for his piety and charitable
disposition and who added considerbly to the power and prestige
ofthe family, He was eamestly devoted to the spread of Sikhism
His activities were not confined to the Malwa only, for he travelled
far and wide to preach the gospel of Guru Nanak. There is even
8 Gurdwara in Peshawar (NWFP) named after him. As he was
‘mostly away on touss, the service of langar was looked alte by his
‘wife, and consequently this came tobe known after her name “Mai
‘Rajis”langae, both at Bagrian and Dayalpura.
{In 1754 the Governor of Juilundur, Adina Begh Khan and the
Punjab Commander‘in-Chief, Sadiq Begh Khan, came to Dayalpura
and, impressed by Bhai Guddar Singh's piety and influence,
transferred the lands around Bagrian (now in Sangrur district of
Punjab) to Bhai Guddar Singh 2s donation to his langar.
[Raja Gajpat Singh, ancestor of the rulers of Nabha and Jind,
often sought the presence of Bhai Gudidar Singh at Dayalpurs
‘The Raja was an apostate from Sibhism, had no male issue but
the Bhai Sahib sooa re-baptised him and brought to him back
to the Sikh fold. The Raja was worried as he had ao son and the
line of succession could well be at an end, However, the Bhai
Sahib and his consort, Mai Raj, prayed that even if they were:
to be deprived of their own children, the Raja should be blessed
‘with an off-spring. Bhal Guddar Sigh had no chides, but te
Raja, in due coarse, became the father of many a sen. Roja Gajpat
Singh remained for a long time at Dayalpura in the company of
Bhai Guddar Singh and also built a fort a Dayalpuea for the Bhai
Sahib. However, when Bhai Guddar Singh came to know that
8 gitl was born to Raja Gajpst Singh's wife and that the child,
cording to the evil custom of those days, was buried alive, he
at once rushed to Badrukhan and severely reprimanded them
for their cruel and an Sithclike act, He went to the place where
the baby was buried and dug her out, miraculously sil alive
‘The Bhai Sahib blessed the buby and asked her parents to trea!
all children male and female alike, and to take good care of the
Little girl whom, he said was destined to be the mother of s grest
sovereign That girl, Raj Kaur, later married Sardar Makan Singh
Sukarchakia and became the mother of Maharaja Raniit Singh
Ruler of the Punjab,
‘After Bhal Guddar Singh died in 1768, Bhai Moher Singh shits
‘his permanent residence from Dayalpura to Bagrian In 1808 shen
‘Maharaja Ranjit Singh swooped over the Cis-Sutle territories,
levying exactions on the chiefs and ruler, it was Bhai Mohar Singh
who dissuaded him from harassing the Phulkian States. It was
through the efforts f the Bhai Sahib that Maharaj of Patiala agrees
to enter into a symbolic brotherhood with Maharajs Ranjit Singh.
which finally made Bedi Sahib Singh successful in a compromise=. Similarly, Nawab Atallah Khan
to pay only a tribute and was
od by Maharaja Rarjt Singh,
reminded by the Bha
family was blesed tore
unt. Maharaja Ranjit Singh paid
n and presented the Bhai Sahib
=, including Sadhowala and Suan.
d five hundred maunds of sal for
sar anal contribution. Raja Fateh
# Kepurtala, who accompanied Mahiraja
presented the village of Gangrals
the family had grown 49 become
and powerhd independent state
ded as one of the two most
uses in Malwa, One was Aleka,
house of the descendants of Baba
the other Dayaleka, the House of
f Bhai Dayal Singh. Bhai Mobar
Mai Gohar, too beca
+ in Bogrian just a8 Mai Raj had
2 before her
dur Singh, being spiritual leader
with Maharaja Ranjit Singh's
2 up to him with great honour and
Partin the ensuing AngloSikh
defeat of the army of Sarkar
tod the occupation of Lahore by
the Bhai Sahib lost his status as an
vetain; most of his property was
by the British and Bhai Bahadur
ed to virtual penury, He was
fy the fall of Sarkar Khalsa that he
seit to his fort and did not leave until
peng «vay. Trumpets and drums, the
dence, and cart-loads of arm,
‘way, Bhai Bahodur Singh had
own for his piety and missionary
the so-called depressed classes,
housands of them into the Sikh
ong on them equal status with his
Throughout Sikh history the Bhai
Wve been symbols of devction,
service 10 the Panth and its
er during the time of Bhai
meen Singh, his som, that a small portion
his ancestors was restored,
‘Aaya of Gur Gabe Singh San on he ke pen
{aia Dhan Singh Nendo
Hukarane of onde Bobi obdeted ha Dorm Singh summeing
Fn the ae ces bth are Nema of SatinDuring the first four decades of the twentieth
century, Bhai Arjan Singh's infuence as o Sikh leader
twas highly respected. He enjoyed prominence as
the defacto Sith religious head. During the Delhi
Durbar, held in December 1911 to commemorate the
cororation of King George V and Quoen Mary as the
Emperor and Empress of India, he vas asked to be in
attendance of Sri Gure Granth Sahib to be takon out
procession on an elephant from the Red Fort at Delhi
And intended to go to site of the Durbar. However, on
reaching Gurdwara Sisgarj Sahib, which was enroute,
‘Bhai Sahib stopped the elephant saying that theGuru’s
destination was the Gurdwara and would not go to
‘Bho Azo Sh porn ado ung the Sh Edam
Confennce ania 1938
ha aan Soh prfring thao fr Gx Nos of
‘Maho Rar Sg of 1948
the Durbar of » mate human being, be it the Emperor
of India or the King of Englane.
He contributed immensely to the Sikh reforo:
movements, especially the Singh Sabhy Movement
Gurdwara reforms and later bacame supportive ofthe
national feedom movement. He was the frst presiir
cof the Chief Khalsa Diwan, a positon held for fifteen
years, Ghai Arjan Singh passed away in 15%,
Thereafter his son Bhai Ardaman Singh
(1899-1976) took orer resporsibility of maintaining
the family tradition, He would regularly tour
villages of Malwa propagating Sikhi and conducting
‘Amit Sancahar. Educated at the Khalsa College at
Amritsar and by traditional religious teachors, he
was a pragmatic interpreter of Shi, With influenc
of personages like his teacher, Professor Teja Singh
association with the great scholar Bhai Kabn Sixgh
of Nabha, a close family friend, and the company 0
his saintly father, Bhai Arjan Singh, he emerged o:
the epitome of a. true Gursikh, He was known as a7
"upright scholar whe provided dizecton te Sikh thousht
during some ofthe most difficult days, particularly the
emerging ole and postin of the Panth in independen
India and provided a-political leadership in the
spiritual tradition of his illustrious forefathers. ha
‘Ardaman Singh passed away in 1076 leaving behin
three sons Bhai Haridhan Singh, Bhai Ashok Singh,
Bhayee Skander Singh ard two daughter,
As per family practice the eldestson Bhai Haridha
Singh took over responsiblity of maintaining ths
family tradition. Aer 2 prolonged illness he passe
away in 1996, During his younger days, he had bee
fn active nationalist and worked in close associat
Wwith Sardar Sardul Singh Caveshar, who vas then
Vice President of the forward block under Nets
Subhash Chander Bose,
Bhai Ashok Singh is 2 well known figure among
Sikh intelligestsia and was President of the Insitt
of Sikh Studies, Chandigarh. Bhayee Sikands
Singh, an MBA from the University of Western
Ontario in Canada, i deeply involved in Sikhi an
its propagation and is on the editorial board of th
‘Nishats, the quartely tisteated journat dedicate:
the cause ofthe community, in India and the diaspors
The present keeper ofthe traditen at Bagrian is Bh
Jujbar Singh, son of Bhai Haridhan Singhs The tradi
of logarsstarted under directions of Si Guru Hargobins
Sahib in 1634 at Bhai Rupa remains continuo
‘maintained at Bagrian and Dayalpura Bhaika,