Motor Questions
Motor Questions
Motor Questions
Notice 11 of 1998
Subject : Examination system for Marine Engineer Officer
In compliance with the STCW 1995 Convention requirements, the Merchant Shipping (Standards of
Training, Certification and Watchkeeping for seafarers) Rules, 1998 have been gazetted and will be in
force with effect from 1st August 1998. These new rules encompasses both the Deck and Engine
Departments and are applicable to those candidates commencing their initial training on or after the
date of coming into force of these rules.
The Merchant Shipping Notice containing the detailed guidelines for examination system for Marine
Engineer Officers to usher in the new Rules and to upgrade the existing certificates are drawn up and
enclosed for your information and necessary action.
You are hereby advised to kindly ensure that this Merchant Shipping Notice is available to all
Yours faithfuly,
(A Chatterjee)
Dy. Chief Surveyor with the Govt.Of India.
Merchant Shipping Notice No:11/98
The new examination rules for engineers will come into force from 1st August 1998 and will supersede
the existing rules called the Merchant Shipping (Examination of Engineer Officers in the Merchant
Navy) Rules, 1989, and as amended in 1994, referred to as the old rules.
These new rules are called the Merchant Shipping (Standards of Training Certification and
Watchkeeping for Seafarers) Rules, 1998. The objective of these rules is to give full effect to the
provisions of International Convention on Training, Certification and Watchkeeping for Seafarers, 1978
as amended on the 7th day of July, 1995 and has entered into force on the 1 st day of February, 1997.
The new rules are applicable to those commencing their initial marine engineering training on or after
the date of these rules coming into force. All such initial training programmes and subsequent qualifying
sea service at all levels will be well structured and required to be assessed and suitably endorsed by
qualified trainers and assessors in the approved Training and Assessment Record Books issued to the
The Chief Engineer Officers and the Second Engineer Officers are required to be such qualified training
and assessment officers for the part of training imparted on board including the qualifying sea service.
Although the grades of certificates will remain the same as in the old rules, the syllabuses and the
subjects for examinations in the new rules have changed to accommodate "function wise" approach.
Validity of the M.E.O. Class IV, M.E.O. Class II and M.E.O. Class I Certificates of Competency issued
under the old rules will expire on 31st January 2002. Holders of each such Certificate of Competency
will be required to upgrade their Certificates by undergoing an upgradation course and subsequent
Section 1
Electrotechnology (one paper of 3 hours).
Section 2
Naval Architecture (one paper of 3 hours).
Section 3
Engineering Knowledge (General) (one paper of 3 hours).
Engineering Knowledge (Motor) or (Steam) (one paper of 3 hours).
and oral examination covering all the four subjects.
Those who have already obtained pass in any of the Sections mentioned above are exempted from
appearing in that Section again.
Procedure for obtaining MEO Class II Certificate of Competency (new)
1. Pass or obtain exemption from MEO Class II Part (A) Examination (new) in the
following two subjects under the function as detailed hereunder :
Function: Marine Engineering at management level.
1. Mechanics and Hydromechanics (one paper of 3 hours)
2. Thermodynamics and Heat Transmission (one paper of 3 hours).
Qualifying sea service for twenty one months (remission for three months for those
who have commenced their qualifying sea service after obtaining pass or exemption in
Class II Part A Examination (old) ;
Attend 3 month approved preparatory course;
Pass the following six subjects under the four functions as detailed hereunder:
Function: Marine Engineering at Management level.
1. Marine Engineering Knowledge (General) (One paper of 3 hours)
2. Marine Engineering Knowledge (Motor or Steam)(One paper of3 hours)
Function: Maintenance & Repair at Management level.
3. Marine Engineering Practice (one paper of 3 hours)
Function: Electrical, Electronics and Control Engineering at Management level.
4. Marine Electro technology (one paper of 3 hours)
Function : Controlling operation of ship and care for persons on board at Management level.
5. Naval Architecture (one paper of3 hours)
Ship's Safety, Environmental protection & Personnel Care (one paper of2 hours)
1. Pass or obtain exemption from MEO Class I Part (A) Examination (old) if not already
done so;
2. Qualifying sea service for twenty one months (remission for three months for those
who have commenced their qualifying sea service after obtaining pass or exemption in
Class I Part A Examination (old) ;
3. Attend 3 month approved preparatory course;
4. Pass the following four subjects under the three Sections as detailed hereunder:
Section 1
Electrotechnology (one paper of 3 hours).
Section 2
Naval Architecture (one paper of 3 hours).
Section 3
Engineering Knowledge (General) (one paper of 3 hours).
Engineering Knowledge (Motor) or (Steam) (one paper of 3 hours).
and oral Examination covering all the four subjects.
Those who have already obtained pass in any of the Sections mentioned above are exempted from
appearing in that Section again.
Procedure for appearing in MEO Class 1 Certificate of Competency examination (new)
1. Pass or obtain exemption from MEO Class I Part (A) Examination (new) in the
following two subjects under the function as detailed hereunder :
Function: Marine Engineering at management level.
1. Mechanics and Hydromechanics (one paper of 3 hours)
2. Thermodynamics and Heat Transmission (one paper of 3 hours)
Qualifying sea service for twenty one months (remission for three months for those
who have commenced their qualifying sea service after obtaining pass or exemption in
Class I Part A Examination (old) ;
2. Attend 3 month approved preparatory course;
3. Pass the following seven subjects under the four functions as detailed hereunder :
Function: Marine Engineering at Management level.
1. Marine Engineering Knowledge (General) (One paper of 3 hours)
2. Marine Engineering Knowledge (Motor or Steam) (One paper of3 hours)
Function: Maintenance & Repair at Management level.
3. Marine Engineering Practice (one paper of 3 hours)
Function: Electrical, Electronics and Control Engineering at Management level.
4. Marine Electro technology (one paper of 3 hours)
Function: Controlling operation of ship and care for persons on board at Management level.
5. Ship Construction & Stability (one paper of 3 hours)
6. Ship's Safety, Environmental protection & Personnel Care. (one paper of 2 hours)
Attend approved course on Engineering Management and pass the following examination:
7. Engineering Management (one paper of3 hours)
and oral Examination covering all the above functions.
Marine Engineer Officer Class I Examination
In the old rules, for award of M.E.O. Class I Certificate of Competency, a candidate is required to
render qualifying sea service for twenty-one months, of which at least nine months shall be as Officerin-Charge of an Engineering Watch in a ship of not less than 3000 kilowatt registered power as holder
of M.E.O. Class II Certificate of Competency. The candidate may also render qualifying sea service as
a Chief Engineer Officer in charge of an Engineering Watch in a ship as holder of a M.E.O. Class II
(Motor) Certificate of Competency with Service Endorsement. The remaining period may be as incharge of a watch in a ship of not less than 1500 kilowatt registered power. Remission of three months
from qualifying sea service is granted to those who pass M.E.O. Class I Part 'A' examination before
commencing qualifying sea service or hold qualifications affording full exemption from appearing in the
said Part 'A' examination.
In the new rules, for award of M.E.O. Class I Certificate of Competency, a candidate is required to
render qualifying sea service for a further period of eighteen months while holding M.E.O. Class II
Certificate of Competency, totaling thirty months after obtaining M.E.O. Class IV Certificate of
Competency, of which at least twelve months shall be as Officer-in-Charge of watch on the main
propulsion machinery of a ship of not less than 3000 kilowatt registered power. The candidate will be
required to attend approved course on Engineering Management and then obtain a pass in M.E.O.
Class I examination. There will be the following written paper followed by orals.
Engineering Management (one paper of 3 hours)
Holders of the present MEO Class I certificate of Competency may upgrade their Certificate of
Competency by appearing in the above examination of MEO Class I Certificate of Competency (new).
Qualifying sea service in motor ships will be counted for a Certificate of Competency (Motor) and in a
Steamship for a Certificate of Competency (Steam).
A candidate will have an option either to appear in all the oral examinations of a particular grade of
Certificate of Competency at one time or in the orals separately for each function.
Each of the above examinations will be preceded by an approved Simulator Training and Preparatory
Course. The duration of preparatory course for appearing in M.E.O. Class IV examination has been
increased to three months from the present duration of one month.
The details of examinations under the new rules showing training requirements at various levels are
given in the flow diagrams.