Robot Basketball
Robot Basketball
Robot Basketball
Content Standard B: Physical Science. As a result of their activities, students should develop
an understanding of motions and forces, and transfer of energy [Grades 5-8] or interactions of
energy and matter [Grades 9-12].
Content Standard E: Science and Technology. As a result of activities, students should develop
abilities of technological design and understandings about science and technology. [Grades 5
Students will have the following materials available on a resource table:
Craft wire
Wooden skewers
Plastic spoons
Masking tape
Pipe cleaners
Craft sticks
Rubber bands
Environment Preparation
Testing Zone set up with a net, with masking tape marking the free throw line 6 feet
away. 3 testing ping-pong balls placed in a cup at the starting line.
Hold up a basketball. Ask students if theyve ever played basketball and to describe the
various shots players make, such as the lay-up, alley oop, dunk, three-pointer, and free shot.
Ask student to demonstrate a free shot. Point out the motion of the arm, specifically from
elbow to hand. Ask (or explain) what simple machine this resembles. (A lever is a rigid bar
that rotates around a fixed point, called a fulcrum. In this case, the elbow is the fulcrum and
the arm is the lever.)
Design Challenge and Criteria (40 min): design and build a robotic arm or a robot
basketball player who can nail three free-throws in a row. Net must be 2 feet above the
court (floor or desk) and player must shoot from 6 feet away.
Troubleshooting tips: If students are having trouble starting their designs, suggest a
catapult-type design. Point out how a catapult functions as a third-class lever:
After students test their robotic arms they are encouraged to redesign and test again.
Introduce students to the engineer design process
loose? (Answer: Tight.) If the string is tight, do you think more or less force is applied to the
projectile or object? (Answer: More force.)
Projectile motion refers to the motion of an object projected into the air at an angle. Galileo
was the first person to accurately describe projectile motion by analyzing the horizontal and
vertical components separately. Two important equations exist for position in projectile motion
with no friction. While these equations are not required in order to teach the lesson, they
demonstrate how projectile motion can be broken down into two components and show the
relationship between horizontal or vertical distance, time, and the angle at which the projectile
is launched. The first equation gives the horizontal position of the projectile as a function of
time and the second one gives the vertical position of the projectile as a function of time. The
variable x refers to the horizontal position, and y refers to the vertical position, the variable t
refers to the time that has passed since the projectile was launched (t=0 refers to the time
when the projectile is launched) and refers to the angle at which the projectile is launched.
Galileo reasoned that a projectile is not only influenced by one motion, but by two. The motion
that acts vertically is the force of gravity, and this pulls an object towards the Earth at 9.8
meters per second. But while gravity is pulling the object down, the projectile is also moving
forward (horizontally) at the same time. This horizontal motion is uniform and constant
according to Galileo's principle of inertia. He was able to show that a projectile is controlled by
two independent motions that work together to create a precise mathematical curve. He found
that the curve has an exact mathematical shape called the parabola. Galileo concluded that
the path of any projectile is a parabola (see Figure).
Day 2: Discuss the difference between accuracy and precision (10 min)
Have two students demonstrate the concept, with one throwing the ball, the other marking
where it lands on the floor with tape. Have the class calculate the precision (yes, no,
somewhat) and percentage of accuracy (fraction of balls that landed in the net). Whats the
difference between accuracy and precision? As explains, accuracy is how close
a measured value is to the actual (true) value. Precision is how close the measured values
are to each other:
Have a student keep score of the teams accuracy and precision scores. Ask teams to sketch
Additional Resources
How levers work. Straightforward animation explaining forces and fulcrums. [YouTube 1:43]
Simple Machines. Bill Nye, the Science Guy, explains catapults, levers, and other simple
most baskets.
How Stuff Works: Robotic Arm. Animated illustrations show how robotic elbows function.
Basketball STEM Project. Quick takes on the math, science, and technology of basketball,
including electronic scoreboards.
March Madness: The Science of Shooting The American Physical Association and North
Carolina State Universitys aerospace and mechanical engineering department created this short
primer and video.
Extra Credit