Arson Review Notes

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Fire Management and Arson Investigation

Fire Departments
The Roman emperor Augustus is credited with instituting a corps of fire-fighting vigiles
("watchmen") in 24 BC. Regulations for checking and preventing fires were developed. In
the preindustrial era most cities had watchmen who sounded an alarm at signs of fire.
The principal piece of fire-fighting equipment in ancient Rome and into early modern
times was the bucket, passed from hand to hand to deliver water to the fire.
Another important fire-fighting tool was the ax, used to remove the fuel and prevent the
spread of fire as well as to make openings that would allow heat and smoke to escape a
burning building. In major conflagrations long hooks with ropes were used to pull down
buildings in the path of an approaching fire to create firebreaks. When explosives were
available, they would be used for this same purpose.
Following the Great Fire of London in 1666, fire brigades were formed by insurance
companies. The government was not involved until 1865, when these brigade became
London's Metropolitan Fire Brigade. The first modern standards for the operation of a fire
department were not established until 1830, in Edinburgh, Scotland. These standards
explained, for the first time, what was expected of a good fire department. After a major
fire in Boston in 1631, the first fire regulation in America was established. In 1648 in New
Amsterdam (now New York) fire wardens were appointed, thereby establishing the
beginnings of the first public fire department in North America.
Fire Departments in the United States
In the modern sense, fire departments constitute a comparatively recent development.
Their personnel are either volunteer (nonsalaried) or career (salaried). Typically,
volunteer fire fighters are found mainly in smaller communities, career fire fighters in
cities. The modern department with salaried personnel and standardized equipment
became an integral part of municipal administration only late in the 19th century
( Fire/07_rules.htm).
Fire is a chemical reaction that requires three elements to be present for the reaction to
take place and continue. The elements are:
1. Enough oxygen to sustain combustion,
2. Enough heat to raise the material to its ignition temperature,
3. Some sort of fuel or combustible material, and
4. The chemical, exothermic reaction that is fire commonly known

These three elements typically are referred to as the fire triangle. Fire is the result of
the reaction between the fuel and oxygen in the air. Scientists developed the concept of
a fire triangle to aid in understanding of the cause of fires and how they can be
prevented and extinguished. Heat, fuel and oxygen must combine in a precise way for a
fire to start and continue to burn. If one element of the fire triangle is not present or
removed, fire will not start or, if already burning, will extinguish.
Ignition sources can include any material, equipment or operation that emits a spark or
flame including obvious items, such as torches, as well as less obvious items, such as
static electricity and grinding operations. Equipment or components that radiate heat,
such as kettles, catalytic converters and
mufflers, also can be ignition sources.
Fuel sources include combustible materials, such as wood, paper, trash and clothing;
flammable liquids, such as gasoline or solvents; and flammable gases, such as propane
or natural gas.

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Oxygen in the fire triangle comes from the air in the atmosphere. Air
approximately 79 percent nitrogen and 21 percent oxygen.



1. Class A Fires Fires involving ordinary combustible materials, such as wood, cloth,
paper, rubber and many plastics.
Class A Fire Extinguishment:
Water is used in a cooling or quenching effect to reduce the temperature of the
burning material below its ignition temperature.
2. Class B Fires Fires involving flammable liquids, greases, and gases.
Class B Fire Extinguishment:
The smothering or blanketing effect of oxygen exclusion is most effective. Other
extinguishing methods include removal of fuel and temperature reduction.
3. Class C Fires Fires involving energized electrical equipment.
Class C Extinguishment:
This fire can sometimes be controlled by a non-conducting extinguishing agent.
The safest procedure is always attempt to de-energized high voltage circuits and
treats as Class A or Class B fire depending upon the fuel involved.
4. Class D Fires Fires involving combustible metals, such as magnesium, titanium,
zirconium, sodium and potassium.
Class D Fire Extinguishment:
The extremely high temperature of some burning metals makes water & other common
extinguishing agents ineffective. There is no agent available that would effectively
control fires in all combustible metals. Special extinguishing agents are available for
control of fire in each of the metals & are marked specially for that metal.
Class K Fires fires involving kitchen materials. This classification was added
during the 1998 NFPA portable extinguishers standard exhibition.
There are four methods of fire suppression:
Removal of Fuel - This method is effective but not applicable at all times. Fuel
removal includes turning off the fuel supply, pumping flammable liquids from a
burning tank, removing unburned portion of a pile of combustible materials (silos
or coal piles), or diluting a burning liquid material (ethyl alcohol) when diluted with
is soluble in water.
Exclusion of Oxygen- This involves separation of oxygen from other materials that
creates a fire by the process of smothering or blanketing. One of the common
example of this method is extinguishing a grease during prying by placing a cover
on a pan.
Reduction of Temperature- Temperature control ( cooling off or quenching )
involves the absorption of heat with a resultant cooling of the fuel to a point at
which it ceases to release enough vapors to maintain a flammable vapor.
Inhibition of Chain Reaction-This method is applicable during combustion process,
on which scientist have found that the simultaneous formation & consumption of
certain atoms are the key to the chain reaction which produces the flame. Some
chemical substances, when introduced into the fire in proper amounts, breaks up
this reaction and inhibits the atoms and the fire cannot continue to burn and
therefore, it is extinguished. Examples of these chemicals are:
a) Halon 1301
b) Potassium bicarbonate (purple K)
c) Halon 1211
d) Potassium carbonate (Monnex)
e) Halon 2404
f) Potassium chloride (Super K)
g) Sodium bicarbonate (regular dry chemical)

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Heat can travel throughout a burning building by one or more of the four (4)
methods. The existence of heat within a substance is caused by a molecular
1. Conduction Heat may be conducted from one body to another by direct contact of
the bodies or by an intervening heat-conduction medium. The amount of heat that will e
transferred and its rate of travel by this method depends upon conductivity of the
material through which the heat is passing. Not all materials have the same heat
conductivity. Aluminum, copper and iron are good conductors. Fibrous materials such as
felt, cloth and paper are poor conduction.
2. Radiation This method of heat transmission is known as the radiation of heat waves.
Heat & light waves are similar in nature but they differ in length. Heat waves are longer
than light waves and they are sometimes called infra-red rays. Radiated heat travel
through space until it reaches an opaque object. As the object is exposed to heat
radiation it will in return radiate heat from its surface. Radiated heat is one of the major
sources of fire spread and its importance demands for an immediate defensive attack at
points where radiation exposure is severe.
3. Convection is the transfer of heat by the movement of air or liquid. This movement is
different from the molecular motion discussed in conduction. When liquid gases are
heated, they begin to move in themselves. For example, when water is heated in a glass
container, an upward movement within the vessel can be observed through the glass.
4. Direct Flame Contact Fire also spreads along and through the material that will
burn by direct flame contact. When substance is heated to a point where flammable
vapors are given off, these vapors may be ignited. Any other flammable material which is
in contact with the burning vapors may be heated to a temperature where it will ignite
and burn.
While the divisions of combustibles in three groups (solids, liquids, gases, plasma)
give a rough idea of a hazard, a more precise evaluation of potential hazard
requires information on the natural properties of the fuel, such as the melting or
boiling point, the volatility or vapor pressure, the heat of combustion, the chemical
instability or reactivity, and the tendency towards auto-oxidation or spontaneous
combustion. For the fire protection engineer flash and fire points are especially
valuable in assessing the potential hazard of flammable liquids. The most
significant characteristics are:
Physical State. The normal physical states of matter are gas, liquid or solid.
There are four methods of fire suppression:
Removal of Fuel- This method is effective but not applicable at all times. Fuel
removal includes turning off the fuel supply, pumping flammable liquids from a
burning tank, removing unburned portion of a pile of combustible materials (silos
or coal piles), or diluting a burning liquid material (ethyl alcohol) when diluted with
is soluble in water.
Exclusion of Oxygen- This involves separation of oxygen from other materials
that creates a fire by the process of smothering or blanketing. One of the
common example of this method is extinguishing a grease during prying by placing
a cover on a pan.
3. Reduction of Temperature- Temperature control ( cooling off or
quenching ) involves the absorption of heat with a resultant cooling of the fuel to
a point at which it ceases to release enough vapors to maintain a flammable vapor.
4. Inhibition of Chain Reaction-This method is applicable during combustion
process, on which scientist have found that the simultaneous formation &
consumption of certain atoms are the key to the chain reaction which produces the
flame. Some chemical substances, when introduced into the fire in proper

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amounts, breaks up this reaction and inhibits the atoms and the fire cannot
continue to burn and therefore, it is extinguished. Examples of these chemicals
a) Halon 1301
b) Potassium bicarbonate (purple K)
c) Halon 1211
d) Potassium carbonate (Monnex)
e) Halon 2404
f) Potassium chloride (Super K)
g) Sodium bicarbonate (regular dry chemical)


Volatility. The volatility (the property to evaporate quickly) of the liquid is
important since all flaming fires are reactions between the oxygen of the
atmosphere and gaseous products. The volatility is governed primarily by the
boiling point, although practically all combustible liquids produce flammable
vapors at temperatures well below the boiling point.
The boiling point is the temperature at which the vapor pressure of the liquid
equals the atmospheric pressure, or a state at which the liquid more or less rapidly
changes to the vapor state.
Heat of Vaporization. The amount of heat which must be put into a liquid in
order to convert it to a gas is the heat of vaporization. Expressed in British Thermal
Unit (btu) per pound & it is approximately 970, 367, 160, and 123 for water, ethyl
alcohol, pentane, and turpentine respectively, at their boiling points.
Melting Point & Heat of Fusion. For solids the melting point and the heat of
fusion is important since heat is required to make the change from the solid to the
liquid state. This required heat is approximately 142 btu. Per pound at 126 degrees
Fahrenheit for paraffin wax. (Note: Many solids have appreciable vapor pressures
below their melting point, e.g. water in the form of ice and naphthalene which has
a flashpoint of 174 degrees farenheit and a melting point of 177 degrees farenheit.
Heat Decomposition. Almost all solids of vegetable origin, such as wood, paper,
and cotton do not melt but first decompose. Exceptions are vegetable fats, waxes,
resins, sugar, and natural rubber. The principal animal fibers such as wool also
melt. However most of this substances undergo some chemical change or
decomposition (pyrolysis) which is a rather complex process, and usually a charlike substances and gases are formed, some of the latter being liquids at ordinary
temperature. Substances of vegetable and animal origin require an input of heat
(heat of decomposition) to bring the change about, but in some cases, wood for
example, heat may be given after a certain stages of the decomposition & the
figures for the heat of decomposition are likely to be somewhat indefinite.
While nearly all combustible materials decompose in an endothermic reaction
(requiring heat to be put on the material), there are few substances more or less
which are unstable in character which produce heat during decomposition. None of
these substances occur naturally; they are all chemically synthesized, one of the
commonest examples in gas form is acetylene, which involves heat on
decomposition equivalent to approximately 3,750 btu. per pound or 26 btu. per
cubic foot (calcul;ated at normal pressure and temperature).
Specific Heat. This figure is the ratio as compared to the heat of water in btu.
required to raise the temperature of a pound of any substance by one degree
farenheit. For majority of combustible materials, the ratio is between one quarter

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and one half, but there are many exceptions, especially the metals which have a
lower specific heat. Another exception on a higher side is ethyl alcohol.
Heat Conductivity. This characteristic property has influence on the fire hazard
because the higher the conductivity the more heat has to be applied to the
surface of solid fuel in order to raise it to the fire point and at the same time make
up for heat loss to the interior of the fuel mass. This is particularly noticeable in
heavy sections of metal. Magnesium, for example, has a conductivity of almost
4,000 times than that of the firewood (across the grain).
On the other hand, a high heat conductivity facilitates the transfer of heat from an
exposure or from a combustion zone to a mixture unburned gas and air. Thus, the
rate of flame spread is accelerated. A notable example is the gas hydrogen which
when mixed with air has a high rate of flame propagation. (Note: The conductivity
of hydrogen is almost six times that of air).
Heat of Combustion. The available heat on complete combustion is quite
significant but usually is not the most important factor in determining ignition
susceptibility or fire intensity, except when the material is very much diluted with
inert material such as structural insulating products consisting of cement and
excelsior, or alcohol well diluted with water. A high proportion of inert diluents may
reduce the average heat of combustion to appoint where the fire hazard is much
reduced or even eliminated. Vegetables and mineral oils as well as asphalt, pitch,
fats, waxes, have heat of complete combustion ranging from about 15,000 to
20,000 btu. per pound. The various specie of wood generally is in the range of from
7,000 to 9,000 btu. per pound on a dry basis
Auto-Oxidation or Spontaneous Heating. Almost all combustible materials of
vegetable origin will combine with oxygen at temperatures well below those
required for ignition. There are many of animal and mineral origin which usually do
so but somewhat at higher temperatures. Even cotton will oxidized very slowly at
ordinary temperatures especially in the presence of moisture. Many vegetable oils
are particularly prone to spontaneous heating from oxidation when spread over a
large surface area such as on textile fibers and when there is a large mass of the
oily fiber which provides sufficient insulating effect to retain the heat of oxidation
and thus, permit temperature to rise.

There are four (4) products of combustion as the materials burns and undergo a
chemical change:
FIRE GASES- is the vaporized products of combustion. Some of the factors which
identify fire gases formed during burning (carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide) of
combustible materials are: the chemical composition of the fuel, amount of oxygen
present for burning, and the temperature of fire.
FLAME-It is the visible luminous body of burning gas which become hotter and
become less luminous when it is mixed with increased amounts of oxygen.
HEAT-This is a form of energy which is measured in degrees of temperature to
signify its intensity.
SMOKE- This is a visible product of incomplete combustion. It is consists of a
mixture of oxygen, nitrogen, carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, finely divided
particles of soot and carbon and other products released from the materials
There are three (3) progressive phases of burning:
Incipient or Beginning Phase- Under this phase, the oxygen content in the air has
not been significantly reduced and the fire is producing water vapor, carbon
dioxide, carbon monoxide, perhaps a small quantity of sulfur dioxide, and other
gases. Some heat is being generated and the amount will increase with the
progress of the fire.

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Free Burning Phase- The second phase includes all the free burning activities of
fire. During this phase, oxygen-rich air is drawn into the flame as convection (the
rise of the heated gases) carries the heat to the uppermost portion of the
confinement area. The heated gas spread out laterally from the top downward,
forcing the cooler air to seek lower levels and eventually igniting all the
combustible materials in the upper levels of the room.
Smoldering Phase- The flame on this stage may stop to occur if the area do not
have supply of air. Burning under this point is reduced to glowing embers. The
room is completely filled with a dense smoke & fire gases that pressure force them
to seep deep the cracks of the building. The temperature will be as high as over
1000 degrees Fahrenheit.

Related Terms
FLASHOVER-This is the final stage of the process of the fire growth, wherein all the
combustible materials within a compartment are all ignited. The cause of the
flashover is due to the excessive build up of heat from the fire itself and once all
the contents of the fire area are heated gradually into its ignition temperature
simultaneous ignition occurs and the entire area becomes fully involved with fire.
FLAME SPREAD- It is the rate at which flame travels over the surface. Interior
building materials & finishes have a flame spread rating that indicates the rate at
which flame will spread over the surface of the material. The lowest rating is zero
while a higher number indicates a faster rate of travel on the material.
1. Hydrogen Sulfide- (H2S)- a fire gas formed during fires involving organic material
containing sulfur, such as: rubber, hair, wood, meat, and hides. It is colorless
highly toxic gas with a strong odor of rotten egg. Exposure for even a short time is
dangerous. It will ignite at 500 degrees farenheit (260 degrees Celsius).
2. Hydrogen Cyanide (HCN) a toxic fire gas found in oxygen starve fires involving
nitrogen-containing materials such as wool, silk, urethane, polyamides and
acrylics. This gas is also used as fumigant which can pose serious danger to
firefighters working in recently fumigated buildings. Hydrogen cyanide smells like
bitter almonds which may not be easily detected.
3. Hydrogen Chloride - a gas which can be fatal after only a few breaths is
produced in fires involving chloride-containing plastics. Plastics can be found
anywhere, like furnishings, electrical insulation, conduit and piping.
Straight ladder is nonadjustable in length & consist of only one section. This is
sometimes called wall ladder, used for quick access to windows and rooftop one 7
two storey buildings. This type is used in length of 12, 14, 16, 18, and 24 feet.
Extension ladder is adjustable in length, consisting two sections which travel in
guide or brackets to permit length adjustment. This is type provides access to
windows and roofs within the limit of their extendable lengths. It is 24 to 65 feet in
length. A baby Extension (Baby Bangor) is a 12 foot extension ladder without a
halyard for raising the fly section.
Straight Hook ladder
Bangor ladder
Combination ladder is adjustable in length and has a suitable means for
unlocking the sections so that the two separate sections can form equal angles
with the floor or ground as a stepladder.
Wall-Pompier ladder consists of a large goose-neck hook at the tip, with a
single beam through which the rungs projects. It may be used to reach upper
stories of tall buildings, beyond the reach of ground or aerial ladders.
Aerial ladder is a mechanical unit generally operated by hydraulic power is
mounted upon a specially built chassis. The source of power is usually derived from

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the apparatus engine which actuates a hydraulic hoist. It is constructed of metal &
are trussed to provide adequate strength. It ranges from 65 100 feet.
Tower ladder apparatus combines some features of both aerial ladder equipment and
elevating platforms. A telescopic boom has a ladder mounted on it, but the top working
area is a partially enclosed platform. Various ground ladders are also carried.
Why Investigate Fires?
Since Roman times, civil authorities have recognized the threat that fire represents, not
only to the well-being of individuals, but also, and perhaps more importantly, to the
welfare and security of the community as a whole. In the days of wooden walls and roofs
and straw-covered floors, any fire could ravage an entire city. So, it was in the interest of
all concerned to investigate fires and establish how they began. Civil authorities
attempted to control the fire risk by assessing penalties if an accidental fire was allowed
to get out of control. Dangerous practices, such as leaving cooking fires unguarded, were
identified and controlled.
William the Conqueror issued an edict that cooking fires be damped or covered after a
particular time of evening so that unattended fires could not flare up. This policy of
couvre feu (cover the fire) gave rise to thecurfew of today. If authorities could
determine the fire was deliberately set, the perpetrator could be identified and punished.
Some of the oldest English common laws regarded arson to be the crime of burning the
house or dwelling of another. The crime of arson was considered to be
such a danger that it was punishable by death.
The same rationale applies today. Fires of accidental cause need to be identified, so that
dangerous practices, such as filling kerosene room heaters with gasoline, can be
eliminated by public education, or so that defective or dangerous products, such as
instant-on televisions or room heaters with no overheating or tip-over protection, can be
taken off the market or modified so they no longer pose a significant fire risk. Fires of
incendiary (i.e., deliberate) cause must be detected, so that the firesetter
can be intercepted before doing more harm and punished as necessary.
The Problem of Fire Investigations
1. A fire can be a complex event whose origin and cause are not obvious.

Investigators may have to expend considerable time and effort before the cause
can be identified. This is the area where Holmes dictum is especially applicable.
Without gathering data, the investigator can only guess at what might have caused
the fire, based on circumstances alone. The training and preparation of qualified
investigators are often costly and time-consuming, requiring dedication to the
profession over many years.
2. The destructive power of the fire itself compromises evidence from the outset. The
larger a fire becomes and the longer it burns, the less evidence of causation will
remain. In some fires, sufficient data to establish the origin and cause (i.e.,
evidence) do not survive, no matter how diligent the search or well prepared the
searcher. This destruction may be exacerbated by the normal and necessary duties
of fire personnel carrying out rescue, suppression, overhaul, and
salvage tasks.
3. The complexity of the threat a major fire presents to the health and welfare of the
community means that representatives from law enforcement, fire, rescue, and
emergency medical services; hazardous materials teams; utility company
personnel; health and safety officers; and other public agency personnel may be
on hand and may conduct some obligatory official duties. The presence of so many
people, in addition to members of the press and the public who were attracted by
the sights and sounds of a major fire, offers yet more chances for scene security to
be compromised and critical evidence to be contaminated, moved, or destroyed.

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4. A lack of commitment to conduct fire investigations exists on the part of some law

enforcement and fire agencies. Because of the demand for rescue, hazardous
materials, and emergency medical
assistance, in addition to their traditional duties of fire suppression, fire
departments often find themselves with fewer resources to stretch to cover all
Then Who Investigates Fires?
As might be gathered from the preceding points, who actually will investigate a fire is not
an easy question to answer. In addition to law enforcement and fire authorities, there
may be prosecuting attorney
investigators, forensic laboratory experts, engineering specialists (fire, chemical,
mechanical, or electrical), and private investigators representing insurance companies,
owners, tenants, and manufacturers of the myriad ignition sources found in a modern
home or business.
What Is Arson?
The term arson is commonly used today to describe a crime that involves the
intentional burning of property. It originates from an Anglo-French word meaning the act
of burning. The common law definition of arson was the willful and malicious burning of
a dwelling; over the years, state statues and federal laws have replaced the common law
definition. Most of todays arson laws involve the intentional burning of property, not only
dwellings. Statues vary from jurisdiction to jurisdiction. It is recommended that you
consult local, state, or federal statutes for more details and specific language and
The Role of the Fire Department
It is the role of the municipal fire department to respond to reports of hostile fires and
take appropriate action. Members of the local fire department are typically the first
officials to arrive at the scene of a fire. Depending on the severity of the fire, numerous
firefighting assets may arrive and participate in the operations. It is at this point that the
fire investigation really begins. While not formally trained as fire investigators,
firefighters can make note of the time of the fire, the fire conditions, the weather
conditions, and the point of entry to suppress the fire. In addition, any suspicious or
unusual activity surrounding the fire should be noted, including burn patterns, open
doors or windows, alarms, unusual odors, deep-seated fire, and overall behavior and
The actions of a fire department at the scene can be separated into three distinct
phases: (1) suppression, (2) overhaul, and (3) investigation. During the fire suppression
phase, the first goal is to save lives; the second goal is the suppression of fire and the
protection of property. In their mission, firefighters typically utilize hoses that are 1-1/2 to
2-1/2 in. in diameter to control and suppress the fire . As mentioned in the previous
chapter, the application of water removes one side of the fire triangle heat. After the
fire has been extinguished, firefighters will search for hidden fire in walls, ceiling spaces,
or other areas that are not easily accessible. This phase is termed overhaul, and
includes opening walls, pulling down ceiling materials, removing flooring, etc., to ensure
that the fire has been completely extinguished. During overhaul, firefighters can
unwittingly alter the fire scene by removing furnishings, devices, wiring, walls, and
ceiling or framing materials. Unfortunately, this alteration of the fire scene can create
difficulties for the fire investigator. Depending on the jurisdiction involved, the fire scene
investigation can occur in conjunction with overhaul, where the investigators are on the
scene to direct the overhaul activities and to ensure the preservation of evidence.

Death Investigation: A Guide for the Scene Investigator, Research Report, Washington,
D.C.: U.S. Department of Justice, National Institute of Justice, December 1997, NCJ

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The final phase of fire scene activities involves the investigation of the fire with the
intent of determining its origin and cause. Although this is identified as the final phase,
the investigation of the fire scene can actually begin during the suppression or overhaul
phase. The commencement of the investigation depends largely on the time of arrival of
the fire investigator or the abilities and responsibilities of the fire suppression personnel.
Fire investigators will attempt to determine whether the fire was accidental or
intentionally set (incendiary). Upon completion of the fire scene investigation, the
property is typically released to the property owner or insurance company for further
Fire Patterns or Fire Indicators
The principal objectives in the determination of the origin and cause of a fire is the
recognition, identification, and analysis of fire patterns. NFPA 921 defines fire patterns as
the visible or measurable physical effects that remain after a fire . These effects
represent the history of the fire, as it is recognized that fires cause predictable patterns
on materials as they burn. Since fires burn at or near the point of origin longer than at
other places, all things being equal, then the most destruction should be at that point.
Fire investigators use these patterns as pointers to trace the path of the fire back to its
origin since gases from combustion flow like a liquid and will follow the path of least
resistance around obstructions in an upward manner. Further examination of the scene
can be focused in the suspected area of origin once the fire patterns or indicators have
been identified. However, fire patterns can be cumulative and thus result in multiple
patterns being overlaid, one atop another, as the fire progresses, other fuels become
involved, and ventilation conditions change. It is the responsibility of the fire investigator
to examine these patterns and assign them value as appropriate. With the proper
examination of fire patterns, the investigator can trace the fire back to its origin.
Patterns that are typically observed at fire scenes include V patterns, lines of
demarcation, low burns and penetrations, charring (often called alligatoring), clean
burns, and trailers. These patterns can be readily apparent to the casual observer, or
hidden from view and apparent only upon removal of fire debris. Therefore, a
comprehensive fire scene examination involves the systematic removal of debris so the
investigator can fully evaluate the scene, the fire patterns, and the damage.
1. V and Hourglass Patterns
As fires burn upward and outward from a fuel source due to buoyancy, they usually leave
distinct patterns in the shape of a V, typically referred to as a V pattern. These patterns
are usually apparent on vertical surfaces such as walls that are directly adjacent to a
burning object. The apex of the pattern will be located at the fuel source. The pattern
then widens as it spreads up and out, away from the fuel source.
2. Lines of Demarcation
Lines of demarcation are the visible patterns or borders that delineate regions affected
by heat and smoke from adjacent unaffected or less affected regions. Lines of
demarcation can be in many forms and are used by fire investigators to assess the
smoke or fire progression within a structure. The lines or patterns are created by a
thermal insult to an object or during the deposition of combustion products.
3. Low Burns and Penetrations
The lowest point of burning observed at a fire scene should be examined closely as a
potential point of origin. Any penetration in the floor should be evaluated to determine
its cause. While penetrations in the floor and associated low burning can be the result of
the burning of an ignitable liquid, the patterns can also be caused by structural collapse,
radiation, or the pooling or falling (drop-down) of burning materials. These areas are
often the locations where flooring, carpet, and fire debris samples are recovered by
investigators for forensic analysis.
4. Charring

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Charring to wood materials is commonly found at fire scenes. The amount and depth of
charring is commonly used by investigators to evaluate fire spread, intensity, and
duration of the fire. While the rate of wood charring has been quantified in laboratory
experiments, the use of a defined rate of charring for fire scenes is not appropriate.
Since the rate of charring is dependent on the intensity of the fire, duration of exposure,
species of wood, and moisture content, an evaluation of charred wood for the purposes
of determining an accurate time of exposure may not be reliable for a fire scene
investigation. However, the comparison of charring depths in various locations in a fire
scene may be reliable in determining relative time of exposure, assuming the wood
species are the same.
5. Clean Burn
A clean burn to the surface occurs at a fire scene when a surface is exposed to direct
flame impingement. The direct flame contact causes the soot deposits to be burned
away, leaving a clean area. The clean burn can vary in size, depending on the size of the
localized flame. These patterns can assist fire investigators in identifying the location of
burning materials and can sometimes lead to the origin of the fire.
6. Trailers and Pour Patterns
Trailer is a term used by fire investigators to describe a combustible material or
ignitable fluid intentionally placed to spread fire from one location to another. The
pattern resulting from an ignitable liquid trailer is often called a pour pattern. The telltale
signs of a trailer can sometimes be observed at a fire scene; however, this is largely
dependent on the overall degree of damage and the trailer materials used by the
arsonist. In a postflashover environment, the persistence of ignitable liquid patterns is
less identifiable.
Fire Cause Classification
Once the fire investigator has reviewed all relevant facts and information surrounding a
fire, the cause of the fire will be classified. Except in the most clearly defined
circumstances, the cause of the fire should be based on the presence rather than the
absence of evidence. The cause of a fire is generally classified as accidental, natural,
incendiary, or undetermined. If the cause cannot be determined, the fire should be
classified as undetermined. The cause can be undetermined for many reasons and may
be due to the degree of damage to the structure, lack of witness information, or other
physical evidence. The classification of undetermined may change at some later time if
additional relevant information is developed. The determination of any fire cause,
however, must be based on credible information and facts. While some investigators
have used the classification of suspicious, this classification is discouraged because it
is not an actual description of the fire cause. The following is a brief definition of the
most commonly recognized fire classifications.
This classification encompasses situations that generally do not involve direct human
involvement, such as fires caused by appliance failure, electrical wiring, or other
nonhuman causes. However, an accidental classification can be used in instances that
encompass noncriminal human involvement. For example, a homeowner burning leaves
may inadvertently cause a secondaryfire in some nearby brush. While the second fire
may be caused by negligence, it is still accidental in nature.
This classification encompasses fires that are typically identified as acts of God, such as
fires related to lightning strikes, earthquakes, etc. No human involvement is linked to the
natural fire classification.
These fires are situations that are intentional, malicious, and are started by direct human
intervention. They are criminal in nature and are often classified by law enforcement
authorities as arson.
Collection and Preservation of Evidence

M A V E N R e v i e w C e n t e r ( A r s o n R e v i e w N o t e s ) | 11

Evidence can be anything that furnishes proof and assists in supporting a theory. In the
case of a fire scene investigation, evidence is typically used to support the cause of the
fire or other issues related to the fire scene. Fire investigators should attempt to protect
and preserve the fire scene and its contents as much as possible in an effort to properly
identify the prefire conditions. This is why the establishment of a controlled-access
perimeter around the scene is important. The entire scene should be protected as
evidence until the completion of the fire scene examination as the determination of the
cause of the fire is generally not known until the end of the investigation. Items of
evidence are often found at a fire scene and include fire patterns and artifacts from the
initial fuel or ignitions source.
Should fire investigators suspect that ignitable liquid was used to promote the rapid
growth and fire spread within a building, samples of materials or debris should be
collected for laboratory analysis to detect the presence of any unconsumed ignitable
liquids (accelerants). Examples of other items which might be collected or documented
at the fire scene include portions of a door and lock that indicate forced entry, containers
of suspected ignitable liquids, tire or foot impressions, tools, documents, and blood.
As each fire scene is unique, it is the responsibility of the trained fire investigator to
determine what constitutes evidence, and then make the proper arrangements for the
collection and preservation of these items. The determination of what constitutes
evidence and the need for the collection of the items can change depending on the
responsibility and role of the investigator. In the case of an accidental fire caused by a
product failure, the government or public sector investigator may choose not to collect
the suspect product from the fire scene but, rather, defer to the insurance investigator
for collection of the item, subsequent analysis, and potential civil litigation. The
government fire investigator, however, should always collect evidence related to criminal
The evidence most frequently collected from the scene of a suspected incendiary fire is
debris and other materials such as flooring, carpet, baseboard, and pieces of furnishings.
These items are collected for later examination for the presence of an ignitable liquid.
Information developed by fire investigators from witnesses and the fire scene
examination will generally lead to a determination as to the origin of the fire. 3
Abatement - Any act that would remove or neutralize a fire hazard.
Administrator - Any person who acts as agent of the owner and manages the use of a
building for him.
Blasting Agent - Any material or mixture consisting of a fuel and oxidizer used to set
off explosives.
Cellulose Nitrate Or Nitro Cellulose - A highly combustible and explosive compound
produced by the reaction of nitric acid with a cellulose material.
Cellulose Nitrate Plastic (Pyroxylin) - Any plastic substance, materials or compound
having cellulose nitrate (nitro cellulose) as base.
Combustible, Flammable or Inflammable - Descriptive of materials that are easily set
on fire.
Combustible Fiber - Any readily ignitable and free burning fiber such as cotton,
oakum, rags, waste cloth, waste paper, kapok, hay, straw, Spanish moss, excelsior
and other similar materials commonly used in commerce.
Combustible Liquid - Any liquid having a flash point at or above 37.8_C (100_F).
Corrosive Liquid - Any liquid which causes fire when in contact with organic matter or
with certain chemicals.
Curtain Board - A vertical panel of non-combustible or fire resistive materials attached
to and extending below the bottom chord of the roof trusses, to divide the underside
of the roof into separate compartments so that heat and smoke will be directed
upwards to a roof vent.

DeHann, J., Kirks Fire Investigation, 5th ed., Prentice Hall, Upper Saddle
River, NJ, 2002.

M A V E N R e v i e w C e n t e r ( A r s o n R e v i e w N o t e s ) | 12

Cryogenic - Descriptive of any material which by its nature or as a result of its

reaction with other elements produces a rapid drop in temperature of the immediate
Damper - A normally open device installed inside an air duct system which
automatically closes to restrict the passage of smoke or fire.
Distillation - The process of first raising the temperature in separate the more volatile
from the less volatile parts and then cooling and condensing the resulting vapor so as
to produce a nearly purified substance.
Duct System - A continuous passageway for the transmission of air.
Dust - A finely powdered substance which, when mixed with air in the proper
proportion and ignited will cause an explosion.
Electrical Arc - An extremely hot luminous bridge formed by passage of an electric
current across a space between two conductors or terminals due to the
incandescence of the conducting vapor.
Ember - A hot piece or lump that remains after a material has partially burned, and is
still oxidizing without the manifestation of flames.
Finishes - Materials used as final coating of a surface for ornamental or protective
Fire - The active principle of burning, characterized by the heat and light of
Fire Trap - A building unsafe in case of fire because it will burn easily or because it
lacks adequate exits or fire escapes.
Fire Alarm - Any visual or audible signal produced by a device or system to warm the
occupants of the building or fire fighting elements of the presence or danger of fire to
enable them to undertake immediate action to save life and property and to suppress
the fire.
Fire Door - A fire resistive door prescribed for openings in fire separation walls or
Fire Hazard - Any condition or act which increases or may cause an increase in the
probability of the occurrence of fire, or which may obstruct, delay, hinder or interfere
with fire fighting operations and the safeguarding of life and property.
Fire Lane - The portion of a roadway or publicway that should be kept opened and
unobstructed at all times for the expedient operation of fire fighting units.
Fire Protective And Fire Safety Device - Any device intended for the protection of
buildings or persons to include but not limited to built-in protection system such as
sprinklers and other automatic extinguishing system, detectors for heat, smoke and
combustion products and other warning system components, personal protective
equipment such as fire blankets, helmets, fire suits, gloves and other garments that
may be put on or worn by persons to protect themselves during fire.
Flash Point - The minimum temperature at which any material gives off vapor in
sufficient concentration to form an ignitable mixture with air.
Forcing -A process where a piece of metal is heated prior to changing its shape or
Fulminate - A kind of stable explosive compound which explodes by percussion.
Hazardous Operation/Process - Any act of manufacturing, fabrication, conversion, etc.,
that uses or produces materials which are likely to cause fires or explosions.
Horizontal Exit - Passageway from one building to another or through or around a wall
in approximately the same floor level.
Hose Box - A box or cabinet where fire hoses, valves and other equipment are stored
and arranged for fire fighting.
Hose Reel - A cylindrical device turning on an axis around which a fire hose is wound
and connected.
Hypergolic Fuel - A rocket or liquid propellant which consist of combinations of fuels
and oxidizers which ignite spontaneously on contact with each other.
Jumper - A piece of metal or an electrical conductor used to bypass a safety device in
an electrical system.
Occupancy - The purpose for which a building or portion thereof is used or intended to
be used.

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Public Way - Any street, alley or other strip of land unobstructed from the ground to
the sky, deeded, dedicated or otherwise permanently appropriated for public use.
Pyrophoric - Descriptive of any substance that ignites spontaneously when exposed to
Refining - A process where impurities and/or deleterious materials are removed from a
mixture in order to produce a pure element of compound. It shall also refer to partial
distillation and electrolysis.
Additional Readings:
Simple Arson v. Destructive Arson
Citing Buebos v. People, the Court made a distinction between simple and destructive
The nature of Destructive Arson is distinguished from Simple Arson by the degree of
perversity or viciousness of the criminal offender. The acts committed under Art. 320 of
the Revised Penal Code constituting Destructive Arson are characterized as heinous
crimes for being grievous, odious, and hateful offenses and which, by reason of their
inherent or manifest wickedness, viciousness, atrocity and perversity are repugnant and
outrageous to the common standards and norms of decency and morality in a just,
civilized, and ordered society. On the other hand, acts committed under P.D. 1613
constituting Simple Arson are crimes with a lesser degree of perversity and viciousness
that the law punishes with a lesser penalty. In other words, Simple Arson contemplates
crimes with less significant social, economic, political and national security implications
than Destructive Arson4.
There is no complex crime of arson w/ homicide
Art 48 is applicable to crimes through negligence
Example: Juan lit a cigarette as he poured gas in the tank of his car in his garage. The
gas caught fire and the house burned. His sister died and the maid suffered serious
physical injuries. The crimes of arson, homicide, serious physical injuries and damage to
property constitute a complex crime. There is only one penalty but there are 3 civil
Rebellion cannot be complex with Arson
The Supreme Court, through then Associate Justice Roberto Concepcion, ruled that
rebellion cannot be complexed with other crimes, such as murder and arson. Rebellion in
itself would include and absorb the said crimes, thus granting the accused his right to
bail. Murder and arson are crimes inherent and concomitant when rebellion is taking
place. Rebellion in the Revised Penal Code constitutes one single crime and that there is
no reason to complex it with other crimes. As basis, the Court cited several cases
convicting the defendants of simple rebellion although they killed several persons.
Thus, the petition for bail was granted. On May 30, 1964, the Supreme Court acquitted
Sample Arson Cases:
The arson committed in the instant case involving an inhabited house or dwelling
is covered by Section 3(2) of Presidential Decree No. 1613.In the prosecution for
arson, proof of the crime charged is complete where the evidence establishes: (1)
the corpus delicti, that is, a fire because of criminal agency; and (2) the identity of the
defendant as the one responsible for the crime. In arson, the corpus delicti rule is
satisfied by proof of the bare fact of the fire and of it having been intentionally
caused. Even the uncorroborated testimony of a single eyewitness, if credible, is
enough to prove the corpus delicti and to warrant conviction. When these are present,
the only issue is the credibility of the witness. Whenever there is inconsistency

(People v. Macabando, G.R. No 188708, 31 July 2013, J. Brion)

(People v. Hernandez (1964)

M A V E N R e v i e w C e n t e r ( A r s o n R e v i e w N o t e s ) | 14

between the affidavit and the testimony of a witness in court, the testimony
commands greater weight considering that affidavits taken ex parte are inferior to
testimony in court, the former being almost invariably incomplete and oftentimes
inaccurate, sometimes from partial suggestions and sometimes from want of
suggestions and inquiries, without the aid of which the witness may be unable to
recall the connected circumstances necessary for his accurate recollection of the
In all prosecutions for arson there are two elements of the alleged crime, which the prosecution
must prove beyond a reasonable doubt: (1) That the fire was caused by the willful criminal act of
some person; and (2) the identity of defendant as the one responsible for the fire. Both of these
elements may be established by direct or positive evidence or by circumstantial evidence or
both. A conviction may be sustained although there is no direct evidence of the guilt of the
accused. As in other criminal cases, one may be convicted of arson on circumstantial evidence.
Whether the evidence is direct or circumstantial, the same broad rule applies, and that rule
requires the proof to show the guilt of the accused beyond a reasonable doubt. Arson is one of
those crimes which is peculiarly of secret preparation and commission. It is very seldom that the
prosecution can furnish testimony of an eye witness who observed the setting of the fire. If it
required positive testimony to convict in cases of arson, it would be next to impossible ever to
procure a conviction, for it is a crime committed under cover of darkness, and when there is no
human eye to see. To hold, therefore, that no man could be convicted unless the state is able to
establish by an eye witness that he set the fire would make a dead letter of the statute. The very
nature of the crime is such that it becomes necessary for the state, in many, if not in most cases,
to rely upon circumstantial evidence to establish the guilt of the accused. It is judically
recognized that a well directed train of circumstances may be as satisfactory as an array of direct
evidence, and in some cases more so.
The circumstantial evidence is that which relates to a series of other facts than the fact in
issue, which by experience have been found so associated with that fact that in the relation of
cause and effect they
lead to a satisfactory conclusion. examples are: (1) Saturation of the premises with gasoline,
kerosene, or other inflammable liquid, if not normally kept upon the premises; (2) two or more
fires, each separate and distinct, having no connection with each other; (3) a person seen
entering or leaving the premises just before the fire; (4) removal of furniture, fixtures, or stock
from the premises prior to the fire; (5) a false alibi; and (6) flight of defendant after the crime
was committed. Such evidence, therefore, is founded on experience, observed facts, and
coincidences establishing a connection between the known and proven facts and the facts
sought to be proved.7


WHEREAS, findings of the police and intelligence agencies of the government reveal that fires
and other crimes involving destruction in Metro Manila and other urban centers in the country
are being perpetrated by criminal syndicates, some of which have foreign connections;
WHEREAS, the current law on arson suffers from certain inadequacies that impede the successful
enforcement and prosecution of arsonists;

1. State v. Jacobson, 130 Minn., 347; 153 N.W., 145.

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WHEREAS, it is imperative that the high incidence of fires and other crimes involving destruction
be prevented to protect the national economy and preserve the social, economic and political
stability of the country;
NOW, THEREFORE, I, FERDINAND E. MARCOS, President of the Philippines, by virtue of the powers
vested in me by the Constitution, do hereby order and decree as part of the law of the land, the
Section 1. Arson. Any person who burns or sets fire to the property of another shall be punished
by Prision Mayor.
The same penalty shall be imposed when a person sets fire to his own property under
circumstances which expose to danger the life or property of another.
Sec. 2. Destructive Arson. The penalty of Reclusion Temporal in its maximum period to Reclusion
Perpetua shall be imposed if the property burned is any of the following:
1. Any ammunition factory and other establishment where explosives, inflammable or
combustible materials are stored.
2. Any archive, museum, whether public or private, or any edifice devoted to culture, education
or social services.
3. Any church or place of worship or other building where people usually assemble.
4. Any train, airplane or any aircraft, vessel or watercraft, or conveyance for transportation of
persons or property
4. Any building where evidence is kept for use in any legislative, judicial, administrative or other
official proceedings.
5. Any hospital, hotel, dormitory, lodging house, housing tenement, shopping center, public or
private market, theater or movie house or any similar place or building.
6. Any building, whether used as a dwelling or not, situated in a populated or congested area.
Sec. 3. Other Cases of Arson. The penalty of Reclusion Temporal to Reclusion Perpetua shall be
imposed if the property burned is any of the following:
1. Any building used as offices of the government or any of its agencies;
2. Any inhabited house or dwelling;
3. Any industrial establishment, shipyard, oil well or mine shaft, platform or tunnel;
4. Any plantation, farm, pastureland, growing crop, grain field, orchard, bamboo grove or forest;
4. Any rice mill, sugar mill, cane mill or mill central; and
5. Any railway or bus station, airport, wharf or warehouse.
Sec. 4. Special Aggravating Circumstances in Arson. The penalty in any case of arson shall be
imposed in its maximum period;
1. If committed with intent to gain;
2. If committed for the benefit of another;
3. If the offender is motivated by spite or hatred towards the owner or occupant of the property
4. If committed by a syndicate.

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The offense is committed by a syndicate if its is planned or carried out by a group of three (3) or
more persons.
Sec. 5. Where Death Results from Arson. If by reason of or on the occasion of the arson death
results, the penalty of Reclusion Perpetua to death shall be imposed.
Sec. 6. Prima Facie evidence of Arson. Any of the following circumstances shall constitute prima
facie evidence of arson:
1. If the fire started simultaneously in more than one part of the building or establishment.
2. If substantial amount of flammable substances or materials are stored within the building note
necessary in the business of the offender nor for household us.
3. If gasoline, kerosene, petroleum or other flammable or combustible substances or materials
soaked therewith or containers thereof, or any mechanical, electrical, chemical, or electronic
contrivance designed to start a fire, or ashes or traces of any of the foregoing are found in the
ruins or premises of the burned building or property.
4. If the building or property is insured for substantially more than its actual value at the time of
the issuance of the policy.
4. If during the lifetime of the corresponding fire insurance policy more than two fires have
occurred in the same or other premises owned or under the control of the offender and/or
5. If shortly before the fire, a substantial portion of the effects insured and stored in a building or
property had been withdrawn from the premises except in the ordinary course of business.
6. If a demand for money or other valuable consideration was made before the fire in exchange
for the desistance of the offender or for the safety of the person or property of the victim.
Sec. 7. Conspiracy to commit Arson. Conspiracy to commit arson shall be punished by Prision
Mayor in its minimum period.
Sec. 8. Confiscation of Object of Arson. The building which is the object of arson including the
land on which it is situated shall be confiscated and escheated to the State, unless the owner
thereof can prove that he has no participation in nor knowledge of such arson despite the
exercise of due diligence on his part.
Sec. 9. Repealing Clause. The provisions of Articles 320 to 326-B of the Revised Penal Code and
all laws, executive orders, rules and regulations, or parts thereof, inconsistent with the provisions
of this Decree are hereby repealed or amended accordingly.
Section 10. Effectivity. This Decree shall take effect immediately upon publication thereof at least
once in a newspaper of general circulation.
Done in the City of Manila, this 7th day of March, in the year of Our Lord, nineteen hundred and
Republic Act No. 9514
December 19, 2008
Repealed PD 1185
Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Philippines in Congress
Section 1. This Act shall be known as the "Revised Fire Code of the Philippines of 2008".
Section 2. It is the policy of the State to ensure public safety and promote economic
development through the prevention and suppression of all kinds of destructive fires and
promote the professionalization of the fire service as a profession. Towards this end, the State

M A V E N R e v i e w C e n t e r ( A r s o n R e v i e w N o t e s ) | 17
shall enforce all laws, rules and regulations to ensure adherence to standard fire prevention and
safety measures, and promote accountability for fire safety in the fire protection service and
prevention service.
Section 3. Definition of Terms. - As used in this Fire Code, the following words and phrases shall
mean and be construed as indicated:
Abatement - Any act that would remove or neutralize a fire hazard.
Administrator - Any person who acts as agent of the owner and manages the use of a building for
Blasting Agent - Any material or mixture consisting of a fuel and oxidizer used to set off
Cellulose Nitrate Or Nitro Cellulose - A highly combustible and explosive compound produced by
the reaction of nitric acid with a cellulose material.
Cellulose Nitrate Plastic (Pyroxylin) - Any plastic substance, materials or compound having
cellulose nitrate (nitro cellulose) as base.
Combustible, Flammable or Inflammable - Descriptive of materials that are easily set on fire.
Combustible Fiber - Any readily ignitable and free burning fiber such as cotton, oakum, rags,
waste cloth, waste paper, kapok, hay, straw, Spanish moss, excelsior and other similar materials
commonly used in commerce.
Combustible Liquid - Any liquid having a flash point at or above 37.8_C (100_F).
Corrosive Liquid - Any liquid which causes fire when in contact with organic matter or with certain
Curtain Board - A vertical panel of non-combustible or fire resistive materials attached to and
extending below the bottom chord of the roof trusses, to divide the underside of the roof into
separate compartments so that heat and smoke will be directed upwards to a roof vent.
Cryogenic - Descriptive of any material which by its nature or as a result of its reaction with other
elements produces a rapid drop in temperature of the immediate surroundings.
Damper - A normally open device installed inside an air duct system which automatically closes
to restrict the passage of smoke or fire.
Distillation - The process of first raising the temperature in separate the more volatile from the
less volatile parts and then cooling and condensing the resulting vapor so as to produce a nearly
purified substance.
Duct System - A continuous passageway for the transmission of air.
Dust - A finely powdered substance which, when mixed with air in the proper proportion and
ignited will cause an explosion.
Electrical Arc - An extremely hot luminous bridge formed by passage of an electric current across
a space between two conductors or terminals due to the incandescence of the conducting vapor.
Ember - A hot piece or lump that remains after a material has partially burned, and is still
oxidizing without the manifestation of flames.
Finishes - Materials used as final coating of a surface for ornamental or protective purposes.
Fire - The active principle of burning, characterized by the heat and light of combustion.
Fire Trap - A building unsafe in case of fire because it will burn easily or because it lacks adequate
exits or fire escapes.

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Fire Alarm - Any visual or audible signal produced by a device or system to warm the occupants
of the building or fire fighting elements of the presence or danger of fire to enable them to
undertake immediate action to save life and property and to suppress the fire.
Fire Door - A fire resistive door prescribed for openings in fire separation walls or partitions.
Fire Hazard - Any condition or act which increases or may cause an increase in the probability of
the occurrence of fire, or which may obstruct, delay, hinder or interfere with fire fighting
operations and the safeguarding of life and property.
Fire Lane - The portion of a roadway or publicway that should be kept opened and unobstructed
at all times for the expedient operation of fire fighting units.
Fire Protective And Fire Safety Device - Any device intended for the protection of buildings or
persons to include but not limited to built-in protection system such as sprinklers and other
automatic extinguishing system, detectors for heat, smoke and combustion products and other
warning system components, personal protective equipment such as fire blankets, helmets, fire
suits, gloves and other garments that may be put on or worn by persons to protect themselves
during fire.
Fire Safety Constructions - Refers to design and installation of walls, barriers, doors, windows,
vents, means of egress, etc. integral to and incorporated into a building or structure in order to
minimize danger to life from fire, smoke, fumes or panic before the building is evacuated. These
features are also designed to achieve, among others, safe and rapid evacuation of people
through means of egress sealed from smoke or fire, the confinement of fire or smoke in the room
or floor of origin and delay their spread to other parts of the building by means of smoke sealed
and fire resistant doors, walls and floors. It shall also mean to include the treatment of buildings
components or contents with flame retardant chemicals.
Flash Point - The minimum temperature at which any material gives off vapor in sufficient
concentration to form an ignitable mixture with air.
Forcing -A process where a piece of metal is heated prior to changing its shape or dimensions.
Fulminate - A kind of stable explosive compound which explodes by percussion.
Hazardous Operation/Process - Any act of manufacturing, fabrication, conversion, etc., that uses
or produces materials which are likely to cause fires or explosions.
Horizontal Exit - Passageway from one building to another or through or around a wall in
approximately the same floor level.
Hose Box - A box or cabinet where fire hoses, valves and other equipment are stored and
arranged for fire fighting.
Hose Reel - A cylindrical device turning on an axis around which a fire hose is wound and
Hypergolic Fuel - A rocket or liquid propellant which consist of combinations of fuels and oxidizers
which ignite spontaneously on contact with each other.
Industrial Baking And Drying - The industrial process of subjecting materials to heat for the
purpose of removing solvents or moisture from the same, and/or to fuse certain chemical salts to
form a uniform glazing the surface of materials being treated.
Jumper - A piece of metal or an electrical conductor used to bypass a safety device in an
electrical system.
Occupancy - The purpose for which a building or portion thereof is used or intended to be used.
Occupant - Any person actually occupying and using a building or portions thereof by virtue of a
lease contract with the owner or administrator or by permission or sufferance of the latter.

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Organic Peroxide - A strong oxidizing organic compound which releases oxygen readily. It causes
fire when in contact with combustible materials especially under conditions of high temperature.
Overloading - The use of one or more electrical appliances or devices which draw or consume
electrical current beyond the designed capacity of the existing electrical system.
Owner - The person who holds the legal right of possession or title to a building or real property.
Oxidizing Material - A material that readily yields oxygen in quantities sufficient to stimulate or
support combustion.
Pressurized Or Forced Draft Burning Equipment - Type or burner where the fuel is subjected to
pressure prior to discharge into the combustion chamber and/or which includes fans or other
provisions for the introduction of air at above normal atmosphere pressure into the same
combustion chamber.
Public Assembly Building - Any building or structure where fifty (50) or more people congregate,
gather, or assemble for any purpose.
Public Way - Any street, alley or other strip of land unobstructed from the ground to the sky,
deeded, dedicated or otherwise permanently appropriated for public use.
Pyrophoric - Descriptive of any substance that ignites spontaneously when exposed to air.
Refining - A process where impurities and/or deleterious materials are removed from a mixture in
order to produce a pure element of compound. It shall also refer to partial distillation and
Self-Closing Doors - Automatic closing doors that are designed to confine smoke and heat and
delay the spread of fire.
Smelting - Melting or fusing of metallic ores or compounds so as to separate impurities from pure
Sprinkler System - An integrated network of hydraulically designed piping installed in a building,
structure or area with outlets arranged in a systematic pattern which automatically discharges
water when activated by heat or combustion products from a fire.
Standpipe System - A system of vertical pipes in a building to which fire hoses can be attached
on each floor, including a system by which water is made available to the outlets as needed.
Vestibule - A passage hall or antechamber between the outer doors and the interior parts of a
house or building.
Vertical Shaft - An enclosed vertical space of passage that extends from floor to floor, as well as
from the base to the top of the building.
Section 4. Applicability of The Code. - The provisions of the Fire Code shall apply to all persons
and all private and public buildings, facilities or structures erected or constructed before and
after its effectivity.
Section 5. Responsibility for the Enforcement of this Code. - This Code shall be administered and
enforced by the Bureau of Fire Protection (BFP), under the direct supervision and control of the
Chief of the Bureau of Fire Protection, through the hierarchy of organization as provided for in
Chapter VI of Republic Act No. 6975. with the approval of the Secretary of the Department of the
Interior and Local Government (DILG), the BFP, is hereby authorized to:
a. Issue implementing rules and regulations, and prescribe standards, schedules of fees/fire
service charges and administrative penalties therefore as provided in the pertinent provisions of
this Code;
b. Reorganize the BFP as may be necessary and appropriate;

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c. Support and assist fire volunteers, practitioners and fire volunteer organizations in the country
who shall undergo mandatory fire suppression, inspection, rescue, emergency medical services
and related emergency response trainings and competency evaluations to be conducted by the
BFP. In the case of the Fire practitiones, they shall undergo mandatory continuous professional
education and competency evaluation of their expertise, knowledge and skills in the area of fire
science, engineering and technology to be conducted by the BFP;
The BFP may enter into external party agreements for the conduct of training, education and
evaluation of fire volunteers, practitioners and fire volunteer organizations, which shall be under
the full control and supervision of the BFP: Provided, however, That during firefighting operations,
fire volunteer organizations shall be under the direct operational control of the fire ground
commanders of the BFP;
d. Enter into long term agreement, either through public biddings or negotiations in accordance
with the provisions of Republic Act No. 9184, otherwise known as the Government Procurement
Reform Act of 2003, for the acquisition of fire prevention, fire protection and fire fighting
investigation, rescue, paramedics, hazardous material handling equipment, supplies, materials
and related technical services necessary for the fire services;
e. Enter into Memoranda of Agreement with other departments, bureaus, agencies, offices and
corporations of the government, as well as private institutions, in order to define areas of
cooperation and coordination and delineate responsibility on fire prevention education, fire
safety, fire prevention, fire suppression and other matters of common concern;
f. Call on the police, other law enforcement agencies, and local government assistance to render
necessary assistance in the enforcement of this Code;
g. Designate a fire safety inspector through his/her duly authorized representative, who shall
conduct an inspection of every building or structure within his area of responsibility at least once
a year and every time the owner, administrator or occupant shall renew his/her business permit
or permit to operate;
No occupancy permit, business or permit to operate shall be issued without securing a Fire
Safety Inspection Certification (FSIC) from the Chief, BFP, or his/her duly authorized
h. Inspect at reasonable time, any building, structure, installation or premises for dangerous or
hazardous conditions or materials as set forth in this Code, provided that in case of single family
dwelling, an inspection must be upon the consent of the occupant or upon lawful order from the
proper court. The Chief, BFP or his/her duly authorized representative shall order the
owner/occupant to remove hazardous materials and/or stop hazardous operation/process in
accordance with the standards set by this Code or its implementing rules or regulations or other
pertinent laws;
i. Where conditions exist and are deemed hazardous to life and property, to order the
owner/occupant of any building or structure to summarily abate such hazardous conditions;
j. Require the building owner/occupant to submit plans and specifications, and other pertinent
documents of said building to ensure compliance with applicable codes and standards; and
k. Issue a written notice to the owner and/or contractor to stop work on portion of any work due
to absence, or in violation of approved plans and specifications, permit and/or clearance or
certification as approved by the Chief, BFP or his/her duly authorized representative. The notice
shall state the nature of the violation and no work shall be continued on that portion until the
violation has been corrected.
Section 6. Technical Staff. - The Chief, BFP shall constitute a technical staff of highly qualified
persons who are knowledgeable on fire prevention, fire safety, and fire suppression. They may be
drawn not only from the organic members of the BFP and other government offices and
agencies, but also from other sources. In the latter case, they will either be appointed into the
service or hired as consultants in accordance with law. The technical staff shall study, review and
evaluate latest developments and standards on fire technology; prepare plans/programs on fire
safety, prevention and suppression and evaluate implementation thereof; develop programs on
the professionalization of the fire service; coordinate with appropriate government and private

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institutions for the offering of college courses on fire technology and fire protection engineering;
propose amendments to the Fire Code; advise the Chief, BFP on any matter brought to his
attention; and perform such other functions as directed on any matter brought to his attention
and perform such other functions as directed by higher authorities.
Section 7. Inspections, Safety Measures, Fire Safety, Constructions, and Protective and/or
Warning Systems. - As may be defined and provided in the Rules and Regulations, owners,
administrators or occupants of buildings, structures and their premises or facilities and other
responsible persons shall be required to comply with the following, as may be appropriate:
a. Inspection Requirement - A fire safety inspection shall be conducted by the Chief, BFP or his
duly authorized representative as prerequisite to the grants of permits and/or licenses by local
governments and other government agencies concerned, for the:
(1) Use or occupancy of buildings, structures, facilities or their premises including the installation
or fire protection and fire safety equipment, and electrical system in any building structure or
facility; and
(2) Storage, handling and/or use of explosives or of combustible, flammable, toxic and other
hazardous materials;
b. Safety Measures for Hazardous Materials - Fire safety measures shall be required for the
manufacture, storage, handling and/or use of hazardous materials involving:
(1) cellulose nitrate plastic of any kind;
(2) combustible fibers;
(3) cellular materials such as foam, rubber, sponge rubber and plastic foam;
(4) flammable and combustible liquids or gases of any classification;
(5) flammable paints, varnishes, stains and organic coatings;
(6) high-piled or widely spread combustible stock;
(7) metallic magnesium in any form;
(8) corrosive liquids, oxidizing materials, organic peroxide, nitromethane, ammonium nitrate, or
any amount of highly toxic, pyrophoric, hypergolic, or cryogenic materials or poisonous gases as
well as material compounds which when exposed to heat or flame become a fire conductor, or
generate excessive smoke or toxic gases;
(9) blasting agents, explosives and special industrial explosive materials, blasting caps, black
powder, liquid nitro-glycerine, dynamite, nitro cellulose, fulminates of any kind, and plastic
explosives containing ammonium salt or chlorate;
(10) fireworks materials of any kind or form;
(11) matches in commercial quantities;
(12) hot ashes, live coals and embers;
(13) mineral, vegetable or animal oils and other derivatives/by products;
(14) combustible waste materials for recycling or resale;
(15) explosive dusts and vapors; and
(16) agriculture, forest, marine or mineral products which may undergo spontaneous combustion.
(17) any other substance with potential to cause harm to persons, property or the environment
because of one or more of the following: a) The chemical properties of the substance; b) The
physical properties of the substance; c) The biological properties of the substance. Without

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limiting the definition of hazardous material, all dangerous goods, combustible liquids and
chemicals are hazardous materials.
c. Safety Measures for Hazardous Operation/Processes - Fire Safety measures shall be required
for the following hazardous operation/processes:
(1) welding or soldering;
(2) industrial baking and drying;
(3) waste disposal;
(4) pressurized/forced-draft burning equipment;
(5) smelting and forging;
(6) motion picture projection using electrical arc lamps;
(7) refining, distillation and solvent extraction; and
(8) such other operations or processes as may hereafter be prescribed in the Rules and
d. Provision on Fire Safety Construction, Protective and Warning System - Owners, occupants or
administrator or buildings, structures and their premises or facilities, except such other buildings
or structures as may be exempted in the rules and regulations to be promulgated under Section
5 hereof, shall incorporate and provide therein fire safety construction, protective and warning
system, and shall develop and implement fire safety programs, to wit:
(1) Fire protection features such as sprinkler systems, hose boxes, hose reels or standpipe
systems and other fire fighting equipment;
(2) Fire Alarm systems;
(3) Fire walls to separate adjoining buildings, or warehouses and storage areas from other
occupancies in the same building;
(4) Provisions for confining the fire at its source such as fire resistive floors and walls extending
up to the next floor slab or roof, curtain boards and other fire containing or stopping components;
(5) Termination of all exits in an area affording safe passage to a public way or safe dispersal
(6) Stairway, vertical shafts, horizontal exits and other means of egress sealed from smoke and
(7) A fire exit plan for each floor of the building showing the routes from each other room to
appropriate exits, displayed prominently on the door of such room;
(8) Self-closing fire resistive doors leading to corridors;
(9) Fire dampers in centralized airconditioning ducts;
(10) Roof vents for use by fire fighters; and
(11) Properly marked and lighted exits with provision for emergency lights to adequately
illuminate exit ways in case of power failure.
Section 8. Prohibited Acts. - The following are declared as prohibited act and omission.
(a) Obstructing or blocking the exit ways or across to buildings clearly marked for fire safety
purposes, such as but not limited to aisles in interior rooms, any part of stairways, hallways,
corridors, vestibules, balconies or bridges leading to a stairway or exit of any kind, or tolerating
or allowing said violations;

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(b) Constructing gates, entrances and walkways to buildings components and yards which
obstruct the orderly and easy passage of fire fighting vehicles and equipment;
(c) Prevention, interference or obstruction of any operation of the Fire Service, or of duly
organized and authorized fire brigades;
(d) Obstructing designated fire lanes or access to fire hydrants;
(e) Overcrowding or admission of persons beyond the authorized capacity in movie houses,
theaters, coliseums, auditoriums or other public assembly buildings, except in other assembly
areas on the ground floor with open sides or open doors sufficient to provide safe exits;
(f) Locking fire exits during period when people are inside the building;
(g) Prevention or obstruction of the automatic closure of fire doors or smoke partitions or
(h) Use of fire protective of fire fighting equipment of the fire service other than for fire fighting
except in other emergencies where their use are justified;
(i) Giving false or malicious fire alarms;
(j) Smoking in prohibited areas as may be determined by fire service, or throwing of cigars,
cigarettes, burning objects in places which may start or cause fire;
(k) Abandoning or leaving a building or structure by the occupant or owner without appropriate
safety measures;
(l) Removing. destroying, tampering or obliterating any authorized mark, seal, sign or tag posted
or required by the fire service for fire safety in any building, structure or processing equipment;
(m) Use of jumpers or tampering with electrical wiring or overloading the electrical system
beyond its designated capacity or such other practices that would tend to undermine the fire
safety features of the electrical system.
Section 9. Violation, Penalties and Abatement of Fire Hazard. - Fire hazards shall be abated
immediately. The Chief, BFP or his/her duly authorized representative, upon the report that a
violation of this Code or other pertinent laws, rules and regulations is being committed, shall
issue notice/order to comply to the owner, administrator, occupant or other person responsible
for the condition of the building or structure, indicating among other things, the period within
which compliance shall be effected, which shall be within ten (10) to fifteen (15) days after the
receipt of the notice/order, depending on the reasonableness to adequately comply with the
If, after the lapse of the aforesaid period, the owner, administrator, occupant or other responsible
person failed to comply, the Chief, BFP or his/her authorized representative shall put up a sign in
front of the building or structure that it is fire hazard. Specifically, the notice shall bear the words
"WARNING: THIS BUILDING/STRUCTURE IS A FIRE HAZARD", which shall remain posted until such
time that the owner, administrator, occupant or other person responsible for the condition of the
building, structure and their premises or facilities abate the same, but such period shall not
exceed fifteen (15) days from the lapse of the initial period given in the notice/order to comply.
Finally, with the failure of the owner, administrator, occupant or other person responsible for the
condition of the building, structure and their premises or facilities to comply within the period
specified above, the Chief, BFP may issue order for such abatement. If the owner, administrator
or occupant of buildings, structure and their premises or facilities does not abate the same within
the period fixed in said order, the building, structure, premises or facilities shall be ordered
closed by the Chief, BFP or his/her duly authorized representative notwithstanding any permit
clearance or certificate earlier issued by the local authorities.
Any building or structure assessed and declared by the chief, BFP or his/her duly authorized
representative as a firetrap on account of the gravity or palpability of the violation or is causing

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clear and present imminent fire danger to adjoining establishments and habitations shall be
declared a public nuisance, as defined in the Civil Code of the Philippines in a notice to be issued
to the owner, administrator, occupant or other person responsible for the condition of the
building, structure and their premises or facilities. If the assessed value of the nuisance or the
amount to be spent in abating the same is not more than One hundred thousand pesos
(P100,000.00), the owner, administrator or occupant thereof shall abate the hazard within fifteen
(15) days, or if the assessed value is more than One hundred thousand pesos (P100,000.00),
within thirty (30) days from receipt of the order declaring said building or structure a public
nuisance; otherwise, the Chief, BFP or his/her duly authorized representative shall forthwith
cause its summary abatement. failure to comply within five (5) days from the receipt of the
notice shall cause the Chief, BFP or his/her duly authorized representative to put up a sign in
front of the building or structure, at or near the entrance of such premises, notifying the public
that such building or structure is a "FIRETRAP", which shall remain until the owner, administrator,
occupant or other person responsible for the condition of the building, structure and their
premises or facilities abate the same within the specified period.
Summary abatement as used herein shall mean all corrective measures undertaken to abate
hazards which shall include, but not limited to remodeling, repairing, strengthening,
reconstructing, removal and demolition, either partial or total, of the building or structure. The
expenses incurred by the government for such summary abatement shall be borne by the owner,
administrator or occupant. These expenses shall constitute a prior lien upon such property.
Section 10. Enforcement of The Lien. - If the owner, administrator or occupant fails to reimburse
the government of the expenses incurred in the summary abatement within ninety (90) days
from the completion of such abatement, the building or structure shall be sold at public auction
in accordance with existing laws and rules. No property subject of lien under Section 9 hereof,
may be sold at a price lower than the abatement expenses incurred by the government. The
property shall be forfeited in favor of the government if the highest bid is not at least equal to
the abatement expenses.
Section 11. Penalties. 1. Against the private individual:
a) Administrative fine - Any person who violates any provision of the Fire Code or any of the rules
and regulations promulgated under this Act shall be penalized by an administrative fine of not
exceeding Fifty thousand (P50,000.00) pesos or in the proper case, by stoppage of operations or
by closure of such buildings, structures and their premises or facilities which do not comply with
the requirements or by both such administrative fine and closure/stoppage of operation to be
imposed by the Chief, BFP. Provided, That the payment of the fine, stoppage of operations and/or
closure of such buildings, structures, and their premises or facilities shall not absolve the violator
from correcting the deficiency or abating the fire hazard. The decision of the Chief, BFP, under
this subsection, may be appealed to the Secretary of the Interior and Local Government. Unless
ordered by the Secretary of the Interior and Local Government the appeal shall not stay the
execution of the order of the Chief, BFP. The decision of the Secretary of the Interior and Local
Government shall be final and executory.
(b) Punitive - In case of willful failure to correct the deficiency or abate the fire hazard as
provided in the preceding subsection, the violator shall, upon conviction, be punished by
imprisonment of not less than six (6) months nor more than six (6) years, or by a fine of not more
than One hundred thousand (P100,000.00) pesos or both such fine and imprisonment; Provided,
however, that in case of a corporation, firm, partnership or association, the fine and/or
imprisonment shall be imposed upon its officials responsible for such violation, and in case the
guilty party is an alien, in addition to the penalties herein prescribed, he shall immediately be
deported; Provided, finally, that were the violation is attended by injury, loss of life and/or
damage to property, the violator shall be proceeded against under the applicable provisions of
the Revised Penal Code.
Any person who, without authority, maliciously removes the sign that a building or structure is a
fire hazard/firetrap placed by the authorized person in this Code shall be liable for imprisonment
for thirty (30) days or a fine not exceeding One hundred thousand pesos (P100,000.00) or both in
the discretion of the court.

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Any person, who disobeys the lawful order of the fire ground commander during a firefighting
operation shall be penalized with imprisonment of one (1) day to thirty (30) days and a fine of
five thousand pesos (P5,000.00).
2. Against the public officer/employee
a) Administrative - The following acts or omissions shall render the public officer/employee in
charge of the enforcement of this Code, its implementing rules and regulation and other
pertinent laws, administratively liable, and shall be punished by reprimand, suspension or
removal in the discretion of the disciplining authority, depending on the gravity of the offense
and without prejudice to the provisions of other applicable laws:
(1) Unjustified failure of the public officer/employee to conduct inspection of buildings or
structures at least once a year;
(2) Deliberate failure to put up a sign in front of the building or structure within his/her area of
responsibility found to be violating this Code, its implementing rules and regulations and other
pertinent laws, that the same is a "FIRE HAZARD" or a "FIRETRAP";
(3) Endorsing to the Chief, BFP or his/her duly authorized representative for the certification, or
submitting a report that the building or structure complies with the standards set by this Code,
its implementing rules or regulations or other pertinent laws when the same is contrary to fact;
(4) Issuance or renewal of occupancy or business permit without the fire safety inspection
certificate issued by the Chief, BFP or his/her duly authorized representative;
(5) Failure to cancel the occupancy or business permit after the owner, administrator, occupant
or other person responsible for the condition of the building, structure and other premises failed
to comply with the notice/order for compliance with the standards set by this Code, its
implementing rules and regulations and other pertinent laws, within the specified period;
(6) Failure to abate a public nuisance within fifteen (15) days after the owner, administrator,
occupant or other responsible person failed to abate the same within the period contained in the
notice to abate;
(7) Abusing his/her authority in the performance of his/her duty through acts of corruption and
other unethical practices; or
(8) Other willful impropriety or gross negligence in the performance of his/her duty as provided in
this act or its implementing rules and regulations.
b) Punitive - In the case of willful violation involving the abovementioned acts or omissions
enumerated under Section 11 subparagraph 2(A) the public officer/employees shall, upon
conviction, be punished by imprisonment of not less than six (6) months nor more than six (6)
years or by a fine of not more than One hundred thousand (P100,000.00) or both such fine and
imprisonment: Provided, That where the violation is attended by injury, loss of life and/or
property, the violator shall be proceeded against under the applicable provisions of the Revised
Penal Code.
Section 12. Appropriation and Sources of Income. (a) To support the manpower, infrastructure and equipment needs of the fire service of the BFP,
such amount as may be necessary to attain the objectives of the Fire Code shall be appropriated
and included in the annual appropriation of the BFP.
(b) To partially provide for the funding of the fire service the following taxes and fees which shall
accrue to the General Fund of the National Government, are hereby imposed:
(1) Fees to be charged for the issuance of certificates, permits and licenses as provided for in
Section 7 (a) hereof;
(2) One-tenth of one per centum (0.1%) of the verified estimated value of buildings or structures
to be erected, from the owner thereof, but not to exceed fifty thousand (P50,000.00) pesos, one

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half to be paid prior to the issuance of the building permit, and the balance, after final inspection
and prior to the issuance of the use and occupancy permit;
(3) One-hundredth of one per centum (0.10%) of the assessed value of buildings or structures
annually payable upon payment of the real estate tax, except on structures used as single family
(4) Two per centum (2%) of all premiums, excluding re-insurance premiums for the sale of fire,
earthquake and explosion hazard insurance collected by companies, persons or agents licensed
to sell such insurances in the Philippines;
(5) Two per centum (2%) of gross sales of companies, persons or agents selling fire fighting
equipment, appliances or devices, including hazard detection and warning systems; and
(6) Two per centum (2%) of the service fees received from fire, earthquake, and explosion hazard
reinsurance surveys and post loss service of insurance adjustment companies doing business in
the Philippines directly through agents.
Section 13. Collection of Taxes, Fees and Fines. - All taxes, fees and fines provided in this Code,
shall be collected by the BFP. Provided, That twenty percent (20%) of such collection shall be set
aside and retained for use by the city or municipal government concerned, which shall
appropriate the same exclusive for the use of the operation and maintenance of its local fire
station, including the construction and repair of fire station: Provided, further, That the remaining
eighty (80%) shall be remitted to the National Treasury under a trust fund assigned for the
modernization of the BFP.
"Sec. 13-A. Assessment of Fire Code Taxes, Fees and Fines. - The assessment of fire code taxes,
fees and fines is vested upon the BFP. The BFP shall, subject to the approval of the DILG,
prescribe the procedural rules for such purpose.
Sec. 13-B. Collection and Assessment of Local Taxes, Fees and Fines. - The collection and
assessment of taxes, fees and fines as prescribed in the Local Government Code, except those
contained in this Code, shall be function of the concerned local government units.
Sec. 13-C. Use of Income Generated from the Enforcement of the Fire Code. - The Chief, BFP is
authorized, subject to the approval of the Secretary of the Interior and Local Government, to use
the income generated under the Fire Code for procurement of fire protection and fire fighting
investigation, rescue, paramedics, supplies and materials, and related technical services
necessary for the fire service and the improvement of facilites of the Bureau of Fire Protection
and abatement of fire hazards.
The BFP shall determine the optimal number of equipment, including, but not limited to, fire
trucks and fire hydrants, required by every local government unit for the proper delivery of fire
protection services in its jurisdiction.
In the procurement of fire fighting and investigation supplies and materials, the Bureau of
Product Standards of the Department of Trade and Industry shall evaluate, determine and certify
if the supply to procured conforms to the product standards fixed by the BFP. For this purpose,
the BFP shall submit to the Bureau of Product Standards a detailed set of product standards that
must be complied with in the procurement of fire fighting and investigation supplies and
materials within six (6) months from the effectivity of this act.
Sec. 13-D. Monitoring the Implementation of the Fire Code and the Amount of the Fees Collected.
- The Chief, BFP shall, within six (6) month from the effectivity of this Code, submit to the
Secretary of the Interior and Local Government for his/her approval, a management tool or
mechanism that would ensure effective monitoring of the enforcement of the Fire Code to include
the amount of Fire Code fees collected.
Section 14. Within sixty (60) days from the effectivity of this Act, the Secretary of the Interior and
Local Government shall issue the rules and regulations for its effective implementation.
Section 15. Presidential Decree No 1185 is hereby repealed. All laws, presidential decrees, letters
of instructions, executive orders, rules and regulations insofar as they are inconsistent with this
Act, are hereby repealed or amended as the case may be.

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Section 16. In case any provision of this Act or any portion thereof is declared unconstitutional by
a competent court, other provisions shall not be affected thereby.
Section 17. This Act shall take effect fifteen (15) days after its publication in the Official Gazette
or in two (2) national newspapers of general circulation.

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