Republic Vs Vera
Republic Vs Vera
Republic Vs Vera
G.R. No. L-35778:
On May 4, 1972, respondent Luisito Martinez filed with
the lower court an application for registration of
title under Act 496 of one (1) parcel of land, situated
in the Municipality of Mariveles, Bataan, containing an
area of 323,093 square meters, more or less.
The Republic of the Philippines opposed to the
application stating that the parcel of land applied for is
a portion of the public domain belonging to the
Republic, not subject to private appropriation.
On October 5, 1972, the Commissioner
of Land Registration submitted to the
lower court a report stating.
That the parcel of land applied for
registration in the above-entitled case
is entirely inside Lot No. 626 of the
Province of Bataan, Cad. Case no. 19,
LTC Cad. Record No. 1097.
xxx xxx xxx
Records show that in the hearing of this case in the
lower court, applicant Luisito Martinez, 62 years old,
testified that he is the owner of the land applied for,
having inherited the same from his parents, consisting
of 32 hectares, more or less; that he started possessing
the land in 1938; that about 8 hectares of the land is
planted to palay, and there are about 42 mango trees;
that kamoteng kahoy is also planted thereon; that he
declared the land for taxation purposes only in 1969
because all the records were lost during the war, and
that possession was continuous, open, undisturbed and
in the concept of owner. This was corroborated by 2
G.R. No. L-35779:
On March 21, 1972, respondent Thelma Tanalega filed
an application for registration under Act No. 496 in the
CFI of Bataan, of two (2) parcels of land located in the
barrio of Camaya, municipality of Mariveles, province
of Bataan described and Identified as portions of
Lot 626, Mariveles Cadastre.
On March 21, 1972, the lower court ordered the Bureau
of Lands to submit a report within ten (10) days if the
land subject of the application has been issued patents
or is the subject of any pending application for the
issuance of patents. Likewise, the lower court directed