Avahan Year 02 Issue 04 2013 Jul Aug Online
Avahan Year 02 Issue 04 2013 Jul Aug Online
Avahan Year 02 Issue 04 2013 Jul Aug Online
Satya ka
Hari Om
Satya ka
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Satya ka
I do not desire a kingdom or heaven or even liberation. My only desire is to alleviate the misery and affliction of others.
4 Guru Poornima Message
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6 Guru Tattwa
9 Swami Sivananda:
A Beacon among Men
12 Remembering Sri Swamiji
26 Who are Fit to be My Disciples
28 Instructions to the Disciple
31 A Lesson in Obedience
33 :
44 Eternal Message of
the Parampara
47 Sadhana
Guru Gita
Salutations, adorations, prostrations to Guru!
Guru is Brahma, Guru is Shiva, Guru is Vishnu.
Guru is father, Guru is mother, Guru is a real friend.
Serve him with all bhava, wet with bhakti.
He will teach you Brahma Vidya, show the divine path.
Service of Guru is a great purifier.
Swami Sivananda Saraswati
JulAug 2013
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Guru Tattwa
Swami Niranjanananda Saraswati
The Shanti Mantra of the Ishavasya Upanishad states:
Om poornamadah poornamidam poornaat poornamudachyate;
Poornasya poornamaadaaya poornameva avashishyate.
That is full and this is full. Remove a part from the
full, what you have removed is full, and what is left
behind is full.
The completeness, the fullness of life is God, and that is full,
it is complete. The part which is emanating from God, in the
form of spirit, inherent in each being, is also full. That spirit
or atma is the sixth element, called the guru tattwa.
The spirit, which is the guru tattwa, is beyond the mind.
The cosmic spirit, Paramatma, is complete, full. The extension
of that Paramatma, in the form of the little lights burning for
seventy or eighty years, is atma. That is the guru tattwa. That
which separates from the full, yet manifests itself as full is
the guru tattwa. It is an omnipotent energy and if it wants
to manifest itself, it can do so in any form. When it wants to
manifest itself in a way that can be grasped by the ordinary
mind, it makes matter its medium.
Guru is not a person; it is a force, a power. In Christianity
they say that the Christ-consciousness descended upon Jesus,
which means that a higher consciousness unfolded in the
graspable mind of the individual and Jesus became the Christ.
In the same manner, a person becomes enlightened when that
guru tattwa, the spirit-awareness is realized, when the spirit
The descent of the spirit does not mean something coming
from the high heavens into a person. Descent of spirit may not
even be the appropriate phrase. It is the ascent of consciousness
JulAug 2013
JulAug 2013
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Swami Sivananda:
A Beacon among Men
Swami Satyananda Saraswati
Throughout the ages, the world
has been guided by spiritually
illumined people who come
from time to time to raise mans
consciousness and to remind us of
the path we must traverse. Swami
Sivananda was one great soul
who was born to give the word of
spiritual life to thousands of people
all over the globe. He never came to
the West and he never went to the
East, but today he is everywhere.
Swami Sivananda was the best of men whom I have seen
in my life. I have never seen Christ but I have seen Swami
Sivananda, and therefore I believe Christ must have existed.
When you compare Swami Sivanandas life with the lives
of other sannyasins and saints, you find that his was a different
personality altogether. He did not behave like a miracle man,
a great pontiff or a preacher. He just lived the life of a simple
man. He was a shining example of all the great virtues that
you read about in books.
Many times people talk about love, I just laugh at them. I
have never met any other person who knows love, but I can
definitely say that Swami Sivananda was a person whose very
being emanated love. Nevertheless, he was the least emotional
person I have known, completely calm, quiet, unruffled and
absolutely detached. He was a man whose kindness and
compassion knew no bounds. He was nothing but sweetness,
nothing but smiling eyes.
JulAug 2013
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JulAug 2013
A Lesson in Obedience
Swami Niranjanananda Saraswati
JulAug 2013
I took the chillies from him and started eating and crying,
eating and crying. The whole mouth was like fire. After that
he gave me the chocolate. In a very simple way he taught me
a big lesson. Therefore, even today, whenever I have chocolate
in front of me I also see those two chillies. I learnt in that
manner and it was possible because of obedience. If there was
no obedience, then I would have definitely said, No, I dont
want the chillies, I only want chocolate.
Obedience is a necessary quality in a disciple. Sometimes,
when the guru is performing egodectomy, an operation on
the ego, there is a very harsh reaction from the individual. The
ego does not want to be operated on. If somebody comes to
you and says, I am going to chop off your head and takes
out a knife, will you allow that person to do so? No. In the
same manner, when the guru takes out the knife and says, I
am going to cut your ego, you dont allow that to happen.
You cannot be a disciple if you dont allow the guru to perform
the ego surgery on you. That is where the virtue of obedience
becomes useful. The guru says, Put your head down. You
reply, Okay, it is down. He says, I am going to cut it. You
say, It is yours, do as you wish. A simple statement, a simple
feeling can change the entire intention. Or you may say, No,
you cant and it changes the entire intention too. This intention
is seen in the form of obedience.
JulAug 2013
Sri Satyananda Mahimna Stotram
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Resonant voices across horizons sing your praise and glory
And dissolve at once all my agony and pain, my woe and worry;
O Yogarishi Satyam! Hearing the tale of your grandeur heals every loss
In this Kali age, it is the safe-boat on which the sea of samsara we cross.
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A single, sweet note of your joyous cosmic play
Enters my ears and without a moments delay,
My heart blossoms like a lotus in full bloom
What might come to pass were I to hear the entire tune!
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In the ancient land of Kumaon, Satis own heart descended upon earth
A land of beauty, peace and joy, where forests and mountains make mirth;
Here, in the sacred month of Margashirsha, on the auspicious full moon day
The best of rishis was born in the Raghu lineage, to show us the divine way.
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Your spirit stirred when you were just six, but this wasnt mere childs play
The body lay upon the floor, and the atman rose above and away;
Freed from form, your awareness soared beyond the earthly plane
And in this frameless freedom your true self eyed the inert frame.
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A timeless beat, a perfect trice, but your vision did not sway
You could see your family pacing about in worry and dismay;
The boy is neither ill nor deluded, nay, a blessed yogabhrashta is he,
Keep his thoughts on Ramas name, advised the sages who could see.
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You and your sister wove together the vision of an ideal, beautiful world
A dream so pure and rare, from few mortal men has it ever been heard;
Of temples without doors and doctors serving the sick for free
Where the grace of Annapurna flows, and none goes hungry.
A luminary beyond human reach, a many-splendoured being are you
Acute, sagacious, cheerful, soft-spoken, indeed great in every hue;
Just a child you were, when poetry flowed from you in languages myriad
A time it was when you commanded country and cattle, toiling hard.
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Brave and fearless, once you performed a heroic tantric feat
You and another visited the shmashan when the night was deep;
Father put this to a stop, so you took the ashes of the dead back home
The ritual resumed and the whole house shook from a presence unknown.
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A yogini of accomplishment taught you everything she knew
of vama marga, the left-hand tantra, a path for the gifted few;
Just as on the battlefield, Arjuna saw in Krishna the entire universe
You experienced realms beyond the ken of earthly prose or verse.
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You must quickly find a guru, said the yogini and went her own way
Intense vairagya had already engulfed you with your sisters passing away;
Thus you discarded home, wealth and possessions like a piece of straw
Just as Gautama had cast off the world in search of the universal law.
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Across many cities and regions did you wander
Searching for the guru to whom you could surrender;
It was in Rishikesh that your hearts desire did destiny fulfil
And Guru Sivananda was delighted to find his best pupil.
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The light is within, the master declared, work hard and it will shine
You took the gurus words to heart, with no thought of mine or thine;
Day and night, you immersed yourself in ceaseless acts of seva
And yet you were so unattached, that your guru called you Nachiketa.
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Selfless seva to the guru purified your heart in no time
Whence the guru commanded, Spread the fruits of yoga far and wide;
From shore to shore you heralded a worldwide yogic awakening
Even in the world of science yoga received a place of reckoning.
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Supreme exponent of yoga, verily another Patanjali
You deemed the path of integral yoga as ideal for this age of Kali;
Yoga will emerge as a mighty culture, you thundered
And direct the course of major world events, unhindered.
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You taught us hatha yoga to harmonize the moon and the sun
And the eightfold raja yoga so our vrittis may cease to run;
You created yoga nidra to let our troubled minds find peace
And gave the lost science of kriya yoga a new life and lease.
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Chains, be they golden or iron, you said, bind human beings
Freedom from karma can only be had by riding on vairagyas wings;
This ideal of karma yoga was exemplified in your own character
When you left all your attainments, without looking back ever.
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On the banks of the Godavari, you heard the next divine mandate
Repeat my name with every breath at Hridayapeeth, the seat most sacred;
Where Sati was cremated in times past his fire did Satyam light
Smeared with ashes he dazzled like gold from panchagnis might.
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An intimate relationship with God, you said, is most essential
Without bhakti to open the heart, human birth is ineffectual;
Like Gauris Ganesha, you are the stellar son of Sati
Who attained samadhi in his mothers own chitabhumi.
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You established three peeths to cultivate the head, heart and hands
From Karnas fort upon the Ganga, waves of yoga flowed across many lands;
In Chitabhumi you gave the mandate for the uplifting way of seva
And near the dust of Sitas feet, you decreed the royal path of sannyasa.
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Glory to thee, O Radiant Sun of Yoga! the earth is illumined by your rays
No trace of darkness remains, you have brightened all our days;
You are Brahman indeed, in you the storehouse of perennial bliss we see
I am a servant in distress, O Supreme Yogin! Shower your grace upon me.
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Om Shanti Shanti Shanti. Hari Om.
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Om paramahamsa avadhootaaya vidmahe
Satyanandaaya dheemahi, tanno guru prachodayaat
We meditate on Satyananda, knowing him to be a
paramahamsa avadhuta. May that (peerless) guru inspire
and uplift us.
For one month, every morning upon waking up, after
completing the usual mantra sadhana, chant the Satyananda
Gayatri twenty-four times mentally.
As you do so, bring the image of Sri Swamiji into your
mind. Recall the picture you best remember of him recall the
shining eyes, the radiant smile, the details of the expression, the
clothes that he is wearing. Keep concentrating and allow the
image to become vivid and strong. Feel his eyes looking directly
into you, knowing all your thoughts, failings, achievements,
dreams and aspirations. Feel his smile accepting you for who
you are, and encouraging you to come closer to him. Feel the
love emanating from him and filling you deep within, bathing
your soul, so you feel purer, fuller, stronger. See his hands
blessing you in abhaya mudra: you have nothing to fear, for
you are surrounded by his grace.
As you move deeper into the experience, the awareness of
your body is dropped; the awareness of the mind with all its
thoughts and counter-thoughts is dropped; the awareness of
the chitta with all its memories and samskaras is dropped; the
awareness of I is dropped. You are no longer a name and form
existing within the limits of time; you are luminosity expanding
into eternity. As you allow this experience to take place, see
Sri Swamijis form also dissolve and become a brighter and
more radiant luminous essence filling up all spaces. Now feel
your luminosity merge into the all-pervasive radiance of Sri
Swamiji. You have become Truth, Beauty and Bliss; Peace,
Contentment and Love.
JulAug 2013
JulAug 2013
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