Ultimate Email Swipe File (EG)

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The document discusses strategies for writing highly converting emails and sales pages, including psychological triggers and powerful openings.

The document is about strategies for writing highly converting emails and sales pages to increase sales and profits.

Strategies like psychological triggers in emails, powerful openings for videos and sales letters, and a 'triple threat pattern interrupt' are discussed.

By Daniel Levis

Copyright Levis International Marketing and 3X Formulas Inc. Unauthorized reproduction

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Congratulations! You have just downloaded 26 high converting emails
conveniently available all in one place a treasure trove of idea starters from a
recent Email Alchemy powered campaign I wrote for the legendary VSL (Video
Sales Letter) king, Jon Benson.
If anyone knows super-profitable marketing when they see it if anyone knows
how to create super-profitable marketing its Jon. And heres what he said about
this campaign:
Email Alchemy dug far deeper into my list and quadrupled my salesfor real,
that is not hype. It generated a Tsunami of orders I had no idea were even there. In just two
weeks, we pulled $300K in immediate sales for 3X SELLERATOR, plus another $100K in payment
plan sales, all from a list of fewer than 25,000 names. People who had already been exposed to a
recent launch for 3XVSL Generator. Thats well over $12 per name! Amazing! Jon Benson
If Email Alchemy has the power to quadruple the sales and profits for the one of the savviest online
marketers on planet Earth, just imagine the value waiting for you in this swipe file and any additional
training you may be able to get your hands on.
Now, before you dive in a quick word on how to use this swipe file
Its not for stealing. Copying someone elses sales copy for use in your own marketing is not only NOT
cool. Its illegal. So dont do it.
Instead, study the powerful psychological triggers Ive used in these emails and then implement them in
your own words. The EMAIL ALCHEMY course will show you how.
Also included in that course, are 2 full blown fill-in-the-blanks EMAIL ALCHEMY campaigns with the same
powerfully persuasive force you will see demonstrated in this swipe file.
Those campaigns are royalty-free and you can use them word-for-word in your own marketing. I also
show you exactly how to customize them for your own products and services in the EMAIL ALCHEMY
The full EMAIL ALCHEMY course is just $997, and you can get a blockbuster 3-part royalty-free EMAIL
ALCHEMY campaign for much less, right here.
Enjoy this swipe file!

The Email Alchemist

Cash Cow for Entrepreneurs Who Hate Marketing ...................................................................................... 2
NLP Marketing Traitor Says, Dont Learn NLP! .......................................................................................... 8
Rabid Profits from Hoaxes, Hate, Scams, and Lies ...................................................................................... 14
Most Expensive Marketing WebinarEVER! ............................................................................................. 20
[1pm Eastern TODAY] Stupid-Generous Giveaway ..................................................................................... 25
[Starting Soon] Coke Profits ........................................................................................................................ 29
[Workshop NOW] Billions Sold? Kick McDonalds Marketing Butt............................................................. 33
SOLD OUT: Replay for the Ages (3 Days Only) ............................................................................................ 37
[Pre-Lockup Photo] Your $800M in Profits From Insane Marketing Genius? ............................................. 41
TRUE STORY: Suicide Pact for Success ........................................................................................................ 47
[9-Figure Video Osmosis] The LAUNCH LETTER .......................................................................................... 53
[Unveiling at 1 PM] Better Sales Letters on Beach w iPhone ..................................................................... 57
[1 PM Today] Lighten Up and Jack Your Sales to Mars ............................................................................... 61
[Starts In Minutes] Your Last Missed Opportunity ..................................................................................... 64
[Replay] BEWARE: New Marketing Robots WILL Eat Your Lunch ............................................................... 67
[Replay] Take Your Job and Shove It (Defy 58-hour Work Week) .............................................................. 73
Pissed Off Clients Force 3-Pay Option for 3X SELLERATOR ......................................................................... 78
[FREE] Most Stealth Headline Formula Ever Designed ............................................................................... 82
[Free Workshop] 4 Quadrants of Desire Drive ALL Sales Everywhere ........................................................ 88
[Brief E-Mail] Register Quick: Maltese Brain Experts Headline Breakthrough .......................................... 92
[4 PM Today] Madmans Sales System Avoids Failure (I Learned the Hard Way) ...................................... 95
[Last Day + Final Workshop] Longhorn Guest Stars Sales Secret (321% Increase) .................................... 99
[Today at 2] Back-Room Backstabbing Profits Galore .............................................................................. 102
[The End] Yes, No, Maybe? The Gut-Wrenching Pain of Indecision ......................................................... 107
[REPLAY + BONUSES GONE] Last Replay Before Hell Freezes Over .......................................................... 111
Doors Slam Shut in Just Over an Hour ...................................................................................................... 115

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Cash Cow for Entrepreneurs Who Hate

If you dont hate marketing, you should.
But only if youre interested in the good life... with
easier, faster profits, and not being eaten alive by
unnecessary stress.
And if you DO despise marketing, welcome to the
I used to hate it, too, when marketing had a
chokehold on my profits.
That was over 15 years ago when I was groping
blindly in the dark, tearing my hair out as a rookie
Sure, money was coming in but I was working 16,
18, and 20 hours a day, believing brute force was
the obvious key to production and productivity.
But its impossible to sustain that level of aimless
intensity no matter how passionate and on
purpose you are.
It was not only dumb, but dangerous.
A crazy-early heart attack (age X, exact date) was a
jarring and terrifying wake-up call.
And no amount of money matters to a dead man.
But being a prisoner to the mysteries of marketing
is now officially obsolete.
Because AUTOMATED marketing is now your
cheapest, most powerful, money-making ally.

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You no longer need to kill yourself, churning out

mediocre sales copy when AUTOMATION will
produce already-proven marketing materials for
You see, that heart attack wasnt the end for me.
I got lucky and lived to tell the tale.
I also got lucky when I struck it rich, entirely by
accident, with a stunningly-original marketing
I then went on to reverse engineer my priceless
breakthrough by streamlining, systematizing... then
AUTOMATING the process.
So now, theres no need to torture yourself with
revision after revision of the perfect sales letter.
And you can save your cash... by NOT paying a
copywriting pro when you can buy a new car
That was X years ago when I introduced my 3X
on to crank out $800 MILLION in sales for my
clients and customers.
Thats right, I said $800 MILLION... and Im not
including the copy-cat rip-offs by some of the
biggest players in the corporate world.
BUT despite its unimaginable success at creating
cash out of thin air...
When it comes to making money repeatedly, I saw
a potential problem with the VSL generator.
It hasnt happened yet, thank God, but let me

Copyright Levis International Marketing and 3X Formulas Inc. Unauthorized

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Most of my clients are more than one-and-done

When they use my system and see their stress
evaporate (while inconceivable profits start
Their imaginations run wild and they start cranking
out more and more sales letters for more high-end
So to prevent even a hint of potential
overexposure, Im constantly doing intensive R & D,
combining my own research with feedback from
hundreds of clients.
Im constantly experimenting with new angles and
strategies in my own personal test generator that
no one knows about.
I feel like a mad scientist, relentlessly cooking up
wild-ass experiments in my secret lair, throwing
out the flops and updating my lab generator with
the winners...
...Then every once in a while I update the real VSL
generator for my clients, so it keeps pumping out
fresh, red-hot, high-converting sales copy for all of
their offers.
But now, theres way too much to cover in even a
dozen updates.
So Im combining all my latest, soon-to-beintegrated sales conversion breakthroughs and
giving you an advanced sneak peak in a FREE
special training this coming Friday.
Its a prelude to the unveiling of the all-new
Generator 3.0 under a comprehensive new
brand, called SALES COPY SAMURAI

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Because this all-new Generator now handles

virtually EVERY kind of sale copy media you can
These are sizzling new selling strategies Ive only
taught behind closed doors to private clients at my
high-end seminars.
Fridays webinar is called: 3X AUTOMATED
and you can sign up right here.
And dont worry, theres nothing to buy at the
I wont tap your wallet or NLP your brain with
Jedi-mind control tricks.
So its critically important youre there to absorb
what creates the bedrock, underpinning, and
financial foundation of EVERY successful sales
letter, VSL, blog, social media post, editorial, and
web page.
Without this groundwork, youre flogging a dead
horse before youre even out of the gate.
This Fridays training will anchor the process of
AUTOMATING your marketing and theres a fullblown demo of the SALES COPY SAMURAI with allnew 3.0 Generator following shortly.
Help is on the way!
At the free training this Friday Ill show you:
>>> How to Easily Install the Most Powerful NLP
Pattern Interrupts to Eradicate Sales Resistance
(Without Getting a PhD in NLP)...
>>> Tapping into Universal Fears that Entrain the
Brain for Sales...

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>>> How the Trademark Tactic for Headlines

Creates Irresistibly Persuasive Sales Resonance...
>>> Why Missing the Often-Illusive Primary
Benefit Will Confuse Your Prospects, Dilute Your
Message, and Kill Your Sales...
>>> When to Use Witness Interrogation to
Bypass the Prefrontal Cortex and Hook Your
Prospects Limbic Brain Emotions (Where the
Primary Benefit Always Lurks)...
>>> The Overlooked and Misunderstood MetaLevel Questions that Automatically Simplify Those
Difficult, On-The-Fence Sales...
>>> CASE STUDY: How Confronting Death
Inspires Confidence and Creates Credibility (Ill
Give You a Universally Applicable Ready-to-Use
So again...
If youre tired of being a sales slave and working for
pennies when theres a CASH COW grazing outside
your door...
Even if youre a frustrated, stressed-to-the-max
sales pro, copywriter, or marketing coach...
Ill simplify your life in ways you cant imagine
when you join us for this cutting-edge training.
And dont take my word for it when I say, cutting
Listen to these legends whove embarrassed me
with their kind words:
You need to listen to everything Jon Benson has to
say. He's not only a savvy writer, he's literally on

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the cutting edge of marketing." --John Carlton,

Copywriting Legend
Simply put, Jon's come up with more cool ideas in
the world of marketing than anyone I know. He
gets results very few people can achieve and he
can teach others how to do the same. He taught
me his 'ugly VSL' techniques, and we've used them
ever since." Ryan Deiss, Internet marketer
And remember...
Theres NOTHING TO BUY at this FREE introductory
training (followed quickly by my new MAJOR
In fact you CANT buy anything at this training even
if youre desperate (which you WILL BE when you
see my latest hook and headline breakthroughs).
Click on this link to start automating your
marketing (and quit working yourself to death).
I hated marketing when I thought it wasnt getting
me any closer to the Promised Land.
Now I love it cause its so much easier.

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NLP Marketing Traitor Says, Dont

Learn NLP!
Take any seemingly innocent profession.
Whether its education, athletics. medicine, or
If you look behind the scenes...
...And if you go deep enough, what youll find will
be startling... shocking... even ugly.
But its never what you expect from the outside.
Theres virtuous Lance Armstrong being exposed
for being on the juice; trustworthy Bernie Madoff
bilking investors for billions; pastors and priests in
sex scandals; and drug companies admitting
theyve been poisoning us.
Its no different with marketing and making serious
Everything is totally backasswards... and there are
charlatans on every street corner.
Its like a client of mine who got bilked for a
hundred grand to get a Masters degree in business.
Did the MBA make him rich?
Is that a joke?

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He spent the next 2 years doing grunt work at an

accounting firm, making barely enough to pay back
his loans.
I had to deprogram him from the propaganda
machine that cost him a fortune.
And sadly, its the same with Neuro Linguistic
So many marketers think NLP is a magic bullet for
their business woes.
They believe if they learn the visual accessing cues,
some future pacing, a few pattern interrupts...
...Study reframing and rapport, maybe toss in a few
presuppositions in their headlines... and their
customers will sit up and beg.
Dont count on it.
Because when I analyze their marketing campaigns,
check out their copy, and watch their videos, I
realize pretty quickly that they couldnt sell an
extra week of life to a dying man.
Its tragic. And its not just NLP.
What I see isfolks getting mesmerized by theories
and formulas... lost in a forest of terminology and
They go out and start TEACHING because they cant
market their way out of a wet paper bag.
When all they really want is to make more money.
So why not cut to the chase?

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Why not focus on what actually MAKES money,

instead of on becoming uselessly over educated?
And why not join us for the training thats created
over $800 MILLION in sales?
Its all about street-smarts...not untested,
highfalutin theory.
Is there some NLP involved?
Of course.
But Ive already sifted through all the books,
trainings and intellectual mumbo jumbo and
extracted the gold. For instance...
With the industrys highest paid marketers, weve
perfected pattern interrupts that are not only
works of art, but have profit-pulling power no NLPer could have foreseen.
Now you can avoid being like some 30-year-old
college student living back in their parents
basement... lots of knowledge but short on the
ability to actually do anything with it.
My money-making gang will be rolling through
your neighborhood this Friday as a prelude to my
all-new A-to-Z persuasion and sales page creation
system that Ill be launching in about 2 weeks.
So why not join the next wave of soon-to-be
millionaires when I deliver years of condensed
street smarts into a down-and-dirty training that
comes directly from the inner workings of this
brand new marketing workhorse.
Its called, SalesWriter, and its literally an
automated word-to-cash converter.


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I named it Saleswriter because it does just that.

With minimal input, it writes your sales copy for
youall the way from subject lines and ad copy, to
opt-in, to close, to order form.
I know, it sounds crazy. I thought the same thing
when I first came up with it. Its totally crazy... AND
now 100% possible.
Im sure accountants felt the same way about the
first calculator.
The premiere SalesWriter sales-page generator
and persuasion formulas walk the web-based
entrepreneur through 5-proven steps to create or
supercharge your sales copy.
Its like my automated, uber-successful 3X Video
Sales Letter Generator, but expanded to ALL
aspects of your sales process. Basically the 3X on
the juice with a new trainer.
And to kick it off, Im giving you a chance to grab a
big chunk of the new sales strategies that drive
this snarling conversion beast on Friday... and its
Even better, NOTHING is for sale. You cant buy
anything, even though youll want to.
Fridays FREE, sizzling selection is called:
Here are a few of the lab-proven, ready-toimplement strategies youll get:
>>> The 3 Samurai Headline Formulas You
WONT Find in Any Book or Sales Course.
>>> Quick and Easy One-Word E-mail Subject Lines
(Instant Opening, Just Add Water).


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>>> Odd Little Savings Trick... When to Use

Quirky Phrases... When Theyll Be The Death of
Your Sales.
>>> How to Anchor Your Prospects Deepest Values
(Health, Energy, Love, Family, Safety) to Every
Aspect of Your Sale.
>>> Brilliant Hook Examples (Hooks are NOT
Headlines) for Deepest Persuasion... Formulas
Dont Work... Stop Chasing The Unicorn!
And it doesnt matter who you are.... butcher,
baker, online porn star.
ALL internet biz owners can create their OWN
marketing with this system... you dont have to
invest years in becoming a copywriter or marketing
But if you are a copywriter or marketing coach, this
training is ESSENTIAL if youre interested in systems
that do most of the work for you (...like cutting
your workload in half and doubling your income.
The laziest to the savviest of my clients reap the
same amazing results. With the Saleswriter its
now an even playing field).
Again... this training goes far beyond the
automated video sales letters of my 3X VSL
Now Im seamlessly automating the WHOLE sales
process for you... from Opt-In Page, to Web Page,
to Sales Letter... and everything in between.
You see, some of my laziest customers are the
Theyve made millions with my video sales letters.


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But when they saw how easy writing killer letters

could be, they got greedy and have begged me for
more automation.
And its almost ready.
Fridays advance segment is FREE, the 3X
Dont miss being in on the ground floor of the next
revolution in marketing word-to-cash
Million Dollar Launch...
I usually don't endorse anyone, but I'm making an
exception for Jon Benson. He helped me crush a
multi-million dollar launch, and with his 3X advice I
created my own videos sales letter to automatically
close a live speaking event, which made over
$400,000 in profit. He's the real deal." --Dean
Graziosi, The World's #1 Real Estate Marketer
Most BADASS Marketer on the Planet...
Simply put, Jon is one of the most badass
marketers on the planet. His knowledge of the
psychology of selling, mixed with his invention of
SO many sales letter and video sales letter
techniques, makes him THE go-to guy in marketing
today." Joe Polish, Piranha Marketing


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Rabid Profits from Hoaxes, Hate,

Scams, and Lies
Everyone loves a train wreck.
Its one of my favorite expressions, and a while
back, I used it at my live 3X Copywriting Training.
...Mainly because it emphasizes the truth that
successful marketing does NOT necessarily appeal
to our higher selves.
I doubt the Dalai Lama was a copywriter in a past
As entrepreneurs and persuaders, were often
dealing with the murkier side of wanting.
We deal in the elicitation of desire.


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Now dont worry, were not leading unicorns to the

slaughter here, were just considering human
So if you REALLY want to make it big online, with
rabid profits pouring in, youve gotta be half
psychiatrist, half side-show barker... and even half
paparazzi (though it throws off the math).
Really, theres no shame in making friends with
your own humanity.
So no more looking down your nose at the
tabloids in the grocery checkout line.
Frankly, you should grab that National Enquirer,
hold it high, and place it proudly in your cart!
Then even better... READ IT!
Because theres nothing that grabs our attention
like hoaxes, hate, scams, and lies.
We love the dirt.
As the saying goes, know your audience... let
yourself f-e-e-e-e-l what they feel.
Let yourself be OUTRAGED by the behavior of Kim
and Kanye.
Let yourself be HORRIFIED that your team lost the
World Cup.
Let yourself LUST after that insanely-high lottery
Let yourself feel GUILT when you dont give a buck
to a panhandler on the street.


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Its the most powerful sales training you can get...

at any price!
Or as legendary entrepreneur and copywriter,
Gene Schwartz, said in his classic, Breakthrough
Lets get to the heart of the matter. The power,
the force, the overwhelming urge TO OWN that
makes advertising work, comes from the market
itself, and not from the copy. Copy cannot create
desire for a product. It can only take the hopes,
dreams, fears and desires that already exists in the
hearts of millions of people, and focus those
already existing desires onto a particular product.
This is the copy writers task: not to create this
mass desire but to channel and direct it.
Thats why Gene would go to the most popular
movies 3, 4, and 5 times (and read the tabloids).
Following this brilliant advice, Ive bent to the will
of my lazy clients and customers.
Im finally giving them what theyve been
clamoring for since experiencing the astonishing
power of my automated 3X VIDEO SALES LETTER
Because frankly, theyve gotten even lazier... and
their greed has followed suit.
Theyve already hauled in over $800,000,000 in
sales with the auto-pilot technology of the VSL
Theyre working less and hauling in more. But
apparently, thats still not enough.


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And yes, the greeds a little ugly, but hey, who am I

to judge?
Id be lying if I said that making easy money isnt
always high on my to-do list. Its right near the top,
just above live forever. (I wont mention whats
on top, this is G-rated.)
So to give my clients exactly what they want (which
you should be doing with YOUR customers, too).
Ive spent the last x months researching,
theorizing, testing and perfecting the next
generation in automated sales copy...
An all-new system that goes WAY BEYOND my
mega-profitable 3X VSL Generator to give you a full
media array of AUTOMATIC sales copy generating
The few elite insiders who have been given prerelease access are calling it nothing short of a
marketing miracle.
In fact, I might as well come over to your house and
write your copy myself... along with building your
website and streamlining your complete sales
Because, thats essentially what Im delivering here
(only this way, you wont have to stock up on my
favorite foods or put up with my heavy cologne).
Now you can have every genius piece of proven
marketing persuasion at your grubby little
Ive left the3X VSL Generator in the dust... because
I had to.
The 3X VSL was getting way too big for its boots.


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Its STILL head-and-shoulders above anything on

the planet for sales letter generation.
But now...
Ive created a monster!
We kept providing update after update for the 3X
VSL, trying to keep up with its unforeseen success.
But finally we had to give in. We had no choice but
to design a much more sophisticated and
comprehensive instrument.
It not only creates the easiest, most powerful video
sales letters (yes, the 3X VSL Generator is
Yet now it seamlessly supercharges nearly every
requirement in your sales funnel: landing page,
blog, web page, opt-in page, editorials, order page,
sales letter... and much, much more.
We didnt want to leave too much work for you, we
know youre busy.
Of course, I suspect itll go for about $5,000, since
youll make it back 10X when you DONT pay a web
designer, copywriter, SEO expert, and business
Youll now do far better, and faster, by YOURSELF.
Even better, you dont have to be a copywriter or
marketing pro!
Put a marketing wizard in front of it or a trained
monkey. Youll get the same fabulous result.
And this Tuesday, Im kicking off this revolution in
automated sales with a FREE introductory


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training... something Ive only revealed to my

private clients.
Its taken directly from one my ultra-high priced
And its 100% training... leave your wallet at home.
Im not selling anything.
Yet its a $197 workshop by itself... yours FREE this
coming Tuesday.
Afterward, youll have the dangerously powerful
sale copy appeal of hoaxes, hate, scams, and lies...
...But best of all...
I love opening peoples minds to this newfound
sales power.
Ive even built in Gene Schwartzs proven theories
into my new soon-to-be-release VSL Generator
successor, so you employ them AUTOMATICALLY in
ALL of your marketing.
So join us this Tuesday.
Best Course Ive Taken!
I have spent a lot of money on a lot of courses. I
will tell you that your insight and organization
along with great presentations is making this the
best course BY FAR that I have taken. I cannot
envision how this cannot rapidly improve
everyone's conversions. God bless you. I know your
passion is to over deliver and I for one, greatly


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appreciate it. Lane "Dawg" Bowers, Professional

Barefoot Ski Champion turned Internet Marketer
Worlds Best Loves This Information
Three words after Jons 3X Presentation: I Am
Impressed. Gary Bencivenga, Copywriting and
Marketing Legend

Most Expensive Marketing Webinar

Heres whats really weird about making money
While getting ready to launch my astonishing new,
A-to-Z training (more below), I decided to check
out the tuition for a few American colleges.


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When I was done choking on what I found, it got

me thinking....
...Because the current mindset about education
and money is TOTALLY INSANE.
For instance:
>>> A 3-credit foreign language course at Yale is a
hefty $6,900. Or if you prefer, an obscene $234,400
for a 4-year program.
>>> At Central Michigan, Enterprise Resource
Planning courses (whatever that is) in the MBA
program are $1000 for one credit hour.
>>> Luckily, its almost FREE at USC just $21,000
for 15 credits.
>>> And a measly $93,866 will cover all expenses
for ONE year at Stanford.
So let me ask you how much ROI (return on
investment) do you get on a foreign language class
for $6,900?
Thats right a big fat ZERO!
Dont misunderstand me here, education is
wonderful for expanding your worldview and
changing limited mindsets.
No one would argue with that.
But seriously? Does it have to run you $200,000!?
And frankly, the money is one thing, but its not the
real issue.
Were selling our souls for an education we believe
will somehow save the day.


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Hows that working out for most of us?

Lets ask my friend Troy who just finished his MBA.
He would be at my life-saving workshop with us on
Tuesday, but couldnt switch his shift at the carrental place where hes working.
The sadder truth is, Troy actually works harder
than a lot of us.
He just made a big-hearted investment in the
wrong kind of schooling its exactly what I was
doing when I was broke and struggling.
Unfortunately, thats the educational system for
youwere all fed the same lies.
And until recent years, there was nowhere else to
Now thats all changed.
Because Tuesday, youre invited to the most
expensive webinar in history.
Youll get behind-the-scenes details when you sign
But heres a hint.
Its the most expensive, because if you dont sign
up immediately
>>> You WONT get the 8 KEY INGREDIENTS of the
PERFECT Hook and Headline...
>>> You WONT have FREE access to the same $197
training Ive taught to private clients...


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>>> You WONT get my immediatelydownloadable, Hook and Headline Hotsheet...

>>> You WONT have a clue about the 4 Quadrants
of Desire, which have led to every single sale in
>>> You WONT have access to my FREE Mindmap
for a detailed dissection of one of the most
successful products on the internet (in one of the
MOST competitive Markets)...
>>> You WONT get the sneak peak and advance
bonuses for my new Words-to-Cash Generator...
>>> You WONT have access to my 5 MILLION
Dollar Sales Formula...
>>> You WONT get to listen to the monkey on a
special pattern interrupt video...
In other words, missing out will be horrendously
Unmitigated disaster.
But I know you wont risk it.
Because youve just GOT TO see the easy-money
craziness Ive got waiting for you at this link.
Why not laugh at college tuitions?
Why not steal 100 times the information... thatll
blast you past those poor devils (buried in debt)
with the MBAs... for FREE?
Why not make money with simpler, faster, easilyaffordable, proven SYSTEMS that have already
produced over $800 MILLION in sales?
And by the way, you can put away your wallet.


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fullest extent of the law.

NOTHING WILL BE SOLD at this training.

It starts at NOON central time tomorrow, so get it
in gear, and listen to the monkey at this link.
The Top Offer!
I used his 3X VSL system and now I have the top
offer in my industry...all from a single VSL!" Vin
Brilliant Teacher!
Jon was instrumental in getting our WillingWay
marketing and website positioning off the ground.
He's not only brilliant as a marketer, he's one of the
best 'teachers' I've ever met." Mariel Hemingway
Actress/Fitness and Wellness Spokesperson


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[1pm Eastern TODAY] StupidGenerous Giveaway

[Dont Miss Your FREE $197 Workshop; The Hook
and Headline Hotsheet; The 5-Million Dollar
Formula; 8 Key Ingredients for the Perfect
Headline; FREE Mindmap of a Top Selling Internet
My competitors say its stupid... crazy... even
Yet todays workshop reflects my ultimate
renegade marketing philosophy...
...One thats generated over $800 million dollars in
So if you want to talk theories, put the kettle on
and open a dusty text book.
But if you want to talk cash, and lots of it (like
$800M), stay with me here.
I teach one thing, always, to all my students.
Some think its stupid (mainly the ones who havent
tried it, of course).
Which is finenot everybody is cut out for the kind
of moves it takes to make killer coin.
Some think its crazy and dangerous.
But thats mostly my competitors, cause lets face
When I throw down, you better bring your A-game.


Copyright Levis International Marketing and 3X Formulas Inc. Unauthorized

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fullest extent of the law.

My philosophy is (and, I know it sounds like

pablum, but when taken to the extreme, its
Dont be afraid to give away A FREAKIN TON of
your best stuff!
Thats right, relax that greedy clenched fist and
open the flood gates, baby!
Because its not a joke how much more youll
Listen, this has not failed me yet.
I often give away a whopping 90% of a product
then I stand back as the last 10% sells itself.
And I rarely, if ever, have to refund anyones
Why does this work?
Same reason you dont stop watching a great
movie when youre 90% into it.
What I have to offer doesnt need to be sold.
Because the product is remarkable... just like
Not only that, I use my serious cash formula, a
surefire way to cause a major upsurge in sales.
Its the formula needed to make sales flow like milk
and honey... in ways most people spend a lifetime
trying to figure out.


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When I give away a piece of the pie, it whets the

appetite the drooling begins.
One taste and you instinctively know... no selfrespecting entrepreneur should be without it.
SO... unless youre a volunteer of some kind, I
assume Ill see you at this workshop.
The reality is, my courses pay for themselves
literallya hundred times over.
[But that doesnt apply at todays workshop since
theres NOTHING to buy!]
Its never tough to sell business people on making
more money especially when you always deliver.
Of course, Im not making some easy-riches
promise. Everyone knows you have to put in the
Its just a question of work-to-reward ratios.
Bottom line, if youre running a business, selling a
product or would like to sell a product, but dont
have a clue where to start, todays workshop is for
Its totally hot, its called:
Its a stupid-generous giveaway... Ive SOLD this
information for $197.
PLUS... you should STUDY the way Im enticing you
to be there...


Copyright Levis International Marketing and 3X Formulas Inc. Unauthorized

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fullest extent of the law.

... With the listen-to-the monkey pattern

interrupt... one of my best-ever videos... and the
never-again offer with the 100-to-1 guarantee.
Seriously, even if youre not going to be at the
training (huge mistake), at least see what you
should be doing with YOUR marketing.
Punch your ticket to success right here and see
what Im talking about.
Some of you will make millions.
Many of you will double or triple your sales.
None of you, if you apply what you learn today, will
NOT significantly crank up your profits.
I guarantee it. I guarantee everything I do. Its the
only way to let people know your product is for
Again, check out the 100-to-1 guarantee insidea
thing of beauty and well worth studying.
And although giving away nearly all my
information, and personally guaranteeing
everything I offer, may seem like Im taking a huge
risk my net worth would indicate otherwise.
Today, youre going to watch me do just that.
So with huge profits in mind, click on this link, if
you havent signed up already (gotta be a mistake):
And remember...THERES NOTHING TO BUY at
todays live workshop... even if you want to.
From Peanuts to Millions


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fullest extent of the law.

When I started with Jon, my VSL was making

about $50 a day. In 48 hours, I was making $500 a
day...same list, same exact traffic. We went on
from there to create the top product on Clickbank
as in ALL of Clickbank multi-millions in sales,
entirely from the 3X VSL techniques." Josh Pellicer

[Starting Soon] Coke Profits

[At 1pm Eastern Time: The FREE $197, Deep
Persuasion-Patterns Workshop. FREE Hook and
Headline Hotsheet Download, plus WAY MORE!]
It was 1985.
And since the competition was stealing their sacred
market share (after having a virtual strangle hold
for decades)...
They decided to do the unthinkable...
And tamper with the secret formula.
Of course, more testing might have saved a few
billion dollars...
But what could possibly go wrong?
So they launched their own version of the Titanic.
It was called the NEW Coke.
And howd it go over?
Total bomb.


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fullest extent of the law.

Pepsi must have been laughing their asses off.

Because people were so horrified with the taste,
they were actually hoarding the old Coke and it
was being sold on the black market.
Of course, Pepsi also had their day in the court of
public humiliation when they tried to expand to
There was a teeny-tiny translation snafu.
The slogan was supposed to be: Pepsi brings you
back to life.
But they must have used a fresh Rosetta Stone
language graduate.
Because the phrase translated to, Pepsi brings
your ancestors back from the grave.
And the point here?
Make sure youve got the goods before you roll out
the big marketing guns.
Make sure your product can take the heat before
you fire it in the oven.
Thats why todays WORKSHOP is a no brainer.
These strategies have been tested to the tune of
$800 million dollars in sales, by hundreds of
grateful entrepreneurs.
PLUS Ive delivered this information for $197 in
the past... but today you get it FREE.


Copyright Levis International Marketing and 3X Formulas Inc. Unauthorized

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fullest extent of the law.

So this is no time to snooze (and lose).

We kick off very shortly, with the profit-pulling
workshop called:
So sign up quick and be prepared by skimming the
FREE DOWNLOAD of the Hook and Headline
And check out what may be the hottest video Ive
ever done (its on the thank you page) with the
most ridiculous pattern interrupt, where you...
Listen to the Monkey.
...Theres nothing for sale at the workshop.
So you dont have to worry Im going to pull some
sneaky slight of-mind voodoo that will turn you
into a zombie and drain your credit card.
And watch what I do with the iron-clad, 100-to-1
GUARANTEE, in the surprise video when you sign
But times-a waistin.
Join us and get the FREE download here.
Ive gotta go spray my throat and practice my
favorite phrase in the universe:
Words that get cash... words that get cash!
See you in a few.


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fullest extent of the law.

Your Training Is Phenomenal...Best I Have Ever

Im perfecting everything and I've cranked out a
record breaking sales letter - all because of you!!
Thank you!!
Honestly, I have spent more than likely between a
half million and a million on trainings over the
years for all of my companies and all of my
employee's and i have never given the "best of"
award....until now...
Jon, in 3X VSL, you have created he most robust,
solid, meaningful, meaty, well put together,
documented, extremely well thought out, valuable,
life changing training every created - bar none!!"
Rock solid brother, rock solid!!! I will use this
formula / training the rest of my days!!
THANK YOU!!! -- Jim Engel, Real Estate Market


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fullest extent of the law.

[Workshop NOW] Billions Sold? Kick

McDonalds Marketing Butt
$197 Event; The Next Generation of the
AUTOMATED Marketing Revolution.
Grab the FREE Download So Youre Primed for
Ten billion sold?
So what?
Twenty billion?
Who cares if McDonalds sells as many burgers as
there are stars in the universe.
Because Mc Ds has ALMOST nothing to do with
ordinary businesses who provide, for instance,
nutrition, fitness, dentistry, graphic design.
But perhaps Im being presumptuous here.
Maybe you have 1.7 million employees...
...Or manage 35,000 stores...
...Or operate in 119 countries...
...Or serve 68-million customers daily.
But hey, what do I know about what youre up to?
On the other hand...


Copyright Levis International Marketing and 3X Formulas Inc. Unauthorized

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fullest extent of the law.

If you ARE an ordinary business owner, whats

McDonalds got that can send your sales into the
Shout it out with me... like a Tony Robbins crowd
chant and a fist pump:
Thats right... SYSTEMS that eliminate the torture
of reinventing the marketing wheel every effing
Theres NOTHING that will make your business feel
more like a poorly organized garage sale than
failing to have solid systems in place.
And theres NOTHING that will kill your enthusiasm
faster... and suck your energy (and profits) like a
disgusting parasite.
On the other hand...
...It was the auto-pilot SYSTEMS of my 3X VIDEO
SALES LETTER that put me hot on the heels of
...With almost a BILLION dollars in sales by my 3X
VSL SYSTEM owners.
Thats hard-core, honest-to-profits PROOF...
...From in-the-trenches business owners.
And if youre a marketing pro, heaven help you if
you dont have this information.
Your competitors will eat you for lunch... like
hungry teenagers gobbling down a Happy Meal.


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continues at HIGH NOON, Central time/1pm
Eastern/10am Pacific...
...With the unveiling of the next generation of
In other words... right NOW!!!!
Kick-off time is HIGH NOON, Central Time, with the
$197 FREE workshop called:
Youre playing with fire if youre thinking of
blowing this off.
Yes, FIRE!...
...As hot as a sizzling skillet frying up those greasy
McDs burgers...
...And your future profits are going up in smoke!
So hammer this link FAST... and download the
FREE, Hook and Headline Hotsheet...
Ray Kroc (McDs founder) will be proud when
youre using this information tomorrow, stepping
proudly up to the cash register and raking it in
AUTOMATICALLY... filling order after order like a
money machine.
NOTE: Theres NOTHING TO BUY at the workshop...
so relax... I wont even ask for the pin number to
your credit card!
Buy Everything This Man Has To Sell!


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fullest extent of the law.

You'll find your brain meltingreforming into

something better seriously, this guy taught me
how to market my own products more effectively,
and I've made millions for years in this business. He
was also key in teaching my staff how to use his 3X
VSL Formula to literally create 5 and 6-figure VSLs
WITHOUT me having to write them myself or pay
top copywriters to do it. His formula can take a
total newbie writer and make them into a virtual
pro and that means you can pocket more cash."
Tellman Knudson, Internet Marketer
I Want Private Meetings!
Love Jon, loved the presentation. My head was
spinning, with all kinds of ideas. It was invigorating.
I have heard from several people saying the same
thing. They got so much out of it. I want Jon to
come back and have a private meeting with us.to
talk about strategy. Thank you for inviting me to sit
Rita Shankewitz, Director of Marketing


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fullest extent of the law.

SOLD OUT: Replay for the Ages (3 Days

[The meta-values mindmap alone was priceless,
worth way more than $197!! Thanks for being so
You can bolt your butt to success with just ONE
It was the core of yesterdays mega-training.
So you now have the keystone... the linchpin... the
bedrock... of every successful sales letter, video, or
sales pitch ever created... and yet to be made
So race on over to this link and listen/watch/absorb
the replay a dozen times:
Jon Benson's Sold-Out Hook and Headline
Workshop Is Now REPLAYING On This Page (Plus
Download the Hook Formula Mindmap and
Headline Formula Slides)
I guarantee it will transform your marketing
Because the ONE THING that will drive out
discouragement, supercharge motivation, banish
writers block, and slash your marketing time...
Is a flying start... being shot out of the gate
instead of agonizing for weeks over your marketing
This ONE page (that you can download FREE) is
something I now use with EVERY sales message I


Copyright Levis International Marketing and 3X Formulas Inc. Unauthorized

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fullest extent of the law.

I was damn fast before I created this template.

But it still took me hours to do what now takes me
5 minutes.
And now I make the jump to light speed
Its what lurks (invisibly) in the head of every supersuccessful marketer, savant, and mastermind...
running in the background as they crank out
winner after winner.
Name the genius... Halbert, Bencivenga, Kennedy,
Collier, Hopkins.
THIS is what operates unseen in their neural
networks and has taken lifetimes of trial-and error
to imbed.
Yet idiotically, Im giving it to you FREE right here.
REMEMBER: You can now download BOTH the
Hook Formula Hotsheet AND the Headline
Formula Hotsheet with the 3 Headline Formulas
PLUS EXAMPLES and watch me explain them
blow by blow on yesterdays webinar at this link.
So...while youre revolutionizing your life...
Im upstaging yesterdays performance.
Because this Saturday, at 1 PM Pacific time, Im
unveiling the next gen of my AUTOMATED
Yes, even the owners of my 3X VIDEO SALES
LETTER GENERATOR (who are getting the upgrade
FREE) are going to be stunned by my NEW 3X


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fullest extent of the law.

Look. The computer used to guide the Apollo 11

moon mission was less powerful than a modern
Thats how far weve come with the NEW
Old marketing methods of sit-down-with-blankscreen-and-type may still work... but with glacial
And if youre on board, were blasting past 800
MILLION in sales... laughing at what seemed
unthinkable just a few months ago.
Saturdays training will DEMONSTRATE... with a
deeper-dive dissection of real-life sales letters.
And you DO NEED to SEE more of yesterdays
template IN ACTION.
So Im doing a live demo on Saturday.
This tag-team of training will leave everyone else in
the dust.
And it doesnt matter if youre an in-the-trenches
biz owner or seasoned marketing guru...
(Even if you hate marketing...)
Youve not seen this information, or even better,
WATCHED it being created before your eyes so you
can model the process and implement
And heres a WARNING:
Only those registered will be eligible for the FREE
Up Sell Formula (normally $497).
So INTERNALIZE the info from yesterdays
workshop NOW.


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fullest extent of the law.

Youll get a dozen times more bang for your buck

on Saturday at 1 PM (Pacific).
If youre selling ANYTHING, ANYWHERE in ANY
way... dont freakin miss these 2 trainings.
Yesterdays masterpiece (with the requisite
techno snafus) is here.
Saturdays registration for the upcoming tour de
force demo is right at the top of that page.
NOTE: Here are quick comments from the chat box
from yesterdays training:
This was AWESOME!! FANTASTIC information!
Just brilliant, truly.
Monstrously good content!
Value, value, value, I WILL be with you on the next


Copyright Levis International Marketing and 3X Formulas Inc. Unauthorized

reproduction of this material is a criminal offence and will be prosecuted to the
fullest extent of the law.

[Pre-Lockup Photo] Your $800M in

Profits From Insane Marketing Genius?
[2 FREE Downloads at Link (1 Day Only); MAJOR
Announcement; Specific Location of Advanced New
Headline Formulas; Pre-Lock Up PHOTO of Mad
Marketing Genius; How to Grab the $497 ProfitFilled FREEBIE]
The men in white coats are hot on my trail.
Because Tuesday, I really went off the rails.
So Im hiding out in a friends backyard (guess
who?)watching for their van and their dogcatchers net after Tuesdays over-the-top
giveaway workshop.
The reason is, no one can believe that ONE SIMPLE
MIND MAP could totally transformand
AUTOMATEevery aspect of their marketing.
And... if such a mind map DID miraculously exist, it
should cost your first born AND an arm and a leg.
Yet at Tuesdays ground-breaking workshop, the
mind-map-of-the century was revealedand its
So they think Im certifiably insane...
...As if Im handing out $1000 bills in Times Square
(its MUCH more valuable than that!).
To make matters worse, the REVOLUTIONARY
REPLAY with step-by-step, take-you-by-the-hand
MAPS is at this link:


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fullest extent of the law.


So theres no point hiding the evidence.
Go see for yourself so you can vouch for me if
they discover my hideout.
Heres what youll find on the FREE replay:
>>> The 4 QUADRANTS of DESIRE: The Most
STEALTH Headline Formula Ever Designed (at 1:03
on the Replay).
>>> 3 New Advanced Headline Formulas That Are
So Simple You Can Use Them IMMEDIATELY (at
46:41, 53:52, and 57:03... with Examples).
>>> Eliminate the Invisible Profit Blockage of
Sales Guilt in 20 seconds (at 43:45 on Replay).
>>> New, Powerful Twist on Its Not Your Fault...
at 11:05 on Replay.
>>> ARMEGEDON Sales (at 10:02 on the replay):
If everyone had this problemthat your product
solveswhat would the world look like?
Outperform Even the Most Creative Manual
Labor Every Time (1:12 on Replay)
(back to our story...)
OH NO! They caught me!
They grabbed my ankle as I was slithering under
the fence at Andy Jenkins house.
I thought Id be safe there, but apparently they
patrol this area constantly.


Copyright Levis International Marketing and 3X Formulas Inc. Unauthorized

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fullest extent of the law.

Now Im in their van, on my way to lock up (no help

from that loser, Jenkins).
And they claim they could put me away FOREVER
with this picture as evidence:

BUT WAIT! It turns out my two captors are both

closet marketers!
What a relief... they just want MORE DETAILS of
how to USE the formulas, mindmap, and
downloads from Tuesdays workshop to build a
killer sales letter.
Sheesh. What could be easier?
They said theyd let me go if I give them real-world
examples so their marketing is SYSTEMITIZED and
AUTOMATIC... just what I claim is possible with the
NEW 3X SELLERATORavailable for the first time
this Saturday at the live demo which takes you


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fullest extent of the law.

So I explained that my techniques, strategies, and

SYSTEMS are already responsible for 800 MILLION
in sales.
And if theyll hang on till this Saturday...
Ive agreed to take them MUCH DEEPER into the
AUTOMATIC skill set that operates unseen in the
inner recesses of all A-List copywriters brains.
Finally... you dont have to read a single marketing
book or go to that insanely-expensive copywriting
seminar to create WORDS THAT GET CASH!
In fact, with my AUTOMATED SYSTEMS (which use
the sales-creation strategies in the downloadable
MIND MAPS) your customers will think youre
READING their minds, word for word, neuron by
neuron, and that you really understand and
empathize with them...
...Which you will... at a level youve only seen in SciFi movies.
takes place this Saturday at 1:00, Pacific Time,
when I unveil my most powerful profit creator:
"Grab Your Ticket to See The All-New 3X
SELLERATOR In Action!" Experience The Ultimate
In Words-to-CASH Conversion Speed... PLUS Lock In
Your "Cut-In-Line" Advantage For Loads Of Crazy
FAST-ACTION Bonuses When You Register NOW
Including the $497 UP-SELL FORMULA, Responsible
for $100 Million in Sales!
LETTER for the 3X SELLERATOR goes up tomorrow
(watch for the e-mail at 5pm Pacific), but theres
nothing to buythe page isnt live yet. You cant


Copyright Levis International Marketing and 3X Formulas Inc. Unauthorized

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fullest extent of the law.

I just want you to have time to study, consider, and

weigh your options... without any crazy launch
pressure... so youll already know whats available
at Saturdays extraordinary demo.
Thats where Ill take you right down the profit
mine shaft into the auto-pilot sales-creation
strategies of the MINDMAP... IN REAL TIME... so
you can see the strategies IN ACTION and can
model them immediately.
And you dont have to buy anything!
IMPORTANT: Study the MINDMAP and the
HOTSHEET downloads NOW... so youll be primed
for maximum integration of this critical
information. Tuesdays replay and the mind maps
come down tomorrow at 2pm Pacific to make way
for Saturdays big shindig when the 3X-Sellerator
goes live.
Heres the link to sign up for EVERYTHING: the
technology on Saturday... the HOTSHEETS... the
MINDMAP, and the all-important REPLAY.
Youve got your work cut out for you RIGHT NOW!
But if youve gotta put in a little sweat equity to
literally AUTOMATE your marketing profits, whats
the big deal?
Youre working hard already.
And its a hell of a lot harder when youre almost
successful... than when youve arrived and have
figured out how to AUTOMATE your success.
Ill show you how on Saturday.
In the meantime, snatch up these mind maps and
check out Tuesdays replay. (Andreas threatening


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fullest extent of the law.

smelling salts so they might even come down



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TRUE STORY: Suicide Pact for Success

[TODAY at 5 Pacific Timean Unprecedented
Unveiling of My Latest Launch LetterDISSECTED
Before Your Very Eyes on Video... My Most
Precious Marketing Secrets Laid Absolutely Bare
Heres why my suicide pact is the absolute KEY to
AUTOMATING your marketing...
...Which of course, means automatic PROFITS!
And not to be overly dramatic... but lets cut to the
Because a life buried in tension, struggle, worry,
and frustration over money... is hardly a life at all.
Thats where my suicide pact comes in, and at age
43, my #1 failure in life wasnt in business.
It was a seemingly endless and painful string of
disastrous romantic relationships.
And just over eight and a half years ago, Id finally
had enough.
Enter the suicide pact.
It happened after an all-too-familiar bail-out date
with yet another beautiful and totally intellectually
incompatible woman.
Which is what led to my dark vow on the way
home that night.


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fullest extent of the law.

I realized I was walking around with a gaping hole

in my heart a profound emptiness that no
number of superficial relationships could ever fill.
And if I didnt have the deep, intimate and for life
romantic partnership with a thoughtful, authentic
and intellectually compatible woman by the age of
50, I was going to end it.
Seriously... that was my pact with myself.
And as weird as it seems, I totally meant it.
And just so you know: I deeply value life. I grew up
in a spiritual household, so the thought of any
violence of any kind, including to myself, was
beyond gut-wrenching.
I just felt as if there was no other way out. I wasnt
depressed; life without true love just never
sounded appealing to me.
But thats NOT the crazy part.
What really blew my mind was how that decision
set the course of my future.
In fact, its the same process that lets me
GUARANTEE I can TRIPLE your marketing messageto-market speed.
Because before long I had a mentor I was being
coached by a relationship EXPERT... something I
didnt even believe in. I had so many false beliefs
back then wow. Id say I look back and laugh;
rather, I look back and mourn.
I went for a grueling 14 hour session in New York
and this person reached right into my mind and did
a total rewiring of the goofy signals I was putting
out, and how they were simply attracting the
wrong type of women to me.


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fullest extent of the law.

I thought the women were the problem. And

frankly, in many cases, they were. However, in
many others, I was the problem and I just
couldnt see it.
The funny thing is some people thought I was a
womanizer, but I was really just desperate for
someone real. They would see me with a different
girl all the time and just assumed well, you know.
I was just in a near-hopeless feedback loop one
that almost ended my life by my own hands.
A long story short, less than a year later, I married
Andrea: a passionate, caring, loving and authentic
soul, as beautiful on the inside as out. The love of
my life. My pact came to an end. I forgave myself
for making it and asked the Powers that be to do
the same.
Believe it or not, you will come to me for the same
reason I went to that relationship expert.
Its exactly why all customers and clients come to
NOT for my relationship expertise:
Rather, because I am the EXPERT of WORDS that
get CASH aimed at just the right customers... who
appreciate the value you bring them and stay with
you for life not for an un-profitable string of
superficial one-night stands.
Its where the real profits lie.
You may be in a similar situation perhaps not as
dire. Perhaps so. Ive literally met men and women
who were contemplating the worst. They were so
in debt, so desperate, they were not thinking


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And they needed a mentor.

Id like to be that mentor to you through The 3X
sales process FOR YOU as proven by my
business relationship track record, which, as I
may have mentioned, has hauled in over $800
MILLION in sales for my customers.
So if you need relationship help, send me an e-mail
and Ill give you one helluva referral.
THAT I can help you with... right away... and it
starts with an important decision (no suicide pact
Because tomorrow at 1pm Pacific time, Im
unveiling the fastest way to build your business Ive
ever seen.
Ive bottled my marketing savvy and made it
computerized and AUTOMATIC...
With the NEW, loaded-for-bear, 3X SELLERATOR!
So when you click on the link below, youll see the
following offer:
"Grab Your Ticket to See The All-New 3X
SELLERATOR In Action! Experience The Ultimate In
Words-to-CASH Conversion Speed... PLUS Lock In
Your "Cut-In-Line" Advantage For Loads Of Crazy
FAST-ACTION Bonuses When You Register NOW
Including the $497 UP-SELL FORMULA, Responsible
for $100 Million in Sales!


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And... just so you dont feel any pressure to buy

tomorrow when I open the cart at the end of the
demo, Im sending you the launch letter early.
The letter will be in your in-box at 5 Pacific Time
Even better, youll get a mind-expanding dissection
video of how I put this letter togethermy hardearned copywriting and sales strategies exposed
for your edification.
It wont be all prettied up yet... it might even look
like a ransom note if youre trying to view it on
mobile thats how raw and real-time this is.
Yet youll come away with my own thought process
infused in your brain.
So dont make me come over there and grab you!
Click here and make sure youre registered for
tomorrows free 3X-Sellerator real-time demo and
Do it now (thank you, Nike).
And while youre at it, heres a WARNING.
The replay of Tuesdays workshop with the
revolutionary MINDMAP, and the Hook and
Headline Formulas and Hotsheets...COMES DOWN
at 2pm Pacific Time TODAY.
So grab the downloads while the grabbins good.
And you really SHOULD absorb these materials a
few dozen times.
Ridiculously, theyre FREE, but can totally
transform your marketing forever... if youll just do
what I say.


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Ive done all I can to FORCE you to be successful.

Its all available if youll just click the link.
LINK to Tuesdays Goodies
The rest is up to you.
P.S. Watch your in-box at 5pm Pacific for my


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[9-Figure Video Osmosis] The LAUNCH

Im passing out seat belts.
Strap one on before you read further.
Because as of 5 PM Pacific Time today (in other
words, right NOW).
Instead of paying $2500...
You have at your fingertips a FREE chunk of a
transformation (should you choose to accept it).
A few months ago, I had a room full of marketers,
truly the worlds elite... some pulling down a solid 9
They paid $2,500 for 8 hours... to listen to me
dissect 2 of my multi-million dollar campaigns.
We went for the jugular... the word-by-word
choices and all-important, real-time WHY behind
And frankly, this stuff was hard for me to pull out.
Because when Im writing, its all going on in some
sort of time-warp... a flow.
Literally dozens of choices are being made
instantaneously... pace, rhyme, word order,
alliteration, meaning, impact, humor, hard/soft,
...all so subtle.


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Its hard to hit the brakes that hard... to slow it

down almost to a halt.
Its like a batting coach working with a hitter...
making them turn their foot 2 degrees... S-L-O-W-LY, so the student can SEE whats actually going on...
...to F-E-E-L it... so they have enough awareness to
actually make changes.
Well, thats what you can do right now... for FREE...
if youre serious about making money.
Because I just put up the 3X-Sellerator launch
letter with a 1-hour, 4-minute video of EXACTLY
what Im thinking when Im selling in the zone.
The same process I revealed to the marketing big
shots for a hefty $2500.
Its right hereright nowand in the flow.
But you cant buy anything... the 3X- Sellerator
launch letter is NOT LIVE. You cant order.
It will go live tomorrow after Ive shown you how
to AUTOMATE your ENTIRE sales process... to
within an inch of its life...
At the unveiling of the 3X SELLERATOR!
Ive given you an inside pass... to go wandering
around back stage, asking about the costumes,
talking to the actors, seeing the mysteries of the
scene changes... before the curtain goes up.
You can see all the insane bonuses (worth far more
than the price of the 3X SELLERATOR)...


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You get to look at all the automated features, see

yourself releasing this profit-pulling beast...
...Then calmly decide if you want to join us... or
Up to you.
But DO NOT miss the inside secrets of SALES
And DO NOT miss the unveiling of my magnum
opus at 1 PM Pacific Time...
But thats tomorrow.
So for today, do whats obvious and clearly
indicated as the next step for your success...
Study the letter.
Watch/listen to me spill my most precious secrets
on how I wrote it.
And get on board for tomorrows unveiling of the
3X SELLERATOR if you havent already...
..Where youll learn A TON about how easy it is to
automate your sales and cut in line for loads of
crazy FAST ACTION BONUSES. Some with ONLY be
offered to webinar attendees then be GONE in a
Youre watching marketing history being made.
A revolution as it happens.


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[Unveiling at 1 PM] Better Sales Letters

on Beach w iPhone
Who could have seen it coming?
Instead of years of excruciating study of sales and
Instead of the never-ending trial-and error in the
marketplace (mostly error)...
Instead of countless fits and starts hiring
questionable consultants and marketing experts...
Why not LESS work with MORE predictable,
CHEAPER, EASIER, and INFINITELY more profitable
Or let me ask you this:
Who would you pick in the following marketing
cage fight?
GROUP 1: Take marketing legends Claude Hopkins,
David Ogilvy, Robert Collier, Max Sackheim, and
John Caples, and put them in a room with brandnew Macbooks.
GROUP 2: Right next door, take the owner of a
hardware store, a Starbucks manager, a stay-athome dad, a high-school senior, and a dog
trainer...and put them in a room with my new
Watching each other on monitors see who can
produce 10 video sales letters the fastest... and
which ones sell best when put to the test.


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Who would you put your money on?

Let me put it this way... in a couple hours, after the
marketing legends had pulled out all their hair,
debating each turn of phrase, theyd come crawling
out on their hands and knees, smoke pouring out
their ears, begging for mercy.
Because theyd see amateurs cranking out
winner after winner... AUTOMATICALLY... almost
EFFORTLESSLY... then heading for the beach
because their work was long since done.
Who could possibly live with the old timers
archaic marketing-creation methods?
No one in their right mind would drive themselves
to death when working LESS would produce MORE!
Rub two sticks together or light a match, its up to
Because TODAY is officially the changing of the
It happens at 1 PM Pacific Time.
TODAY is the unveiling of the NEXT GENERATION
Sure, you can spend a month creating a
copywriting masterpiece that might pull 10% more
(but probably not)...
Or in a 100th the time, you can write 10 different
letters for 10 different products and make a mint.
So whats there to think about?


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The NEW 3X SELLERATOR is state-of-the-art

As point-and-click as humanly possible.
Im releasing the beast at 1 PM Pacific Time today.
BUT WAIT... before you even CONSIDER joining the
army of marketers whove sold over 800 MILLION
BUCKS in products with my previous version, the
3X VSL Generator...
Before you make a move...
Take a breath.
Think about it without any pressure.
Because I released the non-live LAUNCH LETTER
yesterday with an intense video training. Grab a
cup, seal and bolt the door, and experience it
Its a 1-hour and 4-minute video explaining my
sales philosophy, words that pop, slang,
swearing, humor, playing hard ball or throwing a
powder puff, NON-MANIPULATIVE persuasion...
everything I can pack into an hour.
So you get a couple hundred bucks of elite training
as you take your time to consider your options.
Here are a few choice topics:
>>> NLP Embedding (at 7:30 on the video)
>>> Honesty vs Manipulation (at 11:29)
>>> Redefining Trigger Words with Repetition (at
24:20 on the video)


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>>> Confronting Skeptics Head OnInstead of

Mincing Words (44:19 on the video)
>>> DIMENTIONALIZATION Finally Explained So
You Can Understand It (at 53:01)
Go there or be square... seriously.
Youre missing the boat if you blow this off.
Theres a FREE ENCYCLOPEDIA of informationa
priceless LIVE CASE STUDY with no strings attached.
Then youll be treated to even more SALES
unleashed on the marketing world.
I cant make your life any simpler than that.
But youll be heaping coals (of hard work) on your
head if you insist on the old ways.
Join the new era today... its SO much easier.
Register here for todays 3x-Sellerator demo if you
havent already.
Special perks for early movers, but you must be at
todays unveiling.
Snooze you lose.


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[1 PM Today] Lighten Up and Jack Your

Sales to Mars
Kung Fu masters know it.
So does a concert pianist.
Tapping into the zone or the flow is where true
genius lurks.
Weve all been there... at times.
Effortless productivity.
Boundless creativity.
Original... inspired... resourceful... visionary.
If only it were on tap.
And what kills it?
Stress... strain... force... and fear.
Most of us are incredible when we bring our Agame.
But thats the trick, isnt it?
Summoning your muse AT WILL.
Well now its possible.
Jon Benson has bottled the elixir of success.
No-hype, push-button marketing.
And youll see it in action today.


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The PROOF is $800 MILLION in sales.

You no longer have to beat it out of yourself...
which doesnt work anyway.
Lighten up and jack your sales to mars with my
NEW 3X Sellerator.
>>> Non-Manipulative persuasion formulas are
BUILT-IN... you dont even have to understand
>>> Dozens and dozens of videos to guide and
teach you WHILE youre making money.
>>> Tech fears totally eliminated.
>>> Done-4-you, point-and-click, connect-thedots... take-you-by-the-hand technology lets you
do it all on your mobile device when youre
swinging gently in the hammock.
>>> Or farm it all out if you cant be bothered
with even that much work.
It sounds impossible but Jons posse has been
quietly doing it for years.
Heres the best part.
And its the opposite of how the rest of the world
Usually, youve gotta work your ass off studying...
modeling... training... slaving...
...FOR YEARS before you know what the hell youre
You rack up mountains of debt before youre
qualified to make any money.


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By the time youre out of school (with 100K in

loans) youre seeing double with exhaustion.
Why not START at the top?
Thats why Jon built the revolutionary 3X
Everything else is stone age from here on out.
Every marketing strategy he knows... condensed,
simplified, streamlined, and automated.
Not to mention stupid-generous BONUSES up the
ying yang.
Theres not much time to see it though.
ONE PM Pacific Time is the unveiling.
Heres the link to join the $800 MILLION
Youll be kicking yourself if you miss it.
NOTE: Watch this FREE Pre-Training Copy Secrets
Video if youve got time.
But DO. NOT. MISS. THIS... if you care AT ALL about
your financial future.


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[Starts In Minutes] Your Last Missed

Whats the last opportunity you missed?
You probably dont even know.
Weve all missed them and looked back with
Most of the time, though, we dont have a clue
how radically a certain move might have changed
our lives.
We seldom get to see what would have been IF
wed taken the road less traveled.
I remember those, Choose Your Own Adventure
books growing up, where whatever choice you
made determined what page youd turn to, and
where the story went.
To follow your friend into the mystery mansion,
turn to page 52.
To turn tail and run like hell. turn to page 61.
Unlike the book version though, in life you cant flip
ahead for a preview.
You cant see that page 52 ends in disaster.
Yet in real life, you DO look around and wonder
what the guy in the Porsche did differently.
You CAN see the laid back, totally relaxed woman
at the beach (probably writing VSLs on her iPhone)
and wonder why she has so much time to chill, as
youre driving frantically by.


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I CANT show you what happened to the people

who didnt invest in my original 3X VIDEO SALES
I CAN show you the dollar amount in sales that this
unprecedented automated marketing tool earned
for those who said YES:
And here you are again.
A watershed moment...
...Making a decision that WILL alter the course of
your life.
Its staring you in the face.
So... if you want to join my 800-MILLION DOLLAR
team, turn to page 88 and get your tail to todays
Its where were assembling the best and the
brightest, for the unveiling of the next generation
Its called, the 3X SELLERATOR.
And theres no time to tell you about it.
We kick off in minutes.
I cant give you a crystal ball.
But if $800 MILLION DOLLARS doesnt get your
heart racing...
Delete this e-mail and file it under, Missed


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Maybe well meet when the wheel of fortune calls

your name again...if it does.
NOTE: Heres the link to experience:
The Ultimate In Words-to-CASH Conversion
Speed...PLUS Lock In Your "Cut-In-Line"
Advantage For Loads Of Crazy FAST-ACTION
Bonuses When You Register NOW!


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fullest extent of the law.

[Replay] BEWARE: New Marketing

Robots WILL Eat Your Lunch
[To Provide Service to Our Members, the New 3X
SELLERATOR Goes OFF the Market on Sept. 5. Even
Worse, When/If Its Offered Again Next Year,
Therell Be a Big Price Hike. Right Now, You Get a
No-Weasel Clause, Just Ask 60-Day Test-Drive
Will Smith had to fight them in his 2004 movie.
There were legions of them in Star Wars, Episode
I (The Phantom Menace).
In fact, tons of Sci-Fi flicks have them these days.
Its those computer-generated hoards of marching
evil robots.
And in the movie, I, Robot, Will Smith had to kick
a few metallic butts, but in the end, he won the
Unfortunately, that WILL NOT be the fate for stuckin-the-past copywriters and marketers.
Because with yesterdays launch of the NEW 3X
AUTOMATION will rule the day, resistance is futile.
Its obvious, with over $800 MILLION DOLLARS in
And its inevitable.
But inevitably, there will be those yearning for the
days of yesteryear...


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>>> When music was played on something called

>>> When pay telephone booths sat on every
>>> When you had to get something called film
developed to see your family photos.
>>> When you used a paper map to find your way
around a new city.
>>> When you did your marketing in the
newspaper classifieds and yellow pages.
And sure, you can fight the changes, theres a
natural impulse to do so.
But dont be like the World War II soldier who was
still armed and ready...
...Still eating canned beans in a foxhole 10 years
later... because no one told him the war was over.
Maybe its valiant... even noble... to stick to your
But in the long run, its basically meaningless if you
go broke and destroy your life.
And when it comes to marketing...
How can you be loyal to what doesnt work?
Its financial suicide.
Besides, you dont become a ROBOT with the 3X
See it in action on the replay here.


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Its infinitely customizable so youre not creating

stiff and lifeless me too marketing messages.
ALSO... Ive got many big-time marketers in my
Copy Posse (a BONUS for joiningIve made
literally hundreds of thousands of dollars with the
contacts made with like-minded entrepreneurs).
These big shots still write copy from scratch...
AND... fire up the 3X SELLERATOR when theyve
gotta move with blazing speed to get their message
out there.
Theres NOTHING faster.
Its the copywriting Autobahn... no speed limits to
hold you back.
So youve got more TIME... which is what you really
want anyway.
>>> More TIME for your kids games (how many
have you missed?)...
>>> More TIME for a date with your partner (when
was the last one?)...
>>> More TIME to lie in bed later on the weekends
(without the jab of anxiety that you SHOULD be at
your computer)...
>>> More time with your friends at the barbeque
(and youre actually THERE, not back at the office in
your head)...
I BUY as much time as possible, because its the
one thing thats irreplaceable.
You can rebuild businesses and replace lost money.
But TIME is priceless... irreplaceable... precious.


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So dont waste a moment.

Dont miss the Sept. 5 deadline when were pulling
the new 3X SELLERATOR off the market.
And dont miss the $1997 BONUS that Ill most
likely drop if we open the membership again next
Its where I coached the worlds most elite
copywriters (to the tune of $2500 for 8 hours).
Youll never see a training like this again...
Theres more about this crazy add-on below.
But before you go there, consider...
If youre going to make a major move in your
When is it going to happen?
In a month?
Two months?
After the new year?
Why not now?
When will there be a better time?
And how much time do you have to waste?
Money follows speed.
Do it now.


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CRITICAL! Heres just one of the BONUSES you get
when you join us:
RIDICULOUS $1997 BONUS: The Fly On The
Money Wall $100M Conversion Secrets Seminar
8-Hours of Priceless Closed Door Video
Footage Watch Me Coach the Worlds Elite 9Figure Marketers (Value: $1,997)
I taught this to 35 of the top marketers in the world
at the Boardroom, Inc. headquarters in 2012. Agora
Publishing, Barton Publishing, Vin DiCarlo, Tim
Schmidt, Robin Robins, and the top copywriters in
the world were present to learn this stuff and
they all paid me $2500 each for the time.
Not you youll pay me nothing, and take away the
same exact value along with the skills you need to
understand why and how my Persuasion Formula
works to make so many more sales for thousands
of marketers, and get your first (or next) VSL up at
a pace that would freak out a roadrunner.
You will...
Hack your creative mind and get my Secret Word
Sauce Mojo downloaded into your cerebellum in
just a few hours. No need to wait it out youll be
ready to create your first or next winning VSL THE
Stomp all over your competition by using the
ORIGINAL VSL FORMULA (taught to Ryan Deiss,
who made countless millions, Agora Publishing,
who make over $100 Million per year from one
VSL, and literally hundreds more) that put me and
3X on the map except youll have the nuts and
bolts in a matter of hours rather than weeks...


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Blast right past the excuses (Ohhh, it will take too

long waaaa.WAAAA!, or Ohhh, Im not a
copywriter WAAA!!!) and figure this shizzle out
in two freakin hours. Then teach some $10/hour
guy to do it for you using The 3X Sellerator. Thats
what guys like Tellman Knudson, Ryan Deiss, Andy
Jenkins, and others are doing why not you? Why
not delegate it out and free up your time?


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[Replay] Take Your Job and Shove It

(Defy 58-hour Work Week)
[Manual Labor is Dead. Marketing is Now
AutomatedEasier, Cheaper, and Much, Much
Faster. But Only if Youre a 3X SELLERATOR
Member Before the Deadline at Midnight, Sept. 5.
The $1997 Bonus Will Be Gone Then, Too]
I had to read it twice... then a third time because
its not what I thought.
Im talking about the tragic 58-hour work week in
Canada, in 1872.
That was the beginning of their Labor Day.
There was a unified workers rebellion to, Take
This Job and Shove It!
80 countries around the world have joined in
And back then, the Canadians were as upset as
todays entrepreneurs SHOULD be.
Because the truth is, Ive worked with literally
hundreds of biz owners in the last few years.
And as appalling as the 58-hour work week was
back in the late 1800s...
Its not much different today.
The prevailing mindset is STILL upside down and
We all give lip-service to the clich, work smarter,
not harder.


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Then bear down and grind it out like were

breaking rocks on a chain gang.
Because they were NOT striking AGAINST a 58-hour
work week.
The workers were trying to get it CUT to an easygoing 58 hours... they were actually working a lot
And machines were replacing workers.
Its just like Im doing... being the evil and
exploitive overlord that I am.
Im giving ordinary business owners an amazing,
do-it-yourself system to FIRE their copywriters,
business coaches, and consultants.
And its being done NOW... as I write... with over
$800 MILLION in sales.
Heres the replay of exactly how YOU can:
the Ultimate LABOR DAY Solution!
>>> How to Effortlessly Pull Out Powerful
Bullets, Tips, and Benefits (at 6 minutes, 2 seconds
on Replay)...
>>> Transform Your Entire Life with ONE Sales
Letter (1:02:05 on Replay)...
>>> Most Powerful Sales Letters Now Written on
iPhones (see it DONE, Real Time, in Short Video at
49:02 on Replay).


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>>> Why a Radio Voice is Not Necessary for KickAss Video Sales (45:46 on Replay)...
>>> The Correct Order to Close the Sale Using the
How To Tip, the Avoid Tip, and the Enjoy Tip
(32:21 on Replay)...
>>> Most Powerful Sales Psychology Using Cheat
Sheets, Fast-Creative Shortcuts, Q & A Sessions,
Group Webinars... to Jack Your Sales to Mars
(52:10 on Replay)...
>>> 2 Quick Slides to MAKE Them Watch Your
Video (17:18 on Replay).
So use THIS Labor Day to make your move.
...when you head on over to the 3X SELLERATOR
demo replay.
Throw off the shackles of the create-it-fromscratch mentality.
Ordinary business owners (who have NO INTEREST
in marketing) are AUTOMATING and blowing away
their competition...
...By effortless cranking out world-class sales
letters, web pages, e-mails, sales videos,
advertorials, product launch formula campaigns,
even platform pitches, and more... with the new 3X
Elite marketing companies are using the 3X
SELLERATOR to blast past their competition in the
toughest markets (Agora Publishing makes $100
MILLION a year from ONE video sales letter).


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And big shots like Tellman Knudson, Ryan Deiss,

Andy Jenkins... and literally hundreds more, are
using VSLs to crush their rivals.
True emancipation is NEVER about working harder.
And no matter how much the workers complain,
protest... and even strike...
Its always the same...
If you OWN the machines, youre still running the
show, in the drivers seat, and calling the shots.
History repeats itself.
Todays version, in marketing, is the new 3X
Bringing AUTOMATION to your desktop (while the
workers whine and wail).
Youll just have to turn a deaf ear and crank out
winner after winner.
(where I teach the worlds elite copywriters for 8
hours) will be GONE on Sept. 5 at midnight, Pacific.
Weve already had a flood of new customers and I
need to devote myself to their sales needs.
So dont miss the emancipation, hop on my Labor
Day revolt only A FEW DAYS LEFT.
Then its off the market, at least until 2015.
Why wait?


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Pissed Off Clients Force 3-Pay Option

[Sorry If I Pissed You OffBut Ive Made It Right.
Now EVERYONE Can Afford Automated
Marketing as a 3X SELLERATOR Member. But Its
OFF THE MARKET as of Midnight, Sept. 5. Gone,
Too, Will Be the $1997, Elite Persuasion Training
BONUS. Dont Miss This One-Time 2nd Chance.]
Eating all this crow is dry work.
So hand me a Perrier...
And give me a minute to get the feathers out of my
Because my customers are right on the money...
I forgot where I came from... flat broke... so Im
backtracking to make it right.
You see, when I was starting out with my graphic
design company, I applied... all at the same time...
for THIRTY credit cards.
Ive mentioned it more than once... how I rode that
borrowed cash to my first success, at 21% interest.
So when I presented my firm offer at Saturdays
3X SELLERATOR workshop...
...That the only payment option was the full price,
all up front...
People were PISSED!


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I got e-mails with the words, cruel and

hypocrite... OUCH!
And theyre right.
Back then, I didnt have the cash to produce a
transformation like YOU can with the 3X
And it wasnt because I didnt work hard or was
lying around watching TV.
No, I just didnt know HOW... and didnt have the
So I needed a little break to get over the hump.
Besides, credit-card policies today are tighter than
a misers fist.
Then I come along and kick you when youre down.
Sorry about that.
But to make it up to you, Ive added a 3-PAY
OPTION so you can pay for the 3X Sellerator with
the money it makes you.
Because NOTHING can add cash to your bottom
line faster than the automated 3X SELLERATOR, I
guarantee it!
Sure, Im responsible for the $800 MILLION in sales
with the new VSLs that have taken the internet by
Yet now, with my major update, theres FAR MORE
you can do to create any and EVERY kind of
marketing message.


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fullest extent of the law.

Its a breeze to create video sales letters... but also

the A-to-Z creation of ANY kind of video, including
multi-video launch sequences and Jeff Walkers
product-launch-formula campaigns.
PLUS, selling-from-the-platform pitches plus
straight sales letters (long or short form) blogs,
e-mails, advertorials, direct mail, you name it.
If you cant sell it with the 3X Sellerator, get
another thing to sell... it probably cant be sold any
One more thing.
Just say MAYBE, while youve got the chance.
Get in on the 3X SELLERATOR, NOW, for a 60-DAY
Its absolutely GUARANTEED, in fact...
As I say on the order page, you can get your money
back even if youre just annoyed by the font color
or logo on your dash board of your 3X
But even better (and smarter), you can crank out a
couple projects and double, triple, or even 10X
your investment BEFORE you make a 2nd payment.
Its been done many times by my clients... many
with NO EXPERIENCE in marketing.
And remember, the biggest names in internet
marketing know the value of the VSL... and depend
on it!
Agora Publishing, Ryan Deiss, Andy Jenkins,
Tellman Knudson... and hundreds more in every
conceivable industry, are using VSLs to make


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fortunes (Agora makes $100 MILLION a year with

...BEFORE its off the market until next year.
...BEFORE the $1997 BONUS vanishes.
...BEFORE the 3-PAY is gone.
...BEFORE I start charging new members a yearly
fee for licensing.
...BEFORE this offer ENDS on Sept. 5 at midnight!
Hopefully that squares things between us.


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fullest extent of the law.

[FREE] Most Stealth Headline Formula

Ever Designed
[3-Pay for 3X SELLERATOR Available for 3-Days
Only. $1997 Bonus Gone at Midnight on Friday.
SELLERATOR Then Off the Market Until 2015 and
Price Hike]
Before we unearth the magic of todays formula...
Ive gotta apologize one more time... because my
customers were right.
I forgot my roots and the fact that I applied for
30 credit cards when I was first starting out.
Thats why the 3-Pay Option is there for you right
now (but gone at midnight, Friday, Sept. 5).
So you dont have to be flush with cash before you
start hauling it in by the truckload with the new
Anyway, now on to, The Most Stealth Headline
Formula Ever Designed.
And the BEST way to demonstrate is to show you
the WORST thing to do with your headline.
For example, lets say youre an athletic trainer.
You might start out with the headline:
The Ultimate Guide to Six-Pack Abs.
Which is horribly weak.
Because youve done the worst thing possible.


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Which is to be narcissistic.
Thats your customers job.
And most marketers make this mistake.
Theyre looking through the wrong end of the
Theyre all excited about their product and think
customers will be, too.
Emerson was living in a different world when he
said: Build a better mousetrap, and the world will
beat a path to your door.
Because if you DID build a better mousetrap in
Boston, in the late 1800s, everyone would know
by noon the same day... just by yelling it out the
But today, no one gives a rats ass about your
No one even knows their next-door neighbor
The customers motto is always, WIIFM...i.e...
Whats In It For Me?
That should ALWAYS be foremost in your mind.
They only care about what you can do for THEM.
They care about the BENEFITS you deliver to THEIR
And theyre desperately looking for someone who
understands THEIR needs and desires.


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fullest extent of the law.

So if thats reality (which it is), what do you do

Simple, you reach into their brains with my 4
Quadrants of Desire and construct a headline that
leaves them thinking:
Man, I was just asking myself that very question
just the other day! Or, Wow, this dude thinks like
me! or This must be the ONLY website on Earth
That Gets Me
Every blockbuster headline ever created has that
And every blockbuster headline ever created is a
brilliant fusion of two or more of the 4 Quadrants
of Desire.
Lets take ONLY the 4th quadrant NEED!
Add ONLY logic... NO emotion.
And The Ultimate Guide to Six-Pack Abs becomes

The No Sit-Up No Crunch Guide to Six-Pack Abs

Now theres a hint of How To built in, though it
still mentions the product, which is a cardinal sin.
Because your job is NOT to sell the product in the
headline only to grab enough attention to get
them to read the next line.
In tomorrows email Ill fortify this headline still
more with WANTS, and a technique called, The
3 Whys...


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...They uncover the deeper unconscious longings,

which are critical to EVERY sale.
Then at a special webinar on Thursday, Ill dig much
deeper into, The 4 Quadrants of Desire.
Its an encore presentation I gave at a recent, and
expensive, Eben Pagan event.
So youre saving a bundle... by not having to travel,
not having to pay room and board, and not having
to pay for the event itself...
...To get to the heart of what secretly drives EVERY
SALE thats ever been made.
Including the 800 MILLION DOLLARS in SALES of the
Because Ive captured the magic 4 Quadrants of
Desire formula and installed it in the 3X
So that you dont even have to understand it
although theres even more power when you do.
Also at this free webinar... I will prove that the
NEW 3X SELLERATOR is NOT just for ugly screen
capture videos.
Yes, those videos still convert like wildfire
But I will show you exactly how the 5-step
persuasion formula that powers the 3X
SELLERATOR can be harnessed to create far
stronger product launch pages platform pitches
email full motion video sales presentations, and
Now, its the expressway solution (using the multipassenger lane) to EVERY marketing challenge.


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fullest extent of the law.

Current members are now automating ALL of their

marketing... yes, EVERY kind of media and
If blazing-speed marketing is what you need...
If automated, built-in persuasion is what you
If firing your copywriter or marketing consultant is
what would set you free...
If FAST CASH would eliminate that knot in your
If you want to seize the power of the 4 Quadrants
of Desire and learn the subtle nuances of total
marketing media automation
Then go here and RSVP for Thursdays free
And remember, the new 3X SELLERATOR will NOT
be available again until sometime in 2015... at a
higher price... and without the crazy $1997 BONUS.
So grab the 3-PAY option now, with my apologies!
Buy Everything This Man Has To Sell!
You'll find your brain meltingreforming into
something better seriously, this guy taught me
how to market my own products more effectively,
and I've made millions for years in this business. He
was also key in teaching my staff how to use his 3X
VSL Formula to literally create 5 and 6-figure VSLs
WITHOUT me having to write them myself or pay
top copywriters to do it. His formula can take a
total newbie writer and make them into a virtual


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pro and that means you can pocket more cash."

Tellman Knudson, Internet Marketer
I Want Private Meetings!
Love Jon, loved the presentation. My head was
spinning, with all kinds of ideas. It was invigorating.
I have heard from several people saying the same
thing. They got so much out of it. I want Jon to
come back and have a private meeting with us.to
talk about strategy. Thank you for inviting me to sit
Rita Shankewitz, Director of Marketing


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[Free Workshop] 4 Quadrants of

Desire Drive ALL Sales Everywhere
[REGISTER QUICK: FREE Workshop Thursday: The
Deepest Dive Yet Into The 4 Quadrants of Desire
the Master Key to Selling Anything and
EverythingNo Matter What the Niche, Product,
or Competition]
Hold on!
In a minute, Ill tackle the most powerful sales
formula EVER (this MASTER template is behind ALL
other successful formulas).
But first...
Just in case youre toying with the idea of blowing
off your last opportunity to join the richest and
fastest marketers on planet Earth (with the new 3X
Review these 3 items:
Rowling was a single, unemployed mom, 13
publishers turned her down for, The Philosophers
Stone. Future profits now account for
$24,751,000,000 in profits. Oops.
January of 1962, Decca Records passed on the
opportunity to sign The Beatles. Enough said on
that one.
Union CEO William Orton treats a new invention


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fullest extent of the law.

like a joke when the patent holder approaches

him to buy it. That joke of an invention was the
telephone ------dialtone-----These 3 scenarios have one thing in common
The people responsible are still endlessly kicking
And if theyre too old and tired (or dead) and
theyve given up the self-flagellation, their children
and grandchildren are gladly doing it for them.
HINT: Dont suffer the stinging regret of missing
Fridays deadline to stake your claim with the 3X
until who knows when. Thats when the easy 3-pay
disappears. Plus you will MISS OUT on thousands in
celebratory free gifts if you hesitate. Do it now.
You could forget get distracted your computer
could blow up.
---------------OK, now back to our regularly scheduled program,
i.e., the continued headline training from the last email.
Now where were we?
Oh, I remember:
Your job is NOT to sell the product in the
headline only to grab enough attention to get
them to read the next line.
And so our headline, The No Sit Up No Crunch
Guide to 6-Pack Abs is not really a headline at all.
So now lets go deeper into what they WANT, with
a simple little technique called...
The 3 Whys.


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Our prospect wants six-pack abs.

Thats the most obvious want.
But look under the surface for the wants below the
wants, like:
1) I want to look good in a T-shirt and turn a few
2) Im freakin 49-years old and a 6-pack would
show ME Im still young.
3) My wife seems to have a roving eye these
days...could it be this spare tire starting to grow
around my waist?
Its simple, yes, but these deeper reasons begin to
drill into the true emotions and unconscious
thought processes of your prospect.
You trigger these WANTS indirectly, often by
associating your solution with someone who
embodies these qualities someone your specific
target wants to identify with. You imply rather than
openly state.
Matthew Mcconaughey Hates This Man for Giving
Joe Manganiello a Rock Hard Core On The Set of
True Blood
Of course you have to do your homework and
make sure the references in your headline are
going to be recognized by your target
Yet do you see how that headline (or sub-head)
implies the wants behind the wants condenses
them into a tight ball of desire that explodes
unconsciously in the prospects brain to draw him
into the copy?
And thats just one of the 4 Quadrants of Desire


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fullest extent of the law.

When you sign up for tomorrows FREE workshop,

Ill take this even deeper with FEARS which I elicit
with my technique called, Expression to
Then its on to PLEASURES which I take from the
Inverse of Fears technique.
And this is NOT just for VSLs
At tomorrows free training Im also going to show
you how the 3X SELLERATOR builds all of my
proven persuasion formulas into ALL of your
marketing in virtually EVERY marketing medium
available to you.
You really cant miss this.
Its an amazing core training I gave at an Eben
Pagen event.
But you dont pay a dime.
Some of my best stuff ever!
NOTE: One more thing about missed opportunities,
should you be planning to sit out your best chance
to blow out the sales jams in 2014.
declined to purchase The Cosby Show in 1984,
so Bill took his creation instead over to NBC. It
spent four straight seasons at #1 and was the
MOST PROFITABLE series ever made. No big deal.


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fullest extent of the law.

Thats right, you get it turn your online biz into a

well-oiled sales machine with the 3X SELLERATOR
before I take it off the market on Friday.

[Brief E-Mail] Register Quick: Maltese

Brain Experts Headline Breakthrough
Todays Free Webinar at 4pm Pacific Take a
Deep Dive into The 4 Quadrants of Desire Plus
Watch the 3X-Sellerator Robotically Crank Out
Your Next High Converting Sales Letter Platform
Pitch Product Launch Formula Script Direct
Mail Piece Email and More!
Theres a small private island off the coast of
northern Italy in the Venetian lagoon.
Its owned by a Maltese brain expert... or more
accurately... a thinking expert (whos written 81
books and been an advisor to multiple
Its the beautiful island of Tessera, near Murano
with its famous glassworks.
Ill be using some of this thinking experts
techniques during tomorrows FREE workshop.
Theyre also recommended by one of the most
successful marketers in historyJoe Sugarman
(whos sold, among a laundry list of products,
something like $40 million dollars worth of
BluBlocker sunglasses).


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Joe describes the technique in his masterpiece,

Advertising Secrets of the Written Word.
With it, youll see how to create the most powerful
stealth headlines ever devised.
Ill also more fully explain the 4 Quadrants of
Desire... which is the MASTER formula that EVERY
other successful headline formula is built upon.
And the 4 Quadrants is so much faster... almost
So you dont have to write out hundreds of
headlines like some of the old masters
Ill also sprinkle in a dash of Neuro-Linguistic
Programming, with a trick so subtle, you wouldnt
notice it unless I point it out (which I will).
In fact, youve probably bought products yourself...
just because of this ingenious technique.
Plus Ill be revealing some of the pro-level nuances
of applying my 5-step persuasion system in
different types of media, not just VSLs mistakes
to avoid conversion boosting tricks, and more.
The workshop starts at 4pm Pacific Time TODAY,
and obviously, its filling up fast.
Click on this link and join us.
Youll come away amazed... but more importantly,
with tools you can easily use the minute you click
off the workshop.
Marketing is such a blast when youre not guessing.


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Trail-and error is painfully slow, frustrating and

horribly expensive...
...Especially when proven formulas and predictable
systems have already been developed to smooth
the way for you.
Often, by the time most marketers have created
the perfect sales campaign...
...Then tested enough to feel safe, the world
and your markethave moved on.
Dont be left on the sidelines watching.
Join us here.
SAD BUT TRUE: So few entrepreneurs have this
Advertising, once a gamble, has thus become,
under able direction, one of the SAFEST of business
ventures. Certainly no other enterprise with
comparable possibilities need involve so LITTLE
Claude C. Hopkins, Scientific Advertising, 1923
If youre gambling with your marketing, you need
to be at this workshop.
And remember, tomorrow is the last day to
harness the push button power of the 3X
SELLERATOR, for easier, faster and far more
predictable selling.


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[4 PM Today] Madmans Sales System

Avoids Failure (I Learned the Hard
[A Madmans Mad-Money System, The NEW 3X
SELLERATOR, Automatically Generates WAY More
than Video Sales LettersLike Web Pages, E-Mails,
Product Launch Formula Campaigns, and Platform
Sales Pitches. But Tomorrow at Midnight Its Off
the MarketAlong with the 3-Pay Option and
$3,000+ in BONUSES]
When you see me acting like a madman on a
video... or watching my stage antics in front of a big
You wouldnt believe I GAVE UP a brilliant career in
music for such a pitiful reason.
Yet when I was studying at MIT, I had the honor of
being mentored by one of bass-guitar greats.
And although I did incredibly well in the
Getting out there just plain scared me, even
though thats what he told me I HAD to do.
He said I had to play EVERYWHERE... embarrassing
gigs in bars, awkward street corner displays, get
kicked out of nursing homes...it didnt matter.
Just get out there and cut your teeth!
Yet I wouldnt engage.
I was sure I needed just study a little more...
practice more scales... bury my head in more music
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I didnt realize it at the time, but my compulsion to

keep learning was really an avoidance mechanism.
And I gave it up.
Packed it in.
A promising career, flushed because I was chicken.
Of course, I told myself I just had to know my craft
better and THEN Id conquer the world.
And it took years to realize.. .and FACE UP TO...
what I was really doing.
Thats why I LOVE todays workshop (its in just a
few minutes).
With this information, youve ALREADY arrived!
So dont waste your time getting ready to
DONT copy out another classic sales letter by
DONT listen to another consultant.
DONT go to another rah-rah seminar.
DONT hire another copywriter, and...
DONT waste another minute reading marketing
Instead, click quick to join me for todays
foundational training in...
The 4 Quadrants of Desire.


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Its the basis of EVERY sale thats ever been made...

...Unbelievably sophisticated, yet super simple.
And even better, you dont even have to
understand it.
In fact, heres what you should do...
Stay home for the next 60 days.
Skip all the studying and quit driving yourself
Come to the workshop and make a bunch of
money FIRST.
THEN, at your leisure, and only as an enjoyable
Become an expert in psychology... learn NLP...
memorize the history of marketing... have every
literary devise and marketing tactic at your
Even though you dont need it anymore!
Because all the theory you can absorb... including
The 4 Quadrants of Desire and The 5 Stages of
Effortless Persuasion... is already BUILT IN to the
new 3X SELLERATOR (which will be taken off the
market tomorrow at midnight).
So times a wastin.
We start in minutes at 4 Pacific time.
Click on over NOW...


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fullest extent of the law.

Remember, the 3X SELLERATOR comes off the

market the 3-Pay Option will also disappear at
midnight tomorrow.
So will the $1997 Bonus, the $100M CONVERSION
even give you a half hour coaching session with
one of my certified pros to launch you out of the
Its all right here, for just one more day.
Dont let any grass grow under your feet.
The smartest (but laziest) marketers are joining me
You should, too (unless youre into working hard).
Heres the link to hop on todays workshop one
last time.


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[Last Day + Final Workshop] Longhorn

Guest Stars Sales Secret (321%
Heres a super add on.
Or should I say, HEs a super add on.
Ive hooked Ryan Deiss, from the longhorn state of
Texas, to dazzle us with one particular secret to
his astonishing success.
Im proud to have Ryan as a friendand the fact
that I could teach this marketing savant anything.
Yet he says:
Simply put, Jon has come up with more cool ideas
in the world of marketing than anyone I know.
He gets results very few people can achieve, and he
can teach others how to do the same. He taught me
his 'ugly VSL' techniques, and we've used them ever
since to make millions.
So no matter what youre doing today... DROP IT!
I mean, who else do you know who, in the last 36
months has:
>>> Invested over $15,000,000 on marketing
>>> Generated tens of millions of unique visitors
>>> Sent well over a BILLION permission-based
emails, and
>>> Run approximately 3,000 split and multivariant tests
99 Copyright Levis International Marketing and 3X Formulas Inc. Unauthorized
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fullest extent of the law.

Look. Ive been telling you all about the profitpulling power of Video Sales Letters...
But heres someone whos BEEN IN THE TRENCHES
like no one else...
Testing dozens of niches with every kind of
message and media.
If youre interested in cranking up your profits,
Were assembling at 2pm Pacific time for a streetsmart, down-and-dirty finale to the new 3X
Sellerator launch...
...And I guarantee, Ryan and his team will be
putting the 3X SELLERATOR through its paces
So YOULL get insights into whats coming up
online... 6 months before anyone else will see it
Truly avant garde stuff.
And remember...
The 3X SELLERATOR will disappear tonight,
Youll see its effects everywhere.
Youll see powerful new marketing messages
exploding all around you...and wish youd created
them yourself.
But theyll be created by my 3X SELLERATOR


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fullest extent of the law.

Thats because the gravy train is pulling out of the

station at midnight... no exceptions...
You cant buy it after the witching hour strikes.
And the $1997 Bonus, the $100M CONVERSION
no longer be available, either.
The price will also have gone up a THOUSAND
BUCKS when you next see the SELLERATOR, most
likely in 2015.
So the smartest thing you can do, is grab the 3X
Then start absorbing its lessons BEFORE Ryan and I
take you deeper into the more subtle secrets of
product and profit creation.
Heres the link to hop on the big finale.


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[Today at 2] Back-Room Backstabbing

Profits Galore
[Guest Star Ryan Deiss (and Friends) Will Take You
Inside the Cigar Smoke Filled Back Rooms of Big-Time
Internet Deals... AND... The Most Insane ProspectGrabbing Technique I've Ever Used That Creates Credit
Card Mania On Your Sales Pages!]

I am NOT paranoid!
Which doesnt mean people ARENT out to get me.
At least, thats what I thought when I suspected
Ryan Deiss was ripping off my 3X Video Sales Letter
(VSL) Generator.
That was a couple years ago when The Generator
hadnt yet taken the marketing world by storm.
And when I saw Ryans product, I actually called his
company and said I was coming down to Austin to
kick his ass for ripping me off.
The dirty back-room backtstabber!
Its a pretty funny story... full of hot-heads (me),
misunderstandings, and genius sales strategies.
And Ryan will give you the dirt today at 2 PM
Pacific Time.
Were having a back-room insiders brain dump
about how to profit... FAST... with the new 3X


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So youll have more than paid for you investment...

waaaay before you even create your first project.
And even without this automated technology,
youll see how to game your marketing for easier
sales, higher profits, and a hell of a lot less stress.
Ryans made millions with it... knows exactly how...
and so do my other guest-stars, some just ordinary
folks now making extraordinary incomes.
AND... whats even better is the glory days of
internet profits are NOT OVER!
In fact, with the new 3X SELLERATOR, in many
ways, its easier today than ever.
Especially when youve got a 60-DAY GUARANTEE.
So you can grab the SELLERATOR to make a mint,
and then return it for a full refund.
Of course, youd be certifiably insane since youll
be making more money, simplifying your life, and
relieving a pile of stress...yet its your prerogative.
But heres a final WARNING:
EVERYTHING vanishes at midnight tonight... or
make that 11:59 Pacific Time.
ALL LONG GONE when you wake up tomorrow:
>>> GONE is the sale-priced 3X SELLERATOR with
its exclusive, super-simple 5-Stage Persuasion
Formula and push button ease...
>>> GONE is the BONUS of my $100M Conversion
Secrets Virtual Seminar...


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>>> GONE is Your Automatic FREE Membership to

My Private Copy Posse (Usually $97 a month, but
Yours FREE for Life!)...
>>> GONE is the $997 28-Day Product-Creation
Formula BONUS (Ill take you by the hand to create
a producteven if you dont have even a germ of
an idea)...
>>> GONE Will be the Personalized Follow-up Call
We Provide FREE!
Whats even WORSE...
When the 3X SELLERATOR comes back on the
market (when weve given high-touch TLC to our
new current members)...
The price will go up at least a thousand bucks, and
these BONUSES will be nowhere to be found.
And youll hate the regret of pissing away 4
months, maybe more... letting everyone else get a
head start on you!
Spare yourself the PAIN!
And ask yourself...
Will you be better prepared in 4 or 5 months?
Have you whispered that to yourself in the past?
If you have (and who hasnt?) remember:
Wayne Gretsky, holder of 60 National Hockey
League records, said:
You miss ONE HUNDRED PERCENT of the shots
you DONT take.


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So grab the 3X SELLERATOR here...now...

Then rush on over to fill your head with backroom insights into exactly HOW you can make the
SELLERATOR pay out like a busted ATM machine
stuck on dispense.
Heres the fast-profit link:
"Join Me, Ryan Deiss, And A Slew Of Marketers
And Entrepreneurs Who Are Making Cash Hand
Over FIST With The 3X Sellerator! I Will Dive Into
The Most Insane Prospect-Grabbing Technique
I've Ever Used That Creates Credit Card Mania On
Your Sales Pages!"
NOTE: There may not be a REPLAY in case Ryan and
I start to duke it out live.
I dont want that going viral!
See you soon...
Most Badass!
Jon is one of the most badass marketers on the
planet. His knowledge of the psychology of selling,
mixed with his invention of SO many sales letter
and video sales letter techniques, and of course
The 3X Sellerator, makes him THE go-to guy in
marketing today. Joe Polish, Piranha Marketing
$400,00 in Profits!
I usually don't endorse anyone, but I'm making an
exception for Jon Benson. He helped me crush a
multi-million dollar launch, and with his 3X
Sellerator training, I created my own videos sales
letter to automatically close a live speaking event,
which made over $400,000 in profit. He's the real


Copyright Levis International Marketing and 3X Formulas Inc. Unauthorized

reproduction of this material is a criminal offence and will be prosecuted to the
fullest extent of the law.

Dean Graziosi, The World's #1 Real Estate

Better Than a Half-Million in Training!
I've cranked out a record breaking sales letter - all
because of The 3X Sellerator. Thank you! Honestly,
I have spent more than likely between a half
million and a million on training and courses over
the years for all of my companies and all of my
employee's and I have never given the "best of"
award...until now. Jim Engel, Real Estate


Copyright Levis International Marketing and 3X Formulas Inc. Unauthorized

reproduction of this material is a criminal offence and will be prosecuted to the
fullest extent of the law.

[The End] Yes, No, Maybe? The GutWrenching Pain of Indecision

[DISREGARD the Midnight Deadline BelowInsert
9 AM Pacific Because Im Too Tired to Stay Up and
Deal with the Technical Issues. So Shoot Me, Im
Giving You a BreakBut Nothing Like the Break
on the BONUSES]
Hey, I know about the push-pull agony of making a
financial decision.
In fact, even now, when I can easily afford it, I
sometimes feel a twinge when Im making a sizable
Sometimes the ghost of finances past will rear its
ugly head and try to drag me back into the muck.
Like back to the days when I was broke as a joke...
Like the time I applied for 30 credit cards to finance
my graphic design company.
Thats why there are NO tricks, NO catches, and NO
RISK in any way, shape, or form with the new 3X
So you dont have to sweat it out.
without losing a wink of sleep.
You can put it through its paces... look under the
hood... drive it around town or out on the
freeway... heck, jam your foot through the
It can handle ANYTHING you throw at it.


Copyright Levis International Marketing and 3X Formulas Inc. Unauthorized

reproduction of this material is a criminal offence and will be prosecuted to the
fullest extent of the law.

Create as much sizzling hot sales copy as your heart

desires without risking a thin dime.
And as Ryan Deiss said on todays workshop, its
usually a huge pain... but the new 3X SELLERATOR
does it all at the push of a button.
PLUS... youll get the master course in persuasion
for 60 days whether you crank out a Video Sales
Letter or not.
So you can make a killing as an affiliate marketer...
...Produce sales letters, e-mails, or blogs for your
OWN products...
...Or work as a hired-gun copywriter even if you
have no experience (the SELLERATOR is THAT
In fact, heres something Id do if I were starting
out and wanted quick cash.
Id grab the 3X SELLERATOR now...work with it
intensely for a day or two...
Then find a product you love and craft a VSL that
SELLS your VSL to the product owner!
Crazy? Yes!
Yet I dont know ANY of my fellow marketers who
wouldnt pay dearly for someone to take the
marketing load off their shoulders... and pay
without question for the relief.
At midnight, Im turning ALL my attention to my
army of new customers.


Copyright Levis International Marketing and 3X Formulas Inc. Unauthorized

reproduction of this material is a criminal offence and will be prosecuted to the
fullest extent of the law.


customer service to get new sales up and running.
It comes FREE (but only right now) with the 3X
But Im yanking it off the market at 11:59 Pacific
Time. So...
>>> Say GOODBYE to the Sale Price!...
>>> Say GOODBYE to the $100 Million Conversion
Secrets Virtual Seminar...
>>> Say GOODBYE to the Copy Posse FREE
MEMBERSHIP (with ALL the top copywriters youve
ever heard of... we have intense closed-door
discussions about whats working NOW-$97/month)...
>>> Say GOODBYE to my version of Jeff Walkers
Product Launch Formula (Use Stage 1 and 2 for
Jeffs first video, then Stages 3, 4, and 5 to
complete it... its Like PLF In-A-Box)...
>>> Say GOODBYE to the Strategy for the Highest
Converting Stage Presentation in the History of
Glazer-Kennedy (Joe Polish pulled it off with the
same ROBOTIC CLOSE that you get inside)...
>>> Say GOODBYE to the $997, 28-Day ProductCreation Formula BONUS (Ill take you by the hand
to create a producteven if you dont have an
inkling of an idea)...
At midnight, this offer doesnt turn into a
pumpkin... its a lot worse.
It turns back into using paper and ink and a blank
computer screenand creating your marketing
from scratch.


Copyright Levis International Marketing and 3X Formulas Inc. Unauthorized

reproduction of this material is a criminal offence and will be prosecuted to the
fullest extent of the law.

It turns back into hiring high-priced copywriters for

something you can do much cheaper, faster, and
better with the 3X SELLERATOR.
It turns back into confusion, overwhelm, painful
trial-and-error, and late nights of exhaustion...
after the kids have gone to bed and youve got
about as much enthusiasm as a wet noodle.
So this is it folks.
Times up.
But theres no reason to agonize over the decision.
Just GRAB it now and think about it later.
Thats the only sensible thing... the only one that
makes sense.
Because youre taken NO RISK.
You can change your mind tomorrow.
Ive Made Millions...
Seriously, Jon taught me how to market my own
products more effectively, and I've made millions
for years in this business. He was also key in
teaching my staff how to use his 3X Sellerator to
literally create 5 and 6-figure VSLs WITHOUT me
having to write them myself or pay top copywriters
to do it. His 3X Sellerator can take a total newbie
marketer and make them into a virtual pro and
that means you can pocket more cash. Tellman
Knudson, Internet Marketing Pro
Jon's not only an amazing wordsmith, he's also
amazing at positioning, and helping others via The
Sellerator to learn how to position their products in


Copyright Levis International Marketing and 3X Formulas Inc. Unauthorized

reproduction of this material is a criminal offence and will be prosecuted to the
fullest extent of the law.

sales letters, VSLs, blogs, you name it, to simply

GTM GET THE MONEY. Andy Jenkins, Video
Boss, Traffic Genesis


Replay Before Hell Freezes Over
OK... dammit... its up!
The last replay before pigs fly, hell freezes over,
and my new puppy, Titan, is housetrained... which
apparently is going to be NEVER.
And yes, Ive reneged on my promise to close the
cart at midnight for the new 3X SELLERATOR.
Because Im just too tired to deal with it till
morning... plain and simple
Were working our butts off over here... manually
adding BONUSES to EACH new members
I was almost too tired to hit the upload button
for the replay of tonights free training.
So YOU MUST listen to the webinar now and
absorb Ryan Deisss multimillion-dollar wisdom and
The guys a freakin genius... yet so down to earth,
hes an anomaly as rare as a good hair day for
Donald Trump.
And hes got tricks, tips, and street-smart strategies
youll get nowhere else.


Copyright Levis International Marketing and 3X Formulas Inc. Unauthorized

reproduction of this material is a criminal offence and will be prosecuted to the
fullest extent of the law.

Plus I did an encore from the previous

workshops segment on The 4 Quadrants of Desire
if you missed it.
Plus I also revealed the most insane, prospectgrabbing technique Ive ever used to create credit
card mania on your sales pages its a triple threat
pattern interrupt.
So even if you hate the sound of the new 3X
...Youre dumb as a bag of bent nails if you dont go
take notes from the replay with Ryan (it comes
down tomorrow morning at 9AM Pacific Time).
Hey... gimme a break... Im a little punchy over
But not too off my nut to tell you one last time...
The 3X SELLERATOR is outrageously killer!
Being responsible for $850 MILLION in sales should
be enough to yank you out of the fog.
But theres so much more:
miraculous ability to crank out incredibly potent
DONE-4-YOU sales copy and the profits it brings
you it STILL PAYS FOR ITSELF. Imagine the time
youll save creating hundreds of slides with one
click of your mouse youll recoup your small
investment in the SELLERATOR with just a few
Plus you get simple, right-to-the-point videos
designed to take you quickly from a Selleratorgenerated VSL right to having it online, complete


Copyright Levis International Marketing and 3X Formulas Inc. Unauthorized

reproduction of this material is a criminal offence and will be prosecuted to the
fullest extent of the law.

with tips on voice-over recording (all you need is a

$40 mic, or Ill show you how to farm it out for next
to nothing), compression so you get more sales
from faster-loading pages, and even animation
>>> Cheat Sheets, Product Creation Shortcuts,
Inspirational Q&A Sessions, Group Webinars, and
Ill make you a bet right now: your biggest
challenge inside The 3X SELLERATOR will be
deciding which aspect of this All Bases Covered
System will make you the most money in the
fastest time oh woe is you. : )
>>> Every Formula and Copy Tactic for Every Type
of Marketing Medium Youll Ever Need To Jack
Your Sales To Mars!
The 3X SELLERATOR is so L-O-A-D-E-D with money
making value it would take a novel to cover it all.
Ill just summarize it by saying this is your one-stopshop for Words That Get Cash... and sales pages
that get you the freedom, respect, and quality of
life you freakin deserve. Deal?
And of course, theres the blitz of BONUSES (which
Ive lazily copied-and-pasted from the previous email).
Check them out here or youll have to...
>>> Say GOODBYE to the Sale Price!...
>>> Say GOODBYE to the $100 Million Conversion
Secrets Seminar...
>>> Say GOODBYE to the Copy Posse FREE
MEMBERSHIP (with ALL the top copywriters
youve ever heard of...we have fabulous closed-


Copyright Levis International Marketing and 3X Formulas Inc. Unauthorized

reproduction of this material is a criminal offence and will be prosecuted to the
fullest extent of the law.

door discussions about whats working NOW-$97/month)...

>>> Say GOODBYE to my version of Jeff Walkers
Product Launch Formula (Use Stage 1 and 2 for
Jeffs first video, then Stages 3, 4, and 5 to
complete it...its Like PLF In-A-Box)...
>>> Say GOODBYE to the Strategy for the Highest
Converting Stage Presentation in the History of
Glazer-Kennedy (Joe Polish pulled it off with the
same ROBOTIC CLOSE that you get inside)...
>>> Say GOODBYE to the $997, 28-Day ProductCreation Formula BONUS (Ill take you by the hand
to create a producteven if you dont have an
inkling of an idea)...
Im off to bed.
If youre smart... and intelligently lazy enough to
make easy money...
Check out the replay and grab the new 3X
SELLERATOR before 9 AM Pacific Time.
Ill reward you in the morning with the manually
loaded bonuses (depending where you are in line).
Sleep easy, with visions of Words that Get Cash,
dancing in your head.


Copyright Levis International Marketing and 3X Formulas Inc. Unauthorized

reproduction of this material is a criminal offence and will be prosecuted to the
fullest extent of the law.

Doors Slam Shut in Just Over an Hour

Even if you have no intention of investing in the
Even if you cant scrape together the measly $777
it takes to get started with the 3-pay plan.
You MUST watch the replay of the training I
lavished on webinar attendees yesterday before it
comes down
Which if you study and actually USE in your
marketing will GUARANTEE youll never be in a
situation where you have to worry about investing
in something you KNOW will pay for itself in
SPADES ever again...
Case in point:
Did you know that an out-of-the-park outrageously
good first minute of a VSL or devilishly fantastic
hook, headline and first few paragraphs on a sales
letter can rain down buckets of cash even if the
rest of the copy stinks?
Its true
The opening is 9/10ths of the battle.
And I literally handed you what you need to
develop and execute high voltage, eyeball grabbing
openings on a silver platter!
You could give your existing VSL or sales letter a
million dollar face lift with just this free training.


Copyright Levis International Marketing and 3X Formulas Inc. Unauthorized

reproduction of this material is a criminal offence and will be prosecuted to the
fullest extent of the law.

I call it the triple threat pattern interrupt and Ive

seen it turn a mediocre (at best) VSL into a
blockbuster winner
So get your tail over to the replay and take ye
some notes.
And if you DO have a molehill of cash that you
want to turn into a money mountain with the FULL
POWER of the 3X SELLERATOR, youre dangerously
close to missing out.
The doors close in just over an hour.
After that:
>>> Say GOODBYE to the Sale Price!...
>>> Say GOODBYE to the $100 Million Conversion
Secrets Seminar...
>>> Say GOODBYE to the Copy Posse FREE
MEMBERSHIP (with ALL the top copywriters
youve ever heard of...we have fabulous closeddoor discussions about whats working NOW-$97/month)...
>>> Say GOODBYE to Jons version of Jeff Walkers
Product Launch Formula (Use Stage 1 and 2 for
Jeffs first video, then Stages 3, 4, and 5 to
complete it... its Like PLF In-A-Box and ON
>>> Say GOODBYE to the Strategy for the Highest
Converting Stage Presentation in the History of
Glazer-Kennedy (Joe Polish pulled it off with the
same ROBOTIC CLOSE that you get inside)...
>>> Say GOODBYE to the $997, 28-Day ProductCreation Formula BONUS (Let Jon take you by the


Copyright Levis International Marketing and 3X Formulas Inc. Unauthorized

reproduction of this material is a criminal offence and will be prosecuted to the
fullest extent of the law.

hand to create a producteven if you dont have

an inkling of an idea)...
Or click her now and say HELLO to faster, easier
infinitely more profitable sales copy and the
financial freedom it brings you.
Going ONCE Going TWICE
Whatever your decision
I appreciate you.


Copyright Levis International Marketing and 3X Formulas Inc. Unauthorized

reproduction of this material is a criminal offence and will be prosecuted to the
fullest extent of the law.

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