Latinx Public Opinion: Warming-Hispanics-Poll PDF

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Latinx Public Opinion
Hispanics more likely than whites to say global warming is caused by humans
August 2014
70% of Latinos affirm that the Earth is getting warmer due to human activity and
19% accredit climate change to natural patterns. Only 11% dismiss climate
change altogether, agreeing that there is no solid evidence that the earth is getting
56% of Black Americans agree that human activity is the cause of climate
44% of White Americans say the same White Americans also more likely to
deny climate change altogether: 33% compared to 11% of Latinos and 17% of
Black Americans)
Climate Is Big Issue for Hispanics, and Personal

New York times, Stanford University January 2014

among Hispanics, when asked how much the US government should be doing
about global warming, 63% responded chose either a great deal or quite a bit
compared to 49% of non-Hispanic whites
65% of Hispanics agreed that the United States government should give money
to poor countries in order to assist them in reducing damage from global
warming. Only 32% of non-Hispanic whites agreed
New Poll Confirms Hispanics Overwhelmingly Support Protecting Public Lands
poll conducted in Colorado and New Mexico, June 2014
93% of Latino voters believe that government should protect public lands for
recreation and the overall well-being of the environment
95% believe government should consult with their communities to identify lands
important to their community before leasing them out for drilling
77% of Latinos polled in both states support a plan requiring oil companies to
pay royalties on natural gas burned during the extraction process in order to pay
for pollution mitigation efforts and to support conservation programs
Latinos remain committed to reducing air pollution and preventing climate

national poll, April 2013

84% of Latino voters favor EPA setting air pollution safeguards

86% are in favor of the President using power to limit pollution that causes
climate change

Black American Public Opinion
Climate Change and Communities of Color
June - July 2014 Latino and African American voters with an oversample of 100
Asian voters in battleground states
68% of minority voters feel climate change is an issue we need to be worried
about right now, not something we can put off into the future
62% say not enough devoted toward climate change.
75% agree that new carbon emission standards will spur research and innovations
When asked to rank on a scale of 0-10 the importance of addressing climate
change, the average was 7.9

Millennials in the United States and Across the Globe
NextGen Climate unveils polling showing that young Americans overwhelmingly
support achieving more than 50 percent clean energy by 2030
June 2015
74% of voters under 35 said they would be more likely to vote for a presidential
candidate who set a goal for powering America with 50 percent clean energy by
2030 compared to 61% of total voters in the same opinion
Millennials in Adulthood
Millennials in the West
75% of Millennials say that we ought to continue to protect natural areas and
wildlife habitats from poorly planned development and industrial activities
compared to 63% among all adults
98% of Millennials in the West say they have visited public lands managed by the
U.S. government. Millennials in the West also worry about todays younger

children not spending enough time in the outdoors and 79% view this as a
Recent Polling on Youth Voters
July 2013, Benenson Strategy Group and, GS Strategy Group
66% of young voters say climate change is a problem to address
79% say they are more likely to vote for someone who supports steps to address
climate change
65% say taking action on climate change would create jobs with investments in
clean energy and technology development

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