Zero Offset Migration

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ZeroOffset FK Migration

Another migration method is FK or Stolt migration (Stolt, 1978, Geophysics, pp.

23-48). It is several times faster than Phase Shift migration, but it is trickier to
implement for both vertical and horizontal velocity variations.

Given: The acoustic data p (x ,z =0,t ) are measured along the plane at z = 0,
1 __________
2p (x ,z ,t )
p (x ,z ,t ) 2
t 2

The layers are below the measurement plane and c is the known velocity that is
constant. It is assumed that the data consist only of primary reflections, where
the direct waves have been muted and the surfaces waves+multiples+converted
waves are filtered out. Only upgoing waves are assumed to be recorded. In
other words the exploding reflector model is valid.

Find: Use FK Migration and downward continue 2-D data p (x ,z =0,t ) for
z < 0 and migrate it to get the subsurface reflectivity distribution M (x ,z ). Here
negative z values iare
below the recording plane and we assume a basis function
for the IFFT as e t .

Step A. Assume a homogeneous velocity and assume that the negative z-axis

points downward. The migrated wavefield from Phase Shift migration is:
i (k z +k x )
M (x ,z ) = d dkx P (kx ,0,)e z x


where P (kx ,0,) is the boundary condition at the z =0 plane and

2 2

kz = sgn ()

c kx 2.


Note that upward traveling waves will demand a negative sign in front of the
square root, and the sgn () is to insure that the continuation operator will
still be for upward moving waves with negative frequency.
Solving equation (2) for we get:
2 2

= kz c
x kz .


Step B. The Stolt trick is to change integration variables in equation (1) from
to kz , where

d dkz = kz c 2.
Substituting equations (3) and (4) into the migration equation (1) we get:



i (k z +k x )
M (x ,z ) = c 2 dkz dkx kz P (kx ,0,)e z x


The migration operation is now a 2-D Fourier Transform of the transformed

data scaled by kz . The Stolt migration is summarized by:
1). Fourier transform data P(x,0,t).
2). Change of variable from to kz , and data scaling by c 2kz .
3). Inverse Fourier Transform to space-time.
Computational Count. The computational count for the Fourier Transform of
the FK migration is O (Nx Nt log(Nx )log(Nt )), and the scaling will cost O (Nx Nt ).
In the phase shift migration the computational cost is O (Nx Nz Nt log(Nx )), where
at each depth level a FFT and a summation over must be performed.

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