Lesson Plan Template: Language Arts
Lesson Plan Template: Language Arts
Lesson Plan Template: Language Arts
Crosscutting Concepts:
Cause and effect relationships are routinely
identified. (3-PS2-1)
Material Needed: (List quantities. Indicate whether quantities are per student or per group.)
From B. B. Levin & S. Mercier, TED 680B, UNCG, Spring 2010, v.3.1; Adapted based on P. Blanchard, EDCI 3125, LSU, Spring 2011
Based on Marzano, Pickering, & Pollack (2001), Hill & Flynn (2006), and WIDA Standards (2007)
Boxes (one heavy and one light)
Dump truck with blocks
Hoola Hoops
Which Law Lab Worksheet
Three poster boards for entire class made by teacher describing the Newtons three laws
Newtons Three Laws worksheet for each student
One flip book per student
Crayons for each student
1. Brain Pop Video about Newtons Laws
2. Phet Stimulations
3. Posters with the three laws on them to review with the students before the lab
1. Which Law Lab- There will be 6 groups and 6 stations with different materials and the
students are required to figure out how to use the materials to act out one of Newtons
three Laws of Motion. On their lab sheet they are required to write their materials used at
each station, which law they used, explain their answer, and draw a picture to show their
demonstration. I will walk around the room and observe what the students have come up
with and highlight some. Those that I have highlighted will explain to the class what they
came up with at the end of class if we have time.
1. I will start off by asking the students to recap what Jordan did with them on Tuesday.
a. What did Ms. Grant teach you about on Tuesday?
b. Can anyone tell me what Newtons first law is?
c. Can anyone tell me what Newtons second law is?
d. Can anyone tell me what Newtons third law is?
2. After seeing what the students know about the laws, I will go over them with the class.
3. Show Lego video on Newtons Laws
a. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NWE_aGqfUDs
4. I will show the students the anchor charts of Newtons Laws with blanks left in them. As a
class, we will decide which words go in the blanks.
5. Students will be given Newtons 3 Laws worksheet (attached at bottom). Working in
their table groups, they will decide which answer is correct, and I will call on each table to
give an answer. The table that gets the most answers correct will get a small prize. After
each question is answered, we will discuss why the answer is that certain law What
makes it correct? Why couldnt it be another law?
1. Students will be given blank booklets that they will turn into flipbooks for Newtons Laws.
2. They will be instructed to do a cover page, table of contents, write definitions for the
From B. B. Levin & S. Mercier, TED 680B, UNCG, Spring 2010, v.3.1; Adapted based on P. Blanchard, EDCI 3125, LSU, Spring 2011
Based on Marzano, Pickering, & Pollack (2001), Hill & Flynn (2006), and WIDA Standards (2007)
work on the flip books and as they do the Newtons 3 Laws worksheet. At the end of the lesson, I will hand out an
exit ticket to each student where they will answer 2 questions and turn it in to me (exit ticket attached at the end of
the document).
Accommodations for Diverse Learners: (How can your activity/lesson be modified for diverse (English
language learners, learning disabled, academically gifted) learners?)
this lesson could use pictures to demonstrate the scenarios found on the worksheet for
ELLs and learning disabled.
Lesson Source: (Where did you get the idea for this Check for Success:
lesson? Check one.)
__ I/We created the whole lesson ourselves and did not
borrow elements from other sources or the Internet.
_X_ I/We used the following resources to build our lesson:
(Put the author/date/book name or the title of the website
and complete URL.)
From B. B. Levin & S. Mercier, TED 680B, UNCG, Spring 2010, v.3.1; Adapted based on P. Blanchard, EDCI 3125, LSU, Spring 2011
Based on Marzano, Pickering, & Pollack (2001), Hill & Flynn (2006), and WIDA Standards (2007)
From B. B. Levin & S. Mercier, TED 680B, UNCG, Spring 2010, v.3.1; Adapted based on P. Blanchard, EDCI 3125, LSU, Spring 2011
Based on Marzano, Pickering, & Pollack (2001), Hill & Flynn (2006), and WIDA Standards (2007)
Exit Ticket
1. Fill in the blanks for Newtons
First Law
An object at ___________________ will
stay at rest. An object in
_____________________ will stay in
motion, at the same speed and in
the same ________________________
unless acted on by an outside
2. Which of Newtons Three Laws is
this describing?
One team moves forward while one
team moves backward during a
game of tug-o-war.
From B. B. Levin & S. Mercier, TED 680B, UNCG, Spring 2010, v.3.1; Adapted based on P. Blanchard, EDCI 3125, LSU, Spring 2011
Based on Marzano, Pickering, & Pollack (2001), Hill & Flynn (2006), and WIDA Standards (2007)