Fuzzy Logic Control

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Fuzzy Logic and Fuzzy Control

Dr. Kevin Craig

Professor of Mechanical Engineering
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
Fuzzy Logic & Fuzzy Control

K. Craig

Fuzzy Logic & Fuzzy Control

What is Fuzzy Logic?
Introductory Example: Fuzzy vs. Non-Fuzzy
Conventional Control System Design
Fuzzy Control System Design

Fuzzy Logic & Fuzzy Control

K. Craig

Fuzzy Control: The Basics

Choosing Fuzzy Controller Inputs and Outputs
Putting Control Knowledge into Rule Bases
Fuzzy Quantification of Knowledge
Matching: Determining Which Rules to Use
Inference Step: Determining Conclusions
Converting Decisions into Actions
Tuning via Scaling Universes of Discourse
Tuning Membership Functions
The Nonlinear Surface of the Fuzzy Controller
Summary: Basic Design Guidelines

Fuzzy Logic & Fuzzy Control

K. Craig

Fuzzy Control
Kevin Passino and Stephen Yurkovich
Addison Wesley, 1998

Fuzzy Logic Toolbox

The Math Works, 2001

Fuzzy Logic & Fuzzy Control

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There has been a rapid growth in the number and
variety of applications of fuzzy logic:
Consumer Products, e.g., cameras, camcorders, washing
machines, microwave ovens
Industrial Process Control
Medical Instrumentation

Fuzzy Logic is synonymous with the theory of

fuzzy sets, a theory which relates to classes of
objects with unsharp boundaries in which
membership is a matter of degree.
Fuzzy Logic & Fuzzy Control

K. Craig

The basic concept underlying Fuzzy Logic is that of

a linguistic variable, i.e., a variable whose values
are words rather than numbers.
Much of Fuzzy Logic may be viewed as a
methodology for computing with words rather than
numbers. Although words are inherently less
precise than numbers, their use is closer to human
intuition. Furthermore, computing with words
exploits the tolerance for imprecision and thereby
lowers the cost of solution.
Another basic concept in Fuzzy Logic is that of a
fuzzy if-then rule, or simply, fuzzy rule, and the
calculus of fuzzy rules.
Fuzzy Logic & Fuzzy Control

K. Craig

Fuzzy Logic, neurocomputing, and genetic

algorithms may be viewed as the principal
constituents of soft computing, which unlike hard
computing, is aimed at an accommodation with the
pervasive imprecision of the real world.
The guiding principle of soft computing is: Exploit
the tolerance for imprecision, uncertainty, and
partial truth to achieve tractability, robustness, and
low solution cost.
Soft computing is likely to play an increasingly
important role in the conception and design of
systems whose machine IQ is much higher than that
of systems designed by conventional methods.
Fuzzy Logic & Fuzzy Control

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What is Fuzzy Logic?

Fuzzy Logic is all about the relative importance of
precision. How important is it to be exactly right
when a rough answer will do?
Relevant Quotes:
Vagueness is no more to be done away with in the world
of logic than friction in mechanics. C. Peirce
So far as the laws of mathematics refer to reality, they are
not certain. And so far as they are certain, they do not
refer to reality. A. Einstein
As complexity rises, precise statements lose meaning and
meaningful statements lose precision. L. Zadeh
Fuzzy Logic & Fuzzy Control

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Fuzzy Logic does a good job of trading off between

significance and precision something that humans
have been managing for a very long time.
Fuzzy Logic is both old and new! The modern and
methodical science of fuzzy logic is still young, yet
the concepts of fuzzy logic reach right down to our

Fuzzy Logic & Fuzzy Control

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Fuzzy Logic is a convenient way to map an input

space to an output space, with emphasis on the
word convenient.
Example: You tell me how good your service was
at a restaurant, and Ill tell you what the tip should
Input Space


Output Space

What could go in the black box? Fuzzy system,

linear system, differential equations, lookup tables,
neural networks,
Fuzzy Logic & Fuzzy Control

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Of the dozens of ways to make the black box work, it

turns out that fuzzy is often the very best way! Why?
In almost every case you can build the same product
without fuzzy logic, but fuzzy is faster and cheaper.
L. Zadeh
Why use Fuzzy Logic?
Fuzzy logic is conceptually easy to understand. Its
Fuzzy logic is flexible. It is easy to change without starting
from scratch.
Fuzzy logic is tolerant of imprecise data. This is built into
the process, rather than added onto the end.
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Fuzzy logic can model nonlinear functions of arbitrary

Fuzzy logic can be built on top of the experience of
experts. It lets you rely on the experience of people who
already understand the system.
Fuzzy logic can be blended with conventional control
techniques. Fuzzy systems do not necessarily replace
conventional control methods. In many cases, fuzzy
systems augment them and simplify their
Fuzzy logic is based on natural language, that which is
used by ordinary people on a daily basis and which is
convenient and efficient. The basis for fuzzy logic is the
basis for human communication. As a result, fuzzy logic
is easy to use.
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When Not to Use Fuzzy Logic?

Fuzzy logic is not a cure-all.
Fuzzy logic is a convenient way to map an input space to
an output space. If you find that it is not convenient, try
something else. If a simpler solution exists, use it.
Fuzzy logic is the codification of common sense use
common sense when you implement it and you will
probably make the right decision.
Fuzzy logic can be a very powerful tool for dealing
quickly and efficiently with imprecision and

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Introductory Example:
Fuzzy vs. Non-Fuzzy
Lets look at two different approaches to the same
problem: linear and fuzzy.
Consider the restaurant tipping problem:
What is the right amount to tip your waitperson in a
Given a number between 0 and 10 (where 10 is
excellent) that represents the quality of service at a
restaurant, what should the tip be?
The average tip for a meal in the U.S. is 15%.
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Non-Fuzzy Approach
Suppose that the tip always equals 15% of the total bill.


Tip = 15%






Fuzzy Logic & Fuzzy Control

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This doesnt take into account the quality of service.

Lets have the tip go linearly from 5% if the service is
bad to 25% if the service is excellent.

tip =
service + 0.05








Fuzzy Logic & Fuzzy Control

K. Craig


Now, we may want the tip to reflect the quality of the

food as well. Given two sets of numbers between 0 and
10 (where 10 is excellent) that respectively represent the
quality of the service and the quality of the food at the
restaurant, what should the tip be? Here is a formula to
handle this situation:
tip =
( service + food ) + 0.05

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Fuzzy Logic & Fuzzy Control

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These results dont seem quite right. Suppose you want

the service to be a more important factor than food
quality. Lets say that the service will account for 80%
of the overall tipping grade and the food will make up
the other 20%. Here is a formula that handles this
ServiceRatio = 0.8

tip ServiceRatio
service 0.05

food + 0.05
+ (1 ServiceRatio )

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Fuzzy Logic & Fuzzy Control

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The response is still too uniformly linear. Suppose you

want more of a flat response in the middle, i.e., you want
to give a 15% tip in general, and will depart from this
plateau only if the service is exceptionally good or bad.
This, in turn, means that those nice linear mappings no
longer apply. We can use a piecewise linear

MatLab Code
x = service

Fuzzy Logic & Fuzzy Control

for i=1:length(x)
if x(i)<3
elseif x(i)<7,
elseif x(i)<=10,

K. Craig









Fuzzy Logic & Fuzzy Control

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If we extend this to two dimensions, where we take food

into account again, we get the following results:

MatLab Code
x = service
y = food

Fuzzy Logic & Fuzzy Control

for i=1:length(x)
for j=1:length(y)
if x(i)<3
elseif x(i)<7,

K. Craig


Fuzzy Logic & Fuzzy Control

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Wow! The plot looks good, but the function is

surprisingly complicated.
It was tricky to code this correctly, and its
definitely not easy to modify this code in the future.
Moreover, its even less apparent how the
algorithm works to someone who didnt witness the
original design process.

Fuzzy Logic & Fuzzy Control

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Fuzzy Approach
It would be nice if we could just capture the essentials of
this problem, leaving aside all the factors that could be
If we make a list of what really matters in this problem,
we might end up with the following rule descriptions:

If service is poor, then tip is cheap

If service is good, then tip is average
If service is excellent, then tip is generous
If food is rotten, then tip is cheap
If food is delicious, then tip is generous

The order of the rules does not matter.

These rules can be combined into one tight list of three
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If service is poor or the food is rotten, then tip is cheap

If service is good, then tip is average
If service is excellent or food is delicious, then tip is generous

These three rules are the core of our solution. These are
the rules for a fuzzy logic system. If we give
mathematical meaning to the linguistic variables, we
would have a complete fuzzy inference system.
Of course, there is a lot left to the methodology of fuzzy
logic, e.g.,
How are the rules all combined?
How do I define mathematically what an average tip is?

The details of the method do not change much from

problem to problem the mechanics of fuzzy logic are
not terribly complex. Fuzzy is adaptable, simple, and
easily applied.
Fuzzy Logic & Fuzzy Control

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Fuzzy Logic Solution to the Tipping Problem






Fuzzy Logic & Fuzzy Control



K. Craig


When confronted with a control problem for a
complicated physical process, there is a relatively
systematic control design procedure:
Gain an intuitive understanding of the plants dynamics and
establish the design objective.
Develop a physical and mathematical model of the plant
Use the mathematical model, or a simplified version of it,
to design a controller.

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Use the mathematical model of the closed-loop system

or simulation-based analysis to study the system
performance (possibly leading to redesign).
Implement the controller via a microprocessor, for
example, and evaluate the performance of the closedloop system (again, possibly leading to redesign).

The procedure is concluded when the engineer has

demonstrated that the control objectives have been
met, and the controller is approved for
manufacturing and distribution.
Fuzzy Control Design Methodology can be used to
construct fuzzy controllers for challenging realworld applications.
Fuzzy Logic & Fuzzy Control

K. Craig


In conventional control approaches (PID, lead-lag, state

feedback) the focus is on modeling and the use of this
model to construct a controller described by differential
In fuzzy control, we focus on gaining an intuitive
understanding of how to best control the process, then we
load this information directly into the fuzzy controller.
Differential equations are the language of conventional
control; heuristics and rules about how to control the plant
are the language of fuzzy control.
Are differential equations needed in the fuzzy control
methodology ? We will see how conventional the fuzzy
control methodology really is and how many ideas from
conventional control can be quite useful in the analysis of
fuzzy control systems.
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Conventional Control System Design

Feedback Control System




G c (s)




What are the steps taken to design the controller?

Physical and Mathematical Modeling

Performance Objectives and Design Constraints
Controller Design
Performance Analysis and Evaluation

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Physical and Mathematical Modeling

Remember! There is never a perfect model for the plant!
How does one generate a model?
First Principles of Physics
System Identification via the use of real plant data to produce a
model of the system.
Combined Approach: Write down a general differential equation
that we believe represents the plant behavior, and then perform
experiments on the plant to determine certain model parameters
or functions.
Truth Model: One that is developed to be as accurate as
possible so it can be used in simulation-based evaluations of
control systems.
Design Model: A low-order model for control design that may
satisfy certain assumptions (e.g., linearity, certain nonlinearities)
yet still capture the essential plant behavior.
Fuzzy Logic & Fuzzy Control

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There are certain properties of the plant that the control engineer
often seeks to identify early in the design process, e.g., stability
of the plant, effects of certain nonlinearities, controllability of
the plant, observability of the plant. These properties have a
fundamental impact on our ability to design effective controllers.
In addition, the engineer will try to make a general assessment
of how the plant behaves under various conditions, how the
plant dynamics may change over time, and what random effects
are present.

The goal is a fundamental understanding of plant


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Performance Objectives and Design Constraints

Controller design entails constructing a controller to
meet specifications.
Open Loop vs. Closed Loop: Do not develop a feedback
controller just because you are used to developing feedback
controllers; you may want to consider an open-loop controller
since it may provide adequate performance.

Assuming that you use feedback control, the closed-loop

specifications (performance objectives) can involve the
following factors:

Disturbance-rejection properties
Insensitivity to plant parameter variations

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Settling time
Steady-state error

While these factors are used to characterize the technical

conditions that indicate whether or not a control system
is performing properly, there are other issues that must
be considered that are often of equal or greater

Computational complexity

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It is important that the engineer has all these issues in

mind early in the design process.

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Controller Design
Conventional control has provided numerous methods
for constructing controllers for dynamic systems:
PID control: Over 90% of the controllers in operation today are
PID controllers. This approach is often viewed as simple,
reliable, and easy to understand. Often, like fuzzy controllers,
heuristics are used to tune PID controllers (e.g., the ZeiglerNichols tuning rules)
Classical Control: lead-lag compensation, Bode and Nyquist
methods, root-locus design,
State-Space Methods: state feedback, observers,
Optimal Control: linear quadratic regulator,
Robust Control: H2 and H methods, loop shaping,
Nonlinear Methods: feedback linearization, sliding mode
control, backstepping,
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Adaptive Control: model reference adaptive control, self-tuning


These conventional approaches to control system design

offer a variety of ways to utilize information from
mathematical models on how to do good control.
Sometimes they do not take into account certain heuristic
information early in the design process, but use
heuristics when the controller is implemented to tune it.
Tuning is invariably needed!
Engineers can sometimes become removed from the
control problem and this can lead to unrealistic control
laws. Sometimes in conventional control, useful
heuristics are ignored because they do not fit into the
proper mathematical framework. This can cause
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Performance Analysis and Evaluation

We need performance evaluation to test that the control
system that we design does in fact meet the closed-loop
specifications. This is most important in safety-critical
Basically, there are three general ways to verify that a
control system is operating properly:
Mathematical analysis based on the use of formal
Simulation-based analysis that most often uses formal
Experimental investigations on the real system

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Mathematical Analysis
In mathematical analysis you may seek to prove that the system
is stable, controllable, or that other closed-loop specifications
such as disturbance rejection, rise time, overshoot, settling time,
and steady-state errors have been met.
Clearly, however, there are several limitations to mathematical
First, it always relies on the accuracy of the mathematical
model, which is never a perfect representation of the plant, so
conclusions that are reached from the analysis are in a sense
only as accurate as the model that they are developed from.
Mathematical analysis proves that properties hold for the
mathematical model, not for the real physical system.
Second, existing theory is somewhat lacking for the analysis of
complex nonlinear control systems, particularly when there are
significant nonlinearities, a large number of inputs and outputs,
and stochastic effects.
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Simulation-Based Analysis
In simulation-based analysis we seek to develop a simulation
model of the physical system. This can entail using physics to
develop a mathematical model and perhaps real data can be used
to specify some of the parameters of the model (e.g., via system
identification or direct parameter measurement). The simulation
model can be made quite accurate and this truth model will be
more complex than the model used for control design.
There are always limitations on what can be achieved in
simulation-based analysis.
First, as with the mathematical analysis, the model that is
developed will never be perfectly accurate.
Second, some properties simply cannot be fully verified via
simulation studies, e.g., asymptotic stability of an ordinary
differential equation (simulations can only run for a finite
amount of time and only a finite number of initial conditions can
be tested for these finite-length trajectories).
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However, simulation-based studies can enhance our confidence that

properties of the closed-loop system hold, and can offer valuable
insights into how to redesign the control system before you spend
time implementing the control system.

Experimental Investigations
To conduct an experimental investigation of the performance of a
control system, you implement the control system for the plant and
test it under various conditions.
This can require significant resources, and for some plants you
would not even consider doing an implementation until extensive
mathematical and simulation-based investigations have been
Experimental evaluation does shed some light on issues like cost,
reliability, and maintainability.
Limitations include problems with repeatability of experiments and
variations in physical components.
Getting the system to actually work does enhance ones confidence!
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Keep in mind that there are two basic reasons to do such

First, we seek to verify that the designed control system will
perform properly.
Second, if it does not perform properly, then we hope that the
analysis will suggest a way to improve the performance so that
the controller can be redesigned and the closed-loop
specifications met.

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Fuzzy Control System Design

What is the motivation for turning to fuzzy control?
Modeling and simulating complex real-world
systems for control systems development is a
difficult task.
Even if a relatively accurate model of a dynamic
system can be developed, it is often too complex to
use in controller development, especially for
conventional control design procedures.
In practice, conventional controllers are developed
via simple models of plant behavior and via ad hoc
tuning of relatively simple linear or nonlinear
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Heuristics enter the conventional control design process

as long as you are concerned with the actual
implementation of the control system and approaches
that use appropriate heuristics to tune the design have
been relatively successful.

Questions ?
How much of the success can be attributed to the use of
modeling and conventional control design, and how
much should be attributed to the clever heuristic tuning
that the control engineer uses upon implementation?
If we exploit the use of heuristic information throughout
the entire design process, can we obtain higher
performance control systems?
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Fuzzy control provides a formal methodology for

representing, manipulating, and implementing a
humans heuristic knowledge about how to control
a system.
The fuzzy controller has four main components:
The rule-base holds the knowledge, in the form of a set
of rules, of how best to control the system.
The inference mechanism evaluates which control rules
are relevant at the current time and then decides what the
input to the plant should be.
The fuzzification interface simply modifies the inputs so
that they can be interpreted and compared to the rules in
the rule base.
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Fuzzy Controller





Fuzzy Controller Architecture

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The defuzzification interface converts the conclusions

reached by the inference mechanism into inputs to the

The fuzzy controller is an artificial decision maker

that operates in a closed-loop system in real time. It
gathers plant output data y(t), compares it to the
reference input r(t), and then decides what the plant
input u(t) should be to ensure that the performance
objectives will be met.
Where does the information come from to design
the fuzzy controller?
A human decision maker that performs the control task
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The control engineers understanding of the plant


The rules basically say:

If the plant output and reference input are behaving in a
certain manner, then the plant input should be some

A whole set of such If-Then rules is loaded into the

rule base and an inference strategy is chosen. The
system is then ready to be tested to see if the
closed-loop specifications are met.

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Modeling Issues and Performance Objectives

Is a model needed to develop a fuzzy controller?
Definitely YES!
A proper understanding of the plant dynamics cannot be
obtained without applying first principles of physics to
develop a mathematical model followed by a simulationbased evaluation.
When you carefully consider the possibility of ignoring
the information frequently available in a mathematical
model, it is clear that it will be unwise to do so.
So the role of modeling in fuzzy control design is quite
similar to its role in conventional control system design.
In fuzzy control there is more significant emphasis on
the use of heuristics.
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In fuzzy logic there is a focus on the use of rules to

represent how to control the plant rather than ordinary
differential equations. The representation of knowledge
in rules seems more lucid and natural to some people.
There is simply a language difference between fuzzy and
conventional control: ODEs are the language of
conventional control and rules are the language of fuzzy
The performance objectives and design constraints are
the same as the ones for conventional control. We still
want to meet the same types of closed-loop specification
and the fundamental limitations that the plant provides
still affect our ability to achieve high-performance
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Fuzzy Controller Design

Fuzzy controller design essentially amounts to:
Choosing the fuzzy controller inputs and outputs
Choosing the preprocessing that is needed for the controller
inputs and possibly postprocessing that is needed for the outputs
Designing each of the four components of the fuzzy controller:
fuzzification, rule base, inference mechanism, and

There are standard choices for the fuzzification and

defuzzification interfaces and most often the designer
settles on an inference mechanism and uses it for many
different processes. The main part of the fuzzy
controller we focus on for design is the rule base.
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The rule base represents a human expert in the loop.

The human expert could be someone who has spent a
long time learning how best to control the process or
could be the control engineer who studied the plant
dynamics using modeling and simulation and wrote
down a set of control rules that make sense.
Generally speaking, if we load very detailed expertise
into the rule base, we enhance our chances of obtaining
better performance.

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Performance Evaluation
The ideas presented on performance evaluation for
conventional controllers applies here as well, because the
fuzzy controller is a nonlinear controller, so many
conventional modeling, analysis, and design ideas apply
What value does fuzzy logic control have relative to
conventional methods? Detailed comparative analyses are
few, and, moreover, most work in fuzzy control to date has
focused only on its advantages and has not taken a critical
look at what possible disadvantages there could be to using
The following questions are cause for concern when you
employ a strategy of gathering heuristic control knowledge:
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Will the behaviors that are observed by a human expert and used
to construct the fuzzy controller include all situations that can
occur due to disturbances, noise, or plant parameter variations?
Can the human expert realistically and reliably forsee problems
that could arise from closed-loop system instabilities or limit
Will the human expert be able to effectively incorporate stability
criteria and performance objectives into a rule base to ensure
that reliable operation can be obtained?

These questions are more troublesome in safety-critical

situations or if the human experts knowledge is not as
expert as we would hope.
So there is a need for a methodology to develop,
implement, and evaluate fuzzy controllers to ensure that
they are reliable in meeting their performance
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Application Areas
In engineering potential application areas include:
Flight control, engine control, failure diagnosis, navigation,
satellite attitude control

Automated Highway Systems

Automatic steering, braking, and throttle control for vehicles

Brakes, transmission, suspension, and engine control

Autonomous Vehicles
Ground and underwater

Manufacturing Systems
Scheduling and deposition process control
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Power Industry
Motor control, power control/distribution, load estimation

Process Control
Temperature, pressure, and level control, failure diagnosis,
distillation column control, and desalination processes

Position control and path planning

This is only representative of the range of possible

applications of fuzzy control.

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Fuzzy Control: The Basics

The primary goal of control engineering is to distill
and apply knowledge about how to control a
process so that the resulting control system will
reliably and safely achieve high-performance
Fuzzy Logic provides a methodology for
representing and implementing our knowledge
about how best to control a process.
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Fuzzy Controller





Fuzzy Controller Architecture

Fuzzy Logic & Fuzzy Control

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The fuzzy controller is composed of the following

four elements:
Rule base (set of if-then rules) which contains a fuzzy
logic quantification of the experts linguistic description
of how to achieve good control.
Inference mechanism which emulates the experts
decision making in interpreting and applying knowledge
about how best to control the plant.
Fuzzification interface which converts controller inputs
into information that the inference mechanism can easily
use to activate and apply rules.
Defuzzification interface which converts the conclusions
of the inference mechanism into actual inputs for the
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Simple Example: Balance an Inverted Pendulum on a Cart

The goal is to balance the pendulum in the upright position when it initially
starts with some nonzero angle off the vertical. We will use this system to
illustrate the design and basic mechanics of the operation of a fuzzy control

m, I

Pulley and Encoder
Pulley Radius = r

mr , A , Ir
Pulley Radius = r


Cart - Mass M


Motor Param eters:

J, B f , T f , K T , K A
Motor Operates in Torque Mode

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Choosing Fuzzy Controller Inputs and

The fuzzy controller is to be designed to automate
how a human expert who is successful at this task
would control the system.
The expert will use the error and the rate of change
of the error as the variables on which to base
decisions. This choice makes good intuitive sense.
The controlled variable is the force that moves the
cart the only variable we are allowed to control.

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In general, you want to make sure that the

controller will have the proper information
available to make good decisions and have proper
control inputs to be able to steer the system in the
directions needed to be able to achieve highperformance operation.
While in some academic problems, you may be
given the plant inputs and outputs, in many
practical situations you may have some flexibility
in their choice. These choices affect what
information is available for making on-line
decisions about the control of a process and hence
affect how we design a fuzzy controller.
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You must next determine what the reference input

is. Here it is clear: r(t) = 0.
The choice of the inputs and outputs of the
controller places certain constraints on the
remainder of the fuzzy control design process.
The choice of the controller inputs and outputs is a
fundamentally important part of the control design

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Putting Control Knowledge into Rule Bases

Here we seek to take the linguistic description of
how best to control the plant and load it into the
fuzzy controller.
Linguistic Descriptions can be broken down into
several parts:
Linguistic Variables that describe each of the timevarying fuzzy controller inputs and outputs
Error e(t)
Rate-of-change in the error de(t)/dt
Force u(t)

The choice of the linguistic description of variables has

no impact on the way the fuzzy controller operates.
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Just as e(t) takes on a numerical value, e.g., e(2) = 0.1,

linguistic variables assume linguistic values, i.e., the
values that linguistic variables take on over time change
For the inverted pendulum system, the error, rate-ofchange in the error, and force take on the following

negative large or neglarge or -2

negative small or negsmall or -1
zero or 0
positive small or possmall or +1
positive large or poslarge or +2

The last type of linguistic variable is called a linguisticnumeric value.

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The linguistic variables and values provide a language

for the expert to express his/her ideas about the control
decision-making process in the context of the framework
established by our choice of fuzzy controller inputs and
For the inverted pendulum, the following statements
quantify a different configuration of the pendulum:

error is poslarge
error is negsmall
error is zero
error is poslarge and rate-of-change in error is possmall
error is negsmall and rate-of-change in error is possmall

We see that to quantify the dynamics of the process we

need to have a good understanding of the physics of the
underlying process we are trying to control.
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We use the linguistic quantification to specify a set

of linguistic rules (a rule base) that captures the
experts knowledge about how to control the plant.
For example:
If error is neglarge and rate-of-change in error is
neglarge Then force is poslarge
If error is zero and rate-of-change in error is possmall
Then force is negsmall
If error is poslarge and rate-of-change in error is
negsmall Then force is negsmall

A linguistic rule is formed from linguistic variables

and values neither the values nor the rules are
precise; the rules are simply abstract ideas.
Fuzzy Logic & Fuzzy Control

K. Craig


The general form of the linguistic rule is:

IF premise (or antecedent) THEN consequent (or action)
The antecedents are associated with the fuzzy controller
The consequents are associated with the fuzzy controller
Each premise or consequent can be composed of the
conjunction of several terms.
There does not need to be a premise (consequent) term for
each input (output) in each rule, although often there is.

Since we only specify a finite number of linguistic

variables and values, there is only a finite number of
possible rules.
Fuzzy Logic & Fuzzy Control

K. Craig


For the inverted pendulum system, there are two

inputs and five linguistic values for each of these.
Hence, there are at most 52 = 25 possible rules.
Shown is a tabular representation or rule table.
rate-of-change in error



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K. Craig


The table shows, for example, that:

IF error is poslarge AND rate-of-change in error is
negsmall THEN force is negsmall

Notice the pattern of rule consequents that appears

in the body of the table. Notice the diagonal of
zeros and viewing the body of the table as a matrix
we see that it has a certain symmetry to it. This
symmetry that emerges when the rules are tabulated
is actually a representation of abstract knowledge
about how to control the pendulum and is due to a
symmetry in the systems dynamics. This
symmetry can be exploited in implementing fuzzy
Fuzzy Logic & Fuzzy Control

K. Craig


Fuzzy Quantification of Knowledge

How do we fully quantify the meaning of linguistic
descriptions so that we may automate, in the fuzzy
controller, the control rules specified by the expert?
We use Membership Functions to quantify (make
less fuzzy) the meaning of the linguistic values.
For Example: Possmall Membership Function

is the certainty (degree of

truth) that e(t) can be classified
linguistically as possmall


( / 2) = 0 0.5
( / 8) = 0.5
( / 4) = 1.0
( / 2) = 0
Fuzzy Logic & Fuzzy Control

e(t) (rad)

K. Craig


The membership function quantifies, in a

continuous manner, whether values e(t) belong to
(are members of) the set of values that are
possmall, and hence it quantifies the meaning of
the linguistic statement error is possmall.
Depending on the application and the designer,
many different choices of membership functions
are possible. The definition of a membership
function is subjective rather than objective. That is,
we simply quantify it in a manner that makes sense
to us, but others may quantify it in a different
Fuzzy Logic & Fuzzy Control

K. Craig


Membership Functions:
The only condition a membership function must really
satisfy is that it must vary between 0 and 1. The function
itself can be an arbitrary curve whose shape we can
define as a function that suits us from the point of view
of simplicity, convenience, speed, and efficiency.
The simplest membership functions are formed using
straight lines. The simplest is the triangular membership
function a collection of three points forming a triangle.
The trapezoidal membership function has a flat top and
really is just a truncated triangle curve.
These straight-line membership functions have the
advantage of simplicity.

Fuzzy Logic & Fuzzy Control

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Straight-Line Membership Functions

Gaussian and Bell Membership Functions

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Sigmoidal Membership Functions

Polynomial Membership Functions

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Summary: Membership Functions

Fuzzy Logic & Fuzzy Control

K. Craig


Gaussian and bell membership functions are popular

methods for specifying fuzzy sets. Both of these curves
have the advantage of being smooth and nonzero at all
points, however, they are unable to specify asymmetric
membership functions, which are important in certain
Sigmoidal membership functions are either open left or
open right. Asymmetric and closed (i.e., not open to the
left or right) membership functions can be synthesized
using two sigmoidal functions.
Polynomial-based curves also serve as membership
You can probably get along very well with just one or
two types of membership functions.
Fuzzy Logic & Fuzzy Control

K. Craig


Summary of Membership Functions:

Fuzzy sets describe vague concepts (fast runner, hot
weather, weekend days).
A fuzzy set admits the possibility of partial
membership in it. (Friday is sort of a weekend day,
the weather is rather hot).
The degree an object belongs to a fuzzy set is denoted
by a membership value between 0 and 1. (Friday is a
weekend day to the degree 0.8).
A membership function associated with a given fuzzy
set maps an input value to its appropriate membership

Fuzzy Logic & Fuzzy Control

K. Craig


The set of values that is described by as being

positive small is called a fuzzy set.
Fuzzy logic starts with the concept of a fuzzy set. A
fuzzy set is a set without a crisp, clearly defined
boundary. It can contain elements with only a partial
degree of membership.
A classical set is a container that wholly includes or
wholly excludes any given element.
Shoe Polish




Classical Set: Days of the Week

Fuzzy Logic & Fuzzy Control

K. Craig


Everything falls into either one group or the other. There is

no thing that is both a day of the week and not a day of the
Now consider the set of days comprising the weekend.
Shoe Polish





Fuzzy Set: Days of the Weekend
Friday feels like part of the weekend, but technically it
should be excluded. Friday sits on the fence fence sitting
is part of life.
Fuzzy Logic & Fuzzy Control

K. Craig


We are entering the realm where sharp-edged yes-no

logic stops being helpful. Fuzzy reasoning becomes
valuable exactly when we are talking about how people
really perceive the concept weekend as opposed to a
simple-minded classification useful for accounting
purposes only.
In fuzzy logic, the truth of any statement becomes a
matter of degree.
Any statement can be fuzzy. The tool that fuzzy
reasoning gives is the ability to reply to a yes-no
question with a not-quite-yes-or-no answer.
Reasoning in fuzzy logic is just a matter of generalizing
the familiar yes-no (Boolean) logic. If True = 1 and
False = 0, values like 0.73 and 0.22 are permitted.
Fuzzy Logic & Fuzzy Control

K. Craig


Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Monday
Days of the Weekend: Two-Valued Membership


Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Monday
Days of the Weekend: Multi-Valued Membership

Fuzzy Logic & Fuzzy Control

K. Craig


Another Example: Consider the Set of Tall People

Fuzzy Logic & Fuzzy Control

K. Craig


Function for

Function for Tall
Fuzzy Logic & Fuzzy Control

K. Craig


We can now specify the membership functions for all 15

linguistic values of our inverted pendulum example.

Fuzzy Logic & Fuzzy Control

K. Craig


Note that for the inputs e(t) and de(t)/dt the outermost
membership functions saturate at a value of one. This
makes intuitive sense as at some point the human expert
would just group all large values together in a linguistic
description such as poslarge.
For the output u, the membership functions at the
outermost edges cannot be saturated for the fuzzy system
to be properly defined since we seek to take actions that
specify an exact value for the process input. We do not
generally indicate to a process actuator, any value
bigger than say, 10, is acceptable.
We see that the membership functions quantify the
meaning of linguistic statements that describe timevarying signals.
Fuzzy Logic & Fuzzy Control

K. Craig


The rule base of the fuzzy controller holds the

linguistic variables, linguistic values, their
associated membership functions, and the set of all
linguistic rules. Next we describe the fuzzification

For most fuzzy controllers the fuzzification process
is very simple and can be virtually ignored. It is
simply the act of obtaining a value of an input
variable (e.g., e(t)) and finding the numeric values
of the membership function(s) that are defined for
that variable.
Fuzzy Logic & Fuzzy Control

K. Craig


For example, if e(t) = /4 and de(t)/dt = /16, the

fuzzification process amounts to finding the values
of the input membership functions for these.
possmall [ e(t) ] = 1

zero e(t) = possmall e(t) = 0.5



Some think of the membership function values as

an encoding of the fuzzy controller numeric input
The encoded information is then used in the fuzzy
inference process that starts with matching.
Fuzzy Logic & Fuzzy Control

K. Craig


Matching: Determining Which Rules to Use

How does the inference mechanism operate?
The inference process generally involves two steps:
The premises of all the rules are compared to the
controller inputs to determine which rules apply to the
current situation. This matching process involves
determining the certainty that each rule applies, and
typically we will more strongly take into account the
recommendations of rules that we are more certain apply
to the current situation.
The conclusions are determined using rules that have
been determined to apply at the current time and are
characterized with a fuzzy set (or sets) that represents the
certainty that the input should take on various values.
Fuzzy Logic & Fuzzy Control

K. Craig


Step 1: Premise Quantification via Fuzzy Logic

Quantify each of the rules with fuzzy logic. First
quantify the meaning of the premises of the rules that are
composed of several terms, each of which involves a
fuzzy controller input.
For example: IF error is zero AND rate-of-change in
error is possmall THEN force is negsmall

Fuzzy Logic & Fuzzy Control

K. Craig


How do we quantify the AND operation?

We know whats fuzzy about fuzzy logic, but what about
Fuzzy logic reasoning is a superset of standard Boolean
logic. If we keep the fuzzy values at their extreme of 1
(completely true) and 0 (completely false), standard
logical operations will hold.
Consider the standard truth tables.

Fuzzy Logic & Fuzzy Control

K. Craig


What function will preserve the results of the AND truth

table and also extend to all real numbers between 0 and
1? One answer is the min function. That is, resolve the
statement A AND B, where A and B are limited to the
range (0,1), by using the function min(A,B).
Using the same reasoning, we can replace the OR
operation with the max function, so that A OR B
becomes equivalent to max(A,B).

Fuzzy Logic & Fuzzy Control

K. Craig


Notice how the truth table is completely unchanged by

this substitution.
Moreover, since there is a function behind the truth table
rather than just the truth table itself, we can now consider
values other than 1 and 0.
Returning to the inverted pendulum example, suppose:

e(t) =

e(t) =

zero [ e(t) ] = 0.5


possmall e(t) = 0.25


What for these values is the certainty of the statement:

error is zero AND rate-of-change in error is possmall ?
Fuzzy Logic & Fuzzy Control

K. Craig


There are actually several ways to define it. We have

already considered one way.
MINIUMUM: Define premise = min{0.5, 0.25} = 0.25, that is,
using the minimum of the two membership values.
PRODUCT: Define premise = (0.5)(0.25) = 0.125, that is, using
the product of the two membership values.

Do these quantifications make sense? They both

indicate that you can be no more certain about the
conjunction of two statements than you can about the
individual terms that make them up.
Remember that e(t) and de(t)/dt change dynamically over
time. When this occurs the values of premise for each
rule change, and hence the applicability of each rule in
the rule base for specifying the force input to the cart,
changes with time.
Fuzzy Logic & Fuzzy Control

K. Craig


premise e(t), e(t)


Represents how certain we are

that a rule is applicable for
specifying the force input to the

Multidimensional Membership Function

of the Premise for a Single Rule

Fuzzy Logic & Fuzzy Control

K. Craig


Which Rules Are On?

Determining the applicability of each rule is called
matching. We say that a rule is on at time t if its
premise membership function premise > 0.
The inference mechanism seeks to determine which rules
are on to find out which rules are relevant to the current

Suppose that: e(t) = 0
= 0.294
e(t) =
8 32
We see that:
zero [ e(t)] = 1

Fuzzy Logic & Fuzzy Control

zero e(t) = 0.25


possmall e(t) = 0.75


K. Craig


Input Membership Functions with Input Values

Fuzzy Logic & Fuzzy Control

K. Craig


All other membership functions are off.

Rules are on that have the premise terms:
error is zero
rate-of-change in error is zero
rate-of-change in error is possmall

Which rules are these? Check our table.



Fuzzy Logic & Fuzzy Control





K. Craig


Inference Step: Determining Conclusions

How de we determine which conclusions should be
reached when the rules that are on are applied to
deciding what the force input to the cart should be?
First consider the recommendations of each rule
independently. Then we will combine all the
recommendations from all the rules to determine
the force input to the cart.
Recommendation from Rule 1:
IF error is zero AND rate-of-change in error is zero
THEN force is zero
premise(1) = min{0.25, 1} = 0.25
Fuzzy Logic & Fuzzy Control

K. Craig


(a) Consequent Membership Function for Rule 1

(b) Implied Fuzzy Set with Membership Function (1)(u) for Rule 1
(1) (u) = min{0.25, zero (u)}
Fuzzy Logic & Fuzzy Control

K. Craig


The justification for the use of the minimum operator to

represent the implication is that we can be no more
certain about our consequent than our premise. We
could use the product operation to represent the
implication also.
Notice that the membership function (1)(u) is a function
of u and that the minimum operation will generally
chop off the top of the zero(u) membership function to
produce (1)(u).
We see that (1)(u) is in general a time-varying function
that quantifies how certain Rule 1 is that the force input
u should take on certain values.
It is most certain that the force input should lie in a
region around zero, and it indicates that it is certain that
the force input should not be too large, either + or -.
Fuzzy Logic & Fuzzy Control

K. Craig


The membership function (1)(u) quantifies the

conclusion reached by only Rule 1 and only for the
current e(t) and de(t)/dt.

Recommendation from Rule 2:

IF error is zero AND rate-of-change in error is possmall
THEN force is negsmall
premise(2) = min{0.75, 1} = 0.75
We are 0.75 certain that this rule applies to the current
Notice that we are much more certain that Rule 2 applies
to the current situation than Rule 1.
Rule 2 is quite certain that the control output should be a
small negative value.
Fuzzy Logic & Fuzzy Control

K. Craig


(a) Consequent Membership Function for Rule 2

(b) Implied Fuzzy Set with Membership Function (2)(u) for Rule 2
(2) (u) = min{0.75, negsmall (u)}
Fuzzy Logic & Fuzzy Control

K. Craig


As Rule 2 has a premise membership function that has a

higher certainty than for Rule 1, we see that we are more
certain of the conclusion reached by Rule 2.
This completes the operations of the inference
While the input to the inference process is the set of rules
that are on, its output is the set of implied fuzzy sets that
represent the conclusions reached by all the rules that are

Fuzzy Logic & Fuzzy Control

K. Craig


Converting Decisions into Actions

This is the defuzzification operation, the final
component of the fuzzy controller.
Defuzzification operates on the implied fuzzy sets
produced by the inference mechanism and
combines their effects to provide the most certain
controller output (plant input).
Some think of defuzzification as decoding the
fuzzy set information produced by the inference
process into numeric fuzzy controller outputs.
First, draw all the implied fuzzy sets on one axis.
Fuzzy Logic & Fuzzy Control

K. Craig


Implied Fuzzy Sets

Fuzzy Logic & Fuzzy Control

K. Craig


We want to find the one output, which we denote as ucrisp

that best represents the conclusions of the fuzzy
controller that are represented with the implied fuzzy
There are actually many approaches to defuzzification.
We will consider the center of gravity (COG)
defuzzification method for combining the
recommendations represented by the implied fuzzy sets
from all the rules.
Let bi denote the center of the membership function of
the consequent rule (i). Here b1 = 0.0 and b2 = -10.




Fuzzy Logic & Fuzzy Control



where (i) is the area

under the membership function (i)

K. Craig


Defuzzification Methods





centroid of area
bisector of area
mean of maximum
smallest of maximum
largest of maximum














Fuzzy Logic & Fuzzy Control






K. Craig



Three items are important to note:

We cannot have output membership functions that have infinite
Be careful to define the input and output membership functions
so that the sum in the denominator is not equal to zero no matter
what the inputs to the fuzzy controller are. Essentially, this
means that we must have some sort of conclusion for all possible
control situations we may encounter.
The area is easy to compute for our example. For the case
where we have symmetric triangular output membership
functions that peak at one and have a base width of w, simple
geometry can be used to show that the area under a triangle
chopped off at a height h is equal to:


Fuzzy Logic & Fuzzy Control

K. Craig


The input to the cart is then:



(0)(4.375) + (10)(9.375)
= 6.81 N
4.375 + 9.375

Does this result make sense?

Fuzzy Logic & Fuzzy Control

K. Craig


Graphical Depiction
Fuzzy Controller Operations
Fuzzy Logic & Fuzzy Control

K. Craig


Tuning via Scaling Universes of Discourse

We can use standard ideas from conventional control
engineering to try to tune the fuzzy logic controller.
To do this we include gains on the inputs, as well as a
gain between the fuzzy controller and the plant.
In the case of the inverted pendulum, we are having the
same effect as varying the proportional and derivative
gains of a classical PD controller.
The change in the scaling gains at the input and output of
the fuzzy controller can have a significant impact on the
performance of the resulting fuzzy control system, and
hence they are often a convenient parameter for tuning.
What happens when these scaling gains are tuned?
Fuzzy Logic & Fuzzy Control

K. Craig


Input Scaling Gains

The choice of scaling gain g results in a scaling of the
horizontal axis of the membership function.
If g = 1, there is no effect on the membership functions
If g < 1, the membership functions are uniformly spread out by a
factor of 1/g; the membership function is now characterized by
larger numbers
If g > 1, the membership functions are uniformly contracted by a
factor of 1/g; the membership function is now characterized by
smaller numbers

The expansion and contraction of the horizontal axes by the

input scaling gains is like the operation of an accordion,
especially for triangular membership functions.
So we can either use input scaling gains or simply redefine
the horizontal axis of the membership functions.
Fuzzy Logic & Fuzzy Control

K. Craig


We see that the input scaling factors have an inverse

relationship in terms of their ultimate effect on scaling.
Larger g that is > 1corresponds to changing the meaning
of the linguistics so that they quantify smaller numbers.
As we will see, just the opposite effect is seen for the
output scaling gain.

Output Scaling Gains

Similarly, you can collapse the output scaling gain h into
the definition of the membership functions on the output.
If h = 1, there is no effect on the output membership functions
If h < 1, there is the effect of contracting the output membership
functions and hence making the meaning of their associated
linguistics quantify smaller numbers

Fuzzy Logic & Fuzzy Control

K. Craig


If h > 1, there is the effect of spreading out the output

membership functions and hence making the meaning of their
associated linguistics quantify larger numbers

Overall, the tuning of scaling gains for fuzzy systems is

often referred to as scaling a fuzzy system. Scaling
gains can be used to normalize a fuzzy controller, i.e.,
the effective universes of discourse for all inputs and
outputs are the same, e.g., [-1, +1].

Fuzzy Logic & Fuzzy Control

K. Craig


Tuning Membership Functions

Scaling gains are not the only parameters that can be
tuned to improve the performance of the fuzzy control
Sometimes it is the case that for a given rule base and
membership functions you cannot achieve the desired
performance by tuning only the scaling gains. Often
what is needed is a more careful consideration of how to
specify additional rules or better membership functions.
The problem is that there are often too many parameters
to tune, e.g., membership function shapes, positioning,
and the number and type of rules, and often there is not a
clear connection between the design objectives and a
rationale and method that should be used for tuning.
Fuzzy Logic & Fuzzy Control

K. Craig


One method that has been found to be very useful for

real implementations of fuzzy control systems for
challenging systems is output membership function
For example, making the output membership function
centers near the origin be more closely spaced than the
membership functions farther out on the horizontal axis
will have the effect of making the gain of the fuzzy
controller smaller when the signals are small and larger
as the signals grow larger (up to the point where there is
saturation, of course).
This can help counter large disturbances while keeping
the gains small when the input signals are small so as not
to amplify noise in a real implementation.
Fuzzy Logic & Fuzzy Control

K. Craig


The Nonlinear Surface of the Fuzzy Controller

Ultimately the goal of tuning is to shape the nonlinearity
that is implemented by the fuzzy controller.
This nonlinearity, sometimes called the control surface,
is affected by all the main fuzzy controller parameters.
The surface represents in a compact way all the
information in the fuzzy controller. Of course, this
representation is limited in that if there are more than
two inputs it becomes difficult to visualize the surface.
Note that a simple PD controller is a plane in three
dimensions. With the proper choice of the PD gains, the
linear PD controller can easily be made to have the same
shape as the fuzzy controller near the origin. However,
there is no way the linear PD controller can achieve a
nonlinear control surface.
Fuzzy Logic & Fuzzy Control

K. Craig


Inverted Pendulum Fuzzy Controller




Fuzzy Logic & Fuzzy Control







K. Craig


Inverted Pendulum Fuzzy Controller






Fuzzy Logic & Fuzzy Control



K. Craig


Summary: Basic Design Guidelines

These are basic design guidelines that are generic to all

fuzzy controllers.
Begin by trying a simple conventional PID controller.
If this is successful, do not even try a fuzzy controller.
The PID is computationally simpler and very easy to
Perhaps you should also try some other conventional
control approaches, e.g., lead-lag or state feedback, if
it seems that these may offer a good solution.
For a variety of reasons, you may choose to try a fuzzy
controller. Choose the proper inputs to the fuzzy

Fuzzy Logic & Fuzzy Control

K. Craig


Try tuning the fuzzy controller using scaling gains.

Try adding or modifying rules and membership
functions so that you more accurately characterize the
best way to control the plant. This can require
significant insight into the physics of the plant.
Try to incorporate higher-level ideas about how best to
control the plant.
If there is unsmooth or chattering behavior, you may
have a gain set too high on an input to the fuzzy
controller, or perhaps the output gain is too high.
Setting the input gain too high makes it so that the
membership functions saturate for very low values,
which can result in oscillations.

Fuzzy Logic & Fuzzy Control

K. Craig


Sometimes the addition of more membership functions

and rules can help. These can provide for a finer
control, which can sometimes reduce chattering or
Sometimes it is best to first design a linear controller,
then choose the scaling gains, membership functions,
and rule base so that near the operating point the slope of
the control surface will match the slope of the linear
controller. Then we are incorporating all the good ideas
that have gone into the design of the linear controller
(about an operating point) into the design of the fuzzy
controller. After this, the designer should seek to shape
the nonlinearity for the case where the input signals are
not near the operating point using insights about the
Fuzzy Logic & Fuzzy Control

K. Craig


As with conventional control design, a process of trial

and error is generally needed.
If you are having trouble coming up with a good fuzzy
controller, you probably need to gain a better
understanding of the physics of the process you are
trying to control, and then you need to get the knowledge
of how to properly affect the plant dynamics into the
fuzzy controller.

Fuzzy Logic & Fuzzy Control

K. Craig


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