Annoitated Biblography Reseach Techniques
Annoitated Biblography Reseach Techniques
Annoitated Biblography Reseach Techniques
Zachary Olson
Research techniques and Technology
18 October 2015
Annotated Bibliography
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Source Number 1PETE, Y. (n.d). Baseball's Roger Clemens charged with perjury, obstruction of Congress
in steriods scandal. Canadian Press, The,
Summary- This article is about Rodger Clemens and how he is being charged with perjury for
lying in court about using steroids. He said on the stand they had never taken steroids in his 23
year career, but his old trainer said he Injected Rodger with HIGH and Andy Pettitte one of his
teammates who also used steroids told officials that Rodger told him he used them. Rodger was
one of the best pitchers in MLB history but this steroids issue is making it hard for him to get in
to the hall of fame. He also may face time in jail and a big fine for Perjury. This is just one of
many examples of how steroids have affect baseball and the players that use it.
Evaluation- I think that this article is a good source for the subject that I am talking about for my
research, and I think that it is a very credible article. The intended audience for this is people
interested in baseball, and also the people who pay attention to the MLB hall of fame and fans of
Rodger Clemens. Its also for those who are trying to learn about how baseball is affected by
steroids. This article was done in 2010 so it isnt the most relevant source, but it is a good article
for what I am talking about in my research. I think its a good source for me.
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Hamilton Spectator, The (ON).
Summary- This article is about Major league baseball and how it handed over all of their
Subpoenaed documents to the U.S. House panel investigation steroids in baseball. These
documents will show how cooperative MLB will be with investigation; it was still unclear who
will up to testify at the committees hearing. They had players such as Mark McGwire, Sammy
Sosa, Jose Canseco, Jason Giambi, Rafeal Palmerio, Curt Shilling, and Frank Thomas, who were
all subpoenaed. These are [players that have been thought to have used steroids, or who have
been proven to use steroids. This is a big issue with these players because some have broken big
records and they are trying to prove that the cheated there way to achieve these records.
Evaluation- This article is a very credible article, because it was done in court and it had proven
reasons for the people that were there and why they were there. The intended audience is anyone
who wants to learn about steroids and anyone interested in the law and how sports are treated
during investigations. It is a very original source because its about a specific topic and it has
quotes in it. It from 2005 so its not that relevant but it will be helpful to my paper because it talks
about steroids and how its affecting the athletes of baseball. This is why this is a good article for
anyone trying to talk about steroids and its effects on the game of baseball.
Source Number 3Carise, Deni. "Baseball and Steroids: What's the Big Deal?" The Huffington Post., n.d. Web. 18 Oct. 2015.
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Summary- This article is about how people are fed up with Americas pastime baseball with the
use of steroids, and how people are complaining about the MLB punishing players who use
steroids. It says that they should try to make two leagues, one that can use steroids, and then the
other that plays in the right way and doesnt allow steroids. It talks about how much more money
baseball would make and the players if they allowed steroids because the raise in stats, but it
would hurt the MLB because of the side effects of using steroids. There is very bad side affects
to using steroids and this would make kids younger start using steroids earlier and it would be
even worse for an athlete still developing to use steroids. It also talks about how back in the day
baseball didnt care if you used steroids and now in 2003 they started testing baseball players and
have now suspended players and punished them for their use of steroids.
Evaluation- This article is a okay source because its an opinionated article about what the author
thinks should happen. It is a creatable cite though because of the website that it comes from. The
audience is anyone who is interested in a good read and an opinionated article about steroids. Its
for anyone that likes to learn about steroids in baseball. The originally of the article is good
because its an opinionated article. The relevance is good but its not really a good article for me
to use in my paper.
Source Number 4FREDERIC J. FROMMER - Associated Press, W. (2004). McCain Criticizes Baseball Over
Steriods. AP Online,
Summary- This article is about how baseball has a real problem with steroids, and that it need to
institute a stronger drug testing program that will catch the players that use steroids. It talks
about how football tests for it and that its not until the fifth time being caught that they will be
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suspended, it says that baseball should implement it to where the penalty of using steroids is
bigger. Some players in the MLB said that they want the MLB to get a stronger testing system to
help the guys out that arent using Steroids. They want the MLB to bring back the integrity of the
game. It also talks about some steroids users and how they were handled in their investigation
with them.
Evaluation- This is very credible source and it can defiantly be used in my paper over steroids in
baseball. It gives examples of why players and MLB people want more testing to happen, and
make the testing stronger. The attended audience is anyone trying to find examples of steroids in
baseball. Its also a good thing for a person writing about steroids to use in a research paper. The
originally of the source is good. The relevance is good its just a little old article when steroids
started to become a big issue in baseball. This will be a good article to use in my paper.
Source Number 5Is Baseball Tarnished?. (2004). Scholastic News -- Senior Edition, 72(19), 3.
Summary- This article is about how steroids are making Americas past time baseball a tarnished
name. Many of the fanfare are said to being overshadowed because of the outbreak of players
using steroids. Steroids are banned in most sports and in baseball because it helps build muscle
easily and makes athletes make gains quicker and lift longer, and harder. A nutritionalsupplements company in San Francisco California told investigators that they gave steroids to
MLB stars Barry Bonds, Jason Giambi, and Gary Sheffield, and three other athletes. This article
is saying that random drug testing could help but its not for sure that it will.
Evaluation- This article is a very good article for someone doing research on steroids in baseball
because it talks about players who have been caught using it and about random drug testing done
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in baseball. The intended audience is anyone that wants to learn more about the issue of steroids
in the game of baseball. The originally is a good source for this. The relevance of this article is
good because it gives examples and explains why they are doing random drug testing in baseball
and how its effecting the game.
Source Number 6(n.d). Wake-up call for baseball. Toronto Star (Canada).
Summary- Looking at this article you will see it talk about the Blue Jays baseball team and how
some of its players are being reported to have used steroids while playing for the Jays and are
giving the organization a bad name. Fans figured that mostly all players have been using steroids
so its not a big deal to them, and the union is making it seem like its not a big deal ether. The
report had implicated that 10 former and current Jays are connected to using steroids. The
president of the Jays hopes for a speedy action the clear away the black cloud steroids have put
over baseball.
Evaluation- This article is a good source for giving examples of how an organization is having
issues with steroids. Its also a good article because it talks about how steroids is giving baseball
a black cloud and making it look bad, so its a very credible source for a research paper. The
audience is anyone trying to learn more about how steroids effect an organization and not just the
players in baseball. The originality is good and the relevance is good because its a current issue
in the sport of baseball even today.
Source Number 7(2005, February 20). Boone latest to deny steriod allegation. Winnipeg Free Press (MB). p. c6.
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Summary- Seattle Mariners second baseman Bret Boone is being accused of using steroids by
Jose Canseco who himself admitted to using steroids in his career and introduced it to other
players. Jose talks about how he figured out that Bret was using it because when they played
during a spring training game and Boone said a code word that meant he used steroids to Jose.
As always Bret has denied the accusation and hasnt been proven to using steroids. However he
had a career year after being accused of it so it is possible for him to have been on steroids.
Evaluation- After looking at the article is a credible article by the way the writer writes it, he uses
quotes and tells it from the person accusing Bret of doing steroids perspective. The intended
audience is the public and the people of baseball; its also for those who write about baseball.
The originality of the article is good because its from a persons perspective and uses real quotes
form conversations. The relevance of the article is very good and will help with the writing
Source Number 8Hugel, B. (1999). Sizing Up Steroids. Scholastic Choices, 15(3), 10.
Summary- In this article it is talking about examples of young athletes thinking about taking
steroids, but doctors and coaches say the harm of the steroids they are trying to take. It says that
most of the steroids wont even help the athletes that much that in the long run it just causes bad
health and health problems down the road. It says that steroids do more hurt then it does help
which should make anyone considering it to not want to take it anymore. Its easier to gain
weight or muscle the right way by eating right and lifting right. Using steroids is a quick
ineffective way to go and its harmful for your body.
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Evaluation- The credibility of this source is very good, considering that the people taking about
the steroids and effects are doctors who are around it and know the risks of young athletes and
old athletes of using steroids. The intended audience is for parents and athletes of someone who
takes steroids or is thinking about using steroids to get better in their sport the quick easy way.
The originality of the source is good because it gives a view from both sides. The relevance for
the research is good because of the examples that it gives, all in all this is one of if not the best
source yet.
Source Number 9Gregory, S. (2005). Hall of shame. Time, 165(13), 56-57.
Summary- This article is about Mark McGwire and his steroid use coming to a head while being
questioned in the court room on St. Patricks Day. He swore to tell the truth and nothing but the
truth however what he did was answer around questions and not answer questions so he pretty
much pleaded the fifth which did work out well for him. It also talks about how in the Olympics
the athlete is automatically suspended a year for a drug test and kicked out for life with a second
offence. This makes Bud Selig the MLB commissioner to think about making the punishment
worse then what is in place now.
Evaluation- The credibility of this article is very good because of the way the author talks about
it and the way he uses the information making it easy to read and giving examples to why he
thinks this way. The indented audience is anyone involved in steroids and steroids in their sport.
It even gives examples of the Olympic policy which is a good source. The originality of this is
good and the relevance is good for what the article is about, and its a great thing to use in a
research paper.
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Source Number 10Bonds success `fuelled by steriods'. (n.d). Northern Territory News (includes Sunday
Summary- This article is about Barry bonds and him breaking the homerun record at the age of
43 years old. He came back and played out of his mind to become the new homerun leader, and
now is being said to have used steroids. He has gone to say earlier in his career in 2003 that he
has never used steroids and told it to the jury. Bonds now could face charges of perjury for lying
that he never used steroids but the just in his last season makes it not look to good for his case
about never using steroids.
Evaluation- This article is not the best article because it is very short and is not very good with
defining all of the issues involving bonds; however it is a credible source. The indented audience
is Bonds fans as well as baseball fans. The originality is good however its very short and doesnt
explain much in it, but the relevance of it is good. This all in all would not be a good source for a
research paper.