Phytochemical Screening of The Leaf Extracts of Hyptis: Spicigera Plant

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Vol. 8(5), pp.

83-88 May, 2014

DOI: 10.5897/AJPAC2014. 0560
Article Number: 608221544883
ISSN 1996 - 0840
Copyright 2014
Author(s) retain the copyright of this article

African Journal of Pure and Applied


Full Length Research Paper

Phytochemical screening of the leaf extracts of Hyptis

spicigera plant
Z. Ladan1*, J. O. Amupitan2, O. A. Oyewale2, R. G. Ayo3, E. Temple2 and E. O. Ladan4

National Research Institute for Chemical Technology, Private Mail Bag 1052, Zaria, Nigeria.
Department of Chemistry, Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria, Nigeria.
Division of Agricultural Colleges, Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria, Nigeria.
National Agricultural Extension and Research Liaison Services, Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria, Nigeria.
Received 4 March, 2014; Accepted 7 May, 2014

The present study reports the screening of phytochemical constituents of the leaf extracts of Hyptis
spicigera using hexane, ethylacetate and methanol and the leaf powder of the plant. Qualitative analysis
of phytochemical constituents showed the presence of the following secondary metabolites vitannins,
carbohydrates, saponins, flavonoids, steroids, alkaloids, quinones, coumarin, terpenoids, resins and
cardiac glycosides. The quantitative analysis of total phenolics, alkaloids, saponins, terpenoids and
flavonoids carried out using standard protocols revealed the presence of flavonoids (8.82%), saponins
(6.23%), terpenoids (16.10%), alkaloids (7.55%) and phenolics (20.75%) respectively. Phenolics showed
the highest content (20.75%) while saponins (6.23%) gave the least content. The high content of
phenolics in the plant showed that H. spicigera plant may contain antioxidant properties and could be a
good source of natural antioxidants. Also, the richness in flavonoids, saponins, alkaloids and
terpenoids in this plant can be correlated with its medicinal properties used by traditional herbal
healers in Northern Nigeria.
Key words: Hyptis spicigera, phytochemical screening, secondary metabolites.

Plants have been the subject of human curiosity and use
for thousands of years (Ram et al., 2004) and have
played important roles in many countries of the world for
centuries by providing food, shelter, clothing,
agrochemicals, flavours and fragrances and more
importantly, medicines (Gurib-Fakim, 2006).Traditional
people have relied on medicinal plants to combat various

ailments caused bymicroorganisms such as bacteria,

fungi and viruses that infect the body system. Plants have
indeed formed the basis of sophisticated traditional
medicine systems which will continue to provide mankind
with new remedies for all forms of ailments (Gurib-Fakim,
Bioactive natural products have enormous economic

*Corresponding author. E-mail: [email protected]

Author(s) agree that this article remain permanently open access under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution
License 4.0 International License


Afr. J. Pure Appl. Chem.

importance as specialty chemicals as they can be used

as drugs, lead compounds, biological or pharmaceutical
tools, feed stock products, excipients and nutraceuticals
(Pieters and Vlietinck, 2005). In recent times, focus on
plant research has increased all over the world and a
large body of evidence and knowledge has accumulated
in the literature to show immense potential of medicinal
plants used in various medical, pharmaceutical, cosmetic,
agrochemical applications. An advantage of natural
bioactive molecule is that they have a milder side effect
on the body in comparison to chemically synthesized
drugs (Badisa et al., 2003). With the increasing
acceptance of herbal medicines as alternative form of
health care delivery, the screening of medicinal plants for
bioactive compounds is imperative (Masoko et al., 2005;
Cowan, 1999).
Hyptis spicigera belongs to the family Lamiaceae and is
commonly known as Black beniseed, or Black sesame. It
is an erect aromatic herb, up to 1 m in height, with a
terminal inflorescence in which the seeds are packed in
quadruplets or more in the flowers. The plant is found
around Senegal to western Cameroon, possibly native to
Brazil, now widely naturalized in tropical Africa and Asia
as well as Nigeria. It grows naturally and commonly as a
weed. It prefers roadsides, waste places, cultivated
places and often damp places (Burkill, 1995). Generally,
the whole plant is used in traditional stores to protect
cowpea against damage by Callosobruchus species
(Lambert et al., 1985). The Bajju and Atyapp people of
Kaduna state, northern Nigeria, make use of the
inflorescence (where the seeds are packed) to cure
headaches by sniffing it and also crushing the leaves and
applying to the head to relieve head colds and
headaches (Dalziel, 1937).
This paper reports the phyto constituents of the leaf
extracts of H. spicigera and their potential medicinal

Phytochemical screening
Phytochemical analysis of the crude extracts was carried out
according to standard methods (Harborne, 1998; Sofowora, 1993;
Fanrsworth, 1996; Rangari, 2002).

Salkowski reaction test for phytosterols

To 0.5 ml each of the extracts in a test tube was added 1.0 ml of
concentrated H2SO4 (conc.) from the sides of the test tube and then
1.0 ml chloroform. Appearance of reddish brown colour in
chloroform layer indicates the presence of phytosterols.

Liebermann-Burchards test for triterpenoids

Extracts were treated with few drops of acetic anhydride, boil and
cool. Conc. sulfuric acid was added from the sides of the test tubes
which showed a brown ring at the junction of two layers, and
formation of deep red color indicated the presence of triterpenoids.

Foam test for saponins

Small amount (0.1 g) of the extracts were taken in test tubes with
little quantity (1.0 ml) of water and shaken vigorously. Appearance
of foam persisting for 10 min indicated presence of saponins.

Dragendroffs test for alkaloids

About 0.5 g each of hexane, ethyl acetate and methanol extracts
were dissolved in 1.0 ml chloroform and evaporated. The residue
was acidified by adding few drops of Dragendroffs reagent
(Potassium bismuth iodide). Appearance of orange red precipitate
indicated presence of alkaloids.

Molischs test for carbohydrates

About 0.5 g each of the extracts was mixed with Molisch reagent,
and then added H2SO4 conc. along the sides of the test tube to
form layers. Appearance of reddish violet ring the interference
indicated the presence of carbohydrates.


Lead acetate test for flavonoids
Collection of the plant
About 500 g of the leaf part of H. spicigera was collected in Basawa
Village, Zaria, Kaduna state, Nigeria on the 26th November, 2013. It
was taxonomically identified and authenticated by Mallam U. S.
Gallah of the Herbarium Section, Department of Biological Science,
Ahmadu Bello University Zaria, Nigeria, and a sample Voucher
No.528 was deposited at the Herbarium section of the Department
of Biological sciences.

Extraction and isolation

The plant was dried in the shade for 14 days and pulverized to
powder using pestle and mortar in the Laboratory. Approximately
450 g of the powdered plant material was macerated sequentially
with hexane (1 L), ethyl acetate (1 L) and methanol (1 L) at room
temperature (27C) and concentrated in vacuo to afford the various
crude extracts which were stored in the refrigerator (4C) until
needed for further analysis.

To 0.1 g each of the extracts were dissolved in ethanol and few

drops of 10% lead acetate solution were added. Appearance of
yellow precipitate indicated presence of flavonoids.

Legals test for lactones

To 0.1 g each of the extracts1.0 ml sodium nitroprusside and1.0 ml
pyridine were added in test-tubes. The mixtures were treated with
0.01 moldm-3 NaOH. Appearance of deep red colour indicated the
presence of lactones.

Ferric chloride test for phenolic compounds and tannins

About 2.0 ml of each extract was measured in a test tube and 0.01
mol dm-3Ferric chloride solution was added drop by drop.
Appearance of bluish black precipitate indicated presence of
phenolic compounds and tannins.

Ladan et al.

Ninhydrin test for proteins

Few drops of ninhydrin were added to the extracts. Appearance of
blue colour indicated presence of amino acid. Proteins may rarely
give positive result with this test.

Keller-Killiani test for glycosides

About 1 ml of glacial acetic acid, few drops of 0.01 mol dm-3Ferric
chloride solution and H2SO4 (Conc) slowly through the sides of the
test tube) were added to the extracts. Appearance of reddish brown
ring at the junction of the liquids indicated the presence of deoxysugars.

Quantitative determination of phytochemical constituents

Determination of total phenolic compound (TPC)
Total phenolic content of the hexane, ethylacetate and methanolic
extracts was determined by standard method (Makkar et al., 1993)
with little modifications, using tannic acid as a standard phenolic
compound. The extracts were diluted with distilled water to a known
concentration in order to obtain the readings within the standard
curve range of 0.0 to 600 g of tannic acid/ml. 250 l of diluted
extract or tannic acid solution was mixed with 1 ml of distilled water
in a test tube followed by the addition of 250 l of Folin-Ciocalteu
reagent. The samples were mixed well and then allowed for 5 min
at room temperature in order to allow complete reaction with the
Folin-Ciocalteu reagent. Thereafter, 2.5 ml of 7% sodium carbonate
aqueous solution was added and the final volume was made up to
6.0 ml with distilled water. The absorbance of the resulting blue
colour solution was measured at 760 nm using spectrophotometer
after incubating the samples for 90 min. All the experiment was
conducted in three replicates.

Determination of alkaloids
About 5.0 g of the dried powdered plant was weighed into a 250 ml
beaker and 200 ml of 10% acetic acid in ethanol was added. The
mixture was covered and allowed to stand for 4 h. This was filtered
and the extract concentrated on a water bath to one-quarter of the
original volume. Concentrated ammonium hydroxide solution was
added dropwise to the extract until the precipitation was complete.
The solution was allowed to settle and the precipitate was collected
and washed with dilute ammonium hydroxide and finally filtered,
dried, weighed and the percentage
alkaloid was calculated
(Harborne, 1998).

Determination of total terpenoids

About 2 g of the plantleaf powder was weighed and soaked in 50 ml
of 95% ethanol for 24 h. The extract was filtered and the filtrate
extracted with petroleum ether (60 to 80C) and concentrated to
dryness. The dried ether extract was treated as total terpenoids
(Ferguson, 1956).

Determination of saponins
About 15 g of each sample was placed into a conical flask and 100
ml of 20% aqueous ethanol was added. The samples were heated
over a hot water bath for 4 h with continuous stirring at 55C. The
mixture was filtered and the residue re-extracted with another 200
ml and 20% ethanol. The combined extracts were reduced to 40 ml


over water bath at 90C. The concentrate was transferred into a

250 ml separating funnel and 20 ml of diethyl ether was added and
shaken vigorously. The aqueous layer was recovered while the
ether layer was discarded. This purification process was repeated
and 60 ml of n-butanol was added. The combined n-butanol
extracts were washed twice with 10 ml of 5% aqueous sodium
chloride. The remaining solution was heated in a water bath. After
evaporation the samples were dried in the oven to a constant
weight and the percentage saponin was calculated (Obdoni and
Ochuko, 2001).

Determination of flavonoids
About 5.0 g of the plant sample was weighed and extracted
repeatedly with 100 ml of 80% aqueous methanol at room
temperature. The whole solution was filtered through whattman
filter paper No 41. The filtrate was evaporated into dryness over a
water bath and weighed to a constant weight. The percentage
flavonoids was then calculated (Soni and Sosa, 2013).


The extracts of the leaves of H. spicigera were screened
for the presence ofthe following secondary metabolites:
alkaloids, glycosides, flavonoids, carbohydrates tannins,
steroids, terpenoids and resins, coumarins, saponins and
quinines. The results of the phytochemical screening
showed the presence of all the secondary metabolites
analyzed in ethylacetate and methanol extracts while
hexane extract showed only the presence of alkaloids,
glycosides, carbohydrate and resins. Other secondary
metabolites such as flavonoids, tannins, steroids,
terpenoids, coumarins, saponins and quinones were
absent in the hexane extract.
The phytochemical content was found to be similar to
that obtained by other authors (Onayade et al., 1991)
with different extracts revealing the different partitioning
abilities of the different solvents used. The presence of
these phytochemicals in all the extracts is quite
instructive as this lends credence of the use of the plant
for medicinal purposes. A lot of plants contain non-toxic
glycosides that can be hydrolyzed to give phenolic
compounds that are toxic to microbial pathogens
(Abaoba and Efuwape, 2001). The saponin content in the
ethylacetate and methanol extracts were found to be
present in these extracts, respectively. Saponins possess
the property of precipitating and coagulating red blood
cells (Sodipo et al., 1991). It also foamed in aqueous
solution and has hemolytic effect and can also bind on
cholesterol sites. These properties make saponins
present in the plant to exhibit medicinal properties
(Sodipo et al., 1991) and this therefore supports the
findings in this present study that extracts of the plants
may be useful in chemotherapy of mycotic infections
which the antimicrobial studies revealed (Ladan et al.,
2009). Alkaloids were found present in hexane,
ethylacetate and methanol extracts and this can be
corroborated with literature reports which indicate that
naturally occurring alkaloids and their synthetic derivatives


Afr. J. Pure Appl. Chem.

Table 1. Qualitative phytochemical analysis of the leaf extracts of Hyptis spicigera.

Phytochemical constituents

have analgesic, antispasmodic and bactericidal activities

(Okwu and Okwu, 2004). They exhibit marked
physiological activity when administered to animals.
Classes of alkaloids are among the major powerful
poisons known and despite being poisonous, some of the
alkaloids are known to be useful in correcting renal disorders
(Konkwara, 1979). The use of some plants for medicinal
purpose, in the traditional treatment of diseases is due to
the presence of flavonoids and saponins (Zwadyk, 1992;
Othira et al., 2009), hence the use of H. spicigera for the
treatment of diarrhea, dysentery, colds and several other
diseases by local herbalists or traditional healers is not
surprising. The presence of flavonoid was evident in
methanol and ethylacetate extracts, flavonoid containing
plants have been used as diuretic, laxative, emollient and
poultice (Baba-Mousa et al., 1999) therefore; the use of
H. spicigera rich in saponins and other Hyptis species in
traditional medicine lent credence to the medicinal
potentials of the plant. Tannins in some medicinal plants
have been found to be responsible for the antiviral and
antibacterial activities exhibited by such plants (De-Ruiz
et al., 2001; Elegani et al., 2002). Therefore, H. spicigera
with high tannin content in ethylacetate and methanol
extracts could probably be a source of phytochemicals for
the treatment of bacterial infections. Phenolic compounds
like tannins present in plant cells are inhibitors of many
enzymes (proteolytic and hydrolytic) used by plant
pathogens. Other compounds such as saponins have
antifungal properties (Abaoba and Efuwape, 2001;
Mohanta et al., 2007). Therefore, these phytochemicals
detected in this study may be responsible for the
antimicrobial potency of the leaf extracts of Hyptis
spicigera and also lend credence to the claims of
traditional application of the plant as remedies for various
Quantitative phytochemical analysis
Results of the quantitative analysis data of the plant


Leaf extracts


material revealed significant levels of phytochemical

constituents present in the leaf as evident in the
qualitative analysis data (Table 1). Phenolic content
(20.75%) is the highest followed by terpenoids content
(16.10%) while flavonoid (8.82%), saponins (6.23%) and
alkaloids (7.55%) followed respectively. Subhashini et al.
(2013) and Soni and Sosa (2013) have reported various
phyto constituents in the leaves of Ecbolium viride
(Forks) Merrill plant and the methanolic and ethyl acetate
extracts of the leaves of Anogeissus leiocarpus and
found the following values: terpenoids (0.3034 w/w),
saponins (0.1100 w/w), alkaloids (0.1340 w/w), flavonoids
(0.0884 w/w) and phenols (0.03045) for the E. viride
(Forks) while alkaloids (152.0 0.1 mg/g ), phenolics
1294.81 3.0 mg/g), flavonoids (330.7 3.0 mg/g) in the
methanol extract and alkaloids (80.20 0.0 mg/g),
phenolics (616.5 4.4 mg/g), flavonoids (202.5 4.0
mg/g) in the ethyl acetate extract of the A. leiocarpus
plant have been reported. The quantitative values of
these metabolites reported in the leaf part of H.
spicigeraare higher (Table 2) than those reported for E.
viride (Forks) Merrill and A. leiocarpus plants. Phenolic
compounds are one of the most important constituents of
plant secondary metabolites with marked physiological
The phyto constituents found in the plant may be
responsible for its biological properties such as antioxidative, anti-inflammation, anti-carcinogenic, antihypertensive, anti-diabetic, anti-cancer, cardiovascular
protection and improvement of endothelial function (Han
et al., 2007). Several studies have described the antioxidant properties of different parts of various medicinal
plants which are rich in phenolic compounds (Brown and
Evans, 1998; Krings and Berger, 2001; Malencic et al.,
2007). Natural anti-oxidants mainly come from plants in
the form of phenolic compounds, such as flavonoids,
phenolic acids, tocopherolsetc (Ali et al., 2008) and used
for the treatment of degenerative diseases. The antioxidative properties of flavonoids are due to several

Ladan et al.


Table 2. Quantitative analysis of the leaf part of Hyptisspicigera.

Phytochemical constituents
Total Flavonoids
Total Saponins
Total Alkaloids
Total Phenolics

different mechanisms, such as scavenging of free

radicals, chelation of metal ions, such as iron and copper
and inhibition of enzymes responsible for free radical
generation (Akinmoladun et al., 2007; Benavente-Garcia
et al., 1997). This plant (H. spicigera) will provide the
natural anti-oxidant needed to enhance good living by
scavenging free radicals that cause ill health in humans.
Phytochemical screening of the leaf part of H. spicigera
revealed the presence of tannins, carbohydrates,
saponins, flavonoids, steroids, alkaloids, quinones,
coumarin, terpenoids, resins and cardiac glycosides
which are important secondary metabolites. The richness
of the plant in phenolic contents and other secondary
metabolites affirmed its medicinal efficacy and potentials.
The finding from this study therefore suggests that the
leaf could be a potential source of natural anti-oxidant
that could have great importance as therapeutic agents in
preventing or slowing ageing associated with oxidative
stress and related degenerative diseases. It is
recommended that further investigation on the isolation
and characterization of the bioactive constituents of the
leaf leading to structural elucidation is necessary.
Conflict of Interests
The author(s) have not declared any conflict of interests.

The authors are grateful to the Management of National
Research Institute for Chemical Technology (NARICT),
Zaria, Nigeria for providing necessary chemicals and
equipment for the conduct of this research work.

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