What is a Democracy?
In a democratic society, individual citizens have the power, and the right, to influence
decisions made about how their country will be governed. Citizens have the political
right to say and write what they wish, to go where they please, to live in privacy and
security and to not be arrested or imprisoned without due legal process.
Modern democracies are representative. Citizens of a country elect politicians to
represent their interests.
Rights of citizens in a democracy are protected under a constitution, or bylaws,
defining how the country will be governed. The U.S. constitution establishes:
Fundamental rights of citizens to live in safety without fear of being attacked
When elections should be held
Powers of various offices of state
How laws should be made.
Places limits on powers of government
Guarantees political rights and freedoms of individuals
Democratic government has three branches, and may have four functions.
Ceremonial Head of State [4th function].
King or Queen with a ceremonial role but no real power
Executive Branch
Initiates and carries out policy
Positions: president, prime minister, chancellor and his/her cabinet
Sometimes referred to as "The Government"
Judicial Branch
Interpret and enforce law and decide legal arguments when the law is not clear
Legislative Branch
Debates and approves laws arising from policies of executive branch
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Swank, Duane, Ph.D., Democracy. World Book Online Reference Center. 2006.
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