Mini Review of Tension Wood

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1.1. What is Reaction Wood?
The term of ''Reaction Wood'' is a general one and refers to those tissues formed in the
leaning stems and branches of both Gymnosperms and Angiosperms in response to a
gravitational stimulus (Dadswell and Wardrop, 1949). The Oxford English Dictionary
provides several definitions of the word reaction which encompass the nature and function
of the term when used in conjunction with wood. Perhaps the two most appropriate are: The
response made by a system or an organ to an external stimulus and A movement towards a
reversal of an existing tendency or state of things or desire to return, to a previous condition of
affairs. The first definition is appropriate to the formation of reaction wood, while the second
is appropriate to its function in the tree (Gardiner et al., 2014).
It has long been recognized by foresters and timber users that such wood is different in
many respects from the normal wood of the trees but concise information as to its occurrence,
anatomical features and properties is not readily available to the practising foresters or the
timber users. The reaction wood of the Gymnosperms is perhaps the more widely known and
recognised. It is found on the lower (abaxial) side of leaning stems and branches and is
generally readily distinguishable by its colour, and the greater width of the growth rings.
Because it was formed as a reaction against mechanical pressure it has been called
compression wood. On the other hand, the reaction wood of the Angiosperms is less generally
known and not always recognised. It is found on the upper (adaxial) side of leaning stems and
branches, but is often irregularly distributed and seldom in definite bands as is the case with
compression wood. Because of its position in the stem or branch and because it was
considered to be formed as a result of loading or bending it has been called tension wood
(Dadswell and Wardrop, 1949).
Briefly, reaction wood is formed in response to mechanical stress experienced by a tree. Its
formation can work to restore vertical growth (gravitropy) in main stems, providing the stem
is not already too thick to make this possible. It can be used also to incline stems in order to
move the canopy in towards light (heliotropy). In the case of a branch, reaction wood
formation is carefully controlled to balance its continuously increasing weight, either as a
buttress in the case of compression wood in gymnosperms, or as a cantilever, in the case of
tension wood in angiosperm dicotyledons, thereby maintaining the branches pre-ordained

orientation and the architecture of the tree. Compression wood and tension wood sectors in the
stem are always associated with local growth stresses which are very different from the
normal tensile stress state common to gymnosperms and angiosperms: compressive stress in
the case of compression wood, very high tensile stress in the case of tension wood (Gardiner
et al., 2014).
1.2. Tension Wood Formation
Wood is a renewable natural resource, providing timber (e.g. for house building, furniture,
packaging), fibres (for pulp, paper, plywood) and energy (firewood). As a product of high
economical value, wood represented a major advance in plant evolution during the Cretaceous
and allows trees to reach considerable heights and lifespans. The major functions of wood are
1) conduct water from roots to the crown;
2) support an ever-increasing mass of the growing tree, whilst adjusting to various
environmental cues (wind, snow, slope, light);
3) contribute to tree growth over more than one year by storing temporary reserves
In angiosperm trees, different cell types fulfil these three functions. Vessels and fibres are
involved, respectively, in water conduction and mechanical support, while parenchyma cells,
organized in rays, are involved in the radial transfer of assimilates between phloem and xylem,
their temporary storage as starch or lipids, and their remobilization at the new season.
Angiosperm wood is therefore heterogeneous. In the homogeneous wood of gymnosperms
and some primitive angiosperms, the tracheids ensure both water conduction and tree support.
In this review, we will focus on reaction wood formation in angiosperms (Djardin et al.,
Wood (secondary xylem) is manufactured by a succession of five major steps, including
cell division, cell expansion (elongation and radial enlargement), cell wall thickening
(involving cellulose, hemicellulose, cell wall proteins, lignin biosynthesis and deposition),
programmed cell death, and heartwood formation (Plomion et al., 2001). In the cambial zone,
fusiform initials give rise to vessels and fibres, whereas ray initials generate ray parenchyma
cells. All xylem cells undergo cell expansion, with both an elongation and a radial
enlargement before deposition of the secondary cell wall. This cell wall thickens because of
ordered deposition in the different layers of the secondary cell wall, first of cellulose and

hemicellulose, then lignins. Once fully differentiated, the vessel and fibre cells are submitted
to programmed cell death which leads to degradation of cellular contents, leaving only the
surrounding cell walls. As fibres and vessels account for the major part of the xylem cell
population, wood is mostly made of the cell walls of dead cells (Pilate et al., 2004a).
Reaction wood develops in response to the perception of gravity and/or to mechanical
stimuli induced by distruption of the natural position of the stem (or branches). The tree
reacts by bending the displaced stem/branch back to its original position. Tension wood
differs from normal wood formed in the absence of stimulus, and from opposite wood located
on the lower side of the inclined stem, in a number of biochemical, anatomical and mechanical
characteristics. Mechanically, longitudinal maturation strains in tension wood are present in
larger quantities than in normal wood (Fournier et al., 1994). The frequency of vessels, and
their porosity, are significantly lower in tension wood, whereas fibre and vessel lengths are
significantly longer (Jourez et al., 2001).
Phytohormones are key regulators in wood formation. The importance of auxin in wood
formation was demonstrated a long time ago (Sundberg et al., 2000). A radial concentration
gradient of auxin in the cambial zone was later shown to be associated with the regulation of
xylem development and, more particularly, with the duration of xylem fibre expansion
(Tuominen et al., 1997). Similarly, tension wood has long been hypothesized to develop in
response to an internal gradient of auxin (Wilson and Archer, 1977). However, a recent report
demonstrated that tension wood formation was ot linked to any alteration in the balance of
endogenous auxin. There is an interactions between translocation of the gravitantional
stimulus and the auxin signal transduction (Hellgren et al., 2004). Acting in synergy with
auxin, gibberellins are known to stimulate meristematic activity and fibre elongation (Eriksson
et al., 2000) but, so far, there are no data indicating the involvement of gibberellins in tension
wood formation. Contrary to this, ethylene is likely to be involved, as its production is greatly
increased in Eucalyptus on induction of tension wood (Nelson and Hillis, 1978).
1.3. The Structure of Tension Wood
Tension wood, the reaction wood of the Angiosperms, has been recognized by botanists
for many years. In the past 15-20 years, however, considerable attention has been paid to it,
mainly in relation to its occurence and its influence on properties. The main anatomical

features of tension wood are well-known, namely, fibres with a characteristic thick, highly
refractive, inner layer, often termed a gelatinous layer, which gives a cellulose reaction with
various staining reagents; marked reduction in the size and number of vessels in comparison
with neighbouring normal wood; higher average density than normal wood. It usually found
on the upper side of a leaning stem, or of a branch, and is generally associated with
eccentricity of growth-the wider growth rings being on the tension wood side (fig. 1).
The best way to detect its presence is by the microscopic examination of thin crosssections (15 to 18 m) cut from areas of the log or sample suspected of containing it. In most
cases, its presence is revealed by the characteristic of gelatinous inner layer from the fibres.
However, in some cases, especially where normally the fibres are quite thick-walled, the
distinction between tension wood and normal wood is not clear unless staining techniques are
used. There are many cases where the secondary walls of fibres stain green but no other
readily observable characteristic of tension wood is present. This has been noted with wood
from the wide side of eccentric stems of eucalyptus and with specimens of ash (Fraxinus spp.)
in which tension wood would normally be expected to occur (Dadswell and Wardrop, 1955).
Tension wood structure shows variation for vessel frequency and fibre proportion for
numerous species (Wicker 1979; Ruelle et al., 2006). Jourez et al. (2001) did extensive work
on poplar tension wood and found that not only vessel frequency but also the area of vessel
lumen is lower in tension wood and consequently the proportion of vessel lumen is lowest in
tension wood. Little information is available about rays and axial parenchyma in tension
wood. Axial parenchyma is less abundant in tension wood of Swietenia macrophylla (Tsai et
al., 2006) and the number of the rays is highest in the tension wood of poplar (Jourez et al.,
There has been no general agreement in the literature regarding the length of tension wood
fibres in comparison with normal fibres. In the majority of cases of tension wood examined,
the presence of the thickened inner gelatinous layer has meant a very much thicker cell wall in
the tension wood fibres than in comparable normal wood. The diameter of the tension wood
fibres of beech is significantly less than that of normal wood fibres (Chow, 1946). Jourez et al.
(2001) found out that the diameter of radial fibres is lower in the tension wood of poplar. The
fibre diameter or cell wall thickness did not reveal any general trend in variation between
tension and normal wood (Ruelle et al., 2006). These results suggest that stem eccentricity

often observed with the formation of tension wood results from a larger number of cell
divisions and not from larger diameters of fibres (Gardiner et al., 2014).

Fig 1. Scanning electron microscopy in fibres of poplar wood: (A) in a wood area opposite to tension
wood; (B) in tension wood. (Pilate et al., 2004b)

2. Morphology, Anatomy, and Ultrastructure of Tension Wood

2.1. Microscopic Appearence
The macroscopic appearence of tension wood is not always as conspicuous as
compression wood like darker in colour, eccentricity of the stem, and growth ring is normally
wider on the lower side of stems and branches (Dadswell and Wardrop, 1949). Tension wood
is normally also associated with eccentricity of the stem or branch with the wider rings
normally being on the upper side of the stem or branches (fig. 2). It seems that tension wood is
prefentially observed in the earlywood of temperate species, but it can also be observed in
latewood. Tension wood can be made more visible by brushing the surface of a disk with
various solutions, such as phloroglucinol in hydrochloric acid of zinc chloro-iodide solution
also known as Herzbergs reagent (Jourez 1997). The chlorine destroys hydrogen bonds
between macro-polymers of cellulose and thus promotes the accumulation of iodine
molecules. This last method seems to be more efficient and give colours of the tension wood
light purple to violet, and non-tension wood yellow (Grzeskowiak et al., 1996). However,
since iodine is degraded by light, the colour is transient and lasts for only around 10 min. Even
in a natural state, definite bands of tension wood have been observed in a number of species,
and these bands are much darker in colour than the other sectors on a disk (Dadswell and
Wardrop, 1949). Another example of tension wood macroscopic observation is the tension
wood of poplar (Populus spp.) that has a shiny appearance on freshly sawn disks; some
authors using this property to quantify tension wood macroscopically (Badia et al. 2005).

Fig. 2. Observation of a strong eccentricity related to the occurence of tension wood in a stem of
Eperua falcata. Scale bar = 5 cm

2.2. Tension Wood Anatomy


In angiosperms, for many studied species such as beech (Fagus spp.), poplar (Populus
spp.), oak (Quercus spp.) or chesnut (Castanea spp.), tension wood is characterised by the
occurence of fibres with a particular morphology and chemical composition due to the
development of the gelatinous layer (G-layer). This layer was discovered by Th. Hartig at the
end of 1990 and is named the cellulosic layer, mucilaginous layer, cartilaginous layer, or
gelatinous layer because of its cellulose content, translucent, and jelly-like appearance.

Fig. 3. Cell wall structures of fibre in normal wood (a) and tension wood (b-d), from Wardrop and
Dadswell (1955). (a) Normal fibres do not develop a G-layer. (b) G-layer where S 2 and S3 layers
develop normally. (c) S3 layer replaced with G-layer. (d) G-layer forms as the innermost layer next to
the S3 layer (Kwon 2008).
S1 = outer layer of secondary wall
S2 = middle layer of secondary wall
S3 = inner layer of secondary wall
G = gelatinous or tertiary layer

The cell wall organization of gelatinous fibres can show some variation, both in the same
species and in different species (fig. 3). Actually the literatur abounds in sometimes
conflicting observations on gelatinous fibres morphology. The ordinary fibres show a threelayered structure in their secondary wall with the S1, S2 ad S3 layers, gelatinous fibres can
show various patterns, i.e. S1+G, S1+S2+G, S1+S2+S3+G (Gardiner et al., 2014). In species
where tension wood exhibits a G-layer, its occurence is always correlated with tensile growth
stresses with the proportion of G fibres directly correlated with the magnitude of the growth
stresses (Fang et al. 2008). When all fibres contain a G-layer, the G-layer proportion within

each cell wall then appears to directly affect the magnitude of the growth stress so that the
thicker the G-layer the larger the growth stresses (Gardiner et al., 2014).
The G-layer may consist of more than pure cellulose, by means of electron microscopy
investigations on tension wood tissue of Quercus robur (Casperson, 1967). Concentric and
diffuse incrustation of dark contrasting substances in the G-layer was detected and was
interpreted by the author as evidence for lignin deposition. Evidence of deposition of lignin in
and attached to the G-layer of tension fibres of Acer spp., Fagus sylvatica, and Q. Robur was
shown (fig. 4) after staining with potassium permanganate and viewed by transmission
electron microscopy (Lehringer et al., 2009)

Fig. 4. TEM cross sections of tension wood in Acer spp. (a), F. Sylvatica (b), and Q. Robur (c)
Note: The concentric contrast in the G-layers of mapple and oak indicating a slight deposition of
aromatic compounds (CC cell corner; CML compound middle lamella, S 1, S2 secondary wall, and GL
gelatinous layer).

In the past literature, tension wood was always defined by the occurrence of the so-called
gelatinous fibres. Actually the G-layer was considered for a long time as the indicator of
tension wood occurrence, but this is only true for species synthesizing it. Several studies have
shown that the formation of the supplementary G-layer is not constant in tension wood fibres.
From the 346 species, fibres with a G-layer were observed in only 136 species (Onaka 1949).
However, this study was based on the assumption that the upper parts of leaning stems would
be made of tension wood, i. e. should be in very high tensile stress state compared to nonreaction and opposite wood. Only a few studies has the G-layer been absent in a given species

when there was measurable mechanical tensile stress in the tension wood (Clair et al, 2006;
Ruelle et al, 2006).
A first general observation based on anatomical observations

and mechanical

measurements (Clair et al, 2006; Ruelle et al, 2006) is that the presence of an unusual
structure such as a G-layer or polyaminate organization is not a prerequisite for the production
of high tensile stressed wood. This variability of tension wood structure, from species showing
no difference between tension and opposite wood, species with thicker or multi-layered cell
wall in tension wood, and species having a G-layer, means that the tension wood is not easy to
2.3. Ultrastructure Level
Tension wood is formed in relatively pure form over large areas, readily distinguished
from normal wood by its lustrous, silvery sheen in cross sections of green wood. Although
gelatinous fibres can be formed in both earlywood and latewood, for example in Querqus
robur, they are usually restricted to the earlywood (Casperson 1967). The gelatinous layer has
a honeycomb structure, and visible when the layer becomes swollen. In a non-swollen
condition, it appears homogeneous (Sachsse 1962). The swollen G-layer appears to have a
honeycomb texture of the type postulated (fig. 5), and distinct lamellae cannot be discerned
(Cote et al., 1969). The reason why the G-layer differs in from the S 1 and S2 layers is that in
the latter layers, the cellulose microfibrils are bound together by hemicelluloses and lignin. It
is intructive to compare the swelling of the G-layer with the swelling that occurs, when the
cementing lignin is removed from a normal wood fiber.

Fig. 5. Tranverse section of aspen tension wood fibers with highly swollen and distrupted G-layer

The studies on gelatinous layers in the 1960s provided two hypotheses about its
ultrastructure. The first view was that the gelatinous layer had a honeycomb structure, visible
when the layer became swollen. A different view that the gelatinous layer had a distinctly
lamellar structure, like the three layers in the secondary wall, has been advocated by a number
of investigators. The main reason for these two different views on the structure of the G-layer
is due to the fact that artefacts appear when tension wood specimen are cut, dehydrated and
embedded for preparation of thin or ultra-thin sections. Actually the observation of the
honeycomb structure was made after strong and rapid swelling and it is clear that highly
swollen cell wall organization does not reflect the organization of the native fibre. However,
the honeycomb aspect after swelling suggested that microfibrils must be less firmly bound
together than normal owing to the lack of lignin in the matrix that surrounds them (Cote et al.
More recently Clair et al. (2005) showed that the wavy outline of the G-layer, supposed to
be characteristic of this layer, is an artefact. Both an increase in thickness and wavy structure
indicate that a change has occurred in the G-layer organisation. Cellulose molecules should be
less ordered in the swollen condition than in the native state with an increase of the intermicrofibrillar space allowing a loss of the perfectly parallel arrangement of microfibrils.
Sections of 30 m thick prepared by Norberg and Meier (1966) using conventional techniques
were followed by an ultrasonic treatment to extract G-layer tubes from the sections. They

reported that the estimated birefringence of cellulose in the G-layer tube was slightly smaller
than that of ramie fibres. This could indicate that the ultrastructure of cellulose, particularly
the cellulose orientation, was somehow disordered close to the cut surface by the sectioning

3. Physical and Mechanical Properties of Tension Wood

3.1. Density
Density has long been understood to be the main factor affecting the mechanical properties
of wood. The denser the wood, the stronger and stiffer it is. General trends are more difficult
to find in tension wood since it is much more variable than compression wood in terms of
structure and occurence. Several studies have compared tension wood and normal wood
without considering the severity of the tension wood and found that tension wood has a higher
density than normal wood (Chow 1946). There is no significant effect of leaning of tree on
wood density (Lowell and Krahmer 1993). Ruelle et al. (2007) studying ten tropical species
reported that three of them showed no significant difference in density between normal wood
and tension wood while in the five trees that showed a significant difference, two had a lower
density in tension wood. However the differences were small except in the case of Virola
surinamensis (Rolander) Warb. where density was lower in tension wood, and Qualea rosea
and Ocotea guyanensis where density was higher in tension wood. Similarly, McLean et al.
(2012) found on six tropical species only O. Guyanensis with tension wood significantly
denser than opposite wood, whereas on three of them (Sextonia rubra, Virola michelii, and
Tachigali melinoni) the trend was reversed and no trend was found for the two other species.
The variability described above results from more complex factors affecting density in
hardwoods. Due to angiosperms have specialized tissues, the density does not depend only on
cell wall thickness as in compression wood tracheids, but also on the proportion of tissues and
especially the number and size of vessels. Numerous studies have found that there is a lower
proportion of vessels having a smaller diameter in tension wood (Jourez et al., 2001; Ruelle et
al., 2006). Density is also affected by wall thickness, which is generally assumed to be greater
in tension wood with gelatinous fibres. Despite the probability that most studies have
overestimated this measurement since the G-layer appears in a swollen state in microscope
sections (Clair et al., 2005), a recent study on poplar showed that G-fibres have a thicker wall

than normal fibres where they have not been affected by sectioning (Fang et al., 2007, 2008).
For species without a G-layer, fibre wall thickness is sometimes significantly thinner in
tension wood (Ruelle et al., 2006) and could explain observations of lower density of tension
wood in some species.
Whether or not a G-layer is present, tension wood is always reported to be less rich in
lignin and more rich in cellulose than normal wood. Cell wall density would therefore be
higher than in normal wood. However, in the peculiar case of the gelatinous layer, even if it is
known that lignin is essentially absent, its density is probably not higher than the lignified
wall. In fact, the high transverse shrinkage around 20 % (Fang et al., 2007) during drying is a
proof of its high water content. Allowing for a 20 % void in the G-layer its density can be
estimated at about 1.251.27 g cm-1, much lower than that of the normal wood or compression
wood cell wall. This low density is linked directly to its high mesoporosity (pore size around
610 nm) as observed in chestnut (Castanea sativa) or louro vermelho (S. rubra) (Clair et al.,
2008; Chang et al., 2009). This low density contributes to confusion about the relationship
between wood density and tension wood since the amount of G-layer increases with
increasing growth stresses (Fang et al., 2008).
3.2. Mechanical Properties
As discussed it in the previous, mechanical behaviour is largely affected by density. In
order to identify the contribution of density to wood properties, mechanical properties such as
modulus of elasticity (MOE) or strength can be expressed by their specific modulus or
specific strength by dividing the studied properties by the density of the samples. Numerous
investigations, both from measurement and modelling, have shown that there is a good
relationship between elastic properties in the longitudinal direction and MFA in the secondary
wall. As cellulose microfibrils are much stiffer than the matrix materials, the stiffness will be
higher when MFA is low, as in tension wood and lower in compression wood where the MFA
is large (Cave 1969; Mark 1973).
Some observation reported that tension wood with high density and thick cell walls had
lower MOE values than normal wood (Yang and Ilic 2003). Similarly, Clair et al. (2003)
observed a higher dispersion of MOE in chestnut tension wood than in normal wood,
indicating that some tension wood samples have a higher MOE and some a lower MOE

compared to normal wood. Yamamoto et al. (2009) showed that when comparing the
relationship of growth strain and MOE of oak wood (Quercus acutissima) the difference was
small in the wet state and became greater in dry wood. Some studies reported that in most
species, tension wood is stiffer than normal wood (Ruelle et al., 2007, 2011; McLean et al.,
2012). Studies on ten tropical species shown that longitudinal MOE and specific MOE in the
dry condition were higher in tension wood of eight trees (between 16 and 54 % higher, as
specific MOE), except in Cecropia sciadophylla Mart. And V. Surinamensis (Rolander) Warb
in which specific MOE was very high both in tension and in opposite wood (Ruelle et al.,
Tension wood was weaker under compression than normal wood and observed that tension
wood failed by buckling, whereas normal wood had a shear type failure. There is a little
difference in tensile strength between tension wood and normal wood (Dadswell and Wardrop
1955). From obersevation among ten species, only one showed a significant difference
between tension and opposite wood for flexure and compressive strength. For the other
species, no predominant tendency was found; sometimes tension wood was more resistant, at
other time, opposite wood was more resistant (Ruelle et al., 2007). Another studies reported a
significant decrease of compressive strength from normal wood to tension wood in poplar.
These results are understandable when plotting the specific compressive strength since the
decrease of compressive strength is accompanied with an increase of density from normal
wood to tension wood in the samples (Fang et al., 2008). The lower compressive strength in
tension wood could be explained by the lower lignin content especially in the G-layer,
allowing easy buckling of the cell wall giving rise to the formation of slip planes and minute
compression failures (Dadswell and Wardrop 1955).
3.3. Drying Behaviour
Wood is subject to dimensional changes during drying. Normal wood shrinks about 46 %
in the radial direction and around 810 % in the tangential direction, but much less in the
longitudinal direction (around 0.1 %). From 1937 up to the 1950s, several studies of high
longitudinal shrinkage in tension wood with a G-layer have been described. These studies
highlight the relationship between this particular layer and the high shrinkage but there is no
microscopic interpretation of the phenomenon. The link with density has been studied by

several authors and confirms the absence of any clear relationship (Terrell 1953). The G-layer
is widely believed to be the cause of the high shrinkage of tension wood, which is responsible
for numerous technological problems such as splitting and distortion.
In 1966, Norberg and Meier (1966) were the first to make shrinkage measurements at a
microscopic level. They isolated portions of G-layers using an ultrasonic method and
measured their length under the light microscope first in water and then after drying. They
concluded that the G-layer shows no longitudinal shrinkage (or too weak to be the cause of
macroscopic longitudinal shrinkage) and they looked for an explanation for the shrinkage in
other parts of the structure. As the G-layer often appears detached from the other wall layers
they assumed it did not contribute to the shrinkage, but that it did not limit it either. They
concluded that as the S2 layer is generally thinner in the presence of a G-layer, the proportion
of S1 layer becomes significant in the wall and the MFA being greater than 40 in S1. In
tension wood, the only common change is a higher longitudinal shrinkage (up to 1 % in many
cases). Sometimes density and transverse shrinkage is also higher but may also be lower. This
is the reason why tension wood is often not considered as a big problem, whereas the high
level of residual stresses and stored elastic energy in the log are the biggest problem for
hardwoods leading to, for example, log splitting and lumber twisting (Gardiner et al., 2014).


4. Chemical Properties of Tension Wood

4.1. Cellulose
Cellulose consists of linear polymers of glucan [-4)--D-Glcp-(1-] that is aggregated into
crystallites forming long crystalline fibrils in the plant cell wall. The thickness of the smallest
crystallite, which presumably corresponds to the aggregate of glucan chains produced by a
single cellulose biosynthetic rosette complex, has been measured by both wide angle X-ray
scattering (WAXS) and small angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) to be 2.4 nm, and by solid state
13C NMR to be 2.6 nm in the primary walls (Kennedy et al. 2007). This would correspond to
2530 glucan chains. The glucan chains interact with adjacent parallel chains via hydrogen
bonds forming either a triclinic I or monoclinic I crystals. These crystal phases are
interconvertible and there is a mixture of the two phases in wood cell walls with a higher
proportion of I (Wada et al., 1995).
In developing xylem cells with only primary walls the cellulose microfibrils are thought to
be less aggregated because of the presence of a higher proportion of matrix polymers, and
they are more or less randomly oriented with some tendency to longitudinal orientation. In the
S-wall layers, it is likely that the majority of cellulose microfibrils are aggregated into
macrofibrils. Microfibrils and their aggregates show a preferred orientation in each cell wall
layer in relation to the cell axis. MFA is an important parameter that determines wood stiffness
and many other wood properties and several methods have been developed to measure the
prevailing orientation of cellulose fibrils in the wood, some of which can be used to determine
the orientation in particular cell wall layers (Gardiner et al., 2014).
Cellulose constitutes the main polymer of the G-layer but not as much as has been
repeatedly claimed based on the 98.5 % glucose content in isolated G-layers of Populus
tremula L. (Norberg and Meier 1966). Cellulose crystallites in the G-layer are classified as
monoclinic I similar to crystals found in normal wood cellulose. Their lattice dimensions
were: a = 0.802 nm (double inter-sheet distance), b = 0.815 nm (between chain distance), and
c = 1.035 nm (the repeat value along the chain corresponding to a cellobiose length). The a
and b dimensions are somewhat variable and have been shown to depend on temperature and
moisture content, which might indicate some degree of anisotropy in the lateral direction
(Wada et al. 1995).


In normal wood, cellobiose length in cellulose is usually 1.0033 nm whereas higher values
have been observed in phloem fibres of ramie, in cotton fibres and in algal cellulose that
have larger cellulose aggregates than are found in the wood. The degree of polymerization
(DP) was compared between normal wood, opposite wood and tension wood for NaOHpurified and isocyanate-derivatized cellulose in P. tremula x alba fractionated by gel
permeation chromatography and was found to be higher in tension wood (DP w = 2,500) than
in normal wood (DPw = 2,200) or opposite wood (DP w = 2,100) (Foston et al., 2011). This
would suggest that the DP of cellulose in G-layers might be higher than in the S-layers
although no measurements are yet available for separate wall layers.
4.2. Non-cellulosic Polysaccharides
The major non-cellulosic constituents of the cell wall in wood are pectins, primarily








Polygalacturonic acid is a linear homopolymer of [-4)--GalA-(1-]. C-6 of galacturonic acid

can be methylesterified; the degree of methylesterification and distribution of methylester
groups along the molecule are important, since they affect the accessibility of the polymer to
enzymes and the propensity of homogalacturonan to form intramolecular ionic bonds
involving Ca++ ions (Fry 1988).
Rhamnogalacturonan I is built on the base of a backbone which consists of dimers [-4)-D-GalA-(1-2)--L-Rha(1-] and side chains of variable structure composed of galactans [-4)-D Galpz(1-], arabinans [-5)--L-Araf-(1-] or arabinogalactans usually having terminal
arabinose, and linear or branched chains of galactans, where the galactose residues are linked
at -4 (type I), or at -3 and -6 (type II). The presence of rhamnogalacturonan I in the cell
wall in various cell types of tension wood has been demonstrated using several antibodies,
specific both for the RG I backbone and for neutral side chains. Their distribution in cell wall
does not differ much between normal wood and tension wood (Bowling and Vaughn 2008).
The less abundant constituents of the primary walls are mannan and glucuronoarabinoxylan,
which are the main components of S layers. The general structure of these components is
discussed in the following section. These components were detected by sugar and linkage
analyses in the developing primarywalled NW in Populus (Mellerowicz et al. 2001).


The basic set of non-cellulosic polymers in S-layers in cell walls of tension wood (both in
G-fibres and S-fibres) is similar to that in normal wood. The major non-cellulosic
polysaccharide is xylan [-4)--D-Xylp-(1-]. The backbone of xylans of different origin may
have branching at C-2 or C-3 with short side chains, consisting of single or several residues of
-L-rf or a single residue of -D-GlcA (Gardiner et al., 2014). Being the most abundant
non-cellulosic polysaccharide, xylans are rather well characterized from the structural point of
view. Glucuronic acid is attached at C-2 of the xylose residue; the molar ratio between Xyl
and GlcA in wood glucuronoxylans is within the range (416):1 (Teleman et al. 2002)
4.3. Lignin
Early studies have shown that tension wood had lower lignin content and higher
syringyl/guaiacyl ratio than normal wood (Bland and Scurfield 1964). The use of modern
analytical methods such as (pyrolysis-GC-MS) and thioacidolysis coupled to derivatization
followed by reductive cleavage provides the detailed H/G/S monomeric composition of
lignins (Gardiner et al., 2014). The occurrence of lignin in the G-layer has been debated for a
long time. As early as the 1960s Scurfield and Wardrop (1963), using UV-microscopy and
histochemical staining techniques, observed traces of lignification in the G-layer, as opposed
to heavy lignification of adjacent S layers in G-fibres, of several hardwood species. It is
noteworthy that the occurrence of a non-lignified or weakly lignified G-layer specifically
concerns fibres. This is usually observed in the xylem fibres but was also characterized in
different G-fibre types of the phloem (Nakagawa et al. 2012).
Early studies of lignin distribution in tension wood revealing the remaining lignin
skeletons led to the conclusion that there was no noticeable difference between normal wood
and tension wood S-layers, whereas the G-layer of the tension wood G-fibres was nonlignified. In the G-fibres of TW the S2-layers exhibited a high level of lignification and the
lignin followed the orientation of cellulose microfibrils (Norberg and Meier 1966). Recently,
using Raman spectra analysis demonstrated that the G-layer of three hardwoods: maple (Acer
spp.), beech (F. sylvatica) and oak (Q. robur) contained lignin. In Q. robur, they showed the
presence of a concentric sub-layering of electron-dense material in the G-layer. There was an
accumulation of aromatic compounds in the innermost part of the G-layer up to 50 % of that


detected in the secondary wall. Recent studies with TEM/FE-SEM confirmed these results
(Lehringer et al. 2009).
At the ultrastructural scale, significant variations in the nature and distribution of lignin in
TW and NW have long been recognized. Typically TW has a lower amount of lignin, and
based on global analysis of NW and TW samples, the lignin in TW contains a higher
proportion of syringyl units (S units). The decrease in lignin content and increased S/G lignin
ratio in TW was also determined in situ by UV microspectrophotometry in Magnolia species
and yellow poplar (L. tulipifera) where G-fibres do not develop. In species which do not
develop a characteristic individualized G-layer, such as Eucalyptus gundal, it is interesting
that TEM coupled to immunolabelling of lignin sub-units revealed variations in the
distribution of lignin sub-units in tracheids exhibiting high values of longitudinal residual
deformation (DRLM), and an increase in the non-condensed sub-units, with respect to normal
wood (Gardiner et al., 2014).

5. Effect of Tension Wood on The Performance of Wood Products

5.1. Solid Wood Products
Density denotes the mass per unit volume of a substance and is the most commonly used
quality indicator for wood raw materials. The density of the oven-dry cell tissue of all woody
plants is reported as being roughly 1.5 g/cm3 (Walker 2006). The density of 100 % crystalline
natural cellulose lies between 1.582 and 1.599 g/cm3, and amorphous cellulose ranges
between 1.482 and 1.489 g/cm3 (Sun 2005). For the G-layer isolated from tension wood of an
oak a density of 1.52 g/cm3 was found (Terashima et al., 2009). The density of lignin is
reported as being lower than that of cellulose: the density of dioxane extracted lignin is 1.278
g/cm3, and that of periodate dissolved lignin 1.350 g/cm 3, the latter retaining much of the
original macromolecular structure (Gardiner et al., 2014).
Logically, wood having higher proportions of lignin should have also lower density. For
tension wood, density is reported to be higher compared to opposite or normal wood. In many
hardwood species investigated, wood density of tension wood was always higher than in
opposite or normal wood (Arganbright et al., 1970). The increase of wood density in tension
wood tissue is attributed to thickening of fibre walls with gelatinous layers. When wood
density increased in tension wood in young poplar stems, a reduction of longitudinal

shrinkage occurred in the opposite wood, while shrinkage increased on the tension wood side
(Jourez et al., 2001).
Wood density is correlated to many wood parameters, including mechanical properties
such as strength and stiffness. For tension wood, the mechanical stiffness of oak was found to
be different from that of normal wood; the modulus of elasticity was lower in spite of a higher
density (Passard and Perre 2005). Tension wood is cited as having higher tensile strength and
Youngs modulus than normal wood, although the variability of these properties is greater than
in compression wood (Ruelle et al., 2011). Pechmann (1972) found that compression strength
was 25 % reduced in tension wood compared to normal wood. In addition, tension wood has
been found to have higher fracture toughness and impact resistance (Barnett and Jeronimodis
2003). Wood density is seen as dependent on all other anatomical characteristics (Wimmer and
Grabner 2000). As tension wood shows a greater anatomical variability than compressio
wood, this should also be the case for density and consequently mechanical properties.
Tension wood contains fewer and smaller vessels than normal wood, and in many species the
fibres are modified by the deposition of the G-layer inside replacing the normal S3 layer. The
G-layer is cellulose-rich with the microfibrils deposited almost parallel to the longitudinal axis
of the cell.
5.2. Wood Based Composites
Medium density fibreboard (MDF) is one of the most rapidly growing composite products
on the market. The physical and mechanical properties of MDF are strongly linked to the
properties of the raw materials used, including wood species, adhesives, and additives.
Tension wood from short-rotation Populus was found to produce paper of consistently inferior
strength properties compared to normal wood of the same tree. It has been suggested that the
presence in paper of gelatinous fibres of tension wood of any hardwood species will have this
same general effect (Parham et al., 1977).
A few studies have looked at tension wood in panel boards. Particle mats formed with
tension wood particles were seemingly more difficult to make, as the particle dispersion
within the mat was less homogeneous (Bucholzer and Roffael 1987). The lower lignin content
of tension wood resulted in more water sorption and thickness swelling of the boards.
Likewise, bending strength and internal bond strength were lowered as a response to higher

tension wood content (Buchholzer 1992). While tension wood is easy to detect in solid wood
products, this seems to be difficult in wood-based composites where the wood is widely
disintegrated (Husien et al., 1996). Even with the existing results it can be stated that no
comprehensive understanding exists on the behaviour of tension wood in wood-based
composites (Roffael and Dix 1988). Since higher amounts of short-rotation plantation
hardwoods will be used in the near future, the issue of tension wood in wood-based
composites will become of greater importance.

As was underlined in the brief introduction to this chapter, the process of axis
reorientation, related to the formation of tension wood, is based on the heterogeneity of
cambial region activity. This heterogeneity occurs at the macroscopic, mesoscopic,
microscopic and ultrastructural level. More precisely the mechanism allowing reorientation of
the axis originates in structural modifications at the cellwall level. Indeed, these microstructural modifications induce a variation in the behaviour of reaction wood, leading to
variations in its properties.
In tension wood, the only common change in physical and mechanial properties is a higher
longitudinal shrinkage (up to 1 % in many cases). Sometimes density and transverse shrinkage
is also higher but may also be lower. This is the reason why tension wood is often not
considered as a big problem, whereas the high level of residual stresses and stored elastic
energy in the log are the biggest problem for hardwoods leading to, for example, log splitting
and lumber twisting.
The occurrence of a type of syringyl-rich lignin in the G-layer could contribute to the
variation in the S/G ratio observed in tension wood by several methods. However, the fact that
a similar variation of S/G has been observed in hardwood species that do not develop a typical
G-layer is indicative of modification of lignin metabolism affecting the formation of S1- and
S2-layers in tension wood. All this is consistent with the modulation of lignin metabolism in
the response of trees to gravitational stresses.


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