Dragos Mihai Nistor: Objective Education

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State College, PA 16803 ● (814) 404 - 5220 ● [email protected]

OBJECTIVE To obtain an internship at RemCom beginning in May, 2010, to complement my

learning and research with Penn State.

EDUCATION The Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA 16802

Bachelor of Science Honors student in Computer Science
Minors: Mathematics, Statistics
Expected graduation month: May, 2011
Major GPA: 4.00 / 4.00 Cumulative GPA: 3.94 / 4.00

Relevant Coursework:
- Software Engineering - Hardware Engineering, Logic Design
- Operating Systems Design - Systems Programming
- Electricity and Magnetism - Differential Equations
- Matrices - Numerical Computations

Project Highlights:
Ray-tracing: Self-taught main concepts of ray-tracing graphics and developed a
simple, functioning ray-tracing engine in Java. Determined which classes were
needed for the project and what concepts of polymorphism to incorporate for the
world objects. Focused on an event-driven model for input, and a time-driven
model for graphic output.
Concurrency: Self-taught issues of concurrency and developed a multi-threaded
server application in Java to record an incoming connection's IP address and allow
more than one client to be connected. Currently working on a concurrent ray-tracer
developed in C++ using the OpenGL Utility Toolkit (GLUT).

RESEARCH The Pennsylvania State University

EXPERIENCE Computer Systems Lab Research Assistant (Oct. 2008, Apr. 2009)
- Researched various types of Flash Translation Layers (FTL) for NAND Flash.
- Co-developed the first version of a NAND Flash simulator, focusing mainly on the
FTL implementation.
- Developed in C and C++, using UML diagrams to show the project design.
Scalable Scientific Computing Lab Research Assistant (Jan. 2010, present)
- Researching mesh transformation and mesh optimization techniques.
- Focusing on the link between transformation and optimization, researching
current methods to create concurrent, correct algorithms for the two.
- Developing new concurrent algorithms which address the issues faced by high
performance computing.

TECHNICAL - Languages: C, C++, C#, Java, VHDL

PROFICIENCY - Operating Systems: Windows, Linux, Unix, Android (Mobile OS)
- Programming: Text, Visual Studio, NetBeans, Eclipse, DDD
● References and additional information will gladly be provided upon request.

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