Dragos Mihai Nistor: Objective Education
Dragos Mihai Nistor: Objective Education
Dragos Mihai Nistor: Objective Education
Relevant Coursework:
- Software Engineering - Hardware Engineering, Logic Design
- Operating Systems Design - Systems Programming
- Electricity and Magnetism - Differential Equations
- Matrices - Numerical Computations
Project Highlights:
Ray-tracing: Self-taught main concepts of ray-tracing graphics and developed a
simple, functioning ray-tracing engine in Java. Determined which classes were
needed for the project and what concepts of polymorphism to incorporate for the
world objects. Focused on an event-driven model for input, and a time-driven
model for graphic output.
Concurrency: Self-taught issues of concurrency and developed a multi-threaded
server application in Java to record an incoming connection's IP address and allow
more than one client to be connected. Currently working on a concurrent ray-tracer
developed in C++ using the OpenGL Utility Toolkit (GLUT).