Online Mock Test For IIBF EXAMS - JAIIB, CAIIB & Diploma in Banking and Finance Exam
Online Mock Test For IIBF EXAMS - JAIIB, CAIIB & Diploma in Banking and Finance Exam
Online Mock Test For IIBF EXAMS - JAIIB, CAIIB & Diploma in Banking and Finance Exam
Eventhough all papers of JAIIB are difficult to clear most participants feel JAIIB
Accounting and Finance the most difficult one. Reason being most of the
participants are from NON Commerce background. So I thought of sharing some tips
for clearing JAIIB Accounting and Finance Exam.
1. Attend ALL Questions
2. Study Well all Non Accounting Concepts like BOND Valuation, Depreciation
methods, Forex Arithmetic, Entire Module D (Banking Operations - Newly
Introduced), Ratio analysis
3. And in Accounting side try to study theory.
4. Company accounts - Study types of issue like Bonus, Rights etc, What is
Forfeiture, Types of capital etc.
5. Learn simple accounting theory concepts like Real Account, Nominal,
Personal,Ledger,Journal, Trial Balance, Capital and Revenue Expenditure etc.
6. Remember Accounting Standards and where it is being used.
7. Finally if you are capable of studying Accounting problems then go ahead.
8. Take as many mock test as possible at Online Mock Test for IIBF EXAMS - JAIIB,
CAIIB & Diploma in Banking and Finance Exam
9.Prey GOD Well