Triglyceride NCP

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Jessilyn Cauble

March 16, 2015

Triglyceride NCP
Nutrition Assessment
Diagnosis: Type 2 diabetes
Age, gender: 37, female
Dietary intake: PO intake
High fat, high kcal diet
No regular exercise or physical activity
Anthropometric measurements
o Ht/wt: 51 / 154.94 cm and 152 lbs / 69.09 kg
o BMI = 28.8 kg/m2 (overweight)
o IBW = 105 lbs / 47.7 kg, %IBW = 144.7% (ideal)
Energy, protein, and fluid needs
o Range
Total energy: 2,073-2,418 kcal/d
Protein: 55.3-60.09 g/d
Fluid: 2,073-2,418 mL/kcal/d
o Basis for estimation
For energy, used the equation that bases energy requirements on
activity level and used weight in kg (69.09 kg) multiplied by
moderate activity for overweight (30 kcal/kg) and weight in kg
(69.09kg) multiplied by active activity for overweight (35 kcal/kg)
For protein, used non stressed state (0.8-1.0 g PRO/kg)
For fluid needs used 1 mL/kcal/d
Lab and tests
o Fasting Glucose: 145 mg/dL, high (70-110 mg/dL)
o Serum Triglyceride: 250 mg/ dL, high (<150 mg/dL)
Nutrition Diagnosis
Overweight/Obesity R/T high fat, high kcal diet and sedentary lifestyle AEB high
serum triglyceride (250 mg/dL), overweight BMI (28.8 kg/m2), and high %IBW
Nutrition Intervention
1. Meals and snacks
a. Increase consumption of nutrient dense food (darky leafy greens,
blueberries, salmon)
b. Increase intake of high fiber foods (oatmeal, whole wheat pasta, broccoli)
c. Increase intake of low fat foods (low-fat dairy, lean meats)
2. Nutrition counseling and education
a. Proper diet for diabetic patient
b. How to lose weight properly and at a healthy rate
3. Coordination of nutrition care
a. Refer to diabetic educator
b. Refer to personal trainer
1. Normalize serum triglyceride levels within 2-3 months
2. Normalize fasting glucose levels within 1-2 weeks

Jessilyn Cauble
March 16, 2015
3. Lose 1-2lbs per week of weight until reach normal BMI or IBW
4. Develop consistent exercise habit
5. Decrease total energy intake to DRI range
Monitoring and Evaluation
Follow-up phone call within 1 week
Re-asses serum triglyceride and fasting glucose in 2 months to determine within
normal range
Follow up with personal trainer
Follow up with diabetes educator
Have patient complete 3-day food record within 3 weeks to re-asses diet intake

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