The Sales Bible

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= STD RSE Ce - Vi “Every once in a while ONE book Ce Ree a a —Jack Covert, 800-CEO-READ ii he THE ULTIMATE SALES RESOURCE RRR CR eC nae New Economy” PO RR no How a ee a REVISED EDITION gee The Sales Bible Table of Contents Practical sales informatio you can read daily and use immediately. Re Open it anywhere id it from cover to cover ... oF ... d learn what you need for the moment ... and ... Use it the minute you read it, Part 1 The Rule: 1.1 Genesis The Sales Bible,The Second Decade Introduction ..“Iell never happen: 8.5 ways to use this book So, what's init for you? the Secrets, the Fun The most The old y mportant person in the world. y of selling doesn't work anymore... sort of Selling successfully in a down economy. Post-it Note™ your way to achi 1.2 The Book of Rules u 39.5 rules of sales success Sales Success Formula ... Aha!™ 1.3 The Book of Secrets 29 Why do salespeople fail? ‘Are you born to sell? Do you have a selfimposed mental handicap? How the customer wants to be treated, honestly. How a salesperson wants to be treated, honestly. ‘The elusive hot button ... How do you find it? 1.4 The Book of BIG Secrets More sales are made with friendship than salesmanship. ‘Your best prospects are your present customers, Make a sale on Monday ... Easiest way to make a sale? Top-Down Selling™! ‘Your personal mission statement. 1.5 Me Book of Humor ~The Biggest Secret 5.2 The Book of Clo ‘What are the 19.5 early w we srning signals tha the prospect i ea 89 to buy? ieee ny, When you answer a pros Prospects question, avoid two words — How to ask a closing question, Yes and No, The oldest rule of sales still holds true Two breeds of the Pappy Dog Close a 93 Eat dessert first! Fito wt The most powerful close in the world is not a close «- How fo deliver it 5.3 The Book of Persistence No folowp eaten No ml i Sales ool are vital pat ofthe flow. process Most sles are made afer the seventinag You've been sling since you were a Kil Stamp out competion wh 376 ses al The fx machine wl bree sal 191 you harness its power, ‘Oh, NO! ... not voice mail - AAHHHHHII! ‘Leave a message and I'l be glad to return your eal"... Not Can't get an appointment? Try harder Try smarter, 123 Part 6 Woes and Foes 6.1 The Book of Lamentations a7 ‘When bad sales happen to good people 1835 characteristics of sales carer falures 6.2 The Book of Competition 23 Dancing with the competition? Watch your step. Part 7 All Hail the King ... Customer 7.1 The Book of Customer Service ‘The secret of great customer service ..Ty Boyd. Outstanding customer service is a powerful sales tool. ‘Customer complaints breed sales ... if you handle Part 8 Spreading the Gospel 8.1 The Book of Communications E A weekly sales meeting is place t0 ex ating success contacts a io work 2 F007 7 toil F000 ‘4 r007. ner oneaiZat0n py those wo Count fin networking networking contacts Bible, fy dosalespeople read sales books? iewers, The Sales Bible is 11, The book has endured ang 4oimplement, real-world ed and updated. They tof the revised articles go, there was no such Introduction “Tell never happen.” Where did this book come from? itll never happen here’ That same morning ~ 1 hour later ~ 1 struck 4 deal ly column on selling Next time someone tells you “never remember that means “not for at least 1 hour.” Hey, my name is Jeffrey Gitomer and I'm a salesman.1 don’t have a Ph.D. T'm a college dropout. I don't live in an ivory tower, [live in Charlotte, North Carolina. I learned to sell in New Jersey and New York, where I grew up. I was in multilevel marketing when it was called pyramiding, [have cold called every office in downtown Charlotte, and I've cold called Fortune 500 company presidents and made the sale. I've made $1 sales and Te made $1,000,000 sales, 'm a salesman who has been on the street for almost 30 years. Sometimes face up, sometimes face down. love to sell. ‘Sales Moves first appeared in The Business Journal in Charlotte on March 23, 1992, The column was an instant success. It soon found its way t0 Dallas, Atlanta, Denver, Princeton, and a number of other cities. Mark Ethridge, publisher of The Business Journal, Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist, and my good friend and supporter, said that publishing Sales “Moves was his most impactful marketing decision of 1992. WOW. nd. They: fre Breryone in the deatergy, Hoon Galone), they saiq fd write a Book. It was BT ppentorTy Boyd SUREEStCd the Ipassalesman. I'm 2rateFul for hig on my 30 years of selling shave listened to Teould find, and went to (0 learn as I teach, provide you with sales out there in the trenches ‘how hard you work. | and a week at Hilton editor, and friend, Rod 8.5 ways to use this book. alespeople are constantly searching for new ideas. lespeople need a constant source of motivation. Salespeople need immediate answers. Salespeople are looking to make more sales ... today. Salespeople have lots of problems lla onc tn the same day they cold I follow-up ten prospects, wo to-a networking event, make three presentations, send five letters, et turned down six dines; and make one sale. That’ a regular day! Salespeople need a dependable feference with realworld answers (other immedate questions stumbling blocks, or challenges They need Tbe Sales ible The Sales Bible is not a*method’ of selling. I's a series of real-world observations, techniques, and philosophies that you can modify to your style of selling. You use what you need to make the sale today. You use what you need to prepare for the sale tomorrow.You acquire the knowledge you need to achieve your sales goals. ‘The Sales Bible is a real-world resource. These lessons aren't a bunch of ighbrow, Ph.D., clinical research, They're a result of 30 years of success and failure in some of the toughest selling environments the business world has to offer:They're based on actual experiences of mine that know work because I worked 'em.They are simple, pragmatic solutions, and they make sense where it counts ~ in your sales environment. They will help in your real world. Try a few and see. Use this book! ... 1. As a resource ...'To expand and strengthen your knowledge and expertise with the selling process and daily sales challenges. 2. For a daily lesson ... As part of your daily rededication to be the best, 3. In a study group ... To grow and develop as professional salesperson. : 4, To lead a meeting... Mos chapters are an el lens 86 sa 8 fora sales training or brainstorming mecting, indexed for est aecy you work your sa Repay SION WOTK VOUT sag Bee fminyour fee, te importany pnd: puse this book ... i ared pen. Hig ighter and a red! pen. Highjy, jou seek Write Your thoughes, the information you read as soon sou use it, you own it chiniques per year. In 5 years, ‘command. WOW. Carry this ance, Read a chapter at ‘most of all, use it to make 0 capture the spiri ble.The spirit in which Feceived ~ and used lable online, contain crucial support n carry them with you on sales calls, to networking, event trade show for quick reference under « the principles of sales gain mastery of the selling process. Gy They will help you are a firsttime user, and enter*FLASHCARDS" in the Gitait hag = 8.5 Double your money! ng plan. It is outlined in The Book of Numbers. did it because so many salespeople have unharnessed talent. 1 ur income, | have given you the tools to do it ve it to yourself. Can you develop the discipline challenge you to double y Now it’s up ceded to do it? it for you? ag é B ppine lofiest goals you's. a Asa alesperson eit you're the most important person in the world of business! Nothing happens in business until someone sells something. You sell so that the factory can produce the orders, so that the product can be delivered, so that the administrative salaries can be paid, and so that the new computer system needed for the bean-counting B questions: department can be purchased. Selling even occurs when you want the bank to loan you money or extend your line of credit. You must sell your banker or vendor on ‘your ability to perform and repay. And a sale is always made! Either you sell the customer on YES or he sells you on NO! of selling doesn ore --- SOrt of. stil wear cot pongo hing, emus change the way wes Rte tret even, mucn c change in the sales process that yi e foreverTo succeed as a sales professio, ne rwice, Or sell fo someone Who will yo you to somcone else. ‘you must still be a master of every them ina different way ... a frienaly aemphasizes serving first and selling someone says selling is an art. Baloney, gered, repeatable set of words, that convince the prospect to buy. Like science it i ‘what works best or what theories ‘and you can apply them today, but to master them. Here are 7.5 sin the pages that follow , omer wants, needs, You've gor to offer Gevess 11 lave fun and be fi i AY ... ain't brain ¢ me. If you can make prospects lan Laughter is tacit approval, Tacit approval le ancer, it's your career. Have igh, you can make them buy. ads to contractual approval 7.5 Never get caught selling It makes me mad when a sales sounds like a salesperson, Learn the ae esperson science and convert it to an att, These and hundreds of other rules, uidelines,and techniques contained in es are dedicated to the science of sel elling, so you can turn sellin into an art, Your challenge is to learn to use these techniques and principles daily to succeed in the real world ... your world. these pag If you read one lesson in this book every day and practice it as soon as you read it, you will have more than 100 lessons and more than 1,050 techniques in less than 6 months, Hey, want to learn the best, easiest surefire way to sell everyone you meet? Iry reading Grimm’s Fairy Tales ~You won't sell everyone, But you can sell more than you're selling now, much more, There is an easy way. And it’s fun. When you read The Sales Bible, you gain new knowledge and implement it daily. Learning from the daily experience of its implementation leads to sales mastery. If you don't follow the process, sales will remain a mystery. You may not fail, but you won't succeed, Not the way you want to. ‘ling is fun, selling is lucrative, but only if you're willing to get serious about your commitment to being the best you can be at it. To succeed at selling, you must realize that there is not just one way: to sell; there are thousands. You learn a little from everyone and combine it with your experience and adapt it to your personality to develop your style. ‘The one thing I have found after selling and studying sales for 30 is the absolute truth - the best salespeople are the ones with attitude, the best product knowledge, and who give the fit worked; some of it bombed, or mybusinesses - dot oF Not ~ arc eos of ight cies in 10 Yar. ony fil Ie fled because people forgot to sey sly) combine their business idea wi pe fof reams. If you build tt, they wit Th ev ume, but they didn’t buy: edt how some kid could come to work in 10" stalFup’ advertise, give everyone n do ostensibly nothing, other than have an (also called “model”) that he he do that? Well, it turns out he use that greed bandwagon has come to business as usual ~ cog-eat-cog, Or in has fillen further. We are », We're going to stay that Sask the cab Wit Still sucks, but it Genes 13 Charlotte, NG, for the last on€ (89, 90,91), and that’s build my suecessful business here pierre ee selling and networking while others Want to know what to do? T have just the formula. BUT it will require a diferent (than last years) work ethic to make it happen el a a f baby. Here a hint ina nutshell = Get Ready! These ae the eaten a converting from the dot bombed, tosecoloned Neg to the emerging, notas robust New New Eeonomys where 24.5 sales and personal strategies needed. to succeed in these new new times, and a new new question at the end of each strategy to test your reality: 1. Guard your present customers with your life. Others will be eyeing your customers like a hungry tiger ready to hunt fresh prey. Now is the time to invest time and money in relationship. New new question: ‘What would happen if you lost two of your top 10 customers to your ‘competition? What's your plan to be CERTAIN that doesn't happen? Ouch! 2. It’s the relationship, not the price. When business isn’t expanding, everyone will be trying to steal your customers with a lower price. Your biggest opportunity is to build relationships with value (help customers build their business, give them ideas they can use for their profit) Your biggest vulnerability is to ignore your present customers in quest of additional customers, New new question: What new ways have you created to build relationships? 3. It’s now time to do the things you didn't do (or put off) when you were fat and happy. Start here. Train yourself to be the best. ‘your people to be the best. Now is the time to invest in your peo the best possible training both in sales and service, and to encourage your people to invest in their own time {0 s New new question: What is your training budget? What is poe in frst PACE, YOU Will Lo ees wil COMEIDUC £0 sell gag. New new question, werything and everyon jew of € e revi networked. 1035 the single poy Me and new ones: REUEUICALC yours ot nerworkin 4 A Week Memvorking s the ideal Way (0 byig parade asacation tno jug Bes ana vo orci ProsPECTS that yoy Sar mmPpld The BoOd Ole DOYS Network i vase it. Join it Yrever been good ole iixe hadan inside track or a better the business. And it’s most interesting to ie the lowest priceshe just has the best Doyou have a written 1-year ont of more customers and prospects? on of value by being seen and Hecome known a8 a person of value #5 (not brochures). This is a combination, yleadership, and reputation. In this it who you know, it's who knows p 10 people in your industry to 6 hours mers and prospects ‘and new ideas to help them PS. Not everybody will like you ... get over it, But your best chanee for success over the next few years is to have lots of of customers who LOVE you, New new question: What do people say about you when youlre not there? 9. Make decisions based on who you want ; nit to become —- simply on the basis of your monthly quota be Eventually this mess wil beavers nee a vil you e AS the smoke clears? Plese noe it 1 AB moke clears Because when the smoke let if a0 Ete Your reputation, based on your words deed, and aetons Ml pea that you leave for yourself you heed the words of Dr Pal Homey who preaches," Make all decisions based on the person you want to betomne directed towaed longterm relationships rather than shore quotas New new question: When you make a sal,are ou making shone 10. Spend more time figuring out solutions than whining about problems. “You can't be a winner if you're a whiner, wiener® That's famous quote said in, 1993 by me after | observed who came out ofthe recession of 91 and who didn’t-This is time to prepare and be your best and you can’t do that if you're whining.The good news is, most people wil be whining, This leaves plenty of room for you to succeed, Note well: People will still be buying during this period of time,They just won'tbe buying as much, Business (sales) will goto the prepared. New new question: What are you whining about? What solutions make you a winner? 11. Study attitude; don't just think you have a good one. spend 15, minutes a day reading, The best time i in the morning, before you start your day, Read happy, positive thoughts, even if it’s just a reread of a Dr Seuss book. (The best one for salespeople is Green Begs and Ham.) New new question: What are you reading every morning? Or are you just watching TV? 12. Invest, don’t spend (in money, in time, in business, in anything that you do). Now is the Tee ‘guard your assets (and pethaps the abbreviated a form of the word). It's real easy to put your head in the sand and think ‘everything will return to the way it was.The reality is, dig in, but assets to build a fortress of positive thought, new information and €-commerc a je the Inermes rn AND information 4 bite New ering 04s; 8Y 4107 Ya in re, fax cover sheet, busines cation (0 yok on cr : one What DOOK O” CCA) yg mn, Ptce by making, MOTE COIL Cals. Nog eenitge overitaNew new Gestion: Whar qy Mone ea What should you (could you) say I rheeatir you rise, the better chance eri beating the competition. My column hay Ayrten early in the morning and late at fore bet that Im wiling to do more than mose Arne tndo. Much more. Look at balance” a new way ~ Ungouot balance your checkbook will be. New new urwork hours?’ What are your TV hours? firey ingorrect.The reason most people don’t peoples because they're so screwed up ction in the morning. New new question: ighours? What else could you Your success on the fot beer (re-read number gin the evening that’s keeping say them twice a day. “universal truth of 21. Figure out the daily dose achievement is to Beale nd do t No matter what, Pact 2 of ily actions, Save $1,000 Appointments a day, Ifyou figure out * the smallest bit each day,any goal is within New new question: What smal hi could you do each dy 22. Bet on yourself ~ and get in shape to do it or you won't the race. You better be a lean, mean, selling machine.This isa time to invest in your mental self, not in your material self New new question: What can bu do to get “leaner and meaner"? How much are you investing in you? ind always has been your attitude, if someone asks you, in'?” you respond with, *Cashin’ checks!” New new question: What do you say when people ask you, How's it going?” 24. It's not up to your company. Its up to you. Take responsibility and ownership of your job, your work habits, your customers,and yourself New new question: Who are you blaming for things you should be taking responsibility for? 24.5 Regain the tenacity you had as a 4-year-old in the grocery Store asking your mom for a candy bar, and not taking “no” for dan answer. How often did you make that sale? As often as you're making, ales now? How tenacious were you then? Now? Ifyou need help in this drea, take your child shopping, New new question: Giving up {00 soon? What could you be fighting harder for? Wow -- that’s a list. [All you have to do is master each strategy and the market share will remain yours. Business Summary? Sure. There's less Cbut lots) of business, hut don't Dé Jooking too hard and look past your biggest asset ~ present customers and. vendors. C¥es, vendors.) Do all you can to keep your customers loyal because your foxy competition is hungry and looking for food inyour nen house. Take new new steps to keep your customers loyal ‘ Personal Summary? Sure. The new new economy will be shaped and determined by the dedication to the new new you! mil ito" spat those Post-it Note™g irestoh of 10OKING a! then, 80a ll. youll begin to accomplish tp ct ton a piece of paper up in your head Genes 19 And here’s the tested and proven method 1. Write down big ones On 3 x: yellow Postit Notes, write down your prime goals in short words (get funding for business; in salesman Of the year award; new client: First Citizens Bank), i 2. Write down small on Use three more notes and write d your secondary goals in short words (read ab iets ralnsteni «about attitude 15 minutes a da read book ~ Dale Carnegie; organize desk; build new closet) 7 3. Put them in front of your face ... Post them on your bathroom inirror, where you are forced to look at them = and yourself = ever morning and evening, y y . Say them aloud each time you look at them ... Look AND say doubles the affirmation 5. Keep looking and talking until you act .. You will look at them ‘until you are sick of looking at them and will begin to take action = achievement ation ~ and accomplish them 6. Seeing the note there every day makes you think about acting on it every day, Once you star acting, the note triggers a"What do I have to do today to keep the achievement on tanget?"The note forces you to act ‘To achieve your goal By posting the goal in the bathroom, you are consciously reminded of your goals at Ieast two times a day. From there your subconscious gets into the fact, gnawing away at your soul until you are driven to take positive action. Achievement actions. ‘And when you get to the top of the mountain - when you achieve what you've been working for — at last you can say the magic words.Seream_ them - I DID IT! (Screaming positive things always feels wonderful.) 6.5 Revisit your success every day ... Here comes the your goal is achieved, take the Note off the bathroo triumphantly post it on your bedroom mirror, check out “how you look for the day? you also eat wow! youare Fomine bY looking at (x03 hing in the i bout what it tc “oa and thinking al ‘s~it ge 9 The progam is simple ‘The progam works. ‘The resis wil change your attitude, “The ress will change your life ihe ress will change your outlook about your capilty of success achievement. Duhaveourbedroom mirror full of achieved Postit Note nigh money o 0 out and buy a bigger mirror - ang Bees Starter kit, Want a preprinted veto send you one in appreciation Hreadership. Send $1 to cover postage to 3, 429, Charlotte, NC 2820, THE SALES BIBLE Part 1 The Rules, the s “This Rules!” en TE Aarne TT turn them into sales, Tl. RB fe How do you turn a | PCS cae Or at ned lhe boo PST TERT AUTOS of Rules a ATURE COLUM an Follow them and you'll say Thanks for the orde vx 39.5 Rules of Sales Success...... 22 ve Sales Success Formula Ah: Sesmu Cal 27 folowing the fama rules of selling witt jy ead gs success faster typ Mla wales st than af highpressre sales techy Me 5 rules of sales success Goffaur they just don't know how to succeeg, fusketill coach on the court and asked hing fe tookthe fall walked under the basket, and shor sal lh -99% of all basketball wares anc itvand he walked away: I felt cheated thay Inealzditwas the best sales lesson I ever gor amentals 99% ofall sales are macle that w for his vay vin success (or failure). Winning at q ensure a win, you must take a proactive important part of that process. If yoy Mor sales“Tm not pushy enough BION 'My’ boss is a jerk,” or “Ny mathe wrong path tails Of successful sales, éssful salespeople, these guidelines can you Sales success,1 can see it every day, The ook of Rules 23 3. Set and achieve goals. Make a plan ...pefine and achieve specific ong-term (what you want) and short-term chon OW you're going to get what 4. Learn and execute the fundamentals of sal Read, isten to tapes attend seminaes and page with handson experience. Knowing the fandamenite ger vena canoe 5. Understand the customer id meet his or her needs ... Question and uncover true needs, Don't prejudge prospects, the prospect 6, Sell to help ... Don’t be greedy, it will show. Sell to help customers; don't sell for commissions 7. Establish long-term relationships ... Be sincere and treat others the way you want to be treated. If you get to know your customer and. concentrate on his best interest, you'll earn much more than a commission. 8. Believe in your company and product ... Hetieve your produet or service is the best and it will show: Your conviction is evident to a buyer ind manifests itself in your sales numbers, Ifyou don't believe in your product, your prospect won't either 9. Be prepared ... Your selfmotivation and preparation are the lifeblood of your outreach. You must be eager and read to sell,Or you Won't Be ready to make the sale with a sles ki stles tools openers, questions, statements, and answers. Your ereative preparation wll determine your outcome, 10. Be sincere ... If you are sincere about helping, it will show, and vice versa. 11. Qualify the buyer ... Don't waste time with someone who can’t decide. 12. Be on time for the appointment .... Lateness says,"I don’t your time? There is no excuse for lateness. If it can’t be avoide the appointed time, apologize, and continue with the sale. 13. Look professional ... ifyou look sharp, it's 4 fi you, your company, and your product, sationship sales I hay tacit APPFOVAL. Make the sour product... Know you, Dae gto benetit y ur cust rental freedom (0 sdge in.the sales p centage, ‘sent; ation, The customer doesn’t want to ky iow how it will help him," iss 0 f Neverbeat alos ge, Keep it... The Best way t0 turn a sale i Failure to do what you say Hnrgourcompany OF YOUT CuSO Sa distee Feuer Ifyou doit often, the word gets gr” to remember what you sai - Ifyou have nothing nice to say gnileto break.The sirens are sweetly mom them with preparation and creativi € prospect will often tell you whe paying atten istening is : gattention. Listening is as important $ to standard objections, stomers are not always Ction(s) at first, issue ~ it's not just an 'to the prospect,and 27. When you ask a closing question, SHUT UP 28. If you don't a return’... Ifyou don’t make th a firm appointment to The first rule of sales the sale, make 29. Follow up, follow up, follow up Follow wes Ifittakes between Sand 10 — pect before a-sile is made. b made. be prepared to do whatever it-takes to get to the 10th meeting. 30. Redefine rejection They're not rejecting yous they're jus the offer you're making them. — ind be comfortable with change ... big part of sales is change. Change in products, tactics, and markets, Roll with itto succeed, Fight it and fail 32. Follow rules ... Salespeople often think rules are made for others, Think they're not for you? Think again, Broken rules will only get you fired 33. Get along with others (co-workers and customers) ... Sales is never a solo effort: Team up with your co-workers and partner with your customers 34. Understand that hard work makes luck ... Take a close look at the people you think are lucky. Either they or someone in theie family put in years of hard work to create that luck. You can get just as lucky. 35. Don’t blame others when the fault (or responsibility) is yours ‘Accepting responsibility is the fulcrum point for succeeding at anything, Doing something about it is the criterion, Execution is the reward (not the: money ~ money is just the by-product of perfect execution). 36. Harness the power of persistence ... Are you willing to take no for an answer and just accept it without a fight? Can you take 710 as @ challenge instead of a rejection? Are you willing to persist through the 5 to 10 exposures it takes to make the sale? If you can, then you have begun to understand the power. 37. Find your success formula through numbers ... By det how many leads, calls, proposals, appointments, presentations, and ups it takes to get to the sale, And then following the formula, snes right SOMETIMES Positig eave. YOU ATE FeSPOnsibe Pit — slave portant of 6 a Eig you te 0 will also pring joy #0 0 yur ure are 1 dest happen a frefive of them. What degree are yy, dia selfconfidence brought about by insecurity. It’s about lack last Olympics did it in just to run in a race, but how long The Book of Rules 27 Sales Success Formula ... Aha!’ Attitude -- Humor -- Action This is a combination of elements I have found to be effective for sales achievement. It’s simple on the surface and even simpler in prictice, Each clement contributes to the whole and is vitally linked to the other two. They are useful by themselves, but together they make sales magie Here's how it breaks down: Attitude -- Your positive mental attitude is your driving force to suecess in every endeavor of your life, Positive attitude is not just a thought process; a discipline and a commitment, Each day you wake to a rededication 10 being positive, thinking positive, and speaking positive. It’s not something that comes and goes. It’s all-consuming. It makes you feel good all the time on the inside, no matter what the circumstance is on the outside. All the time. Humor -- Humor is not just being funny. It’s how you see things. Humor is 4 perspective for effective living and a successful career in sales. It’s your sense of humor AND your ability to find and create humor. Making others laugh and feel good in your presence, making others smile. Hearing "I like talking to you. You make me laugh,’ or*You just made my day"That's what _ humor does. It makes others look forward to talking to you instead of ducking your call. It's medicine, sales medicine. Action -- Walking your talk. Waking up in the morning to set of goals, Having a daily agenda that you! AY y RB g é q allenge you fom each element, then combine them inyourown Way fo suit your own personality, The monetary results will astound yoy, put the personal reward isway beyond money. Follow them to the letter and you'll say ... THE SALES BIBLE Part 1 The Rules, the Secrets, the Fun T Book ol Secrets da-lu) i want to know 2x Why do salespeople fail? vx Are you born to sell? 2x Do you have a self-imposed mental handicap? ..ssssmnne 3 2c How the customer wants to be treated, honestly........00 3 x How a salesperson wants to be treated, honestly. de The elusive hot button How do you find i 13 messmo" sprvofsuccess 18 belioving YOU cay hecome you think ; nu become what you think aboyy simply pts 3° Why do salespeople fail? Because they tink they Will grinae? Bveryone will say yes, ut less than 1 in o you have a positive Dota lof I. Are you really in that small percentijey 1,000 actually do! One-tenth Ail you have todo i pass this simple test. Yes No (1.7 Awvateh the news for about 1 hour per day. GF Lead the paper every day. GF read a news magazine every week. Ft sometimes have a bad day ald al day: gq a ‘The Book of Sores 31 rhe plot thickens. Several national test hy stating statistics about why salespeople i Ve revealed the following. Improper training” bath pa 20% Poor verbal and writen COmmunieagon a 15% Poor or problematic boss of usages 50% Attitude ee scereca 30% more they jac ange Se a 50% more fhe as change the wa they Gi EN nis legendy tape. The Strangest Secre. Reveda he eet ona xititude: We become what we think about. But it’s 4 that must be practiced ... every day Ke (et Want to begin to change your attitude? It will mira will miraculously affeet Success (and income), Live these thoughtsandexercises: WR remember is no one's fault but yours. You always have (and have had) a choice V iryou think it's OX, itis. ifyou think ies Reeve Pea V ienore the junk news = woHk ona WoRWile i een eam fo something to enhance your life V For 1 year, read only positive books and material. VU when you face an obstacle or something goes wrong, look for the opportunity UV Listen to attitude tapes, attend seminars, and take courses, V Ignore people who tell you that*You can't” or try to dis UV check your language. Is it half full or half empty, partly sunny? Avoid why, can't, won't V Say why you like things, people, job, and family. Not w! UV Help others without expectation or m say,“I’'m not ‘cause he’s not” who loses? If you only ...,’ who loses? tik V How long do you stay in something's wrong. Selling is a learned skill acquired by people with the When Vince Lombardi ol ten | i said, Are you born to sell? “Winning isn't everything, ne ec its the only thing,” cee No, you learn to earn! ly developed the traits and characteristics to do so,then went _ he sho ul d have | : -arning and applying the science of selling, ind not performing the way you want to, oF thinking getting into sales and wanting to have some idea if you'll succeed? ‘ ‘Take this personal inventory test.These are 21 traits and cha great salespeople. How many do you have? (IMPORTANT middle ground between yes and no for salespeople called ‘You're better off marking it 0 until you achieve that Yes Ni i qa Thaye set my goals in writing, Thave good self-discipline, The Hook of Secrets 35, \ ina postive atude witha Are you Missing Opportunities because JU are too focused on obstacles? Do you have a self-imposed mental handicap? People with physical disabilities repulaty ovecome thee Clegg handicaps) in a way hat inspees their non anlesppet Gonnig ar People with scifimposed mental handicaps need help. SelPhielp, Wha sa mental handicap? See if these excuses sound familiar: oly Ae Br pete ve joe what ic takes, + can’t get him on the phone. (better chance if you answered + She won't return my calls, dent, perceptive, self-motivated, and a ; eee aria pore He won't give me an appointment, im, * Loverstept. I forgot. I didn't write it down, ‘ No one told me, * She didn’t show for our appointment, + [can’t get him to commit. Wait a second while I go get my violin, Wab, wab, w brain cancer that can’t be operited on, or w customer or prospect to return actually harder to invent excuses 1 tate pon sour is intensity drive, ang ep the foc hep HE 1 Peo situation. 1°5 n0% the rain ices for your ou have a choice in Psy Pereblame the path, change tne ange te siuatio? ituation. Take responsi your situation. lity ees Bgmibpaeitaint them guess wha, ee ie pe hetter every day. itis Breehiness itis to handle them. If you can’t a {ult for not knowing the best time Frat to cll;know when a decision is to be have what it ‘you stand, you should be. Manage your time | Keep perfect records. Know enough about up becomes easy and fun.Are you ‘exposure and make the sale? gh tapes. I challenge you to do it week, for one year is equal bout what you could be owing in your 8 on solutions? The Book of Seerts 37 Don’t use a bunch of time-worn sales techniques to pressure me to buy when I don't want to, How the customer wants to be treated, honesth ‘To be the best salesperson in the world (and Lhope you think you are), you must recognize listening as the first commandment of sales $0.1 started calling people who buy and asked them what they want salespeople to do, How they want salespeople to act. What they want salespeople to say (or not say). I listened,and I wrote, Unless you're an order taker, the way you treat (handle) a prospect will determine how often you get the order, And a sale is. always made - either you sell the prospect on yes or the prospect sells you onno. Here is a list of what customers want from salespeople = direct from their mouths, In a nutshell they are saying, “Here's how I want to How many items on this list can you say you fulfil each time you your product or service? These customer requests will help you t more often. If you use them in combination, you will have more po build a relationship and close a sale. Here's what your customers have to sa * Just give me the facts - 1d vais produovservice is Perfect for donde Fp ety 0 bay HFVOY-CAN DPOVE hay mc a "1 don't believe most ed i, ‘me about a similar situation Where a Montane be the fist or the on 4 med elsewhere. will have a lot more peo Beckie ime orwith the sime situation a¢ tha ges or id el With ster from a satisfied customer - One testimonial hay ou wll sere me afer you sell me - ’s promises in the past. he price is fair -1 want reassurance the price m buying. Make me feel like I'm getting The Hook of Secrets 39) « Don't tell me what I bought or did is and good about what I did. Be tactful if] pooh ue L Wane to feel smart goofed, t00. Booted; show me how others « Listen to me when I talk and you're t00 busy trying to + Make me feel special -1-1'm going to spend my good about it. 1all hinges on your words and getion, « Make me laugh - Put me Making me laugh means I agrei make a sale « Take an interest in what I do it's everything to « Be sincere when you tell me things ~ 1 can tet i just to get my money. * Don't use a bunch of time-worn sales techniques to presst ? sure me to buy when I don’t want to - Don’t sound rr a aunt Sound like a friend, Someone trying to help me + Deliver me what you sell me -- when you say you will -1F1 give you my business and you disappoint me, it's unlikely Tl do business with you again, * Help me buy -- don’t sell me - 1 hate being sold, but I love to buy. {B20 mood and Im more likely to buy ‘th you, and you need my agreement to ~ Itmay not be important to you, but You're being phony Thaye given you 25 statements made by buyers about how they like t sold. Take another 10 minutes to review how many you your sales presentation and philosophy of selling. ‘The buyer has the ultimate weapon against your sales she can just say no. They also have the ultimate = their pen. Return my phone cay asalesperson wants ee treated, honestly. {oo Ifyou'e a buyer, company owner, or CEO, y Salespeople ave felines cople? Would you like to know how they skye how do you tet SSP ‘vant to he ete? sho tak about what they wi re talked thousands of salespeople who talk Y wish Fn apes would or ne do). youre a decision maker fo ‘our company how many ofthe items below can you honestly (there goes that word again) sy you doin your relationship with a salesperson? This section is not about a bunch of whiny moaning about how they're being mistreated, Rather it's a what slespeople need to build relationships ripe of salespeople, especially any The Bok of Secrets 41 + if you don't decide (or aren’t the only deere, and tell me who (or who else) does, pyareeisioM maker), tll me, lke you, Dut want to talk to Gl) the decision ena YM OF yours kers ~ in person « Tell me how you feel while I'm presenting fAgheor wrong, Lancto ie \r1'm doing something you better, 7 ae 18 Your mail Thanks, Tell me yo + If you do, it will help us both. v You won't hurt my feelings ~ I relly want to know the gape Pe * Do what you say you will do, zampre:tfyou te a you tell me a decision femate Wednesday ey aon he gue on answer Example:You tell me to call You on Friday to stupa meen eal Your secretary says, he's out of twa and Wont Be Gal Me ed Common courtesy: Do what you sty'Thats not too mich toask Inve + Don't tell me you want to think about it. We hate that-Te me the real objection or how you really feel, Admitit youve already deade * Don't tell me it’s not in the budget or you spent your by for the yet Tel hw ou fel aout oy pt ec ‘want to buy it now, next year, or never olf you don't have the money and you want to buy, tell me, so 1 can help you find a way to buy. Don’t let pride or ego get in the way of the selling process. Salespeople run into people without money all the time (too much of the time, actually), and we want to help, * Don't play games. Don’t say, "I can get it for $500 less.Will you match. the price?” or I'm going to shop around to see if your deal is the best, I might call you back? Be straight up with me, Put your cards on th if you want a longterm relationship (like I do). + Respect me. Often common courtesy will do more to enh relationship than anything (besides a big order). * If you must meet with others to get a final there too. So I can answer questions about my pr ae ‘ mao ‘sty That's OK but it ain't what I'm thinkin omer you just tell mep why don already know the answer ‘when [ask for it. Even though this isa fantasy ae ring 102 St fof things salespeople want ihe sme for is rude to ~ won't return the calls pals ee pias this - Do you have salespeople? Are a Meee ame way you want your salespeople treated Youth dna tinkaboutitnenest same you don’ rTurn 2 phone ina cal froma salesperson. 1 amazing to me how simple the sales process would be if buyers just followed one rule -- ‘The Golden Rute. and gave it to CEOs and decision makers, it The Book of Seer 43, The hot button is a bridge that can get you rom the presentation to the sale, The elusive hot button How do you find it? All sales training includes this line: Ifyou want to make ty ‘push bis bot button. Great, where's that? Its within plain ee Beil asking distance; it's within listening distance. All you have to do is be alert. ‘Pushing the hot button only works if you can find it, Here are some ways to discover or uncover a personal or business bot button in a conversation (NOTE WELL: personal is hotter than business): « Ask questions about status and situation -Where he where his kid goes to college, Where the business stands at where it came from (history). : © Ask questions about issues of pride Biggest goal this year. i _ © Ask questions about personal in most of his free time? What sports‘ , = What is first said fr alluded to -What is ist sac in erg usually what you talk about first. It may put it will provide insight sponses ~The tone will dey Toudaess will indicate passion, ‘The Book of Secres 45, words of : «the bot button is sometimes a very sensitive issue Other ramifications that the prospect is not willin a ce the button and use it to make the sale (ea se Nour job is uncover th ee ser ‘ rake the sale. Use i Des le one Hou sense the issue is touchy, don't push too arg fgment. tf «The hot button is lus But you can fing Opservation. The bot button is se 1 prize you ea aia ae ee pecpect with care. The Bot button is a bridge on oe eaten to the Presentation (0 the sale ge that can get you from the ‘The bot button is an elevator. twit 0 all the way to {the sale). But it only works if you push the button, 2 > he MP floor ‘The hot button is a bridge that can get you from the presentation to th sale, All you gotta do is find it. How do you find it? Elementary my dear son ... In 1888, Sherlock Holmes said*Itis a capital offense to the before one has data? You gotta be a detective to find the hot button, Listening is the hard part. Listening is the important part. The ‘hot button’ is in the prospects response! THE SALES BIBLE Part 1 the Rules, the Secrets, the Fun The Book of BIG Secrets x More sales are made With friendship than ; salesmanship 48 ae Your best prospects are your present customers .. 2k Make a sale on Monday. ve Easiest way to make a sale? ‘Top-Down Selling”! 56 ‘ve Your personal mission statement... . 60 ne Saeali Ly a TOTECom ICO secret. T knew that! But neither can you, loose lips, Here are some deep, dark DCSE ACU RTE will lead you to El Dorado. Well, not actually, but if you follow these secrets, Oe NAN UY pest competitor couldn't blasy you aay from a customer : who is also a frieng The Book o Big qhink abo mers. HOw did they get J have great relationships with thems tre? Bet that way? Tone Don't Customer, it will often climinate the need for price are Nth YOUE est fegotiating, and delivery time demands You oe hecKiNg, Price smere’s another huge bonus to being frien Your best competitor couldn't blast yo who is also a friend. cls ~ competition aes climinated, y from a customer Most salespeople think that unless they are cal something, i's a wasted call, Nothing could be People don't like to be sold ~ but they ling a customer to sell farther from the truth, love to buy. How do you start? Slowly. It takes time to develoy it takes time to build a friendship. (if you are reading this and thinking, {don’t have time for this relationship stuff 'm too busy making sales’. find a new profession. This one won't last long) P a relationship; Here are a few places to meet or take your customer.The biggest mistake salespeople make is giving away tickets and not going WITH the customer. ‘You can learn a lot (and give value to a relationship) by spending a few quality hours with the people who provide the money to your eompany. ‘A different venue than the office will begin building friendships and relationships. Here are a few to ponder: 2 +A ball game. +The theater. +A concert. need to be amaster Salesman, You peliminate 3 the other half of the marker. So Sp apes in your Cat uth (Charlotte ere someone is amenting the fa epee panetrroce ha vexcuse Ive heard All the salesperson ig anything of value to the table and faileg ke a friend - AND SOMEONE ELSE Has. No The Hook of Secrets 5 Your present customep has credit terms, likes.y has a bistor i history of buying our product, and likes yeu u kes you ... What are you waiting for? Your best new Prospects are your present customers. Looking for new prospects? Who isn't! It m: you have hundreds of HOT pro your present customers interest you to know that pects you're not paying attention to ~ Consider these 10.5 assets already in your favor: ‘They know you, ‘They like you. . You have established rapport, . Confidence and trust have been built. your present customer dripping with business that. Ie beats 2 Cold cay tomers to buy more ~ pyour present cs », Peopl y new things. Your se love to buy new Greate excitement about how your new ty what will serve better Or produce ints ~ then fet them buy. ‘has built fortunes ~ just ask any you want cheese on that?” sells You may have to dig a ce of business than yg: No matter whether you m; pe in front of your customer builds relati call on your present customers ifyou M fame excuse like really means is, + You have failed to establish e with the customer e sold them everything T'ean sell them*yhe ie sm? what this ‘nough rapport + You have probably not followed up wr (or at all) after the sale, Pay + Your customer had some problem and you reluctant to call and open a ean of wore + You're in need of more sales and creativity training, ‘And the big one + You have not developed a proper relationship with the customer, Most salespeople think that unless they are calling a customer to sell something, i's a wasted call, Nothing could be farther from the tru week is t0 use Monday wed, Schedule Your hottesy for Monday morning. secret for consistent sales performance Pe py: Have a great Friday. : ng performance, tr these 8.5 steps, to get. rm often asked i there The Hook of Big Secrets 55, Mon way making sales calls after 10 ay ¢ Is before 8 A.M. Lots of decision m 5 nakers are are early risers, Pop a training or motivational and instead of Yow, oF music, try to feed your head with new ike that first sale, When you learn ewe p. Learn something new .. pe Fear oF Home Stereo (Or bot pe pies listening ning to the same old ee new knowledge hat wil wopointment, you can ts Ot in minutes, ea 3, Make at least five appointments for the rest of the week ny not have a Monday full of success and positive ani ‘s Wu Pick up the phone and work at it alien 28 4. Work like bell all week Friday, How you do on the last day sets the tone for the next weel ride Jack off you work intensely on Fray il ene oe oe Pavek and give You Rood reason to have a great weekend. 5, Learn something new ... Continuing your sales education throughout the week on a regularly scheduled basis is as important to your Success as any other aspect of sales, but make sure you listen on Friday morning, 6. Make a sale on Friday afternoon ... Schedule a close for Friday afternoon ... nothing like ending the week on a positive note, 7. Confirm and solidify your Monday appointment on Friday " Ifyou worked hard the last 4 days, you've already set your Monday AM. jnake-a-sale appointment. Call the prospect on Friday and confirm it, 8. Make at least five appointments for next week guarantee yourself a full schedule next week? Spend your relaxing instead of worrying about how few appointments: this commitment to yourself: won't leave work on Friday pepe inl ea a eee es .5 The secret to a great week is to use Monday The bigger secret is to tr ae 1 rough quali fon the way to an oi there is one person You are “ Inevery' comp Ae ‘make a decision: The CEo, i Why start anyplace else? of being introduced by the Cko titan a Chris sou everything on your list, The ook of ig Secrets $7 sa fourstep plan for contacting and scoring . 18 4 CEO appointment ready before you start. You only e it 5 at ey ei y have one shot at it; make your wave a written Target 1 t0 10 com Hag what you Want (0 accomplish and wher you want ‘po totily prepared to sell before ou make the fates pith, concept, samples afore you make the first call game plan spanies and define in twill take to get what all ~ Have everything lily planner) prepared and infront of you + sdentfy the leader (Ly name) and get as mueb inf many characteristics as YOU can ~ Make calls to find associations to get pertinent information before ration and as werlings, associates, ‘you make the big eal 2, Use the right tactics when getting to and getting through .. {ASK FOR HELP + ifyou get the president's secretary, get her name and use it + Be polite, but firm. + Be professional « Persist - you can’t take the first no or rebut. + Get his name - You can try *how do you spell his last name? but it's ‘embarrassing to hear }O-N-ES. + If they won't put you through the first time ... > Get his extension number. > Get the best time to call. > Find out when he usually arrives. > Find out when he takes lunch. > Find out who sets his calendar, — Pee yoy the han and ‘who will actually do it means you have not interested. The The Hook fig Sere $9) 4, Make your 5-minute meeting the be, posal in writing pr st You ever had Has saver fist of anticipated questions and answerg fave a ave samples or something to demonstrate ‘Have credibility builde 9 your best letter, something in print + Be carly ‘ took as sharp as you've ever looked +e knowledgeable ~ have answers in terms of how it works forthe buyer, «Be memorable ~The thing that sets you apart, the thing that gets remembered is the thing that leads to the sale + Deliver -You have one chance. Don’t blow it by not following through. It’s the most challenging, rewarding fun you can have in sales! __ The secret of top-down selling is the 4.5 R's ... The Book of ig Sees 61 dor embarrasted to flatter yourseie ae a others, Affirm everything you think yey i YoU are or think 0 it with a sense of pride anda spit of advenneas 2 is tt yourite yours. It builds your a e time it lays it bare, Post it where you can see it every day, Sign it in big, bold felt-tip pen, “personal challenge fou do it right. Here Live it. Live it every day, attaching mine to use as a template for yours. Feel free to paraphrase, ‘mine because it has helped me achieve some tough goals in times. q ares 0" Jefirey Gitomer q r Personal Mission’ Stateme father 1a | person and positiv } will be a positive pers hem self-confidence age my children, give ee ap them understand the Ways oft van help them un will be a good pers BR cats snap aerate gr 8 im ut will say yes When I.can, n0 abet a: ibe will seek business leadership positions Twill continue to be a leader by example {in sles, marketing, training, writing, and business consulting, My expertise and technology will position me to serve .. businesses and individuals with the highest-quality plans, reports, | training, advice, business expertise, and customer support | 1 will strive to build quality longterm relationships ... | with my customers and vendors, and to deal fairly | with ll people and companies I encounter. I will ‘endeavor to increase the level of service to my and honestly continually customers, ers, customers, and friends; and support they and iven me, THE SALES BIBLE Pa rhe Rules, the Secrets, the Fun nM] l he Boo (0) umor-- The Biggest Secret % Afunny thing happened to me on the way to a salet ... DOTSE TY Succeeding at a sales ST STTTCOn ct Oa the lighter side, Go ahead, make Da LUT eos NETTTIS orea et OUToniny Acree They'll be laughing ELITR to the bank COUT HL s the example or viet Be eriican take Kt.1ts also aeate fore Piiomer ple won't get the joke, Sience at een it or customer t0 layy ing. Make sure its funny to someone else pee OA IOKE Be fetta ey. .50 can po ort ter how tested the maternal and they will ne Pretty You tell it where ie Ls ‘Ome people's eleyy oF Bett Ke ethni jokes unless you're the 8 rule.1 was challenged tye hat telling someone an ethnic joke is npc ee PY aiend Hh ioe Ihave mixed feclings about tat ae ees was Hora fail rater have the prospect reves himself or heme te yO my friend's opinion i Mristen before you tell a joke. Try to determine ine dino ofthe person or people youre adirewigg dell yu as ast asthe right humor wil let you lo respect, type and \e Wrong humor ; nd sell) eternally “Try using personal experience rather than story-type jokes, Ea krow anyone Something funny happened in your office, with your kil. of when yeu Merino 0, becauce "geere a kid, rather than “two guys were walking down the street... -, [fyou tell a joke that prospects or customers have heard before, itis actually a negative to make them hear it again. Thats one gen ~_‘eason for using personal humor ~ they are sure to be hearing it for the an get the prospect, = jing. Timing. Humor properly inserted will tum the liming. Timing. 8. ‘i ‘or crowd in your favor. But be forewarned ~ there is never right me for a political or religious joke told to someone you don’t know. Dc ‘gender, Religious groups are apt t0 tak ri tes tend to be on th (6 rw sus 8m Afr mer ff, There is a fear and distil Saati have when it com hate hada ig at Of strategy should be © vn st gested hi that Nb SUE Sica on onestry bugs Fb etionl seling station. Tas making a full ofsmokers. I hate smoke. $0 I recounted 3 stop rity land, bec Brown, ard she was talking Adapt real-world humor presentation ina room: where ee how hard she was ¢ About how tough it was to quit smoking and how ha as trying but just couldnt. | asked,*Have you ever tried the gum - you know, that ‘icotine gum?” She stid,*I tried it, but I couldn't keep it lit ‘made the sale. Ifyou can make 'em laugh, you can make ‘em buy “Tam the THE SALES BIBLE Part 2 BNC Sea ETT nT preparing © WOW the Prospect The Book of ava STS natag (business) Seren Sean ; acy Pcie SIMRO enn en ONTO a) Oey SSC ECR COUNT Oa ong EW ORE Cd your calls again? CTO Can If you're not outstanding % The WOW factor. Use it to land 68 Bvreeona PKU the big sale ¥ Are you using the WOW Sith TOOLSET factor? 71 fit % Remember me? I'm a salesman »»- lke all the others 74 Oy separates you from everyone, 0 ee ‘mums your prospect into a custome. “The WOW factor. ¢ it to land the big sale. tobe diferen-The WOW factorand your closing ratio 1 don’t WOW ‘em, it’s likely you won't sell 6 sella publisher on a book idea based on my ‘Sales Moves. 1 used the WOW factor. Ideveloped a total WOW ipe book cover designs and mock-ups; 1 including letters of reference; | named the : ‘on the shelf; I wrote my jetion 1 oft selected clothing 1 The Book at wow 69) had two mentors help me with my Presentation. ty poya, Lewis, who was in ished 20 books. (Every day I showed up at nie sya natant and a at his place for re put me on chee Fight path; and Bi fad publi coaching rst appointment. | walk into Mr Book res’ start in immediately with backgr byentation in less than 2 minutes, put my onal questions (for rapport), aya two person i ly pitch in less than 5 minutes. Then I begin to question, listen, and tke notes. (The longer he falls, the more questions he asks, the stronger my chances are) Fore minutes later, I'm still in there, ' office in midtown, Your proposal. You've got | round, get to the meat of: Prototype in his hands, sneak in Me Book says, "I'm interested. Leave me your stuf (my only copies) and let me run it by my CEO” Great. I've got three other publishers to see in the next three days, and this guy wants to keep half my tools."When will you be meeting?” I ask lightly."Before the end of the week” he says, trying to ain a position of power. (Here goes my risk statement) I have a slight dilemma, and I need your help,'I said. “I've got several ap ee the next few days. Do you think you might have a chance to discuss this ‘with the CEO by tomorrow?” [should be able to," he said. The ook ot wow 71 Tarave 10 minutes eat the next: Mp eros tat a ok oP 4 a room tion.In valk the national sat ane ea fiy my book wil sll1 £2 On. my a ae juoatn via dogand:pony show that has him Icaning 9 typ he problem is th arrate ehaie Nowe it's time to drag OU every too) Hoh ae iinal distribution ideas Y have. tll im | J drm on selected sales calls. He is now totally be used by anyone, tat most salespeople enough to create it, Are you usin: WO are pees,royatics, ang y g the WOW factor? ‘this deal {he lists the bullet points} powerful aspe itch now he’s closing me.) *Yes)"I say ‘one of the most powerful aspects of sales — being different, you by noon tomorrow and let you Know?’ and walks ou What is WOW? on is sel ie Pte Wow separates the strong from the weak haces Wow separates the sincere from the insincere. call, [call him. He grutfly says he WOW separates the sales pros from the cons, MOMTERLiaT nor by WOW separates the yess from the no’, Wow is the fall measure of your sales power and the way you use it ‘gre you WOW? Is WOW a factor in your selling process? How do you WOW the customer? You can measure how much WOW is in your sales effort by looking at following 10 aspects of what make up WOW: me totally persistent ~To reach the prospect, to get the prosp rmation, to get information about the prospect, to appoint totally knowledgeable about the ps \ prospect and his or her business is often the famous “Mackay 66" questionnaire as @ B sgitome estion, listen, and question p thet ext out in 5 minutes oF less. Write self from your compedtion and €Veryone areasybave te sate in finished form (design dojey nave a WOW computerized Presentation chart ofkey areas where YoU Beat the y) no one else would do. ‘Lin what you say and the Way you act —Huing vilding it during the presentation. Use humor, use I speak as though the deal were done. Use total screaming at you about how to act Adence with cockiness. One works; vals, and commitments al a & The Book ot Wow 73 your score and rate yourse ‘add up ¥° . 70-75 =wow AOK = Dub 9 WOW is identify ss Gerting yan to srenghen them one by one cei a raking. pln strengthen then one by one, deeoning tal iscipline to Curry plan, and taking action to practice and implement the changes. You can doit f you want it bad enough ‘gre you WOW? Ask yourself + Would you buy it if you were the buyer? + Do you have what it takes to stick with it, stick to it, and do it until its done? + Will the prospect be moved to act as a result of your presentation? + Will the prospect go home or around the office and talk about you in a positive way? + Do you epitomize the 15 WOW characteristics? ‘There is a challenge and sacrifice needed to put WOW into your selling process. If you have the fortitude to put the package together, th ~ must put your WOW in front of the prospect. Here are the final step incorporate WOW into your presentation. Notice that all are int "+ Put your pissin in your pres you leave an appointinent op ing event, Will ANYONE remem yoy, a that YOu were theres ember me? I'm a salesman i: like all the others. Fsour corporate mascot and plays a cau as gy Whenerernced an important paper Tifa ring on ic [give er cad out in seminars and training programs for fun and a laugh But everyone who gets her card keeps it, shows it to ‘someone ese, talks about it, and talks about me. aon vivid image in the mind of the prospect that Vhat you do, how you do it, What you say, The Book of WoW 75 Eustomers. They are ready to serve in a mn your business card (and every one z "ery one of your employees’ hhave the following informatio eee * Name * Title * Company name 4 Company address * Email address + Company's Web site address % Phone (with area code) Fax (with area code) > Cell phone Gi applicable) 4 Company logo You'd better make them memorable ... and make them quick. A note about e-mail. if you're a company of any ize at al, ‘more than just you being a Lone Ranger at your desk in your den, ‘email address. None of this Hotmail or AOL erap. Those bbe for personal use, not for professional communication. If company to look like it’s going to be around for more ‘get yourself a domain name for your Web Site and ‘eBook ol ROW 77 te into a memorable jp pe memontbe, you need Pers informati e Favorite sports teams, > Favorite restaurant, food. = Type of cat eType of pet © Hobbies. © Favorite magazine © Last book read. © Prime goal © Last vacation ~ where. > Trade publications read, © Trade association involvement. © Civie/community organizations. © Hometown. © Other places lived or worked. => Present place of residence. Getting personal information will facilitate follows have the information, how will you use itto erm uss yer i followup program fr te The objectives The urgency (selling cyel J budged) le time). = The tools to be used. > The verbiage of all writing » The verbiage of the pitch (phone, i ‘with impact jons ~ scripted responses. swith impact. in person) » The object > The implementation (and training). > The measurement - documenting results ‘Being memorable and being remembered means doing creative, personal things Things like Zr Ifyou have tickets, don't give them to customers. Go with them. 2c Take them to their favorite restaurant. 4 Donate to their charity in their name. 2% Make them your Customer of the Month, Send them an award plaque: 2 Share a family experience ~ Discovery Place, 4 Koights game, picnic, 2 Have a customer award program ~ Best, Most Fun to Talk To, Most Professional, 2 Sem! handwsiten note wih personal messi Charlotte Fast 50 corporate He Gitomer, show this guy your ca's ‘one of mine in case the cat isn’t in, . another batch of Lito's cards. coat fiend and companion of 14 ld tell you years il You how close we were even THE SALES BIBLE Part 2 preparing to WOW the Prospect The Book of Questions Sx To sell or not to sel, that is the (Power) Question x Setting up the question and lowering the boom... ‘te Can you close a sale in five questions? 0 can Why ask aN Question: * How do you build OTe SOON oem ec * How do you establish buyer confidence? Eee er Peon ENTE anime lcsr Cony ESATO ec I Pca 80 ATS you'll have no answers Without answers, you'll have no sales: Without sales, you'll have TOMULUITOY Any questions The question is the most important SRI Re eclsperson should master The importance of asking one propery, Ties somewhere between sale and no sale listening skills and you will facts/needs, then formulate The Book of Queons 8 ost effective sales call is 25% questi aie Mes that compare with what you dan ga How Oy product ts different. need ty f ou $27. use. What you're really say z vat an &X¢ saying is, Meestion fee you ask a question? In a word = jow do yO! a questi unk asin own question, FP iiaskine Poaceae etoping and asking Power Questions se deny Dati to understand te Prospects need Hee m POM Of our ippes and styles Of qwestions Ou ask {Is the question clear and concise? Does the the question, its meaning, content, and implication? 2, Does the question require productive thinking bef pect can formulate a response? Have you pu the prageegon path foward your product or service asa result of the questions - 3, Does the question force the prospect to evaluate new information or concepts? Are you building prospect credibility by. asking superior questions that don't make people feel inferior, but do challenge them in a new way? 4. Does the question make you seem more knowledgeable than your competitors by probing in new areas? Are you separating yourself from the competition by asking questions the competition never thought to ask? 5. Does the question lead the prospect (and you) to experience? Are you asking prospects questions that things they are proud of? These are not only sales pportbuilding questions. sacle Prospect understand s the question generate a re: ught of before? New twists directly to the prospect's objectiy Mie prospect can relate CO? ATEAS that Make question draw information from the prospect that es the dust ee easier? Questions about HOw YOUF Product og felps you make elpe ot be wed, what are his or Her expectations 11. Does the question create an atmosphere that is positive and deere to make asale? Ise question provocative 0° provoking? ‘Don't make prospects mad when you ask a question = ‘make them think 12, Are you asking a question back when a prospect asks you one? Prospect: Gan I.get delivery in two weeks? Salesperson Is that when 123 Me aint quest 12.5 jestion -- Are you asking a closin, i A question to whic Pee ect iemic eso 4 closing questions written down ‘occasion arises? Ml bet you don't. lating and asking Power Questions? ond to each of the 12.5 challenges The Wook of Questions 83, Setting up the question is as i ; 'S as important as asking it, setting up the question and lowering the boom, spay Leone's nsf ook Suces Sets of he tn ay question spar hisses pony hee a el dicen important skl a lesperson should maseran Tage the mer nrec level AEB) in Seng vp and asking he quent presage the Way You ask questions fom AoW On, rst stage - Make a factual statement that can't be refute. Second stage ... Make a personal observation that rel and creates credibility lects your experience ayind stage ... Ask an open-ended question that incorporates the fist two stages (OK, sounds pretty easy. Let's try it Here are three (concise) examples to illustrate this technique: Jet's say I'm selling sales training, ust stage:*You know, Mr, Jones, sles staffs rarely meet s set for them by their boss or manager? Seco snce has shown me that when there is 4 ‘oor staff attitude and an absence of goal int skills. Interestingly the staf FP sing is an integral part of ; sument processing "Mr Jones, doct es fal 0 Pu Seo jagh emphasis on the quality and id atage’"My experience has shown ei eta rey Li 3 coy Bes Ty of tele sins eat Rees Bee ness urs la BO agen wc surcopies reflects the quality of your tbat question would make ‘The Book of Queions 85 sales solutions are easy once OU identify the prospect's probler MS, concerns, and needs with questions, Can you close a sale in five questions? creating Sales Funnel), who is probably as good a questioner as exists Be as issued this challenge: Can you close a sale in five questions? in sling eure of his technique and mine ct i ’s problems:This is « solutions are easy once you identify the prospect's probl 3 a Gromplished by well-crafted questions. Questions that extract only asyjon. needs, and concerns. The sale i most easily made once you fs the prospect's real needs and harmonize with bis concerns, ntify ae oni sed to qualify, identify true ne sioning technique can be use : bse the se in five question steps. For this example, let's say jones. For example, the Prospect says oi yang You ask, Oh, YOU MEAN Printing the quality of your company?” ply say mo to that question? armakes that important to you?” or “Is that most ‘or “Why is that important to you?” urthe tmie need of the prospect. Finding out what wy be secondary oF follow-up questions 9 - quality you demand so that the image ‘your business to your customers, I require, at a reasonable [not the mis there any reason I would not be} The Book of Questions 87 ng fora few additional Power Question fe 00k "dine? Try these « What do you look for ..2 + What have you found .,.7 + How do you propose .. « What has been your experience ,..2 + How have you successfully used ..2 + How do you determine .. «Why is that a deciding factor 2 + What makes you choose ...2 + What do you like about ..2 + What is one thing you would improve about ..2 + What would you change about ..2 (Do not say," What don’t you like about ..2°) « Are there other factors ...? + What does your competitor do about ...2 + How do your customers react to ..2 ‘To use questions successfully, they must be thought out and written inadvance. Develop a list of 15 to 25 questions that uncover needs, pains, concerns, and objections. Develop 15 10 25 Greate prospect commitment as a result ofthe information red. Li pm resus Mfr ome This is not hard sell; it’s heart sell. Good questions get to the heart of the problem/need | very quickly without the buyer feeling like he or she is being pushed. 4 You are now under my THE SALES BIBLE Part 2 preparing to WOW the Prospect Thoe Book ol Power DOS OM cee TCC SOOT You can be sure you ea do when you use MONON UCnITonGs Power (Statement) SOMERS CU power tool, Plug it in. Turn your current 2.3 Power Statements make Your product orservice outstanding, credible inderstandable, and buyable ‘statement that makes your product or ‘credible incredible), and buyable. A : ‘what you do and how you do it in Ba ; Beret {for what you're seling ‘The Book at Fomer QL ments have several purposes and ¢ ag and solidifying the stl, A Power power St comp! asta how ae tement that builds your credibility wit or Astat bility with a prospect. sence maNY nes in ant that makes a prospect think about wi ms of hink about what yor te an use what you off aa raditional statement that deserity + A nontr "es what you do ang Aff terms of benefits to Your prospect do and how you do. + Asayement about what you do in terms of what your prospect neds, ement that draws a clear line of distine ~Astatement t eee your competitor bie A statement that makes the prospect want to hear more, “A statement that gives the customer a reason to buy, “> A statement that breaks down resistance “> A statement that gives the customer more confidence to buy. “> A statement that makes a favorable impact on the prospect, “y Astatement that links what you do and how it relates to the prospect. “y Astatement that is memorable, power Statements creatively say what you do in tems ofa prospects needs How do you respond when someone asks you what you do? Il bet tsa poring one-sentence description that has the other person looking for fomeone else to talk to, Here are some examples of using Power Statements jastead of the previous answer you gave to the question, What do you do? porary Help:We provide quality emergency and temporary aployees for businesses like yours so that when one of your s is sick, absent, oF on vacation there is n0 loss reduction of service to your customers, on muesuss nate 10 10 re I would hear dozens of pe ecole cng (pattie). Ate 1 Ce eee wrong, ane vas hoping to find just one: 1 did k hoping i 20 0rs0 duds 1 weduets and clothing, a woman met m Mouse Prowkes more money ina year than fea it i auc ‘every Ty Oa hs igave me a puzzled "You're wel. terest and get appointments, patel + Genertc appointment Pow Mr Johnson, Let me explore some details with you for a few minutes (orover lunch) If think I can help you, ll tell you, and if I think 1 can, tell you that, too. Fair enough? ser Statement: 'm not sure if can help you, Have you created your Power Statements yet? Create your Power Statements now. Get out a sheet of paper in your sles meeting. Brainstorm them with your sales team. Bring in your most ‘powerful salesperson - your president. Write your Power Statements for all situations. Why not take a fresh, powerful look at your selling expressions? Its a great way to sell against the competition .. we SALES BIBLE Part 3 T 10 Introduce Myself Allow Me to I please The Book of dx The 30-second personal commercial How to write it sx The 30-second personal commercial How to deliver it ‘x Got a referral? Here's the perfect approach...... atmo uclions Lona DOT TcM tent to your pitch With a friendly ear, OSM OTE Coors on es Pam Pesca tte SOTO Neer minutes to make a powerful, professional neice 94 IF you can't open Nomen Ne na roe 103 Your commercial is an opportunity to nformation that creates interest ang jde in ey ve from people you network with, ‘When you go toa business meeting or are networking, you are on the Jookout for contacts and prospects Your commercial is your opportunity to ‘provide information (0 create interest and response from prospects. It is the prelude and the gateway to sale, How effective is your commercial? Do you even have one? Let's say you're out with a customer networking at her trade association ‘quality emergency and temporary irs so that when one of your own there is no loss of productivity or ou deliver a line like that and Makes © ‘a ws how you can help others, > Ends * Afier you creatively say what you do you ask a Power Question or series of question that makes the prospect think and respon nny ation, that gives you needed inform: ion allows you to formulate an fm format iPact response to show how Goditalking. Not just saying yes or no.) eer ‘There is no reason to tell a prospect how you can help until you have uncovered what kind of help he or she needs! sghe Power Question is the most critical part of the process because it ules the prospect and sets up your impact (power) response, When frmulating the Power Questions for your commercial, ask yourself these five questions [What information do I want to get as a result of asking this question? ify my prospect as a result of the question? 4 Does it take more than one question to find out the information I need? {{,Do my questions make the prospect think? §.Can Lask a question that separates me from my competitor” Here are some lead-ins to Power Questions that will expose areas of need ‘+ What do you look for ‘+ What have you found ...? * How do you propose “+ What has been your experience ...? How have you successfully used .. hat do you like about ...? fone thing you would improve about "oko tdcons 97 Your Personal Commercial Worksheet Name — {Questions that make the prospect thing company need to strike, “nat you do cbrictl) cad the section, “You are now Book of Power. This defines (Aste more follow-up questions until you get the information you need) Braver Statement Ss The Book of iroducions 99 pon’t deliver too soon. Wait un Y ’til you have en information from the rospe ough ect before you strike, The 30-second personal mercial ... How to deliver it, co crs cial and now it's ou js te ur Personal comme an Sn ak of your nereone at mma a ihe Gan deliver it aan make a pitch i a se bat at te Ie icy renuire dtcroas typed ot oe a cuvese sence eget screwball Gane amazing how many screwballs we -popul ndithe ever 6 yw what type itch to the batter ‘most eff eae I yen, need to know his hikton esa ano ey RAM apa shook" on eve y other player in the se ao ein \d where the fielders should ae event. Pies aces ‘ent in sales. You can't pitch the or BPPei sb tac his aces sre-vou Sugg c on’t know: ial Delivery Rules Commandments, but I won't) tions) should be no more than ks (other than ques! me gay someting tar erenively fll PFOSPECTScxactly ms oftheir needs d, Saygive, or do something that will stay in the positive, creative way). : your information at your command! ~ rehearsed, 5. Have ons and Power Statements ready. Prepare a nisin advance and rehearse them. 1 need by probing first. Ask power ana erate information, establish interest, show in a meaningful way. Ask your concise message ready to deliver when din your problem-solving capabilities, Jerson $0 that your information has impact he prospect is bored hearing about ‘helps or serves him. The ‘you do impacts him The Book of todiciogs 10) want his or her first impre do you PFESSiON to be? How wat ae How will you. jek can You aul im or hee «How 4 {questions can you ask th; {at kin OF thterest in what yo Mons Will quality your prosp enerate inte 1 do’ rospect and BE ive a list of Your Power Questions? A poy! : Are they rehearsed? have a list Of YOUr Power Statements? Are eee re they rehearsed? yoyo! «cay youre in the copier business. Youre at ane Jets 38) Pon ing, you're well dressed, youre got yous ane OF ness i Bot your business cards pouspora prose’ aa Give your shake fim. No one wants 0 sake hands witha dead Ssh) fame and company. ey, Jom Rigi, with Tet 5; 1ocom. ively say What you do. We help businesses build their ima {quality document duplication, You know every time you make aapand send to someone its 2 reflection and expression ofthe cal apr bsiness Your customer, Prospect, or supplier subconscious forms inion about your company when she ses the quit of your copy wre ply Toshiba copiers to some of Charlotte's finest businesses ‘ask an open-ended Power Question or series of questions. ‘of copier do you bave? (Variations and additions: What does nur company clo? How often does your present copter need repair? How many copies do you make per month? How many copies have you don your present machine? What type of policy do you bave i the quality of copies you allow to be sent to a customer?) the other person talk until you get a firm idea: use your product or service. Don't t K are sure you have the information yer Statement and show ts, like... [sald t0 yw you he Ip. sera demonstration is Way Bere aatcgrsentnsourenironnent I 11d be g Hime to get togetber? 2 scessily achieved when you are abje ec s svece Maly be achieved wit excellent preplanning and preparation ‘The statements you make and questions you ask must blend with the information you gatber tn order to score, Ufyou're going to play the game, its a lot more fun when you bit a bome run. This ts the, commercial I give in my “sales lead” list ~ business. You may get an idea or two from it. + Name . Hi {sometimes I say“Hey"], my name is Jeffrey Gitomer. + Company name ... My company is Business Marketing Services + What I do ... Every week we publish lists of new businesses, new homeowners, and building permits that businesses like yours use as new sales leads, Question ... How valuable are new leads to your sales generate those new leads? tell us that the leads provide them a ‘regular lead-generation and referral - et off to a good start. ee the names of new. in the Business Journal? Are he ‘Teook of otoduevons 108 When you get a referral, treat it like gold. ment is worth abu kw what our dg One third-party endors presentations, if yor Got a referral? Here's the perfect approach, ‘You got it;The most coveted prize in selling besides a sale.A referral How do you approach this person? How do you maximize the sling power of his referral? Here are eight rules to ensure your success: Rule #1: Go slow. Timing is everything, Don't appear t be to anxious to get the sale (money), Proper setup (giving some valu fis) wil reed a jongerm relationship (more money) instead of justa sale, ligt ‘Rule #2: Arrange a three-way meeting, Setting the stage forthe fist ‘meeting/communication can be make it of break it.All three the referral, and the person who referred them) together sets a stage. Here are the preferred methods ofa first meeting with: customer in order of preference (and effectiveness); + Arranging a meal together (breakfast and lun ‘are more business; dinner is more open-endle¢ and casual). + Arranging to meet at a networking ¢ + Arranging to meet at a social (theater, ball game). to sell at the first meeting if your Mn fact, the less selling you do, the more credible shave to establish rapport, some confidence, ang ‘meeting where you can get down too much information in the mail. The mail, ‘where a sale is made. It's just a sales tool. Send just nd create interest. :slobber all over the note with thanks, and thanks her it was nice to get acquainted and you're looking on it,or two tickets toa ball game). Your thanks and gift he customer to get you another referral. ‘bad to the prospect. Failure to deliver referral. This rule is the most instead, “Hi (hey), my name is J St eno ne PO a ako ee abe amajness with [name of customer] for some time nots, and a pught be able 0 Welp you in the same way Tee helped ene fo introduce myself and get your address to send you some Jibink you'll find of interest Now say something CREATIVE to establish personal rapport fn information you Were given by your customer, Try to get jaugh.Then say, “71 call you back in a few days, and n ‘over lunch. Thanks for your time” Don't be too windy. You're not going to make the s just enough to create interest and arrange an inp who hates selling (accountants, architects, of their new business comes from referrals, 106 resus manu ere Gitomer Take a lesson from these professionals -- the referral is the easiest-to-sell, most powerful sales lead on the planet. The real secret is how do you get them? | Simple two-word answer . earn them. qe SALES BIBLE Pi nnns eee Part 3 jose low Me 0 Inroce Mya ig NTE tale E eres Th | One 1e Book ( ol C old Call ling Rica 4x ‘No Soliciting,” the funniest sign in sales sone 109 ak Get to the decision maker on acold call ee (til $x Opening is as important as clos ve The cold call is fun ... ifyou think itis... 117 ve Elements of a cold call that can make it HOt .....1 120 3.2 ‘We Bok old Cling 109 What do salespeople tf jbink OfNo Soliciting signse “No Soliciting” the funniest sign in sales. rseems every office building I go into has a sign on the dooi 7 Sotfeiting. It has to be the funniest sign in sales. What cas in front of a salesman. Ta like to have a dollar for every No Soliciting’ sign Te ignored. What is the purpose of this sign and whom doesitdeter? It’ interesting to me that many of the businesses that sport the sign cold calling salespeople themselves. t's somewhat hypocritical to see No Soliciting on the door of a copier business, insurance broker, or temporary help agency. made up of entrepreneurs and salespeople. I asked how. they did when they encountered the dreaded sign, *Lgo into the buildings so fast I don't see the signs): president of El El Interior Plantscapes."I've been and I've never had a problem.” iG sot ones it doesn’t affect me, says Ward Norris, president of and learning your name, must have missed the sign take my glasses off just before entering so Ican't see the sign, says Mare ‘Keeble of Carolina Container Corporation. 1 got tossed out once; says Tom Barnett of PC Sales,“but one out of ‘thousands isn't bad odds” ‘Out of 32 people polled in the Farly Risers Lead Club, only 2 said they ‘would respect the sign; 2 said they have fear but enter anyway; 28 (87.5%) ‘aid they ignore it. Its also interesting to note that the same salespeople think its OK to ban the doortoxloor peddlers selling candy, perfume, and pictures. You know, solicitors. I's seems that salespeople from legitimate businesses believe that the isnot aimed at them. Lagree. sign’ ‘was having a discussion with a company president and his sales manager. They have adopted a new policy NOT to screen cola sales callsThey feel that too many opportunities are missed by not listening to what a has: ray Wha a great way to think. OF course, as ign that is customized or handcrafted, cally if the word absolutely is on it. "Te Book of Cd cain 11) “Tve got some important j about new computers. Who should. : conta Get to the decision maker on a cold call, Getting past the No Soliciting sign is easy. 1s getting to the decision maker that requires skill and finesse, If you use the line,“ like to speak withthe. poss’ it will never get you to the boss without a major hassle Don't ask speak to anyone. The key to getting to a decision maker is to make an indirect and nonassertive request for “information only" from the istrative person. He or she wil gladly give secretary or admit facts you need to make the perfect follow-up. You can use the following technique if you' in person or making a cold telemat! let's say you're selling computers ...*I need your h Tye got some important information about for (or send it to, if calling)?” If you get the nam i handle a No Soliciting sign and get to the decision maker? Jevery office in every (No Soliciting) office building in uptown Mot off a the top Mloor and worked my way down each tower | out ofttwo offices. One actually called the sales police. But they ‘only tbr you out into the hallway! You, of Course, promise not ro do it again, gt on the elevator, get off at the next floor, and keep on cold ‘ealling, No Soliciting is actually more of a game than a rule. “The sign is meant for doortodoortype sales crews who canvass an area trying to sell handbags, perfume, calculators, and wall hangings. If you have a legitimate, established business, making a cold call will not be offensive to _most businesses IFYOU DO IT RIGHT. The best method is actually an indirect solicitation You're only dropping off iterature and asking a few questions Ifyou'e out making an appointed sales call, i's i it's a great use of time to ma 4 few nextdoor neighbor cold calls after that appointment. always do No Soliciting sign, I don't even think about it.The entire cold call kes less than 5 minutes. Tek Od aig 113 son that would be Mr. Johnson’ she slefuly voluntary rent now LeOW the decision MALE: Dut going Ge on a roll." What would his positon bet qu double answer, to0.“Is there anyone else he works eth that grim asking to find « get on? I'm asking to find out i ve reached the Big be ned, I simply say,""We usually mail tw Derson. TET gee Fe yo people volved i he decon Tat maR “Usually shuts the gatekeeper UP Ipaxe «bold nove flea a Hoe cmc ofthe cata Seat he ine he be ee a Sppear. If you're a female salesperson and the boss is male, the boss wil Be rer soe. Thats 01 0s em Be ould be the bes ine oe ag 4 of info before I wear out my uninvited welcome, ule nag Now “Thank you so much for helping me.1 really appreciate it Lsay."What your name?” “Thank you. Susan, People love to hea thei name With praise and thanks. Ifyou do both, shell remember you the next Jou call and need to speak to Mr Johnson. ook at all the information you got! You may not have made a mone the first time, but they bought your pitch and youre ext call. Check out your prizes for being nice and non 1, The decision maker's name and card. 2.Whether he or she acts alone. Good or bad, your opening ling will immediately establish an impression Insets the tone for the sale ; Opening is as important as closing. (On a sales call your professionalism is the first thing a customer or ‘prospect sees. Then comes the impact of that alkimportant first line, Your delivery, sincerity, and creativity set the tone for the rest of the ‘onreration, They sso determine how the prospect listens. If you gc ttention and respect, you are likely to keep it throughout, ; tay oleae onary oe ate key to keep ie throughout If no, youre ‘phone, the opening line ts even more importa ortant. got YoU can't say, “Look at my nice suit the merey of (or the mastery of) your words. if'a prospect doesn't know PI you, the only ou want? The faster you get to the point, only if ‘THe Book old aig 5 1 like to leave (or mail) you a Be duct or Serv ioe) Who should Teaye iti, a8 ore known AS indirect qualification and pute re a youre asking for is name,and all youre doing rtekeener at ease, yen you Teave. She wants yOu oUt of there wing something, 1d like to leave some information for the qhout (type of product or service), Who ‘would thart wil decides his is a bit more pushy, but it actually seems to work ene cither #2 or #3, if you leave information, wit Fret on ie back of your business al ena through on the follow-up call Cold call (on the phone) There are 7.5 rules to follow. Always follow them 1, Smile when you talk. 2. Give your name and company, 3. GET TO THE POINT FAST (State your purpose within the first two sentences.) 4, Make it short and sweet. 5. Try to be somewhat humorous. 6. Offer or ask for help. 7. State that you have important information, 7.5 Ask for the sale. The “sale” may only beto get an appointment, But whatever your objective ‘was when you picked up the phone persist until you get it. 4 personal note to the 310mg way ara For many years I have said,"Hi, my name is Jel _ Marketing Services, and you don’t know de my request. I could tell by the 1. Tve been thinking about what you do, 12. Te got the answer to your question. 43, Ive got some important information that ‘will impact your business. he fatal mistake of asking, JU sent it 3 days ‘ago and how you can't understand how that could have happened, but that's lame, sounds defensive, and you have ruined any chances of making 4 positive cal. Try saying this instead: 'm calling about the information I sent, Ut wasn't completely selfexplanatory, and I'd like an opportunity to discuss it | with you personally for about 5 to 10 minutes.” immediate benefit from reading this today, make nes you use in your business, revise them, and compare them with those of your co-workers The results will surprise (ana ‘The Hook old aig 117 {fou use humor and get a blank stare, ou’ ta bt aco cls a crapshntg why not have funz The cold call is fun . if you think itis, Cold calling is one reason many people shy away from a career in sales sles professionals who make a sicfigure income will tell you that eo call sang provided the basis for their sales success, Doubt it? Ask ‘ean, ere is an 8-point game plan to begin succeeding at cold calling: 1. Be exceptionally well prepared. «Know your best targets (preplan), ‘Have a purpose (the big picture), + Know your objective (get an appointment, get a name), + Hlave a memorized script lines, powerlines, Power Questions), + Have perfect materials and tools (ad specialties are good on cold calls) your line. 3, How you deliver your first line determines - impact of the first sentence will determine su 55 you own your pitch, you'll s ice. Unless y Pitch: youl soung Te rrrtasiosman sounding ik oo. . ME tus ae i calls realize itis a selfinduced mental Pele etyorerone bya sre of col ell success, san and commissions. Here isa personalized formula to help you get better at cold calling + Identify your weaknesses and fears about cole calls. List them in detail, + Greate an action plan for weaknesses so that you ‘can overcome and eliminate them one by one, + Work on one every 30 days. + Challenge yourself to succeed every day. * Quit complaining ... no one buys from @ complainer. are opening lines, Power ‘Three of the most important parts of the cold call "and Power Statements.They allow you to gather the duality determine the prospect's real needs, and sell, 9. ‘Te Book of Cal calling 119) pumor d if | don’t make rT a ee ee ake le A About being funny ... “sfyou ue Rani ean dead ~ but a cold call is a crapst OE why not have fun? meee ean he reponse Gm exactly where you are, wo - Laie lene Why not go for it? Power Questions ... + A question to make the prospect think, + A question to let the prospect know you understand his or her business + A question that makes a prospect answer in such a way that he or she reveals information that leads to qualification, appointment, or sale, + An open-ended question. Don't say, "Do you ...?" say, “What do you ...2° or “How do you ...?" or When do you .. Power Statements «A statement that makes a prospect +A statement that builds your a prospect. + A nontraditional (nonboring) Prospects are just as motivated to avoig losing something they already have as they are to buy something new Elements of a cold call that can make it hot. Cold calling is one of the most difficult parts of selling. An old sales Says thatthe hardest door fora salesman to open is the ear door. ° ‘To be successful at the science of cold calling, YOU MUSE fist define th ae ee iprenlas that comprise the call. Then, like all sth Sclenees experiment (practice) until you have a method that works x basic elements that comprise a cold call are: : 1 Deliver your opener. 2. Ask Power (thought provoking) ‘Questions to create meaningful dialogue. Tretok oC aig 121 ‘e important ening imp? Iportant. The way you ‘ou deliver the opener, make the prospect think yn ng osrect cone A en a ply prospect areas of weakness and either ye rs at are crestvely descpine np Rene Op ero After ¥ gestions ( ical to gal growledBe ke stateme sates Mmpet to the point fast. The prospect i busy and wil he in Ifyou are asked for a price, give it immediately.try to doitinthe ost creative way you can, BUC BWve it ie s petermine what your prospects need by ... + Understanding the problems of their operation + Appealing to their sense of greed peal + Evoking their fears + Appealing to their vanity + Determining what their customer needs «+ Finding (searching for) the hot button ~ then pusbing it. «They will resist you. So what? I takes seven exposures, get the prospect to become a customer. If you quit after just one the sale will go to the next guy/woman who shows up. «They will buy to solve a business problem or Statements and questions need to be pointed in th benefits (what's in it for them), not features (how ‘what they will gain - profit, pride, reputation. P pain, loss, criticism. Failure to express benefits “will preclude the sale. - 122 resus nL Jefe Gitomer istence) will whip f + Atti , and action ( cit et of fatture doesnt exist ityou believe it doesn’, Fae ee acl reject your offer big del! Falson, Palle ec ete donct sanders these guys fled misrabl oa er vould they be without their tide to Be ee aatid we be whthout ther successes?) You ont Jataben you uit * Set your own goals for achievement. How many calls per day, ho ee iy eatna tet sumapers gare, bun wl only won Arik prurmunbersconsstenty to get thew fy Be tees ctf cal encush people, you vail axe Fe ity wil ake sales Gur purpose) ering, Believing s the fs jisualize i Seeing is beli step to achieving. It’s easier to do what you can see. Visualizing succes, helps eliminate fear of the unknown, Recreate those visual pictures in your conversation with the prospect * Every time you go through a door, get what you came for. Know What your objective is for this cold call.Close the prospect on the next step in your sles eycle, The higgest fear isn’t making the cal, it’s asking for the sale. Focus on asking and push for it until you get it. Here are a few asks that work * Which will be better for you ...? * Who should I ..? *IEI... Would you * When can I...? You are now armed with enough 9 ith enough cold calling information to choke hhorse.Don't leit stick in your throat.“ “HOKE The best technique I can give you about the cold call? Sit He SALES BIBLE SOAR TCR 1 Part 4 Making a Great Presentation rene OCT Arata To Rook of iM 1c IDOOK oO NOS Cones eUSMMCIn enter te NUIT TONER ON te Senn can Tone Presem Lallons x Want to make the sale easier? Establish prospect rapport 124 LeU R CUI NTC NGG first 15.5 get-real questions ' ~ about establishing buyer Can you give him enough 128 inane nee nny confidence: 12.5 ways to make the prospect 131 confident enough to buy 2x Where and when to establish buyer confidence 134 2x Sales words and phrases to avoid at all costs. Honestly... 136 ATION Oca TORSeKcu} Leola wt 2 minutes to curtain x Physically involving the prospect Be more aii = more sales... 3 2k Group sales ... dramatically different from one-on-one, ‘entury Computerized 144 ve The 21: Sales Pitch... 4] Uyou can establish common groung with your prospects, they will like yoy, trust you, and buy from yoy Want to make the sale easier? Establish prospect rapport first, (OK, everyone in sales sing, “Getting to know you, getting to know all about ‘you, getting to like you, getting to hope you like me; getting to know you, ‘itting it my way, but nicely" You are precisely singing the song that will ‘ake the sale easier to achieve, ‘Ifyou find common subjects or interests with a prospect, you can establish a business friendship; and people are more likely to buy _ from a friend than a salesman, after you open the conversation? Here are the phone, at the prospect's place of calling to make an appointment, so soa sense of relief on both sldea-me Fre now knows Why You've called ang Meee elev : re ren ‘a hasn't HUN UP On you, Now sna ed because Ho eet ee rapport and setting an go about the the Pung oe PE ‘ting the appointment oa e sapect formal or friendly? Try to use fy sane conversation (but dat tore ty Nea as Case tlk ie Aites it by listening. Prospect mo ct A all be revealed in jut a ep ah Peon for speech accent ges en as rom 2 Hea Ueto se piace od, hometown, and ‘es on the phone, 4 clue about where my i well rveled ot come from tne for and be sensitive to the mood of he ea noticeably short or gruff, just sayI can tell youre Busy on nor shee best oF cays Why don't we pick atime more convenient fr et call? ff you know the prospec, you can sell he appointment with a }onal touch. For example, if you're talking to a basketball fan,you ee eay'T know I can help you reach your computer training needs, ith igh Fnute appointment I can show you how we can help youn the hist inves and have the other 5 to discuss who the Hornets should draft? remember, people love to talk about themselves. Getting people to rip about themselves will give you a chance to find common ground, ta pish rapport, and increase your chance to make ase, Rstablish prospect rapport before you begin your iy best way to win the sale isto fist win the prospect Thee pets o interests with prospet you ci the o The Book of Presentations 127 he one word of caution He aware oftimeThe it in the na es i ones pen Dulin oe be a lot to do with where you live is Hook for clues as soon as you walk into the prospect’, Te os may have usiness. Pictures, plaques, or awards on the wall; mag: fe Nort to that don't match the business. When you get in the ‘office, look for pictures of children or events, bookcase items, uth, Midwest, Southwest, and West, you can s 7 i i A a y So ‘pend 5 to 10 mis lomas, awards, desk items, or anything that Pe ir I likes a ing rapport. Don’t lose sight of your mission, but ene end/or leisure pursuits, Ask about an award or trophy. Ask about a diploma tthe mission is most likely to be accomplished if you make a fiend | orpicture. Your prospect will be glad to talk about what he or she has Yefore making # presentation. The key s getting prospects to talk about peecorai lated aclikes 0 do. bselves. This Will give YoU a chance to find common ground, establish “Try to engage prospects in intelligent conversation with open-ended portand inerease Your chance to make a se ‘about their interests. It's obviously better if you're well versed in the point is to get prospects to talk about what makes -Use humor. Humor builds rapport because it constitutes nt (when the prospect laughs). Getting the prospect to laugh will to your place of business ...When your to your place of business, it is more difficult you don't have the advantage of the nt in his or her surroundings, So, be n items, their business card, ¢ OK, should Weekend, or Ifthe prospect says NO, it’s most likely thay ‘you failed to establish buyer confidence, 15.5 get-real questions about establishing buyer confidence. ‘The prospect said NO! Rats, ‘Did you lose the sale or just fail to make i? You're sure that prospect should have bought.As you head back to the car, licking your wounds, you {ry to justify or figure out why the prospect turned you down, ‘Once you've answered the fundamental questions of selfdoubt ~ Was enthusiastic, friendly, and professional-looking? - you may have to probe a bit deeper for the true answers. Even though the truth hurts, the real of what you failed to do is a big step in making the sale next time. ‘some anguish, YOU FAILED TO ESTABLISH BUYER ns ‘wrong ~ that guy really liked me” Maybe. sales equation, +h Confidence Test and rate your ability. If and your abilities, ask yourself te yourself from 1 to 10 on "Wt Ms 19 pid 1 make excuses or blame others about an ie Pe wasn shipped on tine, he compan ang The ation, C1 end the right informa es 1 apologizing? Sorry I'm late, unpre : 6, as Ne ing the correc information ane oR He | auoted the wrong By ject). ug nase pid the prospect probe personal issue 1. f& Mr. Johnson, *how do I know yoy Price s about my com 1bu ul be here to service me ri jp.6 months? : §, id the prospect ask doubting questions about my S a pmtappen fit breaks down afer the waranty nh pas this product? “ 9, pid the prospect ask doubting questions about me? How long gaye Lbeen With the Company, oF how much experience dal hve 10, Did I name drop other happy, loyal customers effectively? Dia Frail to use the name of a happy customer to answer a pointed question? {1, Did I feel as though I were on the defensive? Was i constantly answering questions dealing in subject matter other than my product service? Could I prove my points? 42. Could I overcome all objections in a confident manner? pid find myself unable to respond confidently about price, qualityand other {ssues blocking the sale when asked by the prospect? Did I try to fake 13. Did I down the competition? Did I berate my competitor the prospect's supplier)? Did I make disparaging remarks about the competition to try to make me/my product look better? 14, Was my prospect uninvolved in the sales presentation? Did the prospect just sit there, or worse, do other things while 14.5 Was I too anxious to make the sale? Was} obvious to the prospect that there was @ questions ~ but I ask them because iblish, and easily lost at the beginning fam lessons of sales is:IF they like you, believe you, trust feonfidence in you,then they MAY buy fom you. If any or “elements is missing, the answer changes from sale to no sale ‘When the prospect says NOPits mos likely a vote of "no confidence: ‘These questions are designed for you to evaluate your sal fattotance and reveal Your ability (Or inability) to create puyer confidence from a customer who said 120 ‘or would not buy today: In order for this exercise to work, you've got to be real with yourself, ‘Next welll look at methods, techniques, and sales tools that lo 7 will hel ‘these questions and show the link between gaining buyer 2 The Hook of resentons 131 Buyer confidence by using sales tools, ‘must be established examples, and stories ‘he prospect can relate to. 12.5 ways to make the confident enough of bie ts won't buy if they lack confidence in stories in a way that prospects can relate the use of your i setheir business environment. When isthe appropriite diet fetablishing this? AS soon as you can, been: Jes the basic four ~ be enthusiastic, be on time, be friendly, profesional - these are the 12.5 most effective rcehaigua ee 1, Be completely prepared. A fumbling, excuse making, salesperson builds zero confidence. 2. Involve prospects early in the presentation, Get t ‘orhold your samples. Something that makes them feel lik team. s . Have something in writing. An article oduct from a national news source will reek Affe Gitomer list of satisfied customers. Incluce large ancl sy Make perfect copies on good-quality paper. ‘a notebook of testimonial letters. Try to get letters that cove, aspects of your business: quality delivery, competence, service, ang Pasta srs gat delve compeses ere. 1 Don't bombard the prospect. Work your examples in as a natural Paisenmesnson conten ilo atu cls 10. Emphasize service after the sale. The buyer needs to be certain you won't sell and run. ilk delivery, training, and service. 1. Emphasize long-term relationships. The customer wants to feet that you will be there to help with problems, new technology, growth, and service. Give your home number, 12, Sell to help, not for commissions. Prospects can smell a greed greedy salesperson. It a bad odor 12.5 The most important link to the process. Ask the right questions. Go to The Book of Questions and read it 10 times. Try to use your confidence-building tools as you would use trump in a card ‘game, Play it when you need to. If the prospect asks you who else uses ‘your product, drop your big-name customers, or give a list of satisfied asks about service, offer your testimonial letters ‘Don't play your cards too soon. ‘credibility will be a leading factor in Your personal experience, desire to do a i Tre Book of Prsenatons 133 Being the least expensive won't get you anywhere if the prospect has no confidence to buy. The took of Pesentons 135 na one-call close business (0 re notin Over 90% ae 70 Sh enough conficlence to make the next gene PODS" Only nee Wesabiish enous We next appointment. NS Save your best stuff for your Presentation, Buyer confidence must be established and reconfirmeg esentation ... Your present } j Be. ring a prese % ation ~ either at the prospect in all phases of the selling process uring M incss oF i YOUF office ~is your big chan aa es PROSPER Be yg fl of techs, nd se them gp gs You Mal with yom rick fou Moubt, you! Where and when to establis buyer confidence. ‘The prospects won't buy ifthey lack confidence in you or your product. Buyer confidence must be established and reconfirmed in all phases of the selling process, Obviously the faster you establish confidence in the ‘selling process, the easier it will be Co get to the next phase of the sale. listed below are the prime selling opportunities to establish buyer ‘confidence, Each situation calls for different types of confidence-building techniques. Ina ‘situation... you only have time for one statement, _make it one that will discuss the use of your product/service by a good. ‘company. "We were very fortunate to be awarded the toner cartridge t Power: They selected us from among seven other bids’ em t0 establish confidence. Just sell the help you get the computer {0 cut operating costs, We + Letters from satisfied customers, articles, examples, comparison charts, and lists of satisfied customers that make the prospect secure enough to buy + Write things down. Let the prospect see professional respect for his time and the importance of the meeting, + Your demeanor. Confidence begets confidence, na follow-up call ... Relax. Don't sound contrived or forced, you force it,the prospect will begin to lose the confidence you worked so hard fo gain Have a specific purpose for calling use similar situations (good things you've done for others), and specific benefits forthe prospect as feximples of why he should buy now. Have comfortable leadin lines. ait, + Iwas thinking about you .. + Lwas thinking about your business ... + Someone paid you a compliment yesterday... + Your name came up in conversation yesterday with ... + Something important came up younced to consider 108 The key to being a professionay salesperson is not to sound like one, Sales words and phrases to avoid at all costs. Honestly. Create a new way to ask for the sale. ‘My friend, Mitchell Kearney (pronounced Carney), is the best commere photographer in this region. When shooting a subject, he never ‘Smile? ‘That's got to be a major obstacle if you're a photographer. He says it makes ‘him more ereative to ask his subject for a smile without ever saying the ‘word I've looked at hundreds of his photos ... most are smiling, so it seems ‘works, Mitchell avoids the trite, unimaginative, ‘separates the professional from the amateur, ‘fo smile and buy today? Are you using ect? Are you using words that create 1 projecting “I'm only here for the order"? m1 rafting to avoid sounding like und like one, you probably are. you doing today? -\hen you hearth onda me alp you with sometbing? .. te univer 11 ek ater 100 yeas of ea he PE ofa el eg ‘might fe eave and Customer Service-oriented yay ‘have something philosophies to avoid, Forever, ning the competition — Se ing nice to say about aml se nothing. someone, say nothing Ifyou dowe te Haw petition (0 & prospect, YOU MAY be speaking to they relative of spouse, eo akes yo T00k bad . Jping etbics ~ Don't ever say how ethical {fine theough. The jails are fll oftelevangeliss and businesspeople eho, reached cthics. Ifyou feel you have to prove yourself. use an example of Pry you performed of responded. Tell the prospect you wants lon fantionship, not just a one-shot order; but don't ever use the word ether Ayhen {hear it in a selling situation, I avoid that person atl cost, ‘You are. Let yout ethics lenge is for you to rededicate yourself to helping and satisfying the ee iyo customer or prospect. Your creative words and actions (th fvay you say itand the way you do it are often the difference getting a yes or 770. They are the difference between getting the fewing your main competitor get the order. I's enough to piss you ‘when your rival gets the business, isn't it? Well, do it. Get con ‘How do you do it? You have to work at salespeople together and work at being different room will create answers and positive results. W ‘And have faith the results are certain to make hee My experience has shown me that if you have to say what you are, you probably aren't. Think about that for a moment. “Tm honest,” The Bok scans 199 lets them inj involvement Sense of owner tht leas oa puch physically involving the p = more sales, ynen I sold franchises in 1972,1 drove big new the prospect at thei home; and as walked toward my eat woulda Mee, Thave a headache, do you mind driving? By the time Mrand Ma prospect wot co my office, they wanted aca just ike mine They would buy the franchise T was selling to get a Cadillac with the profits they were sire fomake, I involved the prospect in the sale from the first 5 : Cadillac. 1 would piek up ‘How involved is your prospect when you make a presentation? Tuetle (touch, fee) involvement leads tothe feeling of ounersbipafyou ‘want to find out bow receptive a prospect is to your product or service, set them involved early and often in the selling process. ae {Usually it’s easier to involve a prospect in a product sale, But if you use your creativity, you'd be amazed at h ‘can get someone. Below are some ideas to consider. the call, fax the document. Get the picture? Though you know how to do it, you're not going to impress the wath a whizhang demonstration, you're going to bore him, {et the prospect lead the entire demonstration if possibte, : css, ee: ‘Look and listen for buying signals: big smiles, words of praise, questions, ‘exclamations. Involvement while explaining a service Get the prospect to follow along, Read aloud. Play a part in the demonstration, Take a test. Do anything interactive that is fun and creates interest. A 20-minute pitch (monologue) is not nearly as efte _minute interaction (dialogue). Involvement techniques and questions . Ask open-ended and probing questions to determine how interested the ‘Prospect is: ‘WeBook of Presentns 14 it takes a consensus to mle one ‘ but it only takes one person fi J 10 rule against Jou, Group sales ... dramaticalk different from one-on-one, group sales separate the professional fror Group sales separate the pr om the amateur You . arsales, more skilled at people reading, and even more alist goeh dynamics. In a group you can sell 5 out of 6 and not make the sale, Worse, you can sell 99 out of 100 and not make the sale, ‘the problem in group sales is that you must please everyone. One night 4 group presentation, a woman asked me what was my favorite her plaid. The group loved it, My friend, Bill Lehew, is the master of group sales, He has sold th of people, all in groups of 10 to 500.Lehew says if you can 100, selling one-on-one becomes duck soup. After spending a few hours discussing and the group selling process with Bill, bere are some, ‘proven to be successful in actual selling situations one’s name. This is considered by many as the veins, People love to hear their names. Being recognize “ofpride among peers. It cin definitely sway the opinigy favorYou may have to take one of those memory fo it, but Lehew claims it is one of his most valuable tools, « Get some information about the group in advance ~ their history ‘goils,and achievements, Being able to talk t0 the group as an insider rath than an outsider has dynamic advantage. + Find the power person - the one who (other than you) seems to haye the attention of the group. Play to the leader. : + Find the problem person and address them head-on and carly. Have solid answers to their questions and concerns. The “one rotten apple spoils the whole basket” rule applies here, + Uncover all ions by asking the group questions early. rice down! ip's concerns on a board or flip chart. Be sure to cover every pi and check them off as you do. y and cover them in the presentation. You re going to ask. Why not haye scripted answei idlence participation leads to a feeling of early. Remember the names of those in m? Now's your time to play the card, sell the others better than 10 of alays an important role in group ¢ % epumor POrous can win a crowd ~ and on rues: NOt imate? 1 comfortable Norn dra“ they laugh w femakes them feel ¢ fable and in the ™ood to buys Augh with you, different than one-on-one? say | y's totally ¢ says Lehew"You can} It jone. In my years of experience, 1 have oe ly win the group ~ it's integrity.1 know it may one Nay 1D little old fashioned, but itis the basis of my mann oo simple se basis OF my sleet an ia Ny SUCCESS in group. The future of the sales presentation is a laptop computer ang a portable overhead projectoy The 21st-century computerized sales pitch. Thave seen the future of the sales presentation, International expert on computer presentations Bill Whitley and his Creative genius associate, Army Pickholtz, sat me down in my living room, plugged in their Macintosh laptop and portable overhead projector - {totaling 7 pounds ~ and proceeded to show me a computerized sales ‘Presentation that I'm still reeling and buying) from, ‘It was just an ordinary 3.5.inch floppy disk and an 80 MB Macintosh ‘laptop, but it contained animation - a cartoon character named Norm who funny-and prepared to sell.They added 3-D computerized Lund talked. They incorporated an actual videotape clip ted into the presentation, and Norm closed me at The Book Presentaons 145, se sets you apart FFOM YOUr COMPEHON An nage mative advan eee sa leader you are seen! ‘A computer presentation is the leading ee unol08 Pee course and cia a Cera a at never fails to make a ‘ions A complete Hn ct acento eo inating to the prospect... 1t wi ‘5 fascinating to ps It will have the Ttanswers the prospects questions before theyre asked . ye “dine presentation takes the prospect's questions into eonaenrtgaare You can put in a qualifying test that the Prospect takes . The gnswers to which can lead you to a sal, it can be programmed to overcome objections specific to your oduct or service ... When you hear an objection, yon ean alee sng presentation to overcome the specific objection and close orgobacki@ the pitch, aa It can be used to ask a closing question ... Ora series of closing {questions ~ and the prospect interactively answers with ordering information or information that confirms the sale «It’s so good, it’s scary. you say, but how is it in a group? Better. went to a di ck Bank & Trust employees for the unveling of three products. The bank’s regional president, David Crowder, to make the interactive, animated, song-and-dance loved it. At points in the presentation they were (remember these were bankers ~ people who don! miss a payment). But most important - they w 146 THe surs A ifr tm 4 Fonda nec seit gong he inden ct sy Bits pernt# Obviousy clamor sophisate your presentation 38 Prot prsenaona can get que expensive, but consider the you consider the investment And if you're thinking, ML wait until the price goes down Til bet your competition's not. And for those of you who say, IF it's so great, Gitomer, how come you didn't buy one?"I did. Fpilogue:d decade after the first Sales Bible came out,The Whitley ¢ ‘no longer exists,and for the RIGHT reasons. 1 chose to keep this asti the book because Bill Whitley and his comp: Ten years ago, he was the ONLY one who w ‘him to turn around and sell his company for te What are you doing that is ONLY?Ten years ago, they showed me 4 | computerized sales presentation that blew my doors off rhc point Iam trying to make is the importance of bei | teaching a L4-yearold how to us ] erst. Computers are cheap, Internet connection ta cheaper, and both arc 2lstcentury tools that are the gate fi Baleway t0 your fame, fortune, financial freedom, fulfillment, and fun, : oe roup le in ly Were AHEAD of their time doing this, and it enabled *ns Of millions of dollars, te on the Internet, not vice Follow-up The Book oO Obj eclions * THE SALES BIBLE Part 5 Objections, Closing, and Getting to YES you ASNT Tania SOT USCC Tay UOTE COSCO eR eee Simple, Pat Fither you sel the prospect CIR 43 WoW Will the real objection ples stand up! eal-world objections 4 Be sotulons FEY YOu will hear the word no : Con Te ectior evention. A new way + Objection preventior y tact to enjoy safe sales 156 Overcoming objections : series: 159 What do you say when the prospect sys T want to think about it 160 See neon NO neR un eemre rt STs ean een ‘We spent our entre budget, and your bank account honest 162 Lywant to check with two i more suppliers. 164 NMAC Om COME “Lyant to buy, but the price PTicy is too high. sooo 106 “1m satisfied with my a eect aurea, said 168 ON Tees {need home-office approval”... 170 “Thave to talk this over with my ... 2" UDO. sina Call me back in 6 months.”, 00» 174 5.1 rod hnemistically called objection or concern, it’s actually t c i ly rospect won't buy now: What the prospect or customer ections. Most are just stalls. This that buyers will often hide the true hurt your feelings, they are ell the truth. A white lie is so much The Book of Obectons 149 po a satisfactory Source,”"We need two of ‘a He ae ering and “Your pres te op rete ice BUYS & £5 t00 igh, are also cassie offs jons, but sd an 10 run the Top TO thing 4 true objection? Most true object shat is 3 tions are never: whine time when the prospect says kn a Sip of the "I want to think it over? oF gives Mira sling line, he oF She relly saying something else Here are the real objections ... + Doesn't have the money. + Has the money, but is too damn cheap to spend it. + Can't get the credit needed. + Can't decide on his or her own + Doesn't have authority to spend over budget, oor without someone else's financial approval «Thinks (or knows) he can get a better deal elsewhere + Has something else in mind, but won't tell you + Has a friend, connection, or satisfctory relationship in the business. + Does not want to change vendors + Wants to shop around. «Too busy with other more important things at this time + Doesn't need (or thinks he doesnt need) — ‘your product now. ‘ «Thinks (or knows) your price is too igh. + Doesn't like, trust, oF hay ‘your company. - + Doesn't like, trust js most salespeople are not able t0 get to the 1 /to overcome objections when they oc i They ack the technical (produc) knowledge _ + They lack the sales tools. + They lack the sales knowledge. «They lack the self-confidence. "+ They have not prepared in advance for the same objection they've heard © Totimes before). "+ Theie presentation is lacking. Or any combination of the above. ‘The Hook of btn: 151 Overcoming the true objection, Real-world objections ... Real-world solutions! bpectons 1 Overcoming them the tH onic ve cstomer n't exacy saying no Ree iso Be nection may actly RAGE Rie alee a the best way to overcome an objection” The Boy Scout motto — Be Prepared! But, since most salespeople are not prepared this chapter ontains the second best method. (The best method is detailed in the next chapter. No jumping ahead. This is a different way,and you may not always a pe able to use the best way.) Why do objections occur? 1, Because there are doubts of unanswered questions in the mind of the prospect (Sometimes created by the salesperson). 2, Because the prospect wants to buy ris interested in buying, but needs Clarification, wants a better deal, orm have third-party approval, Because the prospect ¢ "+ You have not anticipated objections in your "presentation and overcome them before the | prospect can ase them ‘Here are seven steps to identify the true objection and then overcome 1. Listen carefully to the objection being raised ... Determine ip itis an objection or just a stall. A prospect will often repeat an ‘eal. Let the prospect talk it out completely. ‘No matter what, agree with the prospects at first. to tactfully disagree without it starting an argumet If you believe itto be a stall, you must get them to fess up to the objection or you cannot proceed. If you believe it’s a stall, or want ‘clarification, try these leadlin phrases to get to the truth * Don't you really mean ...? iat _— You're telling me s ———_ But think you might mean something else Isually yen customers tell me that, has shown me that they really have ction. Is that true for you? it objection if it's This allows you nt. ion to ask the same thing you'd buy my service, you a The Hook of Ojstons 153 jog ~ show cost, demonstrat al 4 price -sh Val ist comparison FoI you cannot answer the prospect ng gorge dierent ort pat from others youl Never close this (orgy at EE Oe uct knowledge, reat, es ool your be rode and your Company, nd your abit communi copa Fe acy 0 man oan a Sey icomtcn w me prec aa ask a closing question, oF communicate in an assumpiig Ask a question the ansveeto Which contrast manner would you"is the classic model “If T could for the close. + “I'm pretty sure we can do this. have to check one fact with my office. It's a go on my part, I'm assuming we have a deal? orl could meet with all the deci + Use similar situations when you close. People like to know about others in the same situation. + Ask, “Why is this/that important to you?” ‘Then use, “If I could ... would you?" 7. Confirm the answer and the sale (in writing when possible) Get the prospect to convert to a customer with a confirming: * When do you want it delivered? + When is the best starting day to begin? + Is there a better day to deliver than others? * Where do you want it delivered? Observation About Obj ds, One good one is to get app: uring the sale. This sets the tape. They all contain closes or ways tq have usable ideas. Your job is to apply nd personality. No two salespeople are cis no trick - it’s friendship, , open, human relationship, se are the Cliff's Notes Version of overcoming objections to Carty in your wallet, You'll need a big wallet, 1. Listen to the objection and decide _ i true. Qualify it as the only one. 3. Confirm it again, in a different ‘Way. 4. Qualify the objection to set up the close. 5. Answer the objection so that it completely resolves the issue, and confirm the resolve. 6. Ask a closing question, or communicate to the prospec an assumptive (I have the Ifyou can anticipate objections Jou can prevent them from occur ring, Objection Prevention. Anew way to enjoy safe sales. “Your price is too high” Rats. Don't you hate when you hear that? Its the number ONE objection in the world of sales. Why clo salespeople continue to listen to it Beats me. ‘There are no new objections. You've heard them all before. Can you ‘imagine the prospect saying," Your price is too high,’ and you responding, “Reallyve never heard that before” (Actually that response may be better than the one you're using.) Whatever business you're in, there are between 5 and 20 reasons why the customer won't buy now. Some objections are stalls - delay tactics or hesitation by the tions: Prospect to tell the silesperson no, Both objection and stall are defined by salespeople your sales: Prevent objections by before the prospect has a chance to ‘medicine to cure objections. The Book of Objections 157 op sales tools that enhance and su Develo oni eters, testimonial veo ee ey ESPON, trem like te> i leos, comparison charts, and topos documenaion could enhance he octontoas prog opPomnies must develop whatever is needed to make the a om ies omrndent, supportet and able 10 make the sale ee Pea + Rehearse the scripts in role-play. After the ‘pedal several roleplay Sessions to get familie Shoation,and try to make it sound natura «tweak the scripts. After you role-play, there will be revisions to the feripts: Make them immediately «ry them out on customers. Go to a problem customer oF two,Tel them what you're doing ~ they'll be flattered that you had the eourage,and they'll most often give you truthful responses, ions based on real-world situations. The real ‘world always changes a script or approach. Be sure to document revisions every time you make them + Keep the documents in a master notebook. Give all salespeople copy There is an added bonus to this system — when you hire a new salesperson, he or she has a training manual that will provide immediate insight and income. + Meet regularly as a group to discuss revisions, There is always someone inventing the sew best way possible. Its so simple, it works.The key is to know the objections that are ‘occur, and script the answers or responses into your regula pres ‘that when you come to the end of your pitch, there's nothing t Here are 7.5 tools and phrases of objection prevention you nilar problem or objection who bought in spite of th ‘The Book o Objections 159) etitic pp i i 4 a Compare the compe ipples t0 apples ang ‘i a eesto ecru ‘ overcoming objections series ‘i 2 One of the most powerfu} ‘perier re ded hae a iat elie he sale starts when the customer objects, Mos. preven he real objection first; they just sta ja tistened to our customers. They had a concern FE ee en ee rel Oe } potenti objection disappear and how you listen and respond objection. ce a opie want to think it over 7. Say, “We used to believe .. but we have changed and now we I want to check with two more suppliers, “As a method of preventing a myth from recurring (reputation for ‘ He, four price is too high, “01 idins to often customers won't Thave to talk it over with my partner (boss, wife) ’m satisfied with my present supplier. We've spent our entire budget for the year. Get back to me in about 6 months, You know the objection is coming. You've h ‘questions, answers, and sales tools when Sometimes these are true objections. Most of the time they are stalls, or ‘worse, unteuths ‘The key to overcoming objections lies in... + Your knowledge of selling skills. + Your knowledge of your product. + Your knowledge of your prospect. «The relationship you have built with your prospect. + Your creativity. + Your attitude. + Your sincere desire to help. + Your persistence. nen the prospect Says ..- to think about i.” want to think about it"? Don't you hate to hear thay oui trying to sell jones Construction a new copier Jones is | ee ‘you the old line about thinking it over. | : “Thinking it over” is a stall, not a true objection. ‘You cam only make the sale if you find out what the ‘objection(s) is and creatively overcome it the fence and onto the order pad ... it over means you're interested. Correct, to get rid of cJones, this is an important | device. Every time you send | y you will be thinking or are others involved?) re our reputation ‘Te Book of Objections 161 50% of the time when the “T want to think toe ! says, it really means he or she ... + Doesn’t have the money, +» Can’t decide on his own, * Wants to shop around, + Doesn’t need your product now. + Has a friend in the business. * Knows he can buy it cheaper elsewhere. + Doesn’t trust or have confidence in you. * Doesn't trust or have confidence in your company. * Doesn't like your p: * Doesn't like you. The other 50% of the ‘when the prospect says . y entire budget, honesty” °is one of the best put-offs a prospect + Sometimes you can get a bigger boss to make variation or exception, Sometimes the prospect will just use the line get rid of you. you must first find out if the prospect is telling | hidden meaning Possibilities:*We spent our ‘mean “I can't afford it or "I can buy it don’t want to buy from you (or your tory vendor? or “I don't want what Te Bovk Objections 163 sti the prospect truly wants ips out : © buy bur actus Me money in te budget, NET'S a great method to qa) OSS NOU TAG sson: If the budget w: salesper ‘ssn used, would you Buy ay pee ; prospect: Oh. yes! galesperson: When isthe next budget meeting prospect: July ¢ a ist now ask the followis NOTE: You mus wing questions oie the answers. _ syyhat type of proposal do I need to submit?”*Date dues" sample of a previously submitted proposal?"*Are thee fie a fe ubmit it to?” Will you give me a letter of endorsement?*(A letter of endorsement by a manager attached to the budget proposal ean be the deciding factor.) “Can I present my proposal in person at the meeting so 4 that any questions can be answered?” (Any besitaney on the part of the 1 10 answer these questions probably means the budget is not true or onby objection.) not | You might still be able to get a sale or partial sale this year. Begin to. about the present situation:*Is there anyone else who might he able to ‘rearrange this year’s budget to find some money? ... a [eft in approved items that is unspent? ... Can we categorize tl in another heading that has money left to spend (office equipmen promotion, dues and subscriptions, publicity, ad ‘Abit more pushy approach is,*Are you sure you P says yes. You say, "Buy now. Il bill you n ‘say to get the sale today? red with every ‘them to make the sale now. Below is a technique with 4 sales tool that can win a sale and impress the eds a cellular phone for better and faster business ted you, listened to your pitch, but says he josition Mr. Jones in a way that he will this on indecisive Mr, Jones ‘my customers wanted to do ‘cell phone from me. I'm best phone and the best service THe Hon Objects 165, sperson: Great! Many of 0 lesperson: ut eustomers 1 rete Duy:but we oth know thi cay gga] HO a co ] the reas ke lot of Your aku Himernore time. Isn't it? Si me in the first pl eon for you Here i a char of eae BM Soe fe fompettion for you. Here isa chart of our top 20 compe PEE mots Chow an 11 x 17 chart completely ed gga Behe ries YOu ie Ta ie og Na eS fompare favoral 'ach area, especially those/areas of eoneg ye oye Jones. meer vice Now, Mr. Jones, when do you want to sign up fo pone plan? iP for your cell OTE:Mr Jones is now pleasantly surprised at how wel Homework in shock that he wl ave to decide now ee Yen state his true objections. See “T want to think about tt eutier nt chapter for a list of the true objections you are likely to get) A chart that compares your products, services, and prices with those of your competition can get your prospect to buy now instead of look around. Avariation of this tactic Offer to do the comparison on your time. Haye Mr.Jones t ‘what he’s going to compare. Tell him you'll file a written compari whoever wins, wins. fi Mr Jones will say,"I don’t want you to go to all that troub “Mr Jones, your business means a lot to me. don’t min¢ give me a chance to make sure we're on top of our gar ost in a competitive comparison’ the most guts you can muster, ign up now, or wait until the com ne of the most expensive cars in the world. Som. is too high” .. the company sells thou is one of the wealthiest companies in the world. classic objection. To overcome it, you must ‘actually means. Assuming he or she wants ire speaking to is the sole decider, there are gs behind this objection ... = hat has worked best for me i fe one that hi me is “Would (hot today) fue pee were lower ar juher than price, there is fou P 1 reason we car ou iave double-alile the prospect onthe pane gy eae tee it fforale, Wil yOu take delivery (or begin or oat ea onder right away? rine prospect sty 28s then you have to oweativel hate compare price to cost (over a term), or simply resell at heen price, The key is to prepare these answers in advance, You See Pr jection is coming, Why be surprised? {he prospect syses) Irprospects want your product or service bad enough, th Fo cctaue ney ay ee they won't buy. What is actually being said many times “want to buy, Show me a way Just because a prospect says, — A a “The price is too high,” doesn’t mean he won't buy Great, just what you wanted to hear. But don’t get discouraged with this ‘neji’ actually pretty easy to get an opening and begin a relationship ir ‘you ean get the prospect talking, Just because he’s satisfied now docen ‘mean he'll stay that way. Realize that what your prospect is saying ts that their existing suppliey 4s the best they've been able to find. ‘You may have a better product, price, availability for delivery, service, {raining, or warranty: The prospect is only telling you he’s satisfied from ‘is perspective. He doesn't really know about you or your company yet Ko cnowing. at why the relationship ts satisfactory wilt belp you reasons your prospect likes the vendor he’s currently ae ks he’s getting a good deal or good THe Book Objections 169) mation about the present « Get informal nt tendon: “What 10 You like most et ave vendor you're Using?” and Is there a ee show a difference: “We have recently introduced ny go beyond your present equipment and would apprecne ges hat demonstrate them _ tOrGive us a tr)”: Suggest that the prog “erod of 30 10 90 days, or take a tral of Prine business to prove yourself ‘issue a challenge: sure you wil gre, Me Prospect that aa pusinessman, you owe it to your business o continue to acteyaee ie best valuc."A satisfied buyer may indicate a comy ee Fal the comparaive wok, + Give an experienced response: “Mr Jones, when I personaly have a satisfactory vendor, I still need another vendor as a point of reference to make sure I'm getting the best price, selection of products and values + Question their selection process (not their selection): “What standards {do you judge your vendors by?" Raising the question of standards wil et the prospect thinking about future performance, not just the past. The four keys to success with this objection are ... 1. Find out how the relationship with his present source began. Get @ historical perspective. Find out how he began with his present supplier. 2. Ask the two important open-ended questions: “What are the things you like most about the vendor?” and *What would you: € you could?” ee 3. If you get a chance to give some information, you'd Sound great, Be sure to stress that you have lon with your customers. Tell the prospect you' re cultivating one with him and you don't expect @t0 PEC USe Your Service for a tris trial "et, oF give you a small percentage 0 for the sample or t ea hen the prospect says .-- e office approval.” hear the line “I need home office its Be etitteccivescthe challenge this otyce tion |out if it’s the truth (or true objection), cospect pointed questions about the home office y long does it take? ... Does one person decide _. Ifit's a committee, when does it meet? ... Can 1 _Do you have a sample proposal or suggested format? ao, pspect: “No problem. I understand. Let’s contact them That way I can answer any questions they might he appeal to call now is to determine if the office approval is really needed. If why he can’t call now, chan Jess than 100% truthful. ct. IF you don’t believe pitch and find out the ‘The Book of Objections. went the pilection! i wallet first. . There are ‘ways to avoid is objection. How well did you quality the prospect pir ta Me his Pernt? You should not ask the blunt question “Are you the sole cer?” It sounds too “salesy” and is somewhat insulting to the Just rephrase it-Try this one:"Is there anyone else you work ait rospect.) jons) like this?"The object is to Ba sions (sit © this find out ifanyone elseis Bet in the decision BEFORE you make your presentation, t BOO m3 ‘the unfortunate aspect of this objection is that tsa convenient putoff for ihe prospect who doesn't want to (or have the guts to) just say no.ftean tea large, disappointing wheclspinning exercise, Take heart though, Ive Hien to many home offices and brought back paper. %, Jfyou really want the business, go for it, Don’t let a home office get in the say of you and a big order. Go to the home ofce and bing hk snes Someone is. When you bear the words*I bave to talk this over with “you've done something very wrong. VOU realize You didn’t qualify the prospect very well ddl you? OK. What do you do noys When others need to approve the deal, besides qualifying the buyer better you must take four action steps 1. Get the prospect's personal approval 2, Get on the prospect's team. _ 3. Amange a meeting with all deciders. 4, Make your entire presentation again, oul can get around these steps, think again. It’s obvious you're OF you would have properly qualified the buyer asked, "Is there anyone else you work with on "Mr Jones, if it was just anyone else, would you buy it?” Task, "Does this mean you 2, Get on the prospect’ team. tein ty ae team” By getting on the prospect’ tan ir side of the sale FoMpnat do WE have to do? ‘tTytien docs the team meet next It's importane th fmsure tiey'll have auestions that they wl want a Tm ghat can I do to be a member of the team {eqell me a litle bit about the others” Write down every ey fy to get the personality traits of the other deciders, > setae) 3, Arrange « meeting with all deciders. Do it any way you have w eave several alternative open times from your date Book ee the Alternatives a a reason to get back and solidify your meeting with the decision-making group. 4, Make your entire presentation again. You only have to do this if you want to make the sale. Otherwise just leave it to the prospect. He Pinks he can handle it and will try his besa eonyi again ‘The best way for you to make this (or any) sale is to be in control of the situation, If you make the mistake of letting your prospect become a salesperson on your behalf (goes to the partner instead of you), you will lose. Every time, 2 Analternative method ... Ask the prospect if he’s sure the partner (wife, boss) will to do the deal. if the prospect says,“ Yes, I'm sure, you sa ‘Why not just approve the purchase now [sign the contract approval? If you call me tomorrow and tell me no, 1 Fair enough?” [ri fusta polite way of saying no? Are you willing (d0 30% have the gigs to bottonvtine the prospect? pa me on the head and tell me t0 go away-That’s the real meaning of “Cap sme tn Gmontbs*(orany nebulous get back to me” after some period of time) The prospect is realy saying no! To overcome this stall, you must fing ‘out what tue obstacles are in the wa: Does the buyer really want your product? Is there someone else? Is your price to0 high? Can the prospect afford what you're selling? Fact is ifthe prospect says “Gall me in 6 months,” you haven't found the true reason for the stall (and may not want to know), The real reasons for this objection are... ‘The ook of Obeons 175 JESTIONS: xy QUESTIONS ec iter i 6 arte svat wi ; rea particular reason you prefer that | py Baioere F at get back to you in Aphatis preventing you from taking action todayy) @montha STION: Are you wing piG QUES’ #8 (do you have the guts) 1 Do you have the courage to ask him to bottomtine the bo Ae yon ay spec hc ds a oa a trout w Y one or combination ete ag = Ask the prompect ‘Dayoan nema + Find our who else stay by asking, How wil the decision beater + Aske the prospec (Could a pea icles + show that by purchasing oon Ha vl savefearn back some 0-1 Gem price in 6 months, + Show how a delay can cos mor ad rurchasls tl + Ask fhe has looked atthe cost of delay ® show how the advantage of purchasing BO utweighe the hidden expenses + Show the difference between spend (cash outlay) and cost (total value of the sale). BIG ANSWER: Wherever the answer lies (and often the p that), one fact is clear: A Gmonth, Gweek, or Gdlay stalls the prospect, You have not uncovered the true tis not an issue of blame ~ itis an issue of respo! THE SALES BIBLE Part 5 Objections, Closing, and yollow-up --- Getting to Ys Th »B ook oO Closing x What are the 19.5 early warning signals that the prospect is ready to buy? 7 3k When you answer a prospect's question, avoid two words — Yes and No, 181 ve How to ask a closin question eta ve The oldest rule of sales still holds true.... . 184 ak ‘wo breeds of the Puppy Dog Close 185 ve Bat dessert first 2 The most powerful close in the world is not a close . 189 mo, Pleeeease . UNE TS your LS rate hl Cosa sitar Doren te (big commissions) fo master the scien LUTera oon All your work, all your OMe eO nee OT to one final question. Tore Narra Coleg ART en oo OUD DOK SUITE OU DINERS Wen SU ere’s how to ask for the ROnU mom Any question asked by the prospec t must be considered a buying signa What are the 19.5 early warning signals that the prospect is ready to buy? Question: When is the prospect ready to buy? Answer: Hell tell you if you just pay attention. The links between the presentation and the close are buying signals. buy is the first step toward a close in i t the science o ‘He or she will give you signals. aes tation, the buyer will gesture question, pk vay communicate that he is inclined to. on, your job is to recognize the buying The Book ot Cing 179 positive questions about your business, Bip ane company? How fon has your company 6, Wanting something repeated. What was ing anc? 4. statements about problems with previous vendo Te Bor ave 1s poor service How gully da youve ai eel 0.4 service Jong bave you been ren in business? "| YOU said before about call? 8, Questions about features and options ovat ys the sorter standard or optional? 7 |, Questions about quality. How many coptes per m Sine rated for? » coples Der month is the 40. Questions about guarantee or warrant under warranty? 11. Questions about qualifications (yours or the 12. Specific positive questions about the company. Wat other products do you carry? 13. Specific product/service questions. How does the manual feed gperate? Do you select the person or do I? 14, Specific statements about ownership of your product or service. Would you provide paper each month automatically? Will you come by each month to pick up my accounting? Suppose I like ber and want ber to work for me full-time? 15. Questions to confirm unstated decisions or seeking support. Js this the best way for me to go? 16. Wanting to see a sample or demo again. Could Ise the fabric samples again? 17. Asking about other satisfied customers. Who are Jour customers? ny will t or you dor), How tong is this work for using Lotus or 19. Buying noises. 1 didn’t know t “interesting... That's in line with wha Recognizing _ buying signals is critical to your success _ asa salesperson. ae ou will 20 ‘Tre took st dosag 181 Ifyou answer a brospect’s question with 26S OF NO, YOU may be going past ‘he sale without making it When you answer a prospect's question, avoid two words -- Yes and No. When a prospect asks me ayes" or no” question, 1 never a no. When a prospect asks me any question, | try to answer ae Ae {question ~ of ask a question atthe end of my answer This establishes the two central objectives of selling: 1L'm in control of the presentation. 2.1 might be able to close the sale now. When you answer a prospect’s question, avoid two words: yes and 10, {you answer a prospect's question with-yes"or*no; you may be ne past the sale without making it a is often a buying signal. a salesperson, your highest skills are called upon when question or shows an interest in buying. Your first in the question in the affirmative, if you know it to b ‘Do you have this model?” Yes. i * "Does it come in green?” Yes. delivery lead time?” Usically 2 weeks f notice do Ihave to give you?” 24 hours. le new model be out?” January 30tb ‘These answers are also wrong. Very wrong. The rule is Use the prospect's question to confirm the sale. In other words after you get the prospects signal, form a response (question that ingles te answer and confirms thatthe prospect tucants to buy what you're selling 18 not as complicated as 1 just made it sound. Here are some examples of confirming questions: * Do you have this model?" Is this the model jou want? If the prospe ‘esl have todo now is find out when he wants delivery, and Tm finished =¢Bee ea rut aeen? oa E nTuesday"I5 Tuesday the day you need it delivered? ‘Do you need immediate delivery? lead time?” How soon do you need delivery? Have to give you? How much notice do you und still pose a closing t. For example: 30, But we bave special are which will be the best The Yok fog 183 There are thousands of ways 10 ask for the sale, How to ask a closing question, dining out for you will probably mean a drivethru window A follow the oldest rule of selling: After you ask a closing question, SHUT There are thousands of ways to ask for the sale jut you can sct the tone for closing by telling the prospect what you want {he purpose oF objective of your meeting) when you walkin the dooe ‘Then, ask for the sale as soon as you bear the first buying signal. An {important guideline in asking forthe sale is to try to eliminate n0 as possible response to your question. You may not get the coveted esas result of eliminating the word rio, but you will gt dialogue or objections. that will eventually lead to ayes. ae Formulate your closing question in a way that responds ‘main need or desire. ‘For example ..."Mr Jones, would you like these T= want in the ¢: j questions offera possible 0 response. Before you as y Mines, be sure you have confirmed the prospects |" thas given you conerete buying signals. 1s Youle trying to sell Mr Jones a fax machine. Jones says , heeds a machine by Tuesday, but has not yet said he is buying fro tects catne yur new ox macnn vening?* That isa sold closing question. You have given the prospe ad ‘option of siying no, bur it is unlikely he'll use it. (Even if Jones says Ne “When would be the most convenient time to make delivery?") ye: The Key is to ask for the sale in a sincere, friendly manner. Don push or use high pressure. If you just stop talking after you ask the closing question, the tension in the air mounts real fast, ‘A minute seems like an hour when the room is silent. ‘Self-confidence is important. The buyer will buy if dence is ! y if you believe he will eee et for the sale because they're afraid of se ble about the money, or not sharp enough to recognize the buying signals of a customer I'm glad none of those apply to you The Wok ong 185 the sale is more ti likely if the prospect can take onan He me she actually commits to the sale, Two breeds of the Puppy Dog Close. Breed 1 ... Simply irresistible How can you adapt its power to your sles process -The easiest way to sell a puppy is to ive itt the prospective owner nd the kids) overnight “to sce how they like i? Just try to get that puppy away from the kids the next morning Thus the name Puppy Dog lose. Itisan incredibly powerful sales tool that is used (with variation) by sles professionals around the world ‘Think about it. for a moment. «Test drive the car + 30-day free trial membership, in your home for 7 days. ssue of the magazine is free + 2-day demo of our copier in your office, All these are forms of the Puppy Dog Close. We're telling the prospect ... this product is great ituntil you touch i, ey i, take it home, or use it. IFT ean “touch and/or try my proxtuct,t'm more kel can use the Puppy’ Dog Close, but more ang egies call for trying to get the product inty fora test or trial as part of the selling, process, fatistically the sale is more likely to be made if the ownership before he or she actually Commis t0 the gay, suit or dress, before you actually make the ‘owning it ..The fit, the feel, the look, and the ‘good it looks, are often more influential th ‘see yourselfat the office or trade show in your en you sty,"OK, Il take it? rof this close, go to a pet store and ask if you can evaluation. You might want to take your c? God gave Moses the 10 Commandment Strong close. Still working, After 5,000 the world, it runs from you vom the world, it chases you nee se negative ale tale i away if the buyer shows st) has be io share. He would ask the 10 shares in this new notel at. tion To his amazement, he was called ~ someone had canceled. We found out ater e was called everyone was Good tactic? Well, it worked. Ethical? You d ‘The “Can you qualify?” sale. Rather than pushing the prospect o buy, you challenge him to be qualified (have the money, get the eredit) 10 purchase, Often used in doorto-door sales, or big items requiring ered fike cars and mobile homes. You can laugh at it, but it sil isthe backbone of the sales efforts of many national companies How soon do you close q Sale? As soon as you walk in the dog i * "Eat dessert first! ‘Youre ar one of those banquets where they put out the salad and dessert before anyone arrives, So, when I sit down, I immediately eat the dessert ‘People are anywhere from surprised to shocked. If they make a commen, eerie viteyyrostesr nem so os ‘choice of apple pie and ice eream or lima beans, ert isto eating as closing is to selling. It’s the best part.” ist = I say do it first. 10 seconds of entering « prospect's office “meeting, and I ell him or her what I would like strategies of business ... Tre Bonk dig 189 Understand how how your product is used. 80 that you can understand how to sell it most effectively, The most powerful close in the world is nota close. The Understanding Close ppasis. How do they use it in their work environment? ‘ Understand bow your product is used so that you can understand. ow to sell it most effectively. Jn most cases, the end user is not the purchaser-The person who! copier oF computer is often not the person who runs it every: user is the person who will lead you to important sales It's easy to find out. Go visit your customers, Watch, ask, an > Go watch your product being used. > Ask questions about their likes and di > Ask what they like best. a > Ask what they like least. > Ask what they would 190 Tne SMES BIBLE Are Gitomer id questioning Its use Puts a new y sell tt at its highest level Seng your product in ation powerful) perspective on ow ) customer insight cdge that no factory truining sits product in action, * Document it. ‘Thank your customers for their time + Report what ch + Make recommend ced as a result of it | Tiy to measure the value of these five benefits 1. You've built incredible rapport. 2. You've taken giant relationship steps. I 3. Competition will have a tougher time getting | inthe door. | 4, You've gained indispensable knowledge that will lead you to more sales. 5. Your customer now sees you as a consultant rather than a salesman. | Now when youre on a sales call, you can discuss using the product in the customer's work environment, and have a hands-on basis for your ApPertise You can ask questions that get the prospect talking about use alter Purchase, Cif you purchased, how would you use this differently than ie one you have now? My experience has shown me ...") And if,you do it right, its not only a learning opportunity -- its a selling opportunity. THE SALES BIBLE Part 5 Objections, Closing, and rollow-up --. Getting to YES LT Ae A SOT Sn Persistence | | Meo en a a i le this : Ne in The Book of Pest Control, Book o ONC How to follow-up without DI reer 1 lL resistence PSISUCMCe items STG mORTCcey Ye No follow-up system? Heel 2 en No sale Ue product, if you believe in yourself, then you march Je Most sales are made after eee the seventh no 197 de Sales tools are a vital part ofthe follow-up process... 194 x You've been selling since ONneeKe MU DNCUT you were a kid! SUSI Problems can't stop you. oem Re A ve Sta out competition Stray sales people can't stop you with a 37¢ sales call 201 3k The fax machine will breed sales ifyou harness its power .... 203 ve Oh, no! ... not voice mail ~ Persistence is your desire AAHHHHE! 0.000 207 RAREST te “Leave a message and I'll be gad IRIE Con oe to return your call” Not! .... 210 ‘ae Can't get an appointment? ‘Try harder, try smarter .. Sra) i CO SRL Your persistence must be as relentless as the tide The method or system you use to organize 01" follow-up. can make or break the sayy No follow-up system "Since 96% ofallsles are NOT made on the fist cl follow-up i “part of the selling process. Follow-up starts early. When You must have an organized ffollowing up if you want to make the sale. systems. Pick one that works for you, € and complexity of the sale, and one that you > mn system with e-mail merge neh of other fields to help ets you retrieve data a ie, contact name, phone er of programs like ). Get one that is the Thefonk frente 193 the cad the eal the cs eat loud it cle f ihe card and sent Obie he crc se oe prmation on the card nd stores i in your dag oP and Bo aronicaly,on your desktop! You have ton file, 8 card file (staple business cards 4.3X5 005% iple business 5, Daytimer ~ good because you usually have it handy o wate non any system to keep your appointments and notes of the momenta ven this is going the way of the computer Get teat iyo noe) 6. Yellow pad - not a very good system. Pages get lost, constant recopying, and you panic when you misplace the pad. 7, Scraps of paper - guaranteed to make you look bad, lose sales, and ‘eventually find a new carcer. fhe image and all the informa onal database,’The scanner War personal database. Th copi follow-ups are needed before Notes to better productivity + Have special 8.5 x 11 lead sheets around the office for inquiries instead of message pads. Have a checklist and plenty of lined note space on the sheet to determine what type of follow ups need to be or have been made, nd when. Even if you use another system, the lead sheets provide information necessary t0 get the sale off on the right foot. é + Update all information the same moment receive it oF do it. sales tools and using the ordinary too, offctvely your sales will increase significanyy of the follow-up process. ‘Your ability to ereate follow-up selling tools can significantly enhance your {image with the prospect and make the sale more often Se alt ‘Sales tools are the most underemployed weapon in the selling process Tet thee 95 _avideotape supporting Your produevsenjge « Afuplies i #PITHE 1s Wort 1.000 word wages ERS DY You oe 30, 00. : 9 is worth etworking event (lead Meet at a ne lub, chambe Bss/soclal engagements are the he + funet Msiness/socitl nt are the hear of busine aut et) *{n invitation to your facility. puldng the muon owing yours th De. A Welcome en rahe Yatra gD aan greeting by allmenbers of our eam Mae ie age Megane © st OL SC KE, phe meme Fae eek NN la Mange itso he will 0, ‘Ad specialty... Small, useful (Postit Note pad, coffee my ‘Lunch appointment ... Spending a few extra dollars can often ‘After-work meeting ... Meeting the prospect after hours cin Be more felaxed and informative. Get to know and like your prospect, Pe buy from their friends first. bona «Tickets ... Sporting events, cultural events,and seminar tickets are appreciated and can help build « relationship. (Go with the customer) Letters and faxes ... Can be used effectively if shor, informative, and humorous: « Telephone .... The second most powerful weapon in selling (live visits being the first). Calls can set up meetings, give information, and close the deal; but calls can get redundant, and many times don't get returned. Its also hard to get a signed contract over the phone, and checks don't a3 ‘squeeze through the little holes very well. Use the phone with stay in control at all times, always have a purpose for call NEVER get off the call without having set the next contact, as well as confirming it. -are the most coveted perk in busin events, theater, and concerts can make ject’s or customer's mouth water (and pen drip with ink). y 10 build the friendship and his or her business. a Te ook ot Pence 197 Ifyou are creative, in your follow-ups, the perceive Prospect will not 20H as bounding bim oben Most sales are made after the seventh no, Tiemop au the prospect cat ay hevant ha a something else for me; I'm still shopping around: haven't met with wp partner; try again later; in short, you haven't sold me yet? y As a professional salesperson, youd better have what it takes to persevere through the followup process and not quit. Be willing to put forth the effort it takes to get past the seventh no and get the sale ... or consider taking a Job with a salary. Here are some follow-up guidelines to ensure early closing success. «+ Know your prospect's hot buttons (things you think will make the prospect buy), and work with them in constructing your, + Present new information relative to the sale, + Be creative in your style and presentation manner. + Be sincere about your desire to help the cust ‘commission second. "+ Be direct in your communication. Beating around th _ frustrate the prospect (and probably cause him cor, and elements from the above guidelines my Mere are a few leachin lines you might try so ghar" Thow to start the conversation: at pu ething new has occurred that I thought you woul lke to know about ere has been a change in status 2S ‘thinking about you and called to tell oe about. Don't sty: ealled to see if you got my letter [info Or whatever] It soung. Ail italves the prospect a way out. If he doesn’t want to talk to you got i’ Where does that leave you? Nowhere, Tetonkot este 199 Somewhere between our business card pri tenacious we need to diaper and geting inted, we forget how be to make that sale, You've been selling since you were a kid! How many no's are you willing to take before you give up the sile? Remember when you Were 7 Years old, in line with your mother at the supermarket, and asked,”Mom, can I have this eandy bar?” That was a tlosing question if there ever was one, No” she replics. You, the master salesman, ignore the first no and respond, please, can T have the candy bar?” Mom is a bit put off by now, with her mind preoccupied with the grocery tab, she says,"l said NO!” No number: is now safely out of the way, and you respond, "Aw, come on, PLEASE!” Now the momma prospect is emphatic. “Absolutely NOY she umber 3, Sometimes she will actually spell it out: NO} No number js now out of the way. Time to move in forthe kil. Lets tr to find ‘what the objection is here." Why can't I have a candy bat chissic example of a direct question going i t three no's, How did you learn these sales ‘eat it until after dinner” (She has to ger nasizes thie caveat after dinner” to sayy pt ie, and it only took five 70's to get it. You wy, sibly risk a hit or fo On the butt, and jn ‘afit in public. Think about that for a secong, yyou were willing to risk public embarrassmen abuse to make the sale, “orPona pers and getting your business card printed bbe to make that sale. 4 son examples of how to overcome the obstactes ‘back and reminisce. The candy bar, the firs the keys to the car, getting a raise in to go to the dance or getting a date Debi esac 291 Mail is quick, inexpensive {0 get in front of your customer Or prospect more often, Stamp out competiti with a 378 sales call, How often are you in front of your customers or prospects as to build a rel itionship. You can get there more quickly if: Ifyou can't be there in person, send a letter, whee An effective communication by mail can solidly adeal,Do it oncea fand the number of new orders, volume of repeat business,and per of customers remaining loyal will drastically inerease, 4 ‘Sometimes the writing is already done for you, Cut out oF photoco anarticle about something that pertains to your customer's busin ‘something you know he’s interested in. Put a Postit Note on saying, "Saw this and thought it might be of interest ro you first name, It will be remembered. : 1. Thank-you note for an order. — 2. Thank-you note for a referral. 3, Thank-you note for He ito 9, Special sale or offer. 40, Annewsletter (rom your company), 1A hot lead 12, Notice of a meeting or semi of benefit to him. 13. A reminder ofa pending order or reorder: inar that might be lf the above costs more than 75¢ including paper and postage, What Mather You get a sales ell,more onders, build goodwill, build loyalty, bung ‘long-term relationship, and make the customer or prospect feel great Use personal handwritten notes whenever possible. We use them ‘ourselves because we know our customer appreciates the time it took to send a handwritten note. ‘Have trouble putting it into words? Go to The Book of Communications ~ ‘The sales letter will work, if you get it write. The Book of Resse 203, Faxing Somat ig is instant contact, between your sit can be the diff ‘rence: onder or our competitor’ The fax machine will breed sales if you harness its power, A ig a have yet to discover its power and immediacy. sa = If speed of response is important to your selling process, the fax looms asa vital tool. It can actually be your competitive edge ifused properly middle of a (telephone) sales conversation. Here are 21.5 selling reasons to fax someone today 1. To be first with important information, 7 2, To get back with a price, a quote, ora proposal fora immediate need. he never got it in the mail, i To change a contract. get a solid selling message t ‘cartoon (A word of caution - Many sur humor, so Keep it clean), with a humorous fax cover sheet. Pr request to meet because of «pending change (pri increase in productivity, NeW technology), 19, To show a referral letter from a satisfied customer aes ipeted in lel or national publication that supports the need for your services 21, To send something that shows you know about the prospect's 21.5 To demonstrate a sense of immediacy that indicates your desire foserue and respond quickly - a vital component in building “a longer business relationship. Fax your way to the prospect's heart and wallet fax is one thing, Improper abuse of the fax is another, timing is the essential ingredient. ge. You only play trump when it is to ‘so, Misplay your cards and you will lose game. ‘or abusing the fax destroys its Fas a frst contact. will be file-thirteened in All-time great ideas in selling ... Fax a copy of your daily appointment book (You can even show an appoint with a competitor) ere gence Don't be ata 0 se Se eet fancy notices on their cover sheet that basicaly Mead ts fax ana ft is mot addressed 10,Y0%, JOU ees will fay (it burn in bell” ‘to keep things in perspective; created my own set of fax rules that appear on my fx cover sheet: "1: Dativer this document at once to the person “named above. 2 Donte read the fax unless it’s directed Press 1 ... if you want to leave a message Press 2... if you don’t think your cal will ever be returned, Press 3 ... if you've already left three messages, haven't ferumed and want to sead a bolt of etaeg ae aan and strike the butt of the person who won't return your: ails Pross 4 ... if you want to shoot the person who installed thi Fibice raail can be the scourge of the Rieeneean itn tse your fax machine as an alternate yay tp to what everyone else says. There is always q in est there is always a way to get your call returned, ‘pax pages from your appointment book with of babii tay to make voice mail work for you. Ble (show an appointment iste witha eames am HE Do leave a message if rca iene toma Un Ippo mpeken th the person before and gorten positive feedback, ee on Customer that relates to his business, + Youte following up a good Gnterested) lead rerify the company that sold the system to come ne ee ONPeSL Nou have valuable information the prospect really needs to know juve eft several messages and theyre evident not meres impact to g e only thing you can figure s broke woe getting through, you havea prepared message that has enough impact t0 get the prospect the only thing figure is that it's broken, ( 80 ia you're not ignoring my calls?) "3. *Surely, Mr Jones, 4 Don't leave a message if ... (se the section on harnessing the selling power ofthe fax for more ideas.) + Ie’sa cold call or exploratory call. + Its likely you're selling something the prospect already has, i Pied kespoGse Uplesnd an esting relationship. Yoice mail is not all bad. It's great when you're in the middle of a sale and aoe iM niogs fora i Piaget 0 et important or timely information to a customer-Voice mail is. pases aba cie | helpful when you are trying to reach an existing customer You're sling insurance, stocks or financial planning services Jie riiecsing at che beginning ofg salea ara It’s just nd voice mail and getting directly to the prospect ... ‘Your challenge is to beat voice mail by using the one sales tool an operator or secretary. you always carry with you = your brain, Just a note on hypocrisy: ‘You got lost in the voice mail options, you're Part of total quality is totally returning \ they please help you. If you nicely act ce- especially atthe CEO executive If 1 had a dollar for every executive n't listen to what everyone el a tea always a ay 10 get YOUr call rt ma amay to make voice mail work for you. ‘Do leave a message if s youlvespoken with the person hefore and gotten positive feedback «You're following up a good (interested) lead. «You have valuable information the prospect really needs to know ‘You have a prepared message that has enough impact to get the prospecy ‘to respond. Don't leave a message if + It’s cold call or exploratory call. + It likely youre selling something the prospect already has. + It likely you're up against an existing relationship. +* You're trying to raise funds for a charity. + You're selling insurance, stocks, or financial planning services. Person you got los in the voice mail options, you're nd can they please help you. If you nicely act especially at the CEO executive itive types, TheRookf Peisene 209 tse your fax machine as an alternate way tg ‘ rax pages from YOUF APPOINtMent hook wi Picled (show an appointment listed with Bet through .., ke or cartoon. 4 competitor), a have ty ching you can figure is ee es te you're not ignoring my calls?) ‘en. (Surely, Mr. Jones, for more ideas.) oy oa ae 4 helpful when you are trying to reach an existing customer Its just Your challenge is to beat voice mail by using the one sales tool you always carry with you ~ your brain, Just a note on hypocrisy: Leaving messages is a risk Ifyou do, create a message that will get response “leave a message and I'll be glad to return your call” ... Not! “Press 1 if you'd like to leave a message. ll be glad to return your calt ‘as-soon as Fan." Right. And Santa will bring you a pony if you're a good litle boy. “Press 2 if you're selling something I don’t want." That's a lot closer to the truth. Why won't they call you back? When you get someone's voice mail and Bie) ol Daeg steps can you take to ensure that your call be returned? Lots. ‘he Book of ersence 21 An all-time classic technique ... offered! Dy Thoma JE I, oF ah Co Real Ete ata EulesMasters” meeting, Thomas said\*Leave a partial ‘message that includes Jour name and! phone number, then pretend to get cof neat Js you're getting to the important part of the message, Cut it offi. reisword. It works like a charm because the pospeet eave dot Fnowing the rest ofthe information or thinks his wie male etka Here are a few examples of the Elijab Method: eave your name and number, then deliver halfa sentence to pea interest: + Your name came up in an important conversation today with Hugh They were talking about you and said . + Thave a deal that could deliver you a hundred thou + 1'm interested in your .. + Thave your + I found your .. + Thave information about your .. + Your competition said . + 1'm calling about your inheritance . + Are you the [person's full name] who + We wanted to be sure you got your share ae recording system offered by voi ne Easieromegacn el ‘have woice mail (especially the ones you're trying to tas a dodge. youre thinking about buying voice mail don't just ook at convenience ‘Before you make a commitment (0 a specific system, consider the impact on your customers. Wil they be better served? Will you maintain friendly, buman service in spite of the voice-mail system? Don't confuse voice mail with automatic attendant systems. ‘Automatic attendant, where the computer actually answers the the single worst business invention ever. ‘most customerfriendly type of voice-mail system to use: an answers. nes if the person you're calling ‘phone and monitoring and says, Mr. Jones -me to help you All-time great ideas in selling... “Leave a partial message that includes your name and phone number and pretend to get cut off in midsentence as you're getting to the important part of the m Take a risk, Take a chance Use your creativity Don't be afraid to make a mistake, don't be afraid to fail, don’t worry about rejection, and don't quit just because some yahoo won't see you, «The prospect feels sale” mathe than relationship? am +The prospect has an unfavorable of you, Your company, or your produer roduet cative, Jack (Jackle).You're Get creatives} f NOt Boing to let litle things prevent you from achieving your objective Are youy, ae Me tat Hore are some strategies and tactics that have worked: « Get referred. Find someone you know who knows who you ‘want 10 ‘Use the fax. Send a referral lettera top 10 lisyaleark cartoon, oF Your schedule for next week with the open times circled, Use th ‘open, the door. oe + Send a plant, flowers, or a small gift. You will be amazed hhow much ice you can melt with a small gift, Flowers can get remarkable response, + Get close to the administrative person who knows your | best, Find out what your prospect likes. His typfeal schedule = departure times. Gather information, a + Arrange to meet the prospect at a networking association meeting, chamber of commerce event, ball ‘where he'll be? Ask the prospect's administrative perso + Send a provocative letter without being or make statements in the letter that make the ‘your product; just pique interest and sell an ane «Cold call at a time when you know (from the admin son) he'll be there. The est time is before the wo ee — P ‘ All-time great ideas in selling ... Wient a few closing lines to get the appointment? Here are three 1 Ifyou must use the dreaded alternative-choice close, ask it this way: Would you rather bave breakfast or lunch? 2. A better approach is to ask the prospect when are his open (best) times to meet, then suggest a meal 3, The best approach is honesty. My objective is to belp, Bill, but I don't know if I can. We'll exchange information at lunch. If I feel I can help you, 1 tell you; and if I can't help, Fit tell you that too. FAIR ENOUGH? It’s hard to say no to that. BONUS: There are benefits that transcend getting the Gppointment. Using your creative power achieves four other purposes: 1 It will enable you to achieve your short-term Boal of appointing the prospect (and perhaps make the sale), 2 1 wil provide you witha proven method of approach that will work again for you a laces igain for you and 3.1t will prove that your creativi isa tool ‘can begin to rely on. ee * 4 Ie will make you feel great that you persisted THE SALES BIBLE Part 6 Woes and Foes vam Ov a ind 4 Winner if you're Ay ited So) (ai ae Boa The Book of Lamentations ve When bad sales happen to good people 218 % 18.5 characteristics of sales career failures You don’t have to sell it 95% of the time the customer will buy ity When bad sales happen to good people. ‘There's good and bad in all professions, Sales is no exception. Surveys ‘show the only thing lower than a salesman in the minds of many Americans isa politician, gota call from a guy who said he went to a car dealer with cash wanting new car‘The salesman was so bad, he left without purchasing, still hasn't ‘purchased, and has told 25 to 50 people how bad the experience was. ‘Unfortunately this is far from an isolated experience. There are thousands of examples of poor salesmanship. But it isn't you. I it? and sales pro reading this will swear “It can’t happen | wrong. Salespeople get cocky, think they know it stupid or unwise to their tactics, teat everyone in » losing the sale. : n't always have to sell it. If you do it er will buy it! Wee: by know-itall salespeople (who Tre ook ‘tlamensons 219) sure to buy today ~1f you have wo ress are afraid the Customer a se yO might h ott a°no relationship” aitude 0 thos Md a a Htc is sect one so indi 0 rot addressing needs -If ou liten yy to hat they Want oF need, Sell back someyroes ey Wil act aa methis tell you ea he prospect il buy Dots a at et pf the prospect YOU, sellin terms. -relegraphing closes and hard selling > Itt Fetyou buy 1 today” ist repulsive ses line ee etre make i OPVIOUS faking the buyer doubt your intentions -i¢yo g Bey co pressure atthe end ofthe presentation orange a fces,the buyer loses confidence ~and you lose these terms or Oy Lack of sincerity - Sincerity & the key sou cam fake at ou ering trust and establishing 4 relationship with a prospect who wll Pa me a customer if YOU are succesful at conveying the eling, 10. Poor attitude -t'm doing you favor by sling you.Dontaskmewo go out of my way, because I won't? i Here is an easy self-test to determine if you are losing customers. Gan you answer yes to these? ¥ Do [know my prospect's needs before I begin the selling process? ‘¥Am Laddressing the needs of the prospect during the sale? ¥ Do I look at the prospect when she is talking? '¥ Do I take notes and ask questions to strengthen my ‘¥Would I buy from me if were the customer? ¥Am I sincere? ‘YWill this customer bring another back for the same: YOU this price, salespeople in ‘When you close, Thope you can answer no to these: - X Do Luse (high) pressure tactics to get the Do I have to resort to telling the customer Failure is an event, not a person, ~- Zig Ziglar People aren't afraid of failure, they just don't know how to succeed, ~- Jeffrey Gitomer 18.5 characteristics of sales career failures. ‘We are each responsible for our own success (or failure). Winning at a Career in siles is no exception.To ensure a win, you must take a proactive approach, Prevention of failure is an important part of that process. If you find yourself saying, “I'm not cut out for sales,”... “I'm not pushy enough, *T bate cold calling”... "I can't take the rejection,’... “My boss is a Jerk. oF “My boss is a real jerk,’ you are heading down the wrong path. "Me Tonk of tamenstons 221 5, Failure (© unders Beng vou te JUS Fjecing the of failure to master the total knowle Me your product cold), Total product Know m to concentrate on selling, free ilure to learn and execute the fu 7. Failure ¢ fundamentals of sa apes, attend seminars, and of sales. Read, en to tapes attend Ser pr ‘what you've jug lenars i ferything you need to know about sie has = Byer Learn something new every day, a Pest Written or ok sp0 Failure to understand the customer and Pajure to question and listen to the prospect an facludes prejudging prospects 9, Failure to overcome objections. This isa complex isueyou potable to create an atmosphere of confidence and trust suitable enough fo cause (effect) a sale. People aren't afraid of failure; they just don't krow hiow to get to success. 10. Can't cope with change. Part of sales is change, Change in products, tactics, and markets. Roll with it to succeed. Fight it and fail : 11. Can't follow rules. Salespeople often think rules are made for others Think they're not for you? Think again, Broken rules will only get you fired. iy 12. Can't get along with others (co-workers and customers). Sales is never a solo effort. You must team with your co-workers and partner: your customers. ‘ 13. Too damn greedy, Selling for commissions instead of 14, Failure to deliver what you promised. Failure to d meet his or her needs, id uncover true needs, about you. _ 15. Failure to establish long-term ssions leads to failure through insincet to be motivated by anything but mone THE SALES BIBLE Bap pes a fre Gitomer Part 6 srsistence. You are willing feo nd ma it Soe aT 18.5 Failure to establish and maintain a positive attitude, the fry oi score ie a ‘The 185 characteristic that leads to sales f | S BINA. ne Cone BIRO ACON n BR i of os: Pe prinot big enough making tbem. OOK O| oH To the victor go the sales omp elition ENC cormn ees LST om ree Failure is not about insecurity. It’s about lack of execution. There’s no such thing as 4 total failure. Zig Ziglar has the answer: “Failure is an event ‘nota person” eae There are degrees of failing, Here are 4.5 of them. What degree are you? eR SANCUNM CO 1. Failing to do your best. meter dash three Olympics 2. Failing to learn ina row, Who came in 3. Failing to accept responsibility. ¢ oy % Dancing e competition? second? Who cares? 4. Failing to meet quotas or pre-set goals. ar Dancing with the competition! ie 4.5 Failing to have a positive atitude. Watch your step 22: ae Onan Ifyou are weak in any one of the above 18.5 areas, it is urgent that you gold ... or will you come ‘make a change as soon as possible, Sales weaknes like cancer ~ TCU mostly selF inflicted due to bad habits and neglect, easy to uncover, hard to ‘eure~ but not impossible. It takes ou utside help and regular treatments to ‘maintain excellent sales health. = e se ‘There's no prize for second place in sale NOIR OU Ten MEU h your competition, erence 6.2 Never say anything bad abou, the competition -- eve Dancing with the competition? Watch your step. Jabout your competitors? You say,“I have a great | my competitors.” Right, if you needed $50,000 or your itee your friend the competitor would send voyage note. Get real. Competitors may talk t0 you, they may be ou and they may even appear to help you~ but ask them if they « and I’m betting on the funeral home. they call me to discuss common :for everyone ~ all are statements your ile they systematically plan to destroy (and especially sales) oto dea wit cometition « Know where they stand din the marke yw who their m: = + Know who their major customers + Are they taking business from yay 1 taking business from then "Pate you + Have they captured any of yp + Get every piece of their info literature, brochures), Our employees mation Gales + Get their prices + shop them every quan and what they feature + Identify where the play on it, *: Know how they sell ' are weaker than you and + Learn where they are stronger than fix it ... IMMEDIATELY, es When you are up against competition on a sales call + Never say anything bad about them, even ifthe prospect does. + Praise them as worthy competition, + Show them respect, + Show how you differ - how your benefits are better. + Stress your strengths, not their weaknesses, + Show a testimonial from a customer who switched to you. igs + Maintain your ethics and professionali times - even if it means bitin ton until it bleeds, relationshi I talk att ie: . 206 we SAL BRLE Jefe Gitomer And for those of you getting ready to write me Gfroom for everyone letters. Suppose there wa: nly room for two businesses to survive in a ma Finesses outthere. Still going to write me? I suggest you go back ang igh it were true ran LOR ca en mind the store as th ee oT ae YOU expect he np] Competition does not The ss mean war ... B Balle of ree bm It means learn, C LL ; | SIUC Oates it means prepare, Sto a aS it means be your best. ery ce Seen ena tn 0 that you can sell them OCR en a | 3 The seeret of great customer Service... Ty Boyd von 228 RURRORONO service begin? In the next Coen ay Ae NTU satisfied customer: Ye Outstanding customer service | is a powerful sales t00l on. 230 % Customer complaints breed sales .., ifyou handle them | correctly... vans 233 MRE CRU O T can't get no Te 71 penne Satisfactory customer service is no longer acceptable The secret of great customer service ... Ty Boy Customer service is one of the most maligned terms in our language, So ‘often as customers we are disappointed in the service we reccive (or the attitude attached fo the service) that we go elsewhere. Amazing. The ‘company made the sale, got the customer, and then, through an act of ss, indifference, poor follow-up, bad service, slow response, or the st the customer it fought so hard (and spent so much) to get. but it happens thousands of times every day. It's 5 many times. And, boy, do we talk about it. In fact, ntled customer tells 20 times more people vice? Once you make the sale, are you as OU were to get the customer? lled The Spirit of Customer Service. 1 thought OM a great speaker. I was wrong, I got an is from a master presenter. was rewarded with s about what to do and what NOT erve) the customer. The Bonk, ‘sone ee 229 probably been victims of even have Y One of we Hig, Yet iF ask you if YOu commit any of gree MNS a One ng es cone’s lying or living in fantasy rte JOUll or ed aia ten ntasy land wage SY NO. Guess i perot Inara Ba We ortiket \ gsromer service is COMPLEX iste critical Girthess. Its easy’ 10 go astray’ pus the ongoing ‘wlout guidelines and anaes 28) se off Boys Wh About isomer one tg ssarstictory customer Service is no longer acceptable ‘{qustomer service begins at 100%, ‘imne customer's perception is reality ‘A mistake is a chance to improve the company. + problems can create beneficial rearrangements, {Make the customer feel important ‘+ Tearn and learn how to ask questions, ‘+The most important art ~ the art of listening ay spoke in detail about refining the skil of listening Its vital key inthe customer service process.As salespeople, we are prone to talk way 160. much, Sometimes we lose sales and customers because we fil to heart true needs and desires. Ty offered the following rules to maximize yout listening skills and increase customer satisfaction: 1, Don't interrupt. (“But ... but ... but .") 2, Ask questions, then be quiet. Concentrate on really listening 3, Prejudice will distort what you hear Listen without prejudging 4,Don't jump to answer before you hear the ENTIRE situ 5. Listen for purpose, details, and conclusions, 6, Active listening involves interpreting, = _ 7. Listen to what is not said. What is implied is often _ what is spoken. veges To tell a customer no at 1.1. Bean, you must get sen jor management approval, Outstanding customer service is a powerful sales tool. service is the neverending pursuit of excellence to keep fo satisfied that they tell others of the way they were treated in ‘your customers fee? IFthey do, you're among 5% of ¢s,The other 95% fall short of that mark, according to'Ty definition of customer service because of the and services. The constants among them are ‘tanswer jes to all of the attributes mpetition, That's a comforting Tama soeseta iy 8, Consistent on-time delivery 9, Deliver what you promise be the sale efor AND alter 10. A zero-defects and erronfree 11. Outstanding people to serve implement customer service, delivery pre customers and 12, Smile when talking on the phone site down and live your customer serie poli ‘ays Ty Boyd (passionately, re some examples, presented by Ty, of di fadership and innovation in customer tt ito Zone - Named their service WOW Service and they ist they use the WITTDT)R philosophy = What Takes To Do The fob fight Do you? Auto Zone has high-energy knowledgeable employes feaicated to greeting and helping customers, with a special emphasis on felping. women feel informed about the products they need —never sli more than is absolutely needed. Their stores are alive and customers feel it ‘ Nordstrom -Their entire service policy to employees is: “Use your judgment in all situations” Seminar attendees who ha shoppe ‘ited example after example of service way beyond the call of d {including going to competitors to buy products they are out of or stock and delivering them to customers at no additional LL, Bean - Before an employee can say 10 tO acustomer,! have senior management approval, Think about that, ‘customer bot line. ‘to return all inquiry or ‘ells within 1 hour. ‘every complaint within ‘team and used the examples above. he second part of the seminar, the entire Customer complaints breeq if you handle them co fe customer is always right. Except when he or she & e time. In sales, right and ws ea ost of the ti ight and wrong don't matte. I’ fyhat matters. What's the best method of hanaling the dreaded COMPLAINT? Try the Personal Touch Method. Sales lissatisfied customers. Not only does this method Fanalysis at the end to prevent the problem fn , must be used, or you risk losing your “tec grtant to be aware of some pracy dor for your company. Tell the pis ime? Practical reqy b p the task of satisfying the iti i mplish th 8 the customer, \** When. youl personally ante Re othe customer inayat ba blame others or or exactly what they regoat. Admit you (and/or the company) a ong and take responsibility for hat is difficulty ee ing it. If the customer cannot stare om “its not my job i ean ee omplaint in a clear and conde .... and “Someone else handles that” i's up to you to help hinvanans that are never applicable or '¥ Remember, you're the custo, ee ; ‘Think about the level of se ty vii fipimedistely, When something is when you're the customer, ple want (and expect) it to be fixed ¥ Every customer thinks he’s the only one jThe customer wants it perfect. you've got. Treat him that way. Make the We oirad otter than the customer feel important, o establish some rapport.) , ¥ ‘The customer is human and has problems ssible. Making people laugh 3 just like we do. ;. ¥ The customer expects service at the fip of a switch, : ¥ It all boils down to you. firm ie in weit ¥ The customer's perception is reality. H ¥ How big a deal is it to try to give what they want? to mer elsewhere "vice you expect problem in : Recovery is powerfi i n you satisfy an unhappy or ite you a letter telling you that he's happy ave a solid shot at a long-term relationship 286 eat BLE Jere Gitomer Customers talk ... to their associates, friends and neighbors. Here is the number of people they on how well you handle their complaint. 3... if you do a good job 10... if you do a great job 25... if you do a bad job 50... if you do a really bad job and you will be on the 6 p.m. news if you do a horrible job. How are yours talking about you? will talk to based qHE SALES BIBLE Part 8 spreading the Gospel The Book of ‘| \ ! Commumicalions s Aveekly sales meeting is a place to create new sales ... 238 x The sales letter will work ifyou get it write 241 sx Want to close more sales? listen more closely! 244 x Learn to listen in two words Shut up! 4x There are 100 billion buyer types. Go figure +x Toward error-free positive COMMUNICATION .......eesseeeneers Ay AY OTT Tg lifeblood i Pes SUNG oes OTe SOS Tey LUST ETSI SOTTO listenin and doing, Complete communication With your prospects, your customers, and your ssociates must be your PT meaty ISD COU ROC UNI CO TTTLLLUULLC Make an appointment 1 minute following your sales meeting, You'll be pumped. Why not take it out on a prospect? Bets sldin place sales. But how often is the opportuni Too often, ‘ 9, Sales meetings mean the d Ireaded s, is due (which contains as maga Spon 4S much fantasy nd dll T mention, the mee 5 fr) oe tevally boring? 1, HOO eeting were not mandatory, 8: ask Yourself this tcc vor ne + They had ar who wo oe es me \da and stuck to it, , + Bach member of the staff of seven was given an opportunity to present or lead one portion of the meeting. + They had a sales lesson about how to introduee themselves, how to create buyer interest, and: where to network, + There was some, but very litte administrative stuff. + There was 15 minutes for product knowledge. + At the end of the meeting, everyone got to tell about their best sale of the past week. How do you have a great sales meeting every Let lots of people have their ch be fun, be productive, include sroblems unless you have thought of some go with them. This rule applies to everyone. It gets peopye stn things that help salespeople fee! good about themsetygg “Awards; share success stories. : : f salespeople learn more about their pr presented by one of the sles team aipo things that help salespeople earn more mon Free nutajeetions and obstacles that create roundtable discussion Roleplay solutions. Be + Bring in le from the world. Have one customer atte; ee Grate buys rom you. Youll be amazed, but th isa powerful dose of reality. The customer will dissect the BUYING process Fine late ones/reward early ones. START ON D ON TIME no matter what. people in public, especially about an individual, say it to him The ok Communion: 24) Get to the point in the first sentence, The sales letter will w, if you get it wie pow important is a sales letter? have received hundreds of sles letters of al dif Hherature enclosed, just met you, after the presentation, Pllowan the information, thanks for the order - you get the idea, one : area y . Most havea specific purpose. Most are not very good (uninspiring), are PATHETIC. piring). OK. Most of them ‘The skill of drafting sales words on a letter isan integral part of| a process, because it creates an impression of you and oe de fhe customer or prospect reads it, Here's how it works. If you write a great letter, they think youre Ifyou write a creative letter, they think you're creative. If you Wr dumb letter ... Some salespeople have a hard time coming up with the: ‘words, Not because they can’t write, but because they de rules of writing. aa Here are some rules and guidelines to belp' to sales: : ‘State your objective ot the purpos vom Tetookot Comm a Tooke wm i a nice, nonbeg, professional closing j it when he reads your letter. Make the Foo ae ical youh ets a Pienad heavy syrup. Half the adjectives, half the Bern a sa aaa ladverbs can be eliminated. Look behing amsign Your first name only. There are gy ine Bien this i inappropriate (Aletter of age HE ut eo formal quote that might endo A, "Ment Whe ora eee sign, i th pa.5yery truly yours Gand I mean that, Jeffry ps if you want {© MaKe YOUF plea or point wice ages pg ere is a tougher rule.Ask someone smart and in npartal vo extique fetter, Learn to accept criticism, and wse it asa leaningtool, ‘Hore’s the toughest rule. Ask yourself how this leter would yeaa pa teach all ’s important to the prospect Your Here fur competion. Suppose the sl yal vt es ear ae vir cover letter. Would you ever make another ic) TH Rte pert acuon step in the Knowing the rules AND practicing them will ead to effective Tective letters lead to prospect rapport andl confidence, : s fective letters lead ace and confidence lead to sales, Se | good cartoon. Something yond the norm to serve Tistening is arguably the most importayy aspect of the selling pro 85, yet it’s usually the weakest p art ofa sales professional's Skills, Want to close more sales? __ Iisten more closely! important aspect of the selling process, yet sales professional's skills, ean recite chapter and verse the word, But if your spouse or child says didn't hear you.” are reasons for poor m ~ otherwise you'd be forced "Yeti ramen 25 IN LESSON #2. The two important rules o UST ree 1 onler Or 3 ta ete i sens an eft ing must 1. First, listen with the intent to underoee Htener yN #3. Think about the way you ten rig + Are you doing something ele when someone a is speaking? + Do you have your mind on somethin when someone is speaking SS + Do you fake listening so that you can get in your comments? + Are you waiting for a pause to get in your response, because you already know the answer? LISTEN LESSON #4. Ar some point you stop listening. When does that occur? + After you have formulated your response, + After you have been turned off by the speaker. + When you decide to interrupt someone to. say something, + When the person speaking isn’t saying anything you want to hear. LISTEN LESSON GUIDELINES. Here are 14.5 guidelines will maximize your listening skills, increase your pro errors, gain customer happiness, and belp you make 1, Don't interrupt, But ... but. but. ‘what is not said. Implied is often than spoken, HINT: Tone of often reflect implied meaning mn sentences and during quiet times. or Clear your mind, and tand in cose proximity A Person tho seems yp have all bean swally isn't ten Learn to listen in two w ... Shut up! samazing how much you can lear by just keeping quiet. Jouire smarter if youre quiet You learn more by istening than fy fective listening leads to sales ~ lots of them. Listening is most important aspect of the selling process, yet its the wea sales professional's skills. ‘How well do you listen? fet each statement Rarel {al probably thnk you know it all, and could increase yoy me significantly with skill building help. oF, not listening at al any of the above listening weaknesses into listening ae hicting “will” for “I,” or “Iwill be” for “Tam,” -example:If you answered Sometimes for “I allow speakers to you ean make that a goal by writing “I will allow all sentences for the next 30 days” on a Postit it up on your bathroom mirror, g requires regularly practiced skill-building 175 you can practice... Sbbh "took am tens 249 t th a MS before 13. Go for an hour without speaking 14, Next time you eat with the first half hour, 15. Ask questions to clarify 4 870Up, don't alk for 16, Ask questions to show interest or concern 17. Ask questions to get more information or learn 17.5 Ask yourself, “Are you listening to the other person the same way you want to be listened to? took out for poor listeners ... 2 A person who seems to have all the answers usually isn’t listening, $e A person who interrupts isn’t listening Corat least is not a good listener) fow hard is it to listen? For some, it's impossible, styour listening self-discipline ... *‘Try being silent for 1 hour, + Try not talking in a group of people. + Try not talking at a party, There are no such things as buyer types only buyer characteristics No two buyers are ali, There are 100 billion buyer types. Go figure. eling is not about defining the type of buyer you're facing; there are billions ers Ever see those four types of buyer things? The Driver, The and The Big Idiot. The Big Idiot is someone who thinks Te ‘Wl ome 251 1 buyer types ~ there are buyer gp baracter "ategorize them, yy Mdividual 1M; nderstan alty ‘stand them, Phi than thee COgnize Gang You've said sop dead, are ip a personality, Don't « jore interested in buyers’ phil way los Hin wa only wet to their philosophy i put CF ou've uncovered their“type; but its! aa pulosopiall Opposed to, youre » do customers buy? ta To solve a problem. +They need it «They think they need it, «To get a competitive edge «To save money or produce faster. «+ To eliminate mistakes or people, To feel good, fo show off, To change a mood. + To solidify a relationship, + They were talked into it + It sounded too good to refuse, + They got a great deal (or thought they did), +The tire kicker +The liar + The logical * The indecisive ified one by one -- BUT your il of these and other traits. “kickerprice buyer-think it ove ike a Yankee salesperson go looking for that enorth, Or how about the Yankee-know-it- a Southern salesperson y to react. They will fou to the sale.As a Question, — Listen, Pe get resus nme Aron oome” i Toward error-free positive communication. then someone talks to,you, updates you on a projec ‘asks. you to do something, assigns you a task has a business communication of any kind or just needs a favor here is a method that eliminates misunderstandings and errors. 1. Focus on the communicator. ‘Stop - whatever else you're doing, Distractions cause errors, Took - at the person who is talking, People communicate both verbally and nonverbal. Listen - with your eyes and ears. Using eye contact increases listening intensity. 2, Write the communication down. Writing the message or task reduces error by 90%. 3, Repeat it back. Repeating gives the communicator peace of mind that the me: been received and understood. Repeat all dates and numbers twice 4. Get confirmation. ‘The communicator will appreciate acknowledging ng that you are correct in receiving and understanding the communication. : Deliver what you promised. Delivering is as important as listening, writing, and confirming spreading the Gospel The Book of fix! nibh dx 35.5 trade show success rules 4 Business fair/trade show game plan dx After the trade show is over, how do I follow up? 8.2 Sing Off TT er ey Not ah This is the EUMioe oT Olen + ae EON GTN of prospects over the ROUSE NN STOUT Tes to do business, Fish in a barrel VITUS Ten Allyou need isa hook Te

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