Direct Instruction Lesson Plan Template

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Direct Instruction Lesson Plan Template

Grade Level/Subject: 4th grade/

Central Focus: Using details from a short story to create a
map of what the story is about.
Essential Standard/Common Core Objective: RL.4.1- Refer to
Date submitted: 11/20/2015
details and examples in a text when explaining what the text
Date taught: 11/19/2015
says explicitly and when drawing inferences from the text.
Daily Lesson Objective: Students will be able to successfully create a GMA of a short story by
using details from the text.
21st Century Skills: creative
Academic Language Demand (Language Function and
thinking, collaborating, and
Vocabulary): details, mapping, illustrations, representation,
setting, and characters
Prior Knowledge: Students will have been introduced to reading concepts and the importance of
illustrations and details in text. Students are also able to read quietly with a partner or

1. Focus and Review

2. Statement of
for Student

3. Teacher Input

4. Guided Practice

Description of Activities and Setting

TW ask the class, What are some things we have been
thinking about while reading our stories? TW expect answers
along the lines of prediction, inferences, and cause and effect.
TW then tell the class, When thinking about these concepts
while reading we know that it helps the reader better
understand their stories! Today we are going to try a new
strategy to help us better understand our stories in our own
and unique way.
TW tell the students, Today we are going to use a strategy to
help us understand our readings more. This strategy is called
a Group Mapping Activity or GMA.
TW say, GMA is a way for readers to create a representation
of the story they just read. Have any of you tried something
like this before? TW then tell the class that when they create
their map there is no right or wrong way to create it, but you
will need to be able to explain your map to a classmate. Your
maps should be your representation of the story you just read.
As a class we will look at how to GMA the first paragraph in
my eyes.
At the their desks SW take out their SRA Imagine it textbooks
and open to page 106, vocabulary warm up. The teacher will
ask the students to look at the image on the bottom of page
106 and to share some ideas of what they think this short
story could be about. TW read aloud the first paragraph. TW
then draw on the smartboard the beginning of the map she
would create. (TW draw a hill with two people (Jasmine and
Cheri) and a picture of trees and grass and an American flag
to label the time the story is taking place. TW say, As I am






5. Independent

6. Assessment
Methods of

7. Closure

drawing my GMA I am explaining it. When you all go and

create your GMA you will explain it after with a classmate.
Keep this in mind when creating your maps.
TW tell the students With a partner you will read aloud the
short story. When you are finished reading go back to your
seats and start working on your GMAs. You have one minute
to pick a partner and a space when I say go. SW then sit with
their partner and read together the short story. TW set a timer
for 10 min. When the timer stops TW get the students
attention with clapping signal. TW have the students return to
their seats to work on their GMAs. TW set a timer for 20
minutes and walk around and observe Ss maps and ask
questions of why they drew what they drew. (Remember to
give time alerts to encourage students to complete their GMA
of the entire story. When all students are done they will share
their maps with another student at their table.
The GMAs will be collected and the TW CFU while students are sharing
their GMAs with their classmates.

TW ask the class, What is the name of the strategy we tried?

When are some other times that we could use this strategy?
TW encourage times where they read informational text,
chapter books, fiction/nonfiction books, writing, etc. would be
great times to try and use this strategy.

8. Assessment
Results of
Targeted Students
Modifications/Accommodations: I will check
back with my student with an IEP during
teacher input, guided practice, and
independent practice.


Student/Small Group
Modifications/Accommodations: Groups will need
to be seated away from each other to prevent
distractions. Groups will be warned once that they
must remain on task or they will need to work
Materials/Technology: SRA Imagine it Textbook, White paper per student, Pencils, color
pencils/crayons, smartboard
Reflection on lesson: On weebly.

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