Texas and Non Catergorical Early Childhood

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Texas and Non Categorical Early Childhood (NCEC)

Elian Flores
Fall 2015

IDEA also includes Non Categorical Early Childhood or NCEC which includes
students ages 3-9 who could be served for special education and associated
services which is also termed Developmental Delay. Each particular state can elect
how to name this general category, define it and what age range it will apply to.
Texas the Developmental Delay category is called Non Categorical Early
Childhood (NECE) and it is applicable to children between the ages of 3-5. The
children who are within the defined ages who experience general delays in physical,
cognitive, communication, social, emotional adaptive behavior may need special
education and related services.
The focus is to provide early intervention and applicable services so that
children will not need special education services by the students entrance to first
grade. The NCEC category provides necessary services to children in early childhood
without the label for a specific disability. In the state of Teas young children may be
qualified under the NCEC if they have been diagnosed with an intellectual disability,
emotional disturbance, specific learning disability or autism.
The ARD committee will decide if the child is eligible for special education
and supportive services under the childs specific disability category. The child must
first be tested and evaluated within state and federal requirements. The federal
requirements have designated that eligibility must be made by committee of
qualified professional and the childs parent. It is also important to gather
information from different sources including aptitude, achivemtn tests, parent
observations, teacher recommendation, physical condition, social, cultural
background and adaptive behavior.

Before the childs sixth birthday the school will reassess the student to
measure their gain through evaluations by certified professionals. The evaluations
will include how the child has progressed and the use of related services. The group
of professionals will also take into account the current assessment data available
from the child. The committee will also take into consideration any private or
outside evaluations the family has provided for the child.
In conclusion, the NCEC or Non Categorical childhood early education is a
category that may be applicable for developmental delays in children between the
ages of 3-5. The children may qualify if they have a delay in different development
criteria and could qualify for special education and associated services. If the child
qualifies to receive special services under the NCEC then they receive special
education services as well as related services without being labeled with a specific


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