NURS1020 Clinical Course Evaluation Final Evaluation: Please Circle The Appropriate Box

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NURS1020 Clinical Course Evaluation

Final Evaluation

Student: Emily Joy

Clinical Instructor: Janet Scott
Missed Clinical Hours: ______

Missed Lab Hours: ______

Please circle the appropriate box

Course Objective
Established therapeutic nurse-resident
relationships in residential long-term care

Evidence/Indicators: (The student has ...)

Performed skills relevant to situating an

individual within his/her personal, familial and
community context

I have successfully established a good professional

relationship with my resident.
I visit my resident regularly when I am at the long term care
I have learned a lot about my resident and what she use to
do in the past.
Having her use to be a nurse is a good help when
performing daily tasks on her.
Not only have I learned about her history but I have also
learned about her medical history
Emily always identifies herself and asks permission to call
resident by first name
She has successfully engaged in relational practice using
touch, speech and listening techniques
I have gained a good therapeutic relationship with the new
resident I was assigned to
Because of the residents speech difficulty and server
dementia the techniques I used to engage in a therapeutic
communication were different then what I did before
I also feel more confident in communicating and engaging
with the residents then when I first begun
I am more relaxed and know the proper vocabulary and
actions to use for each individual resident
I encourage my resident to go to the community activities
that the facility has to offer like the tea party
It keeps her active in the community and helps the day go
by, if she wishes to go then I will happily take her there
I make sure my resident is comfortable in her environment
and if she needs anything I will try my best to get it.
I have gained information with regards to my residents
family and where they all live and who comes to visit
Emily encouraged her resident and others to engage in
activities provided by the facility that makes the resident


Did not

Developed and demonstrated skills in basic

assessment techniques relevant to the long-term
care population

Demonstrated skills in providing (resident)

client-centered support for activities of daily

feel comfortable and allows them to interact with each

She brings residents to the dining room each day and helps
them eat and converses with them

Because my new resident has server dementia she is

often confused where she is, she believes her mother
will come pick her up to take her home
Because of this confusion it is important for me to
help her get familiar within the community she is
actually in
I go walk on walks with her and have gone to chair
yoga with her once before
Going on the walks will help keep my resident
orientated to the facility around her
Because we have not learned basic assessment yet in lab I
have not been able to properly perform the necessary skills
needed to do it
However we have been able to do a fall assessment where
I was able to test vital signs, take the residents
temperature, blood pressure, and oxygen supply
I will work towards being able to successful do the basic
assessment on my resident or another one in the weeks to
Emily is learning some basic assessment skills and can
successfully take BPs, with help perform a neuro
assessment using the Glasgow coma scale and assess skin
for breakdown
Through our therapeutic encounter assignment I was able
to perform a full head to toe assessment on my resident
I did the vital signs, and osculate the lungs and
abdominals for abnormal soundings
Doing the head to toe assessment in clinical allowed me to
use the basic skills that I had practiced in an actual
Because my resident is pretty capable performing most
tasks on her own I have only been able to assist her in


Developed knowledge about the experience of

residents living in a long-term care setting

putting lotion on for her and aiding her to get from her bed
to her wheelchair.
However with other residents I have performed a number
of baths while in the bathing room
I have fed residents that need assistance eating
In the mornings I get a number of residents ready by
changing their briefs, combing their hair, helping in
brushing teeth and putting on dentures
Emily is learning how to support residents with their ADLs
and has assisted in daily bathing keeping in mind the
preferences of the resident
She can assist with feeding, cuing residents to eat and help
the staff deliver the appropriate meals ensuring resident
I have developed more skills and am gaining a better
knowledge in how to do the ADLs
I had the opportunity to perform a bed bath on a resident
I have learned the routine of the residents for morning care
and I feel more and more confident each day to perform it
without the aid of a PSW
The residents are often in there because they do not want
to be a burden to their family so they go into these homes
Also they have a lot of wisdom and experience to share
with us
Especially with my resident being a retired nurse she has a
lot of knowledge on the dos and donts in nursing. All tells
me about what it was like being a nurse in her days; having
to get around in a horse a buggie
Emily has conversed with residents about what it is like to
live in a LTC facility
She has participated in discussions at post clinical
regarding the loss of autonomy and independence
Through the 12 days in clinical I have experienced what it
is like to be in the long term care and how the residents
feel about it
My current resident I dont believe completely knows that

Demonstrated safe and ethical clinical practice

at the level appropriate for a year one nursing

Participated in professional development based

on reflective practice and clinical inquiry

she is in the facility as she believes she is not home

Some of the residents with dementia do not know where
they are and dont think that they are home, as a student
nurse it is hard to communicate properly to them that they
are home and that they will not be leaving the facility
When I enter the residents room I make sure I knock and
say who it is and if I can enter their room
If it was there actual house you just wouldnt walk right in
without asking so I make sure to allows do that before I
enter any residents room, which is part of my nursing
If I do not feel comfortable performing a task that I have
not been shown how to do I will ask to be shown how to do
it, so I can keep me and the resident safe. An example
being performing my first peri care on a male I asked the
PSW to demonstrate the first one and then
after I was comfortable enough to do it on my own
Emily is learning how to provide safe competent care and
seeks help if necessary
She has successfully completed the lift training and is able
to safely lift residents with help
If I have any necessary questions regarding the residents
care I make sure to ask the PSW or my clinical instructor so
I can provide the safest care possible
To ensure I perform the proper care I will take my time with
each resident and not rush the care that the PSWs
sometimes want us to do
I rather take my time and do a safe and through job then
rush and not be completely satisfied and ultimately hurting
the resident

Each week we are required to write a reflection with what

we experienced that day
We talk about how we felt in a particular situation and any
weaknesses and strengths we acquired about ourselves
Emily is able to write insightful reflections and describes
what she might do differently next time

Examined personal attitudes regarding the

elderly and other residents of long-term care

Developed a basis knowledge of the clinical

manifestations and relevant nursing
interventions of chronic diseases

She participates in discussions around issues that occur in

the day and how they may have been handled differently
I have continued to write my weekly reflection and focus on
how I can react different to the situations that have
I have wrote about my strengths and weakness and now I
have a better insight in on myself
I also participant in decisions involving that clinical day and
when we discuss are different care cards
Personally I hope I never have to go into a long-term care
The residents are treated fairly well but it just seems very
boring for them and lonely
Some of the totally dependent residents just get fed and
then put in front of the TV and then fed and then in front of
the TV again, just seems very boring and not worth living
It has opened me up to not wanting myself or my parents
to ever have to go into one
Emily has examined her values and beliefs and is able to
see the effect on developing relationships within the LTC
She tries to keep her values and beliefs separate from her
safe delivery of culturally sensitive care
My views are still the same as before midterms
I have a high level for respect for the health care
professions in the facility, they need to deal with a wide
range of different people, that generally do not want to be
I do feel that the facility I was placed as does try to have
different activities to engage the residents in
However it is up to resident how much they want to
participate in the activities, if they do not it becomes very
easy for them to become socially isolated from everyone
Each week we have to make client care cards and
medication profile form our residents chart
I have so far done mine of diabetes type 2 and

osteoarthritis which has now given me a better

understanding of what my resident is going through
Also learning from other student nurses what there
residents are experiencing has allows me to gain
knowledge as well.
Emily is learning about chronic diseases, their signs and
symptoms and appropriate nursing interventions
She participates in discussions on various diseases and
researches and presents information on diseases
I have continued doing my care cards and have made a
booklet out of them with index cards for future reference
I have learned more about renal failure, heart diseases,
and different type of dementia which are all relevant to the
long term setting, and even other clinical settings in the
years to come

Identify 3 personal strengths developed in this placement.

1. I feel that I have developed more confident in my abilities to perform the skills that I have learned so far throughout my first year of nursing.
2. My communication to develop I successful therapeutic relationship has been good in making and maintaining different relationships with
each resident.
3. Performing the baths in the tube and bed baths, which I was most nervous to do at first

Identify 3 areas requiring further development

1. I often will second guess myself when performing a task that I might not be doing in the correct way a PSW my do. I have to remember that
there are multiple ways of performing the same task
2. I need to take the opportunities that are presented and not just wait for them to come to me. If I do not speak up I my miss out on different
opportunities that can better my nursing practice
3. I have gotten use to do a lot of the nursing care with another student so I need to start becoming more independent in my nursing abilities, so I
can develop myself as a nurse
Clinical Instructor Comments

Week 1
Week 4

Week 2
Week 5

Week 3
Week 6

Week 7

Week 8

Week 9

Week 10

Week 11

Week 12

Total number of clinical hours completed_____________

Peer Evaluation Completed ____________ _____________________
Signature of Instructor___________________________________________________


Signature of Student_____________________________________________________


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