Carolyn Smith
Carolyn Smith
Carolyn Smith
Shift Leader, Ben and Jerrys, Bolton Landing, NY; May 2011-present (summers only)
Manage other employees during my shift, make sure store is set up in the morning and cleaned up
in the evening, count the register, serve customers, maintain inventory and store appearance.
Mail Room Clerk, SUNY Plattsburgh, Plattsburgh, NY; August 2014-May 2015
Sorted letters and packages, customer service, general bookkeeping.
Sales Associate, Carvel, Croton, NY; September 2012-June 2013
Serve customers, maintain inventory and store appearance.
English Reading Tutor; April-June 2012
Selected appropriate books, read, and discussed main theme topics with a fifth grade student to
improve reading comprehension and vocabulary.
Member of Sigma Tau Delta English Honor Societys chapter at SUNY Plattsburgh, 2015
Member of Phi Kappa Phi Academic Honor Societys chapter at SUNY Plattsburgh, 2015
SUNY Plattsburgh Academic Excellence Award Scholarship, 2013
National Honor Society Member, 2013
Honor Roll 15 times, 2009-2013
2013 Presidents Award for Educational Excellence, 2013
Hendrick Hudson Education Association Scholarship, 2013
Nita M. Lowey Congress of the United States Certificate of the Special Congressional
Recognition, 2013
The College of Westchester Outstanding Determination in Business Education Award, 2013
Retired Teachers Association of Northern Westchester Award, 2013