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4G Of aps | REPUBLIC OF KENYA ye — MINISTRY OF ROADS AND PUBLIC WORKS ROADS DEPARTMENT ROAD DESIGN MANUAL | i PART V | PAVEMENT REHABILITATION } AND | OVERLAY DESIGN CHIEF ENGINEER (ROADS) | PERMANENT SECRETARY MINISTRY OF ROADS AND | MINISTRY OF ROADS PUBLIC WORKS AND PTRLIC WORKS: |P.0. BOX 30260 MAY 1988 | P, 0, BOX 30260 NAIROBI | | NAIROBIcontents ii SECTION PAGE CHAPTER 1 = INTRODTICTION lad 1.1 SCOPE OF THE MANUAL. at 1.2 PLANNING PRION. are 1 3 PRIORITIES FOR CONSIDERATION 11 1.4 MAINTENANCE AND UPGRADING aia 1.5 REHABILITATION, STRENGTHENING OR RECONSTRUCTION 1.2 CHAPTER 2 PLANNING CONSIDERATIONS. 2.1 GENERAL 2.2 TOTAL TRANSPORT COST... 2.3 FURTHER INVESTMENT COSTS CHAPTER 3 PAVEMENT BEHAVIOUR AND DETERIORATION. 3.1 3.1 FLEXIBLE AND RIGID PAVEMENTS. 3.1 (a) Flexible Pavements. 1 (b) Semi-Rigid and Rigid Pavements 3/2 MODES OF DETERIORATION 3.3 MOST USUAL DEFECT PATTERNS- POSSIBLE CAUSES 3.3 (a) Definitions . z : : 3.3. (b) Typical Detects... CHAPTER4 PAVEMENT EVALUATION. 4.1. SURFACE CONDITION. 4.1. (a) Recording and Quantifying the Defects 41 4.1 (b) Surface Roughness 42 4. 1 (0) Present Serviceability Concept... sven 43 41 4.2 STRUCTURAL EVALUATION weessesstsssstseusticeineee 44 4.2. (@) The use of ue Deflection Measurement... 44 2. (b) The Use of Radius of Curvature Measurements .. 47 4.2, (¢] Subgrade and Drainage Analysis. aa 1.2 (a) Bristing Pavement Suwclure Aualysis ay 4.2 (e} Shoulder Assessment 4.10 4.3 SUMMARY OF THE PROCEDURE FOR PAVEMENT EVALUATION é 411 CHAPTERS CRITERIA FOR MAINTENANCE AND REHABILITION 3.1 5. 1 SURFACE CONDITION CRITERIA. 5.1 5.2 SURFACE ROUGHNESS CRITERIA 5.2 5.3. PRESENT SERVICEABILITY CRITERIA .. 5.3 5.4 DEFLECTION CRITERIA ..ssescsecnssnstsnsetinesssestvase 5.3 5.4 {a} Relationchip Between Tolerable Deflectivu aul Cumulative Traffic 5.3 5.4 (b) Life Phases of Flexible pavement Deflection changes... 5.3CONTENTS iti SECTION PAGE 5.4. (¢) The Use of Deflection For Performance Prediction and Residital Life Eotimation of Plexible PaveuiUttlS ec ccecsessiaco SA 5.4. (d) Relations of Tolerable Deflection/ Cumulative Traffic obtained in Kenya. eee 5. B.S PRODUCT BD CRITERIA... ee sesseesesttnrentsee D CHAPTER 6 TECHNIQUES AND MATER STRENGTHENING. ene 6. | RESTORATION AND IMPROVEMENT OF THE DRAINAGE SYSTEM : ae i 6.1 .(a) External drainage... 6.1, (b} Internal Drainage econo 6.2, PREPARATION OF THR FXISTING PAVEMENT FOR 6.2. (a) Local Repairs 6.2. (b) Levelling ‘ 6.2. (c) Cleaning and Tack Coat 6.3. OVERLAYS... : 6.3. (a) Different Types of Overlay. 6.8. (b) Flexible Overlay Materials... 6.3. (c) Bound Overlay materials... 6.3. (d) Preventing Reflection Cracking CHAPTER7 STRUCTURAL DESIGN OF OVERLAY FOR FLEXIBLE PAVEMENTS................ 2 7.1 Design Principles ...seeccse cee 7.1, (a) Overlay Thickness and Characteristics... 7-1. (0) Design Period sae : 7.1. (c} Stage Construction... 7.2 PRACTICAL AND EXPERIMENTAL BASES. 7.2 (a) Use of Flexible Overlays... 7.2. (b) The behaviour of Overlay Materials 7.2 (c) Construction Principles . 7.9. THE STRUCTURAL APPROACH... es nd 7.3 (a) Schematisation of Existing Pavement... 7.8 7.3. (b) Pavement’s Equivalent Modulus 78 7.8. (¢} Calculation of stress and strain : a 7.3 (d) Determination Of The Overlay Thickness Required 79 7.4 Overlay design charts. eae sete 7.9 7.8. METHOD OF USE... 7.4L 7-5. (aj First Step: Determination of the Design Parameters... 7.11 7-5. {b) Second Step: Schematisation of Existing Pavement... 7.11 7S. (c) Third Step; Estimation of Cumulative Traffic . wo TAD 7.5.(d) Fourth Step: Inventory and Study of the Available Overlay Materials and Selection of the Possible Types of Overlay 7.12 7.8. (¢) Pifth Step. Determination ot the Overlay Thickness Required, : ae 7.12 7.5 {f) Sixth Step : Economic Comparison of the Possible Overlays and Final Choice of Que Overlay Structure inti isnsiee FADconTENTS iv SECTION PAGE 75. (g) Binalizing the Overlay Design and Preparation of Special Specifications ccc ms CHAPTER 8 STRUCTURAL DESIGN OF OVERLAY FOR RIGID AND SEMI- RIGID PAVEMENT... BL ‘The design of overlays for rigid and semi-rigid pavements is governed by a number of factors peculiar to this pe ol pavement ang the design method described in the preceding chapter does not apply. This chapter gives some guidelines for the strengthening of such rigid and semi rigid pavement... 8.1, PREVENTIVE OVERLAY FOR INTACT RIGID PAVEMENTS 8.1 (a) Characteristics of Rigid and semi- Rigid Pavements RI (h) Deciding Criterion... ane 8.1 (c} Overlay Design Method... 8.2 STRENGTHENING OF DETERIORATED RIGID PAVEMENTS 8.2 (a) Neterinration of Lass of Cohecion .. 8.2 (b) Deterioration by Fracture (Without Loss of Cohesion) ... 8.2 CHAPTER9 OTHER REHARILITIOW TRCRNIQUES AND RECONSTRUCTION .....-scjrcrsessseses 91 9.1 SURFACE TREATMENTS ... on 9.1 (a)Surface Dressing 91 9.1 (b) Emulsion Slurry Seal . 9.1 9. 1 {c} Fog Seal or Surface Enrichment 29.8 9.2 CRACK SEALING 9.2 3 EDGE AND SHOULDER REINSTATEMENT AND UPGRADING 9.3 9.4 WIDENING... : a3 9.5 PAVEMENT RECONSTRUCTION 93 95 5 (a Reconstruction on the Same Alignment 9.4 5 (b) Reconstruction on a New Alignment a5conrrnrs SECTION APPENDICES: 1 Procedure fr Natermining Prooent Oerviccability Ratings 1, {a) Selection of Rating Panel 1, (b) Rating Rules 1. (4) Rating Procedure 2 Benkelman Beam Deflection Testing Proceduse 2. (a) Rebound Neflection Procedure 2. (b) Transient Deflection Procedure 2. (c) Notes 3 Procedures for Measuzing Radiv 3{a) Test Procedure 3{b) Calculations of Cu 4 The Principle Of The Moving Average CHARTS B.2_ CEMENT AND LIME IMPROVED MATERIALS FOR BASE B3 CEMENT STABILISED MATERIALS FOR ASF: 4 GRADED CRUSHED STONE FOR BASE B.6 DENSE BITUMINOUS MACADAN FOR BASE B7 LEAN CONCRETE FOR BASE B.8 DENSE EMULSION MACADAM SURFACE DRESSINGS SUKFAUE DRESSINGS DESIGN SURFACE DRESSINGS DESIGN ASPHALTIC CONCRETE, GRADING REQUIREMENTS FOR ASPHALTIC CONCRETE GAP GRADED ASPHALT SAND ASPHALT EMULSION SLUKKY SEAL Bu Ba BS Ba BS Bé sg. 8.2 83 sa 85 8.6 s7 8.8Iwrropuction Li CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION 1.1 SCOPE OF THE MANUAL ‘The purpose of this manual is to provide guidance on the principles and Procedures of rational management of sealed roads i network. The manual sets The framework: aims at assessing the elements of the road network regularly and on the basis of objective measurements, determines maintenance and rehabilitation or strengthening requires ever. Mihin @ Dlanning poriod the witerla for dalierent actions are chosen atcording to current knowledge of pavement distress and fallun characteristics. The former constitutes p: whereas the latter which involves die i flferent categories of action which the management proceduse shetia te be required is not with in the scope of this manual. The iecomumcaudell procedure tor assessment of the surface condition of fhe Pavement including the nature and extent of each type of distrens ia included in the appendices to this manual. Procedures for evalnating meacuural (Perfouuuice of the pavements from the deflection measurements are also included in the appendices, 1.2. PLANNING PERIOD is necessary to anticipate the need for major inputs to the netwnrle far the seein Gdvance \w allow for design activities, finance allocation and the assembly of resources to be completed on schedule before « Project Starts. The following preparatory periods are considered the mieten ~ 2 years for periodic maintenance ~ 4 Years for evtonsive rohabilitativur aud strengthening Usually uncertainties exist due to inaccurate prediction of pavement Gcterioration because of either unexpected increases af traffic locde vt adverse weather conditions. Accordingly a “stop-gap” maintenanee input should be authorised to enable remedial work to be carried out ac short notice, Sections of the network that are due for maintenance within the first year of the planning period should be identified and dealt with urgently. seemay be justified to implement short term ‘measures to Stee deterioration, 1.3 PRIORITIES FOR CONSIDERATION Tdeally the whole network should be assessed annually for its, functional and structural performance, though such extensive coverane may notINTRODUCTION 1 always be possible. It ig easential however to aesoce the important sections of the network thoroughly and the remainder in less detail or less frequently. Alternatively the intensity of the assessment should depend on the function of the sectinn, traffie volumes and the comp of the pavement structure. Special consideration should al to sections in poor condition regardless of other 1.4 MAINTENANCE AND UPGRADING The purpose of this management system ia to determine from routine monitoring measurements, the types of maintenance operations required for cach individual section of the network. Ia the majority of cases no action may Le seyultedl. On some sections the assessment of the pavement surface condition will indicate the need for Periodic maintenance in the form of surface treatment. The surface treatment may be in form of roocaling or reca:pcling, which Weauments waterproof the under lying pavement layers and thus decelerate the deterioration but without improving the structural strength, Most aspects of a surtace condition survey, when considered together with deflection measurements, will show some structural weakness developing in the pavement and that a substantial action other than simple sutfuce treatment will be appropnate. Consequently, depending, on the nature and extent of the pavement distress, it may be concluded whether the particular section requires rehabilitation, strengthening or recut uutivis, 1,5 REHABILITATION, STRENGTHENING OR RECONSTRUCTION At terminal stage, the level of service of a section reduces below tolerable limits, the pavement becomes structurally inadequate to sustain its functions and periudic uainteuance work becomes trequent and uneconomical. To rejuvenate the pavement, the following courses of action are considered: - (a) Rehabilitation ~ involving: () Reprocessing one or more layers of pavement. (i Improvement of internal drainage. (éii] Widening narrow pavements. (b) Strengthening - consists uf wuusuucting one of more layers on the existing pavement, (c} Reconstruction - if the existing road is considered inadequate for the expected traffic or has poor geometric standards, it may be justifiable to rebuild or re-align itTLANNING CONSIDERATIONS 21 _ CHAPTER 2 PLANNING CONSIDERATIONS, 2.1 GENERAL Ideally there shold he a continual re section of the network and how effectively it performs its functions | The situation on heavily used sections may warrar frequent or intensified reappraisal. The following are the recommended aspects for which inputs are considered during the assessment: ; (a) - strategic functions (i. classification) ~ network improvement needs + - traffic flow patterns 5 (0) - geometnc standards - accident/safety surveys maintenance levels aud wats - inventory updating (4) - pavement randition eusveys - structural performance - axle load distribution (¢}- economic viability = resources allocation Considerations such as route classification will rarely change, whereas traffic flow characteristics will be subject to steady and predictable change unless special influences occur (0.g. revision of tall legislation or substantial change in fuel prices etc,). The pavement condition and subsequently the structural performance are generally less predictable particnlarly on rade with heavy traffic; regular monitoring is absolutely necessary so that the onset of pronounced deterioration can be anticipated. Booontially the manageincul task is Ww determine the proper nature, strategies and timing of investments in the road network. This manual is intended to guide the management of the existing network. 2.2, TOTAL TRANSPORT COST ‘The principal economic criterion is to optimise investment on the basis of “total coat” which geucially is couiprised of Doth capital and recurrent costs (a) Capital costs - are usually well defined and isolated in nature such as overlay or reconstruction operations. (b) Recurrent costs- are continually incurred costs during the nsage af the road. Some are loaa well defined, fur iustuice accidents and environmental impact cannot readily be assigned economic values.PLANNING CONSIDERATIONS 22 There are invariably recurrent costs thronghout the ucage of the Load. In some analyses however the total cost may not always include a capital cost, This is the case in the “do nothing” option, which must be evaluated as a base for comparison with any prospective investment under consideration. 1 may happen that the need for one investment (for instance strengthening), will triggcr the justification for other associated investments such as pavement widening etc, Bflective cost saving may result from co-ordinating the investments and/or interchanging their sequence of execution, It io important ty luuld an overalt view and to appreciate the significant implications of one investment on other Possible associated investments. Table 2.1 presents the likely linkages of Investments, The main consequences expected from different actions for which investment is considered are summarised in Table 2.2 Table 2.1 POSSIBLE CO-ORDINATION OF ASSOCIATED INVESTMENT FOR NET BENEFIT [IRVESTWTRWT “wes UNDER [AbsocriTGD _INVETSHENTS WHICH OFFER] CONSIDERATION, COST SAVINGS IF COORDINATED ay ~realignment (fo improve geometric otandards) Drainage/shoulder pavement widening improvement or repair Surface treatment “Strengthening (c.g. resealing or recarpeting) pavement repairs Strengthening (eg, overlays) “shoulder improvement -Pavement widening Rehabilitation “Strengthening -Pavement widening Reesnstwuliow “Pavement widening -Realignment “Shoulder improvement Pavement widening “surface eatment wehabilitation reconstruction — | In the iuplementation of the management system, it is essential to reduce the unit running costs of vehicles, In most cases vehicle running costs per unit distance in terms of fuel consumntion. tyre replaccueiit Spare parts and maintenance labour are dependent on the condition of the running surface and the average vehicle operatingPLANNING CONSIDERATIONS 23 opeed. The latter is directly influenced hy road characteristics such as. the alignment geometry and carriageway width, Similarly the occurrence and severity of accidents are affected by changes im the alignment carriageway wii and s 1 AS yet however, prediction of accident type and frequency is not well developed for Kenyan road conditions and only the effect of very substantial changes may be forecasl. Moreuve, whilst significant resource costs are incurred through accidents, other very important consequences, for instance personal injury-or loss of life, cannot yet be given financial values. ‘The major components contributing to the total transport cost are: - {a) Construction Coste: - if some improvements are considered (b) Vehicle Operating Costs - dependent on route length, volume and type of vehicles utilising the road and their unit costs of operating, () Road Maintenance Costs - expected recurrent costs for routine and periodic maintenance inputs. (@) Further Investment Costs - expected cost at the end of the current design period for the road to handle the expected traffic demand. ‘The net present value of these costs is calculated by discounting then toa chosen base year. This is usually considered to be the first year of the appraisal. 2.3 FURTHER INVESTMENT COSTS ‘The further investment components should be estimated for the most probable continued requirement of the road, aiming at restoring the foad to the same nnal state for each of the alternauve strategies considered in the appraisal. The cost of achieving this will vary for the different strategies. Thus in one strategy the road might be in a suitable condition to be overlaid su as W Hauulle Lic cayocicd Laflic, whereas in another strategy the road might require ‘complete reconstruction for similar traffic. ‘The purpose of further investment cost element is to reflect any differences in the residual value of the road as a result of different strategies. Thus, although speculative long-range estimates are involved, the differences between them are a sensible reflection of the residual value in one strategy as compared with another. In any case, the residual value should be discounted over the fulll appraisal period. Fer an economic appraisal all costs may be calculated excluding the taxes and transfer payments. Nevertheless the Chief Engineer (Roads) can advicc on ourrent factors applied to (construction, vehicle operating, road maintenance etc.) in order to estimate economic costs.PLANNING CONSIDERATIONS ‘TABLE 2.2 EXPECTED CONSEQUENCES OF VARIOUS INVESTMENTS ‘ACTION EFFECT CONSEQUENCE Drainage Teduce pavement deterioration [reduce future vehicle manag | Peeee nent’ | reduce probability of wash out | SOS! improvement | ate increase route reliability: reduce maintenance costs ‘Shoulder increase effective width of | reduce accidents fae oer: reduce future vehicle running improvement | reduce pavement deterioration | costs reduce utaintenanice LUSts Surface improve running suiface | reduce current vehicle running Treatment condition’ costs reduce pavement deterioration | reduce future vehicle running costs redice maintenance coste Pavement renew running stirface | reduce current vehicle running Strengthening | condition costs reduce pavement deterioration | reduce future vebicle running increase pavement bearing | CS capacity reduce routine maintenance costs increase life of pavement Faveient Tcnew running Surface | reduce current vehicle Tuning Rehabilitation | condition costs reduce pavement deterioration | reduce future vehicle running increase pavement bearing | ©StS capacity reduce routine maintenance costs Pavement increase elfective width of | Feduce accidents | Widening en increase route capacity | improve horizontal alignment Reconstriction | any or all of above any or all of above [ improve vertical alignment Realignment | any or all of above ‘any oF all of above change route length improve horizontal vertical alignment and change vehicle running and unit costs change maintenance costsPAVEMENT BEHAVIOUR AND DETSKIUKATION 34 CHAPTER 3 PAVEMENT BEHAVIOUR AND DETERIORATION Effective corrective action for a defective pavement cannot be designed on surface symptoms alone, The pavement composition must be fenown and he delcriuiation should be identified, 8.1 FLEXIBLE AND RIGID PAVEMENTS It is essential to distinguish between flexible and rigid (or semi-rigid) pavements, the behaviours of which are completely different under similar conuitivis vf toad. 3.1 (a) Flexible Pavements Flexible pavements are defined as pavements comprised of a base of fairly deformable material, such as natural gravel, crushed stone or improved gravel material and 2 thin hitmminans surfacing (surface dressing or not more than 50 mm of asphalt concrete). ‘The deterioration of flexible pavement always involves deformation, which may originate trom any layer for tue {ulluwiay reasons: - -Subgrade Insufficient bearing strength Insufficient cover Moisture changes Bubbace Ineulficient strength inadequate internal drainage -Rase Insufficient strength or stability Attrition Lack of edge restraint 3.1 (b) Seimi-Rigid aud Rigid Pavemento Semi-rigid or rigid pavements are defined as pavements having a base of bound material, the rigidity of which is appreciable, or having a thick asphaltic surfacing. Semi-rigid pavements are those having bases of cement-stabilised gravel or dense-bitumen macadam whatever the surfacing is and those with asphaltic surfacing thicker than 75mm. Pavements having a lean concrete base are considered to be rigid. Deterioration of rigid and semi-rigid pavements always involves cracking, which originates either in the base or in the surfacing. There fre various pussitle causes but the main one is excessive tensile strain fat the bottom of the bound layers. This may result from insufficient thickness, inadequate support or fatigue.PAVEMENT BEHAVIOUR AND DETERIORATION 32 3.2 MODES OF DETERIORATION To decide on the technique to use in rehabilitating a pavement, it is first necessary to identify the type of distress affecting the struct ‘The next otep io to determine the cause uf distess, The modes of pavement deterioration may be classified into three rain categories: ~ fracture ~ distortion = disintegration ‘The types of defects and the most likely deterioration mechanisms for each mode of deterioration are shown in Table 3.1, The following points should be noted: - @ The actual deterioration in the pavement is often a complex combination of effects in the different layers, e. Defviuauion originating m one layer will cause deformation or cracking of the overlying layers. Cracking of the surfacing will allow the ingress of water possibly resulting in the deformation of the underlying layers. (ii) In the absence of remedial measures, deterioration will continue wnabated following the “Classival”' sequence of pavement degradation, e.g.: - Deformation of the flexible pavement, cracking of the surfacing, ingress ot water, crazing of the surfacing, potholing and finally complete disintegration. Even the smallest defects may result in major failures if they are not repaired in time.PAVEMENT BEHAVIOUR AND DETERIORATION 33 ‘TABLE 2 1 SIIREACE NEPECTS AND POSSIBLE DETERIORATION ECHANISMS " So | DETERIORATION [SURFACE | POSSIBLE DETERIORATIO: z MODE DEFECTS | MECHANISMS Cracking | Verticat loading B Fatigue and ageing ‘Taeemal changes Moisture changes Shrinkage (due to traction Loads) : FRACTURE ‘Slippage 3 Fatigue 4 ‘Thermal changes ‘Mojature changes Jessa! Permanent formation | Loading Creep Differential compaction Settlement consolidation Suing Upward displacement of plastic PIgTARTION Leading Faulting | Differential compaction ‘ition Lass of cohesion Poor adhesion (bituminous material} | ‘Chemical reaction 1 Disruption Poor adhesion of aggregate to binder Stripping | Chemical reaction ‘Abrasion by trafic DISNTERGRATION Degradation of aguregate Poor adhesion of aggregate to binder [Abrasion by teatic Degradation of aggregate ‘Chemical reaction IBA | Ebedinent of aggregate Excess binder |PAVEMENT BEHAVIOUR AND DETERIORATION 34 3.3 MOST USUAL DEFECT PATTERNS- POSSIBLE CAUSES ot Pavements deterioration generally results in characteristic defect patterns, which can be related to particular causes, 3.3 (al Definitions ‘The most common defects are defined as follows: - ~ Bleeding (or atting-up): - The upward movement of bitumen resulting in loss of texture and the formation of a film of bitumen on the surface. — Corrugations: - A form of plastic movement typified by ripples aeroce the direction of traffic. - Cracks: - Approximately vertical cleavage of a pavement layer (fractured surface). ~ Crazing: - Interconnected cracks forming series of small blocks, coarse crazing has more than 200mm mesh and fine crazing (or “alligator cracking’) has less than 200mm mesh. — Crescent Cracks or Slippage Cracks): - Cracks resulting irom horizontal movement of the wearing course. - Deformation: - Any movement of a pavement surface from its original shape. — Depression: ~ Localized low rca of lisaited size, which may ur iay not be accompanied by cracking. - Disruption: - The breaking up of a pavement layer into small, loose fragments. - Faults: - Differences in elevation of two slabs at joints or cracks. ~ Longitudmal cracks: - cracks that run in a direction approximately parallel to the centre-line. — Paeling: - The separation of a hitaminans wearing course from the underlying layer and its subsequent break-up and loss. ~ Potholes: - Bowl-shaped holes of varying sizes in the pavement, sesulling [tom localized disintegration. - Pumping {or Blowing): - Slab movement under passing loads resulting in the ejection of a mixture of water and fine material along joints, cracks and pavements edges. ~ Ravelling: - The progressive separation of aggregate particles in a wearing course from the surface downward or from the edges inward - Ruts: - Channelized depressions which develop in the wheel tracks. ~ Scaling: - The progressive disintegration and loss of a cement concrete wearing surface. — Shoving: - A form of horizontal plastic movement resulting. in localized bulging of the pavement.PAVEMENT BEHAVIOUR AND DETERIORATION 35 - Spalling: - The breaking or chipping of a pavement layer at joints, cracks or edger. Stripping: - The separation and loss of aggregate particles from the bitumen binder. ~ Transverse Cracks: - Cracks that follow ac right angles to the centreline. e approximately - Upheaval: - The localized displacement of a pavement due to swelling of the subgrade. — Waves: - Transverse undulations at. regnlar intervals (erests 50mm or more apart). 3.3. (b| Typical Defects Distinction can be made between typical defects and the deteriuativu mechanisms likely to be associated with them. (i) Typical defects affecting flexible pavements (Table 3.2) (i) Typical defects affecting rigid and semi-rigid pavements (Table 3.3) (iil) Typical surface detects on all types of pavement (Table 3.4) Note: - Frequently, different types of defects are associated, e.g, extensive deformation causes cracking of bound materials, or stripping produces bleeding.YAVEMENT BEHAVIOUR AND DETERIORATION 36 : TABLE 3.2 TYPICAL DEFECTS AFFECTING FLEXIBLE PAVEMENTS REF [Laver — 5 DRO SonLben . DEFECT APrecTED | NECHANSHS | rosssubcxoses Say ERCGGVE GRE FPS Toatng | tnsuliclent emeaEe ana u “tinue ssoessine rigaty of AC. | — Excesaive “Geloration of 5 Lonomuivat, support CRaciN_ORRAT |BaceTe wd Fepeated leading | Tonalin GEST Gade treategy | fatigue strengih of te base Excenaie Surtecing (40) Geiormation of subgrade, sibtace SUAREETNC) | Ecesive ana repeated loading | Trsuiclon WiC anaVaP “aigve excessie igity of Ae ‘Advanced “deiormation oF ‘Sepport CMENG PB (Coment | Baan SE FRTEN TRIG TERNS TREE GT treateay = | tage strength of the hace Bxcessve Surfacing (AC) Aefrmation of subgrade and : ; ssubbace [Gasca } 8 10) supa | sticient AC abana ——} (CRACKING ~ Poor interface bonding 7 Bes ‘Danaea Ban Sy i eta Insutctont ta Gy 3 SB+B+S | Densification ame te ee rn Incuftcent “hase “thickness 7 urn lnsuleent patement 1 theese autjer pate 4 Insuticent ‘subgrade compaction + Tsien Bare Geion and uence | ssipacton corxucations | 5 *S ae Possible faire of bond Doeiueen surface and Base ars Banca el oni : Uinndequste materia anger Disruption sompecton, etriten) . SSTETS Destin Taek of Satay oT Babee ernoscrose brerapton cae SOVSB +875 | Devaar Tisai compaetinn — oP ee subgrade and/ or povement Usuiteent BL compaction — Sip- goundester Base Dense Taser age Sonipacton EDGE ome DEFGRMATION atest noverent, Sack wee cera ned Uneava, | SubRRREE ‘Sal Ripanaion Tse Sag pa sea Disa Disitegralsn of wiring and PoTKoLES, base fnggravation of sate of the abate process) Note: ~ AG = Asphaltic Consrete, © = Surfacing, B ~~ Buse, SB = Gubbase, SO = SubgradePAVEMENT DDMAVIOUR AND DETEKIUKATION 37 TABLE 3.3 TYPICAL DEFECTS AFFECTING RIGID AND SPMI-RIGID PAVEMENTS t TS oF aR — 5 DERN 2 Derecr FECTED MecHnaot "| POSSIBLE CAUSES ERG AAT] MATTE hese as/GP a tepented loading = | exces sng stan RACKING Fatigue xcensve deformation of sitprde + sbi Rigi of Ge base endfor LONcmruDnat Thermal changes | sulcigs exreon seinen oe TRANSVERSE | B+S eee i Facne shang = Poor cement treated base Tense Gases Heiliy oT ae tase ae noawavansn [Rss Shrinkage eden ae Shacks oor cement teated. base ous changes Essie and | insicond WaiG USP : pected loading =| suergit af ues cramia [as Paugue Avance “deformation ot Riberde + sbi crescian Sipe Tnsaticeat promis a CRACKING | att concrete Poo interface bond Bessie —— sent ACR ROTTING : Aepbattconerete | creep TRASWERSE |, gop acang 7 | Denataton ——] ISaTaaR AC RABI SokmoaarIoNs | AN rane | PO Demsitcatan Taint campo oP preerssims | SB+548 ava strength of a Ipecet computa Groundeater Tnaulicent — saci at ‘ibbese and subpae PAULTING eating, Pumping avs ensiteatons | tack ot dennner and rao Sede Swell Bs Daspton Daisgation of Sarmag Poruoies ne bas ombintin scone of te ave processes Note: - AC = Asphaltic Concrete, 8 = Surfacing, Subgrade B= Basc, SB = Subbase, SO =PAVEMENT BEHAVIOUR AND DETERIORATION 38 Tatloug {neal SUKEACE DErwoTg AND THEIR POSSIBLE CAUSES Jy VARIOUS PAVEMENT Types [type oF pepnoy | LAYER 3 [RPPORDEREcr | LATER _— | ‘Asphall concrete abrasion by ae Lack of adkesion “ASIF eames Surface dressing DETERIORATION MECRANISiE TBST Thesion FOSSIBLE cavges Poor “adhesion op aeuregate, Permcahilig, Searceation, Insuticient Binder, Agia of bitumen Chemical reaction Sait ‘Sareea, Sasutfcient REE sao dea Chemical“ reaction’ ature of aggregate’ Insulficent compaction Poor Bond Between base and surfacing detective fack coat: fines on top of Dance aR EDGE SPALLING Phping of binder Whipped-of chipping Too sof binderPAVEMENT EVALUATION 44 CHAPTER 4 PAVEMENT EVALUATION An evaluation of the existing pavement is necessary to determine its adequacy and to decide on the maintenance or rehabilitation measures, which may be needed to meet future demands. Pavement evaluation includes both surface condition ratings and structural adequacy rating 4.1, SURFACE CONDITION Surface condition ratings give an indication of how well the road is serving due wavelting public, Ine surtace condition surveys provide valuable and necessary information, but are not suflicient to judge the structural adequacy of the pavement. The results of the pavement condition survers are mainily used Ww, (a) assess the effects on the road user, (b) establich the probable couses uf surface distress, (c) determine the need for, and establish priorities for, maintenance operations and surface rehabilitation, {d) determine the need for structural evaluation and (e) assess the rate of pavements deterioration, so the approximate time for planning future work or for carrying out another condition ‘survey can be predicted. A condition assessment can be based on one, or a enmhination of the following: - ~ Measurements of surface distress, showing locations and extent of pach — defect obeerved. ~ Measurements of surface roughness. ~ Subjective rating of the pavemont riding quality aud surface condition. A pavement assessment should always be related to the history of the pavement, In pas ticulat, il is essenUal to record the maintenance operations carried out, since they may have modified the surface condition by temporarily concealing defects. In addition, the assessment should take into account the function of the road cuncerned and the traliic, which uses it. 4.1. (a) Recording and Quantifying the Defects Ih the first stage, tho defects should Le visually identified and their extent estimated, so that the road can be divided into sections which exhibit similar defects and to a similar extent. In the second stage, at regular intervals (100m, 250m or 500m,) all defects should be systematically recorded, located and quantified, as indicated in Materials Branch Report No.310, Appendix No. 1 entitled “Catalagne of Road Detects”. ‘The basic methods for quantification of the defects are as follows: -nae PAVEMENT EVALUATION 42 () RUTTING Measure the percentage of mitten road length on cach lane. Measure the rut depth under a 9m straight edge and calculate the average rut, depth, At given interval (100m, 250m or 500m), all the defects should be tecarded, (i) CRACKING AND CRAZING. Evaluate the percentage of suxface affected Evaluate the average crack per unit area (u/s) Evaluate the average interval between cracks, Class 1: Individual cracks, longitudinal or teanoverae. Class 2; Interconnected cracks (crazing). Class 3: Crazing in which the bituminous surfacing fengmante are loove. (ii) LONGITUDINAL, DEFORMATION (corrugations or undulations) Evaluate the percentage of surface affected by longitudinal deformatian Measwe lie spacing or wavelength. Measure the depth or amplitude of deformation, (iv) GENERAL DETERIORATION OF SURBACE (ravelling, pocting, stuipplug, bleeding etc.) Evaluate the severity of the distress and the percentage of surface affected, (v) OTHER Disk CTS (depressions, upheaval, potholes) Identify the type of defect. Evaluate the percentage of surtace allected, Measure the depth of deformation. (i) PaToume b Patching shall also be recorded, since it indicates earlier deterioration, It shall be quantified as the percentage of the surface area affected NOTE: -On a recently resealed road, patching and surface defects such as cracks and crazing are concealed (sometimes temporarily). In such instances, information abont the snxface condition prior ty 1esealitig Showia be obtained from the maintenance unit. 4.1 (b) Surface Roughness There are a number of established techniques for measuring surface roughness. MOR&PW has adopted the towed bump integrator unit developed by the TRRL as a standard; thie equipment is siuiple tO Use, robust and easily transported The bump integrator aggregates the total vertical downward movement of a wheel relative to its mounting frame as the wheel is towed at a standard Speed along the road. The surface roughness is expressed as the aggregate measurement per unit length of road travelled.PAVEMENT EVALUATION 43 4. 1 (c) Present Serviceability Concept This concept. which was developed in connection with the AASHN Road Test, presents serviceability as the ability of a specific section of road to provide a smooth, safe and comfortable ride at that particular time. A present dav serviceability value may he obtained hy either subjectively tating the pavement through visual observations {present serviceability rating) or by quantitative measurement of surface characteristics (present serviceability index). () PRESENT SERVICEABILITY RATING (PSR) ‘This involves the use of a group of raters who ride the pavement section, observe its riding quality, assess its condition and record their impressions ona standard form. The proceriire for determining the PSR is detailed in Appendix 1. Ratings vary from “0” {very poor] to “5” (very good). Low ratings indicate poor surface cunditivie aud suggest a iuie detalled examination of the pavement is required. The PSR may be used as a first step in evaluating the adequacy of a pavement. (i) PRESENT SERVICEABILITY INDEX (PSI ‘The Present Serviceability Index is an equation that, when equated with a panel's serviceahility rating, can be used, together with results of measured surface defects and roughness, to quantify a road section’s rideability. The PSI may be computed from the following equations: - ~ For Flexible Pavements: PSI = AO + Al.log (1+8V) + A2.RD? + B1(C+P) For Rigid Pavement: PSI = A'0 + Al. log (+SV) + B1(C+P) where: ‘SV = the mean of the slope variance in the two wheel paths RD = the mean wheel path rat depth C = the percentage of pavement surface with Class 2 or 3 cracking and crazing. P = percentage ot pavement surface patched and pot-holed AO, Al, A2, BI, A”, A’land B’l are coefficients depending on the equipment used for measuring slope variance. ‘The PSI is mainly dependent upon the roughness of the pavement surface and consequently a simplified PSI may be determined from the following equation: - PSI = 5.00 - a. R- blogR where “R” is roughness and “a” and “b” are coefficients (see note] Notes: -PAVDMDNT EVALUATION 44 ~ (2) ihe above coeificients depend on the country, types of pavements analysed and the equipment used for measuring longitudival Profile variations or roughness. ~ (2) A single PSI value is not itself a measure of absolute performance but it io rpicaculalive of the trend of serviceatiiine gives indications about the performance of the pavement 4.2 STRUCTURAL EVALUATION The structural adequacy of a pavement may be defined as its ability to cary Gaike Without doveloping aymieciable structural deterioration. fe dependent upon proper construction with suitable material andl of safe thickness to prevent traffic from overstressing the subgrade or a pavement layer Structural evaluation is aimed at determining the current adequacy of the Pavement and forecasting its future behaviour under the preriinted teat toad, Whea « yavement 18 found to be inadequate, its structural evahiatins provides a basis for designing the strengthening required (for a given design period). ~ () Measurement of the pavement’s bearing capacity (from Benkelman beam deflection, dynaflect, falling weight deflect meter or simian surveys) y other ~ (2) Analyses of the characteristics of all pavement layers and subgrade through sampling and laboratory tests i, Any Pavement, the strength and subsequently, the structural condition is variable from point to point due to the variable nature of the subgrade and pavement materials’ properties and also the larie nf uniformity toler: lus ue construction operations. Therefore the more damaged a pavement, the more variable its strength gharacteristics since deterinration io never wnifuu, 18 therelore aioe impossible to define sections, exhibiting considerable. scatter of chest characteristics. aie ariine the woe of « statistical approach, based on the analysis of suficient numbers of results. In this respect, it is considered thet the Performance of a section is associated with the weaker areas of that cect, rae it i Bot economically viable to design the strengthening om ine basis of the weakest 10% of the pavement area; statistical analvese scr enable suitable indicators to be selected appropriate to this design peineiny 4.2. (a) The use of the Deflection MeasurementPAVEMENT EVALUATION 43 (i) Principal and significance Tue passage of a wheel load over a pavement produces 2 small transient depression on the surface. The magnitude of the surface depression or deflection depends on the wheel load, area of contact, wheel speed and the Slcss-steain characteristic and thicknseses of the various pavement layers, including the subgrade. ‘Therefore, if a standard wheel load, tyre size and pressure, and test procedure are applied, measurement of the surface deflection will enable comparisons to be made between the stiffness of different pavements. It will also provide a means of monitoring the structural strength of pavements over a period of time, For flexible pavements the deflection can generally be correlated with the suhseqnent. performance of the pavement under traffic. Indeed, when a transient strain, induced by a wheel load, exceeds a certain critical value in one or more of the pavement layers or the subgrade, it is assumed that a ‘small non-recoverable strain remains, The accumulation of such permanent, strains results in the permanent deformation and subsequent cracking of the road surfacing, Tigh deflections always indicate structural deficiency However law deflections do not necessarily denote a satisfactory structural condition. (ii) Advantages Deflection measurement is a simple, quick and non-destructive test. =A deflection survey is therefore a practical means of identifying the ‘Vartous homogencuus sectious uf fleaible payeuent — Analysis of the deflection history of flexible pavements indicates the trend of its adeauacy (ii) Limitations - Deflections do not account for the behaviour of rigid and semi-rigid pavement. Very low deflections can be measured on inadequate rigid or semi-rigid pavements (already fractured or about to break). - Surface deflections do not necessarily measure absolute properties of the pavement structure; the deflect ion is a function of the strains in the pavement layers and the subgrade, It has value only when the characteristics of each pavement layer and the subgrade are known. - In this respect, it is stressed that deflections measured on thin pavements largely depend on the deformability of the subgrade. It (ueiefure follows that: ~ (1) Low deflections may be measured on an inadequate or deteriorated pavement lying on a strong subgrade. (2) Surface deflections depend on the subgrade strength, particularly on moisture content. Seasonal variations of subgrade moisture are reflected by geaconal variations in the deflectians It is then necessary in correlate deflection with the actual subgrade moisture content. It is also essential toPAVDMENT EVALUATION 46 measure the maximum deflection corresponding to the subgrade at its wettest (i. at the end of a rainy season). (iv) Variation-Characterisation of Homogeneous Sections Due to large number of factors affecting the deflection, irrespective of the leuyi of de 101d, variations In deilectios from potnt to pone must be expected, Considerable scatter is normal for thin pavements, constmeted with natural and therefore heterogeneous materials, the more so when the pavement cuudition is pours. Ibis Wien uevessary Ww obiain & sufficient number of readings to enable a meaningful statistical analysis to be made. In this respect, the following test patterns are recommended: - - Feasibility study or routine survey: Testing at 100 - 250 m. intervals in each of the four wheel paths + Final design of a strengthening project: Testing at 50 =. intervale in each of the four-wheel paths. The road shall then be divided into homogeneous sections showing similar levels and statistical distribution of defection, stmtlar pavements structure, subgrade type, surface condition and traffic loading, It is essential to study the locations of all anomalous results and also all apparent sections of uniform condition to identify if there are any obvious reasons and common factors. The selection of homogeneous sections may be achieved by using the “moving average” concept or other approved methods, which lead to a linear plot of variation in deflection. The principle, significance and method of use of moving average are presented in Appendix 4. Experience has shown that the distribution of deflections in a homogeneous section approximates to a Normal or Gaussian distribution, Such a aistripution wil confirm the homogeneity of the chosen section, ‘The characteristic deflection Doo is calculated by: - Dood 130 where “d” is the mean deflection and "s' the standard deviation. Tins, 10% af the deflections measnred ara higher than Noo, this guarantees the design of the over-lay or strengthening within 90% confidence limits. (v) Standard Procedures for Measuring For Deflection Measurement Two standard procedures for measuring deflection are detailed in Appendix 2, The standard deflection procedures are measured with a Benkelman Beam, which is placed between the twin wheels of a rear axle: the axle load being is 6.5 tonnes and the tyre pressure 5.25 kg/cm?. Generally the “rebound” method can be used on: - (a) pavements with thin bituminous surfacing and (b) pavements with thick bituminous surfacing, provided that squeezing of the hiniminans material finas nat aeene hatweon the wheels If squeezing of the bituminous surfacing is apparent (especially with high road temperatures), the “transient” method must be employed. ThisPAVEMENT EVALUATION 42 transient method has the further advantage of providing measurements of residual deflection. The effect of temperature is extensively significant and temperature correction is necessary when the deflection is measu bituminous surfacing with road temperatures in excess of 35°C. The surface temperatures shall be measured at a dep’ mm. as set out in Appendix 2. 4.2. (b) The Use of Radius of Curvature Measurements () Principle and Significance The zone of influence or radius of curvature of the deflected road surface is 1 better indicator of the strains imposed on the pavement. Indeed the radius of curvature af the deflection hasin ia largely governed by the sigidity of the upper pavement layers. Experience has confirmed that pavements performance and condition are more closely selated ly soverily of Lending than to deflection. Un rigid and. semi-rigid pavements, the magnitude of surface deflection has little significance and the main structural indicator is the radius of curvature. It is mandatory that RDC measurements are incorporated in all deflection survey work to provide a complete assessment and enhance the deductions as to the pavement condition and the strengthening required. High radii of curvature always indicate rigid base and surfacing, whereas low radii of curvature correspond to an unbound pavement. An “unbound” layer consists of either flexible material or broken rigid material. (ii) Advantages As pointed out in Paragraph 4.2. (a), deflection measurement alone cannat account for a pavement's structural behaviour. Measurements of radii of curvature are meaningful and reliable means of supplementing deflection measurements, and enabling a more rational evahuation of the structural condition of a pavement to be made. (ii) Variation-Characterization of Homogenous Sections Ruuius of curvature measurements always exhibit appreciable scatter, especially on a deteriorated pavements. It is therefore necessary to obtain a sufficient number of values to allow for a meaningful statistical analysis, It Js secouuueuded that radii of curvature be measured simultaneously with the deflections. This has the advantage of providing a continual evaluation of the pavement structural condition. Frequency curves for the radii curvature do not fit the symmetrical bell- shaped normal distribution curve. However the distribution of logarithmic values of the radii of curvature approximates to Gaussian distribntion. The characteristic the radii of curvature (R10) is then calculated by: Log Rio = m (log R} - 1.3s(log R} where m{ log k) is the mean of LogR and s{ log R) is the standard deviation of logR,a) PAVEMENT EVALUATION 40 (iv) Si Procedure for Radius of Curvature Measurement Aegentamdard wucedure for measuring radii of curvature is detaited in Appendix 4. The radius of curvature when measured with « Deukeiman beam although Of the menutisfactory is not very accurate. Tae accuracy and reproducibility of the measurement can be greatly improved by tie uae of an X/Y recorder, Which can be connected to the deflection boar, trie electronic device automatically records the deflection bowl, A computer programme developed to facilitate both calculation and analysie of the results. This is preconted fur Maverial Uranel, Report No. 347, 42. (¢) Subgrade and Drainage Analysis, Ascessary to know the strength properties of the subgrade and 'thaic Possible seasonal variations. In this iespect, it ie equally important to assess the condition of the drainage system. {) For a routine survey or feasibility study. use af the design and inveitu coils eg ube, Combined with a visual assessment of the nature of in-situ soils and of the adequacy of drainage, shout be sufficient to define homogeneous sections in terms of subgrade strength, (i) For the hal design of a strengthening project, it is recommended that the following procedure be adopted 1h the first sige, one hole should Ue ag to subgrade level at a spacing of Rot more than 500 m, in each outer wheel path alternating the lanes. For cach hole, one sample of subgrade should be taken, visually identified and iS moisture content measured. Tt is cysentlal that thie subgrade survey be farried out at the same time as the deflection Survey, to permit correlations to be established. Ideally, both deflection and subgrade surveys should he carried out at the end of a rainy eeaaon. Tals first stage, the adequacy and the condition of the drainage system should be thoroughly assessed (obviously, during a Tainy period), ‘This shoud cover both internal drainage of the Pavement (crossfalls, surface ‘permeability, shoulders, drainage lavers etc) end external drainage (to ditches, drains, pipes, culverts ete) assessed. Toe Est stage will facilitate the division of the road into sections having homogeneous subgrade and drainage conditions Localized spots where Peculiar drainage problem occur should be recorlenl aan eee luuividual,PAVEMENT EVALUATION 49 In the second stage, more accurate results should be obtained by excavating or trenching the pavement at limited lncatians, within the “sample-sect ian? taken as being representative of longer homogeneous sections of road. Within each sample-stction, two trenches should be excavated to the subgeade, from the contro Tine ta the onter edge af the pavement, at nrafiles where radii of curvature were measured. In each trench, samples shall be taken and tests carried out in both the inner and outer wheel paths. At each point, the following in-situ characteristics of the subgrade should be measured: = Modulus of elasticity (by plate bearing test, DCP or CBR methods) - Density ~ Moisture content At each point, a subgrade sample should be taken and subjected to the following tests: - — Particle size analysis ~ Atterberg limits — Standard compaction - CBR at field density and moisture content 9.2 (0) Balstiug Pavement Quucture Analysis It is essential that all pavement layers are accurately identified and their condition appraised, so that the residual strength of the existing pavement can be evaluated and the causes of structural deficiency and surface distress determined. {i) For routine survey or feasibility study, use of the design and construction records, combined with the visual assessment of the surface condition, should be sufficient to define homogeneous sections of pavement structure. If construction records are not available, or not accurate enough, sufficient holes shall be excavated and limited testing carried out, in order to accortain the thicknees, type and stato of the various layers. fii) For the final design of a strengthening project, the following procedure is recommended: ~ In the first stage, one hole should be excavated through the pavement every 500 m. as indicated in Paragraph 4.2 (¢) fil. In each hole, the thickness of each pavement layer should be the material forming each layer shall he identified visually and its moisture content measuredPAVEMENT EVALUATION 41 In particular, where substantial works affecting the shoulders are planned, e.g. pavement widening, shoulder upgrading. placing of a drainage layer, the haracteristics of the existing shoulder material should be determined, with special regard to their possible re-use or re-cycling. The thicmess and the volume of existing shoulders should also be measured. It ma to dig holes through the shoulders, to measure th: samples. The necascary, nesses and to obtain 4: SUMMARY OF THE PROCEDURE FOR PAVEMENT EVAL 1 The recommended procedure for assessment of the surface condition, determination of homogeneous sections, selection of typical sample sections and evaluation of the ctructural condition of the pavement are gumiuicsized in Table 4.1 i The sample sections should be located so as to avoid any peculiarity of the road alignment, such as sharp bends, steep slopes, structures, localized drainage problems etc. Table 4.2 shows how to check the consistency of the deflection with athar factors (surface condition, structure design and maintenance rate), giving the main possible causes of disagreement and indicating whether the deflection results are significant or not. For each homogeneous section, the design parameters {i.e the characteristic deflection Dso and the characteristic radius of curvature Rio) should be determined by the procedurco deacribed in this chapter. ‘The flow chart given in Figure 1 summarizes this procedure. Computer programmes may be of use in the calculation and analysis of the results.PAVEMENT EVALUATION 442 rate 4.1 SUMMARY OF THE PROCEDURE FOR PAVEMENT EVALUATION CROUTINE SURVEY OR FEASIBILITY STUDY OF A REHABILFF(OW PROJECT 1 Vignal AsgeSSiHEDE OF TE TUTACE Connilion and drainoss yee “study: of the design, construction records and maintenance history {four wheel paths) Deflection Survey: 4 points every 100 - 250m. (f Radius of Curvature: 4 points every 100 - 250 m, (four wheel paths} Optional: Roughness Survey by Bump Integrator (outer wheel paths) “Optional: Core-Cutting for pavement structure ana subgrade. structure and deflection (Table. 4.2) Check: if there is agreement between condition, it Yeo: Divide send ints hamageneaus sections. savestigations to explain disagreement (sce Table, 4.2) and define a nee homogeneous sections. sisal BT FINAL DESIGN OF A REHABILITION PROJECT SiSST SNARE DIVISION INTO HOMOGENEOUS SECTONS-CHOICE Of SAMPLE SECTIONS “Visual Assessment: of the surface condition and of the drainage system. _ study of the design and construction records and maintenance history. radius of Curvature: 4 points every 8D m (four wheel paths). Pavement Structure and Subgrade Moisture Content Survey: hole every $00 m. “optimal: Roughness Sureny’ hy bumto intesrator (outer wheel path). greement betvicen condition, structure end deflection (by using = Check: if there is a} Table. 4.2) Tf Yes: Daviae Towa tity Lainogencous ewstions «it No: Further investigations to explain disagreement (sec Table. 4.2) and define homogeneous sections. SECOND STAGE: DETAILED SURVEY OF BAUH SAMPLE ObOTION |. Gystematic Recording and Quantification: of the defects. = Pavomont Stenahiee and Suberade Analysis: two half width trenches. of the Jn Bach Trench: accurate measurements of layers’ thicknesses and an assessment layers’ state, Av} Points m tach Trench (Both wheet Paths): = On the Subgrade: one plate bearing test, density-moisture content - sampling and laboratory tests. on Bach Pavement layer: density-m« layer: 6 core-samples) = Laboratuiy Testo: particle | Abrasion test ete cisture content sampling and laboratory tests (treatec sire analysis, Atterberg limits, CBR, UCS, TS, Los AngelesPAVEMENT EVALUATION 443 TABLE 4.2: VERIFICATION OF THE CONSISTENCY OF DEFLECTION WITH SURFACE CONDTION, STRUCTURE DESIGN i ‘MAINTENANACE RATE ‘Agreement Between | Possible Use of Dellection for Delletion Deflection and Orher| Sectioning and Choice of we | Surface | Structure | Maintenance | Cerone? remedial Measures 3 xG S88 | Condition | Desion | Rare peti reese 3 Disagreement Peta Gack - vs Balsam tae ESR )) fest | oor Ytaadeguat | Excensie | an ators in| iia the read to ! ae emogtncate sectors Sed saan thoi carro menus 2 7 ERE oar BFE wan Pri fosea | adegate | omat x tates | enon Hol = ieee measures required 1 x0 a F | aF Recent reseating | flividing the —road — int A ilaatpasy smogeneous sections and ‘ has concealed mace | tegen fectons an 1} fren [cos | matenate i Dy New snadequate : ovement tach } PED no Deiontan oe : | ane | Seite acted veeionn : eee perce ee a een j eae Lal Adequate | defective, not all | be independent of deflection i ies } emo yer oy ayer %5 ay Reprints Weaias cena: 1 Fepresentve ett) ~ Deflection ie not an } a season | Maize or “ata iow | Poor | nadequats | Encessve | Measurement “et?” | dia Renent anney in rainy season or Pavement isnot Tesible Ro jeMetiion ‘is not related to iy ‘The surfacing ig | Bitiace deteioration [low | Poor | Adequate | Excessive | defective, the rest of 1 the patement is sound.” Cheek the | surface layerSL CHAPTER 5 CRITERIA FOR MAINTENANCE ann RERADITUN Continuous and periodic evatuation oF fhe pavement condition is nacesoary determine the trend of chanees a te plan and design: conectiva ‘The definition of unsatisfactory Service in a pavement str problem, since it depends, among cde: factors, o: cud the rate of maintenance coneia criteria suggested in this section should be 5. 1 SURKaU# CONDITION CRITERIA mabending on the extent of cracking aud sing Wwetse deformation, pavement Trane classified according to the tikes g indextable-tron the Brita ___Transport and Road-Research Laboratory (TRL) TABLE 5. 1 CLASSIFICATION OF ROAD SURFACE Cony) TION Degree of Gracki Transverse Deformation [eee cucenciag | (visivte cy racks) | Under a 9m Steaighe-Bage | | Deformation oF | Index | Rut Depth |<10mm aa: 10-15 mm C2 bet m/e {Ds | 15-20 mm [631-2 ma/ma Ina | 20-25 mm yor [2-5 m/m2 [ps [> 25 mm [C3 |s8myme | The following points should be noted: © ith a normal erooafal ut 2.5%, Ponding will generally occur at rut depths in excess of 12 mm * for exible pavements, when the nue watatt 10 the wheel path, reaches shat 20 s%., cracking is usual an “ater will penetrate the pavement Which then deteriorates rapidly. ~ When the degree of cracking reaches » Pot-holing is imminent and immediate maTECHNIQUES AND MATERIALS FOR ROAD STRENGTHENING $2 Consideration should also be given to other types of surface distress, such as ravelling, stripping, pecling etc. The surface percentage covered by patched areas should also be measured since patching represents incurred deteriviation.The following citer derived i TRRE research on road deterioration, are suggested: - () Roads Requires Local Patching when one of the following conditions arises: - Rut depth exceeds 20 mm ~ Cracking exceeds Sm /m* (i) Roado Requires revealing (ourface dresoing or alursy sca) when any one of the following conditions arises: - - Mean cracking in the wheel path exceeds Im/m? - General deterioration of the surface (fine crazing, ravelling, stripping, etc.) covers more than 20% of the whole carriageway area over the Iength showing distress. (ii) Roads Requires Minor Overlay or Resurfacing when any of the following conditions arise: - - Cracking covers more than 30% of the wheel paths over the length showing distress for trunk roads and 50% for other roads. ~ Kut depths i nearside tramc lanes reach 15 mm. over more than 20% of the length showing deformation for trunk roads. liv) Roads Requires maior overlay or reconstruction when the mean mt depth in either wheel path exceeds 20 mm. for trunk roads and 25 mm. for other roads, 5.2 SURFACE ROUGHNESS CRITERIA Based upon TRRL findings, the following criteria are suggested: - i) Roads Requires Resurfacing when surface irregularity measured by a bump integrator exceeds the following values: -Trunk roads 2,800 mm/km -Otherroads 3, 100 mm/km (ii) Roads Requires Qverlay or Reconstruction when the surface irregularity exceeds the following values: -Trunk roads 3,400 mm/km - Other roads 3,750 mm/kmTECHNIQUES AND MATERIALS FOR ROAD STRENGTHENING 33 5.3. PRESENT SERVICEABILITY CRITERIA Ruperience suggests and 2.0 for other roads shor rehabilitation is necessary, Accordingly, to allow the corrective works to be carried out in due time pavement rehabilitation should be considered and programmed when the Present Serviceability Values reach about 3.0 in the case of trunk roads and about 2.5 in the case ot other roads. (Ihe knowledge of the rate of change in pavement condition will give guidance for works planning). However, further research is required to determina the nar between serviceability ratings and suriace condition and roughness, applicable to Kenyan roads. CTION CRITERIA 3.4 DEF 5.4 a) Relationship Between Tolerable Deflection and Cumulative ‘Traffic Generally, the lower the stress in a material, the more stress repetitions are required for failure to occur. For a given form of flexible pavement, the magnitude of the surface deflection is an indicator of the strains in the pavement layers and in the subgrade. Therefore, a given pavement structure hhas a limiting deflection which is a function of the number of load application As yet: the theoretical determination-of the-relationship between_deflection and future wame-carrying capacity 1s still uncertain. This relationship must therefore be established empirically. It graphic representation is called a “deflection criterion curve”. It is emphasized that there is a different relationship between allowable (or “critical’) deflection and cumulative traffic for each type of flexible pavement and each type of subgrade. 5.4 (b)_Life Phases of Flexible pavement Deflection changes The deflection of a flexible pavement does not remain constant with time The deflection life of a well designed flexible pavement can be divided into the following four distinctive phases: - (i) Consolidation Phase During this initial phase, the various pavement layers and the subgrade undergo same consolidation due to the action of the wheel loads. This causes a slight decrease of the surface deflection. This phase is relatively short and the magnitude of consolidation depends ‘on the compaction received by the various layers during construction. Stabilisine of the suhgrade mniemire content may alao produce consolidation. Ruts may appear in the wheel paths This phase will be almost unnoticeable if the various layers have received sufficient wuupacuivn duniag construction,TECHNIQUES AND MATERIALS FOR ROAD STRENGTHENING 34 (ii) Blastic Phase During this phase, a genuine elastic performance occurs. Each wheel a load produces a deflection, which r after the passage. The deflection does not change during the elastic phase and is termed “early life deflection’, This constant early life deflection 3 constitutes an important characteristic. It should be measured after the initial changes (consolidation) have taken place, generally about 6 months after the opening of the road. (i) Plastic Phase (fatigue! Under the effect of traffic and climate, the pavament deteriorates i gradually by attrition in the upper layers, compression in the ‘subgrade; less-of cohesion-in-the-treated_materials and ageing of the a 1 bitumen. Each wheel load produces a small, nan-reroverahle j deformation (‘residual deflection’). During this plastic phase, the deflection increases slowly. Ideally, the pavement should be 7 strengthened towards the end of this phase before extensive ) deterioration occurs. (ii) Failure L If the-pavement is not strengthened in_time, it deteriorates rapidly by ll deformation and disruption. In the ahsence af heavy repaire and under } adverse climatic conditions, holes form which spread and destroy large areas of pavement, There is a sharp increase of deflection during this phase. | Notes: (1) In case of a poorly designed flexible pavement, there can be no elastic phase. If 00 plastic deterioration and fatigue will affect ie pavement immediately after it is opened to traffic. (2) In the case of a rigid pavement, there is no plastic phase. The pavement may break up suddenly by fracture without showing previous signs of deterioration. In particular, there is no gradual increase of the deflection prior to failure. Consequently the deflection cannot be used as an indicator of the structural adequacy of rigid pavements. (3) Some maintenance operations nay influence particular, resealing and drainage improvement deflection. [t is therefnre, essential ta know and the extent of all the principal maintenance operations. 5.4. (c| ‘The Use of Deflection For Performance Prediction_and Residual Life Estimation of Flexible Pavements For a given type of flexible pavement, it is necessary to know both the relationship between allowable (critical) deflection and cumulative traffic and the variation of the actual deflection against cumulative traffic to be able to predict the future performance of a road.‘TECHNIQUES AND MATERIALS FOR ROAD STRENGTHENING 55 igure 2 Mlustrates « 1olivual Ueflectivn criterion curve, which io obtained by drawing a line between the plots of the deflections of pavements in poor and acceptable conditions. On the same figure is shown a typical curve representing Ute vasialiva of the actual deflection againot cumulative traffic. ical deflection and deflection history enables the pavement life expectancy to be estimated. As indicated, pavement having a deflection D1 after carrying NI standard axles has a residual lite equal to \ (N2-N)) standard axles, N2 corresponding to the critical deftection D2 Conversely, if it ie decived that the pavement considered carrier! N2 standard axles during its design life, its early life deflection should not exceed Do. A knowledge of both cri ‘This may be used to check, shortly after construction, if the pavement is adequate. __—-Thus,-to-be-able-to-plan-strengthening-for_a_given-flexible_pavement itis ———_ } necessary to know: = - the characteristics of the pavement structure, + the characteristics of the subgrade, - the relationship critical deflection/ cumulative traffic, - the probable variation of the deflection against traffic and - the cumulative traffic carried until the tine of deflection measurement It is therefore clear that one deflection-survey-alone-is absolutely insufficient. Ww evaluate structural adequacy or to make pradictions ahant fntnre performance or residual life. 5.4. (dj Relations of Tolerable Deflection/ Cumulative Traffic obtained in Kenya It has been possible to establish the relationship between allowable deflection and cumulative traffic for 2 types of flawihle pavements, namely ~ 1) Surfacing Surface dressing or thin asphaltic concrete (25-30mm. cracked} Base: 125- 175 mm. Graded crushed stone Subbase: 100-200 mm Flexible material 2) Surfacing: Surface dressing Base: 125- 175 mm. Cement or lime improved material Subbase: 75-150 mm. Flexible material 3) Surfacing: Surface dressing Base: 100- 200 mm. Water-bound macadam Subbase: 100-250 mm, Natural gravel ‘The corresponding curves are shown im Higure 3.CHARACTERISTIC DEBLECTION D90 ‘TECHNIQUES AND MATERIALS FOR ROAD STRENGTHENING 56 5.5, PRODUCT RD CRITERIA Theory indicates that, for an ideally uniform section of pavement, the product “RD” ("R": radius of curvature, "D”: deflection) depends only on the thickness “1” of dhe paveueut upper layers and the rauo of the moduli of elasticity E1/E2, if the pavement structure is considered as a two-layer system. Actually since no section of pavement is perfectly uniform considerable scatter of the product RD is often observed. Nevertheless it is thought that, for a given type of pavement and subgrade, there is a critical value of the product RD below which the structural condition is inadequate FIGURE 2 FLEXIBLE PAVEMENT DEFLECTION HISTORY / Caitical deflection x Co Poor condition Acceptable. cto Plastic shave Elastic phase failure plase Prase Consolidation5 TECHNIQUES AND MATERIALS FOR ROAD STRENGTHENING 61 CHAPTER 6 TECHNIQUES AND MATERIALS FOR ROAD STRENGTHENING s Overlaying a pavement is the most often adopted method of increasing its traffic-carrying capacity, however it is not the only one. Due consideration should always be given y utes uicauss Uf st the restoration and improvement of the road 6. 1 RESTORATION AND ROVEM If pavement deterioration can be attributed to poor drainage, then the first 2 strengthening operation to undertake is to couect ausy Gaulle la Use duaiaaye system Drainage deficiencies may result from poor design of the system or from changes in the road environment, particularly in the run-off conditions, A ——complete-study-of-the-drainage-should_be-made-to-determine the required ____ 7 corrections. 6.1.(a) Extemal drainage ] (a) Surtace Water An assessment of the adequacy and the state of the surface drainage system. 1 (topography, ditches, drains, pipes, culverts etc.) will enable the necessary corrective measures to be decided. Drainage problems aré often caused by lack of maintenance. In sucha case it i I is often sufficient to clear the ditches aint diaitio of the vegelalivu, debris and sediment and to repair any erosion damage In some, cases, it may be found necessary to carry out, the following improvements ~ Widen and deepen the side ditches and outfalls. ~ Construct additional catchwater or discharge drains ~ Line ditches the sides of which erosion causes to collapse. ~ Replace pipes of insuffictent section. ~ Place additional pipes. Gi) Groundwater In cuttings, the road pavement and subgrade may be adversely affected by groundwater (watertable or springs); usually, this problem aflects only short Tengths of road. Subsurface or blanket drains should then be placed to cut off seepage lines or to lower the water-table. A more diffieutt sitnation may exist in low-lying or poorly drained flat areas, where a water-table near formation saturates the subgrade by capillary flow. In such areas, it may be impractical to permanently lower the water- table. If 2 shart length af rnad is inwalved, the hast solution is to raice the fermation level and to reconstruct the pavement. If a longer stretch of the road isTECHNIQUES AND MATERIALS FOR ROAD STRENGTHENING 62 affected, alternative routes should be considered if a less costly long term sohation causniut be fous. 6.1, (b) Internal Drainage The most frequent and serious drainage fault concerns pa permeable base (generally of stone) and permeable subbase (“treach” 1) Water entering such a pavement, through cracks on the surface or defective edge seals, cannot be drained away and accumulates in the hace and/or subbase causing the rapid failure of the whole structure having in Regarding drainage of the pavement layers, drainage grips through the shaniders have proven iddedt dheat & continuous drainage layer be provided. Such works should consist of the following--——- ae a iz ~ Removing the existing impervious shoulders axgoly inoffee coma ~ Placing a continuous drainage layer at the level of the underside of the stone base - Reinstating the upper shoulder with cohesive and impermeable gravel ~ Resealing the surface, including edge seals. The drainage layer shall-be made of approved filter material (graded crushed stone, sand, ete.) and be at least 75 mm thick. The use of non-woven textile may also be envisaged. 6.1. (cl Necessity of Carrying Out Drainage Works in Advance of the Overlay. The Need to Ke-ivaluate the Structural Conditions After Drainage. Rectification of any drainage deficiencies should be carried out at least 6 months and preferably 12 months ahead of the strengthening worlto oo that the saturated layers can dry out and consolidate. In that way at least one rainy season will have put the improved drainage works to the test. Ik de noosooary to re evaluate the sliuttutal Loudiuion of me pavement atter drying out and consolidation. Indeed, drainage improvements may increase the pavement strength and enable a reduction to be achieved in the proposed overlay thickness. 6.2. PREPARATION OF THE EXISTING PAVEMENT FOR OVERLAY ‘The overlay thickncos is designed to piuvide Use uddidonal strength required for most of the existing pavement (normally about 90%), but not for local weak spots. If the overlay design was based on the weakest condition in the section it would be over designed for the sest of Whe section and therefore unjustifiably expensive. In practice these weaker areas must be identified and rectified prior to overlayingTECHNIQUES AND MATERIALS FOR ROAD STRENGTHENING 63 6.2. (a) Local Repairs All extensively deteriorated areas, i.e. potholes, depressions and areas exhibiting cracking Class 3 (crazing with loose fragments should be properly patched. ‘The use of patching material whose stiffness is comparable to that of the existing pavement is recommended, otherwise differential settlements and cracks may occur at the joints, If the edges of the pavement are damaged special care must be taken to repair them with strang material, sa as to enstxe an adequate odge reoteaint, The most usual patching materials are cold-asphalt and cement improved gravel, AML luuse matetiads sesuluing from surface deterioration tine crazing, ravelling, stripping, etc.) should be removed and all open cracks sealed. 6.2. (by) Levelline, When the existing surface is extensively deformed, it may be necessary to place regulating courses or levelling weuyes lw 1esture proper line and cross. section, thus enabling smooth laying and uniform compaction of the subsequent overlay. in this respect, it is essential that a thorough geometric survey of the existing surface be carried out in order to determine the make-up quantities required. Levelling werlges are patches of material used to fill up cago and depressions: or to reduce an excessive crown, The most practical method levelling will depend on the type, amplitude and disuibution uf suiface Irregularives and on the nature and thickness of the overlay. When the overlay thickness required is large, it is current practice tn place the overlay in several layers, the first one acting as a regulating course. Where only a small overlay thickness is required the pavement is generally still in a fairly gand condition and therefore little deformed. However, iit vases in which the pavement’s structural condition warrants only a comparatively thin overlay whilst the existing surface exhibits pronounced irregularities, it will be necessary fo carry ont specific levelling operatione in order to correct the existing surface and permit proper placing of the thin overlay. ‘The most suitable material for such levelling wedges is cold asphalt. The Viuder may be eluer a bitumen emulsion or a medium-curing cut-back. A tack coat is required. The mixture should have a maximum particle size that permits feathering at high spots in the pavement. The most appropriate way of placing such levelling wedges is by motor-grader or pave-limsher or other appropriate made depending on the areas to be laid and the plant available.TECHNIQUES AND MATERIALS FOR ROAD STRENGTHENING 64 6.2. (c|_Cleaning and Tack-Coat Immediately before the overlay application, the surface must be thoroughly swept and all loose and foreign material shall be removed, Wf au asphaltic concrete or gap-graded asphalt or sand asphalt overlay is to be placed, it is generally necessary to spray a tack-coat to assure uniform and complete adherence of the overlay, The ideal material for tack coat is h heat bitumen Ae : 6.3. (a) Different Types of Overlay __[i)__Resurfacing or Smoothing Overlays _ 7] ‘The condition of the pavement sneface may require a thin oveilay, even though the pavement is structurally sound. The principal reasons for overlaying otherwise adequate pavements are as follows: Excesvive surface wuyluiess, due to ravelling, peeling, scaling, spalling or patching. OVERLAYS a - Surface deformation, resulting from rutting, shoving or corrugating of the existing surfacing, settlement, ete. Thin. smoothing. overlays. re generally bituminous .premixes {asphaltic concrete gap-graded asphalt or cand aephalt,) The Maniauin particle size J will depend on the thickness required. Apart from their specific purpose of restoring the riding quality they also water piuul die surmace, (di) Structural Overlays Thin structural overlayo arc always wale fui asphaltic concrete. However beyond some limiting thickness this solution may become extremely costly so it may be advantageous to employ other strengthening materials on their own, or in cambination with asphaltic concrete. A distiuvtion should be drawn between flexible and semi-rigid or rigid overlay materials, the behaviours of which are quite dissimilar. 6.3. (b) Plexible Overlay Materials Experience shows that flexible overlay materials are suitable for light and medinm traffic; classes TS-T1 72 and which provides fo1 u cumulanve trallic loading of up to 10 million standard axles. The flexible overlay materials consist of a flexible base course covered with eiher surface dressing or not more than 50 mm of flexible asphaltic concrete. Two main types of materials suitable for base course are cement or lime improved gravel and graded crushed stone.‘TECHNIQUES AND MATERIALS FOR ROAD STRENGTHENING 65 ()) Cement Or Lime Improved Materials ‘The materials shall comply with ail the requirements given in Chart B2. Such materials can be employed under double surface dressing for light traffic up to 3 million standard axles, classes TS - T4, Medium traffic (T3) requires: - + either 50 mm flexible asphaltic concrete as surfacing, or + a fairly good resistance to attrition if surface dressing is applied. ‘These materials are unsuitable for traffic over 10 million standard axles, owing ta their incufficient strength and recietance to attrition, ‘The surfacing and base-course requirements for this type of overlay can be summarised as follows: - ‘traffic Classes T5 -T4 ~-Surfacing: Double surface-dressing———_____ Baco :Comont or lime improved material as per Chart B2 (CBR: min 160) Traffic Class T3 - Alternative (A) Surfacing: 50 mm asphaltic concrete Type Il (flexible) or gap*graded asphalt or sand-asphalt - Base : Cement or line improved material as per Chart B2 (CBR: min 160) - Alternative (B) Surfacing; Triple eurface dreoving Base Cement or lime improved material (LAA: max, 50. ACV: max. 35, UCS: min 1900kN/m2) ‘This type of overlay is relatively cheap, however in some regions, particularly the volcanic areas, materials suitable for treatment are scarce. Care should be taken to ensure that the overlay material is not too stiff so as to avoid it being overstressed and cracking ao a result. If the treated material has appreciable rigidity, the overlay thickness required is determined as for cement stabilised gravel (see Section 6.3.c—(vi}) Treated material should not be laid in layers of compacted thickness less than 125 mm and treated clayey sand in layers less than 100mm. (i) Graded Crushed Stone Graded crushed stone should comply with the requirements given in Chart B4. Graded crushed stone can be used under double surface dressing forTECHNIQUES AND MATERIALS FOR ROAD STRENGTHENING 66 light traffic up to 3 million standard axles (TS - T4). Whilst medium traffic (93: 3 to 10 million © a.) requires: - either 50 mm flexible asphalti con rete as surfacing or ~ sufficient angularity and hardness applied. the stone if cusface dressing is Graded crushed stone is not suitable for traffic over 10 million standard axles because attrition is likely w affect it and in instances where such a road has been subjected to a high percentage of over laden axles early rutting and shear failure has occurred the surlacing and basecourse requirements for this summarised as follows: - ~ Traffic Classes 4 75 of overlay are Surfacing: Double surface dressing Base: Graded crushed stone Class C ‘Traffic Class 73 Alternative (A) Surfacing: 50 mm asphaltic concrete Type II (Flexible) or gap-graded asphalt or sand-asphalt Base Graded crushed stone Class B Alternative (D) Surfacing: Triple surface dressing Rase: Entirely crushed G.C.9. Class D Graded crushed stone is considered where gravel suitable for the base is not available. Graded crushed Stone is effective in preventing cracks from seflecUuy Uiough to the surtace irom the overlaid pavement. The minimum compacted thickness that can be practically placed is 125 mm for 0/40mm granularity and 100 mm, for 0/20 mm granularity. Note: If suitable stone for chippings cannot be found. a thin layer (95 mm+) of asphalt-concrete (Type Il}, gap-graded asphalt or sand-asphalt may be placed instead of surface dressing. (iii) Other Flexible Overlay ater: Consideration can be given to other flexible materials, such as: — low-plasticity gravel treated in-situ with bitumen, or graded crushed stone treated in-situ with a low content (2%) of bitumen emulsion, orTECHNIQUES AND MATERIALS FOR ROAD STRENGTHENING 67 ~ a mixture of gravel and graded crushed stone possibly treated with lime ora small amouwsl uf cement However, experience on these composite materials is studies would be required in each case ited and special 6.3. (c) Bound Overlay materials () Asphaltic Concrete (Continuously Graded Asphalt) This is the most commen overlay material, usually asphalt 1) and is used to resist rutting and high stresses. However this material cannot he laid in thin layere on a deformable it would be overstressed. Appreciable_ thi ary if itis to-be used for overlays to flexible pavement Ht may therofore be advantagcuus lv suengthen very detormable pavements with more flexible materials such as asphaltic concrete (Type Il}, gap-sraded asphalt or sand-asphalt. The material specifications, traffic limitations and construction procedures for asphaltic concrete are summarised in Chart $2a and Table $2b. je Concrete (Type nece ~ Due to the rapid hardening of hitmen in Kenya, the uoo of bitumen harder than 60/70 grade is not recommended. ~ Asphaltic concrete (Type Il) is suitable only for light and medium traffic fup to 10 million standard ales}. ~ The minimum practical thickness that can be laid by the current types of finishers is 25-30 mm (provided the maximum aggregate ize dove not exceed 10 mm). @) Gap-Gruged (Hot-Kol Led") Asphalt Chart S2c summarises the Materials’ requirements, traffic and construction limitations applicable to gap-graded mixes suitahle for thin wearing courses (25-50 mm) and light to medium traffic (T5, T4, 73}. Such mixes are expected to be flexible, fatigue-resistant and durable, owing to the good distribution of the voids structure and the rounded shape af mast of the fine aggregate. Gap-graded asphalt may be suitable for heavier traffic or thicker layers, subject to its compliance with severe specifications; in particular a better resistance to rutting io then required. However because of the rapid ageing of bitumen, a durable compromise between resistance to rutting and resistance to fatigue may be difficult to achieve.TECHNIQUES AND MATERIALS FOR ROAD STRENGTHENING 68 (iii) Sand Asphalt The use of sand aspnait 1s a viable solution where suitable stone cannot economically be found. The materials’ requirements, traffic and usage limitations are given in Chart $2c. As its resistance to rutting is low, sand a wearing courses (<50 mm) and light to mediuz phalt is only Gi) Dense Bituminous Macadam (DBM) The materials requirements, traffic tim s and construction are summarized in Chart BO. The following points should be note ~ Because of the rapid ageing of bitumen observed in this county, the use of 40/50-grade bitumen is not recommended, cedures + Suitable rangea of compacicd Wickes 10 be laid are as follows: 60 -100 mm for 0/30 mm granularity 75-195 mm for 0/40 mm granulacity ~ Tralfic limitations require 0/30 mm DBM for traffic class T1, and 0/40 mm. DBM for traffic classes and T3. However depending on the thickness required 0/20mm DBM may be used for traffic classes T2 and T3. ~ To provide for imperviousness and good riding quality it is usual to place a wearing course of 50 mm thick asphaltic cancrote on top of the dese bituminous macadam. It is also possible to cover the dense bituminous macadam with surface dressing, however it is then absolutely necessary to use a more dense (DBM grading and a slightly higher bitumen content and to pay special attention to the evenness of the DBM surface ~ Dense bituminous macadam is adequate for all traffic, but is only economically viahle for heavy traffic (T1-T2). * Pense bituminous macadam must be protected immediately with a wearing course to prevent percolation of rainwater into it. ~ Dense bituminous macadam may be trafficked immediately after compaction; this is an appreciable advantage over the cement treated material (y) Emulsion Macadam (DEM) Dense emulsion macadam is a cold mixed, cold laid, plant-mix of well graded aggregate and bituminous emulsion. The materials’ seyuirements, traffic limitations and construction procedures are summarized in chart BS. Dense emulsion macadam has severe! advantages: ~ It is economical: cold-mixing equipment is comparatively simple, cheap and large production outputs can be maintained, No heating is requiredTECHNIQUES AND MATERIALS FOR ROAD STRENGTHENING 69 ~ It is easy to use: no temperature control is necessary. Moreover, the mix can be laid by a grader and therefore lends itscIf vemmuhably well 10 regulating and levelling operations. ~ Dense emulsion macadam can be placed in comparat: mm tor U/3U mm DEM and 100 mm for 0/40 mm DEM, When properly formulated and placed, its strength is marginally less than that of dense hitmen macadam. On the other hand, as the binder is used cold, it is not oxidized during mixing and laying and remains tacky and ductile. This gives a good fatigue resistance to dense emulsion macadam. The following points are also stressed: ‘The granularity 0/00 mm is required for uuific classes T1 and 1, Ihe 0/40 mm DEM can be employed for T3, if the thickness required exceeds 100 mm, — ‘To adequately protect the base against excessive stresses and attrition, and to obtain sufficient imperviousness and satisfactory riding quality, asphaltic concrete surfacing is required for heavier traffic (T1-T2}: 75 mm for traffic class T1 50 mm for traffic class T2 ~ Surface dressing is adequate for medium traffic (T3) ~ Dense emulsion macadam is suitable for all traffic, but is economically Juotified only for heavy aud aediuin Watt (T1-T2-13). ~ Heavy compaction is required for dense emulsion macadam. The adjustment of the moisture content is of prime importance. - Dense emulsion macadam must not be placed in layers of compacted thickness exceeding 150 mm, so that water can evaporate. It shall be alinwed to “eure” before any covering io applied. Dense emulsion macadam can be trafficked immediately after compaction (the action of traffic is beneficial as it provides additional compaction). (¥) Cement Stabilized Gravel ‘The materials’ requirements and construction procedures are summarized in chart R3 The following points are emphasized: ~ To ensure the uniformity of the mix, it is advisable to use a otationary mixing plant. In this respect it should be noted that only low-plasticity materials (plasticity modulus not exceeding 700) can be properly mixed in stationary plant. ~ Attention is drawn to the time limitations imposed by the rapid setting of the cement. compaction must be completed not later than 2 hours afterTECHNIQUES AND MATERIALS FOR ROAD STRENGTHENING 6.10 mixing and protect ion against evaporation must be placed not later than. 4 houre after compaction. - No vehicle should be permitted on cement-stabilized gravel for at least 7 days. - For heavy and medium traflic, asphaltic concrete surfaci 80 as to avoid excessive shear stre: gravel. The required thicknesses of aaphaltic concrete (Ty 50 mm for traffic Class T3 75 mm for traffic Class 79 100 mm for traffic Class TI ~ Surface dressing is adequate for light traffic, = This type of overlay is comparatively cheap, considering the other structures required for heavy traffic. It compares very advantageously with lean concrete, in particular because of its muie favuuiable tao of tensile strength to clastic modulus Unfortunately, suitable gravels are scarce in many parts of the country especially in the voicanic regions. (vi) Lean concrete The material requirements and construction procedures are summarized in Chart B7. The following points should be noted: - Lean conerete as an overlay material has a number of advantages; its characteristics are independent of the temperature and a high modulus of elasticity is obtained. ~ Due to its rigidity, lean concrete must be placed in thick layers (minimum 150 mm). ~ Widely spaced cracks, due to shrinkage and thermal changes, are almost inevitable Care must be taken to ensure that the pavement layers are properly drained. A continuous drainage layer through the shoulders is needed. Eliminating reflection cracking would require considerable bituminous wearing course thickness, which io regarded as cconomically umeasuiiable and technically unnecessary. Indeed, in spite of their unpleasant psychological effect, reflection cracks do not affect the riding quality and have no structural effect if the overlay ie otherwise adequately desigued and constructed. An asphaltic surfacing of 75 and 50 mm has consequently been adopted for tame Classes T1 and 12 respectively, mainly for the sake of imperviousness and good riding quality. Surface dressing has been considered suitable for traffic Class 73.ii TECHNIQUES AND MATERIALS FOR ROAD STRENGTHENING 611 ~ Attention is drawn to the time limitations due to the rapid setting of cement. Compaction should be completed not less than two hanre after the start of mixing and protection against evaporation be required not less than 4 hours after completion of compaction. = Ny veluictes stioutt 0 days. 1 on lean concrete for at least the frst 7 6.3. (d) Preventing Reflection Cracking When overlaying a cracked pavement, special care must be taken to prevent any existing cracks from reflecting through to the overlay surface. This point is OF piime impuitanve i Ce case uf uit exislny rigid or semi-rigid pavement exhibiting large and open cracks. Three methods can ke employed to eliminate reflection cracking; these are as follow Breaking the existing cracked layer{s) in pieces and reseating them firmly. Field trials may be required in order to verify the practicality and effectiveness of such a method since each case will require individual study and comparative cost analyses. Placing a sufficient thickness of overlay. This method is generally costly as the averlay thickness required is considerahla; - Bituminous mixes absolute minimum 120 mm, - Cement -stabilized gravel :absolute minimum 200 mm. ifi, Placing an intermediate layer of unbound granular material (‘cushion course’). This method is very effective and is therefore recommended. ‘The moct cuitable cushion material io graded crushed stone.612 MINISTRY OF ROADS AND PUBLIC WORKS ROADS DEPARMENT. ASPHALT CONCRET® TYPE IL OVERLAY DESIGN TABLE NO, 0 E = 25000 bars Equivalent modulus in bars ‘Tratie 280 300 780 1000 150 1800 i750 Zoo0 J500 4003500 F000 —as00 S000 KIO ~Gyesiag thiclmcas in Dae SWS ist ea aa 30308 aa 3 4 140 110 8 71 59 48 40 3% 29 30 3 30 20 30 5S 146 116 93 76 63 52 44 «37 0 30303030 6 181 120 97 80 66 SS 47 39 30 30 9 90 30 30 Pie iise tage Holi anitt ea tion aati asti sot as he ee eos eae & 160 128 105 87 72 61 SI 44 32 30 30 30 30 30 9 163 192 108 89 75 63 3 45 a3 3030 30 3030 4 two asd tn vz 778555485 8080303080 2 9 186 130 0 94 81 69 6 45 8h 008030 3 0 169 143 122 105 9179953 gO 3D aan 4 0 178 152 191 113 99 be 7558S 80g. 5. 0 0 159 198 120 15 92. 81 63 49 39 32 90 20 © © @ ie a4 126 0 sr 00 ay sae S80. ee SO Oe yee ies se io os ase est iae era 9 0 6 180 387 139 123 109 97 772494080. Air saOa et OnaeHO Le toLieiaaiat sag titiaaaiitt oottigg titted dian dittaa iting So OHO Ont otttinstisaitiaati ratios srt ance taal 2% 0 0 0° O 17% 157 142 129 106 88 73 60 50 42 mo 0 0 9 5 O36 48 135 12 98 77 6k om ag 70 0 yu ute 59 451k? gs 2B Oa Oba Oa Oa tO ta G7 Jeg sa OMe ce rast na se 60 9 9 9 6 6 6 174 160 135 5 oF 83 71 @n 7 9 0 0 0 0 6 180 165 140 120 102 87 73 64 es 9 0 0 0 0 0 6 im 145 126 107 91 79 68 Sc oto ee oo ey ee) Avoid placing thicknesses > 180 mm and < 30 mm1 j MINISTRY OF ROADS AND PUBLIC WORKO ROADS DEPARMENT ASPHATT CONCRETE TYPE I E = 40000 bars Equivalent modulus in bars OVERLAY DESIGN TAD! 6.13 7350 15001750 20003800 300035004000 45003000 Traific 250 500 _750 1000 O° —Greriay thickness im mm 3 16 a 70 88 5 17 95 79 68 6 121 99 82 70 7 124 102 a 72 8 127 108 88 7S, 9 130 108 91 77 1 182 No 9379 2 150 128 103 94 4 169 146 127 12 5 179 153 134 U8 6 = 188 139 328 7 = 163 148 127 9 + am 181 122 100-174 158 137 on etre tes eee ey oa 40 50 60 70 80 90 9 86 59 2 64 66 68 82 2 98 104 109 ns 120 123 144 151 17 167 175 a 48 sh 83 35 37 59 2 v0 87 2 7 aor 108 un ast 138 144 153 ie 167 173 7 35 42 44 46 4B 50 51 63 a a 82 ar 90 7 100 19 126 132 1a 148 165 160 16 169 173 3 36 38 40 4a 43 45 56 68 6 4 8 a 7 90 308 15 yi 320 a7 349 148 153 1st 16t 30 30 30 31 a2 34 38 4 50 55 59 63 66 2 14 a1 97 102 um 18 128 128 133 is7 140 wo 30 30 30 30 30 30 as 30 45 48 52 54 59 a 7 82 87 95 101 a 15 9 128 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 20 33 a7 40 42 45 49 sl 6s 70 74 82 a7 92 or 101 108 108 a 30 30 30 0 30 30 30 20 30 30 30 a1 34 6 a7 51 35 en 66 4 ” 80 83 30 sSeseesessesssssss Avoid placing thicknesses > 180 mm and < 30 mmMINISTRY OF ROADS AND FUDLIC WORKS ROADS DEPARMENT DENSE BITUMINOUS MACADAM E = 50,000 bars Equivalent modulus in bars "Tat 280800750160 Tas 150 TZ ovEl WY DESIGN TABLE NO. 9 OD 350300 8040050 500 he Overlay waiginess mart 3 ill 937875 78 78 7S 78 7S 78 75 7S 7878 4 U8 100 85 75 75 75 73 78 73 73 73 75 738 78 ‘3 124 106 91 79 75 75 75 73 78 78 78 78 75 75 7 184 115 100 87 76 7S 75 75 78 73 73 75 75 75 188 119 103 90 80 75 75 75 78 78 73 73 75 75 9 141 123 107 94 83 75 78 75 75 75 73 78 78 78 2 167 149 132 118 106 95 86 78 75 75 75 75 75 75 3 181 164 147 132 119 108 98 99 78 75 75 75 75 75 4 192 174 187 143 129 U8 108 99 83 75 75 75 78 75 © 207 190 173 158 145 133 122 113 96 83 75 75 75 75 7 213 197 180 164 151 199 128 148 101 87 7 78 78 75 8 219 202 185 170 156 144 133 123 106 92 89 75 78 75 9 223 207 180 175 161 149 198 128 110 96 83 73 75 75 10 297 211 194 179 165 153 142 132 114 99 87 76 75 75 20 0 241 224 209 195 183 171 160 141 125 111 99 89 79 25 0 0 234 219 205 193 181 170 151 135 120 108 96 a7 3900 9 243 227 Ziy 201 tay ry iby de tae LD 10s 9S 400 0 0 241 227 214 202 191 172 185 140 126 114 106 50 0 0 0 0 287 234 213 202 182 165 149 136 124 113, 6 0 0 0 6 246 933 221 210 191 173 158 144 131 120 m 8 9 0 0 0 2H ay 45 ive 180 Jes Isl Le Leo 30 0 0 0 © 6 247 235 224 205 187 171 187 144 132 97 0 0 0 0 © 6 241 230 210 192 176 162 149 137 300 0 0 6 0 0 246 235 215 197 _181_167_154_142 50mm AC Surfacing 30 182 166 149 194 120 ios 97 a7, Tee 78 TRE 20 211 196 179 164 160 138 126 lis $6 60 78 78 78 75 25 220 206 189 174 160 148 136 125 106 89 75 75 78 75 30 228 214 198 182 169 156 144 133 114 97 Ba 75 75 75 40 240 226 210 196 182 169 157 146 127 110 95 81 75 78 50 249 236 221 206 192 179 168 157 137 120 104 91 73 75 60__0 244 299 914 202 188 176 165 145 128 113 99 86 75 Tom AC Surfacing 6 sai 319 aoe 1aH T7163 181 190 idi as aa 7S 7S 7S 70 288 226 211 196 18 170 159 143 128 110 95 al 75 75 80 343231 a7 Bon 189 177 166 164 121 417 101 a7 75° 73 90 243 237 222 208 195 182 171 160 140 122 106 92 79 75 3000243297 213,199 187176 165145 127_111_97 a4 75 Avoid placing thicknesses > 250 mm and < 75 mm 614MINISTRY OF ROADS AND PUBLIC WORKS, ROADS DEPARMENT. DENSE EMULSION MACADAM OVERLAY DESIGN TABLE NO. 3 5 1 = 20,000 bare Equivalent modulus in bars 3 “Tralic 400300600800 T000 1250 150017502050" x10°6_ Overlay thickness in mm . 3125 a 102 84 987s 7s 7S 132 10 108 90 7 78 BOTS OB 5S 138 125 114 95 8 75 757878 6 1a 129 118 99 8 75 «7575875 . 7 16 133 192 102 8 75 75 75 75 be 1s/ i 105 8 73 TS 788 5 9 153 140 128 108 92 7% «757575 1 156 342 131 110 04 78 787575 4 aaa ia: iol 149 178 110 93 78 7575 i aaa ap ais tou 189 11 102 8788 i 3 195 181 169 147 128 109 93 80 75 5 202 188 175 153 134 1S 99 8S 75 6 207 193 180 158 140 120 103 39 78 rata ave iss les Ma 128 17 93. AT 3 26 202 189 167 148 128 111 96 84 9 219 206 193 170 151 131 116 99 87 + 10233 209 196 174 154 134 117 102 89. i 20 288 ys0 21S 189 173 154 136120. 107 J as ol 237 225 202 182 161 143 127 113 30 249 23) 208 188 167 148 192 118 ar) o 240 217 197 176 157 141 126, ar) 0 gar 238 205 183 16s Jaz 33 600 © 0 230 211 189 170 153.138 ! 50mm AC Surfacing De Te a a es as a 3 199 18s 73 150 gam ate 28206 192160 _57_g7,_n6_oe 275 75mm AC Surfacing ST er ss as 30° 187-178 161138189778. 40 196 182 170 147,127,087 7878, 50 203 18017754135 113k? 78 60__209 195 183 160141119 1008375, Avoid placing thicknesses > 250 mm and < 75 mm.MINISTRY OF ROADS AND PUBLIC WORKS, ROADS PEPARMENT LEAN CONCRETE = 150,000 bare Equivalent modulus in bars 616 OVERLAY DESIGN TABLE NO. 4 Tralfie _250_ 5007501000. 1500" 175020502500 3000800 “anna “FESS soa x10%6 ~Oveflay tidkaess in mm 3-228 210 198 190 18) TY T6710 SS 150 T5050 4 282 213 201 193 186 108 175 170 163 186 150 130 le) 10 5 235 216 204 195 188 182 177 173 16s Isa Im ten iso tee © 387 218 206 198 190 184 179 17> 167 160 154 160 150 160 7 239 220 208 199 192 196 181 176 168 162 186 151 130 120 8 241 222 210 201 194 198 183 178 170 163 157 182 180 160 9 243 224 211 203 195 199 184 179 171 tea tna tea itso to 1 BAS 225 213 204 197 181 185 Isl 172 166 160 18s 15D 150 2 286 235 223 214 206 200 194 189 181 174 168 162 158 Ie 3 263 242 229 220 212 206 200 195 186 179 173 168 163 188 4-268 247 234 224 217 210 204 199 191 188 177 17 a7 tea 2 HIS 201 238 228 220 214 208 303 194 ter 180 173 «190 tes © 277 255 241 291 324 217 211 206 197 190 183 177 172 10 7 280 258 244 234 226 220 214 208 200 192 186 180 178 170 8 283 260 247 237 335 272 216 211 202 194 aR 1m> 77 Joa ¥ wo wos 249 299 Bi 334 hs 213 204 Tse 190 tas iro da 10 288 265 251 261 2333 225 220 215 200 198 191 180 180 176 20-0 281 267 256 248 241 236 229 219 311 204 198 193 168 2 9 287 273 262 253 245 239 234 224 216 909 9nd 10? Io gob a¥2 277 266 388 250 244 938 228 220 213-207 30196 40° 0 0-285 ars 265 258 251 245 235 227 220 213 308 208 SO 0 «D292 281 371 264 257 251 201 233 229 219 313 208 62 9 9 298 286 277 269 262 256 246 Dan an ona ae ae my 0 DB 291 252 274 267 251 251 202 294 278 299 217 80 0 0 9 295 286 273 271 264 355 246 238 232 236 220 90 9 9 0 299 390 282 275 269 258 249 242 935 929 298 Wo 9 0 0 0 294 286 _27 262 983 948 938 aa for 50mm AC Surfacing 10343 oy on tor tess ave 90 es ss Td Ta 20 260 28 222 211 203 195 189 es 74 166 159 189 190 Iso 25266. 242 228 217 208 201196189 179_171_ 168188152180 75mm AC Surtacing 3S B21? BOS T8117 69 Téa 184150180) Tso eo 30 247 222 207 196 188 180 174 168 188 180 180 180 120 Jeo 70 358 291 215 204 195 188 181 17> Ios 187 150 180 Igo is9 50 263 237 222 211 201 194 187 181 171 163 155 180 180 160 6 269 243 28 216 207 199 192 165 176 168 160 134 180 150 7 275 249 233 221 212 204 197 191 181 172 164 158 182 120 ee 200 239 zor 325 210 ws uvl 193 18s 176 16a ten ioe 18 90 285 258 241 229 220 212 205 199 188 179 172 168 120 iy 100289 262245 283 228 216 209 202192183175 _168_162_ Ist Avoid placing thicknesses > 300 mm and <150 mm6.17 MINISTRY OF ROADS AND PUBLIC WORKS, RUADS DEFAKMENY CEMENT STABILISED GRAVEL OVERLAY DESIGN TABLE NO. 5 : B= 50,000 bars Equivalent modulus in bars Tratte “950500750 _1000 1250 150017803600 750030003 HONS SH ‘Simea AC Saracing 2S WS 364 3497 aT 318910 ios tea) 3 920 zz aie 490 ae 288 a> ar 20s 194 tes 143 TS der ) 4 332-298 277 262 249 239-230-222 -210«:199 «191.183 «177«172 5 337 303. 282 265 254 243 234 226 214 203 195 187 381 175 6 341-307 286 270 257 247 238 230 217 207 198 199 Jaa 179 T 349. SLE ges ars eu 40 zal 48s 220 BOD 201193, sTs7 LBL 8 348-314 202 276 263 283 244 236-223-212 «203-195 180«1BF 9 351 316 295 279 265 285 246 238 225 214 205 198 192 186 10__354_319 297 281 268 257 248 240297 216208200 194188 ; 75mm AC Surfacing TO 339 304 372 b86 243 72_—-90S DIS BOD el 18S 178 169 Tew 2 343 312 289 273 259 248 239 231 217 206 197 100 183. 177 25_355_318 295 279 265 254295 235 223 212202105168 _182 ‘| 100mm AC Surfacing 5350-283 370_—a53— HOOD sa 6s ST . 30 335 298 275 258 245 224 224 216 202 191 182 178 167 161 3O 943 SOT 204 sor zs use 452 22a 210 199 «189 Tal vs 168 50 352 314 291 273 260 239 239 230 216 205 195 187 180 174 60 _359_320 207 279 265 _24¢ 243236 221 210 200192185179 Avoid placing thicknesses > 400 mm and <125 mm6.18 MINISTRY OF ROADS AND PUBLIC WORKS ROADS DEPARMENT CEMENT/LIME IMPROVED MATERIAL — OVERLAY DESIGN TABLE NO. 6 E = 10,000 bars Equivalent modulus in bars Tate 400 805 600 8001000 13501800 “S500 S00 S000 HO Sa aa SBE Bs ats Ted 100 69 Te SO 4 265 234 207 162 128 100 100 100 100 109 5 277 245 218 175 139 103 100 100 100. 100, © 286 254 228 186 148 112 100 100 100 100 (T —-294 252 285 107 I= 190 400 100 100 100 8 9 301 269 242 198 163 127 100 100 100 100 907 275 248 204 169 193 102 100 100 100 ote uy uot ZI 175 138 107 100 100100 2 349-917 290 246 241 174 144 100 100. 100 3-0 339 312 268 233 196 165 115 100 100 40 0 327 284 248 212 181 131 100 100 5 0 0 340 296 261 224 198 143 103 100 6 © © 860 300 art 25s 203 tes LS 100 7 0 0 0 315 279 243 212 162 121 100 8 0 0 © 322 287 250 220 169 129 100 9 0 0 © 329 293 257 226 176 135 101 wo 8 0 0 335 209 263 232 182 141 107 ee EL 50mm AC Surfacing SSB eae a te ase 0s 341 509 262 239 208 167 136 100 100 190, S21 295 251 215 379 148 100 190 100 332 305 261 226 189 158 108 100 100 340 313 270 234 198 1K7 117 100100 348 321 277 242 205 175 124 100 100 © 328 284 248 212 181 131 100 100 Q 333 290 254 218 187137 100100, 2_0__0 338290 254 gis 187137100100 _ Avoid placing thicknesses > 350 mm and <100 mm619 7 MINISTRY OF ROADS AND PUBLIC WORKS 2 ROADS DEPARMENT GRADED CRUSHED STONE OVERLAY DESIGN TABLE NO. 7 E = 7,000 bars 5 ene een Equivalent modulus in bars Tralic 25000 _—750_1000_1gs0 “150017503000 2500 —AG0O3ED- ‘Overlay thickness in mm 3272 241 218 165 T0198 414 Tol 100100 100 2 “4-388 255 231 175 159 135 an Inz ied too ton j 8 301 267 242 184 166 142 126 112 101 100 100 6 313 277 251 191 173 148 131 116 103 100 100 7 823-286-259 197 178 152 135 120 108 100 100 7 8 332-294 266 202 183 157 129 19% 111 ico too ¥ —- 347 301 273 207 188 161 142 126 114 100. {oo i 400 908 279 212 192 i643 145 129 117 100 100 2 0-385 321 244 221 189 168 148 134 115 100 3 9 - BBB 308 265 240 205 1a2 m1 tae 143 too & 8 OU 348 281 254 218 199 171 138 133. Log 5 9 0 370 294 266 228 202 179 162 139 111 6 0 0 388 305 276 237 210 185 168 134 116 ) 7 9 9 9 315 285 344 218 199 174 140 iio 5 Yo 0 32% 293 251 222 197 179 133 123 5 9 9 0 0 331 300 257 298 202 183 is7 ize Ip 0 oo 339 _307 263 283 206 187160128, 120 __0._0__339 307 _263 233 206 187160128 Avoid placing thicknesses > 400 mm and <100 mmwd 40 Londoua 01.09 99 : a RRR EEE Es 1 £ 4Pe epee, bowih on Sp. SSRIS 371 SNaL Had vl igo oe or 09 os ooh oo i pa Charl gage |E,/ E, RELATIONS BETWEEN PRODUCT. RD. AND’ MODULI. RATIO FIG. (COMPLETE FRICTION INTERFACE) RD: x amy imo tmcONDIE IVALENHe b foe Len Le ~ wo & S g § ‘ ag 3 a¢ ptt} Pa no< SSS hast | g ‘] ESE Tace 2 2 Ease a 5 tas > « ore % ye | z o = eh | Cor oe PEE ee? S Ea Bex ee 38 2é 3 zAY DESIGN CHART Noa RL ove =] y of Works Biiniste DENSE BITUMEN MACADAM BasEcoures: | “Asphat Concrete Type Nature 50 mm Thickness » Wearing Course modulus tegvem* CEE } et i T 209}Sapa Department | Fig: 8 OVERLAY DESIGN CHART NO3 Neiebi Kenya 7 LEAN CONCRETE BASECONRSE “Surfacing Dd Nature Asphalt Concrete Type T | Courses Thickness 50mm Emm | H ' ETE Tyuteaane ptNoa, HART é o : 3 : 2 z z 3 COURSE GRAVEL Base BILISED WF-S ae ‘oom | Li 75mm Asphalt Concrete Type I 50mm Nature thickness » Surfacing Courses tere 2, Peer funy ésunoaes eq Jo. Ssouyp, Sa SSMinistry of ¥ Roads Dee Fig: 10 OVERLAY DESIGN CHART No5 Nairobi Kenya vieacns | AN “7. CEMENT -OR LIME~IMPROVED MATERIAL BASECOURSE thickness of basecourse (mm) insuitaole . ‘a aoe modulu: Legiemey Minimum, practic: Treated gr- 78 - stry of Works Roads Department } Fig: 11 OVERLAY DESIGN CHART NO§ Maebr — Kenya Wearing ae H 7-—=an 5 i im a} ia f ee i im [3 Jes lead ala | te ch 3 Looe ri tet ot 3s Po | a t bos SSE 5 ee moot cece: i Cf ezencel eel malta] Tie eee Equivalent modutug fegrems)STRUCTURAL DESIGN OF OVERLAY FOR Vd FLEXIBLE PAVEMENTS CHAPTER 7 STRUCTURAL DESIGN OF OVERLAY FOR FLEXIBLE PAVEMENTS ‘7.1 DESIGN PRINCIPLES il 7.1. (a) Overlay Thickness and Characteristics 2 No overlay structure can be designed independently of the 3 characteristics of the overlay materials. Indeed, each overlay material has different properties and the thickness required is governed not only by the load response of the existing pavement, but also by the suess/stramn characterises of the overlay itself. Consequently, this Manual embodies one design chart for each type of overlay material 7.2. (b) Resign Period An overlay is designed to carry a certain number of standard axles, To this estimate ue Cumulative tram to be considered in the design, it is necessary to decide on a “design period” Itis known “design period” does not mean that at he end of the period, the overlaid pavement will be worn out to the point that reconstruction is required. “Design period” indicate that towards the end of the period the overlaid pavement will need to be strengthened again so that it can continue to carry traf salisfaciury for further period. Design periods for the overlays will normally range between 7 and 1 rears Tie aeoumed thet duving the desig peti only rouine maintenance will be carried out; i.e. shoulder and drainage system, erosion and vegetation control, localized patching and periodic resealing. This maintenance ie however, coscntial and its ucglcul will seclously atfect the pavement performance and shorten its life | 7.1. (¢) Stage Construction Stage construction of overlays arises when it has been established that inadequate drainage is a main cauce of the deterioration and dual the pavement strength will be significantly increased by restoration or improvement of the drainage system and subsequent consolidation of, the satirated layers. The first stage should then consist of: LH - drainage restoration or improvement + shoulders reinstatement, plus cither resealing, or flexible overlay (flexible base course covered with surface dressing} The second stage sluuld cunsist of whe application ot a bituminous overlay, the design of which should be based on the pavement structural condition after drainage and consolidation,STKUUTURAL DESIGN UF OVERLAY FUR 12 FLEXIBLE PAVEMENTS Such stage construction will minimise the quantity of high cost bituminous materials. 7.2, PRACTICAL AND EXPERIMENTAL BASES 7.2. (a) Use of Flexible Overlays Flexible overlays (graded crushed stone or cement improved materials, plus surface dressing or a thin layer of flexible premix) may be weed for cumulative traffic up to 10 million standard axtes (hoth directions). However, long-term considerations may in some cases lead to the FeJection of use of flexible overlays for medium traffic {13}. indeed, considerable thicknesses are sometimes necessary and this may cause problems with levels, junctions and shoulders. Furthermore, graded crushed stone overlays do not greatly reduce road deflections; this means that, when the next stage of strengthening takes place, a very heavy overlay will be required again. It may therefore be advantageous to accept a higher initial capital investment and to use bound materials in the first stage, so as to facilitate further overlaying and minimize the total cost of the successive strengthening operations. For heavier traffic (T1-T2), attrition and deformation would be peoeasive and if ic tharafhra necessary to employ bound (comi-rigid or rigid) materials, such as asphaltic concrete, dense bituminous macadam, cement stabilized gravel or lean concrete. 7.2. (b] The behaviour of Overlay Materials () Unhound Materials The effective modulus of cohesionless materials depends to some extent, on the layer thickness and the modulus of the support (non- linear elasticicity). This applies mainly to grade crushed stone. Cement or lime improved materials generally have a higher cohesion. Therefore the use G.C.S as an overlay on very low-modulus pavements is of little structural benefit, since such an overlay will also exhibit a low modulus. Consequently the utilisation of graded cruchod otone ia not recommended on very deformable pavements (see Chart 19}. It can be assumed that, within these reduced ranges of overlay thicknesses and existing pavement moduli, the variations of the overlay materials’ moduli are limited. An average modulus can therefore be attributed to each type of material for the purpose of structural calculations.STRUCIUKAL DESIGN UF UVEKLAY FUK 13 FLEXIBLE PAVEMENTS (ii) Bound Materials - Tensile Strain Criterion When bound materials are used, the deciding criterion is generally the horizontal tensile strain at the bottom of the overlay. If this strain is excessive; the layer will crack and deteriarate rapidly. The fatigue performance of bound materials have been estimated on the basis of measured characteristics, field observations and theoretical considerations, ‘The corresponding fatigue diagrams (permissible tensile strain against number of load applications) are shown on Figures 11 and 12. (ii) Bituminous Mix« Bituminous mixes are visco-plastic materials and their dynamic judul are dherefore fuscluus uf the vale uf applicaduu of the tual aud ‘the temperature. ‘The moduli chosen here correspond to the following conditions: = Loading time: 0.02 seconds (corresponding to a vehicle speed of 60 km/h approximately) - Weighted mean annual air temperature: 20°C (corresponding to the regions between 1,000 and 2,500 meters altitude), (iv) Overlay Materials’ Moduli ‘The following moduli have been adopted for the various overlay materialo onvioaged: Material WMadniis Nine 1 “Graded Crashed Stone F000 kgjem™ e10 KN _| “Cement oF Lime Improved Material | 10,000 kg/om™ WO ° RNa ‘Comont Stabilized Gravel 40,000 kf CORN “Dense Bituiiinous Macadam [S000 Kerem G0 EN) | “Dense Emulsion Macadam 20,000 kgyen™ lO SRN yma “Lean Conorete 100,000 kegjemi™ Tio Taya “Tephaltic Concrats Type FRR tg fame ie ara “Aaphaltic Concrete Type 25,000 kgjem® [25.10 Say)STRUCTURAL DESIGN OF OVEKLAY FUR 74 FLEXIBLE PAVEMENTS: 7.2 (o| Construction Principles @ Mivimum Layer Thickness For each material, there is a minimum layer thickness below which proper laying and compaction are not practical. These are as follow: ~Materials minimum thickness “Graded Grashed Stone 0/ 0mm 135mm, -Graded Crushed Stone 0/30mm 100mm = Treated gravel 125mm - Treated (layey) sand 100mm -Dense Bituminous Macadam 0/40mm | 73mm -Dense Bituminous Macadam 0/30mm. 60mm -Dense Emulsion Macadam 0/40mm 100mm -Dense Emulsion Macadam 0/30mrn, 75mm ~Asphaltic Conerete 0/20mm_ somm ~Asphaltic Concrete 0/ 10mm 25-30mm ~ Sand asphalt 25-30 mm (i) Compliance with Specifications All the materials are assumed to comply with the requirements given in Chapter 6 and all the layers to be constructed in accordance with the current specifications 7.2. THR STRUCTURAL APPROACTI As shown in Chapters 4,5 and 6, the empirical approach; based on the concept of allowable deflevtius, cannot account for the pertormance of rigid and semi-rigid pavements. Moreover, there is, as yet, insufficient experience concerning the behaviour of overlays made from bound materials to cnable cuipinical Uesigs rules to be derived. ‘The structural approach is therefore the only means of predicting the performance of such overlays. This approach has the further advantage of providing a good understanding of the behaviour of all types of pavement. Nevertheless, it is clear that the empirical approach remains extremely useful and that all local experience must be taken into account to validate the whole design method. All factual data and information obtained from overlay evaluation will have to be used, asSTRUCTURAL DESIGN OF OVERLAY FOR 18 FLEXIBLE PAVEMENTS soon as available, to check or improve the structural method proposed here. 7.3 (a) Schematisation of Existing Pav: (Multi-Layer Systen which the materials are characterized by You and Poisson’s Ratio. 1. Two-Layer System Moot of the existing pavements in Kenya have Usiu Lituuilnuus wexsing courses (surface dressing or not more than 50 mm of asphaltic concrete weaning course) and therefore approximate reasonably to two layer oyetem. ‘The upper layer characterised by its modulus El, it Poisson’s’ ratio “vs” and its thickness “h”, It includes the thin wearing course, the base and, in some cases, the subbase. The subbase is to be inchided when its stiffness is of same order as or greater than that of the base. ‘The lower layer. taken as semi-infinite, is characterized hy its modulus 2 and its Poisson’s ratio” “v.’. It represents the subgrade including any improved subgrade and the subbase, when the stiffness of the latter is sienificantlv smaller than that of the base. 2.Three-Layer system Pavements with thick bitumen surfacings (more than 50 mm) have to be considered as three-layer systems,STRUCTURAL DESIGN OF OVERLAY FOR 16 FLEXIBLE PAVEMENTS (i) Characterization of the Pav 1. Two Laver Systems For a standard load (geometry, dimensions and pressure) and for a given value of the thickness “h" theory indicates and experience has confirmed that the product DE2 depends only on the ratio EI/E2. Tt hag alsa hean established that for a given value of h, the depends only on the ratio E1/E2 Consequently, knowledge of the deflection “D*, the radius of curvature R" and the thickness “hy enables me modull El and #2 to be determined. (In addition, the subgrade moduli can be measured directly by plate bearing test). ‘The relationship between DE2, R/E2 and El/E2 are plotted on Figures 4 and 5. These relationships have been obtained from the “Alize 3” suite of programmes of the Laboratoire Central des Ponts et Chaussees which isbased on Burmiester theory. In this method, the following assumptions are made: ‘The standard Inad represents the dual wheel assembly of a 13 tonnes axle .It is assumed to be equivalent to a vertical pressure “q” uniformly distributed over two equal circular areas of radins “a”, the centres af which are at a distance “1” apart where: - q = 6.62 kg/ cm? a= 125mm 1=3a=375 mm - ‘The Poisson's ratio of all materials is equal to 0.25.STRUCTURAL DESIGN OF OVERLAY FOR a FLEXIBLE PAVEMENTS ‘The theory indicates that in addition, that all layers have complete friction between them. It appears that, for thicknesses “h” greater than 100 mm and ratios E1/E2 smaller than 50 (virtually all Kenyan roads due for strengthening satisfy these conditions). the curves of the ahove mentioned charts can be represented, with sufficient accuracy, by the following equations:- D.B2 ~ 11600/(E1/E2)" a) (R/E2) = 0.028 /(£1/82)* eR) in which the exponents x and y are aypracced as followe: X= 0.860 log h - 0.474 (3) y = 0.493 log h - 0.410 4) By combining equations (1) and (2) the following relationships, giving F El and (B1/E2) as functions of "D", "R" and "h’ are obtained:- {ENP = (K/U.UZ¥).{D/116000)4 6) in which:- A= (1-%)/(by) and B- 1A (61/82) *¥ =R.D/3248 6) Aliza 4 charts correspond to a 18 tonnes axle, whereas deflevtivu Lests in Kenya are carried out using a 6.3 tonne axle. Equation (5) is therefore modified accordingly and becomes:- (EB = (K/U.vd6).(/98000}4 (Sa) Equation (6) remains unchanged, Valuco of Bl and B1/D2 can be vbtained fivin these two equations, by using a programmable pocket calculator. Charts may also he prepared. 2. Three-Layer Svstem Determination of the 3 moduli from deflection and radius of curvature is not possible. Moduli must therefore be measured individually either in-situ by plate-bearing tests or dynamic methods or, in laboratory tests on Core samples. No Ie is uevsosaty verify that me theoretical model of the existing pavement derived from the elastic method gives a valid representation of the actual structure. This is why a number of different tests desirable on each layer, ©. field density and moisture content grading and plasticity , U.C.S etc as indicated in Chapter 4STRUCTUKAL DESIGN OF OVERLAY FOR 18 FLEXIBLE PAVEMENTS 7.3. (b) Pavement’s Equivalent Modulus Iu practice and tor the purpose of overlay design, the existing is characterized by an “Equivalent Modulus”. This equivalent module is defined as the modulus of a hypothetical one layer system stich that au overlay placed on it would be subjected to same stress and strain as it is when placed on the existing pavement and submitted to the same load this equivalent modulus is an abstract notion, and should svt be cumfused widi any of the physical moduli which can be attributed to a material. Using the clastic sucthu Ueseribed above it has been established the equivalent modulus Eq. of a homogeneous section of a pavement can be expressed by:- Bq. = 101. BL. (R/D) 9/2 Where “E1" Is the mochutus of the upper layer of the existing pavement. “D" and ‘R’ are the characteristics values of the homogencous section considered (i.c. Doo and Ryo) and “a” iy u cvelficient calculated from the formula “a? = 1/(1+ log 1o(B1/1018)) Dy cuuibiny eyuadons (6a) and (/j,the equivalent modulus Eq can be expressed as a function of the parameters “h", *D” and “ 7.3. (c) Calculation of stress and strain ‘The overlaid pavement is ousidered as an clastic two-layer system, in which the material are characterized by their moduli and Poisson’s Tatio the exiting pavement being typified by its “equivalent modulus”. The calculation of stress and strain is based on the Alize of the L.C.P.C. with the following assumptions: ~The design load is assumed to be uniformly distributed over two equal circular areas ~The pavement and overlay materials Lave a Potsson’s ratio equal 10 0.25, ~All layers are considered to have complete friction between them The method allows the following calculations'e be made: ~ The horizontal tensile stress and strain at the bottom of overlays made fear bound matorial ~ The vertical compressive stress and strain in the surface of the existing pavementSTRUCTURAL DESIGN OF OVERLAY FOR 79 FLEXIBLE PAVEMENTS 7.3 (@) Determination Of The Overlay Thickness Required @ Blevible overlays In case of flexible overlay materials, deciding criterion is th compressive vertical strain in the snrface of the existing pavement in the surface of the subgrade. The thickness of flexible overlay required has consequently been determined by the comparison of the calenlated compressive stain with the maxinnm permisaihle ctrain, a2 deduced from experience and comparison with t! of the Design Manual for New roads (i) Bound overlays In case of bound overlay materials the deciding criterion is the tensile strain at the bottom of the overlay. The thickness of the overlay required has therefore been determined by comparison of the calculated tensile strain with the maximum permissible strain as deduced from the strain - life relationship of the material considered. ‘The strain-life relationship of the main bound overlay materials considered (asphaltic concrete type I, dense bituminous macadam, dense emulsion macadam, lean concrete and cement stabilized gravel} have been derived from measured characteristics, monitoring of the performance of overlay trial sections and theoretical considerations. ‘The corresponding fatigue diagrams are given in figure 11 and 12 in this respect it 15 pomted that the maximum tolerable strains chosen do not correspond to initiation of fatigue cracking at the bottom of the layer, but to the appearance of the first cracks at the surface. In other words the time of propagation ot tatigue cracking through the layer has been included in the design life 74 Qverlay design charts For each main type of the overlay material envisaged, the thickness required has been calculated by the structural method presented in section 7.3, as a function of the cumulative traffic and the equivalent modulus of the existing pavement. The results are plotted in 7 Overlay Design Chia ts onaely: —STRUCTURAL DESIGN OF OVERLAY FOR 710 FLEXIBLE PAVEMENTS — Figure Overlay i dar Asphaitic Concrete Type I 2 14 Dense Bituminous Macadam + Surfacing 3 15, Dense Emulsion Macadam+ Surfacing 4 16 Lean Concrete + Surfacing 5 tel Cement Stabilized Gravel + Surfacing 6 18 | Cement or Lime improved Material + Flexible Surfacing a 19 Graded Crushed Stone + Surfacing ‘The Choice of the Cheapest Solution ‘The selection of one type of overlay io mainly a matter uf cust wid availability of materials. In this respect the following points are emphasized ) (ai) (i) (iy) w Asphaltic concrete is suitable for all traffic, but its exclusive use is generally uneconomical when the thickness exceeds 120mm Dense bituminous macadam and lean concrete are unlikely to prove economical for traffic lighter than 10 million standard axles Dense emulsion macadam. As an overlay materialhas a number of advantages and should often prove a viable and economical alte ualive ww deuse bituminous macadam and Jean concrete. Cement stabilised gravel should compare favourably wath other material for the strengthening of very deformable pavements, ‘The use flexible overlays (GCS or _cement-improved materials} is limited to traffic of less than 10 million standard axles. Moreover long-term considerations may sometimes Ita to elimination of flexible overlays for mediuss ‘traffic (T3) as explained in Paragraph 7.2(a). (2) ~ Other Types of Overlays It is clear that the choice of an overlay is not restricted to one of 7 main typeo considered above, Consideration may well be given to other overlay materials, as suggested in Section 6.3.STRUCTURAL DESIGN OF OVERLAY FOR 7A FLEXIBLE PAVEMENTS On the other hand, the design of an overlay may be influenced by factors other than permissible strains, e.g. prevention reflection cracking, 7.8, METHOD OF USE 7.4. (a) First Step: Determination of the Desien Parameters Evaluation of tie parcuicul will enable homogeneous sections to be defined, as explained in Chapter 4. For each homogeneous section the design parameters. ie. the characteristic deflection Dso and the characteristic radius curvature Rio should be determined. The thickness of the upper layer of existing pavement should be measured and, if necessary, averaged. 7.5. (b) Second Step: Schematisation of Existing Pavement For each homogeneous section, the moduli El/ E2 and Eq. of the existing pavement are determined by calculations or by graphical means. For the former, the moduli and overlay thicknesses are derived by the following relationships: (Figures Nos. 4,5, 4B and 5B) eL.B2 = (2.39-1.35log h) /1.S8(E1/E2> 7.1) with b = 0.27(1-e784) log (E1/E2) or log dt = (1.66-109 (1.84(E1 /E2) °19-L0G h )/1.58 —-(7.2) with .856log ((B1/E2)+15}+ 0. 803 where “et” and “dt” are permissible stress and strain for the particular design traffic. Fatigue laws for the overlay material considered are:-STRUCTURAL DESIGN OF OVERLAY FOR 72 FLEXIBLE PAVEMENTS Material Moduli (bars } Fatigue Laws ‘Aophaltic Concrete (Type I) | 25,000 [Loy et -- ou S0lug T-2.280 Asphaltic Concrete (Type) | 40,000 | Log et - 0.20logi-2.337 Denes Bitumen Macadam | 50,000 | Loget- 0.25log T-5.160 Dense Emulsion Macadam | 30,000 | Log et = -0.17log T-2.430 Tean Concrete 150,000 dea A Ologt* 206 ‘Cement Stabilised Gravel 50,000 dt=-0.7Siog T+ B14 7.6, (0) Third Step: Estimation of Cumulative Traffic As detailed in Chapter 6 of the Pavement Design Manual far New Roads, this Step involves the following operations: ~ Study of the initial traffic ows ~ Study of the axle-load distribution ~ Choice of the design period — Estimation of the traffic growth rate ~ atculation of the cumulative number of standard axles: 7.5.(d|_Fourth_ Step: Inventory and Study of the Available Overlay Materials and Selection uf te Pussitile Types uf Overlay Knowledge of the types and characteristics of the possible overlay materials, traffic and the peculiarities of the existing pavement will permit the selection of one or more types of overlay. 7.5. (©) Bifth Stop: Determination of the Overlay Thickuces Reyuiset, ‘The thickness required for each type of overlay should be obtained fiom cumulative Uaffic aud equivalent modulus, by using the appropriate overlay design chart. 7.5 ( £] Sinth Step : Beonomic Comparison of the Pussile Overlays utit] Final Choice of One Overlay Structure ‘The total cost of each possible overlay should be estimated taking inlu account wll ancillary works, such as levelling course, shoulders upgrading, deviations ete. In this respect, the importance of the problem of handling traffie during construction is stressed, particularly as the construction and maintenance of deviations may be very costly.STRUCTURAL DESIGN OF OVERLAY FOR FLEXIBLE PAVEMENTS 7.5. (g) Finalizing the Overlay Design and Prepar: SpecificationsSTRUCTURAL DESIGN OF OVERLAY FOR RIGID 81 AND SEMI- RIGID PAVEMENT APTER 8 STRUCTURAL DESIGN OF Ov: 5 RIGID PAVEMENT The design of overlays for rigid and semi-rigid pavements is governed by a number of factors peculiar to this type of pavement and the design method described in the preceding chapter docs not apply. This chapter gives some guidelines for the strengthening of such rigid and semi-rigid pavements, 'Y FOR RIGID AND SEMI 8.1, PREVENTIVE OVERLAY FOR INTACT RIGID PAVE: The failure of a rigid pave is usually sudden. Ideally. sich pavements should be strengthened before failure occurs. Such preventive strengthening should be considered when the pavement is nearing the end of its design life or when an increase of traffic is expected 8.1 (a) Characteristics of Rigid and semi-Rigid Pavements Kigid and semi-rigid pavements in good condition exhibit low deflections and high radii of curvature, Homogeneous sections can be characterized by the charactesi radius of curvature Rio given by:~ Rio=r- 1.38 “1” being the mean and *s” the standard deviation. 7 8.1 (bj Deciding Criterion Analysis of the structural behaviour of rigid and semi-rigid pavements Proves that the deciding eriterion fir uveilay design ie neither the vertical compressive strain in the subgrade nor the horizontal tensile strain in the overlay, but the horizontal tensile strain in the existing honnd layer Application of the overlay design charts given in Chapter 7 valid lead to the conclusion that no strengthening is required or result in the sclectivu of inadequate overlays. 8.1 (c| Overlay Design Method The basic idea is to design the overlay so that it significantly reduces the tensile strain in the existing bound layer. To this effect, the existing pavement is represented by a two or three- layer elastic system, as explained in Paragraph 7.3 (a) and the existing stresses and strains are calcnlatedSTRUCTURAL DESIGN OF OVERLAY FOR RIGID 82 AND SEMI- RIGID PAVEMENT A Knowledge of the strain/life relationship of the bound materials is Becessary to determine the maximum permissible strain enrresponding Ww 4 given number of load applications. The overlaid pavement is then regarded as a three or fourlayer system, The thickness of the overlays required is then determined by poccessive approximations; so that the tensile strain in the existing bound layers do not exceed permissible values, Theee caleulations .yuite a computer. (the “ALIZE 3° computer Program of the L.C.P.C. or the MILFEUIL of the C.E.B.T.P. con be used). Currently it is not possible to give here a general method. Each face of overlay for rigil pavement should therefore be treated individually. 8.2 STRENGTHENING OF DETERIORATED RIGID PAVEMENTS ‘The following types of deterioration may be identified: 8.3. (a) Deterioration of Loss of Cohesion (@ General Lass of Cohesion This Kind of degradation of bound layers generally indicate by high deflections and low radii of curvature. Such a pavement ran he teated <2 (uough It were of a Hlexible pavement and the overlay designed accordingly. i) Surface Disintegration ne Pe Of Mlefect allects the surface of cement treated layers (chemical reaction, rise of laitance, etc). It is generally necessary te Toriows all loose material (wil the overlying bituminous surfacing) and then to overlay the remaining pavement, 8.2 (b) Deterioration hy Practuse (Without Luss uf Cohesion; a) Cracking (Without Faulting) If the rigid pavement is affected only by cracking (no faulting or unstable slabs), the overlay shall be designed so that: (@) All strains are reduced to the desirable level, (b) Cracking does not reflect through the overlay. Usually, the deciding criterion is the prevention of reflection eiacking (1) Faulting - Unstable and Rocking Slabs Overlaying is impracticable and pavement reconstruction ia requised (Gee Section 9.5OTHER REHABILITION TECHNIQUES AND 9.1 RECONSTRUCTION CHAPTER 9 OTHER REHABILITION TECHIIQUES AND RECONSTRICTION Besides overlays and drainage improvements, there are other corrective measures which, although ‘not directly structural adequacy, contribute to restoring a pavement to a satisfactory condition. This chapter provides general guidance on these (euliniques und dewls also with some aspects of pavement reconstruction. 0.1 SURFACE TREATMENTS Surface treatments are used for the following reasons: = To renew and add life to the old bituminous surfacing, = To stop the disintegration (ravelling and stripping) of defective ourfacing, = To seal small cracks and waterproof the surface With regard to skid resistance, the most satisfactory method of correcting a slippery surface is to apply a surface dressing using hard, angular j and non-polising aggregates, Surface treatments are economical and may be applied to any type of 1 paved road. 9.1 (a)Surface Dressing Surface dressing has been thoroughly dealt with in materials Branch Report No.339. The materials’ requirements, traffic limitations, design method and construction procedures are summarised in charts Sla, Sib and Slc (see Chapter 6. Classical binders (cut-backs and emulsions) are suitable only for traffic up to ahont 6,000 vehicles per day on 2 lanes. For heavier traffic, special binders, containing polyvinyl chloride or rubber, are required, 9.1 (b) Emulsion Slurry Seal Emulsion slurry seal has been dealt with in materials Branch Report No.239, The materials’ requirements, usual rateo of application and construction procedures are summarised in Chart $3. - Type I (fine) is employed mainly to seal cracks. - Type Il (normal) is normally used for resealing an existing surfacii1 UTHER REHABILITION TECHNIQUES AND 92 RECONSTRUCTION - Type Ill (coarse) isreserved for heavy traffic and for areas where a good skid resistance is required. 9.1(c) Fog Seal or Surface Enrichment Pog seals are very light applications of diluted bitumen emulsion aimed at rejuvenating old surfacings and sealing small cracks and surface voids. The bitumen emulsion shall be slow-breaking anionic A3 or cationic KS. The emulsion should be diluted at the rate of 1:1 or 2:3 parts emulsion to water. The dilute emulsion should he applied hy distributor. ‘Typical rates of application provide 0.2 to 0.65 litres/m? of emulsion (0.12 to 0.4 litres/m? af resicual bitumen), depending um de texture and porosity of the surface. The optimum rate of application of solution is the maximum, which the surface will absorb without run- off. This can only be determined hy field triale. Traffic can usually be allowed on the treated surface within 2 hours. Successful surface enrichment will improve the flexibility and imperviousness of old surfacings. 9.2 CRACK SEALING When cracking is not accompanied by deformation, sealing the cracks to prevent the ingress of water may be an effective remedial measure, at least in the short term. Various sealing compounds may be employed. The choice depends principally npon the width of the oracle. (Narrow cracks (less than 2 mm in width) are difficult to seal effectively. The use of the following sealers may be envisaged: ~ Emulsion shurry seal type 1 ~ Amixture of fluid cut-back bitumen and sand ~ A mixture of rubber latex and bitumen emulsion (one part in ten parts) (ii) medium crack (25 mm in widus) may be sealed with an emulsion slurry seal or rubber-bitumen sealing compound. ‘The cracks should be thoroughly cleaned with compressed air prior to Alling with the sealing compound using a pouring pot and hand squeegee or special extrusion equipment (ii) -Large craks are nenally accompanied by distortiou aud require more extensive treatment (removal and replacement of defective areas or overlay},OTHER REHABILITION TECHNIQUES AND 93 RECONSTRUCTION 9.0 BDGD AND erroULD! REINGTATEMENT AND UPORA: Properly shaped and strong pavement edges and essential for road safety, pavement drainage and edge re Pavement rehabilitation should always include the reinstatement or upgrading of weak. worn or eroded shoulders. If the edges of the pavement layers are affected by deformation or spallin, repaired at the same time. These works may be combined placing of a drainage layer. 9.4 WIDENING ‘The pavement structure for widening shall be constructed in the same manner as for a new pavement at the same location. If the existing pavement is to be overlaid, it is recommended that the widening strip be constructed up to the level of the existing surface. The whole surface is then covered with the overlay, both old pavement and widening, to ensure a neat and uniform final appearance. Attention is drawn to the difficulty of properly laying and compacting narrow strips of materials. Special compacting equipment will be required It is desirable to construct any widening with materials of the same type and stiffness as those forming the existing pavement, in order to prevent longitudinal cracking at dae joint, Care shall always be taken to ensure that, after widening, the existing pavement layers and the widened strip are properly drained. 9.5 PAVEMENT RECONSTRUCTION Pavement reconstruction may be necessary for the following two main 1) The geometric standards of the existing alignment are inadequate. 2) The existing pavement layers are in too poor a state to be economically overlaid In the first case, a new alignueut is ubviously necessary. In the second case, the choice of using the old alignment or a new one will be governed by the geometric standards of the existing road and the respective custs of the different sulutiuus, (such Costs shuuld include for passing traffic, drainage and structures)OTHER KYHABILITION TECHNIQUES AND 94 RECONSTRUCTION 9.6 (a] Reconstruction on the Same Alignment Reconstruction means that existing surfacing and roadbase have to be broken up and either removed or reprocessed. ‘The new pavement will then be redesigned as for a new zoad, taking into account the subgrade bearing strength and the characteristics of all pavement materials, whether old or new. Depending on how the caloting pavement materials are xeused, following cases may be identifie @ Removal and Replacement of the Defective Pavement Lavers Poor quality materials, polluted crushed stone layers; disrupted DOURC Tayers, etc. should be removed and disposed of. ( Scatifivativ, Restuaping and recompacting Deformed Layers Flexible layers affected by extensive deformation and under compacted may, if they are not too degraded or pnltited, he reused by scarification, reshaping and recompaction. () Breaking Reseating Damaged Rigid Layers Certain defects pecuhar to rigid pavements, such as faulting or rocking or unstable slabs, render overlaying impractical. It is sometimes possible to eliminate rocking slabs by rolling with heavy rollers. The aim 1s to break the unstable slabs and reseat them firmly on the underlying layer. (i) Breaking Damaged Rigid Lavers into Small Fragmente Another method of eliminating rocking or unstable slabs is to break them into small fragments, with a drop hammer. Once the rigid layer has been broken, it ohould be guatled, watered and compacted in ie same manner as for a crushed stone layer. (Treatment of Defective Layers with Lime or Cement It is sometimes advantageous. to treat inadequate pavement materials, by mixing then in piace with lime and cement, The construction procedures are the same as for lime or cement in materials for new roads; they are summarized in Chart B2. This type of treatment is particularly relevant to pavement materials having a high plastic index.UTHER REHABILITION TECHNIQUES AND 95 RECONSTRUCTION @ Retread Process This process is particularly relevant tm deteriorated waterbounl macadam or graded crushed stone bases covered with surfacs dressing. It comprises of the following operations: + Scarification of the old paveznent + Addition and mixing of new aggregate, if necessary - Reshaping ~ Application of bituminous binder and mising in place - Compaction ~ Application of surface treatment Suitable binders are as follows: ~ anionic emulsion A2 and A3 + cationic emulsion K2 + medium-curing cut-back MC 250 and MC 800 Mixing may be done by grader, but a more uniform mix will be achieurd by using a pulvimixer. However, pulvimixers can be used only if there are no stones larger than 50mm Usually, this treatment involves the upper 100-150 mm (comparied (uivkness) of the old road. 9.5 (b) Reconstruction on a New Alignment, ‘The pavement shall be designed in accordance with the materials and Pavement Design manual for New Roads,APPENDIX AL SRRENDDIX_1_PROCEDURE FOR DETERMINING PRESENT SERVICEABILITY RATINGS SERVICEABILITY RATIN 1. (a) Selection of the Rating Panel The ‘rating panel should be composed of 5 Persons, whe fully understand the purpose uf the pavement ratings and rating method If possible, the panel of five should be Compared for rating ability against a larger group of 10 to 15 engincrs, The conseunnne can be suaue by means of a smalll experiment, Rarked on the road snrfare. The conditiv uf these sectors should range from “very poor” to “very good”. Each member of the larger group and the panel of five shanta rate each Spotny paring the staudurd rating form (see pase A.3). All ratings Should be tabulated and the mean ratings seq Probabilities of SteePrance calculated for both the small panel and the laryer gronp, The uitan Tatings of the panel of five should be compared with those of the Targer group. If the mean ratings consistently ite, by less than about 0.3 and the probability of accentnnee omer ne reasonably slosc, tien the panel is satisfactory. If the panel is not cousistent or at its mean ratings are not in sebernent, With those of the larger group, other engimerrs should be Substituted for at least one or two members of the panel 1.(b). Rating Rules The following general rules showld be observed: (Tas jatct should consider only the present condition of the surface and consequently may rate a pavement g00d even if he Strongly suspects it will fail in the near future (J The rating should be based on the fact that the Pavement has fo carry mix trallic (high-speed cars and low-speed trucks) Under all types of weather conditions
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